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The Silent Game

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"I'll see you later, baby," he tells me, "let's play this game again, soon, shall we?" he says, smirking, and kisses my forehead before making his way to my window and climbing out.

The cold morning breeze licks at my naked body, cooling me down as the sweat and juices from our lovemaking dries.

I sigh, content and satisfied as the tingles of pleasure still course through my body. My eyelids droop down and closes as sleep evades my world.

***A few hours before***

My ringing phone stirs me from my sleep. I groan and grab my phone from the side of my pillow and put it to my ear, not bothering to check who it is.

"Darling. Oh god, baby, I miss you so much," he says, his voice sounding deep, "open your window for me, will ya?"

"Why?" I ask, stretching and yawning before getting up and walking to the window.

“Don’t ask, just do it. You’ll be happy when you do,” he tells me, making me more curious.

I open my curtain and see him standing there, smiling, looking as handsome as ever.

"Oh my god," I gasp, incredulous.

Excitement and fear rushes through my body as I reach to undo the latch on the window.

"Are you happy to see me?" he asks as I slowly slide the window open.

"Y-yes,” I stutter, “but you can't be here right now, Dave!" I whisper, trying to keep him from climbing through the window.

My attempts fail as he sets foot inside and gently pushes me aside to give him room. He turns around and slowly slide the window close again before turning back to me and smile.

"I missed you," he says, simply, ignoring my attempts to push him back towards the window.

"I haven't seen you in days, and oh god," he pulls my body against his, making the familiar warmth fill my lower abdomen, "I couldn't wait another damn, fucking second to see you."

His lips smashes against mine, silencing my further protest that he can't be here, in my room, at five in the morning with my parents still sleeping in the room across from mine.

While still kissing me, he backs me up to my queen bed and pushes me against it. I gasp as I fall, my body tingling and aching for his touch.

He stares me in the eyes with a knowing smirk and takes his shirt off, revealing his amazing body to me. My breath catches in my throat as his hands undo his button and zipper before pushing down his pants to reveal his hardened rod to me.

"See, baby? Even He missed you. Won't you give Him a proper hello kiss?" he whispers, stroking his cock slowly.

I push myself up into a sitting position and put my hand on his hip to keep him and his hardness at a distance.

"Dave, we can't do this," I try again, "my parents are in the room across from mine! They'll hear us!"

"Shhhh, c'mon baby. I know you want this too," he coax, pointing it at me, "just give Him a kiss. He does miss your luscious lips."

I roll my eyes and stare at his beautiful cock. I did want to greet it...

I lean towards it, giving it a peck on the soft, wet head. I lick my lips to taste his salty pre-cum before he grabs my head suddenly, and pushes it into my mouth.

I groan and grab at his thighs, trying to balance myself as he begins to thrust his prick in, hitting the back of my throat.

"Ahh, fuck,” he groans, “shhh, baby. Don't make too much noise. Your parents might... HEAR!" he pulls my head down and thrust his cock in, harder and more rough, as he says this.

I gag and groan, trying to protest and pull away, but he holds on fast and wraps his hand into my hair for leverage as he continues to fuck my throat.

I can feel my pussy. Wet and dripping, soaking my panties, and I already know that Dave will have a ball when he finds me wet like this. Especially when I keep resisting him.

He finally pulls my head away and looks at his handiwork. He smiles when he sees that drool hangs from my chin, my eyes are watery and lips are swollen from his abuse.

"Beautiful!" he whispers, astonished at the sight of me.

He grabs the hem of my long t-shirt and drags it up over my head, but stops mid-way, covering my face with my arms still up, locking me in that position before he pushes my upper body down onto my bed.

He leans in towards me, "Let's play a game, sweet Aurora," he whispers against my ear, "it's called the silent game. The rules are simple. I touch you, and eventually, I will fuck you, and if you don't want your parents to find out that their daughter is a naughty little whore who likes to get fucked hard, you'll have to try your best to stay silent. Me on the other hand... hm," I can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks, "I'll try my very best to make it impossible for you to stay quiet."

I whimper slightly as his fingers begin to lightly trace down the side of my breasts, around my soft, round globe, then to my nipple and flicks it, causing me to gasp as goosebumps erupts all over my body.

"Shhhh," he shushes me, “you don’t want them to hear, do you?” he asks, teasingly.

His fingers continues their light trace down to my belly button, circling around it before his palm comes down on my stomach. The full warmth and contact of his hand makes me gasp with pleasure as he begins to trace his palm down to my mound. He gently push against it, making my hips automatically push up to meet his warm, nice palm.

His intake of breath lets me know that he has discovered the wet spot on my panties. He inhales and exhales deeply before his fingers pulls my panties to the side with one hand, and the other fingers on the free hand begins to slowly rub my swollen clit.

I sigh and moan softly, lifting my hips up high, trying to get his fingers to enter me, to give me more.

He pushes my hips down, making me huff in frustration. He chuckles lightly, and runs his finger along my wet slit, spreading my juices around. My body tingles with pleasure each time he brush against my clitoris.

My breathing sounds loud and harsh against my own ears as he continues his little strokes. I moan softly as he lets his finger enter me little by little, teasing my hole, making me lift my hips up in desperation. He sticks it in, and pulls out, continuing this until my pussy engulfs it.

I whimper as his fingers start to retreat out of my love hole, promising more sweet torture.

"Dave," I moan, trying to beg him to put me out of my misery.


His fingers plunge into me, taking my breath away as he begins to brutally finger fuck me. I squeal and bite my lips to silence my screams.

"Hmmm. Like that, baby?" Dave grunts with exertion as his fingers plunges into my depths, making my juices flow.

"Mmm, yes! Fuck! Dave!" I cry out, trying desperately to stay quiet.

I can feel my orgasm nearing, my muscles tensing just before the storm hits. I start to cry as he stops moving his fingers altogether, bringing it to a halt and just letting it stay buried inside my warm, soaking wet pussy.

My breathing is labored and I am fully aware of my body. How my heart is racing and thumping loudly in my ears, how hard my nipples are and how they are aching to be touched, licked, and sucked, how my lower back have begun to dampen a little from trying to meet Dave's fingers as they fucked my pussy, and how much I was aching to have his damn prick inside me. I begin to move my hips slowly, fucking his fingers, trying desperately to get rid of this delicious and painful ache between my legs.

He chuckles deeply and begins to slowly finger fuck me again, holding me at the edge to calm the ache just enough, but not enough to give me the release I desperately needed.

He grabs my hands from above my head, and pulls me up to sit. He pulls my shirt off in one swift movement and then covers my mouth with his, his tongue probing and demanding as I reciprocate my desperateness, my need.

"Dave," I moan softly, his fingers still moving inside me.

"Tell me what you want, my little whore."

"I want..." I gasp, losing my train of thoughts, as he uses his thumb to press against my clit.

"You want?" he asks, in a gruff voice.

"Y-your hard cock," I finish, sighing and moaning softly as I tighten my hold on his shoulders.

My body trembles and shakes as the pleasure fills my entire body, making me feel the sweet dizziness that makes it hard for me to see anything straight.

"No, say it all.

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I want you to say it all. What do you want?" he demands in a raspy voice, his need to bury himself in me becomes increasingly obvious.

"Dave... oh god!" I moan almost too loudly when he takes my hard nipple between his thumb and index, twisting and squeezing softly, not to hurt but to cause more pleasure to run through my body.

"Huh,” he grunts, “I still don't know what you want," he says, now twisting and squeezing my other nipple, causing more ripples of pleasure to run through my body.

"Mmm. Dave, please... Fuck," I pant heavily, trying to concentrate on the words, "you already know what I want," I whine, my frustration leaking through my voice as the ache to be filled, intensifies.

"You're right," he says with forced conciliation, "but I still want to hear you say it. I love when you beg to have your tight little pussy filled with my big cock."

"Now say it, or I will stop," he says, menacingly.

I tighten my grip on his shoulder, digging my nails in. My tears threatens to fall as my need to have my release becomes unbearable.

"Damn it, Dave. Damn you!" I whisper angrily, the first drop of tears betrays me and rolls down my face.

"I know," he says, smiling softly at my reaction, "say it, baby."

"I want your big cock in my tight pussy, Dave. I want it so much I am aching. Please."

“Good girl,” he says, before pushing me down onto the bed and spreading my legs wide open.

“Da- ah!” I bite down on my lips to stop the scream that fought to escape me as Dave begins to brutally fuck me with his fingers and rub my clitoris simultaneously.

“Yeah, baby,” he grunts with exertion, “tell me you like it. Tell me!”

“I- Gah!” I gasp, arching my body, digging my heel into the bed, and pulling at the bedsheets desperately.

“I’m cu- fuuuccckkk!”

“C’mon baby, yes. Yes. Cum for me baby, cum for me, sweet baby,” he coos roughly, abandoning his finger fucking and now concentrating on my swollen clit.

“Ahhh!” I scream into the pillow that I had grabbed and pressed against my face to drown out my screams.

My body shakes as the orgasm takes over and and I am moaning loudly now, not caring who hears anymore.

Before I can even come down from my orgasm, Dave enters me, making me gasp out loud as he begins to fuck me slowly, riding my orgasm out.

"See what your aching pussy did to my fingers, baby? See how juicy and fucking sticky it is? Lick it. Suck it like you mean it. Show me you are my little whore, baby.”

I grab his wrist, pulling his hand closer to me as I stare him in the eyes. I take his fingers into my mouth, pressing my tongue against his fingers as I suck it. I moan deeply, enjoying the taste of myself and the fiery look of lust in his eyes.

He removes his fingers from my mouth and replaces it with his tongue. He kisses me with renewed passion and urgency before he breaks away and flips me over onto my stomach. He pulls my hips up and lines his cock at my pussy before thrusting in. A loud groan escapes my throat before I can think to keep quiet.

“God, you are so fucking sexy!” he grunts with each thrust.

His hands come down onto my bum, making the room reverberate with the slap of skin against skin.

I bite down on my lips in an attempt to quiet my moans and whimpers as Dave drives into me again. His hips meets the back of my bum as he pushes as deep as he can, before withdrawing and plunging back in.

He spanks my bottom again and again with each thrust, making me want to scramble away, yet the pleasure of being fucked combined with the spanking is so delicious that it makes me push against his thrust for more.

My fingers curl into my bedsheets as sweet, painful pleasure radiates through my body with each powerful thrust and spanks he delivers.

“Dave,” I whisper, urgently, desperately.

“Tell me what you want, baby,” he grunts.

“Arrggghhh! Fuucckkk!” I scream as I bury my face into the bed.

I bite down on the sheets, pulling hard and grunt as Dave fucks me. I fight with all I can, to resist screaming. To resist screaming at him to fuck me harder, to spank me harder and to pull on my hair. I resist, and give in to the torrent of pleasure racing through my body as my orgasm pulls me under.

“Yeesss,” Dave grunts as my pussy contracts around him.

His cock continues to plunge in and out of me, bringing on another wave of pleasure.

“Dave!” I scream desperately into the bed, “fuuckk!”

I cum hard again and my cries are muffled by the bed as he leans down against me, still pumping his cock in and out of my dripping wet pussy, and pulls on my hair, making me look up at the ceiling. He chuckles and bites my neck, making another loud groan escape.

He nibbles on my ear. His rough breathing is loud. His hot breath sweeps across my perspiring skin, causing goosebumps to form and a tingle to run through my body. I shudder at the delicious feeling; the beautiful tingle, his hot breath, and his hard cock in my aching, wet pussy.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you, little slut? You fucking love me fucking you like this.”

I nod my head fervently and whimper with each hard thrust.

“Ha. I knew my little slut would love this,” he grunts.

“Fuck, baby. I can’t hold back anymore. Ah fuck!” he groans, grabbing my hips and driving himself deeper into me.

“Cum baby, cum inside me!” I beg and coax him, desperately.

“I want it, oh god, Dave, I want it so much! I want you to cum in me, pleeeaaassseee,” I continue to beg with each hard, concentrated thrust that Dave delivers.

“Fuck! Take it, baby!”

The spurts and spasms of his cock takes me over the edge and I cum again. I moan loudly and push against him, wanting him deeper in me. He continues to thrust slowly, letting me ride out my orgasm before slumping over and crushing me under him.

The weight of him, crushing me, relaxes my whole body as both of our breathing begins to calm. Dave shifts himself off of me and lies beside me, pulling me to him and kissing my sweat drenched forehead. I sigh in contentment and am about to fall asleep in his arms when my phone starts to ring.

I look at the caller i.d. and see that it’s my dad calling. My heart wrenches in fear as I pick up and put it to my ear.


“Aurora, baby,” my dad’s voice comes through the phone, “just calling to let you know that we’re no longer home. We left last night to the hospital. Your sister went into labor and we went to check on her.”

I sigh in relief, and then, “Why didn’t you wake me? I want to be there too!”

“We were going to, but you just looked so tired yesterday that we didn’t want to bother. It’s okay. Your sister gave birth to a healthy 7 lbs and 2 ounce baby boy an hour ago. They’re planning to name him, Seth. Maybe later you can come visit them. We’re on our way home now, to sleep. See you in about ten minutes.”

“Okay, drive safe. Love you,” I say, before hanging up.

I smile and look at Dave, “my parents weren’t home. They were actually at the hospital. My sister went into labor.”

He laughs and kisses me, “it’s a good thing that they weren’t home, you were really loud even though you tried not to be. They would have came barging in the first time I started to finger fuck you.”

I stick my tongue out at him like a little kid and punch him on his chest.


“I love you too,” he chuckles lightly.

“I wish I can stay, but I don’t think your parents will appreciate finding me here, naked in bed with their ‘innocent’ daughter when they arrive,” he says jokingly.

I sigh and hold onto him, “I don’t want you to go,” I whine, “but,” I sigh dramatically, “you’re right. Go before they come home. But come back in the afternoon so we...

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Written by sillyjenny
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