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Land of Smiles and Happy Endings (Handjob Series)

"A clean room and hand jobs, all for just 35 baht per day"

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Do you know the story of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?  He was an IMF head who on a visit to New York had a go with a maid at his hotel.  It was a temptation that DSK should have resisted, because the maid claimed to have been assaulted.  He beat the criminal rap, but lost his job, had to pay out a cash settlement and his political aspirations were finished. 

What happened?  I haven’t a clue.  Like many no doubt, I had a sense of schadenfreude about the whole thing.  Well before today’s confabulation of privilege, there were people like DSK.  People born so rich, that they become socialists.  So connected that they can’t be contained by the limits of their ideology.  Like their names, they need hyphens to append additional bivouacs of control to their core ideology: Socialist-plutocrat.  I suppose in earlier times they were just plain aristocrats.  Now that’s real privilege. 

I shouldn’t be too judgy of DSK though, because I’ve also known the temptation of a hotel maid.  There was no reason for me to have any pretensions about myself, but I certainly had advantages over my humble housekeeper too.

After I finished university I spent some time teaching English in Thailand. While I was there I could never quite commit myself to stay long term.  Instead of finding an apartment, I just kept renting at a Khao San Road guest house. For anyone who doesn’t know, Khao San Road is the back-backers' hub of Bangkok. It’s a short street messy street, festooned with guesthouses, restaurants and farangs.

As far as guest houses go, mine was kind of middle of the road quality wise. It didn’t have hot water, but it was clean. To find it required navigating a series of alleys off Khao San Road. It made for a spot that was more isolated and much quieter.

Staying at a guest house for more than just a few days, really gets you familiar with the staff. First you get to know the reception and wait staff, then eventually you start nodding hello to the housekeepers too.

There was a pair of housekeepers who usually worked together, who always seemed to giggle when they saw me. I wasn’t sure if their tittering was because they liked me or that I was caught committing an unrealized cultural faux pas.  They were very friendly, but unlike the front staff, they didn’t speak much English. In fact, my Thai might have been better than their English. Which isn’t saying much, because most of the Thai I knew came from the phrase section of my travel book.

That was all there was between us, until one day after getting back from breakfast on my day off. When I got back to my floor I could see those two women at my open door. Apparently they were just about to start cleaning. Surprised at seeing me, both girls bowed in Thai wais. They said some stuff I didn’t understand, that I assumed were explanations and apologies.

“Mai pen rai,” I told them, which means ’no problem’.

“Kun poot Thai?” One of them said, asking if I spoke Thai.

“No, pom poot nit noy, nit noy, nit noy,” I said holding my finger only slightly apart, indicating how little Thai I spoke.

That was the strongest point of our verbal communication. I wasn’t even able to get their names. I tried, but I couldn’t make myself understood.

I think they were a little older than me. One was about 5’ 4“ and the other maybe just over 5’. The taller one was the bolder of the two but to be honest, wasn’t that attractive. The shorter girl was a little overweight by Thai standards and had the cutest face imaginable. She had happy looking eyes, dimpled cheeks and nice full lips.

The taller one took a peak around, making sure the coast was clear and then ushered all of us into my room. I wondered where all this could be going. While I would have wished for more, I assumed this was all as innocent as their school girl like giggles. After all, this was a respectable guest house. Once they wouldn’t even let my travel agent deliver a plane ticket to my room. She was Thai, so I had to meet her in the lobby. Other than staff, no Thais were allowed upstairs. The management wanted to make sure that no commercial sex occurred on the premises.

We sat on my single bed and the taller girl led us in an incomprehensible conversation. Since it was clear that I couldn’t understand her, she began pointing slowly from me to her cute friend. Her cute friend would demurely shake her head and push the taller girl’s hands away when they were pointed at her.

My understanding was that the taller one was trying to act as some sort of matchmaker for her adorable friend. Though I wasn’t completely sure until the taller one, to both girls' amusement, took one of my hands and placed it on her friend’s ample breast.

Surprised I said “Sway mac,” meaning beautiful as I lightly squeezed her round breast.

“Mai chi,” the short cutie countered, “Kun sway!” Her response denied her complement and redirecting it to me.

Timidly my new friend began running a hand across my chest too. Since all I had on for my breakfast in the ally was a sarong (Thailand’s the only place where I wear a sarong) and a loose tank top, she was able to run her hand across my skin.

To say my morning had taken an unexpected turn would have been putting it mildly. It seemed that out of nowhere, I was suddenly cupping the nice full breast of a real cutie. All while she appreciatively ran her hand over my midriff. The result being, I began pitching a noticeable tent under my sarong.

The two girls continued talking, while doing a good job pretending that my growing cock wasn’t noticeable. Given the way the girls had instigated this get-together, I was surprised by the way they managed to turn a blind eye to the predictable effects. The girls seemed satisfied enough with what they initiated, but I wanted to see how much further things could go.

I began trying to feel up under the little cutie’s t-shirt, but she stopped me every time. Unfazed she would place my roaming hands back on her covered mounds. Smiling she would hold my hands firmly against her breasts, but strictly on the outside of her shirt.

With that avenue of advancement blocked, I thought I’d try something else. Casually taking her hand I guided it down from my chest and wrapped it around my stiff cock. Suddenly with only the thinnest tropical fabric separating her hand from the touch of my shaft, the little cutie’s nerves began to falter.

Timidly she said, “Mai chi, no we go now.” She was speaking as much to her friend as she was to me.

Without her stopping me, I kept guiding her hand up and down my cock. In my broken Thai, I tried to reassure her and it seemed to me that her friend was trying to convince her to stay too.

Holding her finger to her mouth, the taller girl shushed us both. Getting up from my bed she went over the door and peaked out into the hallway. Satisfied that the coast was still clear, she closed the door again and pulled a plastic chair to the side of my bed. She said something that seemed intended to reassure her friend and gestured for the two of us continue what we were doing.

I pulled the little maid up beside me and she went back to tentatively stroking my cock through my sarong. With her right up against me I could put an arm around her and feel her tits while she held my cock. I was also better able to make stealthy efforts to get a hand under her clothes. Despite my improved proximity and her divided attention, she still always managed to stop me before I made much progress. At least she always returned my hand to her breast.

Even though the friend seemed to be encouraging the cutie to play with my cock, she also appeared to admonish me for trying to get under her friend’s shirt. It wasn’t that they disapproved of hand on flesh either, because when I guided the maid’s hand under my sarong she didn’t resist. Apparently she could touch me, but I couldn’t touch her.  In fact, our curious chaperone was quite titillated once her friend’s hand went down my sarong.

Underneath the material it was only too easy to tell that she was playing with my cock. As she stroked my dick, my sarong began loosening until it finally fell away. Both girls started giggling at the sudden sight of my cock.

“Yai mac,” the observing friend exclaimed. I can happily report yai mac means very large.

“Sway mac,” the cute girl added, appraising my cock as beautiful.  Her hand gently fondling me as her friend watched.

It felt nice and it was a turn on to be watched. As my little friend’s hand lightly caressed my cock, I could tell she would need guidance if I was going to cum. Since she wouldn’t have been able to understand my instructions, I took her hand and began guiding it up and down my shaft.

Once I felt I’d established the pace and technique, I released her hand to let her stroke my shaft on her own. Without my guidance though, the pace immediately slowed. I let her continue, hoping that it was only a momentary lapse, but it turned out she wasn’t a vigorous hand job giver. Either that or stroking me to completion wasn’t part of their plan. Though I suspect things had already moved beyond anything they intended.

I took her hand again and began working it at a steady pace. It was feeling really good too, but a bit like masturbating with someone else’s hand. Still, her nervous passivity was unexpectedly turning me on.

It was becoming a little awkward sitting up on the bed while guiding her hand. I had to brace myself up with one hand, while helping my little friend jerk me off with the other. To make things a little easier I laid back on the bed and pulled her down with me. If she had seemed nervous before, laying down on the bed made it worse. I couldn’t understand what she was saying, but I could hear the tension in her voice.

“Mai pen rai,” meaning ’no problem’, I said to reassure her.

It seemed once she realized I wasn’t going to try to get her to do anything more than stroke my cock she relaxed a bit. I pulled her up close to me and we softly kissed while I worked my cock with her hand.

Once we were laying on the bed, it was much easier to jerk off with her hand in mine.  Feeling the girl’s body pressed up against me, while her friend watched, easily offset her reluctance.  In fact, while her hesitancy deadened her hand, her apprehension had my excited cock seeping pre-cum.  Faster than expected, I began to feel the flutters of an oncoming orgasm.  Normally I would have tried to resist, but the situation seemed too fragile for that risk.  Better to surrender while I could and see the girls’ reactions when my sperm splashed free.  I especially wanted to see the little cutie’s reaction.  She seemed so nervous, I wasn’t sure if she might even cry.

Grasping her hand tightly around my shaft, I began working faster.  Pumping my cock with her docile hand, I quickly reached the point of no return.  I felt the rising charge and my milky load shot in the air landing on my new friend’s brown skin. 

She flinched when my sperm hit her.  If she seemed nervous before, she became even more flustered when my cum began splashing her.  She was especially concerned when an errant shot landed on her shirt.

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Meanwhile, our observer leaned forward to better view my fresh discharge.  She said something that had an excited tenor, but I have no idea what it meant.

I kept hold of the hand stroking my cock until my flow subsided.  When I was finished, I squeezed her hand tight around my cock one last time before letting go.

She took a moment to gather herself.  Carefully holding her cum coated hand and wrist away from herself as she got up, it left her defenseless when I reached out to dab a little sperm on her button nose. While the move amused her friend and me, it left her even more distressed.

I wiped myself off with a few tissues, while she washed at the sink in my room.  She rinsed her hand and scrubbed the sperm from her shirt as best she could. When she was satisfied that she was clean both girls gathered by the door. They gestured in a way that made me understand that they wanted me to peak outside and make sure the hallway was empty.

I opened the door and seeing no one there, I stood aside to let the girls pass.  

Before she left my little handmaid gave me a timid hug and once more time told me, “Kun sway mac.”

Over my remaining stay in Bangkok, these special maid services were from time to time repeated.  Because of the language barrier, it was nothing that we could really plan.  If I saw my especially helpful maid in the hall and I had the time, I’d call her over and pull her into my room.

She would give me nervous hand jobs in my room, cooing in Thai that my cock was beautiful.  Unfortunately, my efforts to get under her clothes were always rebuffed and all my hand gestures designed to suggest fellatio seemingly not understood.

Though finally on my last day in Bangkok I had a breakthrough.  It was a Saturday morning and I was throwing away a few things before leaving.  Among the items that I was tossing out was a porn mag that had kept me entertained between indulgent nights out.

Just as I stepped into the hallway to toss my magazine into the floor’s garbage bin, my maid appeared at top of stairs.  She had come up to say goodbye and surprised by her sudden appearance, I tried to shield the magazine behind my arm.

After quickly peeking down the hallway to make sure no one was around, she came over to me to give me a farewell hug.  Noticing that I only wrapped one arm around her, she looked down at the semi-concealed magazine that I was holding at my side.  I pulled it back behind my back, but apparently having seen enough to have gotten a fair idea of what I was holding, she started giggling and grabbing at the magazine.

I backed towards my room, fending her off as she grabbed for the magazine.  Once in the doorway, I held the magazine inside of my room as bait.  When she reached for the magazine I closed the door behind her.

Sitting down on my bed she began flipping through the pages.  The magazine featured a blond Asian girl, with blue eyes and big tits.  Counterfeit features aside, she was a real beauty.  Not only did she have a great body and a beautiful face, but it showed her doing pretty much everything that I like.  She had her pussy licked, she sucked a cock, she got fucked, she took it in her ass and she had a big load splashed on her face and in her mouth.  My cute maid's dimples were showing as laughed, but she was fascinated too.  She studied every page and while I couldn’t understand her, it seemed anal sex was something that was a little too much for her.

I sat close to her and reached around her back to fondle her tits while she perused my magazine.  As usual, I was in my sarong and I let it slide open for her casual viewing alongside the magazine.

She gave me an amused smile and casually grasped my shaft while flipping through the pages.  Once she had thoroughly reviewed the pages, including revisiting particularly riveting photos, I took the magazine away, so she could focus more intently on her final handjob with me.

With notably less apprehension than usual, she started to stroke my cock.  Her hand traversed the length of my shaft, moving up and down in smooth strokes.  It was feeling so good and I knew that if she built a little more pace that she would have been able to make me cum all on her own.

Tapping the tip of my dick with her free hand, she reminded me once again about what she thought of my cock. “Sway mac,” she smiled.

She seemed so engaged that I thought I’d thumb to a few pages to see if I could give her some ideas.  I knew I’d never get her out of her clothes, so I skipped the fucking pages and instead found pictures of blow jobs.  The girl in the magazine ran her tongue along the length of the guy’s shaft on one page and then deepthroated him on the next.  Then skipping ahead a few pages, he pulls his cock from her ass to shoot on her face.  Undeterred by the cock’s recent residence in her ass, the girl finishes by licking the cum covered cock.

Pointing from the magazine to her and then my cock, I suggested what I wasn’t able to do with words.

She sheepishly shook her head no, but she leaned against my chest with her face looking right down at my cock.  I leaned back and her head slid to my stomach.  Her face was close enough that I could have dabbed her with my seeping eye if I rolled my hips.  I wanted more, but for now I thought it best to enjoy my cock’s unprecedented proximity to my maid’s mouth.  As she stroked my cock I could feel her breaths against my...

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Written by Uranus999
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