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A Fixed Match - Part - 2

"It was really tough to get my wife to agree to expeirience another male, but we tried hard."

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My friend Dev was bewitched by my wife Ritu, who is quite an eyeful; although not an easy game for prowling eyes. I was fascinated at the prospects of witnessing their duel and possible outcome. I challenged Dev to try and entice her, if he could. I assured him my tacit support. On the other hand, I pooh-poohed my wife’s guarded objections of Dev’s advances. With time Dev literally advanced. I wondered if this could have relationship issues…

But yes, there was one more thing to think about. After the veil of shame was removed, it is likely that Ritu might want to get fucked by Dev again and again or Dev might like to fuck Ritu again and again. I consoled myself thinking that both Ritu and Dev are sensible persons. Dev treated me as his elder brother and he would not do anything silly that could hurt our relationship. In fact, on his own he had assured me of that, right in the beginning, in that party. If they want to fuck, they would not do it without my knowledge and permission and if they do it with my permission, I had no problem in their fucking.

I knew that out of the two, Ritu was much more sensible. She would not do anything rash to hurt our married life. She was also like a tigress. If she lost her temper, she would not waste a minute to throw Dev out of the house. She was powerful enough to control Dev. In the past too she had dealt firmly with Dev. Dev was also afraid of his wife. All four of us would check the other if the time came. Thus there were at least three checks to prevent anyone from spinning out of control; if we do not consider our kids, that is. Thus all my concerns were suitably addressed. Besides, I knew that Ritu loved me too much to risk our married life. She very well knew the difference between love and sex.  

Finally I brushed off the clutter of doubts with a single argument that if I kept on thinking too much, I would never be able to move forward. Now the main challenge remained of making our wives accept our ideas favourably.

Then a thought cropped up in my mind. Women are inherently jealous. They would never be able to see their husband fuck another woman, even if her husband was fucking her. If we try and convince one, then the other might back out or create obstacles. Besides, there will always be that question, why should I be the first? Let the other one take the initiative. This was a big question.

Then suddenly a solution flashed in mind. Since Dev and I were on the same page, why not Dev and I work on one wife first and get her to a situation, where she succumbs to our temptations and accepts to be shared. Then the three including the wife shared, will work on the one wife remaining. It would not be difficult to break through the resistance of the other wife, because the first wife will be our supporter. This seemed like a very workable solution. Besides, I was not prepared to wait to see Dev fuck Ritu with me in an MMF threesome.

Having worked so hard to remove suspicions from Ritu’s mind for Dev and bring Dev and Ritu closer, I did not want to let this opportunity slip away. I was going crazy at the thought of getting my wife Ritu fucked by Dev with me. I wanted see how dev fucked her, how she would react to Dev’s fucking her, how many orgasms she would have and how I would fuck her with Dev working on her breasts or feeding his cock in her mouth. I was desperate to get dev in our bed. I saw Dev as the most suitable candidate. He was willing and so was I. He had gained favourable access to my wife, was a big plus for him. Besides, he was bound to keep our illicit relationship under wraps in his own interest.

Dev and I had managed to soften up my wife a little towards Dev. However, for our plan to succeed, we had to break the wall of Ritu’s resistance completely. I knew Dev’s craze for my wife. I was convinced that with Dev’s reputation, if Dev found even a little bit of positive vibe from Ritu, he will not spare her. If he senses a little bit of weakening of her resistance, he will somehow persuade her, entice her, convince her and do everything possible to lead her to a situation where she might agree to get fucked by him. But I had to make sure that nothing went wrong.

First thing I had to do was to fix Dev’s name repeatedly in my wife’s mind as a wonderful sexy person and try and create a desire for Dev in her mind discreetly. Therefore I had to keep repeating Dev’s name in sexual way to titillate my wife Ritu. 

The next evening at bed time, when Ritu was tired and ready to go to sleep, I took out the envelope that Dev had given me, which contained Devika and Dev’s sexy poses and handed it to Ritu. I told her that those were the pictures of Dev with his wife Devika on their honeymoon.

I slyly watched Ritu, through a corner of my eyes, flipping through the pictures, one after another. I noticed that she did not pay much attention to Devika’s semi nude pictures. However, she stopped and keenly scrutinised Dev’s pictures; standing almost naked wearing tiny sexy shorts, showing a huge bulge out between his legs, covering his engorged cock and his athletic muscles, flat tummy, swollen biceps, hairy chest and his imposing height.

As if I did not notice her interest in Dev’s pictures, I nudged Ritu and said, “Darling, you know, I felt acutely embarrassed when Dev caught me looking closely at Devika’s half naked pictures on the beach. I apologised to Dev for watching Devika’s half nude pictures. Do you know what Dev told me in reply?”

Trying to control her eagerness, Ritu asked me, “What did he say?”

I said, “Dev said, so what if I had seen Devika’s half nude pictures? A lot many people on the beach on that day saw her half nude in that bikini. He said, those people were outsiders, but you and I are his intimately close persons. He further said that we should not differentiate between our two couples. Relationship between Devika and me and Dev and you should be the same as between couples. We should not differentiate between each other. Do you know what that means?”

Ritu said innocently, “Of course, he is right. We are now so close that we should not get into formalities like earlier. That is why now I do not hesitate to accept gifts from Dev or asking Dev to get some groceries or vegetables in your absence. I don’t mind his coming home even when you are away. He has become one of us. So he is right isn’t he? What is there to understand?”

I pinched my simple wife’s cheeks and said, “My silly wify. Think harder. There was a deep meaning, hidden in his sentence.”

Ritu twitched her eyebrows as if thinking hard but kept looking blankly and questioningly at me.

I felt frustrated at my wife’s simplicity. I said, “Oh God! Look at my silly wife! You still do not understand? What Dev meant was that you should not differentiate between me and him and Devika should not differentiate between me and Dev. Which means you should treat Dev same as you treat me, meaning you should treat Dev also as your husband and Devika should treat me also as her husband. He did not say it but subtly pointed that any of us can fuck the other’s wife and that we can exchange our wives. He pointed at what is called ‘Wife Swap’.” I concluded.

There was a sudden change on my wife’s face. She looked shocked as the meaning of my sentence dawned upon her. She said in an agitated voice, “This is very strange! It is ok to flirt a little here and there with each other’s wife. But exchange? What nonsense! It is very wrong of Dev to say that, if he meant what you think he did. But I feel that perhaps he did not mean what you have interpreted. I have a suspicion that you have made this all up to camouflage it as Dev’s idea; so that I don’t shout at you. In the bargain you have maligned Dev. Poor Dev! He is so simple! He is impulsive yes, but cunning? I don’t think he is cunning.”

I laughed in my sleeve. Dev and simple? This established that Dev was hitting at my wife and his hits were on target. He had adequately impressed my simple wife with his simplicity and guile. Whatever outright flirting he did; Ritu thought that to be his impulsiveness. Dev was doing his job well. He was able to make his prey (Ritu) unsuspecting of him. I saw a great hope for success of my plan.

I then asked Ritu, “Do you know what else Dev said?” Ritu looked at me wanting to hear it. I said, “Dev said that if he had completely naked pictures of Devika and him having sex, he would have gladly shown them to me. He asked me if I had your half nude pictures, would I not have shared them with him. What could I have said? I said, yes I would have.”

When Ritu heard that, she looked at me perplexed. Her face reddened. She blushed profusely. She was unable to meet me eye to eye. She thought for a while. After that she broke her silence, “If you had such pictures of mine, would you have shown them to Dev?”

There were multiple and quickly changing expressions on her face. Answering the question herself, she continued, “Of course, you just said that you would have. Now that would not have been fair. Well, in any case, there is no such picture of mine. So what are you going to show him? We never went to honeymoon.” There was a distinct sign of sadness in her voice, as she repeated her deep routed grouse about our not having gone for a honeymoon (due to various family compulsions) after our marriage.

I tried to console her. I said, “Anyway we can still have such pictures taken, if you agree.”

 “So that you can show them to Dev?” Ritu asked rather angrily.

 “That, I will have to do, because I have promised Dev. Would you have objection to that?” I paused for desired effect. And then for greater effect; I said, “But wait, you don’t have to do that; because you have done even better than that. You have shown Dev your half naked body; when he saw you wrapped in a towel in our house. Haven’t you?”

My statement made the impact I had desired. Ritu blushed profusely, knowing that she was cornered. What I told her was a fact. She couldn’t deny it. She slipped closer to me and said, “Yes, you are right, but that was not what I did on my own initiative. It was you, who fabricated the plot and made me do it.” She concluded; punching me teasingly in my ribs, making a face.

My simple wife was visibly turned on hearing narration of that incident from me. She sat in my lap and caught my hand and slipped it between her legs. She offered her mouth to make me kiss her. I realised that I had a key to arouse my wife Ritu. Whenever I wanted to arouse her, I just had to start some sexy anecdote of Dev.

Many times thereafter, I had to fabricate some imaginary talk I had with Dev on sexual topic. That would set my wife on fire. She did not realise that I was making up stories to make her hot to make her a willing fuck partner and was leading her up the garden path to fulfil my fantasy of MMF with her and Dev.

Having come so far, then was the time for me to move ahead to take the matter to its logical conclusion. I started thinking hard about the next step. But I had not to do much. Things were moving on their own.

One Sunday morning, Dev dropped by on his way to some work. I was watching a match on the TV. Ritu was working in the kitchen. Dev was not very keen to watch the TV and was leafing through the newspaper. I heard Ritu shout, calling me from the kitchen. She wanted me to bring down a box containing wheat flour from the shelf above the kitchen platform. She said she could not reach it. I was engrossed on watching the game. I told her that I would send Dev who would get the box from the shelf.

She shouted back saying that it was my responsibility; the match could wait. She was definitely annoyed at my casual response.

I asked Dev to go and get the box from the shelf. Dev happily went to the kitchen and offered his help. However, my wife was cheesed off at my indifference. She said obstinately that she did not want any body’s help; she would get the box down herself. The platform was a bit high. She raised one leg to reach the kitchen platform. Ritu was wearing a saree. As soon as she raised and rested her one leg on the platform, her saree and petticoat slipped down exposing her naked thigh almost up to between her legs showing a part of her panty to the feasting eyes of Dev.

She saw the expression on Dev’s face looking lecherously at her naked thighs. She quickly brought her leg down and corrected her dress. She was flustered and looked helplessly at Dev. Dev volunteered once again that he would get the box down; but Ritu was adamant that only she would bring the box down. Her face however showed that she did not know how.

Then in one sudden impulsive move, Dev caught Ritu’s shoulders, turned her to face the kitchen platform and inserted his two arms through the armpits of my wife from behind her. His arms reached her breasts, which he cupped hard. He grabbed her tight, pulled her onto his body, knelt down and applied full upward thrust behind her to lift her up. My lovely wife was too stunned to react; but she ultimately managed to land on the platform somehow. She stood on the kitchen platform visibly flushed, trembling and unsteady.

My God! When I heard of this incident, my cock hardened and it started oozing out pre-cum; thinking how Dev must have taken the golden opportunity to squeeze my wife’s breasts over her blouse after he inserted his arms through the armpits of my wife from behind her. How he would have pushed his engorged cock from behind her to poke her ass, yet feigning that it was all a part of his duty.

With some difficulty, Ritu steadied her body on the platform, managed to lift the box of flour in her hands. However, with the weight of the box, she was unable to keep her balance. Dev sounded a word of caution from down, saying, “Bhabhi, be careful, lest you might fall.” He raised my wife’s saree up and inserted his hands wrapping them around her smooth calf muscles in an obvious attempt to steady her.

However, the result was opposite. Before Dev could complete the sentence, my wife Ritu stumbled. The box slipped out of her hands and fell on Dev’s head hitting him and then fell down. Ritu lost her balance and fell right on top of Dev. Dev slipped and fell down too, carrying Ritu on top of him. Dev’s arms slipped up my wife’s thighs to her waist and then onto her breasts; raising her saree and petticoat all the way up exposing her naked thighs right up to her panty.

As both fell, Dev held my wife Ritu tight into his arms from behind and beneath her to absorb her fall; so she did not hit the hard floor. The lid of the flour box had flung open, spilling all of the flour on both of them. Hearing my wife’s shrieks and all the commotion, I rushed to the kitchen and saw a highly erotic scene playing out on the kitchen floor.  

Dev lay on his back on the floor. My wife was on top in Dev’s lap, with her back on him. Dev’s arms had enveloped my wife’s body fully from behind her, pulling her tightly onto him. Dev’s hands cupped and squeezed my wife’s two ripe, full breasts with impunity. Ritu’s ass was centred right on Dev’s cock. My wife’s saree and petticoat had been pulled up to her waist. It looked almost as if Dev had pulled her dress up and was preparing to fuck her from behind.

The box with most of the flour had fallen on Dev. Dev had a bleeding cut on his forehead. His face and eyes were fully covered with the spilled flour. The flour had also fallen all over his dress and the rest of his body.

I clapped and laughed and said, “My God! What an erotic scene, right out of a porn flick.”

Ritu quickly got up removing Dev’s hands from her breasts and adjusting her dress properly. She was flustered. Dev got up after her. He said to me, ‘Sorry Raj, all this was so sudden and unexpected.”

My wife Ritu composed herself and almost cried admonishing me, “Raj, This is entirely your fault. I called you to help me. But you had no time; watching that stupid match. You asked your friend to help me and look what he has done.”

I retorted back in mock anger, “Has he done this? Is...

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Written by iloveall
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