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Jasmine's Loyalty

"Jasmine's boss tests her loyalty"

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Jasmine liked her job for the most part. She worked with disabled adults and though it could be difficult, she enjoyed it. It did require long hours at times, and could be both physically and mentally draining, but at that point in her life there was nothing else that she wanted to be doing.

One of the best parts of her job was her boss, Dan. Dan was a very nice guy and treated all of his employees with courtesy and respect. He realized the difficulties of the job and took that into consideration when dealing with them. He was just one of those all around good guys. He was always finding charities that the office could donate to and was very involved in his community.

Everyone in the office loved him and knew that they could go to him with any problems or concerns they had, even if they were personal. Dan was kind of a father figure to the entire office. Not that he was all that old. He was only in his late thirties, but very smart and mature. He had a cute little family and the whole office knew his wife, Sarah. She wasn't as nice and personable as Dan, but she was probably prettier than he deserved.

Dan wasn't ugly by any means. He was on the bigger side, but wasn't obese or anything, just had a bit of a belly. He was losing his hair, but kept it short to downplay it and looked nice. Sarah on the other hand was beautiful. You could tell that she worked out and had a very nice fit and toned body. Together they had a few kids and seemed to be living the dream.

After a particularly difficult day with a few of the patients Jasmine was very frustrated and upset. Everyone in the office could tell that she was on edge and it was because of this that Dan called her into his office. He asked her what was wrong and sat patiently as she vented about everything that was pissing her off. As she was talking she began to cry without even noticing.

As soon as the realization hit her she buried her hands into her face. The next thing she felt was Dan’s arm around her shoulder. He was comforting her and she buried her face into his chest. Dan began to rub her back soothingly. After a minute he leaned in and kissed her forehead. As he did this he placed his other hand on her belly. This caught Jasmine off guard, but what he did next shocked her.

Slowly Dan started to move his hand up Jasmines soft belly. Soon he had his hand resting on the underside of her boob. Without any warning he slid his hand up, cupping her boob and kissed her on the mouth. Jasmine was so taken back that she didn't have time to react before he began to squeeze her tit.

As soon as reality hit she stood up and backed away.

" should go," she stuttered and turned to the door.

As Dan stood up she couldn't believe what she saw. He was wearing a pair of dress slacks, and prominently on display a very large, and very hard bulge.

Jasmine quickly stumbled for the door knob, turned the handle and rushed out. She went to her desk, grabbed her things and went home.


That night Jasmine had a very restless sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. She didn't know if she should tell someone, and if she should, then who? After many sleepless hours of thinking she finally decided that since Dan had always been so nice she was going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

After all, it was her that had broken down. She clearly needed some consoling and he had offered that to her. What he did wasn’t what she was looking for, but as soon as she had stepped away he didn’t pressure her. She was going to basically ignore it, and avoid him for the next little while. Besides, knowing Dan, he was probably horribly embarrassed. Finally Jasmine was able to get some sleep.

Her alarm went off way too soon. She groggily punched it off and sat up in bed. As her mind began to come into focus she thought, "What the fuck was that?"

All she could remember was dreaming over and over about what she had seen in Dan’s pants. She couldn't remember any details, just that it was definitely him. Not only that, but her panties were damp and her pussy was very sensitive. "What is wrong with me?" she thought to herself.

Trying to take her mind off of it she decided to get in the shower. As the water began to cascade over her head she started to wake up. As her senses came to, her mind began to work more clearly. Soon she had her mind on other things. She washed her hair, then grabbing her loofa began to wash her body.

She scrubbed her arms, her ample tits and her belly. She was now thinking more about everything she needed to get done that day when the loofa made contact with her pussy. Immediately her eyes shot open and a tingle rushed through her body. She may have been able to divert her mind, but her pussy was still on fire. She rubbed back and forth over it a few times, shivering each time she did. Her mind was intently focused on Dan.

Soon the fire in her crotch took over. Dropping the soapy sponge she began to run her finger up and down her slippery slit. Each time she made contact with her clit she moaned. With her free hand she began to squeeze and lightly tug on her nipples. As her finger made its way down between the folds of her pussy she shoved it in, imagining that it was Dan’s engorged cock. Soon it was followed by a second finger and she began to fuck herself.

She imagined that Dan had her pinned against the shower wall. His cock was buried into her pussy and he thrust hard, pounding her against the wall. She tried to match this thought with her fingers. She thought about Dan leaning down and locking his lips onto her sensitive nipples. She pulled harder and harder on her tit while she buried her fingers deep into her cunt.

It didn't take long before she started to feel light headed. Her knees were buckling and she leaned back against the wall. With two fingers still buried in her snatch she let go of her tit and reached down. All it took was a gentle touch to her engorged clit and she went off.

"Oh Dan, fuuuuuuuck," she moaned as her body wretched and convulsed. She tried to keep her fingers inside her, but they were forced out as her pussy spasmed. She just cupped her whole mound and continued applying pressure as her ass clenched and her hips rocked forward.

Finally it was over and Jasmine collapsed to the floor, panting and trying to catch her breath. She lifted her legs and buried her face between her knees, letting the steady stream of water fall onto the back of her head.

As confused as she was yesterday, it didn't compare to what she was feeling now. What had gotten into her? Was it what happened yesterday that sent her off? How did she really feel about it? And why was her orgasm so intense?

It was with all these thoughts floating around her head that Jasmine got out of the shower, dressed and went to work. As she drove she focused on the idea of avoiding Dan at all costs. She didn't know what she would do if she ran into him, and worse, she didn't know if she could keep her eyes off his crotch.

She got to the center and immediately got into her daily routine. Before she knew it, it was 11:00. Not only had she been able to keep her mind off of Dan, but she hadn't even seen him. He was usually walking around, keeping an eye in things, but he had been noticeably absent this morning.

Jasmine was relieved at this. "Maybe he's extremely embarrassed and is avoiding me too," she thought.

If that was the case she wasn't worried about how to deal with it. In fact it made things significantly easier. She could just talk to him and explain that she understands, and those things happen sometimes. Hopefully this would all blow over soon.

As she was starting to think about lunch she heard, "Jasmine, could you come to my office?"

She was startled and her heart started pounding. "Ok, he's going to apologize and we'll talk about it, then move on," she tried to convince herself as she walked to the office.

When Jasmine got to his office Dan was sitting behind his desk. He didn't look up from his computer and just said sternly, "Please take a seat."

Jasmine was taken back at this a she had never heard that tone in his voice.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry to have to tell you this," he started and Jasmine expected a full apology.

He continued, "But I'm going to have to let you go."

Jasmine couldn't believe what she just heard, "Excuse me," she said timidly.

He looked up at her. "In light of," he chose his wording carefully. "I think it would be best if we didn't work together."

Jasmine had no idea what to say. Her mind was completely blank and she just stared at him. Was he really firing her? It wasn't fair and she was pretty sure it was illegal.

As she continued staring blankly he asked, "Don't you agree?"

She was snapped back into it. "No Dan, I don't agree. If this is about what happened yesterday then I think we can work it out. I know it was a mistake, and I'm not going to tell anybody. I promise Dan, I wouldn't do anything to get you in trouble."

Jasmine now found herself defensive and basically begging for her job.

"Excuse me?" Dan asked.

"I said I understand. I really don't want you to get in trouble for nothing. I came to you upset and emotional and you were just trying to comfort me. It's okay, I understand, I really do," Jasmine pleaded.

"I don't think you do understand," responded Dan. "I'm not concerned for my own well being. As a boss I've had accusations come against me for various things, but in the end it's my word against yours and I've garnered enough respect to gain the upper hand."

Jasmine swallowed, but her throat was completely dry. She now realized that what he was saying was completely true, but she couldn't understand why he was behaving like that.

Dan continued, "No, the reason I'm letting you go is because I expect a certain amount of loyalty from my employees. You made it clear yesterday that you weren't interested in submitting to me as you boss, therefore I think it's best if we part ways."

As he said this he stared coldly at Jasmine. She wanted to say something, but felt tears start to well in her eyes. She knew if she didn't get out of there quick she was going to break down.

As Jasmine stood up so did Dan. She went to the door and as she put her hand on the knob she heard, "Of course, if you were to prove otherwise I would have to reconsider."

Dan was now standing behind her. As she paused for a second she felt his hands on her hips. Before she could react they were down to her big, soft ass. He was squeezing each cheek through the material of her dress.

Dan removed his hands and moved in closer. As she felt the hardness of his cock press into the flesh of her ass his hands reached around. As opposed to yesterday, when he worked his hands up to her boobs, this time he just grabbed them and began to fondle her.

She felt him flex his cock against her ass and he said into her ear, "Do you want another chance?"

"No," she said as forcefully as she could and pushed his hands away. At this Dan backed off a little. He was still close enough that she could feel his presence and hear his breathing.

She sat there with her hand on the door knob for what seemed like hours. With a turn she could be gone and out of the situation she was in. She could hear the sounds of the office out there. People going to and fro, patients complaining, and co-workers talking.

"Just turn the damn knob!" she tried to coax herself. But she couldn't. She really didn't want to lose this job, especially in the shitty economy. She knew she wouldn't be able to find another one and she didn't want to have to go to her parents for help.

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As all this was going on in her head, something more disturbing was going on in her crotch. Her pussy was on fire and she could tell that her panties were getting wet. As Dan was fondling her tits her nipples had hardened and were still poking out. She had heard of guys getting into chess matched between their brains and cocks, but she had never experience anything like this.

Everything in her mind was telling her to just turn the knob and get out of the situation. Despite her better senses she didn't move. In the few moments that she had paused Dan had moved back in. The next thing she felt was his hand back on her ass.

He began to fondle her again, but this time he let his hands slide her dress up. Soon her panty clad ass was on full display. Behind her Dan knelt down and the next thing she felt was his lips on her ass. As he squeezed her cheeks his tongue began to trace along the outside of edge of her panties.

"Spread you legs apart," he said forcefully. When Jasmine hesitated he lifted his hand and brought it down hard on one of her cheeks. Jasmine's whole body winced at this and she gave out a little shriek.

"Don't make me ask you again," he growled.

Absentmindedly Jasmine pushed out her feet. When they were wide enough, without any hesitation Dan grabbed her cunt from behind.

"What's this you little slut?" he asked, "you're already wet. I didn't think you wanted to leave," he said smugly.

As he asked his next question he slid two fingers into her panties and shoved them up her cunt, "Tell me what you want," he demanded.

Jasmine felt her knees buckle as his thick fingers violated her. She loved being fingered, but this was different. He wasn't doing this to get her off, he did this to punish her. They were as far in as he could get them, and he just kept pushing. It was starting to hurt, but it was having the desired effect.

"I want you," she managed to squeak out.

"Of course you do you little whore, but tell me specifically," he responded, pushing a little harder.

"I want your cock," she blurted out bluntly.

"Mmm, and where do you want it?" he asked, lightening the pressure of his hand.

"I want it in my pussy," she cried out.

With that he pulled his fingers from her snatch. As she began to turn around he told her to stop.

"You'll do as I say, or your ass will be on the street," he said casually, "and there are many more things I would rather do with it first," he added slyly.

"Lift up your dress and take off your panties," Dan demanded. There was no hesitation this time, and as Jasmine lowered the cotton undies, exposing her bare bum to him she heard a zipper being undone.

"Very nice, now stay bent over," he said to her. She heard his pants drop and her heart started pounding thinking that he was going to put his cock in her pussy. He didn't. Instead she saw his hand reach down to her ankles and grab her panties. Then she heard the unmistakable sound of him sniffing.

"I have been lusting after your ass for the last two years," Dan said. "It's time that I got a better view, spread your ass for me."

When Jasmine heisted for the slightest second Dan had closed the gap between them and slapped her again. "Do it now bitch," he said with anger in his voice.

Jasmine felt so ashamed, so humilified, so objectified, but at the same time she felt an overwhelming urge in her pussy to do what Dan wanted. She reached around, and taking both large cheeks in her hands she spread them, exposing her puckered little asshole and opening her soaking wet pussy.

"Oh fuck, that's so nice," she heard Dan say quietly, sure that she wasn't supposed to hear it. Next she heard the unmistakable sound of a guy jerking off. As she stood there, bent over, ass and pussy exposed to him, Dan was beating his cock.

For a few minutes they stayed in that position. Jasmine could feel a coolness against her exposed privates and Dan was unashamedly fisting his...

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Written by esteven
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