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Ticket Girls - Raving Horny

"Mona and Christy do a lot to get their kicks, and it almost always involves sex."

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If you think ticket girls sell vouchers for sightseeing tours or admission slips, you’re on the wrong track, though you’re not really to blame. No, ticket girls, that’s what we secretly used to call ourselves, we being Mona and me, Christy. It sounded a lot better than girls who spread their legs for drugs, but that’s basically what we did. Not that we had a problem with that.

From Thursday to Saturday, the local raves were our playground. We’d dance through the night, lost in the hypnotizing beats of trance music thumping from the speakers and setting our blood boiling, so high on ecstasy and trips that our feet never touched the ground, floating on waves of pleasure and intensity.

But seeing that both of us were notoriously broke and, I at seventeen and she a year younger, not really able to earn enough with side jobs to afford all that we craved, getting our fingers on all that fun stuff came with a different and slutty price.

To pay that price, we had to be in the right mood - but mood, on rave nights, was much better with some of these tiny, saturated snippets of colorful paper and equally small pills. We had quickly convinced Tony, who ran our favorite Thursday club, that helping us get into that mood was a clever marketing decision by dressing our flimsiest and flirting like maniacs on the dancefloor. It was a win-win situation, for we got our stuff and Tony’s club a sexy reputation.

It was in the middle of the summer when we entered the club at our usual time, both of us a grin on our lips when we looked up at the two letters above the entrance. ‘XS’ it read, and what a fitting name it was. Mona was wearing that white, skin-tight dress with red seams and a heart-shaped cut-out on the front through which her navel piercing shimmered, together with these knee-high, gleaming slut boots. She was two inches smaller than me and I always envied her the incredibly slim figure, and with her red curls, thousands of speckles and her huge, sea-green eyes, she was the epitome of innocent seduction.

I, for my part, had let myself get talked into wearing the black, pleated dress whose upper part was just a wide loop of stretchy fabric that I had to twist once and slip over my head, leaving my back completely bare and, if I bent forward too much, would expose all of my naked, B-cup sized glory to the world.

“You’re such a slut,” she had whispered when I had slipped it on, and I had returned the compliment.

Now we were stepping down the worn steps to the club. The soft thumping was already audible, and we had our fingers interlocked and were giddy with anticipation. Tony was behind the bar and waved in greeting. A few early birds in unfitting street clothes were crowded around one of the cocktail tables in the far corner and slamming down crash accelerators, that’s what we called these tiny bottles with sweet liquor. We made a straight beeline for Tony.

“Hey, beautifuls!”

“Hey, Papa Tony.” He liked to feel like a wise old patron of the arts, and despite him being not far into his thirties and a horny bugger to boot, who were we to ignore our benefactor’s wishes? “Got some good stuff?”

“You bet,” he promised, winking slyly. “Why don’t you come back into the office?”

This was a first. I looked at Mona and she at me, but then we both shrugged and went behind the bar, ducking under the folding part and following him through an archway and into a tiny office covered with old rave posters.

Once the door was closed behind us, he pulled a small plastic tube from his pocket that contained two large, slightly rough looking pills. “Oranges,” he told us with a little flourish. “MDMA, MDE and enough Mescal to shoot your brain to Mars and back.”

We shouldn’t have told him how much we loved psychedelics. I didn’t need to look at Mona to know she had the same trouble containing her drool that I had. “Fucking awesome!” I piped, filled with impatience.

“They were fucking difficult to come by,” Tony explained, and it was instantly clear that he was leading up to something, for he didn’t normally waste much time discussing pills, “so I thought a little extra show of gratitude might be in order.”

I opened my lips to form a half-hearted protest - it’s never good to appear too eager - but my got stuck on the pretty, orange pills. “Fuck,” I mumbled and slipped off the top. It was cool inside, and my nipples instantly jumped to attention.

“Slut,” Mona hissed next to me and slipped her dress over her head. Unlike mine, it was an all-or-nothing dress.

Tony always expected a look and feel at our tits, something I had less problems with than Mona. Not that she cared about having them touched, but hers had gotten stuck at A-cup size, and judging by her mom’s figure, weren’t likely to grow anymore. She had no idea how pretty her nipples were, though, I thought to myself for the umpteenth time while I waited for Tony’s reaction, because they looked huge and incredibly yummy on her small tits.

“All of it.”

This time, there was no hesitation, just the unspoken agreement between Mona and me that we’d do a lot, quite a big lot, actually, to get these pills. I stripped out of my dress and found a less seedy spot for it on the red couch next to us, then pushed my thong with a practiced motion down my legs and wiggled it over my boots.

You can’t have pussy hair with the tiny thongs we used to wear, so Tony was now staring dreamily at our two clean-shaven mounds. Usually at this point, where I let myself be ogled so shamelessly, my body was flooded with the thrilling magic of ecstasy and horny like hell. Today, though, with Mona in the same state of exposure right next to me, I felt a warmth between my thighs despite being sober.

“Let’s play a little game,” Tony suggest and crooked his finger at me.

“If we need to,” I drawled and walked up to him, wiggling my hips and fluttering my lashes. That always worked.

He let one pill roll onto his palm, then stowed away the other. Picking it up between two fingers, he smirked at me and held it up.

When I reached out for it, he pulled it back, clucking his tongue. “Oh no, little slut! No hands, open wide!”

“I know what you’re up to,” I bantered, taking another step closer. Sure enough, his free hand was instantly on my boobs. I stood on tiptoes, mouth wide open and trying to reach that tiny, promising orange ball between his fingers, but he held it just out of my reach while he massaged my tit. “Fuck,” I gasped when he rolled my nipple between his fingers. Mona giggled behind me, knowing well enough how hot that got me.

“Let’s make one thing clear,” Tony explained, “this is Mona’s pill. She’ll have to get it from you - out of your mouth - and you’ll let her work for it. I want a real show, or I’ll just keep the second one for myself, capisce?”

I almost laughed at his awkward imitation of Italian. “Capisce,” I confirmed. Making Mona work for it was just what I had in mind too.

“Hey, that’s not fair!” Mona complained.

“Life’s not fair,” Tony grumbled in return, then stuck out his tongue at her.

“Stop teasing us and give me that damn pill, Tony!” I begged. My toes started to hurt.

“Okay, okay.” He put the pill on my tongue but held his fingers there. I contemplated biting them, but that would probably not have ended well. “Just don’t swallow it.”

The moment his fingers were free of my mouth, Mona was upon me like a berserk, her naked, pretty body rubbing against mine, and her tongue pressing against my lips and trying to force its way in. It’s funny, because she was the easily embarrassed one of us - or at least, she acted like that. Perhaps all the drugs were just an excuse. Hell, they were my excuse too.

I didn’t mind her attentions at all. My arousal-meter had gone through the roof the moment her nipples had rubbed against my tits, and keeping my mouth closed when all I wanted to do was kiss her was an almost inhuman challenge. Suddenly, her wet, hot lips trailed down over my chin, nibbling at my throat, then further down over my tit until they wrapped deliciously around one nipple.

My back arched and a moan escaped through my nostrils. Hot sparks exploded in my nipple, and I’d never had felt more grateful to Tony before. Mona sucked on my nipple, and my pussy answered with hot twinges.

“Hey, Freckles, you should hurry up,” he suddenly piped in, sounding rather out of breath, “or it’ll dissolve.”

Mona froze. Then - I almost couldn’t believe it - she grinned up at me, lifting her index and middle finger, and I watched her guide them directly to the entrance of my pussy.

“Fuck, yeah,” Tony groaned next to me.

I could only whimper when she pushed them all the way inside me in one determined thrust. I had been hot and wet before, but now my pussy felt like a geyser. She started to finger-fuck me ruthlessly and fast, and my hips rocked forward to meet her thrusts. I couldn’t even care that Tony was watching us. This was something I had dreamed about for ages, and god, it felt so great to have Mona’s fingers inside, pushing my slick walls aside and making waves of pleasure race through my body.

Her lips were back on mine, hot and slippy, and the ball of her hand found my clit and rubbed a hard circle over it. I gasped into her mouth, feeling her tongue sneak inside, and I could already sense that wonderful edge approaching.

Then she pulled back. Her fingers slipped out of me, leaving an empty, yearning need in my pussy, and she grinned at me like the cat who ate the canary. Tony threw her a plastic bottle with water, and she greedily unscrewed it and swallowed.

“Bitch,” I hissed instead of begging her to finish what she had started. She only grinned wider.

“Time for yours,” Tony reminded me.

For a short moment, I hoped that he would make us play the same game in reverse. God, to get my fingers finally into her pretty snatch! But then I turned around and gasped, suddenly seeing a long, thick, clean-shaven cock in front of me; stiff like a rod it stood out from his opened fly, the head purple and moist around its eye. Thick veins ran along it. Fuck.

Types like Tony normally played the cool checker to compensate for all they were missing between their legs, and I hadn’t guessed him to be an exception. But that cock was above average in length and width, a perfect specimen if I had ever seen one.

“If we have to fence, I need a sword too,” I told him.

“Impertinent little slut.”

My eyes roamed back and forth between that cock and the orange pill he was holding up to tease me. “Horny bugger! Get on with it!”

“I heard Andy say that you suck cock like a pro.”

“And if I do?”

He laughed. “That’s what I like about you two. No pretending. Now, this should be easy.” I watched him spit on a finger, then wet a spot at the top of his cock close to his groin. He grinned while he set the pill down on that spot, sticking it to his cock. “No hands. No cheating.”

The task was clear. I went down on my knees and looked over my shoulder to Mona.

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When I gave blowjobs, I always tried to have her around - not because of the kink factor like most males who earned the pleasure thought - but to have someone guide my head across that short, intense moment when the cock-head touched the back of my throat. She nodded and grinned. Somehow, she had never complained, so I was pretty sure there was a little sadist hiding somewhere deep inside her.

I leaned forward, almost drooling at the yummy sight in front of me, my eyes riveted to the orange source of delight, and felt her hand touch the back of my head.

Goosebumps raced up my back. “Fuck, this is kinky,” I whispered.

“Just as you like it, slut,” Mona whispered back. “Now swallow that monster!”

Tony had gripped his cock further back, so I didn’t have to worry about the pill falling off. I kissed the tip, just resting my lips on it, and I could already feel him shudder in delight. I tickled the eye in the center with the tip of my tongue and was rewarded with a soft moan from him while I enjoyed the first musky, salty taste of precum.

The trick for deepthroating - if you didn’t have a lot of time to get him nice and slimy - has three components. Open wide, run your tongue tightly along its underside and go slowly. Men go crazy when I do that, and Tony was no difference. Once I slowly parted my lips over his smooth glans and slid my tongue over the thin, sensible strip of skin under it, his breath shuddered.

He felt wonderful as he slid over my tongue, and I had to open my mouth really wide to keep my teeth away from him. I gripped my wrists behind my back.

“Ready?” Mona asked, but she didn’t wait for my answer. Instead, she started to push forward, slowly but relentlessly, and the only thing I could do was relax my mouth and let her guide my head over this beautiful, huge cock.

Tony moaned above me, his breath coming hard, and then it was halfway in and touched me back there. For a short moment, my body wanted to heave, but Mona knew not to give it the time and pushed harder. I swallowed, once, twice, tears pooling in my eyes, then I felt it slip through and down my throat.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Tony exclaimed, and his hips rocked forward.

Mona’s hand held me in place, and I could hear her giggle while he slid all the way inside my mouth and my nose hit his pubes. In a lucid moment, I remembered to seal my lips around his rod to keep the pill from falling out, but then he started to fuck my face, just like this. My heart started to race. I couldn’t breathe. But, god, my pussy throbbed. Every time he drew back and thrust back in, his glans brushed the back of my throat, and soon tears streaked down my cheeks, but I had never been hornier before.

‘Hurry up,’ I thought, but a part of me wished this could take ages. It had done a lot of crazy things, but I had never felt so slutty before.

Suddenly he stiffened, all the way in my mouth, and I felt him pulse in my throat.

“Fuuuhuuuhuuck!” he growled and shot his cum down the express route into my stomach, load after load.

Finally, Mona’s fingers relaxed, and I drew back my head, lips tightly wrapped around Tony’s cock. I felt the rough surface of the pill and sighed with relief. With a smack, he slipped out, and I leaned back to find my breath, my trophy safe on my tongue.

“Oh, fuck,” Tony, rather eloquently, said once more while he stowed his now shrinking tool back inside his pants.

“Good, huh?” I questioned with a grin and reached out my hand towards Mona, who got the hint and passed me the water bottle.

“That was fucking amazing,” he confessed, straightening the ‘Bells of Revolution’ t-shirt. Either these tees were the most robust ones ever fabricated, or he had a whole wardrobe full of them, because it was all I had seen him in since last year’s Mayday rave.

“You’re dealing with the best.” I took a gulp of water and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of the little pill sliding down, now more than just thrilled to start the night for real. I giggled at the thought. “If you get your hands on good stuff again, save some for us.”

“We don’t need any stuff to have some fun,” he suggested, leaning on the edge of the worn writing desk.

“But that’s not how the deal works,” I told him with a wink, earning a mock pout in return. Something occurred to me though, and I turned around. “You’re awfully quiet, Mona.”

She stared at me with wide eyes. Then she stepped slowly closer, and my heart stopped when her arms went around me. Her naked body once pressed against mine, and my skin started to burn.

“This is fucking good stuff,” she whispered in my ear, and her thigh pressed rhythmically against my slick pussy, “really good stuff.”

“Oh fuck.” You could say a lot about Tony, but not that he was one for unexpected philosophic recitations. “Listen, girls, as much as I would watch you two go at it, I’ve got work to do, and I need you out of here too.”

“I want to rub your pussy until you come in the middle of the dancefloor,” I whispered back, suddenly feeling an all-encompassing need to please her. Good stuff always brings out the best in me. Or the beast in me. I liked to consider that distinction unimportant.

Her breath hitched, and we shared a short, hot, tongue-filled kiss before we broke apart and hesitantly slipped back into our panties and dresses. I could see that Tony’s cock was contemplating another round as well. He ushered us out of the door and back into the now crowded public area though, pinching our bums to say goodbye.

The loud, thumping bass enveloped me the moment I stepped through the door, filled my blood and sent prickles all over my skin. Mona gripped my hand, pulling me onto the dancefloor. The strobe lights and lasers made the club spin around us like a beautiful supernova, and we started rubbing our bodies together with the beat.

“I love you!” I shouted into Mona’s ear and rubbed my thigh against her mound.

“Love you too!” she shouted back, twirled behind me and trailed her hands up my thighs. Someone whistled close by, but all I could see was memories of earlier which merged with the bright laser beams around me to those of a naked, beautiful Mona who was swirling in a universe of colors and sound like a fairy queen.

“Slut!” she shouted and slipped a hand inside my skirt and panties, her fingers starting again where they had left off earlier. Beautiful heat rolled in waves through me while she finger-fucked me in time with the beat, and the sounds of whistles and synthesizers crawled directly under my skin and weaved sparkling patterns. I recognized the tune of Act One’s ‘Moonwalk’, that flighty, funny synthie loop that seemed to spiral higher and higher all the time, and I did indeed feel like dancing weightlessly across the moon.

I reached back and roamed my fingers up her thighs. We’d never gone that far on the dancefloor - hell, we’d never gone that far between ourselves before, but she didn’t mind me pushing up her skirt and even spread her legs a little to allow my hands to pull aside her thong. When my index finger slipped between the softest folds and into her slick, tight channel, I was in seventh heaven. Every time I had watched her make out or fuck, I had yearned to touch her perfect pussy, and now, finally, I was allowed to.

I wet the fingers of my other hand with a little spittle and reached back again, finding her clit and rubbing circles in time with the beat. We gyrated and rubbed against each other, riding the fingers buried deep inside us, and her moans brushed like delicious silk against my ear. We didn’t care if anybody saw - couldn’t care, because we were far away in our own, sexy world, and all I could think of was gifting her the same intense pleasure I was feeling.

Her hips began to jerk and her pussy walls clenched tightly around my finger. I moaned her name and heard mine in return.

“I’m…” she started saying, but then her hand pulled me painfully close against her body and she shook all over. She bit that soft, sweet spot above my collarbone and I cried out.

I came in an explosion of sound and light, drenching her fingers, twisting and tumbling through clouds of pleasure. She pulled me close and held me upright, two fingers stuck up my pussy, until I felt my body once again.

“Oh my god,” I moaned into her ear, resting my head back against her shoulder. “Thank you! I want to lick your pussy. Please?”

She froze. I worried for a moment that I had crossed a line. But then her lips nibbled on my earlobe, drawing a moan, and she growled, “Only if you can find someone to fuck your pretty ass while you lick me, slut.”

I had a mission. First, though, I needed something to drink, so I pulled Mona along with me to the bar and ordered two bottles of water. We found a free couch in one of the alcoves at the back and slumped into the comfy leather cushions, then clinked the bottles together and downed their contents in one go.

Mona let out a mighty burp, and we both got the hysterics, laughing until we had tears streaming down our faces. I had almost managed to calm down when I suddenly saw this picture in my mind of Mona’s burp forming into a huge balloon and sailing away with her, and when I folded forward from another round of laughter, I bumped my head on the table.

“You’re silly!” she shouted at me over the loud music.

“And?” I asked and slumped back again.

She shrugged. “Close your eyes.”

I did. I leaned back my head and laid it on the high backrest, wondering what she was up to. We often played closed-eyed games. One of the effects of the pills was that heightened sensibility for touch, and we’d spent hours just running our fingers up and down each other’s arms and cheeks, shuddering in delightful intensity or watching the other do the same, all innocent yet intimate.

Today’s stuff was a little different, something I had noticed from the start. Normal pills hyped me up all the way, leaving me unable to keep my feet still, but now felt like floating peacefully an inch above the couch. Then I gasped.

Mona’s fingers touched the inside of my thigh and ever so slowly crept higher, and god, it felt delicious!

“How many fingers?” she asked.

“Four?” I guessed. “Five?” We used to play this game a lot when we were chilling after long, intense nights out, but only on bare arms. Now, though, it was a lot more intimate, and when she didn’t seem inclined to stop when she got closer to the tops of my thighs, my heart fluttered once again.

There was a devious grin floating in her whisper. “Wrong. Hundreds!”

That was the beauty about psychedelics. Once an idea was planted in your mind, they tried their best to make it seem real. And by god, the moment she had said the words, my skin exploded in a myriad of tingling touches. A giggle reached my ears. I arched my back and moaned her name.

Hundreds of teasing caresses suddenly covered my still heated pussy when her lips pressed against mine. “Fuck!” I gasped into her mouth.

She giggled deviously and whispered, “Thousands.”

I was swept away in a sea of lust, spurred on by thousands of delicious, naughty touches, and felt the edge approach me like a towering wave about to break. Hundreds of hands slid under the top of my dress and started to caress my breasts, brushing away my last rational thought and turning her name into my mantra. God, how I loved this girl!
Written by ChrissieLecker
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