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Fantasy Part Four

"A young man's tongue becomes the plaything of a group of mature women"

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Hortense explained to me what she meant by “kept man.”

“It sounds exciting, but I have a job, and the lease on my apartment doesn’t expire for three more months.”

"Let’s start with your job. Are you familiar with Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Ehrlich?”

“Of course, they’re one of my company’s competitors.”

“I think you’d be a great assistant manager for Ehrlich at five or six times your current salary.”

“You could do that?”

“I own a significant share of Ehrlich, and one of my girlfriends also is a part-owner. Now, about your apartment, we could set you up in a much nicer apartment, and each month we’d take care of the rent.”

“What do you mean by ‘we?’

Hortense put her hand on my thigh, and patted it. “Kevin, I’m part of a group of five women, all about my age, who can’t find men in our age group to satisfy us.”

“Why not?”

“Kevin, men our age can’t get it up. I wish they’d invent some kind of pill that’d help men along, if you know what I mean. My girlfriends and I have been doing without for ages. Until you came along, it had been a while.”

“Hortense, I have to say, that was one of the best nights ever. And after they finished filming…”

“That’s exactly what I mean. My girlfriends and I would take care of all your financial needs, and you just need to take care of our needs in bed.”

“I’m not sure I’d have time to take care of, what did you say five women, with work and all.”

“Oh, Kevin, you are so naïve. Your job at Ehrlich is what I call a ‘no-show’ job.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you don’t actually have to go to work. You can save all your energy for me and my girlfriends.”

“Hortense, it all sounds great, but in five, maybe ten years at the most, I’m going to be looking for a job, and my resume won’t look all that good.”

“Kevin, by next week, you’ll have letters of recommendation from the CEO of Ehrlich, and also from the CEOs of four or five of the largest companies in Illinois.”

“And all I have to do is…”

“Exactly, and my driver is taking us to my apartment right now so we can get a head start before you meet my friends.” She smiled.

Hortense’s pussy was as sweet, perhaps sweeter than I remembered. Her pubic hair was just as wild, and after her first orgasm, I rubbed my face in it, inhaling her fragrance. Her wonderful fragrance. “Kevin, you are so much better than I remembered. Are you ready for more of my pussy?”


“That’s it, right there. Do my clitoris just a little more, put it between your lips, like you’re sucking on it.”

I followed Hortense’s directions. “Hmmmmm, hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm. Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo. Keep eating me, Kevin. Eat me good. Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo.”

While she was recovering, I rested, too. “Kevin, you continue to amaze me. You know the last time we were together, we never got around to fucking, not that I’m complaining.”

“Are you ready now?”

“Kevin, my pussy’s so ready for your cock. C’mon up here.”

I don’t think I got more than my cockhead in there before Hortense started to moan. Softly at first, but by the time I was all the way in, those moans were screams of delight. “Oh, God, Kevin, it’s been so long since I’ve had a young hard cock and yours feels so good. Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo.”

And when I started pushing in and out, she was so loud, I thought for sure her neighbors would hear. In addition, Hortense was bouncing off the bed. Her legs were on my back. “Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo Fuck me, Kevin. Keep fucking me. Give me your cock. Keep giving it to me. Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo.” It was the Werewolves of London all over again.

She wasn’t the only one talking, “Hortense, your pussy is so sweet. Let me eat it again. It’s eating your pussy that makes my cock so hard.”

“Yes, I want you to eat me again, but not now. Fuck me. Keep giving me that big cock. Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo. Ah-hoooo, ah-hooo, ah-ooooooo.”

She was as good a fuck as I’d ever had, but Hortense wasn’t done yet. She let me rest for an hour. “Kevin, after what your tongue and cock have done to me, I want to, no, I need to show my appreciation.”

“Like the morning we made the movie?”

She just smiled. My cock was dead, but she used her hands to wake it up. “That’s it, let me see you get nice and big. Hortense wants to put you in her mouth, wants to please you with her mouth when you get big.”

She wasn’t talking to me; she was talking to my cock.

It took a while, but eventually my cock was erect. “Kevin, do you know what I like best about sucking your cock after you just fucked me?”

“I have no idea.”

“It’s going to take a long time for you to cum, which means that I get to suck it for a long time.”

When we were finished and getting dressed, “You’ll meet the others soon. I’m sure you’ll like them, and I know they’re going to love you.”

“I hope so.”

“Just use your tongue and cock like you use them on me, and you’ll be fine,” she laughed.

Whenever I was with Hortense, I insisted on spending hours and hours on my knees with my face buried in that sweet, intoxicating pussy.

 On my last day at my old job, Yvonne came downstairs from her office to say goodbye.

Hortense was there, too. Living in downtown Chicago, having a car wasn’t practical, so Hortense and her Rolls helped me move my stuff.

“Horty, how’ve you been? I haven’t seen you since the filming,” Yvonne asked.

“I’ve been great thanks to Kevin here,” she smiled.

“You know, Horty, I need to apologize. I always thought you were full of shit, but watching you while we were filming, and then watching the movie itself, you sure know your way around cock.”

“It was pretty easy after what this boy did to my pussy the night before, and he’ll do again this afternoon.”

Hortense was trying to make Yvonne jealous, which was a trait she had displayed for years. What she didn’t know is Yvonne had a new, young lover just about my age, and on the few occasions I’d run into her, she glowed. Yvonne was glowing this morning.

Yvonne just had to counter Hortense’s barb. “Tina titled the film “Hungry for Cock,” but I thought she should have titled it “Old Granny Eager for Young Cock.”

Hortense pretended she didn’t hear her and  continued, “That reminds me, I should apologize to you and MaryAlice, Kevin eats pussy as well as anyone I’ve ever had.”

Yvonne smiled, “I trained him myself.”

“How long did it take?”

“Oh, just about every weekend for months and months. He is good, isn’t he?”

“I’ll give you an update, tomorrow?” Hortense smiled.  By this time, we were at the elevator and said our goodbyes.

 I’m not going to tell you about the specifics of the other four women in Hortense’s little group, but let’s start with Agnes Fetterman. The first time I met Agnes was at a little gathering that Hortense threw at her apartment, so I could meet the other women. She stood out because unlike them she clearly didn’t color her hair. It was snow-white, and I guessed she was at least ten years older than the others. I wasn’t even sure she was part of the group, perhaps she was a friend or neighbor.

As it turned out, she was a part of the group. I was, of course, skeptical. If she was ten years older than Hortense, and according to Yvonne, Hortense was sixty. Well, you can do the math. I was twenty-four.

Over the next few years, I found out that she was divorced from a man whose family’s wholesale business sold beauty products to every beauty salon in Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. In the settlement, Agnes got millions and millions of dollars, and every month received a check from the business worth over $100,000. Every month.

Yet, according to Hortense, she could not find a man. That’s not exactly true. There were men in her age group who were interested in her for her money, but could not take care of her needs in bed. “Kevin, that’s where you come in.”

Her limo picked me up mid-afternoon on a Friday and took me to a discreet upscale hotel about an hour south of Chicago. On the drive, I speculated. Would she have a heart attack if I fucked her too hard? If her hair was white, was her pubic hair also white? Would she have to take her teeth out to give me a blowjob?

Agnes was waiting in the hotel’s lounge. The limo driver took my luggage to her suite. “I’m having a martini, join me?”

She was very well-dressed and looked like she'd just come from her hairdresser. Thin, classy, wearing heels. “I’ll just have a beer, thank you.”

She didn't waste any time. "Why don’t we bring these up to the room?”

In the elevator, she put one arm around my neck, and almost immediately she was using her tongue. “Kevin, you know it’s been ages for me, but I expect you’ll take good care of me, and we have all weekend.”

Her suite was magnificent, and Agnes led me straight to the bedroom. She put her martini down and started to take off her dress. “Kevin, I’m much too old for the gymnastics of fucking, but what I really need is my pussy massaged. I need it massaged all weekend. According to Hortense, you have the talent for that. Is that true?”

“I’ll try.” I was certain she meant with my tongue.

She finished undressing, and sat on the bed; her head against the headboard. She picked up her martini, “come here, and show me you want to take care of Agnes’ pussy.” She spread her legs.

I took off my shirt.

Her small tits sat on her chest like deflated balloons. Her pussy was framed by an impressive thick gray bush, and her hole was almost red. It looked delicious.

When I first met Yvonne, I was hesitant to eat “old” pussy. If you recall, she was forty-five and I was twenty-three. I loved it. Then I met, Hortense, and as you know, I couldn’t get enough of her sixty-year-old pussy. Now, here I was face-to-face with a seventy-year-old pussy. Was it possible that like a fine wine, pussy gets better as it ages?

I started just kissing her bush. It wasn’t nearly as big and wild as Hortense’s, but it was thick, and neatly trimmed. I wondered if there was a salon where women had their pubic hair trimmed, coiffed, perhaps even colored (I was thinking of Hortense’s black as black could be pubic hair, at her age). I inhaled her fragrance. Her scent was intoxicating.

I used my tongue to open her pussy, and ran my tongue up and down. I was surprised by how big her pussy lips were; she wasn’t a particularly big woman. She spread those lips with her fingers. “Do my clitty, Kevin.” Her labia were long, but they were also thick, almost as thick as my cock when it was hard.

I don’t know much about women’s anatomy, but I was shocked at how big her pussy hole was, I mean, I could have easily stuck my whole hand in there. Maybe she had a bunch of kids, and it got stretched out. What did I know?

Another surprise: Compared to Yvonne and MaryAlice, Hortense had a big clitoris, but Agnes’ was much bigger. Almost like a little cock. After Hortense, I knew how to play with it. I gently sucked it into my mouth.

It didn’t take very long. She came wildly. There were tears in her eyes. Tears of joy. "That's it, Kevin, eat my pussy. Eat it good."

My tongue went back to fucking and licking her big hole. The sweetest hole EVER. For the next twenty minutes, I lapped up her juices. Then sucked on those big fat labia. Agnes was slowly fucking my face.

I still had my pants on, and my cock was straining to get out.

I moved back to her clit, again she went crazy, and loudly came again. It was by far the best pussy I'd ever eaten. Her reaction when she came was wild, but not nearly as wild as when Hortense came. "Agnes, you have the best tasting pussy. Eating it makes me so hard."

“Do me again, Kevin, please. I don’t remember it ever being this good. Eat me.” She moaned, sighed, and whimpered as I sucked on that big clit. She wasn’t as loud or as animated as the other women, but it was apparent that her orgasms were just as intense.

"Thank you so much. Kevin, I've never felt like that in my whole life."

She was breathing hard, and my cheek was resting against her pubic bone. “I know you’ve just eaten, but the food in the dining room here is amazing. Would you like dinner?”

“That would be great, but Agnes why don’t we come right back here for dessert? I think you know what I want.”

“We’re going to have a fun weekend together. You’re more than I expected and much more than Hortense suggested. Kevin, it might be more comfortable if in public you presented yourself as my grandson, but in private, my lover who knows exactly what pleases me. You do know what pleases me, don't you?"

I smiled. “I’m looking forward to dessert.”

The food was everything she said, but we were both anxious to get back to her suite. “I’ve never had a sweeter dessert,” I told her with my face in her bush, after I had spent an hour with my tongue playing with that big clitty.

“You probably need some rest. I’ll be serving you breakfast in bed, you know?”

“If it’s anything like dessert, I’ll be looking forward to a great morning. A morning every bit as tasty as tonight.”

Breakfast was every bit as delicious as last night’s dessert. Agnes’ pussy just couldn’t get enough of my tongue, and my tongue just couldn’t get enough of her pussy. I no longer thought of it as ‘old’ pussy.’ I considered it sweet pussy.

After numerous orgasms, she insisted I stop. “Kevin, I’ve been so unfair to you. I know how young men get. Your cock must be straining, and you must need some relief.”

“Well…” She had told me she just couldn’t fuck anymore, it was too rigorous. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but what happened was totally unexpected.

I had slept with just my briefs on. “Why don’t you stand up, and I can get a good look at what eating my pussy does to you?” She sat up in bed.

I gave her pussy one more quick kiss and stood on the bed, and dropped my underwear. After all that pussy eating, my cock was rigid. As Yvonne said, almost touching my belly button. “Oh, my, Kevin. I haven’t seen one that hard in ages, perhaps before you were born. Come a little closer.”

When I did, she reached out and took it in her hand. “Hmmmm, it’s like a steel rod, and I’m so pleased that it’s my pussy that makes you so stiff. It is my pussy that makes you hard, isn’t it?”

“Of course. You’re so sweet.”

Then she reached for my balls. “So big, and so heavy. I’ll bet they’re just filled with cum. Kevin, why don’t you amuse me, and at the same time, give your cock some relief?”

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At first, I wasn’t sure what she meant. Then it dawned on me. She wanted me to jerk off for her. Since I’d met Yvonne, then MaryAlice and Hortense, I hadn’t jerked off. I didn’t need to; as you know they were giving me as much as I could handle: fucking, blowjobs.

And, I’d never done it in front of anyone: never. One time my mother caught me in the shower, but that was when I was seventeen. “Ummm, Agnes . . .”

“Oh, go ahead, Kevin. Then you can have my pussy again. You do want my pussy, don’t you?”

“Of course.” I wrapped my right hand around my cock. I was right in front of her. My cock was less than a foot from her face. Slowly, I started to stroke it.

“That’s it, Kevin. It’s a thrill for this old lady to watch a young cock in action. “Take your time, let me enjoy the entertainment.”

I kept stroking my cock, stroking it just for her. “Faster, Kevin. You know what I want to see.” She was watching my cock intently.

I started using my left hand, too. That always worked for me. One hand on my shaft and one massaging my balls. “C’mon, Kevin, cum for me. Shoot for me, shoot all over me.”

I wasn’t thinking of that. I actually wasn’t thinking about where I was going to shoot my load at all. “Faster, faster, Kevin. Let me see it.”

When I came, my cock was pointing right at her. It had been over a week since I last came. There was a lot of cum, and it was on her face and her chest. “Oh, yeah, Kevin. Oh, my, that was the greatest thing. Why don’t you rest for a few minutes while I get cleaned up, and then you can eat me?”

I was on my back when Agnes came back from the bathroom. “Kevin, I’m going to want you to do that again for me, but right now,” she knelt over my face, “you’re probably a little tired. Let me do all the work.”

For the next hour, Agnes rubbed her pussy in my face. Sometimes she specifically rubbed her clitty against my chin and nose, making herself cum. Her hands were holding the headboard, and those small, sagging breasts were bouncing. To be honest, compared to Yvonne’s and MaryAlice’s, they weren’t all that attractive. And Hortense had perfect tits. Perhaps, she’d recommend her plastic surgeon to Agnes.

When she’d had enough, she just knelt there, her pussy in my face. As I said, her scent enthralled me. I was now convinced that pussy, like a fine wine, ages well. If this was a separate story, I might title it “Aged to Perfection.”

Later that day, "Agnes, I've got to tell you, you have the sweetest pussy."

"Kevin, are you just saying that to make an old lady feel good?"

"Let me show you."

For the next few hours, I gorged myself on that pussy, only coming up for air to tell her how much I loved eating her.

"Are you hard?”

I was naked, and stood up.

"You're magnificent. I wish I was younger; I’d love some of that.”

“Agnes, do you want me to entertain you again?”

“That would be fun, but maybe I’m not too old. Kevin, if you’ll be patient with me I’d like to try something.”

“I’ll be patient, but I’m not sure what you mean.”

"The last time I sucked a cock was probably before you were born. She slowly slid her hand up and down my shaft. "I was married a long time, and my husband's little cock was never this big or this hard." She tongued my cockhead, running her tongue around the ridge and teasing my cum hole.

"I'll bet you're going to taste fabulous, but I'm going to savor every inch of it first." She put her tongue on my cockhead again, and then slowly licked my shaft all the way down to my balls. She took my balls in her hand and stuffed them in her mouth. "Hmmmm."

Then she slid her hand up my shaft, my very stiff shaft, and gently massaged my cockhead, as a little pre-cum oozed out. She rubbed it in with a fingertip.

Agnes took my balls out of her mouth and licked her way to my head. Then she put her lips over my cock and took about an inch in her mouth, then took it out. "I want to make you cum. I want all your cum in my mouth." Then she put it back in, and this time she tried to take another inch.

With one hand she jerked me off, while an inch, perhaps two inches of my cock was in her mouth. Agnes sucked and sucked and jerked me off. She took it out for a moment, Come on Kevin, cum for me."

“It might take a while after this morning.”

That just spurred her on. It had to be exhausting, but she didn’t quit. Finally, she had me: "Hmmmmm, hmmmm," Agnes sighed as she tried to swallow my cum. My cum dripped down my shaft where Agnes used her tongue to lick it up. "Kevin, I can't remember the last time I tasted cum and I don't remember it being this delicious. Thank you for your patience.”

Later that night, I had aged pussy for dessert, and then another delicious breakfast. The breakfast lasted all morning. Then it was time to go home. “I’m staying here a few more days. My limo will take you home. I’ll talk with Hortense about seeing you again.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” I kissed her on the cheek.

“You’re looking forward to eating my pussy again, aren’t you?”

“I’ll be counting the days.”

Whenever I was with Agnes, I couldn’t wait for her to get undressed. My cock was already hard in anticipation of her delightful, tasty pussy.

 One of the most interesting women in the group was Louise Wu, who everyone called LouWu. She was barely five feet tall, and she’d probably be insulted if you said she weighed a hundred pounds. I could just about put both hands all the way around her waist, and I definitely could put her ass cheeks in my hands. She was probably Hortense’s age.

Later I found out that her husband owned a bunch of commercial and residential buildings in Chicago. He had gone back to China for business ten years ago, and the government wouldn’t let him leave. She hadn’t heard from him in over five years. Her two sons ran the day-to-day operation of the business, but LouWu was the owner.

When I was scheduled to see LouWu, she came to my apartment. “Oh, Kevin, we need to find a nicer place than this for you.”

“Hortense said something about that, but it’s only been a few weeks.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t be long, but today, you know why I’m here.” She wore a skirt and blouse, and she was unbuttoning the blouse.

LouWu’s skin was pale, which she offset with a black bra. Her make-up was perfect; her lipstick a bright red. By the time she got to my bedroom, it was evident that her bikini panties matched her bra. In another minute, bra and panties were on the floor. For her size, I thought she had the most magnificent tits, topped with small dark brown nipples.

“According to Hortense, you have a big cock that I’ll enjoy. When do I get to see it?” She was blunt.

I couldn’t get out of my clothes fast enough. In another minute we were lying in bed, our lips and tongues at work. I didn’t waste much time: My tongue and lips enthusiastically went to LouWu’s nipples. They responded by rising up to almost an inch, and were highly suckable. LouWu moaned, as my tongue teased them.

I worked my way farther down. My tongue licked her stomach, while my hands opened her legs. There was no resistance. Yvonne once told me that she loved it, “The anticipation makes me wet.”  I was taking my time with LouWu.

Don't get me wrong, I was anxious to taste that pussy, and I expected that the wait was worth it. "LouWu, your pussy is beautiful. I'm looking forward to eating it." And it was. Wisps of black hair covered her pubic bone. The rest was mostly bare. There was no evidence that she shaved other than her bikini line.

The things my lips and tongue had done to her tits, and Yvonne proved at least in this case right, the anticipation of what was to come, had her pussy lips open and glistening. She was wet already. Those lips were small, and her inner lips almost undetectable. It was a dark rose red. It looked delicious.

As I said, LouWu's pussy was small, and I found it difficult to find her clit, but when I did, she gasped. I flicked my tongue over that tiny bud, and each time LouWu gasped and bucked her hips.

I teased her, sliding my tongue up and down her slit, only on occasion reaching her clit, but when I did, it was like fireworks going off. LouWu was bucking and humping my face. Her pussy was secreting juices faster than I could lap them up.

One thing I noticed and I thought for sure would be a problem. When I tried to fuck her hole with my tongue, I found that it was tiny. Way smaller than the other women. If she wanted me to fuck her, we were going to have a problem. I mean, Hortense had told her I was big, but not that big. I hoped I didn’t disappoint her, but LouWu was so small maybe it wouldn’t matter.

"Kevin, I’m ready for that cock. As you can see I’m pretty small down there. I have my own lubricant, it works wonders." Her bag was right by the bed. She reached for it, opened the tube and sort of inserted it and squeezed. None of the other women had needed it before. Perhaps, I didn’t eat her long enough. I’d try to make it up to her.

"I'm going to take it slow, LouWu."

"Kevin, don't treat me like a China doll," she laughed at her own joke. "I like it hard and fast."

I wasn't going to do that, but she was right, the lubricant made it relatively easy to slide in. LouWu's eyes rolled back in her head, and her mouth was wide open as I went deeper and deeper, but no sounds came out. I was trying to go as slow as possible, but LouWu tried to take more.

"Did I tell you how sweet your pussy tasted?"

She shook her head, "Tell me again."

"You have the sweetest pussy, ever. I would have kept eating you, but I'm not complaining about this either."

"Fuck me, Kevin." Then it happened. LouWu's ass started; it was like a piston. Up and down, she slammed into my cock. That tiny ass was moving non-stop. When we first started, I thought I might break her, now I was just trying to hold on.

There was no quit in LouWu. I started banging that pussy as hard as her ass was banging me. We continued for a long time. I thought for sure a woman her age would ask me to stop, but just like Hortense, she kept going and going.

Finally, I slumped into arms, exhausted. "Kevin, that's was the best fuck ever. I can’t wait for you to be ready again," she smiled. “Oh, and your tongue. Kevin, your tongue. Whenever you’re ready, my pussy will be waiting.”

Later Friday night, “Kevin, it's just waiting for you. You did say you loved eating it?"

"I do." I didn't need a formal invitation, I started to kiss my way to those lovely tits. My lips sucked them, first the left then the right. "Don't tease me like that. Eat my pussy."

It was as tasty as it had been earlier, and LouWu might have had one continuous orgasm over the next hour, as my tongue played with her little clitty. "Kevin, you need to fuck me, now." My face was still in her pussy, as she reached for her lube.

LouWu wore me out. Shortly after I came, LouWu started playing with my cock to get it hard again. As soon as I was erect, she wanted it in her pussy. "Fuck me again." Just like an hour or so ago, her ass was like one of those perpetual motion machines. Up, down, up, down-non-stop. After the third time, I just couldn't go another round, and fell asleep.

I know I slept well and didn't hear LouWu in the morning. When I woke up, all I could see was pussy. LouWu was squatting over my face. "Kevin, I just took a shower, my pussy’s nice and clean, waiting for your tongue." She lowered herself onto my face. Could any man ask for more than sweet pussy for breakfast?

All-day Saturday and then Sunday morning, LouWu’s pussy insisted on my tongue or my cock. She was about the same age as Hortense, but had much more stamina than I thought possible.

Before she left, LouWu reached up and put her arms around my neck. “Your tongue and cock were so good to me. The next time, I promise, I’ll spend time with your cock in my mouth. I promise.”

“I’d like that, but I’m going to want that sweet pussy.”

Two weeks later, LouWu called me. “In an hour my driver will pick you up. I have a new apartment to show you. I’ll meet you there.”

The driver took me to one of the most exclusive parts of Lake Shore Drive. LouWu was waiting for me. “I hope you like it. It’s on the twenty-seventh floor.”

The apartment was far more lavish than anything I could imagine. Two bedrooms with spectacular views.  “Now, Kevin, I have an interior designer who will help you with colors and furniture. She’s thinking romantic, but very masculine.”

“This is spectacular.”

“So, you like it?”

“What’s not to like?”

“Give me a dollar.”


“Just give me a dollar.”

I reached in my wallet. “Kevin, you now own this apartment. I’ll have my lawyer handle the closing.”

“Are you sure?”

“The other women, Agnes, Hortense, and I agree you’re worth every penny. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

There was no furniture in the apartment, but there was an island in the kitchen. Without hesitation, I lifted LouWu up, while she pulled off her panties. With her legs spread, my tongue, like a magnet, found her delicious pussy.

Once I moved into the apartment that I now owned, I never saw a water bill, electric bill or even a tax bill.

Back then people were paid every week, not every other week, like today. The first time I went to Ehrlich’s office, the director of payroll insisted that I see my office. He called my secretary, who gave me a tour. “Sir, I’ve worked here twenty years. All your accounts are in order, and if there’s a problem, I’m sure I can straighten it out without bothering you.”

After that, every Friday, I’d take a taxi to Ehrlich and go directly to payroll, where I’d be handed my paycheck. If I felt any guilt, later that afternoon, one of those women would find a way to make me feel better about the whole thing.

I don’t want to say much about the other two women because they’re both married. Gloria (an alias) was about sixty, and when we first met, “Kevin, at my age sex is much too painful, but I do like the feel of a cock in my mouth.” She insisted that I let her know when I was close to cumming, so she could take it out, let me relax for a few minutes, and then she’d put it back in her mouth. We’d spend ours like that, and I wouldn’t cum until shortly before she was ready to leave. No complaints from me.

Lynette (also an alias), on the other hand, didn’t want to do anything but fuck. “According to Gloria, other women my age, and my gynecologist, in a few years fucking will be too painful. Kevin, you need to fuck me to make up for all those future years I’m going to miss. Fuck me until you can’t get hard anymore. And when you’re not fucking me, eat me.” You’ll not hear me complain about that either.

After five years, Agnes decided that she’d had enough of sex, and retired to Arizona. I’d miss her scrumptious pussy, but Hortense replaced her with a woman just as amazing. “Kevin, this is Daisy, her husband owns all the groceries stores in Indiana and Illinois. I’m sure you’ve been in one.”

“And now Kevin, you get to get in me,” she laughed. Daisy (an alias, too) was a tall thin black woman, who according to Hortense was sixty-three, but I swear she looked like she was in her early forties. Our first weekend together, I found that Daisy might have been the best fuck in the entire Midwest, with a pussy that tasted like sugar. A pussy framed by a thick gray bush. The contrast was stunning.

So, dear reader, that’s my fantasy. Does it go in the fiction or non-fiction section?

Written by Melville
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