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A Cheater's Regret (Chapter 2)

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Jesus, if I had known it would be so cold today I wouldn't have worn a skirt. I escape the chilly cold of winter as I step back into my dorm building. I reach my door and slide my key into the lock. I walk into the cold darkness. My roommate Melanie is gone. Probably out partying with her bimbo friends.

The door swings shut with a bang behind me and I almost jump through the ceiling. Looks like Melanie forgot to close the window. Why would that dumb bitch even open it in the first place?

It's not until that moment that the gravity of what just happened to me sinks in.

I remember the fear when the nurse ordered me to strip.

I remember the humiliation as Dr. Manyard molested me in front of a room full of people.

I remember the pure pleasure I felt as she forced me to have the most wonderful, explosive orgasm of my entire life.

Banishing the guilty thoughts to the back of my mind, I cross the room to shut the window.

I feel dirty.

A warm shower is one of the few joys I get out of winter. But today, the white tiled bathroom reminds me too much of the medical room where I was sexually humiliated. I shudder at the thought of what happened to me – but strangely, I don't regret it. I want to, but I don't.

I undress, tossing my clothes into the laundry hamper in the corner. I blush as I slip off my drenched panties. It has been more than an hour, but my pussy is still dripping wet with excitement. I feel like a slut.

The steel sensor collar and bracelet are annoying, but I am starting to get used to them. I feel shocked and embarrassed at the thought of wearing them in public, but fortunately, they look pretty unobtrusive. I could pass them off as fashionable jewelry – the uninformed person wouldn't be able to guess their actual purpose... and the fact that I cannot take them off. I feel like a slave, completely at the mercy of Dr. Manyard and her medical staff.

The hot water feels good, but it doesn't help wash away the guilt and confusion I feel.

I slip my hand between my legs, washing away the sticky wetness. My lips are still swollen and aching with desire. I remember the doctor's gloved hands teasingly skating over my body. My fingers find my clit. A soft gasp escapes my lips.

It's strange, I don't consider myself a sexual person at all. I went months without ever pleasuring myself, yet here I am barely an hour after the examination completely lost in a sexual fantasy.

I remember Dr. Manyard forbidding me from having another orgasm. The desperate urge for relief is building, I have to force myself to stop. Desperately fighting against the rising pressure in my pussy, I pull my fingers out.

I just barely stopped myself from coming. God, that was close. I touch the collar around my throat. If I had an orgasm, Dr. Manyard would know, and I would be expelled for sure.

I shut off the water and grab a towel to dry myself off. I head back into my room.

Melanie is back. God, I hate her. She's considerably taller than me – a lanky, somewhat awkward-looking girl with mousy-brown hair. Not very attractive, but she overcompensates by being a party animal. What does she even study again? Nursing I think. Well, I guess if that doesn't work out for her there's always hooking.

I know she's the one who ratted on me about writing Matthew's paper. I hate her so much. Yet, sickeningly, I'm glad things turned out this way. My hate for Melanie is overshadowed by my disgust for myself. God...

“Nice necklace,” Melanie says.

Strange, she rarely engages me in conversation willingly.

“Thanks,” I mumble, dropping my towel.

She looks at me as I fumble with my pajamas. I don't like her looking at me – but the unwanted attention is also exciting. Jesus, I never felt like this ever until today. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Dr. Manyard gave it to you, didn't she?”

I freeze in horror. How does she know about that?

“Yeah...” I confess.

“She's one of my instructors in the nursing program,” Melanie says. “She showed us the collars in one of her classes. It measures your heart rate and stuff, right?”

“Ummm... yeah, that's right,” I stutter.

“That's cool, are you in that study she's doing?” she asks.

Oh God. I blush in embarrassment.


Melanie's eyes light up.

“She's researching like, female sexuality and stuff, right?”

I nod. For the first time since we met, Melanie seems genuinely interested in me.

“That's really awesome!” she exclaims. “But... you don't have to like... do anything... embarrassing, do you?”

My heart is pounding.

“Like what?” I ask.

“Like... have an orgasm in front of her?”

I shake my head vigorously.

Melanie seems skeptical.

“Oh, okay,” she says doubtfully. “Because she showed us some videos from some other girls she was working on, and they had to do a lot of stuff like that.”

I'm lost for words. God, does Melanie suspect I'm being forced to do that too?

“No!” I insist.

She looks at me for a minute. I'm still naked. Her gaze moves down my body – does she see how incredibly aroused and wet I still am?

“Okay,” Melanie says skeptically.

She sits down at her desk and opens up her computer.

Jesus, that was embarrassing. I finish dressing and go to bed.

I'm horny.

The sun is out the next morning. The air is warm, and the snow from yesterday has melted away into the fresh green grass. Even some of the birds are out, chirping cheerily from the brush outside the dorm building. The improved weather emboldens me enough to wear a little blue sun dress. It had been sitting in the back of my closet for months – too daring for me to normally want to wear, but today is different. I want to feel pretty today. I slip it on over my head, tucking in my bra straps as best as I can. The bottom hem of the dress ends just below my hips. I'm going to be cold a lot today. I put on a warm jacket over it and sling my backpack over my shoulder. To my dismay, there's already an increasing wetness underneath my panties, which is further inflamed by the updraft of cool air up into my dress.

I sit down in my math class. I've been doing good up to this point, but today I have a hard time concentrating. As the teacher is droning on about exponents or something, my mind keeps wandering back to my session at the clinic.

My humiliating sexual torment.

My massive orgasm as Dr. Manyard fingered my pussy.

My hands keep wandering back up to my collar. No one has noticed it or commented on it so far. The collar, and the bracelet matching it, aren't particularly conspicuous. But I know what they're for, and that is enough to keep me hot and bothered.

When the doctor downloads the data next week, will she know how horny I've been?

Class ends and everyone stands up and starts filing out the door. Nobody likes math, the classroom is usually emptied under a minute. But today I sit still in my chair. The sexual tension is killing me. I want to masturbate. But I know if I start teasing myself, I won't be able to stop. I'll have an orgasm, and Dr. Manyard will know.

“Are you alright?” the math teacher asks.

“Y-y-yes sir,” I gasp, barely able to concentrate enough to get up from my chair and stumble out of the room.

God, I still have my English literature class today. I am honestly considering just skipping it. Maybe if I just go to sleep I'll be able to calm down my sexual urges a little. Maybe. This is awful. Why is this happening to me?

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out – its a call from the school administrative office.

“H-hello?” I answer, trying my best not to sound horny.

“Is this Katie?” the woman on the other end asks.

I recognize the voice. It's Ms. Turring's secretary.

“Yes, this is Katie.”

“You need to report to Ms. Turring's office ASAP,” she instructs me.

“Okay, I'll head over right away,” I say.

“Alright, we'll see you shortly,” she says tersely before hanging up on me.

I put the phone away. Gloom settles in. What am I being called in for? Oh no. They've changed their minds and decided to expel me after all. But I tried so hard! I fight back the tears.

Ten minutes later I arrive at Ms. Turring's office. The secretary is seated at her desk by the door.

“There you are, they're waiting for you inside,” she says tersely.

Not waiting or caring for a response from me, she goes back to typing at her computer, as if I'm not even there. I glance through the large window behind the secretary into Ms. Turring's office. She's seated at her desk, talking to some people I can't quite see from this angle.

I look back at the secretary. I'm invisible to her. Oh well, might as well as well bite the bullet – I take a deep breath and open the door.

Ms. Turring is talking to a man and a woman in lab coats.

“Ah, Katie, come in,” Ms. Turring says. “These two people are here to see you from Dr. Manyard's clinic.”

The woman, a slender blonde with a a blue ribbon tying back her pony tail, smiles and shakes my hand.

“Hi, I'm Samantha Cross, I'm from the clinic,” she tells me, “You can call me Sam.”

I nod nervously. I stare at the stray strands of blonde hair framing Sam's heart-shaped face, her full lips, and the hint of her gentle curves underneath the lab coat.

“You're not in any trouble, Katie,” Sam assure me. “We're just conducting a follow-up from your session with Dr. Manyard yesterday.”

“Okay,” I say, feeling relieved already. I was scared they were here to tell me I was being disqualified. Thank God.

“I'm going to collect some data from your sensor collar, and conduct a quick physical exam on you,” she continues. “Go ahead and undress for me.”

I pause for a moment. They're going to examine me right here? The secretary is clearly visible outside the office window. If she looked back, she would plainly see what is going on. I look over at the blonde's male counterpart – he clears a vase of flowers from a table on the other side of the office and lays out a strip of tissue paper, like the one covering the metal table during my session at the clinic yesterday. I don't know what's about to happen, but I can make a really good guess.

I take off my jacket and my shoes. Sam is messing with a laptop set up up on the corner of Ms. Turring's desk. Sam's male counterpart finishes with the tissue paper and comes over to help her. I reluctantly pull my sun dress over my head. All I have left on is my underwear. I hesitate. I really don't want to get naked here of all places.

Sam stops her work and looks at me.

“Is there a problem?” she asks. “Are you having second thoughts about the study?”

“No, no!” I say.

I finally work up the nerve to reach behind my back and unsnap my bra. Jesus, my nipples are already rock hard. Both of the technicians watch me impatiently. Ms. Turring on the other hand seems more focused on whatever is on her computer screen. She picks up the phone and dials a number. I hear her talking to whoever is on the other end about some email she is reading.

I take off my panties and add them to the stack of clothing on the floor.

“Sit on the table,” Sam orders me.

I obey. I'm quivering with anticipation. What is Sam going to do to me? She picks up a cable attached to her computer and snaps it into my collar.

“You alright?”

“Y-yes,” I stammer. “I'm good.”

“Okay, now I'm going to ask some questions while the collar uploads,” she tells me. “Has anything noteworthy happened since your session yesterday?”

“No,” I answer.

“In that time, have you had an orgasm?”

“No,” I answer again.

The blonde doesn't talk right away, she's engrossed with her screen. I see concern flash across her face.

“According to the sensors, at approximately 5 PM yesterday, you were extremely sexually aroused,” she says. “Were you masturbating?”

I feel busted. Will Sam be angry with me?

“Yes... I did... a little,” I confess.

“But you stopped yourself before you reached orgasm?”

“Yes,” I say.

“The collar confirms that – increasing sexual pleasure, but you didn't climax – so no harm done,” Sam says. “What were you doing when you started to masturbate?”

“I was in the shower.”

“What were you thinking about?”

I'm slow to answer, its so embarrassing.

“Were you thinking about your session with Dr. Manyard?” she asks, as if she already knew the answer.

“Yes,” I blush.

Sam pauses to write some notes on a clipboard, her lovely red lips pursed in concentration.

“What specifically were you thinking about from the session?”


“I... I... I was thinking about... Dr. Manyard...”

“When she was sexually stimulating you?” Sam finishes for me.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Alright... so you were in the shower, and you started having a sexual fantasy about what happened to you at the clinic?”

I nod. I'm too embarrassed to even speak.

“And you started to masturbate?”

I nod again.

“What made you stop?”

It takes me a while to answer, but I finally work up the courage. Its weird expressing my sexual thoughts to a complete stranger, but stranger things have happened to me lately.

“I was afraid of being punished.”

“I see,” Sam says, writing on her clipboard. “Subject continues to exhibit submissive tendencies.”

She snaps on a pair of gloves and picks up a stethoscope. My heart jumps into my throat as she presses it against my chest.

“Breathe in,” she says. “Breathe out.”

“Breathe in.”

“Breathe out.”

She puts down the stethoscope.

“How aroused are you right now?” she asks. “One being not aroused at all, ten being in the middle of an orgasm.”

“Uhh... five? Yeah, five,” I answer.

“Dr. Manyard informed me that you are very easy to sexually stimulate and have a hard time staying still,” she says. “Would you like to be restrained?”

I remember the nurse tying me up yesterday. I remember how completely helpless I was as she pinned my arms as the doctor abused me.

“Yes,” I say.

I feel my desire rising up between my legs as the male technician grabs my wrists and ties them behind my back with a velcro strip. Sam turns on a voice recorder and puts it down on the table near my leg.

On the other side of the window there's a student talking to the secretary. He happens to look up and sees me through the glass – his expression contorts in confusion and excitement. I can see his disappointment as the secretary sends him away.

The blonde casually runs her fingertips over my nipples. I can barely hold back a moan, but she can see the pleasure rising up in my face.

“Subject is responsive to nipple stimulation,” she says.

My hands writhe behind my back, I am completely helpless – my blonde tormenter can do whatever she wants to me. Sam forces my legs apart and rubs her hand up my pussy lips. Her fingertips pause teasingly over my clit, sending spasms of arousal into my stomach.

“Ooh!” I whimper.

“Subject experiences high levels of sexual pleasure to vaginal stimulation and is vocalizing,” she says.

Sam looks me in the eyes. I look back, desperately trying to hide how incredibly turned on I am.

“I have been instructed to collect at least 50 milliliters of arousal fluid from you,” she tells me.

My eyes widen with shock.

“Don't worry,” she assures me. “I'll be gentle.”

“I know you have class soon, I am giving you a letter excusing you if you are running late,” Ms. Turring interjects.

I still feel apprehensive.

“I know you are extremely aroused right now, I'll be careful not to induce an orgasm” Sam assures me. “We will take as long as we need to.”

The male technician sets up a mobile monitor machine on the table and attaches several suction cups to my chest. The blonde opens up her medical kit and produces a small vacuum tube. It reminds me of the kind the dentist used when I got my teeth cleaned. Except this one has a soft, padded rubber cup at the end.

The blonde puts her hand on my chest and pushes me back on the table. I feel the sterile tissue paper crinkle under me.

“Ready when you are,” the male says.

“Okay... just relax,” Sam instructs me.

I tremble in excitement. What is this going to feel like?

I find out quickly.

The blonde gently manipulates my body – every touch, every stroke, every soft caress of her gloved hands sends shock waves of pleasure up and down my spine. She tenderly cups my breast and takes my hardened nipple in between her fingers.

“Oh God...” I moan.

She gently parts my lips in between her fingers, and I feel the buzz of the vacuum tube gently sucking away the building dampness.

“How are we doing?” she asks.

“Good,” the male replies. “I'll let you know...

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Written by JBonham
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