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A Teen on the Beach: part 3

"Ellie and David spend a Nude Day together and open up to their most intimate selves."

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After leaving David's apartment, two-hundred dollars in hand, Ellie immediately drove over to the local mall to to get some new clothes for the upcoming school year and her evening date with David. She figured her nude modeling ought to afford her some new, cute clothes.

Perusing the sales, Ellie came up with three outfits and, on a hormone-driven moment of shopper's splurge, she bought some sexy underwear, a sheer bra and tiny, sheer thong underwear. She couldn't wait to get home and try them on as she had never bought anything so revealing.

Upon returning home, Ellie swiftly bypassed her parents and headed to her room. Immediately pulling her clothes off, she slipped into her new lingerie and looked herself over in the dresser mirror. The underwear left nothing to the imagination, ultra-sheer and revealing of her proud nipples, somewhat hardened with excitement.

Ellie turned around to examine herself in the teeny string thong that disappeared discretely between her cheeks, fully displaying her cute, rosy-pale bottom. She placed her hands on her hips and gave herself a seductive pout like a Victoria's Secret model hopeful, followed by a burst of laughter. This sexy self-confidence seemed somewhat amusingly alien to her, she thought.

Later that evening, Ellie received a text from David:

'Hey, I'm off work did you want to go out tonight, perhaps meet me at my place to decide where? Nothing too formal.'

Ellie sent back a text of confirmation and quickly threw on one of her new outfits, a pair of tight, yoga-style patterned leggings and a lavender colored t-shirt. She braided her hair in a loose, casual braid and, in an attempt to avoid panty-lines, decided to go commando beneath her leggings, a somewhat daring decision for Ellie but one that felt dead sexy. She felt as though she was instigating her own secret sexual revolution, one that only she was aware of.

Ellie drove over to David's around six o' clock that evening and applied some makeup in her car before getting out, some eye shadow and a light foundation. Ellie didn't know why but she wanted to look extra good for David. As she stepped up to his door she tucked her hair behind her ears in anticipation.

“Wow, you look really cute, Ellie! Did you want to go back to Daddy-Os? They have live music and ladies drink half-price tonight.”

“That sounds like fun but I don't have a fake I.D., or anything.”

“That's fine you don't have to drink or anything, it just would be a fun way to get out and celebrate before returning to the grind of school and everything.”

Ellie smiled and threw a light sweater over her shirt as the headed out the door.

David and Ellie arrived at Daddy-O's and they were immediately confronted with a packed club and a loud, live band. The patrons were a sundry group of hipsters, college students and some older folks who stuck in the perimeters, enveloped in the haze of neon, smoke and clamor. Daddy-O's played on the theme of the jazz glory days and beatnik culture, with old photographs of Miles Davis and Allen Ginsberg adorning the wall. The clientèle now, however, was decidedly very modern.

David and Ellie found a small table in a corner and David brought a pitcher of Lager beer back to the table and a grenadine coke for Ellie.

“Ellie, I hate to be so blunt but I admittedly really care what you think of me. I don't want you to think I'm one of those creeps who just takes girls to bars in hopes of a cheap one night stand or anything.”

“Well, darn,” Ellie recanted in a jokingly sarcastic tone.

“I really enjoy spending time with you. You are one of the most refreshingly different girls have had the pleasure of meeting. I mean that in the best way possible.”

Ellie smiled and peered down at her coke.

“I really don't know why you think that. You're really smart and talented, I'm sure you could find a thousand other girls who are more interesting than I am.”

“Why do you cut yourself down so much? Forget the fact that you are an honors student brainiac, the fact that you had the courage and free-wheeling spirit, at your age, to take off your clothes on a beach full of strangers says that you are more open minded the ninety-percent of the rigid, pseudo-intellectual women I encounter who are supposedly my “peers”. It takes an uncommonly honest girl to be so open with herself. I think you are very special. Hell, you should be hanging out with your own friends, I feel lucky just to be spending it with you!”

Ellie looked into David's eyes and gave a half-smile while ruminating over his words.

“You know, you are probably the first female friend I have known whom I saw naked before ever seeing clothed.”

“I guess that really takes the guessing work out of it,” Ellie replied.

“Indeed! I was actually trying to guess what you looked like dressed! I was pleasantly surprised to see you have very nice style!”

Ellie laughed and looked back down at her drink.

“So, what are we, David?”

“I could be wrong but I believe we are two people sitting in a bar.”

No, I mean, are we friends, something more or just confused?” said Ellie.

David looked at Ellie for a while and said, “I think we are just friends, but the best kind of friends. Two friends who can share any idea or experience, however intimate, without judgment.”

Ellie looked back at David and replied quietly, “I think that sounds nice.”

David raised a glass and proclaimed, “To friends!”

Ellie took a sip of her coke and looked over at David's beer.

“Do you mind if I try it?”

“Go ahead.”

Ellie reached over and took a healthy swig of of David's beer and made a stifled face of displeasure.

“Not too bad,” Ellie Said.

“Oh, you didn't like that at all, you liar!” David said with a laugh.

“If you really want a drink, go ask the bartender what's on the house for ladies, it's usually some fruity, mixed drink concoction. Don't worry, that bartender never cards anyone.”

Ellie hopped up and slowly inched her way up to the bar. David couldn't help but notice how irresistible Ellie's bum looked in her sheer yoga pants. Ellie waited amidst the pandemonium of patrons with whom the bartender could hardly keep up when suddenly and older guy stepped beside Ellie, placing his hand on small of her back.

“Hey sweetie, you look a little young to be drinking here, don't you have school tomorrow?”

“It's Saturday,” Ellie replied sardonically.

The man laughed and slowly moved his hand down, feeling Ellie's bottom.

“Those yoga pants are really sexy on you. Ooh, I don't feel any undies, are you a little naughty girl? How about we ditch this place and go over to my place and have some real fun?”

Ellie looked over and pushed the man off her, “If you don't leave to alone, I'll, I'll have my boyfriend kick your ass!”

Ellie looked over at David who was busy looking down at his phone.

“Ha! I'm sure that man is your boyfriend. That's cute. Well, if you change your mind you'll know where to find me.”

Ellie took her drink back to the table, an orange-ish invention and looked at David.

“I just got groped and hit on by a drunk guy!”

“Oh man, I'm so sorry, perhaps taking you here wasn't a good idea.”

“No, it's okay, I lied and told him you were my boyfriend and that you'd promptly kick his as..uh, butt.”

David laughed as Ellie took a drink of her Ladies-special.

“Woah, that's good!” Ellie proclaimed with lit eyes.

“Let's go outside on the patio, where it is more quiet,” David said.

David and Ellie tripped outside and found a table away from the inner cacophony.

After sitting outside for a few moments, watching jovially tipsy people walk in and out the back door, David looked over at Ellie. She was about three-quarters of the way through her cocktail and had an uncharacteristically relaxed demeanor on her face. Sort of the subtle smile and starry-eyed gaze of someone who felt the world was full of light and magic...or perhaps, just full of a punch cocktail.

Ellie suddenly broke the silence and looked at David with a passionately fixed look and said, “What do you think is wrong with me, David?”

“What do mean, Ellie?”

“My entire life, I've always been the good, responsible girl. I've never acted out on impulses or anything like that but it seems like ever since the beginning of this summer things have been different, like my head is telling me I'm not who I think I am.”

“How so?”

“Well, I mean, it's not like I'm doing drugs or or anything crazy but I've been having a lot of fantasies lately.”


“Like the other night I had a dream. I was on a train and I looked at a man sitting across from me. We didn't know each other at all, two complete strangers. Well, anyhow, we locked eyes and it was like we instinctively knew what each other wanted without saying a word. He took me right there and tore off my clothes and we had sex on the train in front of God and everyone, yet nobody seemed to notice or care. It was like raw humanity at its most honest but there was also an understanding passion, like we were two humans who understood each other's needs.”

“Wow, firstly I want to say it is refreshing to see you open up like this, Ellie. I mean, I'm no Sigmund Freud but perhaps your subconscious is speaking to you. Maybe all the rigor, control and responsibility you've based your whole self-image upon is telling your that you should occasionally be more spontaneous and passionate and its...maybe manifesting itself in heedless sexual fantasies?”

Ellie finished of her drink and a waitress brought Ellie another cocktail which she promptly started in on.

“Yeah but, I don't know, I'm a girl, why am I focusing on sex so much? Like, honestly, I know girls fantasize and all but I think I do it too much. I haven't even had sex yet. I mean, we're friends so I can tell you this, right? Do you think I'm weird?”

“Ellie, sweetie, you can tell me anything, I'd never judge. Honestly, I think it's a bit of an unfair stereotype to assume that only loose or weird girls think about sex. Honestly, you're normal. You're just a healthy, horny teenage girl and I don't think you should feel any guilt about what your body is naturally telling you. I'd be more worried if you weren't having those feelings.”

After a few moments, Ellie finished her drink and David returned with another pitcher and refill for Ellie.

“Now Ellie, be sure and pace yourself with those, I wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself,” David said with a laugh.

“No need, I dance, I'm always graceful.”

“Ha ha, I'm sure! At least you are still enunciating you words!”

After a few quiet moments, David and Ellie finished their drinks and decided to leave Daddy-O's. Ellie stood up and felt as though her head was spinning. The two walked down the sidewalk back to David's apartment which was only a few blocks away. Ellie leaned on David for support and David placed his arm around Ellie.

“You know, David, last year me and my cousin Brianna snuck four glasses of wine at Christmas, we ended up skinny dipping in her pool on a dare after everyone went to bed. It was my idea and it was freezing cold.”

“I'm sure the baby Jesus appreciated that,” David said with a laugh.” But seriously, that must have been quite the spectacle, I hope the neighbors didn't see you.”

“Ha ha, well honestly, that's the only other time in my life that I've had more than one drink.”

“At your age I wouldn't make a habit out of it but I think everyone needs to let loose and forget everything every once in a while.

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Forget about the routine and monotony that kills our soul. Everyone needs an excuse to act ridiculous now and then.”

Now standing on David's front porch, she looked David in his eyes and placed her arms around David's neck, with a dreamy glance she pulled his head towards hers. Ellie began to passionately kiss David, pushing her tongue slowly into his mouth and wildly clasping to the back of his shoulders. Suddenly and as soon as she initiated, she pulled her head back from David.

“Oh my God, I'm so sorry.”

“Sorry for what, Ellie?”

“I can't do this, we're just friends. I can't kiss you. I'll just get feelings for you. I'm really sorry.”

“Don't worry about it, Ellie, it's probably just the drinks going to your head, you just need some rest. How about you take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch.”

David took Ellie to his bedroom and she quickly crawled under his covers and closed her eyes.

“Goodnight, sweetheart.”

David left the room and turned out his bedroom light.

For the remainder of the night David laid on his couch thinking about the kiss Ellie had given him that night, he wondered if there was a part of it that was sincere and if she did really have feelings for him.

The following morning, David woke up and found Ellie in his kitchen. She was pouring herself a glass of water and was only wearing her t-shirt and nude from the waist down.

“Good morning sunshine, where did your pants go?”

“Oh I realized that I had spilled a bit of my drink on them last night so I threw them in your washer, they should be drying right now, I hope you don't mind.”

David smiled and enjoyed how adorably sexy Ellie was going bottomless around his apartment without a complex.

“How does your head feel, Ellie?”

“Oh it's fine, I just felt dehydrated.”

“It happens. Well, I have the entire day free from work today, did you need to head home or anything?”

“I can hang out if I'm not bothering you too much, I sent a text to my mom last night saying I was spending the night at a friend's house and would be back later this afternoon.”

“Ellie, you couldn't bother me if you tried. You know, I just got an idea. Since we are both nudists at heart, what do you say we just have a nude day today? I always thought it would be cool to spend an entire lazy Sunday just doing what I normally do but without having to put on a stitch of clothing.”

“Why don't you do that everyday, you live by yourself?”

“I'm not sure but having a friend like you to spend it with would make it all the more worthwhile.”

Ellie smiled and thought to herself that David's proposition sounded like the most liberating thing she could imagine at the moment.

David soon headed to his bathroom and began brushing his teeth when Ellie knocked on the door.

“You can come in, I'm just brushing my teeth.”

“Sorry, I think I just drank too much water”

Ellie sat down on the toilet beside where David was brushing his teeth followed by a short, audible dribble of liquid.

“Oh, uh, did you need some privacy?”

“No, it's cool, I just had to pee,” Ellie said as she tore off a small square of toilet paper.

David smiled. “fair enough! I think I'm going to take a shower, I smell like that bar from last night.”

“Yeah, I do too. Do you mind if I got in with you?”

David paused for a second, “I do believe that would be the environmentally responsible thing to do, I mean we are in a water crisis.”

Ellie laughed and took her shirt and bra off while David got undressed. They both got in the shower and David turned on the shower head. Ellie soaked her hair under the water and David noticed how striking she was with her thick hair saturated under the shower head.

“You don't have my shampoo but this will do,” Ellie said as she picked up David's shampoo bottle.

“Allow me.”

David began to rub shampoo through Ellie's thick hair as she began to lather his, laughing as she sculpted his hair into a sudsy Mohawk.

“There's no time for that, Ellie, this is a water crisis!” David said jokingly.

Ellie laughed as she began to rub liquid soap into David's chest. David in turn began to wash Ellie's breasts as his hand moved sudsy circles around and under them attentively moving down to her tummy. He appreciated the mutual teamwork they had going as he began rubbing soap down Ellie's smooth back as she moved soap lower down his abdomen. As Ellie's hands went lower, David noticed himself starting to become erect. Then, as if it were the most natural thing on earth, Ellie moved her hand a couple of times over David's partially erect shaft, rubbing soap into it before her hand returned up David's body.

“Gotta get everywhere!” Ellie said with an embarrassed laugh.

David laughed while Ellie began washing shampoo out of her hair. David continued soaping Ellie's lower back, moving his hands down to her butt, rubbing the suds around it in circular motions and briefly rubbing his soaped hand between her cheeks.

Ellie and David both washed all the soap off of their bodies and dried off.

David walked into the living room and Ellie was sitting nude on his couch on her towel applying body lotion. David was immediately struck by the overwhelming beauty of her full naked breasts and body shining with lotion as her hands moved over her them.

“I'm just trying on the lotion I got at Bath and Body Works yesterday with the money you gave me.”

“It looks great on you!”

David sat beside Ellie on the couch and immediately looked down to notice he was still partially erect. He noticed Ellie glancing down at his manhood and crossed his legs in embarrassment.

“Oh gosh, I'm really sorry, Ellie, you just have this effect on me!”

“No! No! I like it!” Ellie said and immediately turned beet red.

“I mean, what I meant to say is, I don't think you should be embarrassed about it, I don't care, I think it's kind of cool. Oh wow, I'm really awkward.”

“No worries, my friend, if anything just take it as an earnest compliment to how beautiful and amazing I think you are.”

Ellie looked down and David, now more comfortable, uncrossed his legs, his manhood slowly rising back to partial attention. Ellie slowly moved her hand over to it, lightly tracing her finger up and down a vain on the side of David's cock. Ellie's eyes looked fixated on it as if she was studying every detail, entranced in curiosity.

“Ellie, I think you might be fascinated with my penis!” David said with a curt laugh.

“Oh, I'm sorry.”

“No need to apologize! I find it funny. I'd leave you guys alone together but I'm afraid he's attached to me.”

Ellie gave a faint laugh and then took David's full cock in her hand. She very slowly started to move her hand up and down David's long shaft, feeling its texture and length. Ellie suddenly grew deeply aroused as she felt David throbbing and slowly growing harder and larger in the gentle grasp of her hand. She began to move her hand up and down his full erection and gradually began to increase in speed until her hand was was moving with rhythmic assertiveness.

“Oh God Ellie, I must admit that feels amazing.”

Ellie glanced up at David and grasped his cock tighter and began to move her hand faster, plunging the length of cock and moving her face closer to it as she watched it throb with anticipation. Ellie's face was so close to David's manhood that he could feel her gentle breath on the sensitive head of his cock. Then, without pause, Ellie got on the floor in front of David, tucker her towel dried hair behind her ears, she took a couple of breaths of anticipation and slowly placed her lips around the end of David's penis.

“Ellie, you don't have to do that if you don't want to.”

Ellie looked up with a glance of sexy certitude and said, “I want to.”

David felt a deep well of primordial excitement rise from the pit of his stomach as he couldn't process the beauty of what Ellie expressed. Ellie took David's cock back in her mouth and David melted in a sea of pleasure as he felt the sweet warm, wetness of her mouth envelop him. Ellie moved her head further down, trying to accommodate David's length to the back of her throat. Ellie occasionally looked up at David in affirmation. She looked particularly angelic, David thought; her pink lips forming a perfect “O” around the circumference of his cock, her dreamy, hazel eyes looking up sporadically as her head dutifully moved up and down, framed he her wavy, tousled hair.

“Ellie, I have an idea that might be fun for both of us.”

David laid back flat on the couch and gently guided Ellie into a sixty-nine position on top of him. As the back of Ellie's thighs straddled either side of David's face, he thought this surely must be a vision from heaven. As Ellie leaned down, continuing to suck his cock, she completely opened herself up to David, giving him an almost painfully intimate view of her beautiful body.

The back of her her pussy was slightly glistening with excitement and above, her round cheeks were slightly parted, giving David a full view of Ellie's tight, teenage anus. David admired it, slightly pink and crowning her beautiful vagina like a tight rosebud. It seemed to him, like the dot on the exclamation mark, that little extra that reminds you that life is sexy.

David immediately moved his head in and buried his tongue into the back of Ellie's awaiting vagina. He could feel the vibrations of Ellie's soft moans on his cock as she continued suck him. David began to softly lick up the back if her labia, tasting her juices and then, placing his hands firmly on the globes of her buttocks, David slowly pulled Ellie's cheeks apart, opening up her taught asshole into an entrancing gape. David noticed Ellie's anus slightly wince as she became somewhat self-conscious of David seeing her so intimately.

“Ellie sweetie, don't be embarrassed, I think every inch your body is gorgeous.” David said assuredly.

Ellie, somewhat overtook by David's utter acceptance, relaxed and felt a surge of liberation as if she had nothing left to hide. Ellie further arched her back making herself more available and David began to move his tongue lightly around the folds of her tight anus wile moving his middle finger in and out of her vagina. The novel sensation of David's tongue caressing her most intimate body sent a surge of erotic energy through Ellie's body, one that seemed to travel from the base of her spine up to her head. Ellie suddenly let out a loud moan, which David in turn felt as Ellie's mouth hugged his every inch.

David more vigorously moved his finger in and out of Ellie's body, brushing against her sensitive G-spot as his tongue explored her entire body, moving between both of Ellie's holes with equal attention. Ellie secretly fantasized about David taking her right there and fucking her for the first time but before she knew it, a wave of orgasms suddenly overtook her and David, overcome with her vocal ecstasy, felt he could not go any further. He felt awash in a symphony of indescribable pleasure as he finally released, flooding Ellie's mouth with a sea of his warm cum while the ineffable vision of her nude backside straddle his face, abandoning her shame and trusting her most private self to David and the tides of ecstasy.

Ellie collapsed and turned on side, still breathing heavily and with a reddened face, she reoriented herself with her face beside David's, her hand on his chest. David could hear Ellie quietly swallowing his cum as she began to catch her breath. David looked over at Ellie and took his thumb, wiping a small speckle of his cum off her cheek. Ellie looked into David's eyes and he kissed her gently on the forehead.

For the remainder of the day, Ellie and David just laid there on the couch talking and laughing about whatever happened to cross their minds. They were two friends who could share anything and they were enjoying their lazy Sunday together, nude and unashamed.

Written by mirrorkisses
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