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Working Late

"Maddy's had a crush on her boss, Viraj, for ever. She's finally acting on it."

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Madeleine rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. It was 6:00PM and she was still at her desk, trying to wrap up work for the week. She knew she just needed to get through these last few items on her to-do list and she wouldn’t have to think of work again until Monday.

Maddy was pretty sure she was the only one left in the office. One by one, her coworkers had trickled out, wishing her a good weekend as they headed into the balmy summer night. Maddy saved the file she was working on to her desktop and glanced at the clock. 6:10 and she could finally head home. She was restarting her computer when she heard the rustling of papers from one of the offices by the window. She froze; she had thought she was alone in the office. She leaned back in her chair to get a better look, and her heart leaped in her chest – it was her boss, Viraj.

Maddy suddenly didn’t feel tired at all. From the time she had met Viraj, she thought he was cute. The more she got to know him, the harder she had fallen for him – he was patient, kind, smart, and incredibly sexy. She knew that she couldn’t act on her feelings because he was, after all, her boss… but a girl could dream. And fantasize. And google endless amounts of porn starring Indian men that she could pretend were Viraj.

She hesitated for a few moments, thinking. She knew the responsible thing to do would be to head out, but the opportunity to talk to him alone for a few minutes was too tempting to resist. She took a deep breath and walked over to where he was typing at his computer. She tapped on the wall as she approached. He looked up, startled.

“Maddy, you’re still here? Go home!” he said, smiling up at her. Maddy loved his smile; he had deep smile lines that emerged, and Maddy loved being the reason that they appeared.

“I’m heading out right now – and what about you? You’re here late too,” Maddy teased gently.

“True – I’m heading out now, though. What are you up to tonight?”

Until that moment, Maddy had been planning on heading home, getting into her pajamas, and pulling up Viraj’s Facebook page. He barely had any photos of himself up – his profile picture was the Mets’ mascot – but there were a few that Maddy had discovered after a few minutes of scrolling that, along with her vibrator, had helped her have some truly excellent evenings. She decided quickly that she would fudge the truth a bit.

“Oh, I was going to stop down the street for a drink. Want to come?” Maddy’s heart thundered in her chest. She told herself that this was just two coworkers going out for a drink – didn’t that happen all the time? Hadn’t she seen that in a sitcom or something? Luckily, Viraj’s adorable smile lines returned.

“Sure!” he said. “Give me a sec to pack up.”

Maddy returned to her desk to grab her bag and quickly looked into her now black computer screen to check her appearance. Her messy blonde curls looked pretty cute today, and she had – thankfully – worn one of her favourite outfits, a white blouse with a red pencil skirt. She looked over her shoulder quickly to see if Viraj had left his office yet and quickly adjusted her breasts in her bra so they swelled enticingly under her blouse. She hesitated for a moment and then unbuttoned one more button. It could have happened accidentally, after all.

Viraj came out of his office, swinging his messenger bag over his shoulder. Maddy fell into step beside him, and they made small talk as they walked to the bar, talking about the recent concerts at the hall where they worked and how they thought it went.

“I liked the Debussy!” insisted Maddy.

“It was boring as hell! La Mer was a way better choice the next week. Prelude to a Fawn is so dull. Plus, there was no one in the audience – I had a box to myself!”

They continued to laugh and bicker as they made their way up to a dimly lit bar. Viraj ordered Gin and Tonic, and Maddy did the same. The bartender started mixing their drinks. “Did you want to keep a tab open?” she asked.

Viraj glanced at Maddy. “Yeah, sure,” he said, handing over his credit card. “We can split it later,” he muttered to Maddy. “She doesn’t seem like she’s in the mood to split cheques right now.”

Maddy bit back a laugh as she eyed the surly bartender, who was currently mixing their drinks as though it had recently insulted her mother. She poured them and Viraj and Maddy thanked her, leaning awkwardly against the bar.

“Um, do you want to go grab a table?” asked Maddy.

“Sure,” Viraj answered, and they set off to the side of the bar, where they found a two-top tucked away in a corner. They slid onto their chairs and continued their conversation.

Maddy was amazed. She knew that Viraj was smart and funny but spending time with him outside of work was a lot more fun than she imagined. The conversation flowed easily, and the pair laughed loudly and often as they got progressively drunker and their conversations got laced with more innuendos. They got another round – beer this time – and then another. Maddy kept waiting for the moment when Viraj would start looking at his watch and make an excuse to leave, but it never came. He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as she was.

They started talking about their childhoods and they learned that they had both been raised by less-than-stellar parents. Maddy could feel herself leaning forward toward Viraj as they laughingly tried to one-up the other with insane childhood memories. Maddy felt like they were completely in sync with one another; she had never spent time with someone else with whom she connected so easily and instantly.

Maddy didn’t want to miss even a moment talking with Viraj, but she had now consumed three drinks on an empty stomach.

“I’ll be right back,” she said, grinning like an idiot. “I’m just going to head to the washroom.”

“Oh, it’s downstairs,” answered Viraj. “When you go down, check out the lower floor. It used to be a swimming pool.”

Maddy smiled and headed down the stairs, feeling pleasantly wobbly. She used the washroom and stopped at the mirror before heading back. Her cheeks and chest were flushed, and her hair was looking wild from the humid night. Liquid desire pooled in her belly. She had never wanted a man more than she wanted Viraj right now. She took a deep breath and splashed some cool water on her face after washing her hands. Then she tugged her blouse down a bit – just for good measure. The top of her bra peeked over the top of her unbuttoned shirt. Maddy paused, wondering if she had the nerve to go back up looking like this. Before she could talk herself out of it, she whirled around on her heel and marched back up the stairs. As she came out of the stairwell, she caught sight of Viraj from behind. His broad back stretched his shirt in a very distracting way, and Maddy noticed that his shoulders were particularly broad. She had a sudden image of herself gripping those shoulders as she straddled him… Maddy shook her head, trying to clear the thought from her brain. She wanted to be present while she was still with him.

“Back!” she said cheerfully as she slid back on her bar stool. He grinned at her and Maddy’s heart skipped a beat. She felt herself grow warm and her panties get moist. Jesus, all this from just a smile? she thought.

The last half of her drink went by in a pleasant blur. They made their way to the bar to pay the tab which was, of course, outrageous given that it was downtown Chicago. Maddy got Viraj’s Venmo info quickly, not wanting him to think that she was going to stick him with the bill.

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They walked down the stairs and out into the street, Maddy already elated at how the night had turned out. She was going to be replaying some of Viraj’s funnier moments over in her mind for a long time. She snuck a look sideways at him and felt her heart thump loudly when she caught him glancing at her. Fuck it, she thought. You only live once.

“What are you doing for the rest of the night?” she asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

“Oh, I’ll head home, have some dinner. You?”

“Well, I know what I’d like to do, but I’m not sure it’s in the cards for me tonight, you know?”

Viraj’s eyebrows went up. “What do you want to do?”

Maddy smiled and stepped close to him, putting her mouth next to his ear. “What I would really love,” she breathed, “is to suck your dick.”

Viraj inhaled sharply and Maddy felt a moment of unhinged panic – did she really just say that?? Viraj reached up and gripped her arm almost painfully tight. “Yes,” he all but moaned, “yes, we could do that.”

He took her by the hand and set off down the street. Maddy was confused for a moment; they were heading away from the train. Suddenly, she understood: They were going back to the office. Her pussy clenched. She was going to fuck Viraj in the office.

They stumbled back into the building and Viraj used his keycard to get the elevator up to the second floor where they worked. As soon as the doors closed, Maddy grabbed him by his collar and dragged his body against hers, kissing him hard. He returned the kiss and she felt his hands slide down her back until he was cupping her ass. He suddenly pushed up so her body was flush with his. She could feel the evidence of his arousal through his pants. She groaned into his mouth.

The doors of the elevator opened, and they stumbled out, their hands everywhere. Viraj’s erection was straining against the front of his trousers and Maddy rubbed the outside of his pants. “Fuck,” she heard him say under his breath.

He pulled her through the door to their floor and into his office. He closed and locked the door behind him and turned to her. He was breathing heavily, and his hair was mussed from where she had run her fingers through it. His shirt had gotten untucked on one side and his lips were wet from their sloppy kissing. Maddy thought she might be able to cum just looking at him like this.

Viraj closed the distance between them in one big stride and kissed her ravenously. His hands unbuttoned her blouse quickly and she got busy getting his shirt off, needing to see his body. Wanting to put her hands on his body.

As his shirt fell away, Maddy’s eyes went wide. He had dark chest hair covering his toned body. He had veins standing out on his arms, and his nipples were erect. Maddy immediately dropped to her knees and undid his belt and pants, sliding them down his muscular legs. His boxers followed quickly, and she moaned in pleasure. His dick was a few shades darker than the rest of him, and stretched proudly out in front of him, about six inches long and gloriously thick. Maddy took him in her hand, and he groaned as she started moving her hand back and forth, enjoying the silky feel of his uncut member. She swirled her tongue around the tip before taking him deep into her mouth, running her tongue along the underside of him.

“Jesus Christ, Maddy,” panted Viraj. He looked down at her, lust darkening his eyes. “My dick looks amazing in your mouth,” he said, putting his hands in her hair. Maddy looked up at him through her lashes and his breathing sped up even more.

“Come here,” he said hoarsely, pulling her up. He pushed the keyboard back on his desk and unzipped her skirt. She shimmied it off and he picked her up easily around the waist and sat her down on his desk. He undid the buttons on her blouse, his breathing still ragged. He pushed her blouse down her shoulders and Maddy felt like all her nerve endings were on fire as the blouse slid down behind her. His hands went around her back and she felt her bra come loose. She shrugged it off as his hands trailed down her back to her ass. He squeezed her and brought his hands to her front. When he felt her wet panties, he groaned. He slid them down over her ass and she propped herself up so he could take them all the way off. They were dark with her arousal.

He kneeled in front of her, pulling her close to the edge of the desk. Maddy leaned back on her arms and tipped her head back, her breathing coming in short bursts. Her nipples were erect, and her mind was completely blank except for the pleasure Viraj was giving her.

He licked her clit slowly, letting his tongue rasp over her most intimate parts. Maddy’s back arched involuntarily, and her hands clenched against the desk. Viraj took one hand and parted her lips, flicking his tongue across the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. With the other hand he eased two fingers into her, gently stroking up and forward. Maddy couldn’t help it; she moaned loudly, not caring if anyone heard.

Viraj slowly started increasing the tempo of his onslaught. His tongue was flat and firm against her, and his fingers were insistent. Maddy had been so turned on that she wasn’t surprised to feel a climax coming already.

“Viraj,” she gasped, “don’t stop, please don’t stop… oh, god, don’t stop,” she felt her orgasm building, and she clenched her thighs together involuntarily. Viraj didn’t stop, continuing to lick her clit as he fucked her with his fingers.

“OH!” cried Maddy as she came. Viraj stayed where he was, gently licking and rubbing her from the inside, as the convulsions passed. Maddy had never had such an intense orgasm in her life. She actually felt a little light-headed.

She looked down at Viraj’s dark face framed against her white thighs and suddenly realized that she wasn’t anywhere near done with him tonight. She put a finger under his chin and lifted until he stood. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, feeling his cock hard against her leg. She slid off the desk and pushed him into his office chair, then straddled him on top of it. He took one of her breasts into his mouth and she moaned, lifting herself up and guiding him into her. She lowered herself down slowly, taking every inch of him deep inside her. His girth felt amazing, and she slowly started rocking back and forth as he gripped her ass and sucked her nipples.

She sped up slowly, getting swept up in the physical sensations. Her breath came harder and faster, and Viraj put his hands on her hips to help her grind back and forth on his lap. Half of her couldn’t believe she was actually fucking her boss, a man she had fantasized about for months. Her clit was getting rubbed with every stroke, slick from her desire. Electricity shot up her spine as she started her second orgasm of the evening, and Viraj gasped with his mouth close to her ear. Maddy felt him tense beneath her and felt his dick pulsing with his release.

Fuck,” he snarled, gripping her waist so hard it almost hurt. They were both breathing heavily, chest-to-chest on his office chair. Maddy leaned back and made eye contact with the incredible man beneath her. He smiled and rubbed his hands up and down her back.

“Maddy,” he said softly, “that was incredible. You’re incredible.”

Maddy smiled down at him and kissed his slightly swollen lips. This was a night she’d remember for a very long time.

Written by Roto
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