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Acts Of Infidelity - Peter's Perks - Part 2

"The new and unexpected benefit of his job must be exploited to the full..."

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So, my career as a faithful husband ended and my life as an unscrupulous sexual adventurer began.

For several days and even more nights, I felt terribly guilty about what had happened, not even trying to persuade my wife to have sex just in case she noticed something had changed.

But life has a way of making us come to terms with these things. Once I realised that Fiona had much more to lose than I did and had far more interest in keeping our encounter secret, I began to relax and enjoy the memories of a very pleasant episode indeed.

I also quickly realised that this was a formula that could potentially be used over and over again, if I stayed alert to the opportunity and played my cards carefully.

I resolved to do just that.

Things were a little haphazard at first, but within three months I had been sucked off by a tall, dark-haired Biology student on her knees in the kitchen of the Redland flat I was showing her round. As with Fiona, it was a prepayment for making the flat hers for the next academic year by moving her and her friend’s names to the top of the waiting list.

The rest of the payment was taken a week later, on her back in the large bedroom she had just moved into; one with a wonderful view over a small park. Her flatmate wasn’t due to arrive for another couple of days, which was fortunate because the girl all but screamed the house down as she came, her extraordinarily tight, pulsating cunt making me work as hard as I could not to cum too soon myself.

The girl enjoyed it so much, she asked me back the following day for a repeat performance.

Even today, it still amazes me how much unexpected pleasure these girls get out of being fucked in this crude, no-strings, no regrets way by a good-looking stranger. Few reach the mind-numbing multi-orgasmic state that Ella reached, but very few fail to reach some form of climax.

Okay, my cock is quite large and after so many years of practice, I know my technique is good, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

Maybe it’s the danger; maybe it’s the thrill of being out of her comfort zone with a bit of rough. My guess is that it’s at least partly because it’s a chance to be nothing but a desired, sex object for the first and, given the high-flying career paths of most female Bristol graduates, probably the last time in their lives.

So, my life of infidelity continued, with me refining my technique with every encounter, successful or not. Over the years, I learned some important lessons which I found could dramatically improve my chances of success:

Firstly, concentrate on houses which were already being shared by half a dozen girls or more – or which half a dozen girls wanted to share. With such a big property, the deposit would be large and the incentive not to lose it would be much greater.

Secondly, always visit the house late on checkout day. In those days, fewer students had cars so either had to travel by train or be collected by their parents. By arriving late, I could ensure those girls who had trains to catch would be gone, as would most of those being collected.

The ideal result was to find only one girl left who had her own car and had agreed to handle the final check-out on behalf of them all.

The benefits of this were huge. Firstly, the more affluent girl left would feel considerable pressure to get her poorer friends’ money back. Second, there would be no time for her to call anyone in to fix any damage I claimed to have found during my inspection.

Third, and most importantly, with no witnesses to see or hear, the long-term risk to her reputation of using her body to buy me off was small. There would be no witnesses other than ourselves, and if she had an attack of conscience later on, anything that she and I got up to could be written off as an unfortunate incident that should not have taken place, but which in the context of the rest of her life, was unimportant.

In this way, we both won. The girl saved both herself and her housemates money, or perhaps won them the living space they most desired. The cost to herself was small; zero in monetary terms and tolerable in terms of physical discomfort and reputational damage.

Her task achieved, the girl could get on with her life without the risk of being exposed, both of us having enjoyed a very pleasant interlude indeed.

As I said, very few years passed during which at least one such encounter did not take place. Some years yielded much richer pickings, for some reason, especially among medical students of every description.

This year was proving to be one of the best, and having succumbed to all my carefully honest tactics, sweet, pretty, unexpectedly enthusiastic Ella was proving to be the icing on the cake.



“Fuck yeah!” I growled.

God! The girl’s cunt felt good; tight as a fist and wet as a flannel.


“Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!”

It was clearly good for Ella too, because with a soft, high-pitched wail, her arms gave way and her face fell to the tabletop as she croaked in astonishment.

“Oh God! Oh my God!”

My grip on her hips tightened and I looked down onto her pale back and rounded buttocks as I pummelled her cervix from behind. Her legs were spread wide, her light summer skirt had been raised high around her waist and her pale pink knickers were around her ankles. Her full, soft bottom was thrust obscenely towards me, her cheeks rippling beautifully as I rammed my cock into her wonderfully tight vagina over and over again.


“Mmmm that’s good! You’re sooo fucking tight!” I hissed between passion-gritted teeth.


“God! Oh God! Oh God! Be gentle! Please be gentle!” She pleaded in response.

Confident she would enjoy the result, I increased both the speed and force of my thrusting. I was right! The girl grabbed the table’s edge with both hands as she wailed, her head suddenly thrown back, her eyes first wide open, then tightly closed as I hammered into her sweet, defenceless body.


Wave after wave rippled across her full buttocks.

“Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!”

I had made the right choice. Her voice became hoarse and croaking as I thrust into her harder and harder. However reluctant she had been at first, she was really enjoying being fucked now.

And why wouldn’t she? Being taken from behind by a good-looking bit of rough with a cock as big and experienced as mine, was something most of the clever, intellectual girls fantasised about, but never imagined would actually happen.


“Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Yessss!”

Now this particular girl’s fantasy was coming true. She was getting what she needed, even if she hadn’t realised it before now.

Crude and sexist that thought might be, but if it wasn’t so, how come I had been so successful over the last years? How come so many of the city’s brightest girls had let me fuck them?

“Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm! Oh my God, yessss!”

The girl who body was currently wrapped around my cock was no exception. The white rim of churned juices around the base of my shaft showed just how turned on she had become, as did the loud but incoherent moans of pleasure filling my ears. The powerful, earthy aroma of a young girl in heat filled my nostrils too, urging me on to even greater sexual efforts.


“Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm! MMMMMMMMM!”

She was simply perfect; tighter, deeper and much, much hotter than I had expected. She had been easier to persuade than I had expected too; naïve and gullible; perfect for the quick no strings, no comeback, anonymous fuck we were having.

Her last act before leaving the city forever.


The climax that shook her body took her completely by surprise, making her legs tremble and her knees go weak. Fully impaled on my cock, she fell hard against the table, her weight borne by its dark wooden surface and the thick shaft being hammered into her by my rapidly thrusting hips.

She had not expected to have sex at all that afternoon, let alone cum so hard. Now she would remember both for a very long time.

Although I had hoped the meeting might end with a fuck, I never took it for granted and even after it had started, to be honest, I had not expected her to cum either. Though my cock was unquestionably large and, thanks to plenty of practice, my technique good, few of my end of term conquests were in the right frame of mind to reach the full-on, body-shaking climax I was watching now.

But that only made those who did take the final step into helpless orgasm that much more special.

And Emma, or Emily, or Emmy or whatever her name was, had proved to be one of the sweetest conquests yet.


“OooowwwWWWWYYYEESSSS!” she wailed.


I could feel her vagina in spasm, clamping down on my shaft then releasing it as I thundered in and out of her sweet body. I could even kid myself I could feel her cervix opening and closing against my sensitive head, preparing itself to receive the liberal dose of sperm-filled semen that would soon inevitably arrive.

That thought alone was almost enough to tip me over the edge. I tried to fight the instinct to cum, but my thrusts grew faster and more forceful of their own accord, banging the table with its climaxing female passenger bodily against the kitchen wall.





“Oh God! Oh my God! Oh my God, yesss!”

Another wave of climactic spasms rippled through her, tightening her cunt around my cock even harder. The effect on me was instant and predictable; the sensations were simply overwhelming and...

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“Gonna cum! Gonna cum now!”

Now it was my turn to croak as the fire in my groin grew stronger and stronger.






Another huge orgasmic spasm shook her body. This time I could definitely feel her cervix opening and closing against my tip.



My thrusts grew even harder, even faster and much more erratic as my climax bore down upon me.




The growl that escaped my lips as I began to cum deep inside the girl’s spasming vagina emanated from my chest rather than my throat; a base, feral, animal howl driven by the force of my climax.

However good it was for the girl, this was one of the most intense orgasms I had enjoyed in a long time.

White-hot daggers of pleasure and pain shot from deep in my groin, down the backs of both legs and up into my spine as I rammed myself with the full force of my thighs into her soft, now totally compliant body.


I leaned heavily on her hips and back, crushing her good-sized breasts against the tabletop as I came as hard as I could remember cumming. My own legs went as weak as hers, my back arched, my neck twisted as spasm after spasm gripped my whole frame.

Then finally came release as the entire contents of my swollen balls surged through my rock-hard shaft, erupted through the tiny lips on its smooth, rounded end and cascaded through the open, soft pink peach of the cervix against which they were firmly pressed.


Rope after rope of thick, creamy semen spurted into the darkness inside the girl’s completely unprotected body, smearing across her pulsating cervix, through its open mouth and deep into the womb beyond as the final orgasm she would experience as a Bristol student wracked her soft, fertile body.

The room became still, the silence broken only by the panting of two stunned lovers in post-coital shock.

For several minutes we stayed exactly where we were, gasping for breath, the girl spread helplessly across the kitchen table, me pressed against her buttocks, my still-throbbing cock buried deep within her wet cunt as the final few drops of semen were pumped from my body and into hers.

Drops of sweat fell from my forehead onto her naked lower back and pink-tinged, slightly chubby buttocks.

A minute or two later, my cock began to soften. A moment after that it slipped from her gaping cunt, bringing with it a trail of creamy fluids which ran down the back of her right leg. I could see her whole body trembling with the aftershocks of her unexpected orgasms.

“Are you okay, Emma?” I asked, stroking her back and buttocks.

The underside of each cheek was pink from where my hips and thighs had smacked into them every time I bottomed out inside her. She sighed then slowly raised herself on her arms. I took her hand and helped her to her feet where she stood unsteadily.

“Ella,” she corrected me again in a soft, slightly slurred, freshly fucked voice.

I looked at my latest and perhaps most satisfying conquest yet; her pretty face and neck were flushed from repeated climaxes, her eyes still dreamy and unfocussed.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, playing the caring lover as convincingly as I could. “Do you want to sit down? Can I get you a glass of water?”

“N... No… thanks,” she replied, her voice unsteady as the reality of what had just happened began to dawn on her.

It was a moment I recognised well and had seen many times before; the moment realisation and regret moved in to displace the euphoria of having cum so hard during what for most was the first and possibly last, casual, no strings fuck of their lives.

For some, this was the point when the fact that they had in effect just become a whore and had offered sex for reward also began to dawn on them. On those occasions, tears of remorse were routine and could almost make me regret having taken advantage of the opportunity myself.


Fortunately, freshly fucked Ella was not one of those girls. If it ever dawned on her that she had just prostituted herself, it happened after she and I had parted. Right then she was more concerned with the semen that was dribbling down the backs of her legs.

“Here,” I smiled, handing her a fistful of tissues from a box next to the oven.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, then thrust the paper between her thighs where, now she had stood up, even I could see the trickle of semen on her inner thighs had become a pleasingly large stream.

She did the best she could, used the sticky tissues to wipe the pool of our combined juices from the tabletop then pulled her tight-fitting dress down over her well-used pussy and bottom and eased her pink panties up underneath its hem.

“I need… the bathroom…” she stammered.

“Of course,” I smiled.

Ella shuffled towards the doorway, glancing back over her shoulder only once. I pulled up my own jeans, tucking my dark, glistening, still half turgid cock into my pants.

I could see she had been shaken by what had just occurred.

I had seen it many times before; having hard, brutal, no-strings sex with a stranger had been a great deal more enjoyable than she had imagined, even in her fantasies. Being fucked from behind by a big cock over the kitchen table was about as humiliating and unromantic as a fuck could be, but it had delivered the kind of crude, intense, purely physical pleasure that deep down, all girls crave and which before today, she hadn’t understood was in her.

Still tingling from the aftershocks of her orgasms, the shame, guilt and regret which I knew would eventually follow, had not yet taken hold.

I looked at her pretty face and curvy figure with pleasure and satisfaction. Once again, physical desire had triumphed over intellectual prowess. Though I envied the girls their education and the life of success and affluence that no doubt awaited them, it was good for my own self-esteem to know that when it came down to it, these girls could be just as driven by earthy desires as the rest of us.

However she felt about me when, as it surely would, remorse eventually set it, Ella would be unable ever to claim - even to herself - that she had been forced to take part. She would never be able to deny that she had initiated and entered whole-heartedly into the copulation that had taken place, or that she had enjoyed it beyond all her expectations. The very noticeable pink flush on her cheeks and chest was evidence enough.

But of course, she still had to make sure the financial aspects of our agreement were firmly in place.

“I… I’d better be going now,” she stammered, giving me a smile that made my loins ache for more of her body.

“You don’t have to,” I began.

“My parents will be worried if I’m too late.”

“You could call them…” I replied, nodding towards the payphone on the hallway.

“I’d rather just… you know,” she replied awkwardly. “Thanks. I hope it doesn’t take you too long to put things right again.”

“Six or seven hours,” I lied with my own smile. “But I’m used to it.”

“Will you get into trouble?”

“Not if I get it done tonight.”

She smiled again, embarrassed.

“So, you will sign off the lease?”

“Of course. Don’t worry. You’ll get all your money back. And a reference, I promise.”

The look of relief on her face was a picture to remember.

“And you promise you’ll never let anyone know that I… that we…?”

“Cross my heart,” I grinned making the usual gesture. “My lips are sealed. Your reputation is safe with me.”

She turned away and began to walk out of the room, her body still no doubt tingling but already much more relaxed.

And indeed, the girl really did have no need to worry. Unscrupulous I might have been in terms of getting my end away, but in all my years in the business, I never once broke my word. This story is the closest I have ever come to letting the world know what went on in those heady, wild days.

“Oh, by the way…” I called after her.

She stopped and turned to look at me, a...

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Written by JennyGently
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