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Good Solutions (Part 6)

"Laura is perpelexed about the feelings dominating her thoughts and body"

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Just beyond forty, Laura was still in good shape. She had never allowed herself the attitude of ‘I’ve got it anyway so why be careful’ and knew she still had what it took: the events of the past twelve hours were sufficient proof of it. Even Dad mentioned that her physical attributes had not escaped his keen eye.

Laura blushed at the recollection of her conversation with Dean. Phrases such as ‘He is quite interested in you. Says you’re quite hot’ and the reference to ‘the look in his eyes’ made her wonder once again what exactly was sometimes discussed between Dad and Dean. ‘Dad’? She did not even know his real name. 

What would Dean admit about his honest opinion of her beyond what he admitted the previous night under pressure? She felt a sudden rush of irritation at the thought that she might be so openly discussed between the two men.

Dean was regarded as a grown man by her standards and he could surely be allowed to have his own opinion of Laura’s looks, she mused. But that would perhaps be wrong as he was involved with Jamey. She reflected on the previous night’s events for the umpteenth time and blushed. With the blush was also a tingle in her sex she had not experienced in many years. She realised she was hungry and should the opportunity present itself again, she would have to be very, very careful.

‘He surely handled this body like the man he is,’ she thought. But that was so wrong and she wondered with deep concern about the long-term repercussions of their deeds. She thought about her words to him and his expression when she told him that she really loved him. She knew (and he knew) what she had meant. It had nothing to do with their shenanigans of the previous night but a real deep emotion of loving without any condition. She really loved the young man for who he was and for the love he, in turn, had for her only daughter.

She thought about how she felt after he left and her emotions. Laura knew at that point her emotions were in check.

After Dean had left, she took the time to lay down on her freshly made bed and just relax. She set her alarm for later the afternoon should she drowse off but that never came. Nevertheless, she enjoyed the alone time and the relaxation she experienced.

Now, with her thoughts running back and forth she relived every moment of the previous night. What was said, what she felt, the feelings that traversed her whole being whether it be physical or otherwise?

She once again felt his body close to hers, his smell, his breathing and her heartrate that went into overdrive as he kissed her all over. Laura knew her thoughts were on the wrong track but she could not help the fact that her body started reacting to her thoughts.

She relived snippets of their night together. Subconscious happenings flashed past her. She thought again about how full she felt once he buried his whole cock inside her. Then, the warmth as he injected her with copious volumes of boiling hot cum.

Involuntarily her hand slipped behind the waistband of her shorts. Her eyes fell shut as she navigated her own body in search… of what?

She was oblivious as to where on the map she was located but she knew she was not too far off her destination. The warmth of the trail told her that. The fact that the growth was fast becoming denser and there were contoured areas let her know she was almost there.

She whimpered as she found it. It was wet, slippery and she proceeded with caution. Some restrictions started distracting her and with her other hand, she slipped buttons and opened up her shorts. In less time than her shorts reaching the floor, her fingers were buried in her sex. As if rummaging around for something she moved her fingers around inside and found the gold.

She still had some of her lover’s cum inside her!

As she cleaned each digit carefully, relishing the taste and sending it back inside for more of the precious fluid, another thought struck her.

While on her own she gave the aspect a lot of thought and recalled how many thoughts she had expended on the specific subject….

While this new thought mauled around her head, she started to enjoy the intimate contact she afforded herself. She realised that eventually she will climax. But for now, she was not in any hurry to reach that point. She thoroughly enjoyed stimulating herself; lazily…

She considered once again the last time she saw Cathy and the softness of the kiss the two women shared. She remembered her private thoughts about the effects it had on her and wondered to herself if the ‘pizza and a movie’ at Cathy’s place did not have an ulterior motive to it.

Once again she reflected on her thoughts up on the mountain, her opinion of Cathy as a Woman, she ‘felt’ again, the kiss Cathy gave her.

Suddenly her lust proliferated three-fold and, before she could stop herself, she burst forth in a tremendous orgasm!

Coming down from her orgasm she realised the bed was soaked (once again); for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, an orgasm she did not expect, crept upon her and caused her to spray the bed with impossible volumes of her own fluids.

Laura was suddenly perturbed that the thought of another woman could cause her body to respond so vehemently.

Looking at the bedside clock she saw that it was almost four pm. She decided, suddenly, if something like that was awaiting her she was going to be fully prepared.

She was nervous in her movements. She realised she was deliberately preparing herself for another Woman. Was it in her to indulge in a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex? She felt her heart rate expediting at the thought, fear clutching at her insides.

Would she really? She discounted the thought and willed her inner self to succumb to the idea that she was merely readying herself because she cared for her body and was proud of the fact that she was at all time presentable.

Laura realised how possible it was to convince herself that it was business as usual. Yet, with every stroke of the razor over her slightly swollen lips, she realised she was stuck in a nervous anticipation of the night ahead.

Completing the task with a few last cautious strokes of the blades against her most intimate parts, she rinsed carefully under the hand-held showerhead. Gently wiping the excess soap away her fingers unintentionally slipped between her inner labia. Save the pulsing jets against her skin there was something else… she was soaked with her own sexual secretions.

She suddenly wondered what was going on inside her. Should she rather cancel the night? Should she feign a headache or something? What worried her the most was the fact that she seemed excessively stimulated at something that was not even hinted at? She was worried about her own feelings and deeply concerned about her sudden lust for another woman.

She realised that what had happened the previous night, might have had an effect about how she felt. Did the previous night of extremely satisfying and fulfilling sex unleashed somebody within her she never knew? Despite her concerns she could still not shake the feeling of utter horniness; a feeling that was bordering on…. slutty?

She reflected on her life with James and how the sex was. ‘Hmmm,’ she mused, ‘nothing spectacular, come to think of it.’ James was more of a ‘get on, get off, snore away type’ and she never really felt as if their sex life was complete. Did that not have a lot to do with the fact that she had awakened in one night of sexual recklessness? Did the proper stimulation of her sex perhaps open her being to the actual purpose and joys of sex?

She thought about Jamey, what the consequences would be if her night with Dean became known to the young woman? ‘FUCK,’ she thought, ‘what if I turn out to be pregnant?’ The mere thought made Laura almost choke with fear. ‘I can probably kiss Dad goodbye if I am pregnant with his grandchild.’ She smirked at the thought.

The lighter side of the thought made her relax. She took a deep breath of air and smiled at the woman looking back at from the mirror.

The concept made her reflect on Dad again. ‘I wonder what he’s up to?’ she mused. Her mental eyes saw him once again for what she could remember about him. What he looked like, his smile and the smirk he had, catching her unawares. Again she heard the words as spoken to her the previous night.

Silently she wondered what his thoughts would be if he knew of her hunger for another woman. She caught herself on that thought and chastised herself for the mere idea. She was not hungry for another woman, she never was and never will be… ‘Puh Leeze, Laura,’ she corrected herself.

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She also realised that if her curiosity was the real thing, she would have to make peace with it rather soon.

Laura applied minimal make-up and was ready to go. It was almost five pm and she wondered if shorts, a tank top and sandals was not perhaps a bit risky.

She considered the weather outside. It was late afternoon but the temperature was still well into the eighties. On second thought, she walked back to her room to get a sweater.

Her gym bag was in a corner and she slipped a silk teddy and matching panties in as well. Surely she could not walk around in just that, she thought. Behind the door was a black silk bolero type nightgown and she took it without a second thought.

Looking back as if to make sure she took all she needed her heart stopped for a few moments. ‘What the hell are you thinking, Laura?’ she asked herself. It all came back to every single one of her thoughts while getting ready. She was anticipating something to happen later that evening and sub-consciously she was preparing herself for that.

Turing back to the bed, she shook all of the contents of the bag unto the bed. Ten minutes later she was satisfied with the contents of the bag. She was at peace with her thoughts and expectations for the night.

If anything sexual was on the charts that night, she would be prepared.

She dropped her bag in the back of her Jeep and got behind the wheel. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror as she turned the key. Without having to ‘test,’ she knew her panties were more than just 'slightly' damp.

The drive across town to Rob and Cathy’s place took her the best part of an hour. She was careful to arrive not too early but not late either. With time to spare she called Cathy to find out if anything was needed.

“Just some red peppers, Baby,” was Cathy’s reply after they exchanged a few pleasantries.

There was a shop ahead, close to the beach and Laura turned into the parking lot. There were a few cars and she expected to be in and out in few minutes. As she collected a packet of peppers, she saw the wine section.

A few minutes later she walked up to the check-out counter, paid and walked out.

She drove slowly out of the parking lot; her attention being dragged toward the beach. Looking at the still busy stretch of sand, she wished she had more opportunity with Jamey. Suddenly she felt a pang of guilt.

For the first time she felt as if she betrayed her daughter by having the most satisfying sex with her boyfriend. ‘Damn,’ she thought, ‘if it just wasn’t so damn satisfying I would have felt better.’

She drove across the street and found a spot overlooking the beach.

Laura was at a loss as to what the hell was happening to her. The last time she had actual sex (not counting a dildo or a finger) before last night was a few weeks before she discovered James and his secretary. Since then, she had inhibited her needs and restricted it to private encounters when she really needed it. But last night was something out of a dream. Since then, she had been experiencing all sorts of conflicting emotions… about SEX!

She wondered if the visit to Cathy was a good idea and reached for her phone.

She dialled Cathy’s number but it kept ringing. She wondered about just not pitching up. No, she could not do that. She was not the type. She geared the Jeep and pointed its nose down the road; toward destiny.

Two streets from her destination, Cathy returned her call.

“Sorry Babe, I had to get into the shower quickly,” Cathy apologised. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

A gazillion thoughts ran through Laura’s head. ‘You should have waited for me to join you’ and ‘I hoped you shaved your pussy super smooth’ were some thoughts. But it was just thoughts. Thoughts that made her feel like a cheap wanton slut for something that would probably not even be supported by the woman on the other end of the connection.

“Yes,” Laura answered, “just wanted to let you know I will be there in a few minutes,” she laughed, turning into Cathy’s drive way.

“Oh, I can see you. I’ll be right down.” The gate slowly opened on its hinges and Laura drove through as soon as it was fully open.

As she stopped, she took a deep breath and reached for the door handle.

“Hey Girlfriend,” Cathy greeted with a big smile as she opened the door.

She reached over and took Laura by the elbow, planting a soft kiss – again! – right on Laura’s lips. Laura felt the stinging sensation as the soft lips rested on hers slightly longer than what was proper between friends. She blushed.

As Cathy pulled back, she looked at Laura curiously. “You okay Babe?”

Laura nodded before answering, “Yes thanks. How are you? Something smells delicious in there,” she enquired with an eager smile. But she could not disregard the drumming beat of her heart in reaction to the kiss.

“Yeah, I decided against pizza.” Cathy laughed a silly naughty laugh, “I decided the young guy always delivering the pizza would be too much of a temptation for two hungry cougars.”

Laura joined her in laughter but was curious.

As Cathy led her toward the very spacious kitchen, she elaborated about the young guy, probably not even mid-twenties, sometimes flirting with her if Rob did not seem to pay attention. But unfortunately for him, Cathy was the ‘kiss and tell’ type and she told Laura about one Saturday afternoon by the pool when Rob was out of town. He flirted again, she flirted back and before she knew to stop, her panties were around her ankles and the young guy was drilling her for gold.

“It’s actually a joke between me and Rob. I once commented that if I was a few years younger, I would have dragged him into my bed, have him and afterward the pizza. Rob did not seem happy that I did actually fuck the pizza boy. But I am sure there are a few things about Rob I don’t know though,” she added.

This exited Laura some and she wondered if Rob ever came clean about his advances to her. Cathy seemed to have read her thoughts as she admitted that Rob did tell her afterward.

“We have sort of an open relationship. We don’t seriously hunt for something but if the opportunity knocks, we have an understanding that we may indulge in some pleasures,” Cathy revealed. Laura suddenly wondered if Rob would know if anything happened later that night.

Before Laura could check herself she said; “Hmm, some young energetic young pizza boy? We could have had some fun,” and they laughed about it again.

Finally, Laura had an opportunity to look at what was slowly simmering on the stove. It was a very aromatic Thai Pork Curry and Laura felt the hint of fresh chillies in her nose. It looked delicious.

As she turned around, she caught Cathy staring at her with eyes that said a lot more than, “got us some wine.”

As the other woman handed her the wine, there was brief skin on skin contact. Once again Laura felt the stinging sensation of the contact. The mere touch of the other woman was driving her insane and she knew, she was probably right surmising that Cathy had ulterior motive in inviting her over. She also realised, if she was not up for it, she still had time to bail.

As if the impact of the slight contact was not enough, Cathy was suddenly very, very close to her. Laura was breathing heavily. The closeness was too close; it was smothering. Cathy was inside her personal space and she could not stop it.

But her fear for the unexpected was unfounded. Cathy stopped, smiled and raised her glass.

“To friendship,” she said and clinked her glass against Laura’s.

Laura was flustered but returned the compliment with a slight smile.

“Babe? Why are you nervous?” Cathy asked softly. She lifted her hand and tenderly stroked Laura’s cheek. Laura reciprocated by laying her hand over Cathy’s.

“I… I am not nervous… don’t know. No, not nervous,” she said with a heavy voice, her eyes downcast.

Cathy gently lifted her chin and said, “Don’t be, please?”

Laura managed a smile but she was feeling the effects of the closeness of the other woman.

Cathy moved back and turned around toward the stove. As...

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Written by Gallo
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