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The Metamorphosis of Grace

"A kidnapping leads Grace into a whole new world she only dreamed about"

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Grace was walking to her car. Classes were out for the summer. She had finished some last minute administrative paper work that needed to be turned in to officially end the semester. The papers were in and she was free until mid-August. Over two months for her to do whatever she wanted. Free from the rigid schedule she had to keep. Free from the immature college students that thought they knew it all, or knew they did not know anything. God, what a relief. She often thought to herself that she could never have possibly been that way, could she?

So having turned in the last of her paper work, she was off to the parking garage and her semi-old, but reliable, Honda. I really need to get a new car. A sports car. Maybe one of those new Miata’s. I’ll go for a test drive next week, she resolved.

Reaching the garage, she walked up the two flights to the third floor and headed to her car that she could see on the far side of the garage. She laughed to herself as she thought about her friend Phoebe, who lived in England. If she was visiting her they would be in a car park, probably a more descriptive name than garage.

More than half the cars were gone, she was one of the last professors to leave for the summer. There was a black van parked near her car that she had not seen before, but there were also a couple of men working on what looked like some piping or electrical conduits. She wondered why things always seemed to need repair, it was just a car park after all.

Those notions left her as she approached her car. She was that much closer to freedom and could not wait to get out of the garage and off the college grounds. Thoughts of her two months of freedom were all that occupied her now.

As she came around the truck to reach her car, she encountered a man bent over, working on something in the truck through its open door.

“Excuse me,” she said.

“Oh, no problem miss,” he replied, as he moved to give her room to pass.

Suddenly, just as she walked past him, she was grabbed around the waist from behind and an opaque black cloth bag dropped over her head. A cord tightened around her neck. She struggled and shouted as she breathed in the sweet-smelling odor. Trying to cry out louder made her breathe deeper. Soon she felt herself getting weak and her mind fading out. Then everything went black.

“Okay,” Luca said. “Get her in the truck and start the IV line. We need to get her on the midazolam and fentanyl and off the chloroform. Remember only just enough to keep her asleep. Just a few drops of each in the saline drip and then no more until she shows signs of waking. You, get her car keys and then put her purse and briefcase in here. Follow us in her car. No speeding or anything to attract attention. Okay everyone, we good?”

After receiving a thumbs up from the two guys, he closed the van door and got in the driver’s seat. They left the garage at a normal pace, falling in with the traffic leaving the college. About a hour later they reached their destination. Carrying Grace into the building, they set about their assigned tasks to prepare her for awakening from the sedation.

After they had finished what needed to be done, they closed up the room she was in and watched by means of the infrared camera. Eventually they saw her start to stir. The revival from the drugs was normally fairly quick. First her head moved around, then she tried to twist her body around. That was fruitless since she was loosely tied to the bed posts by her wrists and ankles.

“Hello?” she quietly called out. A pause and then... “Hello!” she shouted. “Where am I? Is anyone there? I can’t see shit! It is totally black. Where am I? What do you want? God, I think I am naked. What are you doing? HELP! HELP! Talk to me!”

Then she went quiet, they usually did. She was evaluating her situation, as best as she could. She was scared and confused. Just the way they wanted her.

Trying to remember, all she could recall was approaching her car and then now, tied to a bed naked. Also her nipples hurt. What caused that? Otherwise she felt normal, as normal as she could in the predicament she was in. But everything in-between was blank. She knew she was obviously in deep trouble. Trying to think through any options, only one occurred to her that might possibly save her life.

“You must be able to hear me. I don’t know who you are or what you want, but it can’t be money. I hardly have much saved and own nothing of any significant value. You must know this. So either you picked me at random and this is not going to be a very pleasant end for me, or you picked me for a reason. I am hoping you have a reason. I will cooperate. I want to live. Please talk to me. Please!

“We do have a reason Grace.” The voice came through some speaker in the totally black room. “I am glad you have thought this through a bit. If you truly cooperate you have a very good chance of getting out of this alive, but know that we will not hesitate to have it end otherwise. This is not our first time down this road. Its ended both ways for previous women in your particular situation.”

“If its within my power I will do anything you ask, except kill or injure another person. I will put my life at risk or whatever else is required of me. How long will I be held? Is it day or night? Can I at least have some light. I have never experienced such total blackness. This is getting more and more creepy and eerie. Are you trying to drive me crazy? You might be succeeding,” she whimpered.

“Okay, we will untie you and give you a very dim light that you can use very sparingly. Use it too much and the batteries will soon die. Did you happen to feel the collar that is around your neck?”

“I thought there was something there, I was not sure.”

“Grace, you need to understand it. It is a shock collar. Sort of like a taser secured around your neck. It is remotely controlled and can give you anything from a mild tingle to a body wracking, paralyzing shock.”

“Oh my god! Will it kill me? Is this how you are going to torture me?” she asked in a scared, shaking voice.

“I honestly hope to never need to use it. If you cooperate as you say you will, it should not concern you at all. However I do need you to experience it, just so you know we are serious and what non-compliance could cause.”

She was now visibly shaking and pulling at her restraints. “I believe you! You don’t need to hurt me! I will do anything.”

He had the control on the lowest setting. Hitting the button for a fraction of a second send a mild tingle through her neck.

“Okay, I felt that. I understand.”

“That was the lowest setting. It would be used as a reminder to pay attention or to do as you’re told. It did not really hurt did it?”

“Na– no.” She was still scared and shaking.

“OHH Fuck!” she screamed as her body twitched.

“That was setting three of ten. Do we completely understand each other now?”

“YES! God damn it, yes! I told you I would cooperate. No more!”

“Okay. Good. Now as to why we have you. You are going to be our sex slave and do whatever is requested or required in order to survive. Let me assure you that you will be treated well as long as you comply. Most women previously in your situation quickly learned to comply and actually began to look forward to their next sexual encounter. I hope that is the situation with you.”

“Sex? That is what you want from me? I am not a sensual or erotic woman. I don’t think I am really desirous to men. I’ve only had a few boyfriends and little sexual experience.”

“That is going to change. You have been picked for reasons that are not important right now. You are not a virgin, correct?”

“No, of course not. But I am not a slut either. I’m not all that experienced.”

“You are going to become highly experienced. Now myself and another man are going to come into your room, untied you, and explain more about the room you are going to spend some time in.”

“I’ll be free?”

“You will be free within the room, but it’ll stay dark and you will have to make judicious use of the small light we will leave you. It will not be replaced if you use it up.”

“I understand.”

She remained quiet. A distant sounding door opened and then closed. The another door opened, this time closer, a louder sound.

“Hello Grace,” said Luca.

“God, you’re in here? I still can’t see anything.”

Watching her through the infrared goggles, he explained about the design of the room: totally sound proof, totally free from any light, a sink and toilet, a small one person shower and of course the bed. Then warning her he was going to untie her so she would not be scared by his touch, he removed her ropes as she lay still. The room was still totally dark.

“You mentioned your nipples. You may explore them now. They are pierced. Each contains a gold ring. They look quite beautiful actually.”

“Jesus Christ,” she softly uttered as she carefully fondled them. “What else did you do to me?”

“Nothing, well we shaved you. You were getting a bit stubbly. The shower has soap and a safety razor, we expect you to keep yourself groomed or we will do it for you. Other than the rings, you have not been touched, except to tie you, and that was mostly to prevent you from hurting yourself when you woke in a dark room.”

“How are you seeing me? I have never experienced complete total darkness like this. Literally I cannot see a finger in front of my eye.”

“There are infrared lights in the room. They are invisible unless you have goggles sensitive to the light, which I obviously have.”

“You said you were going to give me a light.”

“I am. As soon as you complete your first task. Sit on the edge of your bed. Move carefully. We wouldn’t want any accidents.”

“Yes. Heaven forbid I should have an accident. I don’t know how that could possibly happen.”

“Humor. That’s a good sign,” he said as he moved closer to her. “Okay, reach out in front of you until you find something.”

He watched her hands feeling around in the darkness. They finally found his hard cock. Her hands jerked back a bit.

“Your dick?”

“Yes. Now suck it and make me cum, making sure to swallow every drop I shoot in your mouth. Do not remove it until I tell you to, and do not forget your collar, just in case you get a naughty idea.”

He moved in closer. She never said another word, taking his cock in and beginning to give mister unknown a blow job.

She was not bad he thought, but obviously either very scared or very inexperienced. He reached down and hooked her new rings, pulling them up as he said, “Take it deeper and watch out with your teeth!”

“Och! Um ouing te est I an!”

“Alright. Try harder. You have to get better at this. It is basic to good sex. You better not spill any when my spunk erupts.”

She had never been so scared in her life. Kidnaped, nipples pierced, forced to suck a cock, thoughts of “sex slave” ran through her mind. With all this in her mind, she still thought about the cock she held and began to feel her bodies’ reaction, a warmth between her legs. She pushed the thought away.

She felt him stiffen even further. She knew he was close and tried to prepare herself. The taste of his pre-cum the only warning before he began to spurt. Pulse after pulse filled her mouth. She gulped and gulped, getting it all down as she kept him in her mouth.

“Good girl,” he said as he released her rings. “Now hold my hands and stand up. Spread your legs. Just as I suspected, wet pussy. Turn around. I’ll hold your hips to steady you. Now bend forward til you put your hands on the bed. You know what’s next don’t you?”

Still gasping a bit from her oral efforts, she replied, “You are going to fuck me.”

“Close. My quiet friend here is going to. Enjoy.”

“Oh god, why me? Why are you doing this to me?”

The only answer she received was... SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK.

“Oww! What the fuck? That hurt.”

“I think you will get to like it. Pain and pleasure are very close. So I guess you never had a guy slap you?”

“Once. Then I slapped his face. Sex and him were over.”

“You have so much to learn.”

He heard a quiet whimpering coming from her as she felt a hard cock probing her pussy. Number two’s hands held her hips to steady her as he pushed and probed, feeling her heat and wetness. Then his cock head slipped between her slightly swollen lips. Moving up and down he gathered her moisture and then found her entrance. Pulling her hips back, he pushed forward.

“OH god. Damn you fuckin guys!”

Laughing, he said, “That’s us, two fuckin guys. Hope you enjoy it cuz you are going to get much more before this is over. You’re going to get more sex than you ever dreamed of, if you ever dreamed of it.”

He was now fully in her and moving in and out at a substantial pace. As much as she tried to suppress it, she mumbled under her breath, “Fuck me, yes fuck me. Oh god do it.” They never heard her whispered need.

Soon she felt his spunk filling her. As much as she wanted to hate it, an intrinsic craving was being fulfilled. She suppressed a shriek as an orgasm quickly went through her. She did not want him to withdraw, but he was already pulling out.

“She took that well. I’ll bet there was a bit of enjoyment there. What do you say Grace? Did you enjoy that?”

“Fuck you guys!” she shouted as she found her way to sit on the bed.

“It’ll be easier on you if you just go with the flow, so to speak. This was only an introduction. Ever take it in the ass or will we be taking your virginity there?”


“Well you will learn to love it. At least three times a day, usually two or more guys will visit you and have you, in many different ways. Think about what just happened. I know there is some desire in you. Find it. Nurture it. It is your key to a new life - and to survival.”

“I told you I would cooperate. Why do you have to keep me in the dark? You have the collar on me, I can’t get away. Just let me see my surroundings.”

“You will stay naked in the dark until you become the craving, eager slut that we want. If you let it, it will happen and that will be the beginning of the end of your confinement. Now as promised, here’s your light. Use it sparingly. The batteries are almost used up so it is dim and will totally quit if you use it too much. It will not be replaced.”

After placing it in her hand, he told her she would find soap and towels by the sink so she could wash and shower as she desired. He promised dinner soon, explaining that there was a small door within the door that would open like a table. That is where they would put her three meals a day. He also told her that fresh towels and bedding would be provided whenever she needed them.

She heard movement and flashed the light towards it just in time to see the door closing behind a human shape dressed all in black. The light was dim, she believed what he had said. Using it just enough to find the sink, toilet and shower location, plus inspecting the floor to make she would not trip on anything, it was off.

She found the towels and soap, using them to clean off the cum running out of her. After making her way back to the bed, she took stock of her situation and considered what she had been told. She had nothing to do but sit in the total blackness and think.

As much as she hated to admit it, she did enjoy at least part of what happened. She led such a sheltered life with really not much sexual experience. She was scared and excited at the same time. They did not really hurt her. Thinking back, the slapping was actually a tiny bit thrilling, after the initial shock wore off. They seemed very serious in their intent but also, she hoped, trustworthy. She also knew it could all just be their tactic to use her until they killed her.

She heard what she thought was the outside door and a scraping noise. A voice said, “Dinner.”

Using her light, she quickly found the tray. A cup of tea and a plate with fish, rice and asparagus. It looked good. Trusting that they had not poisoned it - they could find other ways to kill her - she shut off the light and ate in the dark. The food was surprisingly good; it was almost like they knew her favorite things.

Soon they tray was taken away and the inner door opened.

“Hello? I heard the door. I know someone is here.”

Turning on her light...

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Written by Kee
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