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The Lotus and the Flame - Final

"Will Anderson and Farida's arrangement come to a close?"

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Finally, the weekend was over and it was time for Farida to go home. Anderson took her to the station and, as they waited for her train, Anderson put a reassuring arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

‘It wasn’t all bad was it?’ He suddenly felt and sounded unsure of himself.

Farida shook her head and gripped the handle of her overnight bag tightly. She turned to him. ‘No, it wasn’t all bad.’

She’d smiled at Anderson’s question but now she stared at him. ‘As long as you keep your side of the bargain, then all is cool.’

Anderson nodded as Farida’s train entered the station. ‘Of course, I will. I am a man of my word, a passionate one at that.’

Farida gave him a hug, said, ’I’d better be going,’ and Anderson watched as she walked across the platform and boarded the train.


Back home, Farida was racked with guilt. Of course, Naeem had asked how the weekend had gone, whether she’d enjoyed herself, and Farida hated the fact that she had to lie to her husband.

In terms of university, however, things couldn’t have gone any better. As months passed, Anderson helped her to fine tune her work so that she was consistently achieving high marks.

Of course, she also had to ensure that Anderson was getting what he wanted, but the situation didn’t bother her. Quite the contrary! Most of their couplings took place behind the locked door of his office, the blind down and everything secure, to her surprise, Farida became horny when she thought about being caught or interrupted by one of the students.

She hadn’t been able to manage another weekend away due to family events, such as weddings or visiting what seemed like a copious amount of family members who’d given birth, and Farida was aware of Anderson’s growing impatience.

Anderson finally confirmed his annoyance as he marked another piece of her work. ‘I’m getting pissed off not being able to fuck you the way I want,’ he said.

‘I know. I promise I’ll sort another weekend soon.’

Anderson looked at her dolefully and Farida felt sorry for him. ‘Hey, come on, it isn’t that bad,’ she laughed.

But, for Anderson, it quite clearly was that bad. He was trying to keep himself in check but he felt like he was going to combust as all the pent up sexual energy built inside him at a terrifying rate. Fucking Farida in the office and the occasional blowjob was not satisfying him at all. It didn’t help that he’d become obsessed with watching the homemade secret videos.

His sexual frustration over Farida wasn’t the only problem. Marnie had been on his case, questioning whether he was seeing someone else. It pissed Anderson off - but it also amazed him that women seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to their partners and any messing around.

The upside of this situation was that Marnie had been attending to some of his sexual needs and trying really hard to please him. In fact, she’d been even hornier than usual.

But she wasn’t Farida.

Then, one evening while Marnie enthusiastically rode his cock, she expressed a desire for them to have a threesome.

‘What? Me you and some other guy?’ Anderson asked, gripping Marnie’s curvy hips to steady her rhythm.

She shook her head and leaned forward, brushing her breasts across his face. ‘No… I mean you, me, and another girl.’

How much of this was true, Anderson didn’t know. He wondered if Marnie was saying that because she thought he might admit to seeing another woman and, maybe, he would propose her as the third player. Anderson had never trusted the machinations of Marnie’s mind.

Whatever, he’d become aroused as he thought of introducing Marnie and Farida to each other.


‘So, when do you think you can sort this weekend, then?’ Anderson handed Farida her papers and watched as she pushed them into her plastic folder.

‘As soon as I can. I guess I’m due for an Islamic retreat and enough time has passed for Naeem not to be suspicious if I go away again.’

Anderson squeezed one of her hands. ‘I’m really looking forward to it. Things are great between us aren’t they? You seem to enjoy everything we get up to?’

Farida stood and put her bag straps over her shoulder. ‘I am actually,’ she admitted, ‘and, like I said, leave it with me in terms of the weekend.’

Farida was true to her word. It had been easy to wangle another weekend away. Deceiving Naeem, although still unpalatable, didn’t leave quite the same acrid taste in her mouth that it had previously. Anderson was elated when she told him the news and she’d felt warm inside at how happy she’d made him.

On a Saturday morning, Anderson had been beside himself with excitement about what the rest of his weekend entailed. He’d been shopping and bought himself some beers and chocolates for Farida. He’d made sure the fridge was stocked and, that morning, he’d made a chicken curry that was simmering on the cooker, filling his apartment with the aroma of garlic and spices.

Anderson decided to get dressed in a white shirt and faded jeans. As he sprayed deodorant before fastening his shirt buttons, there was a knock on the apartment door.

Anderson walked along the hallway and opened the door… Marnie stood there, dressed in a revealing tight red dress.

‘I thought I’d pop by, see if you fancied going for a drink and then we can… well, you know, come back here and relax.’ She winked at him and licked her lips.

‘What have I told you about just turning up?’ Anderson asked, keeping her standing on the doorstep. If he let Marnie inside, and she smelt the curry and saw the chocolates for Farida in the kitchen, it would be an unmitigated disaster.

‘Aren’t you going to let me in then?’ Marnie’s voice was slightly defensive always a bad sign.

‘I’m ready to go out but I’ll try to catch you later at the pub,’ Anderson lied.

Marnie pursed her lips, ‘Have you got a woman in there?’ She nodded her head, staring over Anderson's shoulder.

‘No, and look, I don’t need the third degree, Marnie. You shouldn’t have turned up unannounced… so, complaining because I have other plans, is totally out of order.’

Marnie shrugged. ‘Fine, be like that then but don’t think you can just ring me when it suits you. I don’t know what’s happened to recently .’

‘Nothing has happened to me. Look, I promise I will make it up to you. These were plans that had been made ages ago, I couldn’t get out of it.’

The lie seemed to placate Marnie. They both were aware that if she pushed him too much then there was a possibility that she wouldn’t see Anderson ever again. Leaning forward she kissed him, ensuring that he got a flash of her glorious cleavage in the process.

‘See you tomorrow then,’ she murmured, attempting to be seductive. The tone usually made Anderson’s cock rock hard but, on this occasion, all he could think about was getting rid of her. He was picking up Farida in half-an-hour and he didn’t want Marnie lingering.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow babe,’ Anderson said, before patting Marnie’s ass.

She grinned. ‘Text me, big boy, when you’re ready for a serious fucking,’ she said, walking away and giving him a small wave over a shoulder.

Anderson shut the door and leaned against it, relieved that he had managed to dismiss Marnie. Walking through to the kitchen he turned off the pan of chicken curry. Why did Marnie always have to complicate matters? Then again, he couldn’t knock her because, prior to Farida, he had thought that Marnie was the perfect girlfriend. To be fair, she wasn’t as needy as other girlfriends from his past.

Marnie was her own woman, incredibly independent, and knew what she wanted. It was only occasionally that she allowed herself to show her soft, insecure, vulnerability; a side that Anderson was convinced all women possessed.

Anderson looked at his watch and decided that he would give it ten more minutes before leaving for the train station to collect Farida who was the new jewel in his life. But his thoughts kept straying back to Marnie and the night when she said she wanted a threesome.

However, he knew it would be stupid to even think about introducing Marnie to Farida. But, as he shrugged his coat over his shoulders, he couldn’t get rid of an image of Marnie and Farida on all fours in front of him while he took turns fucking their holes.

Walking to the station, Anderson took in the cool air and the smell of Mexican spices and garlic that permeated the air from a nearby new takeaway stand. He actually felt a spring in his step as he reached the station and his heart pounded with the anticipation of seeing Farida.

The tannoy was loud and the station seemed more frantic than usual. After what seemed an age but couldn’t have been longer than ten minutes, Farida’s train arrived and Anderson felt his palms begin to sweat. He couldn’t wait to have her to himself for another weekend, and the thought made him hard, as hard as he’d ever been.

The journey for Farida had been peaceful, a flutter of anticipation in her chest. It hadn’t been easy lying to Naeem and he’d been particularly attentive that morning, kissing her and hugging her like he was never going to see her again. Even though she had become accustomed to creating stories to keep him at bay, it unnerved Farida because she felt that Naeem might have noticed the subtle changes in her.

Picking up her overnight bag, she knew that, as much as she’d tried to be the familiar her that had been nigh impossible. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Anderson since his first touch, and she had even started to compare his and Naeem’s cock. Whereas previously she’d been quite happy with Naeem’s performance, she now felt there was something missing. Anderson’s touch had her hooked and, as she waited in line to get off the train, she felt a sweet trickle of anticipation run through her body.

Anderson spotted Farida straight away and he couldn’t hide his pleasure. The smile on his face said it all; he wanted to pick her up and swing her around but, instead, he smiled at her and took her bags.

‘It’s so good to see you again,’ he announced and it sounded contrived, even to his ears, if not a little corny. But it was true.

Farida looked at him and he could see the smile in her eyes, ‘It’s really good to see you, too.’

As they walked to his apartment, Anderson regretted not driving to collect Farida because each minute was agony. All he wanted was to get her back to his apartment… now!


After what felt like ages, Anderson unlocked the door but resisted the urge to pounce on Farida once they were inside. Instead, he took her bags through to the bedroom before fixing them both a cup of tea.

‘It smells nice in here.’ Farida blew on her tea before taking a sip.

‘It’s chicken curry. I made it especially for you. Now aren’t you lucky?’

‘I certainly am, in more ways than one.’ Her faced was wreathed in a grin that Anderson had never seen before and it caught him off balance. There was an edge of boldness to Farida’s comment that he hadn’t heard before.

‘What do you mean exactly?’ Anderson asked.

Farida slipped off her shoes and socks before putting her cup down making herself comfortable on the sofa. ‘Well, I’m lucky because I have a husband who trusts me, so getting away is pretty easy. Unless there are family gatherings, Farida rolled her eyes. ‘Missing one fo those is a distinct no-no.

‘Mmm, been a fair few of those recently. I did wonder if you were making them up because you didn’t want to come here again.’

Farida shot him a perplexed look. ‘No… no, not at all. Why would I do that?’

‘I don’t know. I guess I thought that staying here with me was the part of the deal that you found too much.’

Farida frowned. ‘No, and you shouldn’t make assumptions. Or, worse, think that someone like me with such integrity would think that.’ Farida gave a little giggle at the irony of her words.

‘Now you’re taking the piss.’ Anderson drained his cup before putting it down. He leaned forward, folding his hands together placing them between his knees.

“Uh oh,’ Farida groaned.

‘What?’ Anderson asked softly.

‘I know that look; it means I’m in for one of your deep chats.’

‘You know, I’ll punish you don’t you, for being so facetious and teasing me like that,’ Anderson said gravely.

‘Well, maybe I want you to punish me,’ Farida bounced back.

For the second time, Farida managed to shock him. As much as it excited him, Andreson found it a little unnerving. Wasn’t the reluctant Farida, the girl he wanted the most? That innocent Muslimah who needed to be desperately corrupted under his terms? That everything he wanted to do to her was forbidden?

‘How do you want me to punish you then?’ Anderson finally managed, feeling that he had been caught on the back foot, something totally alien to him.

Farida’s tongue did a quick sweep of her top lip before popping back inside her mouth, like the seductive action had never even taken place and that Anderson could be forgiven for questioning whether he had imagined it in the first instance.

‘You look shocked,’ Farida said, a hint of enjoyment in her voice.

‘I am shocked, but I can’t work out what you mean.’

‘I mean,’ Farida said, explaining in slow and deliberate tone, ‘that I’ve been looking forward to this weekend as much as you. All that sneaking around your office, you getting your cock sucked whilst I’ve been getting very little pleasure of my own at home, has been really frustrating.’

Farida sat up. ‘Ever since our weekend together, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And that’s at university and at home.’

‘Okay, this is crazy,’ said Anderson, raking his fingers through his hair. ‘I thought you genuinely saw the things we did that weekend as a means to an end for you, in terms of your degree and nothing else. I thought you were just enduring it for my sake.’

Farida stood and walked over to Anderson. ‘It was difficult at first. I’ll admit that. But then it all became so easy.’ She stroked the side of Anderson’s face. ‘When Naeem fucked me a few days after I’d been here, I realised exactly how much I enjoyed being fucked by you instead.’

Without a moment’s hesitation, Farida leaned and kissed Anderson’s lips. ‘I have accepted that, inside me, there is a kink that I never knew existed until you exposed it to me. I’m sorry if this is too much for you to take in, but my morals won’t let me lie.

‘Anyway, if it’s okay with you, let’s go to bed. Honestly, since that day in the library, I have not been able to stop thinking about you and I’ve wanted you so much.

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Unless, of course, you would prefer to sit here and drink tea?’

Before Andreson could reply, she whispered into his ear, ‘I hope you have more sexual scenarios you would like to share with me. I hope there is because I find the role playing so exciting.’

With that, Farida left the room and Anderson sat for a few seconds wondering how far he could really go this time.

Anderson entered the bedroom to find Farida on all fours on the bed, her rounded ass revealed through the thin fabric of her jilbab. ’This is exactly what I’ve been fantasising about,’ Farida murmured, her voice sultry and warm.

Anderson undressed and walked to her, putting his hands under her clothing, feeling her soft thighs before pushing them apart. ‘Well, if this is what you have been waiting for, then as your tutor I have a duty to oblige.’

Stroking his cock before lifting up her jilbab, Anderson found she was without underwear. Farida was well prepared for the weekend, purposely not wearing anything underneath this time. Anderson’s cock pushing inside her, felt so sublime. She gasped as he gripped her hips and pulled her onto him. His cock felt so delicious and, within a few moments, she felt her pussy juices formulating. It turned her on to think that this was nature’s way of enabling her to take his exceptional length.

Anderson fucked her slowly at first, thrusting his cock as far as it could go and then pulling out so she could enjoy the whole of his length. He enjoyed the feel of her pussy again and wanted to start leisurely but Farida had other ideas.

‘I want you to fuck me hard, this time, really hard. That’s what I’ve been thinking about for weeks. C’mon, fuck me as hard as you can.’

Anderson’s balls stirred with excitement. He couldn’t have imagined this but, if that’s what Farida wanted, then she was sure as hell going to get it. That was his green light, no holding back this time.

Amazingly, the harder Anderson fucked her, the more Farida begged him not to stop. And, every time she did, in her sweet begging voice, Anderson had gone close to ejaculating. All he could think about was shooting his load into her tight pussy but he then determined there was not a chance of him coming so soon. If Farida wanted fucking, then she was damn well going to get. Hard and long.

Farida felt herself being expertly turned over by Anderson’s strong arms as easily as a child would flip over a rag doll. For an hour, Anderson fucked her pussy relentlessly and Farida felt like she had died and gone to heaven. This was even better than she had imagined and, when Anderson came, he did so hard and fast, unloading part in her pussy and the rest in her mouth.

Unable to hold it all in her mouth, some having seeped onto her chin, she surprised herself by flicking out her tongue to reach for the drops, not wanting to waste any taste.

Lying satiated side by side, Anderson held Farida’s hand. ’It won’t be long before you graduate.’

Farida nodded. ‘I know and I honestly can’t thank you enough for all your help and, of course, you’re teaching in the sexual department.’

Anderson squeezed her hand. ‘It was fun but, like everything else in life, all good things must come to an end.’

Farida removed her hand from his and moved onto her side, her fingers stroking his chest. ‘I know, but we will both never forget this. Is life not about making memories, good and bad?’

Anderson looked at her, his dark eyes suddenly intense. ‘That is very true but part of me doesn’t want this to end at all.’

Farida gave him a sad smile. ‘We will have to see how things pan out, won't we? In the meantime, let’s not get bogged down with issues, we are here to enjoy ourselves.’
‘Yes, of course, you are right; we shouldn’t get bogged down with any depressing details. On that note, I remember that you liked our little scenario last time which leads me to my next question: what is your ultimate sexual fantasy.’

Farida turned onto her back and looked up at the ceiling, suddenly feeling like the inexperienced girl she had been when she’d first arrived at his apartment.

‘I never really had fantasies before. I guess you are now my fantasy. I think about you when I am in bed with Naeem and that makes me feel pretty bad, so yeah, guess you are my fantasy now. I couldn’t wait to see you and spend the weekend with you so ...’ Farida’s voice trailed away and she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment at her confession.

‘I’m flattered,’ Anderson murmured, putting his arm around her and pulling her close. ‘I will have to make sure I don’t disappoint you this weekend. In the meantime, shall we eat? You must be starving.’

Farida kissed his arm that felt so protective and manly around her shoulders. ‘That would be nice.’


Farida lay on the sofa, glancing around Anderson’s apartment as he prepared their meal. She was amazed at how relaxed and at home she felt; she never thought she would reach this stage. And she’d spoken the truth: he was the only fantasy she’d ever had.

She hadn’t even realized it was a fantasy until she’d blurted it out. Sexual fantasies were not part of her remit, or they shouldn’t be, but she relaxed before any guilt feelings could spoil her mood, making her question whether she was doing right or wrong. She was here now, determined to make the most of it and totally enjoy her stay. Allowing her mind to become jumbled with guilt and thoughts of Naeem and her homelife would be futile.

Anderson walked into the room carrying two plates steaming with chicken curry and rice. He put them on the coffee table. ‘Nan bread and poppadum are coming right up,’ he said, putting cutlery on the table.

Farida sat up, realising that she was famished. The curry smelt so good and she was touched that Anderson had made such an effort…


That weekend, Anderson took Farida to exquisite heights of sexual exhilaration. So intense was their coupling that Farida forgot that her husband Naeem even existed.

The most exciting and horniest thing for Anderson, was how much Farida had adjusted since they’d first slept together. She now hungrily sucked his cock, clearly wanting him to enjoy her technique which was as good as any in his vast experience. With a smile, he thought that she truly blew his mind.

They created sexual scenarios, one of which involved the make-believe of Marnie sucking his dick whilst Farida kissed him. Then the women would swap roles. That particular role play turned her on and Farida had a thunderous orgasm, her moans filling the air. Anderson joined in, pumping his own pent up cum inside her.

Farida couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed sucking Anderson's cock and she didn’t know how she was going to give it up once the weekend was over. The knowledge that, in another six months, this weekend would be a distant memory as she embarked on a new chapter in her life, filled her with dread. She would have to be satisfied with recalling what she’d done with Anderson as her own personal fantasy in order to get even the slightest enjoyment from Naeem’s cock.

The weekend sped by and, too soon, Farida had to leave. This time, however, she didn’t want Anderson escorting her to the station. ‘I don’t want you to come. Even though I know I will be seeing you at the university again for my graduation, I won’t ever be seeing you again in this capacity. You waving me off…’ Her voice trailed away. Would she really find that too upsetting?

‘If that’s your wish.’ Anderson looked and felt slightly put out. ‘I’ll order you a taxi.’

Farida nodded, looked down at her feet, and bit her lip. This was a lot harder than she could imagine. Waiting for the taxi, they sat on the sofa, Anderson's arm slung heavily across Farida's shoulders.

‘It was good while it lasted,’ Anderson murmured.

Farida nodded and suddenly felt what had become a familiar stirring in her pussy, the one she always experienced whenever she was in Anderson presence. She slid her hand up his thigh to his crotch and the package that was squashed so tightly in his jeans. It was as if her hand had travelled involuntarily, acting on sexual impulse, and Anderson groaned.

Was Farida actually initiating sex? The thought blew Anderson's mind and his cock instantly hardened at her touch. ‘Undo my zip and take it out,’ Anderson whispered in Farida’s ear.

Farida got off the sofa and parted Anderson thighs before kneeling between them. Pulling down his zip, her fingers shook slightly at her new-found audacity. She undid his button and waited as Anderson hitched his jeans down. Farida lifted his cock from the opening in Anderson’s white boxers that seemed a brigher white against his skin.

Inexplicably, she fleetingly imagined how his black cock looked entering Marnie’s pussy, his dark hands gripping her alabaster hips for extra leverage like he had done so many times to her.

Putting her lips on the tip of his cock, Farida dismissed thoughts of Marnie, determined to focus on the task at hand. She lowered her mouth as far as she could down Anderson's cock before she gagged.

‘That’s beautiful, baby,’ Anderson gasped. ‘Suck it hard; make your lips as tight as you can.’

Farida closed her eyes. She needed to concentrate, savour the moment, because this would be the last time she’d feel or taste Andersons cock. He deserved her full attention.

She gripped the base of his cock with one hand and moved it up and down as she sucked as much of Anderson length as she could. Anderson put his hands on top of Farida’s head and rocked his hips, moving his cock in and out of her mouth at the same pace he would use on first entering her pussy. But he quickened his pace, conscious that Farida’s taxi was due to arrive in a few minutes.

Farida felt Anderson quicken his pace, his cock just brushing against the back of her throat causing only a slight gag, not nearly as violent as it had been on other occasions. Her familiar lubricant-style saliva seeped out of the corner of her mouth and would soon be oozing all over Anderson's cock and balls.

Anderson couldn’t help himself as he watched Farida’s lips move up and down his shaft; he wanted to fuck her mouth hard and fast, showing no mercy. He thrust deep into her mouth, felt her gag, and decided to go with it. Anyway, she wasn’t going to have to endure it for long. The noise Farida was making, along with the white foam coating his balls, was enough to ensure his rapid climax.

He couldn’t hold back. Thrusting hard, his cum shot down Farida’s throat, filling her mouth. Her tight lips remained around his cock as she swallowed Anderson’s cum, feeling his length pulsate while his orgasm passed.

Surreptitiously, Farida wiped her cheeks, brushing away the tears that she’d shed under the strain of her sucking. And she was proud, despite knowing what she’d done was wrong. She gone from being a cock sucking novice to feeling like an absolute profgessional. Slowly, she released Anderson's cock and sucked up the mess she’d made and then wiped her mouth as she met Anderson’s gaze. It was thick and filled with lust.

‘That was gorgeous,’ he said, his voice deep and warm like melting chocolate.

Farida stood and smiled. ‘I guess I wanted to give you the perfect parting present.’

‘You certainly did that.’ Anderson pushed his cock back into his boxers and pulled up his jeans. ‘That was excellent.’

‘You taught me well, sir,’ Farida smirked before they both burst out laughing.


The day of Farida’s graduation, Naeem picked her up and twirled her around in the kitchen before putting her down and kissing her on the top of her head.
‘I’m so proud of you wifey. You have worked so hard, you deserve it.’

Farida squirmed out of his grasp. ‘I know and my insides are all fizzing with nerves about the ceremony.’

Naeem hugged her. ‘You’ll be fine, enjoy it. This day won’t come around again.’
He looked at his watch. ‘Come on, we need to get a move on.’

Farida frowned. ‘I don’t have to pick up my cap and gown for another two hours.’

‘No, but we have to collect your parents and my parents are following in their car. My father drives like a snail and there could be traffic. It might take an hour to get there.’

Farida playfully slapped Naeem’s chest, ‘Don’t be mean.’

‘I’m not,’ Naeem protested a hint of mirth in his voice. ‘Right, come on, I just want to get a move on. I’m excited too, you know.’

Graduation day was the highlight of Anderson’s year like he supposed it was for all of his colleagues. He mingled in the main hall, talking to excited students and their proud families, but kept a sly vigil on the main door.

Eventually, Farida arrived, her husband and family in tow, and Anderson felt an increase in his heartbeat at the sight of her in cap and gown. He quickly finished his conversation with Joe Campbell’s irritating mother and made his way to Farida and her family.

On reaching the group, he gave them his largest most disarming smile. He held out his hand to the younger man who was obviously Farida’s husband Naeem. Anderson noted that he was only slight in stature and height and he wondered how Farida had ever withstood his own vast body and cock.

‘Anderson Bishop,’ he announced, ‘and you are?’

‘Naeem, I’m Farida’s husband.’

‘Pleased to me you.’ Anderson gave Naeem’s hand a firm shake before doing the same to the other two much older gentlemen. ‘You must all be very proud. Farida has worked hard and she one hundred percent deserves the result she’s got.’

‘We are all very proud,’ said one of the gentlemen, Anderson assumed it was Farida’s father.

‘So you should be.’ Anderson nodded and looked at Farida. She felt herself blush, going warm, and at the same time felt that familiar sexual longing inside her.

Anderson held out his hand to her and Farida took it, remembering how those large hands had gripped her hips as he had steered his cock inside her. ‘Enjoy the ceremony and you have my email Farida. Please, do keep in touch.’

Farida nodded. Already she was wondering if Naeem would be suspicious if she developed an even more zealous interest in Islamic retreats. It was one excuse she could use as she thought of plots to see Anderson again. Making her way to the ceremony, she felt a flutter inside her tummy. Definitely she wasn’t going to stop fucking Anderson, not yet.

The ceremony was one of the proudest moments of Farida’s life and, later that evening, the family celebrated in a local restaurant. As Farida ate her dessert, her phone buzzed and vibrated in her bag. She took it out before quickly putting it back, her heart starting to thump. The message was from Anderson.

Excusing herself from the table, she locked herself in a cubicle in the ladies toilet. Taking the phone out, she swiped the screen and clicked on the message and noticed there was an attachment.

Anderson had written a simple message, ‘Something for you to remember me by.’

Farida clicked on the attachment and her eyes opened so wide she thought they were going to pop out of her face. She stared at a video of her and Anderson fucking. Farida came out of the message and her phone pinged again, another message.

‘Let me know if you fancy making another xxx’

Farida dropped the phone back in her bag and smiled. Hopefully, they would make one far sooner than Anderson could ever anticipate.

The End

Written by NancyAllbright
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