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Undeniable Cravings

"Melissa’s cravings take her on journeys that make her so excited."

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I realised I loved it while dating my third boyfriend. I know, at sixteen and a half, I was on my third. I was no stranger to sex and certainly no stranger to relationships if you can call them that because they only seemed to last a couple of months. I’m not sure whether that was their fault or mine. All I know is, that after my third boyfriend I would naturally find myself shying away from proper, meaningful relationships. The main reason for this was that I just loved it.

Love what? I hear you shout. I know, I’m teasing aren’t I.

There’s no smart way of saying it so that it makes sense to anyone but me, so I’ll just come out with it. Semen, seminal fluid, spunk, sperm, seed, emission, man cream, jism, jizz, cum, spooge. I’m sorry if I’ve left any of your favourite terms out, but truth is, I love spunk.

My first two boyfriends controlled their ejaculations. Telling me in plenty of time that they were about to lose it when I sucked their cocks. At that age, I wasn’t all that sure about tasting it, so I was thankful for their consideration. I often pulled back and let their spunk wash over my neck and breasts. They seemed to love that just as much as I did.  They never left me short-changed either and on more than one occasion I had to make my excuses to my mum and tell her I had spilt milkshake all down my front, followed by quickly pulling off my top and dunking it in some hot water to cover up my misdemeanours. I’m sure she was well aware though.

The third boyfriend either couldn’t control his urge or didn’t bother trying. I didn’t really care either way and I guess my own curiosity was getting the better of me by then. It was the first time I swallowed two balls full of spunk. It was more spontaneous than planned. I was casually sucking his knob and caressing his balls when he issued an expletive, the usual, oh fuck! I never felt his balls tighten or his cock stiffen between my lips. The next I knew, his creamy white fluid was rushing to the back of my throat. I had to swallow fast to keep my composure. Gagging was definitely not an option; not for a seasoned cock-sucker like me. I’ll give him his dues, he produced copious quantities of the stuff, but it was only the last remnants that I actually tasted.

I remember that day at the beach like it was yesterday; hot sun, the smell of the salty sea breeze and the both of us tucked between tufts of tall grass in the sand dunes. His hand down my top cupping a feel of my tits and my mouth working his cock that protruded rigid from his jeans.

I don’t know what it was about the taste, it was salty, yet sweet. It was much later that I realised that the taste can be affected by what the man eats. Trust me, that’s very true and it’s quite intriguing to speculate after you’ve asked them what they’ve eaten, before going down on them.

I’m now twenty-one years of age. It pains me to say that I still haven’t had a regular relationship as such. But in my favour, men do seem to last a little longer. A regular boyfriend would be nice, but then you have to compromise with them and to be honest, sometimes, I just crave it. Five years on from that first squirt to the back of my throat and I find myself craving for it more and more.

Sometimes it gets so bad I have to resort to all sorts of devious methods. The London underground is usually a good place to start. Failing that I resort to contact ads and failing that there’s always the seedier clubs that I tend to frequent.

When I do have a boyfriend, I use him up as fast as I can. Usually, they fuck off within a few weeks especially when they find out that all I want to do is get covered or get my stomach filled with the juices they have between their legs. I have had a one or two that have kept up with me though; they were worth keeping, they loved coming all over me, but time does take its toll.

There were others that seemed to have revelled in my fetish and have encouraged me and introduced me to their friends and sometimes family.

The thing is, I’m not a bad shag either. I’m short-ish at five foot four. My plump buttocks and rounded thighs are balanced by my slimmer waist and my breasts are more than a handful. I’m quite cute too, or so I’ve been told. I have never dyed my russet coloured hair, but I have shaved on occasion.

You wouldn’t label me a prostitute, hooker or slut or any diminutive term like that. I would be the girl next door. The type men like chatting up and getting on with. The type that smiles at them and finds them funny. Deep down, I’m the type they are likely to pull on a night out when the blonde nightclub bimbo decides to reject them and the type that is going to blow them until they spurt. I don’t really care what happens after that. We could see each other again or we could not. Ces’t La Vie as they say.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not selfish. I usually let them fuck me, more than once as well. Some one-night stands have even stayed the night providing that all-important breakfast snack.

Often, it’s the wiggle of my bottom or the dangle of my breasts in a man’s direction that first attracts them. That usually starts the conversation and when they see me looking towards their groin, they usually start to get interested and hard. Biting my lip as I look downwards with a pensive look on my face usually helps them make up their mind pretty quickly.

As I said, I’m no slut. Not me. I’m just an uncontrollable nymphomaniac, a term that I earned by an admiring boyfriend that introduced me to swinging clubs. Now, they are fun especially for single females. It’s the best of both worlds. When I was with him, we used to frequent one that was classy. He had his agenda, which was to share me with other women, and I had mine. I entered those clubs with the full intention of loving cock. He turned me – slightly. On one occasion he wanted to see me suck someone’s pussy. I shied away from it, but he insisted. It was our fourth visit to that club when I finally gave in to his request. I ended up loving it and now, whenever I visit the clubs, a woman is first on my agenda before I get my fill.

It never fails to amaze me how many women are interested in my charms. The number that has tipped my velvet is rapidly increasing and probably on a par with about half as many cocks I have swallowed whole.

At the moment I’m in, what I call, my swinging club phase. It’s easy sex and I get a huge buzz from the experience, usually twice or three times a week. I have known to frequent my favourite club the whole weekend from Friday to Sunday nights. I’m usually knackered when I get to work on Monday morning though, but it’s always worth it.

I’m standing outside that club right now. Leaning on the door of my car, looking at it and taking a deep breath. Inside, I’m excited watching some of the couples and single males walk up to the door, knock on it, prove who they are and wander inside. I like looking at the sex-crazed people that show up and wonder what they would be like? What kinks they have? How long they would last? I like to find one or maybe two males that take my fancy. As for the women, I know they will be all over me once I am inside and stripped naked. My breasts are like magnets to them and as soon as they get to touch them, I know my nectar is next on their list.

My pulse races as I watch all the sexy people park their cars and enter. In fifteen minutes, I know I will have passed the security test by showing my identification to the bouncer. I will be inside and making my way to the changing rooms; offering anyone behind me deliberate wiggles of my bottom, not that anyone will see me in the dark corridor. But once inside I become sexy, horny, wanton.

Once in the changing rooms, I will slowly strip off my garments and place them in the locker. If someone is already there I will wait and watch and make small-talk with them. I love the ones that tell me it’s their first time, I find that so raunchy to know, so invigorating, so exciting.

It’s true to say that by the time I’m naked, my now smooth pussy is soaked. I usually sit on the benches, back against the lockers, legs wide apart, and stroke a finger over my sex parting my lips without any trouble and gathering up the hot fluid that sticks to them. I usually suck on my finger after I torment myself and I feel my heart rate triple and my nipples stiffen. My hands shake and I have to close my eyes and take deep breaths to calm my nerves.

Yes, I get nervous. It’s not the uncertainty or anxiety, I’ve done this loads of times and I will meet people inside that I know from previous visits. It’s the excitement that makes me nervous. The knowing that I am going to be one hell of a naughty girl, and when I get going, they are not going to know what hit them.

Quantity excites me, too. I always wonder how much I’m going to swallow or how often I will be covered. I’ve never had a full-on gang-bang, but it’s on my bucket list. I reckon that would take some organising though and I’m very much a take what you can get kind of girl.

I usually take a sexy one-piece garment to wear or failing that I wrap the large towel, that they provide, around my breasts. Would you believe, they offer two types of towel, medium and extra-large. I’m a little on the large side, so naturally, I go for a medium. It just about fits around my boobs when I tuck it in, and I know that when I walk it splays open at the front. I may as well take it off when I sit down on a barstool.

Tonight, it’s the one-piece striped garment that looks like a one-piece pinstripe dress; except there’s hardly any dress there. It’s more of a secretary’s play outfit, to be honest. The garment clings and hugs my breasts while also flirting sexily around my bottom. My pussy is on display, and like I said, wet.

A lot of women dress up when they come here, wearing suspenders, stockings, high heels, basques and the like. I don’t see the point in all of that. It’s good to tease and taunt the men with some kind of garment, but you want to get it off quickly when the need arises and not have to bugger about with straps and shoes.

The locker door is finally closed. The key turned, removed and handed to the receptionist with a smile. She knows me, she’s even had me on more than one occasion. She’s licking her lips as I walk away from her, but I have decided that tonight is newbie night.

I take a deep breath when I enter the main bar area and take my time to look around. High stools surround the bar and I know I will never get up on them without some help, so I stand by the bar and order a drink from Charles. He knows me, he’s even come all over me and very enjoyable it was too, as I remember. It was even his idea. I wanted to swallow but Charles, ever the gentleman, wanted to cover my tits. As he’s one of the owners I let him get his own way.

I nod at Janice who is busy chatting to a couple I have never met before. She returns my nod but doesn’t offer me to join them. She obviously thinks she’s onto a winner and wants to keep them for herself. He notices me though.  How can he fail not to as I wiggle my way to one of the playrooms?

I usually end up watching for a while. It turns me on watching people twist and turn and moan and groan. Their outward display of pleasure is glorious.  Two guys are watching the same playroom. I have not seen them before but they smile at me which I return and then I notice the tent in their towels that hang from their waist. If I were them, I would just drop the towels and let people see what they’ve got. They must be new here and not sure of the protocol.

I start to watch an older couple on the master bed. She’s on her back and, I would guess, her husband and a female friend are wrapped around her legs on either side. Her friend’s fingers probing her inner depths slowly and sensuously and her husband sucking her nipple while stroking the friend’s bottom.

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I love listening. The sound she’s making is sublime and sends me into a trance-like state. I want her to climax so that I can experience it aurally. I close my eyes and concentrate on just them. The slurpy sounds of squishy fingers, the moans and groans, the whispers of encouragement in her ears. I sense her need. I can feel her approaching her orgasm. I can feel my own fluids drip from my parted thighs onto the floor. I raise a hand to my breast to gently squeeze on my nipple but someone beats my hand to it.

Both my breasts are cupped and I wonder which of the men standing to my left has had the audacity to fondle them.

“She’s going to come, I love it when I hear someone climax,” her whisper causes me to open my eyes.

I stare straight at the threesome on the bed and arch my body forwards, pushing my breasts into her hands before noticing the two men to my left. Towels dropped on the floor, cocks in hand and masturbating gently to the scene before them. I quickly close my eyes; needing this to be anonymous.

Her hand caresses my bottom and lifts up my garment; folding it neatly over my hips. Her body moves in close and I can feel her groin against my bottom. My lip curls in expectation and I utter noiseless expletives. Her tongue flicks at my earlobe and works itself inside. I start to shiver. Goosebumps erupt over my shoulders and neck.

I don’t know who she is, but I want her to take me. Finger fuck me, lick me, give me to her husband, anything. Maybe she’s lesbian, yes, that would be nice too.

She is so patient with me that I want to scream. Her tongue licks the back of my neck. Her finger strokes my cleavage before cupping my breasts and squeezing them tightly. She removes one of her hands and I feel it stroke over my bottom, her index finger poised at the top of my cleavage before she slips it down over my anus and onto my succulent lips.

In silence, I plead with her, put it in, put it in.

The palm of her hand squashes my breast and she finally pinches my nipples. I wonder whether she knows me? Is it the receptionist? I squirm and let out a moan while pushing my bottom back into her hand. Her finger nearly finds its way inside my wet hole. She knows I like it.

I feel her tug at the hem of my garment and before I know it, she’s pulling it up and over my head.

I’m naked at last and about to get pleasured.

Two more hands cup my breasts, larger this time, more manly, from the front. Two more caress my hips. I love the way they slip over my flesh, around to the front, fingers lightly stroking my pussy before being returned to my bottom. Her touch is a total contrast to his. He cups and mauls my breasts and takes each of my nipples and pinches them at the same time. I lurch forward but the pain of his touch pierces my body. One of her hands slips between my buttocks while his mouth settles on my sensitive, aching nipple.

I’m in heaven at this precise moment and waiting for heaven to get even better.

Her finger finally slips into me from behind.

“Darling, she’s wet as fuck,” I hear her whisper to her husband.

“I’m going to have to taste her.”

She’s not wrong. She is definitely going to have to taste me and I’m guessing he’s not going to leave her alone with me.

I find myself being pushed forward, towards the main bed. I don’t even know whether the older couple are still fornicating, but I’ve lost interest in them. It’s all me now.

I’m turned around and his hands rest on my sides, lowering me onto the bed. Her hands cup my breasts and fondle them as my bottom ends up on the edge of the bed. My legs are pushed apart, ever so gently.

And there it is. Right there on my heat.

Her tongue touches me, laps at me, pushes itself inside me. I jerk my hips at the way her tongue explores me. I wrap my legs around her shoulders. She’s not going anywhere now. Not until she’s finished.

She laps at me, tongues me, flicks at my clit and suddenly fingers reach inside me. I arch my head backwards and my mouth opens of its own accord. I moan loudly. It’s the opportunity he’s been waiting for. His cock takes its chance and my mouth is filled with a bulbous head. Pushing past my lips with excitement and gusto. I hear him let out a loud groan of his own as mine are muffled.

I bet he thought it was his idea. It wasn’t. I’m going to allow myself one good orgasm on her tongue and his spunk down my throat and then I’m heading off to those two guys I spotted earlier.

I’m on a real high now and as soon as his cock slips down my throat I reach out with my hands and grasp his buttocks. I start pulling him in. Further and further down my throat. I start to suck and swallow on his length and start to rock my body in a simulated fucking motion.

He gets the message.

She’s lapping up my juices and forcing her tongue inside me. I still have my thighs wrapped around her upper body; soon to be joined by my hands on the back of her head.

I can hear her slobbering down there while he’s decided to fuck my throat. I know he’s watching his wife suck my pussy, I know he gets off on it and I know she does too. That’s why she’s here. They are one horny couple and I make a mental note to get their details before they leave the club.

I know my throat very well, and I know he hasn’t got a chance. He thinks he’s going to last, remove his cock and fuck me just after I climax on his wife’s tongue thereby sending me into double bliss. He’s wrong. His wife will take her just rewards but he’s ejaculating down my throat. That, I’m sure of.

I finally open my eyes and bring one of my hands down on the back of her neck while the other pulls his buttocks towards my throat. He finally slides all the way down and I start to suckle and swallow on him. I pull her head into me until her fingers are almost crushed in my cunt and her tongue is plastered on my clit.

I’m moaning and groaning as that’s all I can do. She’s circling her fingers in me as best she can and I can feel myself climaxing. But I want his juices too.

I start to hold back, I never orgasm before my mouth’s full. It’s my number one rule.

I’m swallowing his cock as best I can, he’s fucking my mouth with long gentle strokes and I’m pulling his buttocks towards me as I swallow. And there it is. I hear him grunt. I feel his balls tighten and his cock is jerking. I don’t know whether it’s the feeling inside my throat or that of his wife pressed hard to my pussy and moaning like she’s on heat.

He’s disappointed, I can tell. He’s telling himself to hold back but I feel his first spurt shoot to the back of my throat. The rest is history. There is no way he’s going to hold back that urge after the first one is let loose.

That is when I let myself go, I let his spunk flood into me and I swallow every now and then. He’s a good cummer and I’m glad he’s down my throat and not anyone else’s. When the time is right, I reward her with my orgasm.

My body lifts involuntarily from the bed, my hand clasps her face tight to my quaking pussy as I push it into her face. Rubbing myself on her tongue and mouth.

My orgasm floods through me at some pace and my legs start to shake. The cock in my mouth is deflating but only enough to allow him to remove it. Loosening my hand on the back of her head I let her escape my clutches. She slowly pulls away, gasping for much-needed air. I spin around while trying my best to keep his cock down my throat. I fail, but it was worth trying. I grab his balls in one hand and start to milk his tool for the remaining spunk.

Both of them think I’m going to return the favour and push her onto the bed and lick her pussy while he fucks me from behind. They’re wrong.

I spot the two guys that were masturbating to the older couple. I’m sure one of them would have liked to have pegged her while she was on all fours but they seemed too restrained. By the looks of their cocks, their attention was firmly on the three of us, wishing they could join in.

Well, now they can.

I raise myself from the bed and make a beeline for them. I place my hand on her hair and stroke her face as she looks up at me, I thank her with a whisper.

Those two blokes have been watching a woman lick me out while I swallowed her husband whole load. Their cocks look a little larger than they were the last time I noticed them and they continue to manhandle them in front of me.

“Wanna cum all over me,” I tell them. A broad smile on my face telling them that they cannot refuse.

I don’t give them much chance as my hand reaches out to grasp both of their cocks but they both nod anyway. Well, what else would you expect them to do?

The youngest one pulled away from me and started to wank his cock hard until I knelt down between them and removed his hand from his tool. I started to lick the head and cup his balls in my hand. His friend watched as I pulled on his cock and was far more restrained. I popped the cock from my mouth and moved to his friend; performing the same action and sucking him deeper into my throat. I heard him curse and hold my head gently with his hand.

I could have done without gently, to be honest. Still, the warmth that hit my throat was welcoming but I had to pull out and let him spurt all over my face. Sweet pineapple, I thought as I swallowed his first jet of cum.

I finally turned to his friend with a face full of cum that started to dribble along my nose and down my chin. I popped his cock back into my mouth and started to suck hard. I massaged his balls and I could tell when he was about to spurt. The tightness of his balls was unbelievable. They almost disappeared completely.

He was very salty and my only regret was taking his friend first. I let him spurt wherever he wanted. He seemed to prefer my face and breasts so that’s what I let him do; smiling and offering him my tongue in feeble temptation.

As I stood, I started to rub their sperm into my breasts.

“I don’t suppose either of you wants to kiss me?” I asked, grinning to myself.

They both shrugged and started to back away from me.

There were two other main bedrooms in the club. I entered the second one, paused and looked around. There were four blokes watching three couples fuck on the main bed. I started towards two of them, one was breathing heavily and looking at the rutting couples.

One of the guys broke away from his mate and joined Janice on the bed. He bent down behind her and followed her explicit three-word instruction.

I watched him slip his cock into her anus as I stealthily walked in the direction of his friend. I stood next to him while admiring the energy of his mate. Janice was screaming, but I knew it was not because of the pain. That was pure pleasure to her.

The guy I was standing next to glanced at me of course, but he remained silent. I noticed him move his head to watch me and then return to the rutting couple.

I tilted my head, looked up to his six-foot stature and smiled at him.

“Wanna come all over me? Make me sticky?”

He looked at my spunk covered body, then at my face, then at my smile. He smiled back and half shrugged.

“How about I deep throat you and swallow it all?”

I saw his eyes close and reopen.

I heard Janice climax, but I knew she was on a roller with those two guys, she never just had one orgasm.

“Maybe, just maybe, I’ll even let you fuck me afterwards,” I told him while reaching out to grasp his cock.

I slipped to my knees, pulled his cock down with me and swallowed him whole.

As I looked upwards into his face, I could see he had never experienced anything like it before. That look always caused a shiver in the pit of my stomach.

Maybe, just maybe, I had found a new boyfriend to indulge my cravings.

Janice was still shouting her fucks into the room when my mouth reached his pubes. My hands clenched his buttocks, my nails biting hard on his tender flesh. All he could do was thrust forward, deeper into me, his hands on the back of my head for stability.

In my head, I smiled. I knew I had him.

Written by DarkSide
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