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A blow job with a difference

"A nude model goes the extra mile"

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Katie had been struggling to make ends meet. She had signed up to be a fireman but as a cadet, she was only on a pittance. Now, she was looking for all the part-time work that she could find.

It was while she was having breakfast one morning, still in her robe and her hair in a towel, when she saw the ad in her local paper.

It read: ‘Wanted: female model for art class. Top rates paid.’

‘That looks interesting,’ she thought, as she nibbled her toast. There was a number at the bottom; it was a mobile and she gave it a ring.

“Hello, yes. Is that the number for the art class thing?”

She was answered by a rather posh-sounding lady, who introduced herself as Maggie and explained that her class were specializing in still life and live art. They had gone through the obligatory bowls of fruit and random objects and had now progressed to people.

“What would I have to do?” asked Katie.

“Well, we want someone who’s happy doing nude poses, is that OK?”

“Oh! I guess. It’s guys and girls in the class I suppose?”

“No, just women. It’s mainly young housewives. The local authority subsidizes the course. We have a male model though.”

“Right. Would I be working with him or alone?”

“Well, he’s done a couple of sessions, so I was thinking of introducing two models, if that’s OK with you?”

Katie thought for a minute. Being nude with another guy was a bit of a challenge. But she needed the money.

“You still there?” asked Maggie.

“Yes. I was just… no that will be fine.”

Katie hung up, and instantly wondered if she had done the right thing. She had arranged to turn up a couple of days later. Maggie didn’t ask about her figure. Katie guessed it didn’t matter, although she kept herself in shape power walking and with light weights in the gym. Her 34C boobs and pert, bubble butt would at least give the girls something to work with, she mused to herself. She had responded to the ad with the assumption that she would be working alone. Discovering she would be posing with a nude guy had been a bit of a swerve ball. She half thought about ringing up and backing out, but that would be daft, especially as she needed the pennies. She told herself that nothing could go wrong and put any concerns to the back of her mind.

It was on the Thursday and Katie went to the community centre straight from the fire station, where she had just completed a watch. It had been quiet, and she had assisted the guys while they attended a minor blaze in a little out house. Sometimes it was like that, sitting around doing crosswords or reading all the regulations she had to learn for her exam. Katie arrived, still wearing her dark blue uniform. As she climbed the stairs to the first floor, she heard the brisk tread of another. She looked round to see a young guy behind her, taking the stairs two at a time.

“Someone’s in a hurry.”

“Oh, I always do that. Ummm… are you here for the art class?”

Katie knew instantly, that he was her fellow model. He had a fresh face and couldn’t have been more than eighteen, with short-cropped hair and neatly tendered sideburns.

“Yes, I…” Katie began.

“Oh, you’re the youngest one then. They’re all like thirty somethings.”

“I was going to say, yes. But I’m not painting. Hasn’t Maggie told you?”

The young guy held the door open for Katie, as they reached the first floor landing.

“No. Tell me what?”

“I’m a model too. She wants two people.”

The guy’s face changed and he looked at Katie as if she had grown a third arm.

“Oh! What? You mean a nude model?”

“Yes, of course!”

“But… but you’re a girl.”

Katie laughed, sweeping her long auburn hair away from her face.

“Last time I looked!”

“No, she never said. Are you a fire woman or something?”

“Not something. I am a fire woman, well a trainee one.”

He looked impressed and looked Katie up and down, though her figure was fairly androgynous in her uniform.

“OK. Well, I’m Matt. I guess I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Yeah, I’m Katie! See you later.”

Katie went into the girl’s changing room, but not before she had checked out Matt’s bum. He looked quite fit from what she could make out and seeing him nude would be quite an eye opener, she thought. She had formed the impression that Matt was a little shy, though he was doing this, so he couldn’t be that shy.

Katie changed out of her uniform and into the crisp, clean white robe that had been provided and she made her way to the studio, which was down the corridor. She knocked and a woman, who she assumed was Maggie, beckoned her to enter.

A few ladies were setting up seven easels arranged in a rather random fashion. Next to each was a little stand with a pot of water and a selection of brushes. One or two of the women looked up as Katie entered and smiled. There was a sort of wooden plinth at the front of the studio and Maggie invited Katie to sit down, while everyone prepared for the class.

After a few minutes, Matt entered and padded through the studio in his bare feet, acknowledging the art students in a ‘let’s get on with it’ attitude. Katie thought he didn’t want to be there, but like her, she figured he needed the cash.

“You’ve been here before then? asked Katie.

“Third week. This is the last one for this group, and then another lot start next week.”

“Ah, you can show me the ropes then!”

“Yeah, there’s not much to it. Well not until…”

“Until what?” asked Katie.

“You. I mean, you’re a little bit hot.”

Katie furrowed her brow and gave a little giggle.

“Only a little bit?”

“You know what I mean. Getting your kit off in front of randoms. I was out of my comfort zone. I got used to it.”



Matt’s reply was interrupted by Maggie, who introduced Katie to her students.

“So for our final class, I’ve enrolled a female model, in order for you to appreciate the different challenges posed by the female form.”

Maggie had a rather fruity, well-spoken voice and appeared a little condescending, Katie thought.

“As usual we have Matt, for those of you who want to complete their male studies.”

Maggie turned her attention to the two models, who were seated, listening.

“OK, if you would like to disrobe please, we will allow the students to continue their work.”

Katie stood up and noticed that Matt was glancing at her from the corner of his eyes, as if she was about to attack him. She pulled the cord on her robe and she stepped out of it, placing the garment on her chair. Katie had up-tilted breasts and her nipples rosy pink, her areola slightly puffy. Her tummy was toned, leading the eye downwards to her fully shaved pussy and slim, but shapely hips. Her labia were like two newly emerged rose petals, a rich light crimson, contrasting with her marble white flesh. She looked across at Matt purposefully, her eyes immediately drawn to his penis, which was flaccid but thick and uncircumcised. Her eyes wandered across his skin, which was taught and half a shade darker than hers. His abs were defined with six little pistons, rippling beneath the surface. His hips were sculptured, supporting his legs, which were sturdy and beset with muscle.

“Notice the smooth lines of the female form, in comparison with the busy detail of the male,” said Maggie, admiring her two models, artistically.

“Take care to get the proportions of her breasts correct, emphasising them a little with the weight of your brush strokes,” she continued. “The hips also, are important in defining the feminine figure, when we portray her.”

The models were asked to change position a few times and it enabled Katie to get a good view of Matt from every angle. She noticed how he barely looked at her directly, but afforded her the odd glance. It was warm in the studio and Katie was relaxed. She didn’t feel as awkward as she thought she might. She deduced that her presence though, was causing Matt some difficulties.

These were about to become worse.

“If you don’t mind, could you stand a little closer, for better comparison?” requested Maggie.

For the first time, Matt looked squarely at Katie and gulped. Katie did a little shrug of the shoulders and stepped a couple of feet nearer to Matt. She noticed he was looking at her, his mouth open slightly and it was obvious he was caught in some sort of erotic day dream.

“Are you good with that Matt?” said Maggie, a little impatiently. “Join Katie in the middle of the lectern, if you please.”

“Wha… oh yeah.”

Matt’s eyes were everywhere as he moved closer to Katie. Katie looked at him admiringly and reassured him.

“I don’t bite, Matt,” she said softly.

Maggie turned her attention to her art students and walked from easel to easel, making the occasional constructive comment. Mostly, she just nodded, with her hand on her chin.

“Are there any questions at this point, class?” she asked, when she had resumed her position at the side.

There was a long pause and then a blonde girl put her hand up.

“Yes, Sally.”

“There is one thing.

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I wondered, might we see Matt in a slightly different light.”

Maggie pondered this question for a moment.

“Natural light is the best really…”

“No, I didn’t mean that. I meant can we see him a little more erect.”

“Yes, sorry Sally. Matt, you are slouching. Stand up straight, please.”

There were a few giggles from the class.

“I think what Sally is trying to say,” said a mousy-haired girl called Mary. “Can we see Matt with an erection?”

Maggie looked at Matt and then looked back at Mary.

“Oh. Oh I see. Well, it is the final class. We could let our hair down a bit, I suppose."

The look of alarm on Matt’s face made Katie giggle, but then she felt a bit sorry for him.

“Are you OK with that Matt? We need you to get hard – for artistic purposes of course.”

Matt looked at Katie, involuntarily shielding his penis and then looked at Maggie.

“I don’t know. It’s a bit awkward here.”

“Nonsense!” exclaimed Maggie. “We just want to see the male form from a different perspective.”


“No buts Matt. Katie, can you give him a hand, as it were?”

“Oh! Me? Ummm… I guess. And it’s just for art, yes?”

“Purely art. Art for art’s sake,” confirmed Maggie.

Katie looked at Matt and she felt a shiver go down her spine, thrilled by her own naughty fantasies.

“It’s OK Matt, leave it to me.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Matt, hesitantly.

“Touch me.”


“Touch me, Matt. Stroke my boobs.”

“I can’t!”

“You can Matt. Look they expect you to get hard. Don’t let them down. Just touch my breasts. ”

Matt looked at Katie and raised his hand, kneading her breasts, gently. At the same time, Katie took his cock in one hand and held it up. She stroked it lengthwise with her other hand, as if she was reviving a stunned mouse. Katie stared at his cock as it began to grow in her hand, his foreskin peeling back and the length telescoping bit by bit. Matt fondled her breasts in turn with a slow massaging action as his cock unfurled.

Katie held his dick up and drew breath as she saw his already sizable soft-on grow into a beautiful, monumental erection. Inch by inch he grew, passing the point of a semi-on in the blink of an eye until she had produced a good, stiff arousal of almost nine inches. She teased the tip with her thumb, with a circular motion and then slid her fingers back, drawing his foreskin back. Matt stood, blinking, his gaze focused on the whitewashed wall at the back of the studio. The women had stopped painting now and were just intent on staring at Matt’s huge dick.

“Well class, we certainly have something to work with there,” said Maggie, with a barely disguised hint of delight.

Matt looked at Katie and she took his hand and guided it on to her bottom, urging him to give her peachy cheeks a squeeze. Matt’s cock was not only long but thick. Katie had dated a few guys, but never had she had a guy with such a fine tool. She licked her lips and a pleasant tingle went through the bottom half of her body. It started as a warm sensation in her middle and seemed to radiate into a pleasurable feeling in her pussy. Maggie’s voice seemed suddenly far off and Katie was preoccupied with Matt’s cock.

“I would normally suggest that you exaggerate the depiction of the male organ, but in this case it’s not necessary,” said the tutor.

The students appeared to be paying particular attention to detail and Matt was asked to stand this way or that. It was clear that he wasn’t going down any time soon and he looked at Katie with a mixture of bashfulness and lust. So bewitched was he by the way Katie looked at him, that he hardly noticed that some of the students were coming closer, to get a better look.

There was a somewhat tense atmosphere in the studio, as if there was an unspoken taboo in Matt’s glorious erection. After a while, one of the students got up and whispered in Maggie’s ear. There followed a brief conversation, which Katie observed from a distance, but which Matt appeared unaware of. Maggie spoke up, getting the attention of the class.

“Girls, I think I need a show of hands. Sarah has made a suggestion. It would make the study of the male and female comparison complete.”

Katie listened intently, her heart beating a little faster as she waited for the outcome of |Maggie’s enigmatic statement.

“What do we think to a little interaction between our models? Again, anything that occurs here is purely for artistic purposes.”

There was a hum of approval and a chorus of “Yes” and “Definitely” and “Let’s do it.”

“So guys, I would like you to do something a little more intimate. I presume you don’t have a problem with that?”

“I’m fine,” said Katie. “I don’t know about Matt,” she added, giving her companion her best 'come to bed' look.

“I don’t know. What did you have in mind?” he asked.

“I think… I would suggest that Katie performs fellatio on you,” said Maggie, coolly.

Matt looked like a deer caught in the headlights. His dick gave a little twitch, as Maggie spoke.

“If it’s all in the name of art, I’m cool with that,” said Katie, confidently.

“Of course, we would need you to do it very slowly, to allow the students time to capture the essence and every nuance of the act.”

Katie was bubbling up inside and she could barely contain herself. She licked her lips and stood in front of Matt and then turned to Maggie.

“When shall I start?”

“Whenever you’re ready. But slowly.”

Matt looked at Katie in disbelief as she manoeuvred him into a position where the students would get the best perspective. Then she knelt on the plinth and began to stroke his cock with both hands. There was an audible hum of delight and surprise from the class as Katie rolled her tongue over the tip of his cock and then circled the head in a clockwise movement. Each time she made one revolution of his glans, she paused, lingering with her tongue on his fraenulum string, dabbling against it. It made Matt draw breath sharply, coupled with a slight gasp. The students seemed to be torn between watching the action and recording it on their canvass.

Katie took his cock in one hand, holding it like a flute and teased the foreskin on his shaft, as she popped the tip of his cock in her mouth. Her head bobbed slowly as Maggie had instructed. She put the tiniest amount of pressure on his cock and between every four or five sucks she licked his glans, until it was wet with her saliva. Katie looked up at him, her eyes meeting his as she ran the inside of her lower lip under his cock and then kissed it gently. It was like a blow job in slow motion, as if every lick, every little suction of her lips was a moment frozen in time. She gave every opportunity for the students to capture the instant in all its beauty.

Katie began to find new ways to pleasure his cock, licking him one way and then reversing the movement. She licked his shaft, beginning just above his balls and running her tongue the full nine inches until his dick bobbed against her nose. As she sucked him, she found her own body responding. Her pussy was becoming so wet; she feared it would be visible to some of the students. With no hint of shame, she put two fingers between her pussy and covered them with her juices and then proceeded to rub the same two fingers over his cock. There were gasps from the students and an ‘Oooh’ from the normally reserved Maggie.

Matt’s body was trembling after a while and he placed a hand on Katie’s head, stroking her hair as she sucked him, deeply. As she drew her head back, she lingered on his little slit. She drooled a long line of saliva and then caught it with her tongue, half way down his shaft. Katie could feel the throbbing of his cock grow more intense as she held him in her mouth for a second, her slow sucking, relentless.

She began, albeit softly and steadily, to play with his foreskin, wanking him with the tips of four fingers as she fellated him. She could tell that his head was growing more bulbous and the throbbing was increasing. Katie didn’t stop. She received no sign from Maggie but continued, aware of Matt’s growing discomfort – groans of pleasure that were now beyond any polite acknowledgment of her art.

All the students had now put their brushes down and just watched, as Katie brought Matt to the edge. Katie was expecting Maggie to tell her it was all good and that she could stop, but she didn’t. She gave his cock another series of licks and though she might have speeded up, she didn’t. She sucked him again, but increased the pressure and quickened her hand movements ever so slightly, but it was enough. She felt Matt’s cock twitch and his groans became moans of pleasure - gruff and guttural. As she rolled her tongue over his bell end, Matt’s legs began to shake and his cock suddenly sprang up and a line of pre-cum seeped out onto Katie’s lips. She tasted the translucent fluid, and then his dick just erupted, sending two fine strings of cum over her chin. Katie leant back and wanked him, milking the spunk, as he unloaded his wad over her neck and breasts.

After what seemed like quite a time, there was a silence in the class and then a little ripple of applause from the ladies. Katie looked round and smiled, a little cum still on her mouth.

"Well, thank you Katie... and Matt. That was very... professional."

"Ummm... if there's no further questions, we'll call it a day."

The students nodded and began to gather up their things.

Katie looked up at Matt and winked. She could get used to this.

Written by DanielleX
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