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Ariel Pays It Back

"The principal catches Ariel and thinks he's compromised her. She exacts revenge."

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Monday morning Ariel spotted Jasmine, Bell, and Cindy standing on the lawn in front of school and veered toward them. Cindy whistled low and long when she saw Ariel approaching. Scanning her friend up and down, she said, “Wow, Ariel. Who are you trying to get an A from?”

The redhead blushed fetchingly but she looked down at her outfit then dismissively asked, “What, this old thing?”

‘This old thing’ was an ensemble of her mother’s work and play clothes. Sharon helped her plan an outfit for the maximum impact allowable by the school’s dress code.

Strappy , four inch stiletto sandals were to code. As were seamed sheer black silk stockings, provided their tops could not be seen and the skirt covering them was no more than three inches above the knee. Garters and lace thongs weren’t mentioned in the code at all. Ariel wore a heavy flint colored A-line skirt that easily met the length requirement. The conservative skirt provided a nice contrast to her downright scandalous top: a black velvet bustier with gray ribbing that matched the flint color of the skirt. Sheer black cloth, attached to her neck with a velvet collar and tucked in under the bustier, covered her otherwise exposed decollete leaving her shoulders, arms, and most of her back bare.

Ariel usually wore light makeup, if any. But today deep red lipstick and heavy eyeliner accented her lush lips and emerald eyes. She bound her red tresses up in a loose bun, revealing the creamy soft skin of her shoulders, back, and graceful neck to maximum effect.

“How do I look?” asked Ariel with a cringe.

“I’d hire you,” said Bell. “You nailed ‘courtesan’ or maybe ‘starlet on premier night’, if that’s what you wanted. But Cindy’s right. What’s the occasion?”

“I’m hunting a man,” she said with a salacious grin.

“Look around, Ariel. Men are hunting you. You’re bait,” said Jasmine.

It was true. Several guys openly stared at her as they walked by. Some, less bold, cast sidelong glances, as if her gaze might turn them to stone. One creeper walked by with his phone pointed at her, taking photos, no doubt.

“Which ‘man’ are you hunting?” asked Cindy.

“T, of course,” she stated the obvious. “I think he needs an object lesson.”

Bell cocked one eye in question.

“He wouldn’t,” she began, but stopped. She checked to see if anyone were close, then leaned in to whisper, “he wouldn’t fuck me or go down on me or let me near his cock.”

“Oh, you poor slut,” said Bell.

“I know, right.” Ariel punched her playfully, enjoying her friend. “What’s worse is there is another girl, named Joy, he calls a ‘friend’. But it’s clear Joy is cunt blocking.”

“So you’re going to make him regret it?” asked Jasmine, her expression confused.

“Something like that,” mused Ariel. “I’m not sure yet.”

The ten minute bell rang. Ariel smiled and led her friends into the building.


T intercepted Ariel at the cafeteria doors. Taking her arm, he led her away from traffic. She liked how assertive he was being. Bonelessly, with an amused turn of her lips, she allowed him to move her into a quiet area of the hall. When the coast was clear, he pushed her through the door to the tower, he’d taken her on their first date.

“Let’s talk,” he said.

Ariel didn’t want him making the decisions, she wanted to assert dominance, at least for now. Instead of answering, she turned to climb toward the tower top. She walked very slowly, being sure to swing her hips so the skirt swished from side to side. When she got to the first landing, Ariel looked down. T stood rooted to the floor, looking up at her, eyes on her ass or legs. She knew he could see her garters and the tops of her stockings. Having gained the upper hand, she smiled and continued her leisurely climb to the top.

Eventually, T caught up. He only tripped once before getting to the veranda.

At the top, Ariel surveyed her surroundings, feeling regal and a little bit naughty. She moved to the center of the platform, out of sight from anyone below, and leaned back casually on the concrete base of the historic placard.

Trying to deal with and hide the bulge in his jeans, T walked awkwardly until he stood in front of Ariel like a supplicant. She could see him gathering his wits. Words were about to tumble out of his mouth.

“Shh,” Ariel put a finger to his lips, denting them sensually. She noticed his brown eyes were dilated, making them almost completely black. She grinned up at him,

“Let’s play twenty questions. Okay?” She only had three, with some backup questions.

He nodded, so she asked, “Do you want me?” The question was rhetorical, judging by the bulge in his pants, but she wanted confirmation.

“It’s complic ...” he said.

“Shh,” her finger interrupted again. “Keep it simple. Yes or no?”

“It’s…” he began to explain again, only to be interrupted. Ariel grinned, enjoying his earnest discomfort.

“Yes or no?” she asked again.

“Yes. Okay? But…”. Again her finger crossed his lips.

“Are you and Joy, lovers?” Joy could be an infatuation or an unrequited love. Or an old lover. But Ariel thought it more likely they were active lovers, just by the way he referenced her. She needed confirmation on this one.

He hesitated, guilt written on his face, then nodded. “Yes.”

“Do you want to date me?” she asked, quickly. This was the only real question. The answer would set the direction of their remaining time together. A negative response would set her direction down the stairs and out of his life.

He considered it, then said, “Yes.”

“Do you want to marry me?”

Shock mixed with fear and possibly disgust. He sputtered to speak, but Ariel’s finger stilled his lips.

“Shh, kidding,” she said. She fluttered her eyes. “Just making a point, is all.” Namely, they weren’t mating for life. She could fuck Eric, guilty free, if he was fucking Joy. She kept that to herself, though.

Ariel didn’t know if she wanted to leave him high and dry, literally, or talk it out, or just force him to third base. Her pussy wanted third base or, better yet, home base. But the latter was out of the question, even in this secluded spot. She considered her options and came to a decision.

“Do you like being teased?” she asked. Absent-mindedly she lifted her skirt slightly, showing the tops of her stockings,

“I’m not sure,” he said. He moved fractionally closer, lifting his arms to embrace her. Ariel put a palm on his chest and pushed him gently away.

“Do you realize how big a clit tease you’ve been?” she asked.

He shrugged, uncertain. Then he dissembled, “I’ve been gentlemanly.”

She gripped his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. The heels brought her up to his height, making it easier. After a fraction of a second, he kissed back. Ariel’s hands roamed over his body, caressing his face, stroking his arms and chest and finally stopping at the delta of his legs, confirming his arousal.

Ariel pushed him back, sighing. She crooked an eyebrow at him.

“No more teasing,” she said. The redhead reached under her skirt with both hands to pull her thong down. Gingerly, she stepped out of it, one long high heeled leg at a time. She placed the wad of black lace on the plaque as she straightened back up.

T looked at the discarded panties, then at Ariel, his body tense and mouth open in astonishment. Ariel leaned back against the sign , cocking her hips and throwing out one leg. T’s eyes followed the long line of one leg down and then the other back up. He swallowed once.

“W-what are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m getting what I deserved the other night,” she snorted. Ariel looked down at the lovely gray material. “Try not to wrinkle the skirt.”

“But… I don’t have a condom,” he stammered.

“You don’t need one for your face,” she looked at him like he was too stupid to live.


“Look,” she said, interrupting him again, “you got me all hot and bothered and then held back the other night. Honestly, I don’t care if you have another lover. Or five. But I’m not waiting months for you to figure out what you want. It’s now or never for you and me. So if your tongue isn’t on my clit in the next thirty seconds, I’m walking down those stairs and these panties will be the closest you’ll ever get.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but Ariel lifted up her skirt, exposing her beautiful, athletic legs, the stockings, and her completely bald pussy.

“Wow,” he said, and closed his mouth.

“Yes, or no?”, she said. “Answer with your mouth.”

T tore his eyes away from her pussy and looked Ariel in the eye. She nodded once slowly. It was time.

Reluctantly, T fell to his knees. Ariel licked her lips in anticipation, enjoying her dominant position more that a little. Putting a hand on either hip, under the skirt, for support, he leaned in so she could feel his hot breath on her moist cunt just before he kissed her labia and then her clit.

Ariel moaned. She locked her one knee and hauled the other leg up, resting the calf on his shoulder with her heel at the center of his back, just below the neck. She heel hooked his neck and gently pulled his head into her waiting crotch.

“Mph,” he mumbled.

T licked her labia and clit softly. When she didn’t jump at his firmer tonguing, he latched onto her clit, sucking it in and licking the slick hard nub. Meanwhile, his hands were running up and down her thighs and hips.

“Oh, you’ve done this before, I see,” she said.

As if to answer she felt first one and then two fingers enter her soaking cunt. He pushed them in slowly and turned them to rub the ceiling of her steamy cove. He wedged the thumb of his free hand between her belly and his nose, just a bit above her clit. It confused her at first, until he pressed the thumb down and pushed back with the fingers in her pussy. Something wonderful exploded inside her.

“Oh,” she cried, “O.”

T continued to suck on her clit and squeeze that special spot of hers gently between his fingers, from the inside and his thumb from the outside. She cried and moaned and then sagged against the pylon for support. Her free leg jerked spasmodically pulling him into her, disrupting is rhythm. Somehow that set her off more.

“Stop,” she said. “I can’t stand any more.”

But he only worked her more, varying the intensity so she rode waves of orgasm. It felt like she was peeing and cuming at the same time. She was in heaven, but it was only a few short moments before he brought her down. Calmly, he pulled his fingers out of her and licked and cleaned her pussy up. He kissed her cleft and then stood up carefully.

“God damn, T. That was amazing. I’ve never come quite like that before,” she said, not a hint of a smile on her face. She put her leg back down, standing unsteadily. “Thank you.”

T blushed bashfully. She could see he liked giving as much as she loved receiving. The bulge in his pants looked painful. Part of her wanted to drop to her knees and relieve his discomfort. But some perverse part of her wanted to assert dominance to the end.

She kissed him on the cheek, putting her panties in his hand. His fingers closed around them automatically.

“You’ll need to clean up. You’ve got my cum all over your face,” she giggled. “Some of it’s white .”

Ariel turned and ran down the stairs. T stood there, bemused.

Ariel rushed to the ladies, to make herself presentable, then to the lunch room to eat. Jasmine, Bell and Cindy grilled her for information on her whereabouts and T’s absence. She just stuffed her face and remained elusive.


Her phone buzzed during Calculus.

From T : Thongs make terrible towels. Will said I had something on my face just before class.

Ariel put both hands over her mouth to smother a laugh. Instead, she made a sneeze-like sound. She ducked down behind the Jasmine, who was sitting in front of her, but the teacher noticed her anyway.

“Bless you,” said Mrs Dalton. Ariel thanked her and apologized. She wrote back.

To T : Did he ask about your new Eau de Pussy cologne?

From T : He’s not a dog :)

From T : Meet me at the door at 20 til

To T: what for?

From T : to talk.

Ariel rolled her eyes. What was there to talk about? Words would fuck this up, she just knew. If she told him why she didn’t mind Joy she would have to lie about who else she slept with.

To T: ok.

Ariel claimed woman troubles and left class early. Dropping her backpack off at her locker, Ariel made her way to the tower. On the way she got another text message.

From T : Door taped open. Remove the tape before you come up.

Ariel tried the door, which was indeed open. She looked around and then slipped in, being sure to peel off the tape covering the locking mechanism. She was breathing heavily by the time she got to the top.

“What did y …” she began to ask. T’s finger blocked her lips.

“Shh,” he said. She smiled around his finger. And kissed it.

“Let’s play 1 question, okay?”

That was new. She agreed with a nod.

“Do you know what a cock tease you’ve been?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, “but in my defense, I was trying to focus your attention.” Ariel enjoyed the symmetry of their role reversal. She could feel herself getting hot in anticipation of what came next.

He stepped up and kissed her passionately. But his arms didn’t surround her as she expected. Instead she heard a zip. She broke the kiss and looked down.

“What are you doing?” she stammered, on cue.

“I’m getting what I earned today,” he said. “No more teasing.”

“But... Condoms,” she said, coyly.

“Your face,” he smirked and rolled his eyes.


“Look,” he said, interrupting her on queue. Suddenly he looked serious. “I’m having a thing with Joy. She’s hot as hell. But it will never go anywhere.”

Having said his piece, he smirked and added, “Now, I need to know of you can handle it. If you’re not sucking my cock in the next thirty seconds…”

With a smile, Ariel put her purse on the placard and dropped down in front of T . The high heels made squatting somewhat easier, she noted, but not altogether comfortable. Going down on her knees would be more comfortable, but she didn’t want to ruin her mother’s stockings. The heels also made it easier for her mouth to be at the right height.

By now, T’s cock was at full mast, making it difficult to pull out of his pants.

“ Woah ,” she said. “What the fuck am I looking at?”

“A cock , silly,” he remarked. “I got the impression you’d done this before.”

The cock was normal length, maybe six inches, not nearly as long as her Tom’s or Eric’s, but it was fat. Really fat, about the size of a can of Coke and nearly the same shape.

Intimidated, Ariel grabbed it with her hand and kissed the fat tip, mimicking T’s earlier action with her clit. Her hand barely fit around it. Ariel wasn’t sure she would be able to take the whole thing in her mouth, so she kissed it again and then put the cap in her mouth and tried sucking just the head.

He moaned when she started using her tongue on the underside. Ariel sucked the head in and out of her luscious mouth a few times and then winked at him. He moaned and smiled. She pushed more into her eager mouth, trying not to scrape tooth to cock. About half of it got in. Ariel decided to stop and just run her tongue on the underside.

“Oh, I’m not going to last long,” he said.

She drooled on the shaft as much as she could then push down. She backed off several times but eventually she got the whole thing in her mouth.

“Oh, nice,” he said. Ariel tongued the underside of his shaft and scraped her fingers against his scrotum. His balls lurched and he let out a sigh. He was closer. Ariel bobbed up and down on him, taking him fully each time.

His cock spasmed ounce in warning. Ariel could taste his pre-cum and prepared for the flood, he was about to deliver. She didn’t want to spill any onto her outfit. A rush of warm cum shot into her mouth. Ariel closed her eyes and hummed with delight. T moaned and shot another blast into her waiting mouth. Then he pushed her forehead back and came on her face.

In the heat of the moment, Ariel let him do what he wanted, damn the consequences. The next three shots hit her face, covering her upper lip and both cheeks in spunk. He pushed back into her mouth so Ariel suck the last drops he pushed out and then clean his cock.

T zipped up, casually and walked over to the stairs. He turned and said, “You’ve got some of my cum on your face.” He laughed maniacally as he rushed down the stairs yelling, “sweet revenge!”

Ariel chuckled, until she realized there was no way to get...

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Written by timojen
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