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What About Nick?

"Flirting Gets Michelle A Sexual Education, Despite Her Boyfriend . . ."

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We had the best office clique in the company.  We were all in our Mid-to-Late Twenties and single.  We also were the entry level positions working in the Call Center.  We had After-Work Happy Hours every Friday night at the bar down the street and everyone had a blast.  After the Happy Hour, some people went their separate ways, others would go back to someone's apartment to keep the party going.  Some hooked up with each other, some kept their sex lives away from the office.  But we always had a blast every weekend.  Most of us in the clique had been working together for one to two years so we all knew each other pretty well.

Michelle was the new girl.  Michelle was a hottie with long dark brown, almost black, hair.  She had a nice set of C-Cup tits and an ass so nice and firm you could bounce a quarter off of it.  Michelle was very outgoing and vibrant.  It took her no time at all to fit into our office clique.  She liked to drink and loved to flirt.  However, she made it abundantly clear that she had a boyfriend. 

His name was Nick.  He was a few years older than us, which put him in his early Thirties.  He worked at the financial firm down the street and traveled a lot for business.  When he was in town, he would join our Friday night happy hours, and he was accepted by the group because he was very friendly with everyone.    He was also a good looking, very well dressed, well groomed guy, and was outgoing like Michelle.  Since he traveled so much, Michelle was left by herself on most occasions when the click would get together,

Winter was over and Spring began.  Tickets for the annual Jimmy Buffett concert went on sale and, like every year, I and a few members of the office clique were Parrot Heads and bought tickets for the concert and the all day tailgate party we would have prior to the show.  Although Nick would be out of town the day of the clique, Michelle bought a ticket anyway and tagged along with us. 

Jimmy Buffett Day (as we called it) was a blast.  It was me, Michelle, Josh and Danielle. Josh and Danielle were a very young couple in the office clique.  They met in college and both got a job together with our company.  We got to the venue parking lot at ten o'clock in the morning, set up our tailgate and partied all day.  Michelle was being her usual flirty self and the flirting was mostly aimed at me since Josh and Danielle were coupled up, therefore, I was the only single one there.  I didn't care.  I was very attracted to Michelle and receptive to the flirting.  I even spit my game back to her, which she was receptive to, as well.  As the day continued along, the flirting between us got heavier.  The alcohol made us more buzzed and next thing you know, Michelle and I were getting very close.

When the gates to the amphitheater opened, we grabbed our blankets and headed straight to the lawn.  The show started and we all had a blast.  We were singing and dancing, partying and raising hell!  Michelle and I slow danced with each other to the slow songs and when the beat sped up with more party songs, we lost our balance and fell to the ground atop the blanket.  The moment was there so I leaned in and kissed her.  She was receptive to it, so I continued.  Our tongues were doing their own dance with each other.  We must have made out for about five minutes then she broke away from me, "We're missing the show," she said, smiling.

After the concert was over we all piled in my car and headed back to my apartment where everyone had met that morning.  I walked Michelle to her car.  She opened her car door and turned to give me a hug.  I leaned in and we started kissing again.  "Why don't you come upstairs?"  I offered.

"I can't,"  she sighed, "Besides, we've done too much already."

"Too much?" I asked surprisingly, "The night is just getting started."

Michelle rolled her eyes, "I have a boyfriend.  I shouldn't be doing this."

"But you are,"  I tried to reason, "So there must be an interest."

Michelle turned and sat down in her car.  She stared at me as she cranked it up.  She closed the door and rolled down the window. "Thank you for such a lovely day.  I had fun."  She smiled and drove off. 

The next week at work was business as usual.  Michelle and I acted completely platonic like nothing ever happened.  Josh and Danielle never even asked us about anything.  Friday night came along again and we all were at our usual Happy Hour bar.  I was bouncing around being my usual social self, but Michelle was not.  She was quite reserved for some reason, which was very uncharacteristic of her.  Someone asked her, "Hey is Nick coming out tonight?"

Michelle shook her head, "No, he's out of town this week, but he'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

The Happy Hour started winding down.  People were paying their tabs and there didn't seem to be much going on afterwards.  I hit the bathroom on my way out.  As I left the bathroom I noticed Michelle still sitting on the patio by herself.  So, I poked my head out, "Hey, you ok?"

"Yeah, just waiting on my cab, which seems to be taking forever." she said, obviously annoyed.

"Your cab?"  I inquired.

"Yeah, I've been catching rides to work this week with my neighbor who passes right by our office on her way to work," she explained, "Nick's car is in the shop so he used mine for his business trip this week. I caught a ride here after work with someone who has already left."

I smiled, "Come on, I'll give you a ride home."

"I live in Norcross," she said.

Norcross is about twenty five miles away from where we were.  I shook my head, "Well, never mind," I sighed. "Since I've been drinking, I don't want to drive that far.  I'm alright to drive, but I'm sure I'll blow something if I get pulled over."

Michelle just sat there looking out at the road.  "Why don't you come to my place? It's literally a half mile down the road."  I suggested.

"Yeah, right.  I'm not going to your place," she said as she gave out a little laugh and rolled her eyes.

"And why not?" I asked surprisingly.

"After what happened last time I was at your place, I think it's best that I just avoid it."  she said smugly.

"Look, if you can't control yourself, that's not my problem."  I redirected.

"Me!" she shouted, "Um, how about you? You were the one kissing all over me and asking me to come up to your apartment."

"First of all, it takes two people to kiss, Sweetheart, and secondly, I was just trying to extend the evening after having a day filled with fun,"  I explained.

"Whatever." Michelle signed as she continued looking out towards the road for her cab.

"Look, I don't want to put you in a situation where you would feel uncomfortable," I said, "And I would never try to get you to do anything you don't want to do.  So, just come to my place and stay the night.  I'll take you home in the morning.  Besides, it's Friday night.  No telling how long you will be waiting here for a cab and everyone else has already left."

I stared at her for a response. She didn't give me one.  She just sat there staring out at the road, as if she didn't even hear me.

I grabbed my keys from my pocket.  "Fine.  Suit yourself,"  I said as I headed towards my car. 

"Wait," Michelle called out, "Ok, but you better keep your hands to yourself."

We got back to my apartment.  I turned on the radio and offered her a beer, which she accepted.  We had a few beers, actually, as we talked about work.  I was making sure I didn't put her in an uncomfortable position so I was the one who brought up the conversation about work.   Finally, around midnight she leaned back in her chair and did a quick stretch.  "Do you mind if I take a shower?" she asked.

Then her eyes got big as if she just realized something  "Oh shit!" she exclaimed, "I don't have an overnight bag, a change of clothes or anything!"

Acting unfazed by the situation, I calmly stated, "It's ok.  You can use one of my T-shirts and I'll throw your clothes in the wash.  They'll be clean and dry before tomorrow morning."

Michelle smiled at me, "It better be a long T-Shirt.  I don't have any underwear."

I smiled back, "I think you'll be alright. One of my shirts probably goes halfway down to your knees. You can act like it's a night gown."

She went to the bathroom and closed the door.  I pulled a white V-neck t-shirt from my drawer and left it neatly folded on my bed.  I closed the door to my room on my way out.  I went to the linen closet and grabbed some blankets.  She had finished her shower and slipped on the T-Shirt.  She opened my bedroom door and stepped out into the living room where I was making a bed for myself on the couch.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

I turned around to see her standing in front of my bedroom door.  She had the t-shirt on and nothing else.  The v-neck gave way to the perfect amount of cleavage from her firm, pert tits.  The shirt extended down, as I had estimated, halfway to her knees.  My heart started beating fast.

"Um," I stuttered, "I'm just making me a place to sleep.  You can have the bed."

Then I noticed something peculiar around her tits.  I could see her nipple poke the shirt, but there were two more round spots poking out the shirt under the nipple.

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This was on both nipples.  I tried not to stare but I couldn't help myself.  I wondered what the hell that was.  Michelle caught my stare. "They're pierced," she explained. "I have a horseshoe through each of my nipples."

"Oh," I was embarrassed that she caught me staring, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare. It's just that. . . "

"It's ok," she let out a little laugh. "Look, you don't have to sleep on the couch.  You can sleep in here with me."  Michelle said as she backed up and sat on the edge on my bed facing me.

"You sure?" I asked bewildered by the change of attitude from her.

"Yeah, you are doing me a favor my letting me crash here tonight.  You shouldn't have to be kicked out of your bed.  And I'm not going to sleep on the couch, so we can sleep in here together.  It will be fine,"  She justified.

I got up off the couch and went into my bedroom.  She got comfortable on the right side of the bed.  I went to the left side and took off my shirt.  I still had on my pajama bottoms I changed into while she was in the shower.  I pulled back the blankets and slid into the bed beside her.  I propped myself up on one arm as I faced her.  Although, I was horny as hell and dying to fuck her, I still had to work with her and it was important that I did not betray the trust I established with her when I invited her over.   

She was lying on her back on top of the covers and was staring up at me.  Then she smiled and said, "So, what now?"

I was taken aback by this.  I didn't know how to respond.  "I never said I was ready to go to sleep," she teased.

I just smiled and I was caught a little off guard by this.  But before I could respond she asked, "So do you want to see them?"

"See what?" I asked

"My piercings," she said, "Do you want to see them?"

"Sure, " was all I could respond with.

She took the bottom of the T-Shirt and pulled it up and rested it just above her tits.  Her tits were so perfect. Her pink nipples were hard as rocks sticking straight up. Through the middle of each nipple was a shiny stainless steel gaged horseshoe that curved downward.  My cock sprang to life!  In a tenth of a second I was rock hard.  I placed my right hand lightly on her stomach, and I leaned my head in closer to her tits.  My right hand rested on her stomach just above her now exposed mound. 

"Those are awesome,"  I complimented as I stared, "So, what made you decide to get your nipples pierced?"

"It increases the sensitivity of the nipples when they are fondled and licked," she whispered.

At that point my reluctance was out the window.  If that wasn't an invitation, I didn't know what was. I flicked her right nipple with my tongue and she exhaled loudly.  I kept teasing her nipple with my tongue as I rubbed her stomach with my right hand.  Then I took her entire nipple into my mouth and sucked it gently as I kept playing with her nipple with my tongue.  Michelle started wriggling her body, captivated by the sensation she was getting by me sucking her tit. She started whimpering as a took my right hand from her stomach and gently squeezed her left nipple while continuing to suck and lick her right one.

Then I moved towards her left nipple and gave it the same tongue treatment I gave her right.  As I sucked and licked her nipples, I slid my had down her stomach.  Her mound was bald.  She spread her legs slightly, inviting my hand to her pussy.  When my middle finger found her slit, she was so wet.  She exhaled fiercely as I swiped my middle finger in an upward motion parting her lips.  My finger found her clit and I started rubbing it small circles.  Michelle was breathing heavily and gyrating her hips.  My mouth still worked her pierced nipples as my finger massaged her clit.

I finally slid my finger down to find her opening.  She gasped as I slid my middle finger into her dripping pussy and slowly finger fucked her.  She was now bucking her hips and whimpering as I fingered fucked her hungry hole.  My mouth was now alternating between each nipple, making sure I stayed busy on her tits.  I would finger fucked her for a while, then slide my finger out and rub her clit.  Michelle was whimpering and moaning quietly. As  I continued working her pussy and her tits, she started moaning louder. 

Her hips were gyrating faster, "Oh fuck!" she moaned, "Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck!"

Her breathing got heavier and I knew she was about to cum.  I pulled my finger out of her pussy and applied pressure to her clit.  She clinched the sheets with her hands as if she was going to fly off the bed.  Then her pussy exploded all over my hand.  She creamed and she creamed hard!  She was still bucking her hips as I went back to fingering her.  Her pussy was so wet with her juices, I couldn't take it anymore. 

I went down her body and positioned my head between her legs.  "What are you doing?" she asked surprisingly.

"Your pussy smells good enough to eat!" I said as I spread her legs wider.

Right in front of my face was her bald, wet pussy staring back at me.  I spread her lips with my thumb and fore finger and started licking her clit.  She let out another whimper followed by some deep breathing.  She started moaning and whimpering as I lapped her clit.  Then my tongue found the opening of her hole and flicked at it.  Then applying  pressure I licked from her hole all the way up her slit to her engorged clit and lapped at it some more.

Michelle was thrusting her hips up and down in rhythm with my tongue lashes on her pussy.  I slid my index finger inside her hot hole and finger fucked her more while my tongue lapped away at her pussy.  Michelle was all out moaning now as her pussy was getting the complete work over by my mouth and finger.  Her pussy smelled so wonderful.  The sweet smell of her juices combined with the nice scent of moisturizer she used on her legs. 

I fingered her harder as I sucked and licked her clit.  Then she grabbed the sheets again with both hands.  Her hips thrust up in the air and her legs began to tremble.  This gave me more momentum knowing she was about to cum again.  She gasped deeply, grabbed a handful of my hair and and held onto me for dear life as she squealed, "Oh fuck yes!"

She bucked her hips as I kept licking and fingering.  Then she exploded.  Her pussy juices flowing onto my finger and hand as I continued working her hole.  Finally, I pulled my finger out and covered her hole with my mouth and sucked her pussy and licked it clean. 

I came up for air and stared into her eyes.  "Do you want me to suck your dick?" she asked in between breaths from her orgasm.

I position my hips right atop hers. I smiled and shook my head, "Tonight is all about you, Baby."

At that moment, my pulsating cock head found her opening and I entered her.  Her pussy was now hungry for a fucking.  I slid all the way in.  Her eyes grew wide and she gasped as I slid into her.  "Oh, fuck me," she whimpered.

I started slowly, grinding my hips in a circular motion as I fucked her.  She worked her hips in rhythm with mine as we fucked slowly.  I propped myself up with my arms beside her shoulders, staring into her eyes as I fucked her.  She stared back at me as she whimpered and panted.  Her pussy was so hot and wet.  I could feel it squeeze me sporadically as we fucked.  Then my grinding turned into a straight in-and-out fucking as I increased my pace and intensity.  "How does that feel?" I asked as I continuing staring into her eyes.

"I love the way your dick feels inside me," she moaned, "You got my pussy all worked up and now you're fucking me and I don't want it to stop."

I increased my pace again to where I could hear my balls slapping her with each thrust. Michelle started breathing heavily and her moaning increased.  I knew she would be cumming again soon.  So I reached down and pulled her legs up to rest on my shoulders and I plunged my cock balls deep into her.  Michelle let out a scream then started into my eyes, "Fuck the shit out of me!"

I started fucking her as hard as I could.  I looked down to see her hungry pussy swallowing every inch of my dick.  Her tits were bouncing back and forth as I fucked her.  "That's it, fuck me!  Fuck me hard!" Michelle screamed at me.

Then her pussy started constricting me.  She was cumming and cumming hard.  Her moans became so intense, it was as if she was crying as I pounded her.  I keep plunging deep into her and felt her pussy explode all over my cock.  She came so hard, there were slurping sounds as I continued fucking her.

I released her legs from my shoulders and pulled up on my knees.  I could see her cum glistening on my cock as it slid in-and-out of her.  Then I couldn't take it any longer.  My load started rising and rising fast.  I fucked her as long as I could.  I pulled my cock out right as it squirted a jet stream of cum in a bee line all the way up past her tits to her neck.  I continuing stroking my exploding cock as what seemed like a quart of cum shot all over her stomach. 

When my orgasm finished.  I sat back, still on my knees.  My spent cock rested on her mound.  She reached down and fondled it for a few minutes.  "Well, well, well," she smiled, "You definitely know how to put this to use." 

I let out a small laugh.  "We better get some sleep before I give you a ride home in the morning."


To Be Continued...



Written by Avery420
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