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Tonya Starts Work At The Club

"A desperate girl takes a job that might have more to offer than money."

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Author's Notes

"Look for other stories featuring the club in the future. Also a huge Thank You to my proofreader and friend freespirit13."

Desperate times

Tonya was a junior in college when she lost her scholarship foolishly. They didn’t kick her out altogether, but the steps they did take took away her ability to pay for school. The student disciplinary committee pulled her scholarships, withdrew all grant money, made getting a student loan impossible and to finish the final hit on her financially, made it impossible to be employed by any business associated with the school. She walked from the administration building in tears. Her head was down as she headed across campus to her dorm room and even that was to be a short-term thing as well. The only reprieve she did get from the committee was a chance to finish her class finals and the reprieve of not being forced from the dorm until finals were over. So, she had two weeks, not much time when your life just hit the toilet.

Tonya got back to her dorm room and flopped across the bed, bursting into tears. She lay there and cried for hours, it seemed, until finally falling asleep. She woke up later still lying across her bed and still with the same hopeless problems.  Rolling over on her back, she stared at the ceiling, secretly wishing it would just fall down and crush her to death. She wasn’t looking forward to calling her parents and telling them she had lost her scholarship. She knew that would kill them and there was no way to ask them for the money to finish school either. They were hard working blue collar folk that barely got by. The dream of college for her had only become possible through athletics and now that was over. All because of one moment of stupidity. Why had she hit that girl, that was a question she couldn’t answer. She had just reacted and never thought once of the consequences.

Finally forcing herself up off the bed she moved over to her desk. Thinking to herself, she started to make a list of what she needed to do. At the top of this list was whether she wanted to stay in school here or anywhere at this point. After some very long thought and some tears, she decided yes, this was where she wanted to finish school. With that decided she moved on to the next item that needed attention: she needed a job that could pay for school, and this brought her to a few other items: a place to live, food to eat and the other life needs she had taken for granted. This was so overwhelming that she broke down into tears again right there. Tonya spent the rest of that day and night in her dorm room, alternating between trying to figure out how to make it through school and bawling her eyes out.

Tonya woke up the next morning completely cried out and determined to get through school. She had to find a job and it couldn’t be anything associated with the school. Since that covered the majority of jobs in this college town it was going to be difficult. Pulling up the local Help Wanted ads on her laptop, she started going through them slowly. She found a few restaurants looking for waitresses, a few sales positions at some of the local retailers, but nothing that gave her the impression of paying enough to get her through school the next year and a half. Then she saw it –

Wanted: a young woman to act as a hostess. Her duties would be to greet customers and ensure their needs were being met. She would need to be available Thursday through Sunday night, hours vary, but typically are from 6 pm to 3 am each night. We can work with the right applicant. Pay will be discussed at the interview. Please call (258) 239-2483 to arrange an interview.

Tonya read through the ad several times trying to decide whether to call the number or not. There was nothing else popping out at her in the ads on the local Help Wanted page, so she decided to call. Since it was Saturday she decided to wait and call in the afternoon, but then reconsidered. Maybe they were open already, so she picked up the phone dialed the number.

The number rang a few times before a female voice answered with, “Thank you for calling Club Excite, how may help you?”

“Hi, I’m calling regarding the ad you had posted looking for a hostess,” Tonya replied.

“Oh yes, we are still looking for somebody. Are you interested?” the woman replied.

“Yes, ma'am, I am. I do have a few questions concerning it though.”

“Well, let me set you up an interview and we can answer any questions then. When might be a good time for you? I could set one up today if you can make it at four this afternoon? We are looking for somebody that can start right away.”

Tonya gave it a brief thought. “Four would be fine.”

They exchanged information, with Tonya giving her name and the lady on the other end giving Tonya the address for the interview before hanging up.

The interview

Hanging up the phone, Tonya had some time to kill and spent it surfing the rental ads for a place to live. She saw several that were listed in a price range that she thought she might be able to afford depending on how her job search went. She decided not to call about any of her prospects until she had gone to her interview and see what she might be making. Instead, she spent the rest of the time studying and trying feverishly not to worry about being able to afford to stay in school. 

As time got closer for her to leave, Tonya decided to take a quick shower to be fresh for the interview. She stood up and slid off her sleeping shirt, just an old ratty oversized t-shirt, and then slid her panties down her legs. They were just a pale blue pair of your basic colored cotton bikinis. Tonya had never really had the need to have fancy underwear or clothes for that matter.

She walked into her bathroom and stood in front of the mirror appraising herself before stepping into the shower. She studied her figure: trim and muscular from playing sports, breasts not large, but stood high on her chest with large round areolas and thick nipples, tummy flat, then she stopped and looked at her vagina. As she looked, she could see her bald vulva protrude like a small hill between her thighs. She had been scolded numerous times by her mother for wearing shorts so tight that they left a camel toe as her mother would call it. It wasn’t until she was in high school she learned what that term meant. After learning the meaning, she spent much more time picking out her clothes. This was the one part of her body she wished she could reshape. Finally, after running her eyes the rest of the way to her toes, she stepped in the shower.

She was done quickly and dried off. She went to her underwear drawer and pulled out another pair of cotton bikinis, but this time in black and slipped them on. She also pulled out a very plain satin black bra. Tonya then went over and stood in front of her closet trying to decide what to wear to the interview. She had never been an over-the-top dresser so her clothes were simple. She decided on a black pleated skirt that hit her just above the knees, a black camisole and medium blue button-up top that hugged her figure.

She dropped everything on her bed and started dressing, pulling the skirt on, then dropping the camisole over her head, letting it fall over her black bra. She looked in the mirror and she could just see the outline of the bra through the camisole. She worried over it for a minute before sliding her top on and buttoning it up. Looking again she decided it didn’t show with the top on.

Tonya then sat down to do her make-up and fix her hair into a presentable fashion. It took longer than she planned. When she looked up at the clock it was already a quarter after three. She grabbed her purse and ran for the taxi stand outside the dorm. She jumped into the first taxi she came to and tossed the paper with the address over to the driver and told him to step on it.

A short while later the taxi pulled up in front of a low three-story building. Tonya sat there for a moment staring at it. It was not what she expected at all. As she stepped out of the cab, she saw a small plaque inset into the wall. It read ‘Club Excite, The Place Your Excitement Is Full Filled’. Tonya looked at the plaque trying to decipher its meaning. Finally, she gave up and walked over to the single glass door that was on the front of the building. There was an intercom beside it and she pushed the button.

“Hello, how may I help you?” the voice stated from the intercom.

Bending down towards the intercom, Tonya introduced herself and said she was there for an interview.

“Oh yes, come on in. I’ll open the door for you,” the voice replied.

Tonya heard a sharp click and reached for the door. It opened surprisingly easy, with just a slight pull at the handle. Tonya stepped through the door and found herself in a small reception area all done up in black marble and tinted glass, but nobody was there and all she could see was more doors. Of course, they were all closed. She saw a door on each side of the room and a large fancy double door centered in the back wall.

She was just starting to debate about trying to open one of them when one of the side doors opened. A woman Tonya thought to be probably in her thirties stepped out of it. She was wearing a black dress that was almost form fitting. It had a high collar, no sleeves and ended at her knees. To say the woman was beautiful would be an understatement, was Tonya’s first thought.

“Hi, I’m Lissa Croft. I’ll be doing your interview,” she said to Tonya.

“Hi, Miss Croft. I’m Tonya Seaver,” she replied.

“Oh please, it’s just Lissa around here. We are a pretty close group here and it’s all first names.”

“Okay, Lissa it is,” Tonya replied. This woman had a way of making her feel very at ease.

Lissa walked over to the double doors and indicated for Tonya to follow her. As Lissa approached the door Tonya could hear a locking mechanism releasing.  Lissa just gently pushed at the door and it swung open easily revealing a large room set up as a lounge and much more. They walked across the room to a set of couches and Lissa sat down on one. She swept her hand across the other opposite of where she sat down. This had Tonya seated facing her.

“Tonya, I’d like to start by you telling me about yourself and what brings you here,” Lissa said.

“Okay, Lissa, I’ll get this out there quickly then.” She started telling Lissa about her troubles and her desire to finish school. Then all came bubbling forth like a great weight was being lifted from her shoulders, ending with that in a few short weeks she would be homeless as she also lost her dorm room. After completely unloading her whole story to Lissa, Tonya sat there with her head down and tears running down her cheeks.

Lissa leaned across to her and took a finger and wiped away the tears that had been running down her cheeks. Then taking her fingers she lifted Tonya’s chin up, staring into her eyes, seeing the most beautiful green eyes staring back at her. It was then she decided this girl was going to get a job here. She knew that men would melt staring into them just as she felt herself doing. Finally letting go, she sat back on her couch again thinking about how this girl would fit in here.

“That’s quite a story, dear. I’m glad to see you are trying to move forward and not giving up. I think we here at Club Excite might be able to help you with more than just a job. We like giving young women with determination a chance to excel in many ways.”

Lissa went on to discuss what the club was and how it operated. She explained to Tonya they were a private adult club with several levels of entertainment for their members; this ground floor was made up of this main room for social interaction and entertaining, private rooms for guests to freshen up, the staff areas and, of course, the offices for the club.

Lissa went on to explain the second and third floors were made up of private entertaining rooms of various sizes and desires. Her descriptions of what happened on these floors had Tonya shocked but also squirming as she felt herself getting wet listening to her explain it.

Finally finished, she looked at Tonya and could see the flush in her cheeks and knew that she had excited her as intended. She had to see if this girl would be able to become a larger part of the club or not. She was very satisfied that Tonya would eventually be more than just a hostess here and with that, she also knew the girl’s money troubles would be over quickly.

Sitting back on the couch relaxing a bit more, she said, “Now that I told you what we do here, are you still interested in coming to work for us? Your duties as a hostess here in this area does not mean you have to take part in any other activities I told you about unless you desire to, that is,” she finished with a little smile crossing her lips.

Tonya sat there for a few heartbeats considering all that Lissa had told her before answering, “I’m still very much interested in the hostess position but I don’t know if I could do the other things some of the girls do.”

“Tonya, you’ll never be asked to do anything more than you want, you have my word. Now, let’s go over your pay and the details of being hostess here and then I’ll have Bella get you outfitted. We supply you all the clothes you need to work here for free.” With that, Lissa started going over all the little details of being employed at ‘Club Excite’, including what it would pay and that there was a non-disclosure contract that must be signed.

Tonya sucked in a large intake of air when Lissa got to the pay. To say it was generous would be an understatement. She finally felt that there might be a little hope in her life after all.

“So, Tonya, you ready to go to work? If so, I’ll call Bella over to get you all set up.” Lissa raised her hand up and gave a little wave.

Tonya watched a slim girl in a short blue dress walk towards them. She was probably about five-foot-five with kinky blonde hair and like herself, had an athletic gait to her walk. She wasn’t runway-model beautiful but beautiful in the real-world sort of way. As she got closer, Tonya could see the dress was a wrap that ended just below mid-thigh.

“Bella, this is Tonya. Would you please get her outfitted for hostess duties?” Then, looking at Tonya, “Tonya, is Thursday night okay for you to start? We’ll get you started on a night when it’s not so hard around here,” Lissa finished with a huge smile. “I’ll leave you in Bella’s capable hands for now.”

A little time with Bella

Sensing that Lissa had dismissed her, Tonya stood up and turned towards Bella waiting.

“Tonya, come on with me and I’ll take you to what we call 'the closet' around here.”

Bella turned and started walking towards the bar area at the end of the room. She paused at a door just to the side of the bar entrance and ran her hand in front of a little pad mounted on the wall. Tonya heard the lock click and watched Bella push the door open and followed her through it. They walked down a hallway until they got to a set of double doors. Bella paused again to wave her hand in front of a pad mounted on the wall. Again, hearing the click Tonya wasn’t sure what the pad was reading to unlock the doors but guessed she’d find out soon enough.

Tonya followed Bella through the door and found herself standing in a room with rack after rack of dresses and other clothes. She could also see small storage areas lining the walls. Walking in a bit further, she could also see outfits that she assumed were used upstairs. There was a lot of lace, fishnet and leather hanging and lying around, giving her a quick shiver of excitement that she felt going through her core.

Bella had seen the totally shocked look before from new girls and wasn’t surprised at Tonya’s reaction at all but had a job to do here.

“Tonya, what are you, a size five or six?” she asked.

“It really depends on the outfit. Tight fitting, most of the time I need a six. I play sports,” catching herself mid-sentence, “I did play sports in school,” she said quickly before turning her head to keep Bella from seeing the tears that tried to slip from her eyes.

Bella saw the emotions run through this girl and felt sorry for her. She had been close enough to hear what she had explained to Lissa. Stepping closer she put her arm around her and pulled her into her saying, “It’s all right, Tonya. You’re in good hands here.” She continued holding her for a few minutes longer before letting her go. “Okay, let’s get you outfitted, girl.”

Tonya straightened up and gave an appreciative nod to Bella for the comforting hug.

“Okay, Tonya, the hostesses wear these dresses in one of four colors,” said Bella as she took a dress from one of the racks and held it up. It was a blue dress similar to the one she was already wearing. She went on to explain that the dress colors were the blue she was holding, a red, a green and a tangerine color. “So, what is your favorite color?”

Tonya thought for a minute and then asked, “How many dresses do I get? I’d like to have one of each color if that’s possible.”

“Sure, you can. We typically just take what we need. I usually keep eight to ten dresses at home. I always bring a bag with me with a spare dress and a change of clothes. You never know when you might get a drink spilled on you and need a quick change. So, would you like to try one on to make sure of your size? They’ve all been cleaned.”

“Sure, I think it will take a six but I guess it would be good to try one on. Where can I go to change?”

“Right here is fine, if you're comfortable changing clothes in front of me?”

Playing sports all of her life and changing in locker rooms with dozens of other girls made her perfectly comfortable with it. Without even answering she reached for the zipper on her skirt and in just a few quick seconds she was standing there in her bra and panties. Bella handed her the blue dress she had in her hand. Tonya slipped it on and it fit her perfectly.

“So, what do you think, Bella?”

“Looks absolutely perfect on you.”

With the dress issues settled, Bella took her through the rest of the accessories for the outfit. Walking around the room, she got Tonya outfitted with stockings and suspenders and several pairs of shoes to wear, but what she didn’t offer up was any bras or panties.

When they had finished, Tonya turned to Bella and asked, “I guess I need to get my own bras and panties?”

“No, actually, Lissa would prefer you didn’t wear anything under your dress. She says it excites the customers knowing we are naked under our clothes. That with just a few quick motions, we could be naked in front of them,” she said smiling at the look of horror on Tonya’s face. “Oh, don’t worry, you won’t be asked to strip in the main room,” finishing with a wink.

Tonya wasn’t sure how she felt about not wearing any undergarments, but with what this job was going to pay she could deal with it.

“Well, Tonya, anything else you need or any other questions for me?”

“Just one, what’s it like actually working here? I mean, Lissa gave me the broad strokes of what the club offered but how does that fit in with what I’m doing?” she asked with a very thoughtful look on her face.

“You don’t need to worry. Our clientele knows the rules in the main area. You just see to their needs, like serving drinks or snacks and the like. That’s not to say that you might not get hit on, as sexy as you are, but it’s not like somebody is going grab you and ravish you right there. Just be charming and helpful to the customers and you’ll clean up in tips.”

Tonya quickly changed back into her own skirt and top as Bella watched. If she had known the thoughts running through Bella’s mind, she’d have been blushing. Bella showed Tonya to the office to get her club ID done. The ID turned out to be a bracelet in a dark shade of silver. She was told this would grant her access to any part of the club except the management area.  After finishing the paperwork in the office, Bella gave her a small tour of the ground floor before showing her out, where Tonya caught a cab back to the dorm.

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Tonya got back to her dorm room and hung up the dresses and decided it was time to start a search for a place to live. She was hoping the money she would be making at the club would be enough. Yet as she sat down to start going through the ads her mind kept wandering back to what Lissa had told her about the club. It all kind of excited her. She was no vestal virgin by any means but had never really experienced some of the things Lissa had mentioned either. She hoped, in the end, she could handle it all because she really needed the money the job paid.

Working at the club

The next five days flew by. Tonya had taken one of her class finals that morning but now was in her dorm room getting showered and ready for her first night at the club. She was excited and a bit scared at the same time. She took a shower and dried off standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom. As she usually did, she did a quick self-appraisal of her body from head to toe and liked what she saw except for her mound. Her mom’s words always haunted her over this one feature of her body.

Tonya took her time to do her hair and apply her make up so it was just perfect. She was being far fussier than usual. When finally done she walked over to her underwear drawer and opened it. She started to reach in but caught herself--no undergarments for work. This was going to take some getting used to, for sure. She closed the drawer and just stood there a moment before heading to her closest to get one of the dresses. Reaching in she picked one of the red ones she had brought home with her. She slipped it on and fastened the two catches on the side holding it around her.

She moved around a bit and felt the fabric slide across her nipples. This was making them hard. Tonya worried about this for just the briefest of moments when it hit her: that is the point, so to speak, of going braless--to show off all the goodies. Finally slipping on her bracelet, she was ready.

Now finished getting ready she picked up her bag and went to catch a taxi to the club. The trip went quickly and the taxi was soon pulling up in front of the club. She started to open the door but the cabby, a younger guy had hopped out and was at her door opening it for her. As she slid out, he took the opportunity to stare at her legs poking out from under the short dress.

Tonya started for the door when the cabby called out to her, “Miss, if you need a ride please call me?” He reached out and handed her a card with his cab info and a cell number.

Tonya turned back to him and she took the card. She gave him a once over and decided he wasn’t bad looking at all. Turning back towards the door she saw there was a young man in a tux standing by it. He greeted her and opened the door for her. She walked on into the reception area to find Bella standing there.

“Hi there, Tonya, you look super in that red dress. Don’t you love the way the fabric rubs against you?” Bella said.

“They make take some getting used to but yes, it does feel good,” replied Tonya, not daring to look to see how far her nipples were sticking out in the dress.

“I’m to get you started tonight. We’ll keep it easy on you the first few nights. Let’s drop your bag off and we’ll get started,” Bella said.

Bella turned and walked through the double doors now opened up to the main part of the club. Tonya followed her in. Their first stop was to drop her bag off in the employees' area. Then they went back out to talk to the bartender and pick up a little scanner that Tonya would keep with her. It was a small device that just slipped around her wrist like a sweatband but made to look more like jewelry. Bella explained every guest had a bracelet that they were required to wear and the little scanner read it. This was how all charges were taken care of in the club, no money to handle.

Standing by the bar, Bella and Tonya looked out of the club and could see a few men and a few women already sitting around on the couches even though the club wasn’t officially open yet this evening. Tonya saw another girl walking around dressed in a blue dress amongst the guests taking orders or checking on them.

Bella saw her also and pointed to her. “That is Misty, she has been here a few months. Sweet girl and loves to have fun,” she said without indicating anything more about the 'fun' comment. “Don’t worry, you’ll get to know everybody soon enough.”

“I’m sure I will.”

Bella led her out through the club showing her around and introducing her to a few of the folks already sitting around.

“Tonya, this is Rob. Rob is a founding member here at the club.”

Rob stood up like a gentleman and greeted both girls before taking Tonya’s hand in his and kissing it and saying, “I’m sure it will be my pleasure to get to know you, Tonya.” She blushed red at his action.

The two girls walked on and, when out of Rob’s earshot, Bella turned with a big smile on her face and said, “Rob is a very fun guy to get to know. He’s single and loves to enjoy his women of any age, but then again, most men here do. The women aren’t much different here than the men either. They all love to have a good time upstairs.”

This last bit of information left Tonya thinking hard as they finished going around the room. Bella had introduced her to a few more men and a few of the women. Tonya got the very uneasy feeling she was being undressed by a few of them, both the men and women.

The club finally started filling up as Bella went about showing Tonya the ropes. Tonya noticed quite a few couples came in or even a few groups of people. As she worked, she also noticed folks going to the elevators that took you upstairs to the private areas. Sometimes it was only a man and woman, others it was two men and a woman or a single man and two women. She even noticed a small group about catch the elevator at one point. It looked like a few more men than women in the group. The other thing she noticed was some, men and women, came back down to the lounge area a short time later and would go back up with somebody else.  There were also folks dancing on the raised dance floor. All in all, Tonya was getting comfortable on her first night with the way things were.

About one in the morning, Lissa walked up to her and asked, “How are you doing your first night?”

“I’m doing okay, it’s just been a long day and late night,” Tonya said smiling.

“Well, I’ve heard nothing but glowing compliments about you tonight. I’m glad you decided to come to work here. Since things seem to be tapering off, I’m going to go ahead send you home tonight and I’ll see you back here tomorrow.” Lissa started to walk away and turned back towards her and said, “Don’t forget to pick up your tip check before you go.”

Tonya headed towards the bar. She had to turn in her scanner to close out her account at the bar. She chatted with the barman and got everything squared away and she headed back to the employee area to pick up her stuff and the tip check. She was puzzled over how they even knew who gave a tip since nobody signed for anything.

She stopped by the office to find a short bald guy sitting at the desk behind a computer. “Hi, I’m Tonya, Lissa said to pick up my tip check before leaving,” she said.

“Oh, yes, you are the new girl,” he replied. “Give me a minute and I will print it for you.”

He tapped on the computer for a few moments and a printer started chirping. He reached over and snatched the check off the printer and handed it to Tonya saying, “Here you go.”

Tonya looked at it and almost dropped it. After staring at a few more seconds she asked, “Are you sure this is right?” The check was almost five hundred dollars.

“I’m quite sure. They may not always be that much but Rob stopped by and left you a little extra. He must’ve really liked you tonight.”

Tonya was not sure what to say, so she finally just said, “Okay, I won’t expect it next time then.” With that, she headed out of the club but didn’t see a taxi. Then she remembered the card the not too shabby looking cabby gave her. Pulling it out she called the number. He answered on the first ring and said he’d be there shortly.

The cabby

True to his word he pulled up in front of the club pretty quickly. Tonya started walking out to the cab from by the door and before she could get there, the cabby was standing there holding her door. This gave her a chance to give him even a better look. She decided he was a bit older than she was but not by a whole lot. He was definitely good looking with his closely shaved beard and neatly trimmed blonde hair.

Without much thought when she got in, she made sure her dress slid much higher than it needed to. This gave the cabby a nice look at her thighs but she stopped it just short of showing him anything else. Turning to him she said, “Thank you.”

Well, his eyes were glued to her legs and it took him a few beats to look her in the face and say, “You’re welcome.”

Tonya didn’t know why but she was in a flirtatious mood and just a bit horny after working all night. Well, she knew why she was a bit horny. Every time somebody went upstairs and came back down, it was all over their face that they just had sex. How could that not rub off on you?

Thankfully he had a cab from a car service instead of a regular taxi with a divider from the driver. All the way back to the dorm she leaned over the front seat and chatted with the cabby. She found out his name was Kevin; he was single but even more importantly, she was his last fare for the night or more accurately, he had come from home at her call.

Not normally a person to pick a guy up, she needed one tonight and she decided Kevin would do nicely. Instead of pulling up in front Kevin parked the car in the lot and followed Tonya inside to her room. They both knew where this was going and as soon as the door closed, Kevin pulled her to him and kissed her. Breaking the kiss, Tonya stepped back and undid the fasteners on her dress and let it drop to the floor, leaving her standing naked in front of Kevin except for her shoes.

Kevin, not being a fool, reached out and pulled her back to him, kissing her again as his hands worked their way over her naked flesh. He had one hand cupping her ass, as he slid the other in between them to her breast. He had been staring at her hard nipples the whole trip here and now wanted to feel them. He rubbed one and then the other. Tonya just moaned into their kiss at his touch.

Kevin, breaking the kiss, leaned his head down and sucked one of her hard nipples into his mouth. He sucked it hard, drawing it to its full hardness before releasing it and moving to the other. He repeated his actions on her other nipple. As he had them both hard now, he moved back and forth licking and sucking them, leaving Tonya moaning ever louder.

The hand he had on her ass, he slid it along her ass until it was between her legs cupping her sex in his fingers. As he continued sucking and teasing her nipples, he started running his fingers over her pussy, drawing his fingers over her ever-increasingly wet lips. With her completely cupped in his hand, he took a finger and rubbed her clit as he massaged her mound in his palm, leaving her moaning even louder.

Kevin, taking the quickest of glances to get the lay of her room, started guiding her towards the bed, all the while continuing his clit and pussy massage. Moving her to the side of the bed, he quickly moved his arm out of the way and gave her a little push, sitting her on the bed with her pussy right at the edge. He wasted no time in dropping to his knees. The bed was an ideal height for him to be staring right at what he desired. Using his hands, he pushed her legs apart and wasted no time in leaning forward, planting a kiss right on her lips. This sent a shudder through Tonya’s body he felt.

He started peppering her pussy and inside of her thighs with kisses, pushing her legs open further. Tonya, losing her balance, flopped back across the bed. Kevin used this to his advantage and lifted her legs over his shoulders before burying his face in her wet pussy. He started running his tongue along her opening, slipping it in and out. As he neared the top each time, he would run it across her hard clit sending her into a moaning fit. He loved knowing what he was doing to her.

He started concentrating on her clit, licking, sucking and nibbling at it gently as he slid first one and then a second finger deep into her pussy. He started working them in and out with deep strokes. He made sure he rubbed the inside of her pussy each time, driving her wild.

And driving her wild it was. She hadn’t been eaten like this in forever. Tonya was thrashing in pleasure and just about screaming from what Kevin was doing to her. She started bucking her hips at him as he pushed her closer to orgasm. She could feel it building every time he dragged his fingers along her. He was repeatedly hitting her most sensitive spot with each stroke from them.

Kevin could tell she was getting close and was really concentrating on bringing her off to the best orgasm she ever had. He clamped his lips on her clit, sucking it hard as he moved his fingers fast and deep in and out of her. She was bucking against him with every thrust of his fingers. Then it happened suddenly; her legs closed around his head and her pussy squeezed his fingers. He felt her wetness rushing past his fingers to run over his hand. He kept sucking her clit hard and deep. He could barely hear the screaming orgasm she was having with her thighs clamped over his ears.

Tonya felt it burst from her. She closed her legs around his head, holding him against her as she spasmed. He was still sucking her clit hard and his fingers were still deep inside her as she shook in orgasm. Arching her back, she let out a scream that echoed off the walls and was for sure heard by the neighboring rooms. Suddenly she just collapsed, letting Kevin loose and lying perfectly still on the bed, breathing deeply.

Kevin thought she might squeeze him to death but as quickly as she started, he felt her collapse on the bed and lie still, taking in deep breaths as she calmed down. Letting go of her clit he pulled his head back to look up at her. Her eyes were closed and her breasts were heaving up down as she gulped in air. He slowly withdrew his fingers from her as well with an audibly wet 'pop'. He finally just rested back on his thighs watching her recover.

Tonya slowly recovered and finally sat up on the bed looking at Kevin. She smiled and said, “Damn, that was terrific but now it’s your turn!”

She started to scoot her way off the bed. As she did, Kevin stood up showing the obvious bulge in his jeans from his cock straining to be released. Tonya didn’t even bother to stand but slid off the bed right to her knees in front of Kevin. She reached out and caught the waistband of his jeans, pulling him to her. She ran her hand over the rather large bugle he had and felt it jump to her touch. She loved knowing how hard he was. Now it was time to unwrap him for her pleasure.

She started unbuckling the belt on his jeans as she leaned forward and kissed the bulge of his cock. When the belt was undone, it didn’t take her long to open the jeans and start sliding them down his hips. Just as the waistband passed his cock it sprang out like a jack-in-the-box right in her face. “Oh, no undies!” she said. She took the head of his hard cock right in between her lips and licked it as she finished pushing his jeans down.

Kevin picked up one leg and then the other so she could get his shoes off and then his pants. He had his hands resting on her head, tangled in her hair to help balance himself and was loving the feeling of it. Then suddenly he sucked in a deep breath; she had taken him the rest of the way between her lips, sucking hard.

Tonya worked his cock between her lips, sucking it and running her tongue along the shaft, all the while gently stroking the base. She used her other hand to roll his balls around in their sack. She worked along his shaft with her tongue, sucking as she went. Then she worked her way back until just the head was between her lips, then ran her tongue around it, paying close attention to the sensitive area under the head.  

Kevin was holding onto her hair and pushing his cock at her by arching his back. He was filling the room with his moans now. He didn’t know how long he would last with her skills working over his cock. He just hoped it was long enough to justify the wait.

She continued working his cock and slowly started bobbing up and down on it faster. With each time she took him, she tried to take him a bit further until he was hitting the back of her mouth. She’d slide him out and suck the head before going as far as she could back down on him again. His cock wasn’t huge but it was longer than she could take all in each time.

Kevin, feeling his orgasm coming, gripped her head in his hands, using her hair as handles, and started controlling the speed in and out. He was now face-fucking her. He forced his cock into her before pulling out and plunging in again. As he neared his orgasm, his pace and force picked up. She let him and just tried to keep from gagging as he got more aggressive.

For Kevin, there was no holding back. He rammed his cock as deep as he could and let loose his load of semen into Tonya’s mouth, filling it full. She tried to swallow as much as she could but she had only let a few guys cum in her mouth and none had ever cum this much. Ultimately, she had cum running out of her mouth around his cock as he held her tight as he finished draining himself.

He finally pulled back, leaving Tonya trying to breathe and swallow what was left of his semen but before Kevin could back too far away, she caught him by his cock and stopped him. Finally catching her breath, she looked up at him, all the while pulling him closer by his cock in her hand. She leaned forward and ran her tongue around the head and down the shaft cleaning him up as she went. All Kevin could do was moan and stare down at her.

When she had finally finished, she stood up face to face with him and then leaned in for a kiss that Kevin gladly accepted from her messy lips, still covered in his cum. They shared a long kiss, swapping tongues back and forth, sharing the taste of each other.

They stood there holding each other after the kiss had finished and Kevin happened to see the clock on the nightstand by her bed. It said it was three thirty in the morning. He had to pick up a client at seven that morning. Not wanting to, he had to say his goodbyes to this wonderful girl.

“Tonya, I hate to do this but I just realized the time. I have a client to pick up at seven this morning. I would love to stay the rest of the night but I just can’t.”

Tonya could hear the anguish in his voice and felt the disappointment run through her as well. Yet she knew not to make a big deal of it. She thought to herself, After all, a pretty good pussy eater, maybe he’d come back sometime.

“If you got to go, I understand. Wouldn’t want you to lose your job. Then I might not be able to call you for a ride home again,” she said with a wink.

Already starting to gather up his pants and shoes he paused and said, “Call me any time you need a ride. I do hope to hear from you again and haven’t spoiled it by my quick departure tonight.”

“I think you will!”

After a quick kiss goodbye that turned into a much longer kiss, he was out the door. Tonya just walked over, flopped her bed and was asleep in seconds but only partially satisfied.



Written by Road_Runner
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