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Please Take Your Seats

"A day in the park leads to events Kayla could never have foreseen...or did she?"

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Author's Notes

"This is a very special piece to me because it is the first piece of 2022 I have written with my incomparable friend, techgoddess. Life events have kept us just keeping our heads above water, but we are both coming up for air now, and hopefully, that means we will be publishing more collaborations in the future. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If the theme of this story seems familiar, it was supposed to be an entry in the Spring usual, I am a little late!"

Moans of ecstasy filled the air, but I didn’t know who was expressing such pleasure. As I searched the space for the source of the cries, I saw the dark-haired figure between my legs and realized the moaning was me! Strong hands squeezed my breasts as this person indulged themself on a feast of my labia, my clitoris, and my pussy. Whomever this was stroking, licking, nibbling, and sucking in my most feminine areas was not new to this endeavor; instead, they were a master of cunnilingus, and I was quite sure I didn’t know anyone with this talent.

As a thin finger penetrated my canal, I exclaimed, “You’re gonna make me cum.” But the finger thrust faster, and the tongue only worked my clit harder. I felt that familiar tightening deep within my stomach, and I knew it would be an orgasm like I had not had in so long.

“It’s coming…”

“It’s coming…”

And then I woke from the dream to hear the dog snoring at the end of the bed.

What the fuck was that? I asked myself. I don’t have dreams like that, or I never have, anyway. WOW! It was so vivid.

And WHO was that? Who cares? Stop thinking so much, and just go with it.

I giggled and reached for the rabbit in the drawer of my nightstand. I was dripping wet, so no lube was needed this morning. I started on the low setting but quickly found I needed more. I was longing for that deep orgasm that was building in my dream.

Clicking to the medium setting, I fucked myself as the tentacles vigorously massaged my clit. I closed my eyes and tried to recall every detail of my erotic dream. The firm grip of hands on my tits. The feel of that tongue and mouth.

I moaned out loud to no one in particular. My hips bucked to the toy, and I called out, “Yes, yes, harder, faster.” Ignoring the silicone in my tunnel and feeling the real cock of my dream weaver.

My pussy walls tightened their grip on the vibrator, making it more difficult to pull it in and out. The muscles deep within sang their electrical hymn of heightening happiness, and then I clicked up to the highest setting.

“Holy Fuck!” And with my exclamation, the orgasm exploded from my core and raced out through my inner and outer labia and down my trembling legs.

As I lay there with a smile on my face, I thought, that is the best orgasm I have had in quite a long time.

Let’s be honest; masturbation didn’t yield the same level of pleasure after a while; either that or I was getting lazy. And I hadn’t had sex since long before I filed for divorce a year ago.

“Well, I really don’t foresee getting laid anytime soon, so I better up my masturbation game,” I said to the dog, who was forced awake by my screaming and had started his morning bath.

Looking at the clock, I realized I had better shower too. Yesterday my divorce was finalized after a grueling year of mediation and hearings, so today, my girlfriends were taking me for a day of celebration. Our typical Saturday morning brunch and then to something completely outside our comfort zone! We were going to speed dating in the park. 


The sun felt glorious shining on us as we gossiped, drank mimosas, and devoured every morsel that the waiter put in front of us; crepes with fresh cream filling, oatmeal with cinnamon, fresh fruit, and warm muffins straight from the oven.

As we paid our bill and finished our coffee, Janelle was the first to speak up about the afternoon, “Are we really going to do this?”

“You mean speed dating? Absolutely! Why wouldn’t we?” Allie looked shocked. “Come on, you and I have had enough of those click-for-a-dick apps, and now Kayla is single too! We need to start doing more to find Mr. Right. Right, Kayla?” she asked, recruiting my cheerleading assistance.

“I am game for whatever. You two planned this Celebration Saturday; I just cleared my calendar as instructed.” There was no way I was getting in the middle of this discussion. “But Allie, I am not sure we will find Mr. Right at Springer Park Speed Dating this afternoon. Just so you have reasonable expectations.”

Allie threw her napkin at me, and we left, giggling.


The park was decorated with pastel balloons and streamers. Each small two-person table had a lovely floral arrangement. One had to appreciate the thought put into the environment to try to make a match, though it did look more like a bridal shower than a romantic dating venue.

Two coordinators mingled through the crowd handing out name tags and encouraging everyone to grab a drink from the open bar. Ah, liquid courage, I thought, must be the key to success at these things.

According to her name tag, a coordinator named Ellie walked past me, took two steps backward, looked at my nametag, and introduced herself. “Hi there, Kayla; I’m Ellie. You look a little nervous. Can I get you anything?”

“No, I have just never done this so…”

“You are going to rock it, girlfriend,” Ellie reassured me as she gave me a quick assessment. “First, let’s just…” She moved two of my long dark curls to the other side; oddly, the hairs on my neck stood up as her fingers adjusted my tendrils.

“Next, this…” She turned my fragile necklace around so the clasp was in the back; I couldn’t breathe as her fingers moved around my décolleté. 

“And, well, let’s just show you are open for business.” And with that, she unbuttoned the next button on my blouse.

She gave me another once over as she gently slid her hands down my arms. “There, now you are ready.”

As Ellie walked into the crowd, I was frozen. I was still basking in her aura, the warmth of her being, the soft vanilla scent of her hair, and the magnitude of her touch. I took a step toward my friends and stopped abruptly. In that short interaction, I had become so turned on my juices were welling up between my legs. I could feel the wetness beginning to trickle onto my panties.

Shit, what if one of these guys can smell my sex and thinks it’s for him? OMG!

And with that, DING...

“Please take your first seat.”


It was the longest hour of my life.

Table One guy was an IT Engineer who lived in his mother’s basement. His hobbies were bugs and stamps and having his mom rub his feet. Um…no, thank you!

DING… “Please take your next seat.”

Table Three guy was a young, hot guy in the first year of his orthopedic surgery fellowship – he was looking for someone to move in immediately to clean, do his laundry, and cook since he was never home. Been there and done that in my marriage!

DING… “Please take your next seat.”

Table Four guy was a herpetologist – he studies reptiles. Oh! He specializes in snakes. OH, NO! He keeps live specimens at home. OH, HELL NO!

DING… “Please take your next seat.”

Table Six guy was a self-proclaimed, “award-winning,” XXX-rated filmmaker – and he only uses actors over the age of eighty in his films. Where did they get these freaks?

DING… “Please take your next seat.”

BUZZ – and that marked the halfway point.

Thank the Lord!

I quickly regrouped with Janelle and Allie, and we all decided that, while this was humorous, it was not worth the rest of the afternoon. Ellie saw us gathering our purses and grabbed my arm.

“Are you three leaving? No, you have to stay.” She begged.

“We are sorry,” I explained, “but this is brutal. One of those guys might literally be a serial killer; I’m not sure.” I said, laughing.

“Okay, okay, it’s slim pickings today. Why don’t you gals just hang out for a few minutes? After this, Charlotte, the other organizer, and I are going for drinks. The first round is on me for enduring this afternoon.”

Of course, we were in; who could turn down a free round?


As we walked into The Overlook, the bartender immediately hollered to Ellie and Charlotte, “Hey, Girls!”

Ellie flashed a smile at the bartender. “Hey, Dave! The usual for Charlotte and myself. Then whatever these lovely ladies want. Put it all on my tab.”

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Dave nodded and started taking our drink orders. He was really hot, but the gold band on his left ring finger was a clear sign he was not available. Damn!

Once the drinks were mixed, Ellie handed mine to me, and her hand lingered just a second too long. I felt a shiver of desire creep up my back. Seriously? What’s going on with me?

The five of us sat and chatted about what a pitiful lot of males had participated in today’s event.

“I promise, it’s usually much better than that. Today was not a stellar selection,” Charlotte explained.

“But it’s days like these that can make a woman turn to other women instead,” Ellie added, with a playful smile in my direction.

Allie and Janelle giggled, but I couldn’t help but feel that Ellie was serious. I felt a tingle between my legs and wondered what it would be like to be with a woman that way.

After several rounds of drinks and some yummy, greasy bar food, Allie and Janelle suggested one more round and then going out dancing.

“Oh, I don’t think my stomach can handle that,” I lied. “I think I’ll walk home. But promise me you will call an Uber to get home if you drink more, okay?”

“Oh, come on, Kayla, don’t be a party pooper!”

“Next time, I promise!”

Janelle invited Charlotte and Ellie to join them. Charlotte was in, but Ellie declined, saying she had things to do and would need to take a rain check.

As I headed toward the door, Ellie put her arm on mine and said, “Hey, do you mind if I walk with you part of the way?”

“No, of course not. I’d love the company,” I replied almost too quickly. A part of me hoped she would walk all the way home with me, and I felt myself blush.

Ellie smiled, gave me a peck on the cheek, and thanked me as we headed toward my place. There was an awkward silence until she asked me why I had attended the speed dating session.

“My divorce was final yesterday, and my friends thought it would be a good way to celebrate. I know they meant well, but it wasn’t at all what I was expecting or hoping for,” I admitted.

“What were you hoping for, Kayla?” she asked.

“I don’t know; I supposed I thought I’d at least find someone interesting that I’d be interested in seeing again,” I explained.

Ellie pouted playfully. “Am I not interesting?”

“Oh, well, of course!” I stuttered, “But you know what I mean.”

When Ellie said nothing, I blurted out, “Okay, I need a man in my bed; I need to get laid!”

I laughed a little, embarrassed by my very forward revelation.

“Does it have to be a man?” Ellie asked softly.

“Oh, well, um…”

“I’m sorry, Kayla; I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, no, don’t be silly. I’ve just never considered being with a woman before. I’ve always dated men. I was married to a man, albeit a disappointing one.”

“I just wondered. I host a female-only speed dating session on Tuesdays, and if you want to check it out, I will comp your fee since today was such a bust,” Ellie said.

My face felt hot with embarrassment. Of course, that’s what she meant, not that she was attracted to me. I was grateful that I hadn’t said anything stupid.

“I might consider that,” I said, shrugging. “Who knows, right?”

“That’s the spirit, Kayla!” Ellie grinned. “Well, this is where I turn off; my place is just a block that way.”

Suddenly disappointment crept up my throat. I didn’t want to go our separate ways just yet, but I didn’t know what to say either.

Sensing my reluctance to part, Ellie suggested I come home with her and have some tea.

“Tea would be lovely,” I said, following her home.

When we arrived at Ellie’s, she told me to make myself at home. Her second-floor apartment was small but well-appointed and had a cozy feel to it. She put on the kettle for the tea and arranged some cheese and crackers on a quaint, octagonal blue and white platter.

“Is that Spode?” I asked as I helped myself to a club cracker with Colby-Jack cheese.

“Yes,” Ellie smiled. “It was my grandmother’s.”

As she set the cup and saucer in front of me, our hands touched, and I felt instant heat.

Wow! Where did that come from?

“You have the most amazing blue eyes,” she said softly.

I nearly choked on my tea. Maybe I hadn’t been wrong about her interest in me after all. But I was so far out of my realm I didn’t quite know how to respond.

“Thank you,” I finally sputtered. “I’m, uh, well…”

“Kayla, I won’t lie. I find myself very attracted to you. However, I completely understand if all you are looking for is friendship.”

“Ellie, I’m not sure what I’m looking for. It never occurred to me that I might crave a woman’s touch, but all I can think about is what it would feel like to have your hands on me,” I admitted.

“Just my hands?” Ellie purred. “What about my tongue?”

I felt a wave of intense heat wash over me as I felt my pussy go instantly moist, soaking my panties.

“Oh, God, I’m so aroused!” I blurted out.

Ellie laughed softly and held out her hand. I placed mine in hers, and she led me to her bedroom. Once there, she asked if I wanted to undress.


I slowly removed my clothes as Ellie followed suit. She was gorgeous! She released the clip, allowing her hair to spill down atop the swell of her creamy breasts.

My eyes darted down to see the little patch of hair that matched her brunette locks. My own mound was smooth and bare, and Ellie raised her eyebrows playfully.

“You look delicious,” she said. “In fact, you look good enough to eat. Lie back on the bed, and let me show you the wonders of sex with a woman.”

I nodded and did exactly what she’d told me to do. It felt hot, sexy, and decadent to open my legs for this beautiful, dark-haired vixen.

“Not yet,” she admonished gently. “I want this to be slow and sensual for you—no need to jump between your legs quite yet.”

I felt awkward and naïve for a moment, unsure how to do anything but the wham, bam, thank you, ma’am sex I’d had for years with my ex. But Ellie’s smile reassured me that she’d show me the way.

She kissed me softly on the lips. “I promise you will enjoy this. But if you don’t, just tell me to stop, and I will. I don’t want to do anything that isn’t enjoyable for you.”

I nodded, unable to make any coherent sound.

Soon, her kisses trailed down my neck before landing on my left breast. She took my nipple into her mouth, and I felt every nerve ending stand up with arousal. I heard moaning and suddenly realized the sound was coming from me.

Ellie alternated sucking and nibbling gently, giving both nipples equal attention. I felt my juices rushing as my labia become slick with desire. She dipped one finger inside me and used my nectar to rub my clit in erotic circles. I felt a tingling sensation that had my hips rocking slowly.

Soon, her finger was replaced by her tongue as she continued to circle my hard nub. I’d never dreamed oral sex could feel this good! She eclipsed my tender button between her lips and slid two fingers inside me.

Oh, fuck!

A third finger had my hips bucking wildly as my orgasm drew near.

“You’re going to make my cum,” I said as I looked down at her between my legs and had an odd sense of déjà vu.

Did I dream of this earlier this morning? Or did I have a vision of what was to come?

Ellie said nothing but moaned against my sex and sent me over the edge with the vibration as her fingers worked their magic inside me.

“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” I screamed as I felt my juices squirt into her mouth. “Fuck, yes!”

I’d never cum that hard in my entire life. It was pure ecstasy. I couldn’t have known this morning that I’d end up here with Ellie between my legs on her bed. But the vision was so clear now.

“You’re fucking delicious,” Ellie said as she grinned at me. “I’m so glad I could make you feel good, especially after the disappointing speed-dating session.”

“This day didn’t turn out disappointing after all. I had no idea sex could be this intense and amazing,” I said sheepishly. “Looks like I might have discovered the secret to some fabulous orgasms much sooner than I anticipated.”

Ellie laughed, “I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Kayla.”

“I’d like to return the favor, but I don’t know if I can produce those same results my first time out.”

“Not to worry,” Ellie said as she moved beside me and spread her legs. “I suspect you’ll do just fine.”

Written by LilCoffeeLuvr
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