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Meet The Andrews Part 1

"Ms. Price going to interview the couple of the century."

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I wake up and see the ray of sunshine coming through the bay windows of my apartment. This isn't even mine, but owned by the mogul Michael Jonas. He flew me out here to do a story about a family—'an interesting family', as he put it. He instructed me to go visit them at their house and to be there at 9 am the latest. I look over at my clock. Shit, I think, it's already 8 am.

I quickly get up and throw on the first things out of my suitcase: a navy blue shirt, a black bra, underwear and a black skirt. I quickly look in the mirror and fix up my bed-head hair and throw on some mascara before I grab my new pink heels and my book bag, with my writing materials, and head out the door to my rental car—a pink Lamborghini.

As I sit in it and start it up, letting the engine purr, I smile softly. These people have a ton of freaking money to let someone have this for a rental. I turn on the navigation and it’s all set up, taking me on a short journey into a residential neighborhood on the beach. Odd.

It pulls me up to a grand house, that is about as big as the rest. I pull into the driveway and see Mr. Jonas, with a beer in one hand sitting on the steps up to the house, waving kindly at me. I turn off the car and look at the time: 9:03 am. I sigh and get out, walking over to him. He’s wearing a white 'wife beater' and blue jeans with black dress shoes. His blonde, medium length hair is spiked up at the top. I look at him, stunned to see him so causal.

“Hello, Mr. Jonas, I’m Jaden. I’m here to interview the, um...”

I look down trying to remember their names, as he waves his beer casually in front of himself.

“I never gave you their names, sweetie.” He stands up. “Now, let's get inside and meet them. You’ll know who they are.”

He winks and opens the door leading me in. 

I walk into a hallway with a large kitchen at the end leading outside and a grand living room with a door to the left of me, along with a small staircase in a wall to my right leading up to what looks like rooms. The grand living room has a large 65 inch TV, a large sofa, a big black leather lazy boy armchair and a few glass tables. The kitchen has a marble island that looks to the living room. Around it are stool chairs and a marble counter top, with a blue wavy back-splash and deep blue cabinets with gold nobs.

I step into the living area as Mr. Jonas opens up the door to my left, smirks, and then closes it, before joining me.

“Sit on a stool. I'm sure our hosts will be right with us.”

He smiles warmly before going to the stair and shouting, “Get down now before I bring you down myself!”

I hear a faint call down as a woman walks down the steps—the woman who will change my life forever.

Chapter One: Welcome to My World 

She stands just about five feet tall wearing a pair a tight-fit jeans and a red tank top, just showing a little of her breast. They don’t look bigger than around a B cup. I look down at my B's feeling oddly happier to see the same size. She has on a brown cardigan that drapes over her shoulders as she comes down the steps and into the kitchen barefoot and walks towards me. She smiles a sweet, almost kiddish smile with blazing green eyes, the black eyeliner on the top of her eye line and faintly at the bottom making them pop. Her hair is a soft brown with light curls in them. She looks like she's not even forty. I stay on the stool and Mr. Jonas comes into the kitchen.

“Ms. Price.” He clears his throat, putting his hands on the girls hips. “This is Mrs. Andrews; her husband will be right down to meet you as well.” 

I look at her ,stunned. The Andrews. The people who own the STAR night clubs and literally control half of the world music scene. Them. 

She looks at me confused before I realize I haven't said a word, only looked at her. Her voice is like silk. 

“Honey, are you alright? You look hungry.” She looks at Mr. Jonas. “Make us some food, Mikey, so James doesn't have too.” He frowns at her, moving his hands away.

“Why? He's a bitch anyway; let him do it.” He smiles. 

In a blink of an eye she back kicks him into the cabinets along the wall.

“Do it!" She grits her teeth. "Before I get actually mad. We have a guest.”

Her voice oddly stays calm as Mr. Jonas stands up and turns around, heading to the fridge to start to make some food. She turns to me and sighs, “Men,” and giggles softly. 

“So... Price, is it? Mikey told me you came here to do an interview with us. Um, where are you most comfortable?”

She looks a little nervous as I look back still stunned. “Um…” I say softly, “How about the couches? Mr. Jonas said it would take a long time. Why don’t we get comfortable.”

She smiles softly. “Couches it is.”

She turns to Mr. Jonas, “Where's Dad... Jamesy?”

Her face turns red when I hear him chuckle, as I start to go towards the couch. “In the office with, I think, Rachel. Do you want him now or can you start without him?"

He turns and leans back on the counter making his arm ripple and his slight abs under his shirt do the same “No,” she says, before sighing.

“Get him when the food is ready.”

Her eyes dart down before she looks back up at me already sitting on the couch. She smiles and walks over.

“Bring us coffee, too, Mikey. I need it for today,” she smiles, sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

“Now. What do you know about this project?” she smirks, getting relaxed on the couch.

“I only know that Mr. Jonas...”

She waves her hand, “Call him Mike. Mr. Jonas is too formal for that man.”

I take a deep breath. Why am I so nervous? “Mike has told me that I was going to write a book about you and your family's life. He told me that it is only for records and will never be published for the masses.”

Her lips curls softly, “Well, he's a very good boy for telling you that.”

She looks over at him as he walks over with cups with coffee and steamed milk and sugar on the side, and another plate of eggs with ham, broccoli, and cheese. He nods his head before he sits down on the other couch, laying back.

She picks up her cup, adding some sugar and milk before tasting and looking at it contentedly. “Well, Price...” 

“Jaden, please,” I say softly.

She shifts back, “Jaden then. Why don't we begin with how me and James first met. I’m sure he'll come out as soon as I start talking.” She smirks in her cup before setting it down. 

I grab my pen and paper. Let’s begin.

Chapter Two: First Day 

I wake up that morning in the passenger side of Mikey's Tesla. Mikey, one of the hottest guys in the town. He's smart, attractive and bisexual—everyone was fair game for him. I look out the window and see our sad, stupid school, Millwood High.

I groan, “Fuck. Why do we have to go? Can’t we just skip and lay at home all day?”

I turn to him as he parks his car with the rest of the seniors.

“No.” He turns to me, his caramel eyes looking at me, stern like a father. “You need an education, even if you want to be a famous rockstar, you need to be able to properly talk to people and be able to convey your ideas without cursing of using slang. Besides,” he reaches his hand to my stomach, “You could honestly tone more.” He winks, as I look at him half shocked, half whatever. 

As I sit up and watch, the new homecoming couple walks past the car looking perfect. Ew. I roll my eyes as Mikey licks his lips.

“Mmm, those two were amazing on Homecoming Friday.”

I look at him amused, “Really, both?”

I start to open up the door, “Hell Yeah! He’s a fucking stud and she...” He kisses his fingers. “Almost as good as you.”

He winks at me making me roll my eyes again and close the door. I look up at the school annoyed. "Well, another day to sulk and not have fun."

Mike sits up on the couch, “I don't remember saying she was good.”

She looks over at him, “Would you like to tell the story of how you fucked both of them and then decided to brag on Instagram about how you did?”

I can’t help but giggle softly as Mike looks at me before shrugging and lying back down.

“Now, lets go to meeting my husband. I’m sure that's more interesting than talking about Mikey,” she giggles, “but, it does give you a sense of what I get to deal with.”

As I walk through the halls, it seems like everyone is dying. Couples kissing for dear life between classes, while others are comparing their outfits and stealing off homework for the next class. I walk past them all keeping a neutral face, but inside I feel a deep pit of envy and loneliness. I walk into my last period class—physics. Fuck math. When am I going to need to calculate the speed of a ball rolling? I take my seat in the back of the room wanting to sleep the period off.

As I sit, I see all the jocks and nerds come in, as well as the hot, dumbass Steven. Steven is our star lacrosse player. He’s around 5’8 and has a muscular build and broad shoulders, along with a devilish black goatee. His eyes are like blue diamonds with this new tan skin from playing out on the field for weeks. He walks in and all the girls swoon over him.

Idiots.  I roll my eyes as he comes to the back of the room by my desk, winking before turning to his girlfriend Sabrina, the pretty kickline leader and, of course, my ex-girlfriend. I lean back in my seat. Why the hell did I even date her? He turns back to me and winks again before sitting next to me.

The bell finally rings and everyone finally sits down as our teacher walks in with a stack of papers.

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He looks around the room and smiles broadly as he takes roll call. His voice is perfection, a smooth Southern Texas accent. Mmm, I could listen to him all day. He stops when he gets to my name and takes a long look at me before going on to the next name. When he's done, he takes the stack of papers and smiles a devilish smile.

“Alright everyone, I have your tests graded…”

He walks over to the SmartBoard, pulling up a few problems.

“Work on these and, since you are all seniors, you may leave.”

He starts to walk around the room and pass out everyone's test. He finally gets to me placing it down with a red 60% circled. Fuck.

He doesn't even look down. “See me after, we need to talk.”

I groan softly under my breath as Steven laughs. I turn to him and kick his desk just missing his leg. Asshole, you got the same grade. 

The period goes by impossibly slow as one by one people leave until I'm the only one left. I look up from my work and groan again seeing the door is closed. I take my test from out from under my binder, looking it over. I notice I got two of them right on the first page and shake my head before I get up, walk to the front of the room by his desk, place the test on the top of his pile and cross my arms.


The office door opens and she stops talking as a tall man around six foot with whitish tan skin and short cut spiked black hair. He has on a dark blue shirt and blue jeans with a black leather belt. He steps into the living room, smiling devilishly at me and her.

Mike sits up and smiles. “Your food is on the counter.”

He frowns upon seeing him. “Thanks, Mike...” His voice is velvet, sweet, with a deep Southern accent.

He grabs his plate and goes to sit next to her.

She turns to him. “Hows your girlfriend, sweetie?” she asks a little sharply before he leans in, kissing her softly, then draws away.

“She's fine. You're better.”

She rolls her eyes.

“James, this is Jaden. She's doing a bio on us.”

I look over at him and put my pen down, putting my hand out to shake it as he takes it, kissing it softly.

“Pleasure to meet you, Jaden. My name is James.” His smile is mesmerizing, “So, what has my beautiful, amazing wife told you?”

He looks at her with love as she looks back at him confused. I almost stutter.

“She... she was telling me about her physics class and a bad grade... Ms. Andrew..”

“Call me Sara please, sweetie," she says sweetly.

“Sara," I correct, "how does this relate to meeting your husband?” 

James and her both laugh, “Well...” she starts, “he was my teacher.”

Mike spits out his coffee in his hand. “What?! All this time I thought you met him online.”

James turns to him, “You idiot. I had you as a student and you would constantly annoy us during the day.” His eyes turn cold as Mike laughs and she places her hand on his leg. He smiles at her lovingly before he moves to the couch next to us by Mike.


He looks up at me smiling, “Do you know why you're here?”

I shake my head.

“Well, Ms. Stone, you're presently failing my class. Now, we need to work this out or I’ll have to hold you back another year. You wouldn't want that, would you?”

He thinks it's a game doesn't he. My mind screams 'annoyed' at him.

“Well, Mr. Andrew, you were wrong. I didn't fail the test. Look.” I bend over the desk to show him where. “See number nine and eleven? I got them right.”

He looks up, smiling. “Well, Ms. Stone you're correct. My bad, looks like you got a 65%, not a 60%. That's still an F, if you do the math.” He smirks, leaning back.

“Oh, come on...” I groan. “What do I have to do to pass this class?”

I look at him desperately, remembering I need the credit to graduate. He smiles, turns wicked and lifts his face up to mine. God. Why does he have to be so hot?

“That's why you're here. Step around.” His voice is so demanding. I feel my legs wanting to buckle under me. Urgh, he is too hot!

I move over to his side of the desk, my mind finally understanding why I’m here. I stand at the side of him as he looks over my test again, studying his fingers. No ring. A bunch of men don't wear rings nowadays. 

I frown as he doesn't change anything else on the first page before turning to the rest of the test and changing only a few more.

“Well, you got a C- but I can boost it if you're willing to do some extra credit,” he smiles.

I look at him and sigh, “I thought you had a rule about no extra credit?”

I feel my legs start to buckle again, wanting to puke, yet wanting him. “I do, but for you I’ll make an exception.”

He smiles looking at the door and clock, then at a stack of papers on his desk.

I look down, seeing his pants, seeing a small bulge. Does that mean he’s horny? Oh, god... okay, just think of him like he’s just some college kid.

I drop to my knees slowly as he looks down at me smiling.

“My, my, aren't you an interesting girl.”

He takes his hand and gently rubs my face softly. He looks down, groaning as he looks at all of me.

“And I thought you were an innocent one,” he smirks, grabbing my face softly. “Come up here, cutie.”

He lifts up my face, kissing me sweetly, lustfully, as I close my eyes, enjoying every second, making my heart race. Oh, my god. I’m kissing my teacher... my freaking teacher!

“Now, for your extra credit, be a good girl and take off my pants.”

I smirk and take my hands up his smooth black pants before taking his leather belt off and sliding down his pants slowly, leaving just his black boxers on. I look at him wickedly as his cock stands up in his black silk boxers.

“Mmm, looks good, Mr. Andrew.”

I wink as I take off his silk boxers, letting his long, thick cock free. It must be like eight and a half inches!  I look back in awe.

“Wow, Mr. Andrew, I’m sure your wife loves it.”

“I’m not married, Ms. Stone. No girlfriend either.”

I moan putting my warm mouth over the head of his thick cock licking it like a lollipop.


James burst out laughing as she speaks, making her stop.

“Something funny, baby?” She takes a sip of her tea.

“What's funny is, I was going to give you a sheet to work on, but sucking my dick was perfectly fine.”

I lean back, shocked at what I’m hearing and I look at her. She looks over and him and puts down her tea.

“Dick head,” she groans before turning to me and sighs. “Yep, I actually married him. And I did end up doing work anyway.” She glares back over at him.


I moan softly as I slowly start to suck his thick shaft. Then I take it out, letting my tongue run up and down on the bottom of his cock, making him moan loudly. I place his strong hand on my the back of my head and look up at him, seeing his eyes close, oddly hoping he likes it.

“Mmm, god, you're good… definitely not a good girl... if you can suck like this.”

I moan louder and place his thick cock back in my warm mouth. As I try to go deeper, wanting all of him as I reach my hand up holding his balls as my soft warm, fingers massage them in small circles each time I bob my head up and down his thick shaft. I feel his cock thicken fast. Shit, I'm actually gonna make him cum... I never do that.  I hear another loud moan as his hand stays firm on the back of my head.

“Mmm, fuck... mmm, god, what a good girl!”

He moans as his breath hitches and his warm sweet cum floods into my mouth, spilling into my throat as I pull away. The last few strands fall onto my face and I quickly whip them off and clean off the head of his cock, before sitting back on my knees looking up at him, waiting.

He smirks contently. “Mmm, you definitely get an A for today, you bad, bad girl.”

I smile sweetly, standing up as he grabs my hand and pulls me into him. He kisses me again, tenderly this time, sweet, before I pull away.

“I’m glad you liked it, Mr. Andrew. Do you do this to every girl who fails?” I sit on the top of his desk and watch his cock, as it stays hard.

“No. Never.” He smiles, “You're the first girl I'd ever want to.”

He places his hand on my leg, leaning up kissing me again as a loud knock bangs on the door making us both groan. He stops kissing me, pulls up his pants and walks over to the door as I stay on the desk.

He opens it up and Mikey appears with a wicked smile on his face.

“What do you want, Mikey?” I say, annoyed.

“I’ve been looking all over for you, we have to go to the mall, I need to go pick up some new shoes before they get sold out!!”

He groans before looking at Mr. Andrew, who crosses his arms.

I sigh and get off his desk. “Well, thanks for the extra help, Mr. Andrew.” I quickly go to my seat and grab my bag. “See ya tomorrow.” I blush and walk out as Mikey follows me.

As I leave, Mr.Andrew sits back by his desk starting to grade the papers.


She picks up her cup, taking a long sip as her eyes wander to James.

“Is that all accurate of that day?”

His lips curl as he lies back in his seat. “Quite... and you're still the only student who I'd ever want to do.”

He kisses her softly on the cheek as she smiles from her cup.

“But, lets get to that point where we both move in…”

Mike looks over, “Why don’t you tell her about all the times you'd get pissed when she went with another boy?”

He laughs as James sits up.

"Alright, why don’t I tell you about the day before she moved in with me.”

I readjust myself in my chair before sighing and trying to stay neutral, going to a clean page. “Okay, set the scene.”

To be continued...

Written by CurlyVal01
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