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The Money Dance

"Getting an unusual bonus at work!"

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Lounges always have been my ‘office’.

I play guitar and sing for a living, and the fringe benefits are sometimes fantastic. I never know what's going to happen from one night to the next. This night started out no different than most others. I walked up to my little one-man bandstand, sat down on my stool, and adjusted the guitar and then the microphone. I primed my tip jar with a couple of small bills.

I usually play guitar and sing to the accompaniment of what’s known as MIDI files. They help me sound like a four or five-piece group and let me do countless songs from the past, mostly from the seventies and eighties.

Tuning up the guitar, I noticed a nice, older blonde sitting at the bar smiling my way.

“Oh this could be a fun night!” I thought to myself. I often get nice looks from women that come to the bar for little music and companionship, and for someone to make her smile and laugh. I am very good at those things.

She was sitting at the corner of the bar with her legs crossed, showing me a tanned pair of legs coming down out of a tight, white tennis skirt. Her top was more of a light blue muscle shirt, and did not appear to have any support under it. Her breasts strained the fabric. The hair was shoulder-length and pulled over her right shoulder.

Catching me looking she smiled and slightly arched her back, accenting her breasts nicely. I felt my crotch tighten up in appreciation and smiled back. She looked like she was in her early forties, medium height and weight. I was instantly attracted to her face, as it was pretty from twenty feet, and so was probably even better up close.

I remembered her from several weeks before, when she was in with a group of several other girls that stayed in and listened to my songs and old one-liner jokes. She had a cute smile and a sweet bosom with gorgeous cleavage.

I remembered that she and her friends had requested songs from the seventies and got up and danced vigorously with each other, as there are seldom available men other than older business types that frequented the hotel. They flirted nonstop with the male audience, but didn’t come across as being available for any extracurricular fun and games.

I looked around the lounge to see if anyone was accompanying her.

Sure enough, her two friends came in, obviously from the ladies room, and sat down on either side of her. They certainly brightened up the lounge, but obviously the blonde was the hottest of the group. Not that I would turn any one of the three down, but the blonde was definitely my type woman; Hot!

I found myself hoping that the blonde might want to buy me a drink or whatever during my three-hour gig. I usually drink free, but always welcome women who are forward enough to break the ice with a cocktail, hopefully leading to my cock in her tail!

I find myself dreaming that a lot of nights. I love when I don’t have to sleep alone in my hotel room. I like to think that I can sing and smile my way into the pants of most of the women that take a liking to me and my music.

“I’d like to welcome everyone out tonight,” is my usual greeting to the crowd. But tonight I was feeling a little frisky and said,” Hi y’all, I’m Jack, and I’m here to entertain you and take your mind off your day, make you feel relaxed.”

“Maybe make you feel like dancing, and have a good time! I play lots of different music and I kiss well!” I smiled at the crowd.

That got even the bartender Samantha smiling, as I had tapped her a time or two over the past few months.

The trio at the bar got their heads together and giggled, sneaking glances at me. Good time to start the show! “What would you lovely ladies like to hear tonight? Buffet? Eagles?”

“Oooh! We’d love it if you’d do some Eagles!” said what appeared to be the youngest of the three, a curvy brunette wearing workout clothes that showed off, yet hid a nice figure. She wore a cut-off T-shirt that showed a little interesting under-boob. I was looking forward to watching her dance tonight.

“Whoops, did I say Eagles? I don’t really do Eagles, but I’ve been known to do a sheep or raccoon occasionally.”

That always seems to get me a laugh or a smile or two, but they just thought that it was downright silly and giggled more among themselves. Looking up at me, the blonde said, "Oh, play anything you want, we’re not choosy tonight.”

Well, that always makes it easy for me so I started out with a little reggae version of 'Knocking on Heaven’s door'. It’s a good way for me to warm up, and I like the song as it’s catchy and I get a good sound check and make sure my guitar is staying in tune.

I went through various different songs for a good forty minutes, trying to get a feel for what the people might be in the mood for. I have a pretty good head for when people want lively music, or laid-back, or a little of everything. Looking out over the small crowd I could see people looking up, some smiling, some tapping their feet, and some not paying a bit of attention to me. It was obvious to me that if I was going to get any crowd reaction it would be with the girls at the bar.

Coming to the end of the song I went directly into a nice version of 'Before you Accuse Me'. It’s a little snappy number that most people like, sort of upbeat and catchy.

I sometimes play with my eyes closed, and as I opened them I watched the blonde slowly walk up to me with a couple of cocktails in her hands; she stopped to the side of me, making it obvious that she had a request.

Offering me a glass she said. “We enjoyed you when we were here last, I especially like the way you sang your slow love songs.”

I got a nice whiff of a subtle perfume that carried a promise of intimacy and pleasure. I enjoy a good perfume as it seems to surround a beautiful woman with an aura that encourages conversation and hopes of more.

“Well, thank you, ma’am,” I said, taking the offered glass. “I always love doing love songs. I try to make everyone happy, especially beautiful people like you and your friends.”

I laughed gently, but it was obvious that I was there not for the crowd, but mainly for the ladies at the bar. “What can I play for you all?”

“I remember last time that you played a song about ‘Every Time You go Away', and I thought it was great!” She raised her left eyebrow a bit.

Smiling and inching slightly closer she said softly, “I remember it well, you had your eyes closed throughout almost the whole song- it was so cute!”

“Want to sing it again for us?” She stared right at me.

“Hey, no problem, I love doing that song!” I said quickly.

She looked down at my guitar, appearing to think, 'I could feel you were really into that song and I wished I had someone to dance with but the place was practically empty so I just closed my eyes and enjoyed it.'

“You got it, girl!” I said.“Say! What’s your name? I’ll dedicate it to you!” I said, hoping to get my foot in the door.

“Jill," she said, in a low voice that gave me a tingle in the pit of my tummy. “My name is Jill; we’re all sisters down from Auburn to unwind. You can dedicate it to Jill and her sisters.”

I looked at her lovely face and smiled, and without thinking my eyes dropped to her chest and I said, “That would make my night, to dedicate it to a beautiful lady like you.” I did not mean to be so obvious admiring her chest, but I am a breast man and could not help myself.

She laughed, saying, “My eyes are up here, cutie!" She looked around. “Give me a minute and maybe I can find someone to dance with to it.”

Sure enough, looking around she saw a table with two younger men drinking draft beer, who had obviously been looking at her and her sisters at the bar since they'd arrived. I knew at least one of them would want to dance with a hot lady like her and/or her sisters.

I started to play her request and, watching out of the corner of my eye, saw her pull what appeared to be the oldest guy up from the table. Putting her arm through his, she brought him to the dance floor and started dancing. I could feel a little jealousy welling up and closed my eyes and really got into the song. Hopefully her partner wasn’t staying in the hotel.

Halfway through the song my eyes opened slowly and I saw that she and he were dancing not six feet in front of me. He was holding her close and talking in her ear when she turned her head in my direction, winked, and gave me the cutest smile that I had seen in weeks.

I could feel an erection growing behind my guitar. 'That lady is so fine,' I thought to myself.

If I were dancing with her I’d hold her very close and I knew what I’d whisper in her ear; 'How would you like to join me in a hot tub with some champagne later?' Hopefully she would accept the offer; I ask that question a lot!

I finished that song and, not wanting to see her in his arms throughout the night, cranked off with some Rolling Stones tune that hopefully would end my set. Then I could walk around the lounge and ask for requests, or if the music was too loud – ending at the bar, of course.

As the set was going well I announced a break and plugged in some recorded upbeat music that would play during my break. This way the mood continues, and when I start up again I’ll start off mellow and work my way back up to fast material.

Standing and turning around I leaned the guitar back against the wall and turned to head to the men’s room first as I had to pee something fierce. I almost walked right into Jill, who, instead of walking back to her friends at the bar, had come up to me. She stood with a hand on her hip, just looking at me.

“How was that, lovely lady?” I asked. “I really enjoy singing that song, especially when I’m singing to someone special.”

“That was just how I remembered it!” she said in her lovely voice. “Dancing to that song turns me on!”

She slid her arm into mine and pulled me towards the bar where her two sisters were talking. “Hey girls, I want to introduce to you our entertainer tonight, Jack! He said he’ll take any request we have!”

The younger of the two started laughing, and leaning forward said, “Stick around us long enough tonight and we’ll request your butt off!”

Hmmm, I might like that! Jill hugged my arm a little closer to her and I felt her breast pressing against me. “Pay no attention to Jan. She gets brave with a couple drinks in her system.”

I really enjoyed the soft but firm curve of her right breast. Beyond a doubt both those puppies were such a joy to look at. I wondered what they would feel like with both my hands on them. Of course, I am a big breast man, and as long as they were against me I loved them all!

I started to excuse myself as I still had to go to the potty. That’s when the song changed to ‘Wonderful Tonight', and Jill pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, “I adore that song, would you dance with me to it?” She pulled me tighter to her full breast.

“I would love that,” I said, and we walked to the cozy little dance floor.

Now this dance floor is very unique, as it’s only about sixteen feet square, and from where I sit playing my guitar, a wall runs down the right side meeting another wall with a door leading to where they store extra chairs and tables. I also use that door as it’s a shortcut to the hall with restrooms in it. There is very little light in the corner by the door.

We were in each others arms and I could feel her pulling me a little closer than I expected for a first dance together. I felt her boobs pressing gently but firmly against my chest and liked it. I could glance down and see the swell of her breasts trying to join with me and I liked that even better!

“You dance as well as you sing, Jack!”

Jill smiled up at me, and I held her just a little bit closer to me and replied, “Thank you, I don’t get to dance as often as I’d like because my breaks are only fifteen to twenty minutes, and that keeps the bosses happy.”

I slowly twirled her in and out of the shadow area where all you could see was her white skirt and my white and blue beach striped T-shirt. I always enjoyed seeing couples dancing in there – kissing, humping and petting where they thought no one saw what their hands and hips were doing. I spend a lot of time here when I can.

We talked little things like the weather and what she and her sisters were doing in town. They were all schoolteachers from north Alabama, and came down to Mobile at least once a month for a weekend just to blow off the steam and aggravation they'd built up teaching in their schools. I guess they left the husbands behind, as they all were wearing rings on their wedding-ring finger. I didn’t blame them a bit.

Clapton got to the bridge- that’s the best part of the song - and Jill put her chin on my right shoulder and rubbed the side of her face against my ear. Wow! I could feel a small, pleasurable shock connecting my ear to my crotch. Lil’ Jack had better settle down before it became obvious to her that I was becoming aroused! Her scent was just perfect for me and got me to feeling forward. I gently kissed her ear, and then her neck.

She kissed my neck in return.

I steered us gently into the shadows completely, and holding her tighter said, “I’ll give you an hour to stop that.”

Jill moved closer and whispered very softly, “What if I don’t want to stop after an hour?”

“Then I’ll give you all night!” I muttered as I inhaled more of her scent.

Lil' Jack was starting to press up right behind the zipper on my cargoes, and I knew if this kept up much longer I wouldn’t be able to keep him a secret. When his interest is up, my cock is the size of a medium cucumber. I can’t help it; whenever I hold a good-looking woman all the blood goes rushing south.

I felt Jill bring her head back from my neck and, moving her lips slowly across my cheek, closed her eyes and pressed her mouth and breasts against my body all at once. I tasted lips and alcohol as well as lust. My breathing picked up and I felt like a rag doll.

Lil' Jack reared up to his entire length and he was a secret no longer. I could feel a slight leakage of precum starting to flow. He had that tickling feeling that precedes loss of control. I could feel my body beginning to flush with heat.

Jill slowly brought our groins together and I completely forgot about the restroom. Her pubic mound teased my cock by moving oh-so-gently sideways, and I froze into a statue from the waist down.

My right hand slowly cupped her ass and gently pulled her closer.

Our lips slowly turned at an angle and I felt her tongue gently probing my lips. That’s all it took for my mouth to open enough to accept it. Damn I love a good kisser! I think our tongues have a nerve directly connecting with our groins.

She had the softest wet tongue, and it probed eagerly just barely within me. It played with my tongue so intimately it was as if we practiced daily. Her mound drove me crazy and I pulled away before I had a premature event that would ruin everything!

I realized that while I had a cutie pie in my arms, I had not pissed or gotten myself a drink to take back when I cranked up the music again. I needed this gig. As hot as the moment had progressed I knew I had to get back to work, so I gently pulled away.

I softly asked this passionate woman, "I hate to ask, but could I have another dance later as I have a job to do - and I really need to visit the men’s room pretty soon!”

She laughed gently and, leaning her head back, which coincidentally pushed her crotch against mine again, said she was thinking the exact same thing.

Nothing was said of the brief encounter we shared in the middle of the song. I really hoped I would get another dance on the next break.

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But now I had to pee so bad it was beginning to be painful, what with the hard-on that had its mind on other things.

I said, “Let me walk you to the hallway with the restrooms, and I’ll meet you back in here for the next set.”

“Great, I think I forgot where the ladie's room is.” Jill grabbed my arm, and with that off we went for relief.

By using my shortcut through the storage area I beat her back to the lounge and was on my stool with my guitar, ready to start before she walked in. Jill looked surprised as she walked to the bar that I was back so quickly from the men’s room.

She tilted her head and gave me a quizzical smile. I saw her talk to the bartender and nod towards me.

Before I got half through the intro, Samantha placed a bourbon and coke next to me. “Compliments of the pole dancer, Jacko.” She winked and walked away. She didn’t miss a thing.

I smiled at her and started doing an SRV shuffle; old Stevie Ray could really write some great music, and it always went over well with crowds. Man I felt fantastic! I started fantasizing about Jill in my room for the night. All night, hopefully!

The set went well, but time dragged on with several of the guys in the lounge asking the girls to dance. I noticed Jill didn’t dance any more slow songs. I hoped she was waiting for her guitar player to take her back to the shadows and smother her with love and affection - and hopefully a little more.

As I always do, I announced that I was going to take a short break again after the last song, but I would be back to do one more set and as always take more requests. I finished my song and started the break music back up and headed to the bar for a fresh drink. I didn’t get one on my last break as I was otherwise engaged.

I got to the bar and Samantha came over just as I was raising my finger like you do to say one more like that last one. She had a bourbon and Coke in her hand, and placing it in front of me said, “Courtesy of the ladies you’ve been singing to all night long. I think they like you, Jack.” She winked at me. “They’ve had a good bit to drink and are getting tipsy.”

“Who’s that you say?” I smiled, taking a sip.

“Yeah right! I heard the blond say you were hot - and that she might be late getting to their room tonight, so be warned, baby!”She giggled her way back to her post.

Taking my drink I turned and headed for the girls.

“Come over here and talk with us, Jack, we need to discuss the words on that last song.” They looked and sounded like they weren’t really interested in music at that point of the evening. I believe they just enjoyed being friends with the band just like everywhere else I’ve played.

I sipped my drink and was about to ask, 'What words? That was an instrumental,' when Jill reached out and pulled me over to her side - and she didn’t have to pull very hard as I basically floated towards her. I had caught her perfume again. I could feel my penis rising to the occasion again and I hoped her sisters didn’t notice.

“Do you have any other good slow tunes coming up?” Jill asked with an innocent look on her face. "It’s dance with Jill time!”

“Yes ma’am I do,” I said, “I think ‘Whiter Shade of Pale’ is coming up in a minute.”

“Hmmm, that’s perfect!” Jill smiled brightly.

“I have to run to the men’s room but I’ll be back before it starts!”

I took off through the storage area door and had a quick piss through my chubby little friend, washed my hands and was back in less than two minutes.

Jill saw me and walked towards me, putting her arm through mine and pulling me up against that luscious breast.

“It took you long enough!” she chided. “Our song's already started.”

“No problem, lady!” I said, “This is the concert version and lasts eight minutes so there’s plenty of time for dancing!” I had planned ahead.

Jill came into my arms as readily as before, and as her body adjusted to mine she sighed and asked, “Where were we?”

Putting her face close to mine, she murmured, “Oh yeah I remember; we were dancing and you were letting me kiss you!”

That sweet, soft body rubbed me with each step, up and down, sideways and with a slight wiggle that immediately brought us back to where we left off. Placing both arms around my neck she drew me closer and we instinctively opened our mouths and accepted each other’s tongues.

Slowly, gently and with a couple very feminine sighs Jill took the lead and danced us deep into the shadow area of the dance floor. We stopped dancing, and for several moments we kissed intensely, holding dearly to one another while trying to stay stationary.

I had a feeling wash over me of an intense need for pleasures I wanted so bad to share with Jill. Her fingers on one hand were gently rubbing the back of my neck while my left hand for some odd reason moved up from her waist to her right breast. The moment I felt her nipple under the T-shirt tighten under my fingers she began moving her waist gently side to side, right on the underside of my penis. Oh man! I can’t believe this is happening on the dance floor.

“Mmm...Jack, do you make all your women feel this good?” She started us dancing slowly again.

I thought fast. "Only the Goddesses that notice me!”

“This feels so wonderful, but don’t let the girls see us, please?” She maneuvered us close to the corner made by the two walls. "They might get jealous and want a dance too! I don’t feel like sharing… yet!”

I could only hope.

“Let me lean up against this wall and no one will be able to see a thing, Jill.” I felt the wall against my back, my hand never leaving her breast, and I leaned down to kiss her again.

We kissed at least thirty seconds, and I felt the strap of her tank top slipping down her arm, exposing the top of her breast. Moving my hand over the top of her breast I slowly edged it down to that little hard nipple and started squeezing gently again. Her breast was full and firm with a softness that only drove me more deeply into desire.

Jill moaned, and I moaned with her as I did not know how much more of her gently undulating hips I could handle without a sticky wet result. I could feel her pussy starting to shudder slightly as our bodies grew hotter.

We both were taking short intense breaths that grew quicker. I could feel the heat from her body mixing with mine.

Jill looked over her shoulder, and tensing up said to me, “They’re over there looking right at us!”

“They can’t see us in the shadows, honey, but we can stop if it’s embarrassing to you.” I was serious.

Looking up at me, Jill said, “No, I don’t want to stop - I just don’t want to get caught bare-chested; those are my younger sisters.”

“How about we sneak in the storage room? The door locks from the inside and the bartender doesn’t even have a key. No one can see us in there because the glass is frosted.” I kissed her forehead and rubbed that wonderful tit, feeling the nipple turn to a bigger rock. “It’s up to you.”

Jill thought for several seconds before looking down at my hand on her boob, and then whispered, “Let’s go now!”

I slowly opened the door and we walked in, gently closing it behind us.

She was on me in an instant! I had Jill from head to toe pressing against every pleasurable nerve cell I owned. Moving my back to the wall she moved with me, and like before we were kissing up a storm - only now the storm was more intense. Lightning was shooting up and down my body ending with my cock. My left hand was back on her right breast and my right hand was going for the gold on the other side.

Jill was pressed right up on my crotch while her lips were trying to weld themselves to mine. I had to move my right hand around to her ass to keep us upright.

I knew I would cum if we kept this up so I said, “I’ve got to get back in a couple minutes to play my last set; I hate to ask, but can we continue this later in my room or your room? Or hell, any place you want!”

Leaning her lower body against me, Jill pulled the straps off her shoulders and my fingers instinctively began caressing her tits more. Her head was tilted backwards and her eyes were closed when she asked me, “You like? Because I’ll give you a lot more if you stay a few more moments!”And she smiled at me like I was a piece of raw meat!

“I could spend all night just doing this with you,” I whispered, "You are a gorgeous woman with a fantastic body! I just don’t want to get the manager pissed at me for being late.”

Jill pulled back slightly and turning us so her backside was up against the wall said, “Can’t you wait till the last minute to go back? I just can’t get enough of you right now, and if you leave now I’ll explode!” She was breathing as heavy as I was and reaching down under her skirt rubbed her crotch and moaned. “I am so hot! Please baby, I need you in here now!”

“I can stay another minute or two,” I moaned into her neck.

“Oooh, Jack! You are driving me crazy!” Rubbing her nose over mine and brushing her lips over my lips she murmured, "I wish I had something in my hands to squeeze and play with for a couple minutes!”

She rubbed that glorious mound of hers back and forth very suggestively on my rock-hard penis causing it to pulse excitedly. “Can I… please?”

I must’ve looked ecstatic for a moment because she laughed and reached for my zipper, saying, “You’re having your fun, let me have some with you! Come on, it’s only for a minute!”

She got my zipper down in no time, and since I go commando out slipped a good seven inches of good, hard muscle.

Squeezing me ever so gently in a slow steady manner she brought me to my tippy toes in no time at all. It was my turn again to moan, and I can moan with the best of them. My dick was feeling so good I almost forgot to squeeze her boobs and kiss her.

Now we were both groaning and oohing at each other’s neck when I whispered to her, “If you keep that up, your skirt is going to be very wet and I won’t be able to stop it. You’re going to make me cum doing that!”

“We can’t have that, honey,” she reached down with her other hand and slowly lifted the front of her tennis skirt above her waist. Her other hand pulled my dick closer to her crotch, rubbing it slowly against her pussy!

Jill was commando too! I could feel a one-inch band of pubic hair surrounding her snatch. I could feel the friction as my cock was rubbed against it, and I could feel more precum starting to ooze from the tip right onto her vaginal lips.

This was going too far! I was so close to cumming on her pussy, and by the shaking of her hips she had to be close to cumming on my cock.

I start to pull back, thinking that’s what she would have wanted when she wakes up tomorrow morning. Wrong!

“Whoa, baby! We can’t stop now! I am so close you have got to fuck me, and I mean fuck me right now!”

“Oh, honey! I don’t want to stop but I can’t do this to you in a storeroom! You deserve better than that!”

I was lying through my fucking teeth, I never wanted to fuck a woman’s pussy as bad as I did right that moment. We could have been laying on the dance floor for all I cared.

Jill had a death grip on my cock and was rubbing it harder on her lips; I could feel her moisture. I could smell her moisture. I swear I could taste her essence in the air, there was so much need between us.

We were kissing and thrashing passionately, and then Jill grabbed my ass and pulled my cock right up to her pussy and quietly said, "If you do it I’ll give you a fifty dollar tip!”

“What?” I didn’t believe my ears - she wanted to what? I froze; no one ever offered me money before,

“I said I’ll tip you fifty dollars! In your little jar!”

“Please do this for me, Jack!” Jill was leaning up into me. Her heat and aroma were overwhelming me.

I still didn’t believe what I was hearing. “I don’t fuck for money, honey!”

“Okay, I’ll make it a hundred dollars.” She wasn’t kidding at all.

Standing on her tip toes, she had the tip of my cock level with her vaginal entrance. If she jumped up only a tiny bit I would slide right up her cunt.

With her right hand she reached over, pulling one of the spare chairs closer to her right leg and, raising her right foot to the seat, leaned forward and covered the head of my cock with her pussy lips. I could feel the heat and soft wetness of her dilated pussy. I was so ready to surrender to her!

I felt her lips sliding over the head of my cock. So warm… So wet… So inviting…

I couldn’t help myself; I was feeling horny, trapped, a little cheap, and about to ejaculate a ton of cum all over the crotch of this sensual, wanton woman. Damn! She was rubbing the tip of my cock in a circle right inside her pussy! It was almost all over. I was a millisecond from sliding my entire cock into her raging pussy. The music was going to have to wait.

“I… I… Jill, I...!” I was totally losing control!

“Jack, if you will fuck me right now, right here, this instant I will put a hundred bucks, cash, in your tip jar in appreciation and I will come to your room later and fuck you all night!”

“But please fuck me right now… Now… Nooowww!”

She sucked on my ear lobe and then she pushed her pussy down, capturing me just as I thrust up.

“Mmm! Aaahh! Ooooh... aaahh!” I was in her pussy and fucking her as hard as she was fucking my cock!

I was grinding upwards just as she was grinding down towards me - it was like we had been fucking for years.

We held on to each other like statues. Our minds only knew what pleasurable and erotic signals our crotches were sending to them. The friction generated in her pussy by my dick unbelievably built up even more, and then more.

Unbelievable! We both were shaking and kissing like it was the end of the world. Her moist and soft pussy gripped me like a silken glove. Now I knew how a succubus could feel!

Jill murmured, "Jack, hold me tight, my knees are getting weak! Don’t let me fall.”

I grabbed her ass and kissed her mouth hard and we pulled so close it hurt. We both shook and drew breaths like a pair of race horses. I had lost all control, but kept her pulled up to me. I could feel drool leaking from our mouths.

I started to cum just a moment before her back arched and she ground her pussy down to the very base of my cock.

My cock spurted like a hot volcano over and over. The pleasure was indescribable.

Her pussy clenched me, and I swear it sucked at me. I felt her fluids mix with mine.

It seemed like it lasted forever but it couldn’t have been more than thirty seconds. I could have sworn I came a quart! And it was all inside her as far up as my dick could reach.

I slowly moved in and out of her pussy for a few moments as her come and mine mixed together and slowly dribbled out of her and over my balls. Down our legs... so wet and warm!

What a magnificent feeling.

I finally relaxed enough to slowly slide out of that pussy, but had to push it back in for just a moment more, then eased out again. She smiled in appreciation and pleasure.

We hugged and kissed, and I told her room 114 was available for a return match right after the last set.

Jill looked at me and asked, "Hmm! I might bring my sisters, okay?”

I nodded weakly.

We left for the restrooms together, trying not to smile or hold on to each other.

I got back to my seat and guitar, and noticed the ladies were leaving the bar. Jill looked at me and smiled.

I started to play a slow tune just to come down from my sexual high when I noticed my tip jar had several fifty dollar bills stuffed in it.

On the topmost bill in black marker was written, ‘Room 114 - see ya!’

I couldn’t wait!

Author's note: I skipped ahead a few years from the last story as this actually happened in Mobile AL. several years ago and continued for the entire weekend. This ranks in the top 3 encounters I can recall. If you like it please comment and I will finish the weekend out with the ‘Auburn Three. School was in session!

Written by jkthekat
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