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Unusual Work Methods Preferred

"Mr. Morris had never met an assistant like Vera."

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Today was finally the day I had been preparing for, for weeks. I had just graduated from art school at twenty-one, intending to land a job in my city's art museum. Now, after many emails and extensive panic, I'm getting ready to walk into an interview for a secretary position in the modern art department. I did well enough in school that I had many teacher recommendations in hand, but that's not what worried me. I had heard many things about the man I had an interview with soon. Supposedly, many girls with my same dreams have left crying from his office.

I continued scrubbing myself till it hurt. I had never been show-stoppingly gorgeous like many girls and guys at my school. I was average in height, but my curves were well-rounded enough that they piqued men's and women's interest for fleeting moments.

I rubbed soap over my C-breasts and sighed because I didn't want to end up like the other girls. I wanted to be the unique naive art student that made her dreams come true. 

I finished rinsing the shaving cream from my body and patted myself dry. I had bought myself an almost scandalous new outfit for this interview. It was lain out on my bed in the bathroom mirror's reflection. I had chosen something that felt like classic office porno attire; a tight burgundy button-up shirt, a black just long enough pencil skirt, and stockings with a matching lingerie set underneath. Topping it all off, a nice expensive pair of shiny black heels.

I chose simple neutral eyes with a deep red lip to match my shirt. I let my long dark brown hair fall in curls around my breasts, accentuating them. I slipped on my outfit, feeling more out of my depth every moment. 

When I stepped into the mirror's reflection to see myself, I was speechless; I felt hot! A deep warm feeling of confidence in my stomach pushed me towards the door and into my car.

I sat in my car outside the museum. I underestimated how long the drive here would take, and now my legs tingled in my heels with anticipation and fear. I hurried up the steps to the front door because it was almost three. 

"Damn traffic," I thought while rolling my eyes.

I swallowed my anxiety and told the museum receptionist my name and why I was there. "Um, hi," ahem "I'm here for an interview at 3 o'clock with Mr. Morris. My name is Vera Carter." 

My previous confidence left me when I made eye contact with the glass of sparkling cherry wine in front of me. She had beautiful sandy hair that was effortlessly tied up with a clip and striking green eyes. Freckles danced all over her but were so light they were like kisses. I followed these spots down her tanned body, and I only slightly stopped when I saw her beautiful breasts strained in her perfect white dress. 

Unfazed by my obvious allure and fear of her, she spoke to me, bringing me from my daze, "I will call him to receive you as he likes to have interviews in his private office upstairs." She reached for a phone while I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt. 

I looked around the room at the dark grey marble covering the floor and walls. The ceiling was a renaissance-style fresco. My eyes continued wandering while the receptionist spoke with a deep voice on the other line. 

After a pause, she hung up the phone daintily with her light blue nails. "Mr. Morris will be coming down the stairs any minute for you." She returned to her computer, barely giving me time to sit in one of the nice plush chairs before saying, "I hope you have better luck than the others." 

Before I could respond, I heard loud heavy footsteps from the marble staircase to my right. I turned, and the most handsome man I had ever seen stood before me. He was about forty-five, had shoulder-length light brown hair, a well-groomed beard, and dark grey eyes almost blue like a heavy storm about to burst. When he reached me, he stood probably 6'1", making me feel tiny at 5'4", even with my heels. He went for my hand to introduce himself, and I had to force myself to meet his gaze while he touched me.

"You must be Miss Carter. I'm Claude Morris, the head director for the modern art department here." He swiftly introduced himself while shaking my hand. When he released his grip, it felt like static had run rampant in my hand. "Let's walk to my office and talk." He gestured towards the stairs looking expectant at me to follow. Which I happily did, like a dog following its owner.

He guided me through different halls filled with artwork from different periods of time. I was distinctly aware of each step I took and how heavy my breathing may have seemed to him. We walked in silence, but I took this time to evaluate him and fill my mind with selfish fantasies that would never happen. I watched his lean arms and shoulders move beneath his black cardigan. Brown chest hair poked out from his green undershirt. My thighs started tingling, and I pretended to look at an art piece to hide my embarrassment. 

We finally made it to his office, and he allowed me in first. I made sure to sway a bit as I entered. Perhaps that would get his attention. 

"Why don't you have a seat anywhere that is comfortable for you." He waved his hands to a chaise lounge near the window and a high-back velvet armchair tucked in a different corner. He shut the door firmly and moved to his desk in the middle of the room facing the window. 

The room was almost too small as it was filled with artwork in various stages of unboxing. There was also a large bookshelf on one wall. The massive window was the only clear wall space near the desk, so I moved toward the lounge as confidently as possible. Mr. Morris had already professionally positioned himself in his chair and was now watching every move I made. I sat on the lounge, carefully pulling out my printed recommendations and cover letter. 

He chuckled softly and said, "I'm glad to see you've prepared. I haven't seen someone this put together for this opportunity before." Crap, did he mean I was overdressed, or were the printouts too much? I crossed my leg tighter in an attempt to hide my worry. 

He opened the folder on his desk and ran his finger down the first page. I watched his finger and imagined it was my legs that finger ran down. "So let's just get to it, shall we? You graduated this past fall with a bachelor's degree in art history emphasizing renaissance art?" He gazed at me, waiting for a response. 

"Yes, I did." I struggled to hold his stormy gaze. My foot tapped anxiously, which he noticed.

"What made you pursue this type of degree?" He licked his thumb and flipped through my file while I thought of an answer. I watched every movement intently.

I made sure to move forward and relax my body before answering. "I've always loved learning about how people in different time periods used art as a way of ultimate expression of feeling, much like we do today."

"That was very well-spoken. I've always loved the raw emotion one can feel when looking at a piece of art especially knowing that someone else might interpret something completely different." His steely face softened while he spoke. I even saw hints of a smile.

Not wanting to lose this wedge I had chipped into him, I stood up and walked to the nearest pile of artwork near me.

"Who are these by?" I said to him over my shoulder as I moved, removing wrapping paper to reveal the art. He stood up from his chair and slowly walked over to me. He began to pull the large painted canvas from its box. 

"Nolan Emerson. He is an up-and-coming artist." He finished uncovering the piece and stepped back. I began to take in what I saw. It was abstract, but nude figures were definitely portrayed in carnal positions. I started to blush because as I absorbed this, Mr. Morris moved closer to me, almost touching my shoulder.  

"Isn't the use of red and dark purple remarkable in telling what he wants his viewers to feel while looking at this? Almost the same color as your blouse." He softly said this while gently touching my arm. His hand was gone as fast as it had come near me. 

I didn't know what to say. He obviously wanted a response, so I tried to be as alluring as possible and faced him. "You can almost feel what each couple is feeling. How emotionally raw and euphoric they must feel being with the other person."

I spoke so quietly I thought he hadn't heard me, but after an inhale of breath, he spoke. "It's been a long time since I've heard someone speak about art the way you do, as if each piece you look at is somehow your own, and you've known yourself through them for years."

My calm demeanor broke, and I went to sit again. Where is the man I was told to fear and not even try to work with?

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable," he said, sitting on the edge of the coffee table in front of the lounge. "I just mean, I believe it would be quite an experience for us both to have you come into our museum." He was so close to me I could smell his cologne. 

My head and knees betrayed me. I contained my girlish excitement about him saying yes to my employment and entirely gave into the ache in my thighs. I leaned forward and affectionately set my hand on his knee. "I am so happy to hear that. I think this would be a very beneficial opportunity for us both." I said this while trailing my hand away, pulling every fingertip from his knee as slowly as possible. When my hand was gone, he cleared his throat and smoothed his shoulder-length hair from his face.

Getting up from the table, he went back to his desk and returned to his marble attitude. I quickly straightened myself while he was turned away. Did I step too far?

He opened his desk calendar and began to ask me, "I'd like to have you start as soon as possible. Would this next Monday at eight work for you?" 

I gazed at him with glassy eyes before snapping back quickly and responding, "Yes, that would be great!"

My toes and fingers were already bouncing with excitement. I was disappointed when he stood up from his chair and reached out his hand. In his hand was his forest green business card.

"I look forward to seeing you then. Please email me if you have any questions at all."

I rose out of my seat and took the card from his hand with our fingertips barely touching.

He walked me to the door with a slight smile and said lightly, "The entrance is down the hall and the stairs to the right. It really has been wonderful meeting you, Vera." With those last words, I saw that intricate facade falter. He shut the door, and I slowly started to work my legs towards the exit. 

I returned to my apartment in no time since traffic was nonexistent and the interview was longer than two hours, but it felt so fast. 

As soon as I stepped out of the shower, I drank half a bottle of red wine to celebrate. The warmth it brought went straight to my pussy and filled it with overwhelming need. 

I lay down in bed and rhythmically massaged my clit with my vibrator. I dreamed of Mr. Morris's hands on my waist while he kissed my neck, bending me over his desk in front of the window, teasing my holes, and finally slamming his beautiful cock into me. I came so hard my head was swimming. I continued cumming repeatedly, trying to fulfill the need that this man, my near future boss, had gouged into me. I fell asleep with my hand holding my throbbing pussy. 

A week later

I made sure to be a little early instead of rushing in, like the day of my interview. I dressed business casual in dark flowy pants and a green blouse. The pants were long enough to cover my black vans. There was no way I was wearing those heels again without breaking them in; my feet still hurt. I left my hair down but pinned some pieces back with delicate pins. My makeup was simple but still enough for work. 

The beautiful receptionist looked at me more warmly than when I first met her and said, "Mr. Morris should be in his office, but it's still a little early so he may have stepped out for coffee." She pulled out a little notepad and pen. "Speaking of coffee, what is your preference? I like to buy coffees for the new employees as a sort of welcome." She spoke so sincerely and smoothly that I hung on every word.

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"I typically get a hot mint green tea in the mornings. I really only get coffee on stressful days," I replied, holding up my large coffee cup. 

The desk phone rang, and she waved at me, smiling goodbye. I started towards Mr. Morris's office. 

Once near his door, I finished my coffee and popped in a few strawberry mints. His door was almost closed, but only a sliver of sunlight showed through the opening. 

I didn't want to disturb him if he was busy since I was still technically thirty minutes early. 

I softly stepped up to the door and looked inside. I saw Mr. Morris sitting in his desk chair away from the door, and I could only see his right arm and leg. I thought I saw him typing on his computer, so I moved to knock but froze. 

There was a girl with long dark hair tied up on a table, teased and fucked by a man while others watched, on his screen. I was frozen in disbelief at what I was seeing. My eyes moved to where Mr. Morris's hand was undoubtedly stroking his cock. Without realizing it, I moved closer to the door, and the old floor creaked under me.

Fear shot up my spine, and I couldn't help becoming even more aroused at the thought of being caught. Mr. Morris didn't notice, so I inched forward, but this time I was too greedy, and the floor again gave away my position. Mr. Morris turned his chair, not seeing me at first, but as soon as we locked eyes, his cock throbbed in my full view shooting out load after load. As soon as his groans softened, I bolted into the bathroom down the hall.

I was so embarrassed that I stayed in the bathroom until it was three minutes before 8. As I walked towards his door, each step almost made my knees buckle and my clit throb.

I returned to Mr. Morris's office with false confidence. I stepped into the open door, but he wasn't in the room. I sat at his desk and noticed his computer and everything else were locked and powered down. I sighed, hoping I didn't just lose my job. 

I called the front desk receptionist, and almost immediately, her sultry voice, asked, "How can I help you?"

"Yes, Hi, this is Vera, Mr. Morris's assistant. I returned from the restroom to start the day, and he doesn't seem to be here." I held the phone a little too tight, trying to sound calm after earlier events.

"Oh, Yes! He is waiting for you in meeting room B to go over your first day." I could hear her flipping through the pages of the local magazine. I thanked her and promptly gathered myself to face Mr. Morris.

I knocked on the door of a room tucked into the back hallways of the museum. They called it the old wing since it was a part of the original building before the renovation. Mr. Morris opened the door, and inside, the room was smaller than his office, with a large table in the middle and not much room for anything else. 

He shut the door firmly and positioned himself between me and the door leaning against the table. He was as stone cold as ever. It took everything in me to hold his gaze as he searched for words to say. I was already so aroused just being near him that my nipples ached, and my clit demanded attention. This was it, and I knew it. I mentally prepared for the embarrassing conversation, ultimately resulting in the loss of my job.

After what seemed like hours went by, he gently cleared his throat. "Vera, I just want to apologize immensely for what you walked in on earlier. I have no excuse for my actions, and I hope you can forgive me and we can move forward. However, I would completely understand if you'd like to leave." He didn't look at me but instead at my hands as they fiddled with anxiety. Was he just as embarrassed as I was?

I didn't dare look at him as I said these words. "I worked too hard for this opportunity, so I definitely won't be leaving over something silly like seeing you jerk off." 

I was surprised at my boldness, and so was he. He met my eyes and studied me before asking with gentle excitement, "So if we can put this behind us, you would still be my assistant?" 

He became the relaxed and seductive man I had met during my interview. 

My heart pounded because the idea in my brain to seduce this man was too strong. He shifted his weight onto the hip, bracing the table. I took this opportunity to lean in closer to him gently. He watched me move but stayed stone still. 

Once I was close enough to smell his sweat and cologne, my knees turned to jelly, and I slid to his feet. I looked at his crotch and then slowly up at him. The blush in my cheeks went through my entire body when I met his stormy gaze. He looked in disbelief down at me; I liked that. 

I laid my hand on his thigh and hooked my fingers in his pocket, tickling the skin underneath.

"Mr. Morris, I think you would like me being your assistant just as much as I would love to assist you in ... any matter." I ran my fingertips up his shirt to touch the delicate skin of his stomach. I realized he hadn't said anything, so I started to pull my hand away. 

He grabbed my hand gently but firmly. "Don't you dare stop, Vera. You have no idea what you are doing to me. You've introduced me to a new drug with which I can't wait to surround myself." He grabbed both my hands and pulled me up in front of him. 

He picked me up and set me on the grand table in front of him. This way, there wasn't a significant height difference. I could see the thunderstorm in his eyes. He moved a long strand of hair from my face and lingered on my ear for a moment. I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed his belt loops, pulling his hips and face to mine. Our eyes met for a moment before he placed his lips on mine, bringing my lower lip into his mouth and nibbling. This sent shockwaves to my soaking pussy. 

I started rubbing my hips deeper into his to feel some relief. He put his arm around my low back and thigh to pull me closer to him while we tasted each other. I unbuttoned his pants while he placed gentle bites and kisses down my neck. His pants fell to the floor, and immediately my eyes were enthralled by the sight in front of me. He wasn't wearing any underwear at all! 

"After you caught me earlier, my cock hasn't been able to calm down, so I ditched them in my desk," he said close to my ear while kissing it. I could feel his smile through his kisses. His cock was beautifully long and thick, with lush curls surrounding it. I couldn't stop looking at it, imagining it filling me in various ways. 

I moved away from him to remove my shirt, exposing my naked breasts and aching nipples. He let out a soft sigh when the fabric left my body. He kneeled before me, taking one nipple into his mouth while massaging the other breast. I moaned as his tongue circled my nipple and his teeth gently grazed it. My fingers buried themselves into his long hair, desperately asking for more. He teased his hand down my body as he sucked on the less loved nipple. He made sure to tease everywhere but my pussy. I started to whine from the tease and dissatisfaction. 

He immediately stopped and pulled away. I spun my face in shock at him. He stood up and bent me over the table so fast I had no time to prepare. I couldn't help a giggle at the change in his tone. 

"Vera, one thing I do not tolerate is whining," he says as he reaches under me to undo my pants, releasing them to the floor and exposing my pale ass to the air. The cold of the room hit my pussy, immediately increasing the hotness of my body. "If you want something, Vera, you will ask like a good little girl instead of whining like a spoiled brat." 

This was no longer the cold man I had met before. His voice was so husky and filled with lust. I wanted to give this man anything he wanted to feel him inside me. He pulled my thong down and brought his hand down on my ass quickly and hard. The shock caused me to jump, but he held me firmly in place with a hand on my waist. The sting of the slap radiated electricity through my pussy. "Do you understand, Vera?" he asked as he slowly spread me open. 

I was so shy I couldn't speak for a moment, but a second slap on my ass caused me to cry out, "Yes, sir, I understand." My breathing was so heavy I could barely talk. 

"Good girl. Is this what you want so badly?" He rubbed his cock between my folds but was careful not to let it inside. Just this sensation is enough to grant me a few quick orgasmic throbs.

I arched my hips and begged him, "Please, Claude, let me feel you inside me."

As soon as he heard his name, he grabbed my hips hard, causing my head to spin. He angled his hips and rubbed his cock head into me only halfway deep. We both moaned in agreement about how good the other felt. I was so close to the edge that I tried to wiggle him deeper into me. He obliged by slamming himself till he is entirely inside me, pushing against my cervix. The motion caused me to instantly cum around his cock, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body. 

When I relaxed, he slapped my ass hard again and again. He leaned forward into my ear while gently thrusting. "Next time, you will ask me permission to cum," he says, using one hand to rub my clit. My ass ached as he continued to tease me. 

"Yes, Sir," I said as I held my ass open for him. "Please use me for your pleasure and my own."

With this, he grabbed my long hair and gently arched my back, so my face was close to his. We kissed while he fucked me deeper and faster. He teased my nipples and clit causing me to wiggle in his hold. He buried his head into my neck, biting the tender skin of my throat. With each thrust, his breathing grew harder and harder in my ear like the finest wine touching my tongue. I couldn't take much more of this, and from how his hands gripped my hips, he couldn't either. 

A smile crept on my face with an idea. I tightened my pussy muscles around him and started to bounce back onto him harder. 

He moaned louder, feeling me squeeze around him. He pulled his head from my neck and breathily asked, "Vera, Where can I cum?" 

I hadn't thought of that, but an urge forced me to crave his cum deep inside me. 

"Cum inside me, Claude. Fill me up and make me yours." I was so greedy I used my muscles to milk his cock inside me. He was about to say something when he grabbed me close and slammed his cock balls deep into me. His eyes fluttered while he released everything he had in me. Both of us were breathing heavily and released our hold on each other. 

"Wait, Vera, don't move," Claude told me as he spread me open to see his cum dripping from my pussy. He smirked a bit and gave my ass a light smack. "Give me your underwear and meet me back in my office after you freshen up. We are very behind schedule."

I was stunned as he effortlessly put his clothes on and steadied himself. I tossed my thong to him as he moved to the door, but before opening it, he looked at me and gave my panties a long inhale. He stuffed them in his pocket as he said, "I look forward to working with you for a while, Vera." He smiled at me, closing the door behind him.

I shuffled into my clothing, feeling his cum dripping down my thigh. I freshened up in the bathroom and passed the front desk, excited to be with Claude again. As I passed by, I glanced at the front desk attendant and saw she had a name tag today. 

"Hi... Sandra," I said as I passed, hopeful she didn't look at me too hard.


Sandra watched Vera move, and the smell trailing her was intoxicating. She saw the flush of her cheeks and her long hair in knots. Sandra bit her lip and blushed herself. 

"Perhaps Claude has finally found someone he can keep and not fire this time," she thought and laughed to herself. She started flipping through magazines once again.

Written by Palestnymph
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