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The Daily Life Of A Free Use Student

"Edged without orgasm as part of the sex-ed class"

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Author's Notes

"This story is set in the same universe as my previous story "The Daily Life of a Free Use Girl" which you may want to read first."

Officially, the Free Use program was meant only for non-violent prisoners of the State. In certain instances of delinquency, however, an exception could be made. And as it happened to be in the case of Rebecca Brooks, a small-time enterprising cat burglar and a student in her last year in, her parents had been more than willing to sign off on the necessary paperwork to ensure a thorough rehabilitation.

Of course, given her age, just barely over eighteen, there were certain things that were off-limits. Things like the actual free use part of the curriculum and its less-than-subtle implications. Even if she did technically put her signature down onto the contract out of her own volition. That didn’t mean that the rest of it was as well though, and so standing at the front of her classroom located on the second floor of West Park High, Rebecca swallowed hard against the bright pink collar wrapped around her neck. Pink because she was still a student living under the jurisdiction of her parents, the judge had told her, and with the option of upgrading to a red one the very next year if she didn’t behave. The fact that it also just so happened to match the current color of her blush was just the icing on the cake.

“Now,” said Mrs. Barton, her homeroom teacher, “Who can tell me what a clitoris is?”

Blinking hard, Rebecca stared off into the distance as she tried not to focus too much on the question. Already, the edges of her vision were starting to blur from the shame. At least for now, nobody seemed too eager to answer. Then, Alex Carter, smart aleck and resident teacher’s pet, just had to go and ruin it in the very next moment as he raised his hand from the front row of the class.

“From page 237 of the textbook,” he began, his voice radiating with confidence, "The clitoris is a part of the female genitalia. It's located at the top of the vulva and is primarily involved in sexual arousal and orgasm. It is also one of the most sensitive erogenous zones in the female body."

He smiled as he beamed up from behind his glasses, the beginning of a self-satisfied smirk already starting to spread across his face, and Rebecca let out a sigh as she grit her teeth. Well, wasn't he quite the knowledgeable one? The feeling wasn’t helped at all by the way she was standing with her legs spread apart and her hands placed on top of her head so the entire class could see every last inch of her developed and mature frame. Or maybe not as developed as she would have liked when it came to certain key areas. Swallowing hard, she tried not to notice as the collar grew another fraction of an inch tighter around her neck. The fact that the miniature-sized lumps on her chest weren’t exactly on par with the rest of the girls she knew wasn’t something she was proud of, to say the least.

Her torment had only just begun, however, as Mrs. Barton turned towards her again.

"Very good, Alex," she said, flashing him an approving look, “And for the next question, could you please point to where it is?”

“Err…,” said Alex.

There was a pause as the boy hesitated, looking uncertain for once in his life.

“Just the general area will do,” said Mrs. Barton, “No need to be specific. It is a little bit obscured after all, especially given the current state of our… specimen.”

A snicker erupted from the back of the room, and Rebecca felt her entire face flush red. Alex as well, as he squirmed at the embarrassment of being caught flatfooted. For all his shame though, it paled in comparison to hers, and from where she was standing at the front of the class it felt like there were a million pairs of eyes boring into her, their gazes glued tightly to the smoothness of her vulva and the obvious lack of any hair. Fully waxed and gone from the moment she was forced to enroll in the program.

Briefly, she glanced over towards the sad pile of clothes that was her school uniform folded up on the teacher’s desk. Her panties lay right next to it, and for what seemed like the thousandth time that day since the lesson had started, she wished she could melt into the floor and disappear. Of course, she thought bitterly, it would truly be the end of her this time if she tried to do that. Insubordination on top of whatever other charges the police had managed to throw at her, and this time she didn’t exactly have the luxury of being judged a first-time offender. That opportunity was long past. If only she had been a little more careful about scoping out the corner store located at the end of the street before she had tried to go in. Just her luck to be caught sneaking about at the wrong time and wrong place. All she wanted was a couple of extra dollars to buy an online subscription for a game she liked to play. It wasn’t as if she had tried to rob a bank.

Biting down on the inside of her cheek, Rebecca continued to face forward, her gaze slowly focusing in on the empty spot that lay just behind her desk. That was where she was supposed to be sitting right now, next to her best friend Emily who was currently doubled over in laughter with her eyes looking like they were about to pop out of her head. And in any other circumstance, she would be right there beside her doing exactly the same thing. Only that standing here naked in front of the entire class, the entire situation didn’t seem as funny as she had imagined.

“Now, everyone,” Mrs. Barton chided, raising a hand to quieten the room. “It’s alright not to know. Remember, we’re here to learn after all, not make fun of others.”

It hardly seemed to work though, as the giggling continued. Taking in another deep breath, Rebecca shifted in place. It was hard not to cringe as the teacher walked forward and waved for her to spread her legs.

“A little wider now, if you please,” she said.

The woman smiled as she reached out for a ruler, and Rebecca sighed as she bit down on her lips. Well, not like she had a choice. The faster she got this over with, the faster she could go back to her seat. Then, she only had another thirty minutes or so left before the bell was due to ring.

Eagerly the class looked on, and bit by bit like a prisoner counting down the number of days they had left, she closed her eyes and moved her feet apart until she was left standing in an awkward V-shaped triangle that left nothing to the imagination. Including the soft curve of her most intimate place as it peeked out from between her legs. Perfectly smooth, the tiny and sealed slit that ran down the center of her vulva was all but pristine, a hallmark of her innocence that all but matched the rest of her body.

The ruler came down to draw an invisible line up along the inside of her thigh, and there was a brief sliver of pink as it moved to draw apart her lips. Rebecca grit her teeth again as she resisted the urge to clench. No matter how much she tried to fight against the feeling though, it was hard to ignore the telltale signs of arousal as it rose up inside her like something hot and uncomfortable and wet. The temperature of the room was like the inside of an oven, and she shivered as she felt the cold draft of the air conditioning system blowing across her skin. Up above, her nipples grew another fraction of an inch stiffer as they rose from the cone-shaped tips of her breasts.

“Now, you see here,” came the voice of Mrs. Barton again, “This is the general area we were talking about earlier.”

She pointed, smiling all the while, and a couple of the students sat up a little straighter at the sight. Especially the boys who seemed to be growing more and more self-conscious with each second that passed. One by one they shifted forward at the waist, bending over a little as they moved their textbooks down to their laps, and it didn’t exactly take too much of an effort to imagine the reason for their distress. Like a school of drowning fish they stared up at her, and Rebecca scowled as she did her best to glare back. It was a futile gesture, but the thought had to count for something at least. Even as the ruler came down again to peel away the delicate covering of her hood as she flinched.

“If everyone can turn to page 232 of their textbooks,” said Mrs. Barton, “The diagram on the right should serve as a guide for what we’re looking at here.”

The point pressed further upward to fully expose the sensitive pink nub hidden just underneath, tapping at the various parts of her anatomy along the way, and Rebecca felt her pulse flutter as her heart beat in her chest.

“Can anyone tell me what this is?” said Mrs. Barton.

“Is that her pussy?” said one of the girls.

Another round of laughter made its way around the room, and the teacher smiled in turn.

“No, I’m afraid not,” she said, “Though in layman’s terms, it wouldn’t be wrong. The opening you can see here is called her vagina. This is where the penis is meant to enter during sexual intercourse. The hole just above that is called her urethra, and finally at the top is the clitoris. It can be a little hard to find at first, but it should be located around the place where the labia minor meets.”

A moment passed as she waited for the class to take in the information, or at least for those who were still paying attention. Several of the students seemed to have their phones out instead as if filming the entire thing, and Rebecca closed her eyes again in embarrassment. Not helping at all was the awkwardness of her current position, her arms still lifted up and away from her body with her fingers laced through her hair, and she shivered again as she felt drops of something wet starting to gather within. It settled down just behind the opening of her entrance, the crystal-clear fluid slowly flowing down the length of her slit, and she felt her clit throb in response to the stimulation. No longer trapped inside its sheath, it slowly rose up into the air. Along with, of course, the orgasm suppression ring that was currently wrapped around it.

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Oh, did she forget to mention that? Rebecca groaned inside her head. The judge certainly hadn’t when he declared her sentence. Three months of probation, or twelve weeks in total of serving as a Free Use girl along with community service on the weekends. And when combined with her status as a student, that meant an entire three months of having to sit through class fully naked as a model for their sexual education course in addition to not being able to masturbate.

It was just about the worst thing she had ever gone through in her life. At first, she hardly seemed to notice, too caught up in the shame of being seen by all her friends, but as the weeks wore on and the pressure started to build up, it was only a matter of time before her hands started to drift further and further downward between her legs. Except that no matter how many times she tried to touch herself or how many sharpies she tried to stick up her rear, it was as if her climax remained just out of reach, hanging just beyond her fingertips by only the tiniest fractions of an inch. She would push, and it would slip out of her grasp, her walls squeezing down in despair. Then, the moment she finally gave up long past the dead of night, it would come back in full force as the weight of the denial crashed down between her legs.

The dreams that came after that were never fun. Nor was the emptiness that would come back to haunt her the very next day as Mrs. Barton called on her to stand up again at the front of the class. Just like she was doing now and had done so for the last couple of weeks. The climax of which was due to come any minute now as the woman waved for her to turn around and bend over the edge of the desk.

“Now, since we’ve spent so long talking about the clitoris,” said Mrs. Barton, “I think a practical demonstration is in order to fully explain its purpose. During arousal, the clitoris fills with blood and becomes erect, similar to male arousal and...”

The lecture trailed on, and Rebecca groaned as she felt a hand worm its way up between her legs. A pair of fingers, cool and unyielding, carefully spread her lips apart as she felt the familiar presence of a vibrator press up against her clit. The entire room turned to look at her, every pair of eyes locked onto her opening like a moth drawn to a flame, and she took a deep breath to prepare herself for what she knew was coming next. Then the vibrator turned on, and it was as if the world suddenly disappeared from underneath her feet.

It was… it was… well, she was going to break soon, and there was nothing she could do about it.

The toy moved upwards, sliding across her folds as if trying to vacuum up the various strands of her fluids, and she grit her teeth as she felt the vibrations eat into her flesh. A shot of pure pleasure spiked up through her veins a moment later, and it was everything she could do to stop her walls from contracting. Reaching up with her hands, she desperately stuffed her fingers into her mouth, biting down hard with her teeth to prevent herself from making any noise but it was a futile gesture at best. Bit by bit her voice started to leak out as her hips pushed back against the rising sense of urgency.

Up above, the lesson simply continued as if she wasn’t there.

“…as the stimulation reaches its peak,” said Mrs. Barton, “The body prepares for what is called an orgasm. You can see this from the way the opening of her vagina is starting to twitch. Alternatively, since the muscles in the area are somewhat linked, you can get a similar idea by looking at the movements of her anus.”

Fingers reached up to spread her cheeks, and Rebecca gasped as she felt the opening of her backdoor being pulled apart for the entire class to see. A blush rose up on her face again as she heard someone take another picture, and between the heat of the arousal and the constant thrum of the vibrator, it was almost enough to make her scream.

"The perineum is here," said Mrs. Barton as she pointed down, “You can think of this as the area in between. Located directly underneath are the pelvic muscles, the ones we talked about last class that are responsible for orgasm…”

The vibrations grew stronger, and Rebecca groaned as she felt her clit start to throb. She was getting close now, she could feel it. Almost like a rubber band that was slowly being stretched to its maximum limit. Only that with the ring still secured around her clit, there was no way for her to actually break through the final barrier at the end as she was kept on the very edge of a climax she knew she would never be able to get. The walls of her tunnel clamped down again, and she could feel her g-spot swelling up as it desperately tried to search for a source of stimulation. A finger, a dildo, even a pencil would do. Anything at all was better than the infinite frustration of having to hold it in, and as the vibrator pushed down between her folds to press directly against her entrance, it was the final straw that broke her will.

“Oh…,” cried Rebecca, “It’s… I’m…”

Up above, her anus began to twitch. Once, twice, three times in a row as the pressure built up inside her like water behind a dam, and as Mrs. Barton spread her cheeks even further apart to expose both of her holes to the class, her endurance finally broke as she came. Or tried to at least. The walls of her tunnel quivered as they prepared to clench, stuck on the very edge of a mind-shattering orgasm that she couldn’t quite reach, and that was when the sensors in the ring turned on, buzzing hard as they analyzed the situation.

Arousal levels at ninety-nine percent along with a heightened level of reproductive hormones and an increased heart rate? No, that would simply not do. The miniature battery built into the device spooled up, charging the capacitors wired directly to it, and less than a millisecond later it discharged again with a jolt of electricity that perfectly canceled out the signals running through her nerves and up into her brain. For the second time in a row, Rebecca jumped up in place as she felt the entire world crumble out from under her feet. The actual impulse itself was only a light shock, barely enough to even notice, but the sudden absence of stimulation more than made up for it as it crashed into her like a blow to the head.

Between her legs, the vibrator continued to buzz away, but nothing happened. Not even the slightest contraction. The feeling was still there, a harsh grating wave that sent shivers of frustration running through her veins, but against...

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Written by RetrospectiveInsomnia
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