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Frequent Flyer Miles

"I knew I was lucky when she sat down, I didn't know what kind of luck it would be."

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I travel a great deal and, luckily for me, I get to upgrade to First Class nearly every flight. There is a lot to be said about First Class. The flight attendants act as if they know you and address you by name; the seats are wider and slightly better cushioned, there is only two people in a row, the drinks, and any food items are usually free. The main bennie for me is the seat. If you've ever been stuck in a middle seat between two large, smelly guys, you know what I mean. You know the type, the ones you see coming down the aisle and you start praying they aren't going to sit in your row, right?

Well, this trip was typical until a very tall and slim lady sat down next to me. No, I am not some lothario, plus being about thirty years older than she looked would have put a damper on my libido, but having an extremely attractive woman next me was a pleasant surprise, especially after all the flights where the best thing about the person next to me was whether or not they snored. The flight was a long one, so perversely I did wonder if she snored. I sort of laughed to myself.

She looked at me quizzically at my small snort.

I waved my hand, "Nothing, just a weird mental thought?"

She arched an eyebrow but didn't ask anything more. She held out her hand and introduced herself, "I'm Karin and I love weird mental thoughts."

I took her hand and was surprised that it was almost the same size as mine. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, I think she would top my six feet even without her heels. "I was just thinking how lucky I was you sat down. Let's just say on a recent flight my seatmates were less than pleasant."

"Well, you don't know if I am pleasant or not, but I have had my share of uncomfortable people on flights. Usually, it's businessmen try to look down my top or up my skirt."

"I can believe that because you are lovely. But I will endeavor not to be one of those. But I give you fair warning, if you bend over in front of me, I'll probably slip up and peek, I think it's genetic."

"At least you are honest about it," she said with a small throaty laugh. On that note, we settled down through all the pre-flight announcements and speeches. As we taxied out to the runway, she started the conversation again, "So what was your worse experience on a plane?"

We started trading traveling war stories. You know the kind, the crying baby, the hyperactive kid kicking the seat back, the obnoxious drunk, couples trying to have sex so they can join the 'mile-high-club’, the guys trying to pick up the people around them, the obnoxious passengers giving the flight crew a hard time... She would have won any contest about it because some of her stories were almost too hard to believe, like the one about the plane stopping on the runway of a small airport in New Mexico and actually refueling the plane on the runway because they had hit a headwind that caused them to lose a lot of ground speed. That wasn't the real part of the story, it was the guy who freaked out when the pilots told everyone what was going on and that guy lost it and opened the emergency hatch, that would have won between us, my stories seemed rather typical.

Karin had a lively sense of humor and told a great story. After about an hour and a couple of first-class cocktails, she settled down for a nap. She even apologized for it, which I thought was silly because, on a long flight, that's just what people do. More importantly, it turned out she didn't snore. She covered herself with one of the airplane blankets and fell asleep.

While she was asleep, she leaned in my direction. There was more of a thick armrest between the two seats, but, as I said, she was a tall one. She ended up on my shoulder and, to be honest, I didn't mind. I know what you are thinking, but remember, I am a lot older than she is, so I wasn't about to try anything foolish. In a small way, it was nice she felt comfortable enough with me for her to relax. As attractive as she was, she probably got hit on often and I wasn't going to be one of those who bothered her on a flight.

I did move her arm back when she stretched in her sleep and it ended up in my lap. After I moved it, I remembered a flight many, many years ago when my girlfriend at the time did something similar, under a blanket, only I didn't move her hand back. Thankfully that day I was in jeans so the cum stain wasn't visible. I also thought about where my hand had been and the sweet sounds she made with her face buried in my shoulder.

Those lovely memories were having their own effect on me as Karin woke up. She sort of jumped a little like she just remembered where she was.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep on you."

"No worries, you aren't heavy. Did you have a nice nap?" Then I flushed when I saw where she was looking, and I realized my own thoughts were pretty evident.

"Did I do that?"

I blushed this time, "Not directly, I was just enjoying some fond memories."

She smiled at that. "It's okay, I don't mind, it’s sort of an occupational hazard."


"My job, I work in adult films, I'm an actress in porn movies."

I was surprised and I guess it showed because she leaned away from me with a slightly concerned look on her face. "I know lots of people object, but I refuse to hide or lie about it."

"No, Karin, I was just surprised. I've met lots of people over the years and you are the first person who ever said that. It just caught me off-guard. It's not a big deal, it's your life and your job!"

She leaned back toward me, "I'm glad you said that. I had one idiot on the flight who spent half of it trying to pick me up while trying to look down my top and when I mentioned my job, he got all religious and demanded to be moved to another seat. I ended up sitting in one of the flight attendant jump seats because when they went to move him, everyone on the flight found out what I did for a living. For a few minutes, I thought the religious nutjobs on the plane were going to throw me out in mid-flight."

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's not that bad, as I changed seats I announced in a loud voice, "Funny, how before you knew what I did for a living you kept trying to look at my tits. Maybe someone got this on their phone and your wife will see what you do on long flights." Most of the passengers were cool, but suddenly half of the guys had to make a trip to the lavatory and kept staring at me as they went past. That's why the flight attendant moved me. She was cool!"

"Sounds like you got him back more than he hurt you."

She looked at me for a second, "You are the first person to mention the hurt. It did hurt a little, especially the rejection by so many people, even though the majority didn't care. I bet most of them watch porn but would never admit it to anyone. Hell, I bet some have even seen my movies but would deny it to their deathbed. I specialize in a certain segment of the industry, transsexual porn."

It took me a moment to realize what that meant, and she seemed to be watching me very carefully to see how I would react.

I guess I did okay because I saw a slight relaxation in her posture. I guess some people don't react well, for me, it wasn't something I was worried about. I mean I was not just a lot older than she was, but we were on an airplane, surrounded by other people. It's not like anything was going to happen.

"Are you okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I already said it was your life and your job! I'm not going to change that opinion because we might…”

"Have the same plumbing?" She said with that little grin of hers.

I laughed at her phrasing, "I guess that's a polite way to put it."

We continued talking and for some reason, the conversation kept going back to her work. I swear I wasn't driving it, I kept trying to avoid it, but no matter what we talked about, it circled back around to her job. She wasn't graphic about it, I mean it's not like she was describing what she might have done sexually because of her job, but it just seemed to remain on the table no matter what directions the conversation took.

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As I said before, she was a great storyteller, and as she seemed to realize I wasn't going to go all stupid on her over her job. She told some pretty wild stories. She even told a few about some of the names even I, in my porn-minimum-world, recognized. No, she didn't give out any secrets, the stories all revolved around her and her own behavior with the others. She described one incident when she got all star-struck at meeting one of the more famous and successful transsexual stars, but the story was told from her point of view about having trouble 'getting-it-up' because she was so in awe and couldn't believe they were doing a scene together.

No, she wasn't talking loud enough for others. As she had done while she was sleeping, she was leaning in close and practically whispering in my ear. Having such a lovely young woman so close and paying such attention to me was actually pretty special. Even her scent was lovely, if she hadn't kept talking about her work, I would have forgotten all about the 'plumbing', as she put it.

As time went by, she got more and more graphic, to the point she was having a noticeable effect on me. Part of me wanted desperately to 'adjust myself', but since she already pointed out my condition once, she would probably get a big kick out of me doing that. Then things went a little further. She reached down and squeezed me.

"Would you like me to adjust that for you? It has to be uncomfortable like that?"

I gulped and she giggled a nice throaty giggle. "Relax, I'm just teasing. Another occupational hazard, besides, it's nice to know I can get to a guy like you a little."

"A guy like me?"

"Oh, we refer to guys like you as kinda vanilla. I'm sure you've seen some porn. Any transsexual porn?"

"I don't recall any. I don't think it was very popular back when I used to watch it?"

"Really? You don't watch it now?"

"I'm a bit old for that, Karin."

"I don't think you're all that old. Transsexual porn's been around quite a while, but it used to be pretty much underground. I did a paper on it for a college class." At my look, she continued, "Yes, I have a degree in English."

"But you work in porn?"

"Did you ever try and get a job with an English degree? Most places aren't interested unless you are applying to teach it. I even had places ask why I didn't have a British accent!"

"You're kidding?" But the look on her face told me she wasn't. She told a few more stories and one was quite graphic.

"You really aren't transphobic, are you?"

"Well, I've not had a lot of experience with transsexual folks, but I would like to think I would remember they are people first rather than worry about, as you said their plumbing."

"We do have a quickie test that really filters out the people who are scared of us."


She leaned over to me, closer than we had been while talking. "Kiss me." Then she reached up and pulled my head to hers. I wasn't ready for it but didn't fight it. Our lips pressed and I was determined not to pull away first. I wouldn't like this lovely and intelligent girl to think I had a silly phobia. She didn't pull away either and after a moment, I felt her tongue probing. I opened my lips and met her tongue halfway.

It was actually kinda fun kissing her. I mean since my divorce, I hadn't been very socially active. I knew a few women in my neighborhood were after the newly divorced guy who had a steady job and seemed to make a nice living. But I wasn't looking to get back on that particular horse. It made the kiss a very nice experience.

Then she took my arm and pulled it under her blanket, it ended up in her lap, which included a — protrusion — which caught me off-guard, even though it shouldn't have. Her dick was out of her pants and she put my hand around it and held it there.

I broke the kiss but didn't remove my hand. Why I'm not totally sure. It certainly was a new experience for me. "Is this part of the test?"

"No, the kiss was enough. I was just curious about what you would do."

I went to let go, but her hand kept me there. "No, don't stop. It's pretty hot and you might never get this chance again. Think of it as a bucket list item: "Jerking off a transsexual woman on an airplane."

"Not just a woman, but a porn star! Imagine how many of your fans would be incredibly jealous of me right now?"

She pulled out her phone and said, "May I take a selfie with you?"

I laughed as my hand kept moving, barely showing under the blanket. It was like it was disconnected from the conversation. "I think I'm supposed to ask you that?"

She laughed, a really great laugh, "Not a fan one, just one for me. I don't meet many nice guys."

She took the pic and showed it to me. You would have no idea where my hand was. Her dick wasn't huge, but it was pretty stiff. I tucked my thumb so it ran over the bottom of her cockhead, just like I did when I jerked myself off. She hissed slightly, I guess I was doing okay.

She lifted the blanket, "Take a look?"

I couldn't resist. She was in a pair of jeans with the zipper open and they were pulled a bit off her slim hips. Her skin tone was darker than mine, so it was easy to see my lighter hand around it. The head glistened slightly, with what had to be pre-cum. It actually looked pretty damn sexy, even to me.

She leaned in against me, over the thick arm separating us. "Would you like a taste? I think it's crossed your mind?"

Porn actress and a degree in English and also a mind reader? How it the hell did she know seeing it made the idea of sucking it cross my mind? I have to admit it did, even before she suggested it. I thought for a minute about the rest of the plane, but it was several hours into a late flight, the cabin lights were dim and most of the passengers were probably dozing.

Instead of answering, I leaned over as she pushed back and kissed the tip of her small cock. As I pulled my lips away, a strand of pre-cum stayed attached. Then I felt her hand slip into my lap and press my own cock. Yes, it was hard! She pressed on it and then said, "Suck it."

So, I opened my mouth and sucked her cock into my mouth. It was strange, but also seemed like the right thing to do. She wasn't huge and fit completely in my mouth. As I went down, her own hand pushed down on my cloth-covered cock. When I came back up, she did the same. I couldn't see much because of the blanket bunched up next to my face. But I could feel it. I sucked pretty hard and felt her push upwards slightly. Then I felt her hand go lower, rubbing my balls. Her other hand pulled me off her cock. It felt strange leaving for some reason.

She smiled at me, "As much as I would love for you to continue, the flight attendant just gave us the stink-eye. I flushed, and Karin giggled again. "Relax, she moved off, but I thought you might not like getting busted. You were starting to get into it and so was I." She took my hand again and wrapped it around her cock. "I think this is safe!"

So, I kept jerking her off until I felt her cumming. When I brought my hand up, there were several runs of clear semen on it. Karin pulled it to her face and licked some of it off my hand, then offered it to me. "What the hell!" I thought and tasted it. It was a little astringent, but not much taste.

"There, you touched, jerked off, and even had a little oral sex with a transsexual. How do you feel?"

"I guess it's time to go to Disneyland!"

She paused then started laughing loudly just as the plane started its descent. We parted on rather good terms, despite the large wet spot on the front of my dark pants. Holding my jacket in front of it worked for most people, but she teased me about all through the departure and baggage claim process. In many ways, I was sorry to see her go. She was a fascinating person, regardless of her plumbing!


Written by Brookell
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