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Three More Logs For The Fire

"Three hung chicks stalk their prey"

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“Ha! I told you mine were bigger!” Annabelle bragged.

I pouted. The three of us stood in front of our new cabin’s mirror with our shirts off, three massive pairs of breasts all lined up side-by-side. I shouldn’t have been surprised she’d won this little competition, I knew she had the biggest breasts of course, but I was hoping my nipples might have edged hers out. Upon closer inspection, they didn’t. To my left, Cassandra just scowled; her breasts were generous, but still not quite in mine or Annabelle’s league.

Cassie’s were puffy, with her quarter-sized areolas swallowing up about half of her pencil-eraser sized nipples.

My own were of the non-puffy variety, a pair of thimbles on my chest that could cover the average index fingertip. It was the lack of puff that had allowed me to arrogantly believe I might be the biggest, but despite the longer look my flat silver-dollar areolas gave me, it was all an illusion.

Because look at Annabelle’s! She was packing a puffy pair of strawberries that were surrounded by a car-headlight-size disk of flesh that puffed up to a full quarter of her nipple length. She showed me her superiority, pressing down on the protrusion of soft skin around the nipple so I could see the full length of the thing.

“Alright, now that we’ve established who top alpha bitch is, let’s go do this thing!” Annabelle gave my ass a mean spank as she turned to put her bra back on.

It was always a competition between the three of us. Annabelle wasn’t exactly the boss, but she did tend to take the lead first. However, when it was something important, Cassandra was top bitch; she’d be the one calling the shots when there were actual stakes. As for me? I know some of my assets outshine either of them, and I think I at least figuratively have the biggest balls. We’re all confident, all young, and all have something to prove, to ourselves and each other. But we have fun doing so. More on that later.

This was an unusual day for us. At Camp Pitahaya we’d spent a month getting acquainted with other young women who’d been exposed to the XY Toxin in the womb. It wasn’t as widespread a problem as Thalidomide had been, and in truth, wasn’t even really physically harmful in the slightest apart from the part which made things more socially awkward for girls like us. We’d broken off into groups of our choosing and Annabelle, Cassandra and I were already hitting it off so it was a natural choice to stick together for the rest of the month.

But now we’d been encouraged to go and mingle with campers from other camps in the area. They’d given us each a canteen of the Simulacrum Serum as a sort of tool of diplomacy. This would temporarily do to people what had been permanently been done to us before birth, and the plan was that such an experience would engender sympathy in people who might not understand what life was like for us. Of course, we three had different ideas for how we’d use ours.

Oh, I hope I didn’t lead you to think that we’re good girls.

We’re not.


Our fellow campers clearly didn’t know what to make of us. There were two other girls who took one look at the three of us and clearly took an instant (and no doubt jealous) dislike. One openly glared while the other just flushed and tried to fade from existence when we first joined them all around the fire. There were a couple of younger guys who weren't exactly any of our types; their faces were as forgettable as their names. But then there was the tall one.

He seemed as shy as the other four, but he at least met us directly with an offered hand.

“Hi, there! I’m Jesse. You guys must be the campers from across the lake, nice to meet you all!”

“Beatrix,” I said, taking his hand, enjoying the strength in his warm, firm grip. He was at least six-foot-three if not a hair taller, his arm had nice definition and he didn’t seem to be carrying weight that wasn’t muscle, but he wasn’t ridiculous or overdeveloped either. Perfect. Annabelle and Cassandra shook hands with him as well and we exchanged a knowing look; we’d found our target.

“So what would you like to do first? We’ve got all kinds of activities lined up, and since you’re our guests, we thought you should be the ones to pick what we get up to.”

Oh, we were going to do that either way.

“Alright, Jesse, tell me whatcha got,” Cassandra said.

He shrugged awkwardly, “Well, there’s a rec center with weights and games and stuff, a few canoes we can take out on the lake, there’s a miniature theatre, and tonight we’ve got some big pallets to burn for a bonfire. Figure we could do some songs, skits, tell stories, maybe make s’mores or something.”

“Yes,” I said, grinning like a predator at Annabelle, “Or something.”

“Let’s do canoes!” said Annabelle.


Like every camp in history, the canoes were pretty crappy, the dock was pretty crappy, the oars were pretty crappy, but that was okay since the company was so much fun. I sat in the very back to let the other two have their way with Jesse. Annabelle sat right in front of me, urging Jesse to be in front of her and Cassandra took the captain’s spot, turning to face the three of us.

The moment we rocked into motion those two were operating, Annabelle using the momentum so her humongous Q-cup breasts slapped around Jesse’s back. As we got further from the shore she pulled him back to fully rest.

“There, there now,” she cooed in his ear, “We may be rocking enough bra meat to fill a kiddie pool, but I think you’re going to find we’re more man than you in a lot of important ways, so you should just relax and let us do the hard work.”

The poor guy had no idea how right she was. Still, he seemed content enough to rest his head and shoulders on Annabelle’s legendary fun-pillows. I couldn’t blame him; I’d been known to nap on them from time to time, and while my own I-cups were ample beyond all reason, I could still feel a bit jealous of her. I never resisted the urge to remind her that hers were a little saggier than mine.

“If you feel like a firmer pillow later, let me know, J,” I said, reaching around with one hand to stroke his cheek and giving Ann a little spank with the other.

“Don’t listen to Miss Tiny-Tits back there,” she said, “she’s just jealous she’s barely out of her training bra.”

“Fuck you!” said poor Cassandra. At EE cups she was the smallest-busted of our gang. She made up for it in other ways, but it clearly stung her a bit. “You want firm? Feel mine, Jessie!”

She grabbed his hands by the wrists and placed them right on her big bra-clad jugs. The bewildered Jesse blushed deep and groped sheepishly.

“Oh, no no no, come on, really get IN there!” Cassandra said, grabbing his head and pulling him right into her bust. She smugly smothered him for a few moments before letting him back, his hair mussed and cheeks flushed.

“What do you think?”

He didn’t really have to answer, even from my vantage point I could see the change in the shape of his shorts and Cassandra shot Annabelle a look I recognized.

Not in our league, the look said. But so far no man really ever had been.

Guess we’d have to make a woman of him after all.


We made our move at the theatre which we made our second stop after the lake. They were screening what must have been the twenty-seventh Jason movie which seemed like an odd thing to show at a camp, but we weren’t really here for the movie anyway. I bought the popcorn and drinks for everyone, making sure to spike Jesse’s coke with the dose of Simulacrum Serum, and then we settled in to fondle our new little pet. It would take a few hours for the formula to work so we might as well just keep having fun.

I sat behind him and had fun alternating between tousling his hair and resting his head back against my own copious I-cups, letting him feel their soft firmness, even stroking my rock-hard gum-drop nipples across the back of his neck a few times.

Annabelle kept one of his hands busy on her breasts, letting him pinch and tug at her own famously puffy nipples; her tits were the heaviest and had a little sag to them so he also experimentally hefted them, testing their vast weight.

Cassandra was the most brazen of us this time, simply reaching right into his pants and fondling him. He blushed and trembled a little, but didn’t stop her as she coaxed his penis into a throbbing six-inch erection, not jacking him off exactly, just teasingly tugging and fondling. His balls fit nicely in the palm of her hand too, something the three of us eyed with a little jealousy.

I whispered into one of his ears, “Tonight we’re gonna show you the time of your life, big boy.” I almost giggled at the word ‘big’ but managed to keep it together, “Just nod your head now if you agree to everything we three busty bitches want to offer you.”

He looked around like he was getting away with something, and then nodded.

Now he was ours.


After the movie, we hit the gym. We had a little fight in the women’s locker room about whether we wanted to stay skirted or show off our assets a little in short-shorts, but skirts won in the end, no sense in overwhelming him too quickly. When he came out to meet us in his own shorts and tank-top it was clear that the serum was already beginning to affect him a little, his butt was clearly a bit bigger and had some nice jiggle to it, plus his nipples were frighteningly hard beneath the tank. His erection had flagged a bit on the walk over from the movie, but it was still nicely semi-hard and looked a bit heavy where it bulged in his shorts.

Despite our predatory nature, we all had to admire his muscles a bit, he wasn’t bulky but had nicely defined biceps, a flat stomach with traceable abs and strong-looking quads. He’d definitely be a real looker in high-heels!

We started with some cardio, moving alongside each other on treadmills and ellipticals, six huge breasts bouncing and undulating in their own little orbits as we worked up a sweat. Poor Annabelle can never run for long, even with the tight double-reinforced sports bra she favored; there was just too much bounce and soon she was watching from the sidelines, massaging her mammoth Q-cups gingerly.

Then we hit the weights and the fun really started. Annabelle offered to spot Jesse while he showed us what his big strong manly muscles could do; she loomed over him, giving him an amazing view of her breasts while he started into a warm-up set with an empty bar. He blinked in confusion after a few reps.

“Hm. I must have really been skipping my pecs more than I realized, my chest aches already!” We grinned at one another, he clearly hadn’t noticed the budding B-cup breasts he was now sporting, the serum was well and truly doing its job!

When he moved on to heavier weight Annabelle gave him the first ego-crushing glimpse he’d get of our real selves. As he struggled on his last rep she stepped in to help him re-rack the bar, and in doing so gave him a view right up that skirt; what he saw beneath there had an obvious effect, his dick clearly shrinking right up in his shorts before re-plumping out into a hard-on. It was just a glance, but when she stepped back his face was bright red, his eyes wide, his expression one of utter confusion and shock.

Later the three of us gossipped and giggled outside the locker rooms; we could hear him talking to himself,

“...what is happening to me?! Fuck fuck fuck!” Then there was the sound of lots of unspooling tape.

Annabelle grinned and beckoned us with a finger and a lewdly waggling tongue. We followed her to one of the far lockers inside of which she’d apparently discovered a peep-hole bore between the two locker rooms. Some naughty girls had apparently wanted to scope out the cock available. Crowding to peek, we had a perfect view of Jesse as his budding breasts jiggled in response to the abrupt motion of unwinding boxing tape from the spool.

So far he was sporting healthy little B-cups with just a pinch of ball-bearing-size nipples at the tip. I could already see with envy that his areola were starting to puff outwards. I was really the odd-woman-out with my big nips and flat disks around them.

He had noticed his breasts and he was clearly binding them down, trying to hide the new endowments in shame. We rubbed bosoms together in celebration, our own little high-five. The bonfire was next and that was when we’d move in for the kill.


Jesse was clearly feeling a bit shy with his friends back at the fire; he kept doing things to adjust his top and pants (which were beginning to really strain around the hips thanks to his ever-swelling ass) and conceal his new assets from the other three boys and two girls. We tossed pallets and wooden boxes and barrels onto the massive roaring flame, feeding it to grow more and more, just as Jesse was.

At one point where Jesse was standing next to a couple of his friends, I got up right behind him and wrapped my arms around, cupping his now-C-cup-size tits through their failing wrapping. It was time to confirm the truth for him which Annabelle had already hinted at. Even through the binding, I could feel those nipples stiffening against my palms; at this point, they were the size of pencil erasers.

“Hey, sweetheart,” I whispered, “that ass of yours is looking so hot it’s giving me another log for the fire.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled it behind so it was resting on the concealed assets I was obfuscating. His jaw dropped in astonishment as he groped along the thick length of meat I was hiding.

One of his female friends noticed the concern on his face. “Jesse? Is something wrong?”

Not wanting to tip his hand, he shook his head and carefully removed his hand from my enormous cock.

“N-no, I’m fine, Steph.”

Stephanie shrugged and launched into a ghost story, the fire now fed enough that everyone began to find good places to sit and enjoy it.

She was clearly borrowing from the Jason movie still on everyone’s mind and the three of us snuggled around Jesse, so “afraid” we’d need his support. When she got to the killing part, Cassandra and Annabelle double-teamed his ears with licks and taunts.

“You know who’s better at making campers scream than Jason?” Cassie asked.

“We are!” Anna cut in, reaching his hand and bringing up under her skirt to feel what she’d given him the chance to feel what he’d seen on the weight-bench before.

I could tell which part she was having him feel when she said, “See how heavy they are? That’s your fault and you’re going to have to do something about it, mister.”

“Oh god!” Jesse exclaimed, his voice cracking like he was a teenager.

“Dude, Jesse, the story isn’t that scary, jesus!”

Jesse gawped and stammered, blushing the most adorable shade of slutty red.

“S-sorry, Brad, I scare easy.”

“God, what a bitch,” Brad said with disgust.

“Oh, he has no idea,” I whispered, groping one of Jesse’s ripe D-cups. Now those nipples were solid and sticking out like small-caliber bullets.

“What have you done to me?” Jesse whimpered in response, a conflicting mix of arousal and fear on his face.

“Oh, nothing compared to what we’re going to do to you,” Cassandra cut in. She stood, smooshing her skirt-covered privates against his neck and back, easily the biggest of all three of us. The feel of her gigantic soft dick going from the nape of his neck all the way to the small of his back made him tremble, his throbbing erection poking through his shorts; there was a tearing sound as the binding he’d given his tits began to give way completely.

“Oh SHIT!” Jess suddenly stood up and turned his back so his friends couldn’t see as his now-gigantic jiggling jubblies spilled completely free to swim around in his loose top.

“What!?” Steph and Brad and the others said as one.

“I uh...I just realized I have to go to the bathroom really bad!” Jesse weakly managed. His friends rolled their eyes, oblivious to what we’d been doing to him the whole time. I gave him one last whisper before I let him go.

“When you’re done in the bathroom, you come back to cabin 3F. We can give you the antidote you want there. Got it?”

Jesse looked utterly subdued and just gave me a slow nod. I grinned and spanked his now-gorgeous bubble-butt once to send him on his way. We feigned fatigue and left his friends to their fire.

We were about to start one of our own.


“God, they’re so heavy!” We were spying on him yet again, peering in through a long-abandoned termite-hole.

He stood in front of the mirror above the sink, holding what must now be a pair of E or F-cup breasts in his palms, his jaw dropped at how their ample weight spilled over his hands and between his fingertips. The things were firm but still looked heavy.

His finger and thumb moved almost subconsciously to tweak the now-Hershey’s-Kiss-size nipples; tugging them outwards, he gasped, apparently taken by surprise at just how pleasurable a sensation it was. He teased more of the fat flesh from within the puffy confines of his areolas to get a firmer grip, clearly squeezing,...

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Written by SizeQueenSupreme
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