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Stripped Toff

"A student reluctantly decides to ease her money worries by becoming a stripper"

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“You just missed Sheriff Fatman, he was looking for you.”

‘Shit!’ Ellie slumped against the wall. This game of cat and mouse couldn’t go on much longer. She was two months behind with the rent. She hadn’t realised Art School would be so expensive. She seemed to be in the college shop almost every day buying brushes, paint, paper or canvas. Mr Rackmann, or Sheriff Fatman, as Jodie had christened him, was their overweight, lecherous landlord with distinctive body odour.

“Anyway, I’m going to the pub, do you want to come?”

Then there was that too. She looked up at Jodie, her flatmate and drinking companion pulling on her coat. She knew she should stay in, save her money, try and get something together to pay Fatman his rent, but then again, something was bound to come up, wasn’t it?

The banging on the door the next morning woke Ellie up. She rolled over and glanced at the clock. 9.30am. ‘Shit!’ She should have been in the studio by now. She crawled out of bed and went to answer the door in just the tee-shirt she’d slept in. Ellie cursed Jodie as she reached the door. The effects of that pint for the road and the shots were manifesting as a hangover as the pounding on the door continued.

She opened the door and peered out.

“Fuck!” She saw her landlord standing on the step, staring at her.

“Ellie, you owe me two months rent. You promised the money would be in my bank account this morning.”

Ellie ran her fingers through her hair.

“I’m really sorry, Mr Rackmann, I know. It’s just, I had to buy paints and new brushes and...”

“And alcohol, judging by the smell of you.”

He paused, watching Ellie blush bright red. He looked at his watch. Sighed then appeared to make a decision.

“I have to go. It’s Thursday. I will be back on Monday. If you don’t have the money for me by then, well perhaps we will have to think of something else.”

He smiled and ran his fingers down the front of her tee-shirt, stroking a nipple which had hardened in the cold air. Ellie yelped in shock and took a step back. She watched, flustered as Rackmann turned and walked down the steps towards the garden gate. He turned, looked back at her, his eyes roamed up her bare legs to her face before he grinned and headed back to his car.

Ellie headed back inside. Her stomach churned at what Rackmann had just implied. She bumped into Jodie as she passed the kitchen.

“Fuck, I feel like shite,” Jodie groaned. “We should never have had that sambuca.” She stopped when she saw the expression on Ellie’s face. “Are you alright?”

“No,” Ellie whispered as she pulled a chair out and slumped into it.

“That was Rackmann. He said if I can’t pay him the rent by Monday then maybe if I sleep with him, he’ll overlook the rent money.”

Ellie described to Jodie what had just happened on the front step. Jodie pushed a mug of hot tea towards Ellie.

“What a fucking creep.”

“Maybe, but where the fuck am I going to get 400 quid by Monday?”

Jodie stood up. “Come on, we’ll think of something but we best get dressed and get to college. Something will come up.”

Lunchtime in the college cafeteria. As cries of “Chip butties” were shouted out from the serving hatch, Ellie sat with Jodie in the comfy seats in the smoking section and rolled a cigarette.

“So have you any ideas about money?” Jodie asked once she’d exhaled the first lungful of smoke.

Ellie just shook her head. 

“I suppose I could try a bar job, but It’ll take me months to earn the back rent. I mean I don’t know how I’ll pay next month's rent, or buy food even.”

“You could try dancing. There’s a girl in the third year. Apparently, she dances in one of the bars in the public triangle.”

The pubic triangle was an area near the college where three strip bars faced each other. 

Ellie shook her head. “No, no, no, no, no! No way am I getting up on stage and flashing my tits.”

“Why not? You did it in that bar in Ibiza last summer for free”

Ellie blushed. “Yeah, well, that was different.”

“Well, either that or you could sleep with Rackmann. Your choice. Just imagine his sweaty belly sliding over you as he leans over you. You on your back, legs spread, the stench of his B.O. filling the room as he thrusts his little cock inside you.” 

She paused and looked closely at Ellie before taking a drag of her cigarette.

“But anyway, there’s this posh girl, Becca. You know the one I mean, tall with the big tits and the posh voice. Well she dances there a couple of times a week. It’s supposed to be good money. If you want to talk to her and get an idea of what it’s like. She’s in the darkroom this afternoon. I told her you might be along.”

Jodie got up and headed back to her studio, leaving Ellie to contemplate the thought of sleeping with Sheriff Fatman.

The thought of Fatman, naked, on top of her, kept flashing through Ellie’s mind as she tried to capture the life model’s pose. The thought of dancing, being a stripper filled her with revulsion. But the alternative, well maybe that was even worse. ‘What a choice,’ she thought to herself. ‘Do you want to be a stripper or a whore?’

She put her paintbrush down and wiped her hands on the rag. She decided she may as well talk to Becca. After all, what had she got to lose?

She knocked on the darkroom door and waited until a tall girl with black hair tied up in a bun opened it.

“Hi, you’re Becca, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, Jodie said you might be calling. You must be Ellie. Come on in.”

Ellie let her eyes get used to the red light bathing the room as she followed the girl into the developing room. Becca was attractive, tall and lithe, with a large set of boobs. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of tight jeans and Ellie could see why she might be a popular dancer.

“So, you’ve got money troubles, yeah?”

Becca had a posh accent and Ellie always felt intimidated in her presence. Becca was a couple of years older and seemed so worldly in comparison to little first-year Ellie. Ellie blushed and nodded her head.

“Jodie said you owed quite a bit of rent. Look, you can easily make a couple of hundred a night dancing. Have you ever stripped in public before?”

Ellie’s face blushed red, thankful the red light meant Becca couldn't see. Becca pulled a piece of photo paper out of the developing tray. She hung it up on the drying line and Ellie blushed again when she realised it was a picture of Becca, naked. She had her legs crossed but her boobs were on display. The nipples standing proud and erect. Becca saw her looking and giggled.

“Well, I mean, if I’m flashing them in the Western on a Friday night, then it’s not really that different to pose for a photograph.”

“No, well… um... I guess not.” Ellie stammered.

Becca turned to her. “Take off your top, Ellie.”

“What? No!” Ellie shouted.

“Look, Ellie. If you can’t show me your tits in a locked room, what chance have you got of stripping in a room full of drunken men? Now, I’m not going to make an arse of myself bringing you into the bar if you can’t actually perform.”

Ellie nodded and slowly, reluctantly pulled her Carter tee-shirt over her head. She draped it over the back of a chair and looked at Becca, biting her lip. Becca was watching intently. Ellie felt Becca’s eyes boring into her as she reached behind, unclasped her bra then held the cups in her hands.

Time seemed to stand still before she finally lowered her arms and let the bra slide down and drop to the floor. Ellie blushed as she felt her nipples harden. ‘It’s only the cold’ she told herself but she couldn't help feel the tension in the air as Becca stepped closer, her eyes flickering between Ellie’s face and her 32C chest.

“Mmmmm, you have a good set of girls,” Becca complimented. “They are a good handful.”

Her fingers lifted up the left breast as if weighing it. Her thumb brushed over Ellie’s nipple, causing it to harden further and send an electric charge directly to her clit. 

“Take off your skirt.” 

Ellie held her breath. It felt like an order. She quickly complied and tugged the zip down. The denim skirt fell to her ankles. She stood, wearing just her green cotton panties and black over the knee socks and DM boots as Becca ran her eyes over her.

“You’ve got nice curves, Ellie.” Becca’s fingers ran across her stomach. Her fingertips brushing the knicker line. This time, Ellie couldn’t help letting a little moan escape her lips.

“Turn around, Ellie.” Becca’s lips were inches from her ear.

Even though she was only a couple of years older than her, Ellie found herself whispering “Yes, Miss”

‘Yes Miss’? Where did that come from, Ellie thought, but even as she thought it, she had turned, letting Becca’s fingers glide over her ass cheeks.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Ellie?” Again, the whispered question in her ear.

“No, why?” Ellie asked, confused at where this was going.

“That’s good. Boyfriend can get jealous very quickly. Even if they say they are OK with you being a stripper. They get very possessive at the thought of other men ogling you.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Ellie whispered.

“God no, darling. I bat for the other side.” 

She slipped her hand into Ellie’s panties and patted her ass cheek as she kissed Ellie on the cheek.

“You’ll get more tips if you drop those as well. Not every girl does. Some are content to jiggle their tits and leave it at that. But if you are willing to flash the gash, so to speak, the money is better.”

She stepped back and stared at Ellie.

“Are you going to take off your knickers, Ellie?”

Ellie swallowed. The thought of sweaty, naked Rackmann, lying on top of her was enough for her to hook her thumbs in her knickers and tug them down over her hips and let them fall on top of her skirt.

“You have a neat pussy. It’s good you have dark pubes. They show up well on the stage. The guys like to see a hairy muff.”

Ellie swallowed again. She was straight, she’d never thought about another girl but there was something about Becca that excited her, confused her and made her insides flutter like butterflies.

“So what’s your stage name going to be?” Becca smiled as she stepped closer to Ellie. “Mine is Angel.”

Becca reached out and brushed a lock of hair back behind Ellie’s ear. She pressed her lips against Ellie’s mouth and Ellie stood there and let her. Becca’s fingers slid over Ellie’s naked body. One hand pawed her breast. Becca’s fingers tugged and rolled Ellie’s hard marshmallow pink nipples while the other slid down her back and then even lower. Becca’s fingertip caressed her ass crack as Becca pushed her tongue into Ellie’s willing and accepting mouth.

When Becca’s hand cupped her pussy, Ellie moaned into Becca’s mouth. Becca’s fingers stroked her folds, smeared her juices over her clit. ‘Fuckkk’, Ellie thought. Then all thoughts left her mind as Becca curled a finger inside her. The long elegant digit curled and stroked and caressed her womb. It tapped on her g spot as she ground the heel of her palm onto Ellie’s trembling clit. She fingered her quickly. One hand holding Ellie by the hair, the other thrust between her legs. A second finger joined the first and as Becca stretched her walls, Ellie arched her back and with a stifled cry, came over Becca’s hand.

Becca stepped back, her eyes were glinting as she raised her fingers to her mouth and sucked Ellie’s cum from them.

“Mmmm you taste delicious. Meet me at the front door of the college at 5 o’clock and I’ll take you down to the bar and we can see about getting you dancing.”

Ellie stood, shell shocked, her juices smeared over her thighs. She watched as Becca turned, ignored her and carried on developing her pictures. Slowly, Ellie reached down and pulled up her knickers. The skirt and top followed and, fully dressed she turned to leave.

“Is it OK to open the door now?” She asked.

“Yeah, fine. Be quick though.”

Back in the studio, she tried to process everything. How the act of stripping for Becca had turned her on so much. How she had followed every word the girl had said. How she’d let Becca finger her to orgasm and how she’d felt so deflated when the girl just turned and carried on with her college work, not even saying or kissing her goodbye.

At 5pm, she waited at the front door and watched the flow of students coming and going. 

“Shall we go then?”

Ellie turned to see Becca standing beside her. In daylight, she looked even prettier. Her big blue eyes with the heavily mascaraed eyelashes made her eyes look so big and innocent.

The Western Bar was a kip. As she walked over the carpet she wondered who would put carpet on the floor of a pub like this. She was sure she could feel her feet stick to it as they approached the bar. Ellie glanced around. There was a stage in the corner with what looked like a fireman’s pole in the middle of it. A bored-looking girl wearing a pair of silver hot pants and matching heels was just finishing her dance as the last few bars of Def Leppard’s ‘Pour some sugar on me’ faded on the sound system.

There were three men, all sitting alone spread out around the bar. They gave a half-hearted round of applause as the girl tottered down the steps, picked up her bra and a solitary banknote and darted backstage. The woman behind the bar smiled as the two girls approached.

“Alright, Angel. Who’ve you got here then?”

Becca smiled and pointed at Ellie. “This is…” she paused. “Did you pick a stage name yet?”

“Cherry,” Ellie replied, blushing. “From the Jesus and Mary Chain song.”

“That’s OK. We don’t have a Cherry. We’ve got a Charity and a Crystal.” She smiled at Ellie. “Anyway, Cherry. I’m Mags. Pleased to meet you.”

The hard-looking middle-aged woman held out her hand and Ellie shook it, feeling the strength in the woman’s grip.

“Have you danced before?”

Ellie blushed and shook her head.

“OK, well, we can give you a  wee trial. I’ll put you on early Friday night. Angel is on that night too. Might give you some moral support. You supply your own outfit, bring a CD of the song you want to dance to, and you give me 20% of the tips. Be here for 6pm and don’t be late or don’t come back.” 

She looked at Ellie and laughed as she stared at the shocked face. “Don’t worry, Angel will take care of you, won’t you Angel?”

“Sure thing, Mags. I promise.”

Once outside again, Ellie turned to Becca. “Can you show me what I need to wear, what to do?”

“Sure, it’s easy enough. You need to decide on your look.” She ran her fingers through Ellie’s long brunette hair. “Are you going for the slutty vamp look, sexy school girl or some other uniform?”

“Uhhh, I dunno.” Ellie was starting to get cold feet about this. Her visit to the bar hadn’t exactly filled her with confidence but a momentary image of Rackmann was enough for her to continue.

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“Why don’t you come back to mine and we can put an outfit and a dance together?”

Becca scribbled her address and handed it to Ellie. “Call down about 9 o’clock tonight. Bring your sexiest underwear and a few little dresses with you. See you then.”

Becca leant in, kissed her on the cheek then disappeared into the evening rush hour.

Having raided her wardrobe, she arrived outside Becca’s tenement later that evening. ‘Typical, she would live in the posh end of town,’ thought Ellie as she rang the buzzer.

Once inside, Becca got Ellie to lay her clothes out on Becca’s bed. She ran her finger over Ellie’s clothes.

“No, no, too frumpy, no, no, OK, no, maybe, no!” She sighed. “It’ll have to be the black one.”

She handed the little black dress to Ellie while scanning the sets of bras and knickers. 

As Becca went through her wardrobe, Ellie looked around the room. She stopped and stared at a newspaper cutting stuck to the wall. It showed a topless Becca with the headline ‘Stripped Toff!’ Becca saw Ellie looking and giggled. 

“Yeah, I sold my story to the Sun newspaper last year. Got five hundred pounds for it. Mummy and Daddy hit the roof. Was such a blast, seeing yourself in print, knowing thousands of men are looking at you.”

She laughed at the look on Ellie’s face.

“Anyway, I think the red will work best. Blokes seem to like red. Red or black. This one is nice and lacy. Put these on along with the dress. You can get changed here, or the bathroom is down the hall.” 

Ellie figured that since Becca had already seen her naked and would again, there was little point in modesty now. As she pulled on the red lace knickers, she felt a tingle of eroticism. The bra fitted her boobs perfectly and showcased her curves. She slipped the dress over her head, the two spaghetti straps not hiding the red bra straps underneath.

“That’s a nice touch, makes you look a little slutty, showing your bra colour,” Becca giggled.

“OK, stand here and watch me.” 

She hit play on her CD player and the opening bars of ‘Paradise City filled the room. Becca strutted across the room, hips swaying in an exaggerated walk. She stood in front of Ellie and teasingly dropped one shoulder, letting the dress slide off. With the strap dangling on her arm, she proceeded...

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Written by deviantsusie
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