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The Butt Slut Chronicles Chapter II

"Alexa enters the Baxter House"

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Baxter House

Serena had no want for money when she left for college. In fact, she really didn't need to go to college. The trust funds established by her father allowed her a life of leisure if she wished - and likely those of any children she might have. Unlike her older sister, however, Serena grew up working for everything. So when she arrived in college, she didn't take the three bedroom apartment and car / driver offered by her socialite mother. Instead, she found an ad for a room mate - or condo mate in this case - and pooled in with two others.

She would never have met or mixed with Alexa or Gigi if she had stayed with her mother's contacts. She did not rush for the high prestige sorority her mom had organized. She liked that they all had similar situations even though they had different circumstances.

Alexa mostly babysat. It was an extension of the early educational degree she was getting. She was responsible and a good condo mate. She had a temper which she kept well under control. It came out more and more though as she grew more comfortable with her two friends. While she was quiet and reserved, she would exhibit a different side on the days when the friends would gather to let their hair down. Alexa was not an aggressive drunk, but wine certainly removed most of her inhibitions.

Gigi stripped initially. She made a lot and had many suitors. She stopped when a local pimp tried to recruit strippers at her club. One of the bouncers at the club arranged for her to do private shows for college students, so she did that now and did other odd jobs to make her money. She was bubbly and vivacious, always telling stories about antics at the nursing schools. She took particular pleasure in 'assisting' male patients when she did her practicum rounds at the hospital.

So each condo mate earned their keep in the way that suited her personality. Serena did not want to call home for checks and rent money. What Serena did do however, was to call on an old family friend.

All through their childhood they were visited by Benjamin Dacosta. He told them many stories about how he met their dad and how their dad was a man of many exploits. He was Uncle Da to them. While his initial money came from tobacco in the early days, he shifted it to other things before it became black marked as an industry. One of his many ventures was an exclusive upper echelon boutique hotel and restaurant called The Baxter House. Nestled amongst retail establishments in the business district of Raleigh North Carolina, it was frequented by wealthy merchants who needed to conduct high impact deals. It was said that Mr. Dacosta often brokered such meetings and assisted in different ways to ensure success.

The Baxter House was a members only establishment. You could not book a room there on Expedia for example. The rumor was that this was to protect the existence of the Back Room. There were as many stories and legends about the Back Room as there were people to tell them. Nobody knew whether it existed or not.

When she first went to Dacosta, Serena had never been in the back room but she knew it existed. One night, when she was presumed asleep in the backseat on the way to their lake house, she heard Uncle Da discuss a match for their maid Geraldine with her parents. He talked about how a client wanted to enact a taboo relationship he couldn't have with a mulatto nurse that brought him up in his younger years. Geraldine matched perfectly he said. Sums of money were discussed that amazed her. A week later, a new maid appeared at their house and her mother told them in a bright and pleasant voice that Geraldine had decided to go back home to care for her ailing mother.

Serena grew up a lot that day. She also learned to be careful about what she shared with her mother and older sister.

She was similarly guarded about what she told Gigi and Alexa. While this not change immediately, she did feel a sense of camaraderie when she came out at 10:30 in her black skirt and white blouse to find Alexa in the blue chiffon dress.

She smiled in approval.


Alexa nodded.

Twenty minutes later they pulled up at the Baxter House. A valet took Serena's car. Alexa was just drinking things in; not saying much at all. Serena led them both through a set of broad doors over to a circular booth in the left corner of the restaurant floor. The space was outside of the regular thoroughfare, so it was clear when somebody was approaching the seating space. Alexa noticed as soon as she walked into the booth that the circular walls provided a soundproof haven for discussion and discretion. It was a way to be publicly private.

Sitting in the booth, sipping a cup of masala chai, was a striking and dignified gentleman in a dark grey suit.

"Mr.Dacosta, this is my friend Alexa." Serena proffered.

Mr. Dacosta smiled and nodded. "Ah yes, Alexa. Serena has told us a lot about you. Please sit."

Alexa smiled nervously and settled in at the round table. With no bra or panties on, she felt extremely exposed. She wanted to cross her arms across her chest but put them down on each side instead, and tightly clamped her thighs together. She noted that Serena sat opposite her, next to Mr. Dacosta. As she sat and waited, a waiter walked up, took off his apron and slid into the seat next to her.

"Alexa, this is Stefan. He is in training to manage a part of this establishment, and helps with interviews."

Alexa did a double take as she saw him, then nodded nervously at Stefan. Stefan smiled back. He was about 6 feet tall, West African from the sound of his accent, and had a wiry but muscular runner's body. His movements were languid and comfortable. Sitting across the table, Serena remained impassive, but took in Alexa's reaction. She watched for Alexa's body language, and noted with some relief that she allowed Stefan to nestle up close to her. She looked over at Mr. Dacosta and nodded slightly. Alexa saw the interaction but didn't know what to make of it.

"Sit up for me Alexa for one second if you would," Stefan said to her in his comfortable West African voice.

Alexa looked quickly at Serena and Mr. Dacosta, both of whom were waiting for her to do as she was told. She sat up as best she could with the round table in front of her.

Stefan slipped the skirt up around her waist and nodded. Alexa sat back down and clenched as her bare and naked ass met the cool leather of the booth seat.

Mr. Dacosta looked up. "Did Serena give you any details about what we are looking for Alexa?"

Alexa shook her head no, clearly flustered. She felt increasingly exposed and vulnerable. Everybody in the booth was so confident that they made her feel unsure of herself. She had just let a total stranger pull up her dress. She was sure they could all tell her heart was beating faster and that her pussy was moist. There was something about Stefan though, that made it easy to acquiesce.

Mr. Dacosta continued as he ran his fore finger on the rim of his teacup. "We have a valuable patron of the Baxter House who might have an interest in spending some time with you. He lives in Europe but stays with us here at the Baxter house when he conducts business in the States. He has a special fondness for his niece that he cannot fully express."

He looked up. Alexa was listening, and working hard not to squirm. Serena was quiet and listening. As Alexa's eyes flitted to her, she saw in her the glint she saw yesterday. This was a different Serena somehow.

"It seems you have many similarities to this niece. She is about your age, looks startlingly like you and is a second grade teacher back in Malaysia."

"What do I have to do?" Alexa questioned hesitantly.

"Be yourself." This was the first time Serena had spoken since they all sat.

Alexa turned to her as she injected herself into the conversation. Serena was there but not there. Somehow, she was enveloped in this magnetism that Mr. Dacosta seemed to exude.

"I'm not a whore," Alexa said, somewhat defiantly.

Dacosta's actions were very disarming. "Good," he said with an approving nod. "Very good."

Alexa inhaled sharply. On Dacosta's non-verbal cue, Stefan slipped his hand onto Alexa's knee. He then started running three fingers up and down the inside of her thigh. Each time, he would work his way up till he was dangerously close to flicking her exposed labia, then would move back down again.

"We do not run a brothel here. We do not recruit whores." Dacosta resumed speaking while Stefan gently kneaded her inner leg. His strong fingers worked her muscles with care. It was very difficult to concentrate, much less to negotiate or bargain.

Alexa sat up as much as she could in her seat. She didn't push Stefan's hand off. She knew she could do what she wanted to, but for some reason, she liked it there. This feeling of being exposed in a public place - this sensation of being explored where somebody could just appear and see what was going on - was making her surprisingly wet.

"How much are you offering? It sounds like this is something that that's a custom fit for your client."

The moment the words left her mouth, Alexa knew she was in even more of a disadvantage. From her childhood years shopping at the gawker markets in Malaysia, she knew that the person who started talking about money was already a step down. To recover, she had to make sure that she didn't state a price.

"How much would you like?" Dacosta asked, almost as if he had been prepared all conversation for the question.

Damn it. DAMN it!

Stefan now was running a thumb up and down the nape of her neck while he worked on her thigh. Just as Dacosta asked the question, he gently moved his thumb and middle finger up her now puffy lips and labia till he brushed up against her clit.

Alexa shuddered and almost came at that very instant. She took a deep breath, shifted again in her seat and looked at Stefan. He had a calm expression and smiled reassuringly at her when she turned.

"I was thinking you would make an offer, since you are recruiting me for this ...

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engagement," she said, talking very fast all of a sudden.

Dacosta was sipping his tea as she spoke. He finished his sip, then wiped off his lip.

Alexa put her hand on top of Stefan's hand, so that it moved with his, along her thigh, occasionally sliding up and down her pussy.

"As it so happens Alexa, I do have an offer. Well, it is more of an invitation. You see, here at the Baxter house, we like our clientele to factor in on the decisions we make. You might say that this is our modest way of crowdsourcing. After all, it is how business is conducted and how decisions are made in this social media world you girls live in."

Alexa's eyes flashed around in a moment of panic as social sharing was mentioned. She realized quickly though that nobody had their phones with them. Serena's was in her purse and her's was in the car, actually. She had been checking her Twitter feed on the way over and plugged it into the car charger during the drive.

"The process is simple."

She was not sure how much of her momentary panic registered with Dacosta but there was a depth and calmness to his voice that made it impossible to do anything but listen and slow down to his rhythm.

"We have a dress picked out for you to wear. You put it on, and hold a silver tray by the receiving table you passed on the way here. If you collect four tickets, I will pay you what you earn in a month. For each ticket above six that you collect, that figure will double."

Alexa furiously did the math in her head. "I make 1200 a month with my babysitting. You are telling me if I get seven tickets on the plate you will give me $2400? Oohhhh. Fuck!"

Just as she arrived at the number, Stefan placed his thumb on her clit and cupped her pussy. His middle finger reached under her and was resting against her puckered anus. She craned her neck to him, eyes half closed, asking for a kiss. Stefan obliged, sucking gently on her top lip, then sucking it into his own lips as he worked her clit and stimulated her sphincter.

"If you do not collect four tickets, I will give you a $200 honorarium for your trouble," Dacosta concluded.

"I'll get six tickets at least," Alexa croaked. She put her hand on Stefan's, to slow him down. She needed to concentrate, and think. She knew however that this was all part of the interview. She could not tell him to stop, nor could she cease her conversation with Mr. Dacosta.

She looked across the table and saw that Serena was smiling. It was a smile of approval, similar to the one when she saw her earlier this morning. It seemed as though Dacosta's face softened a bit as well, but it was hard to tell.

"I just have one request, if I may?" Alexa's pussy was on fire. Her clit was throbbing wildly and it seemed her pussy was now unabashedly leaking. In those moments of bacchanal rivalry with her condo mates she would often talk about how she wished she was more brazen, more outspoken. "Sometimes I can't say it but you know, my cunt always betrays me" she would say, then down a generous gulp of wine.

Dacosta deflected her question by motioning to the small opening to their private den. "Here's the dress we picked out. I think that this burnt red will bring out your lips and work well with your skin tone."

Alexa turned and her heart sank. An attendant was holding a gorgeous full length burnt red evening dress with gold trim. In the middle of the dress were three diamond cutouts that would accentuate her navel, and probably reveal the she kept her mound shaved.

She felt Stefan's hand move off her pussy as her face fell.

She shook her head. "I can't."

This time she definitely saw Dacosta's face soften. There was concern apparent in Serena's attentive expression as well.

"I had an operation a few years ago that resulted in a .... scar." She touched her lower belly self consciously as she said it. "It's ugly. I won't get any tickets if its visible."

Dacosta's face softened considerably, and then he smiled. It was the first emotional expression he had shown since Alexa and Serena had ushered themselves in for this meeting. While Alexa struggled to negotiate and remain in control under sinking odds, he remained impassive. After all, the deck was stacked solidly in his favor. it confused Alexa that as she sat there crestfallen and ready to accept defeat, that he would tip his cards in any way.

"When you opened up just now" he said in a quiet, calm voice, "I feel you suddenly became more radiant and beautiful than ever."

Stefan's hand locked into position again, thumb on clit, middle finger probing her anus, and palm pressing into her now sloppy pussy. Alexa let out a gutteral moan.

"If we, and our clients select you Alexa, it will be for your openness and experiences. It will be for the story that your scar tells, the struggle it embodies, not despite it. If I may be honest, I now want to inspect your scar and impale your anal orifice myself. I want to do it personally as part of our initiation process."

Serena's eyes flashed in jealous anger. She pursed her lips, but remained still. Inside her shoes she clenched her toes and arched her foot forcefully so that her face wouldn't break into a frown.

Alexa was now breathing heavily and not in any kind of control. "Stefan," she blustered, her breathing labored and heavy. "Can Stefan prepare me?"

Dacosta's eyes were bright now, and approving. His composure had returned again, like a velvet sheet that draped over the booth. He turned to Stefan. "Go and help her get ready."

He turned to Alexa. "I did not mean to get ahead of myself. We would initiate and ready you after you secure four tickets. I will say however, that my confidence in you being successful has increased tremendously in the last three minutes."

Stefan had scooted over and was standing up now. Alexa moved along the rounded seat and stood up next to him. She took his hand. He held it supportively.

"When I was planning how I would negotiate today, I was going to ask you for 10K. After all, this is the Baxter House," Alexa said. At this point, there was no negotiating to do. She realized that in this paradoxical situation, her openness gained her more advantage than any hedging or positioning.

Serena reached in her purse and pulled out what looked like a slim, silver card key. She laid it on the table. Stefan reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a similar card. He laid it on the table on top of Serena's card.

Benjamin Dacosta looked hard...

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Written by TantricDrummer
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