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Full Bodied and Very Sweet

"London brings a variety of new flavors to Elijah’s life"

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Competition Entry: Spring Forward

Author's Notes

"As always I hope this piece is enjoyed by all that chance to read it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I shall taste this port one day..."

The increased moisture in the air seemed to heighten his senses. As Elijah took a deep breath, he swore he could taste floral notes in the otherwise dank atmosphere. Looking to the quickly darkening sky, he did his, now familiar, scan for rain clouds. Even on a beautiful day, he had learned to carry an umbrella - this was London after all. 

​The newness of his situation still had him enthralled with the simplest of things as he made his way to and from work. The many parks filled right now with cherry trees in blossom could and had previously distracted him for hours. 

​He was from the American west, the dry coastal hills of California, and an entirely different climate to where he found himself now. The investment banking firm he had worked for over the last five years had unexpectedly asked him to troubleshoot at the offices here in London. Usually, his quick answer would have been, "Hell no," followed by, "No, absolutely not," a moment later. 

​That had all changed the night his fiancé had left him for his ex-best friend. Cheating Bitch! But that's not the point of this tale. The only point of bringing that tramp up was that her betrayal led to his willingness to move and start somewhere fresh. The timing seemed perfect as it was just as spring was beginning and the worst of the winter weather accomplished. 

​That evening's outing was something he had been planning since his arrival two weeks ago; a trip to 116 Pall Mall, a champagne bar in central London. And no, before you judge him either way, Elijah was not heading to this establishment for the bubbly.He was going for the exceptionally rare Graham's 1882 Ne Oublie Port sold by the glass. The price was extravagant, but the experience, he hoped, would be priceless.

​The air was cool that evening as he made his way to the train. In a subconscious effort to stay warm, he pulled the fitted blue and red pinstriped suit coat tighter on his lithe frame. He was happy for the extra hug the vest under the jacket gave him, and with a slight hunch into the breeze, he counted the steps until he arrived.

​The underground champagne bar was in the same building as the Institute of Directors; as such, the procession of businessmen and women clad in their suits of greys and blacks alerted him he was close.

​This converted space was once the wine cellars of the Prince of Wales, now a stylish bar. It still featured the original iron gate cellar doors, vaulted ceilings, and exposed brickwork.

​Elijah was taken with the flair of the décor immediately upon his entry. Everything was as touted, yet with a subtlety that warmed the space. He had been expecting cold, even imagined seeping bricks in a state of decay, yet the tones were yellows and browns. The wall behind the bar was well-lit and colorful, with the different shades of the vintages found there. Gazing across the parquet floor, he took in the sitting area, several low-backed chairs, and couches of blue-grey velvet. Bypassing these, he made his way directly for the bar, hardly able to contain his giddy excitement.

​A light giggle brought his attention to his right to a woman perched on a stool talking with the barman. A warm flush ran through his cheeks, and he blinked purposefully hard once. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw she still sat there, only now she and the barman were staring at him. Snapping back to reality, Elijah carefully closed his mouth, which he had realized was agape just moments earlier. Noticing the lips of the barman moving again, he focused and caught the end, "okay, mate?"

​Looking back to the ebony-haired beauty, Elijah loosened his red silk tie, the coolness of the fabric helping him to calm a bit further. Licking his lips, he looked at the floor below her and unhurriedly raised his gaze taking in her muscular calves and freshly shaved skin until the slit in her dress stopped him just above her knee. Her hand sat there, fingers tipped with deep red, rolling and tapping. A sign of impatience or encouragement to hurry? The dress tied at her narrow waist divided her into two halves of decadence. The roundness of her hips and bottom disappeared into a point only to blossom forth once more into her ample, full bosom.

​This female knew what she had and how to display it. Her yellow and orange dress had vertical stripes running over her shoulder, sloping under her breasts and gathering at the waist to be sucked in and cascading to the floor below. 

She was curvaceous, and he was spellbound. 

Finally, he made it to her lovely face, a cute smirk on her darkly painted pouty lips. Her skin was smooth and seemed flawless as it flowed to surround her lustrous eyes. He couldn't say for sure, but he swore a radiant fire burned behind them, and this seemingly demure creature would prove to be quite the opposite in a more private setting.

​Clearing his throat nervously, he introduced himself to them both, "Hi, I'm Elijah." His smile cut short as he said inwardly, you fool, 'Hi, I'm Elijah,' what are we at junior prom?

​In an attempt to right his wrongs and change the focus from his now evident embarrassment, turning to the barman, he requested, "A glass of 1882, please?"

​"Certainly, sir," the barman said, "I will need your credit card in advance. As you no doubt are aware, this port is 400 pounds per glass."

​Handing over his card Elijah heard that cute giggle again. Turning to address the sinuous seductress, he saw a broad smile on her face. 

​"You certainly are a man who knows what he wants and is willing to put up the cash to get it. That is a great choice in the world of ports. My name is Mia, by the way, just in case you were interested, Elijah." She emphasized Elijah in a way that showed she was teasing him about his unsmooth entrance. "You are welcome to sit by me if you like, but just know it's so I can smell the port," she added with another giggle.

​"Nice to make your acquaintance Mia; my name is Elijah." He nearly face palmed for introducing himself again. "Sorry, you already know that don't you," he added with a chuckle of his own. "Just a bit out of sorts tonight, been looking forward to tasting this wine since I read about it seven years ago back in California." This last bit was merely a decoy to try and offer a reason for his apparent awkwardness.

​"Oh, a California boy, I see. I noted your lovely accent." She retorted, adding a bit of smolder to her eyes and continuing to twist her raven-colored hair playfully. "Not sure what landed you here and now in London, but welcome California."

​As he went to respond, the barman arrived with the hand-made crystal decanter—the curvature of it evoking sexuality. Three sterling silver cuffs adorned its surface. Behind this, the ruby liquid swayed slightly, the gravitational effect conjuring desire in its movement.

​Pulling the stopper out of the decanter allowed the aromas to find both him and Mia. They curled up to light upon their olfactory senses. Elijah hadn't known what to expect of something this old yet was surprised at its freshness in his nose; his tongue could "taste" the orange zest notes and spice tones.

​The barman poured into an eight-ounce white wine glass, the bowl more prominent than the opening to further concentrate the fragrance of the viscous liquid.

​As the barman slid the glass in front of him, Elijah noted that Mia also bent in to smell the perfumed air; orange, lime, dried fruit, almond, and honey were the main notes. Picking up his glass carefully, Elijah swirled it as he held it aloft in front of a light. 

Trying to look cool, you probably came off as pretentious, you nerd. Chill, enjoy. He silently berated himself.

​Bringing the glass to his recently licked full lips, his nose immersed in the crisp scents, he tilted it to take a small sip that he held to fully mature on his palate. He was surprised to find it getting fresher and fresher as it sat, waiting to trickle down his throat. He was so caught up in its enormous depth and intensity of flavor that for the second time in ten minutes, he seemed to have no hearing. 

A light but insistent touch on the back of his hand began to bring him back to the moment. His gaze slid to the fingers that tapped lightly there, dark plum nails that he followed to the thick gold ring on her ring finger. He continued up the porcelain arm, across the lined fabric rounded from her assets, to alight on her face, where sat once again, that coy smile.

​A slight shake of his head as if to clear it, and then he said, "Sorry, what was that? I was smitten with the essences I just had in my mouth."

​Mia allowing her smile to broaden into friendly and welcoming, repeated, "I was merely asking if it tasted as good as it smelled,"

​Biting his tongue nearly off, Elijah resisted the retort, I bet you have heard that a time or two yourself. Instead, he kept it in where he could be the only one to scold himfor the lame pick-up line. 

Offering out loud, "Would you like a taste?" holding the glass out to her to show his sincerity.

​"Oh, no, I couldn't," Mia said in a shocked tone, "Each sip must be twenty pounds in price or more. You go ahead. I'm enjoying watching you." 

​"Really, you need to try this. I am asking you again to take a sip. Tell me what you think." He beseeched her.

​This time Mia took the glass from him and held it to her dainty nose. After a long, deep inhale, she parted her well-upholstered lips and allowed a rivulet of the ruby liquid to skim over her tongue. "Oh my!" She exclaimed, "That is even better than I fantasized." Still savoring the bright tang in her mouth, she extended the glass back to him with one hand, the other unconsciously tracing lines on the back of Elijah's hand.

​Leaning forward, her dress pulled open to expose her delicious cleavage; she whispered in his ear, "Thank you, California boy, for that experience. I shall not soon forget you."

​Elijah could smell both the full citrus honey notes of the port on her breath and the lush floral of her perfumed chest. His body decided he wanted her before he even thought about it, his pants tightening as he grew and filled them.

​Watching as she slid off the stool, her peek toe high-heels finding the wood-covered floor, he said, "What? Are you going? I want to know more of you than just your name."

​"Oh, I am sure you shall with time," she responded. Her hand upon his knee, gaze taking in his clear arousal, she leaned in again and allowed her lips to brush across his cheek. Whispered once more, "You are welcome to call on me anytime, California."

​"But I don't have your number or anything really, just a name. How am I going to do that?" He asked incredulously.

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​Mia looked at the barman and said, "It's nice to have you on my staff, Tom." Turning her attention back to Elijah, "It was lovely to meet you, sorry to run, but duty calls. You may find me here most nights working. Thank you again for sharing a taste with a stranger." With that, she strode away toward the hall in the back.

​Elijah watched the sway of her hips and the controlled carry of those decadent curves as she walked away. He definitely would be back, not soon for the port but hopefully to taste her lips.

​A few nights later, on Monday after work, Elijah decided he needed to see Mia once more. He hoped she was in as he headed to her bar. Elijah, of course, had googled her, well, actually the bar, and had found an article on Mia Moore. He quickly learned that although she came from money, she was self-made now. The bar had been one of several successful projects she had undertaken in the last ten years. One point he found had him a bit giddy; she was not married as he feared. Instead, the article merely spoke of a few men she had recently dated. 

​This evening found him wearing one of his favorite suits, an olive-colored three-piece affair. Paired with a caramel tint tie, his belt, and leather side-buckle shoes of the same shade of tan, he hoped he looked as dashing as he felt. He had checked his once dark brown hair, now streaked with gray, and noted it was nicely coiffed. After a breath check into his cupped hand, he stepped once more into the exquisitely crafted space of Mia's bar.

​The barman was different tonight, so Elijah had to start from scratch, introducing himself and asking if Mia was in tonight. After a call, he was ushered down the corridor to the door at the end; the barman gave a light knock, and he heard, "Come in, please."

​Stepping into her private world, Elijah wasn't sure what he had expected, but it wasn't this. Whereas Mia herself was decadent and beautiful, the space she had created to work was sparse, minimalistic actually. Behind the sleek wooden desk, she perched on a plum velvet chair, the soft gray walls surrounding her lit by recessed lighting. Her dress tonight, he noted, was a light blue-grey floral on a white background. The bodice was a button-up collared look that brought attention to both her cleavage and her cheekbones. My, my, my, this woman knows how to dress, Elijah thought to himself, so beautiful.

​"Hello, Mia, it's me, Elijah; come to say hello and maybe ask you to dinner." He winced as he again had introduced himself. Maybe she wouldn't catch that.

​But she did indeed, a glint in her eye, she coyly responded, "Oh, Elijah, the man who must be known. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you, yet." Her hand to her mouth feigning surprise, a wink from her eye to show him she was being playful. She let the word "yet" hang there for a moment adding to the tease. "Please, come in, sit down. I was about to order in from P. Franco for delivery. May I treat you to something?"

​The final question hung there, an apparent double entendre and a hint at potentially more than just dinner. Elijah swallowed hard and replied, "Mmmm, yes, please, I haven't eaten from there before, so I trust in your ordering. But I must insist on paying."

​"Nonsense," she replied with a giggle, "tonight, you are my guest, and I shall entertain you as I see fit."

​Elijah was struck by the clear power struggle that now hung in the room. He didn't mind losing a little now if it meant he could show and take more as the night progressed. His response was simple, "Okay, thank you. Unrelated note, you look amazing tonight," a broad, appreciative smile on his face and a devilish look in his green eyes.

​"Why, thank you," she responded, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "The olive tone suits you and brings out your amazing eyes."

​Now it was his turn to blush, and in his head, he saw himself as a little boy, foot twisting looking down, unable to maintain eye contact. Get a grip, he told himself, this woman respects power and control

Striding forward, he took the seat opposite her at the desk while she called one of her staff to place her order and extra for him. He also heard her order some champagne.

​As the night progressed and the delicious food enjoyed, the conversation was easy and fun, verbal wrestling replaced with humor and quick wits. Elijah hadn't laughed this much in quite some time and found there was so much to desire in this well-spoken woman.

​After they had finished dinner and the bottle of red wine they had switched to with the food, he found they were talking about his experience with the port. "What was your favorite moment that night?" She asked.

​"Honestly," he started, "it might sound cheesy, but here it goes. When you leaned in after your sip, your breath full of the port and the background notes of your perfume are etched into my brain. It was a scent I shall soon not forget."

​"I am wearing the same perfume tonight," she announced as she rose from her chair and came around to his side of the desk. Her bum sat on the edge, her legs stretched out, feet now just between his. Her hands both planted on the surface of the desk behind her, body language showing openness. "You are more than welcome to have another sniff." As she said this last bit, she tilted her head over and back, exposing her neck between her collar and emerald earrings.

​Elijah jumped up so fast his chair nearly toppled. He seductively placed his hands on the desk surface, to either side of her. Elijah allowed his fingers to brush with hers, his stance open, her legs now through his. Leaning in and down, he brought his nose slowly along the line of her jaw, inhaling deeply and releasing a satisfied sigh.

​But he wasn't finished. He wanted more, and as such, his lips reached out and tenderly kissed at her neck. As he lifted back to her gaze, he could see the desire that burned there and so brought his lips to hers, the light flavor of cherry on them. The wine and food mixed on their tongues as lips parted, and the kiss grew in intensity. He brought his hand from the surface of the desk to the small of her back and pulled her against him.

​Her arms came up around his neck, and she caressed him there and the short, shorn hairs on the back of his head before bringing them up into his long hair for a playful tug toward her.

​As their kissing and breathing grew in intensity, their lower bodies pressed against one another. He again kissed down her neck, bringing his fingers to the buttons; he began to pop them one at a time and kiss lower onto the flesh he exposed. Her cleavage was sumptuous, and as he continued, he found the lacy gray see-through top of what led to the black cups of her bra. Her hands were busily rubbing him on every surface she touched, his likewise. The bodice of her dress now undone to nearly her waist, he kissed the globes of her breasts, desiring to peel that bra away and find her taut nipples.

​She seemed intuitive on this, and reaching back, she undid the clasp of her bra and then slid it down her shoulders so he could taste.

​Her soft flesh led to the pink center, pert and anticipating his warm mouth; as he closed over it, he heard a moan, unsure if it was hers or his, it mattered not as he was intoxicated by her.

​Breaking the moment, she pushed him back and off her. Looking at the door, she said, "Be right back," a couple of quick strides took her from him and to the door, where she took the "Do Not Disturb" sign and moved it to the outer handle. Turning back to him, she began unbuttoning her dress from the bottom, exposing first those muscular calves he remembered, then knees and her creamy thighs showing just above her hose clipped into her garter belt, above that, high-waisted panties that matched her bra in color and design. 

​Elijah did not waste this time but rather shed his vest and tie, followed by his belt and shoes. He left on his shirt for her pleasure of unbuttoning it to expose his shorn chest and corded stomach.

​Reaching out, he grabbed her hand and brought her back in between him and the desk, pressing her into it once more. The kissing began again in earnest. As she broke off and sighed, gasping for breath, he allowed a hand to move up her thigh, sliding along her skin and then over the now moist fabric between her legs. He felt a quiver of desire from her, and she pressed herself into his palm, a slow gyration of her hips causing him to swirl on her.

​His hunger and desire moved him to lift her onto the desk, pulling her panties to the side to reveal the soft folds of her rose; his tongue danced over her opening. 

​With a loud gasp, she pulled his hair harder, opening her legs farther and placing them on the arms of his now vacated chair.

​The floral earthiness of her scent had him salivating, taking his finger from his free hand, the other still holding her panties to the side; he slid it up and down her bald lips, his tongue probing for and swirling upon her now erect clit. After a few moments, his finger slid into her warm decadence, and he began finding room for a second. As soon as he was in with both, he started a slow finger fuck as he also pressed his mouth against her, slowly swirling his tongue counterclockwise. His reward was not long in coming as her body tensed, and she released her honeyed nectar calling his name loudly. He stopped with the fingers yet kept them inserted, feeling her clamp on to them again and again as he continued with his tongue ministrations.

​When her breathing began to calm, he brought his lips slowly up her body, probably kissing areas she preferred to hide, yet he found all of her something to be desired. Finding her lips once more, he shared the flavor of her release with her in a deep and passionate kiss.

Mia pushed him off, then unzipped his trousers and pulled both those and his boxer briefs down. A light push in his chest had him sitting back in his chair, and she got to her knees before him, her gaze on his flaccid cock. Pushing his knees wide, she bent down and licked up his sack, continuing up the now growing length of his shaft. Her tongue and mouth swirled at his head and then dropped to take more of him in as she pulled back and off, his now erect cock escaping with a small "pop".

​Instantly she was engulfing him in her warm mouth and soft lips once again, now his turn to pull at her ebony tresses and press his dick up deeper into her mouth. He was so aroused it took no time at all, her fingers lightly caressing his balls, to erupt in her mouth, shooting strand after strand of his thick cum, feeling her swallowing each bit.With a last hard suck, she cleaned him entirely and slowly lifted her head, allowing his now spent dick to fall back against his leg. Mia repaid the favor by bringing her lips to his and opening to have him taste the saltiness that now filled her mouth.

​As their kiss broke, he looked her in the eye and said, "What a wonderful beginning. May I take you home for more tonight?"



Written by ArtisticSpock
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