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The Client

"Does this count as ‘keeping the Client happy’?"

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“Look, Jack, I mean this with the utmost respect, I know you’re the best at what you do and that’s why I partnered with your firm. So, don’t bother me with the details, just get it done and send me the invoice,” she says dismissively, having no concept of the amount of work that you would need to do to finalise her request in time.

There’s not a single other client in your portfolio that would get away with the things that you allow Cate to get away with. In all honesty, you should have told her that you didn’t have the capacity, or that there is just no way that the agreement would be completed in time. What you really should have told her is that there’s not a single provider in town (other than you) who could pull off what she is asking for in the time that she needs it.

Yet, you don’t. Instead, you grab your notebook and start scribbling down her words, noting the particulars of her new conquest and in doing so, you realise just how infinitely more complicated your day just became.

As frustrating as she is to deal with, you have to keep her happy. Cate is very well connected, very highly educated, and greatly respected within the industry. Simply mentioning her name in proceedings got things moving pretty quickly and Cate managed to pull off ventures more efficiently and effectively than anyone that you’d ever worked with before.

Although, because of this, Cate had come to expect this style of superior service offerings and had gone through a few of the others in your firm before finding her way to you. You are the best of the best, the top performer in this business and you have an excellent reputation. If there’s anyone who can pull off the impossible, it’s you. And, that’s the reason this file ended up on your desk, and how Cate had become your headache. Your beast of burden.

Should you achieve this, you would be rewarded handsomely and the accolades would be fitting. You will be made a partner in this firm.” The words of the Managing Partner echoed in your mind at each and every interaction that you have with Cate. The possibility of becoming a partner is what keeps you hungry, keeps you at the top of your game and now, is why you condone Cate’s obnoxious behaviour. Achieving this feat is all that you have dreamed of, worked for and aspired to achieve, and if that was the outcome of this, then it will have been worth every single excruciating second of working with her.

“But, Cate - you’re not hearing me, there’s no wa....,” your protest against her request is quickly interrupted as she speaks over the top of you, cutting you off.

“Jack, don’t try that on me,” she responds, an obvious coyness in her voice. “We both know you can pull it off. I’m moving on it this evening, I’ll need confirmation by 6 pm at the latest. Call me once it’s done.”

You open your mouth to speak but resign to the fact that your words will go unheard and so you resort to sighing loudly instead.

“Jack?” she starts, a smile forming across her painted lips as she speaks knowing that you’ll deliver on this, just as you have every other time before. “I appreciate you.”

The line goes dead and in a futile effort to soothe your raging frustrations, you run your hands through your hair and exhale loudly, considering for just a moment, whether becoming a partner in one of the most successful firms in your state is worth having to deal with her. Deciding that it was (even if it was only just worth it,) you grab your laptop and start mapping out what needs to get done.

For the next eight hours and forty-seven minutes, you work solidly. Preparing the required documents, getting sign-offs and finalising the last of the contracts ready for her merger this evening. Thankfully, you hold a position of great power within your firm and the industry and, leveraging off the relationships you have built with particular influential people, you are able to achieve the unachievable and finally, it’s done.

It’s a little after 7 pm when you open her email containing the particulars that she’d sent you, and you compose your response. Your displeasure in her relentless demands is quite evident in your communication style.

Dear Cate,

As discussed, please find attached the finalised documentation for your latest merger. Please review and sign where indicated, noting, in particular, the calculations and observations provided on page 17.

Moving forward, a venture such as this requires a lead time of at least five business days as per our service level agreement.



You click send and slump back into your chair sighing loudly. Mentally drained and still annoyed at her audacity, you reach for the crystal decanter that sits to one side of your large mahogany desk. Lifting the stopper from the bottle with a pop, you are rewarded instantly with the warm, comforting aroma of the twenty-something-year-old whiskey that’s kept within.

As you finish pouring a good measure of the amber liquid into a crystal scotch glass, your phone starts ringing far too loudly, and vibrates next to your laptop. You sit up and look down at your phone only to see that it was Cate calling.

“Pfft,” you scoff defiantly, having no intention of answering her call. Instead, you take a large sip from your glass and fall heavily back into your chair. You probably should answer her but it was time you reminded her that she wasn’t the only one who could throw her weight around.

You close your eyes and take another drink, relishing in the warmth of the whiskey as it absorbs into your tongue, instantly soothing your mood and putting some calm back into your office. Finally, and for the first time that day, you start to unwind. You lean back in your large comfortable leather chair and put your feet up on the side of your desk, loosening your tie off as you do. The physical representation of logging off for the day.

You take a long, deep breath in and holding it in your chest for a few seconds, you succumb to the relaxing effects this deep breath brings, exhaling and sending that sense of calm throughout your whole body. The office is deserted at this time of night and there’s not a single another sound to be heard on the twenty-second floor of your office building.

BUZZZ..... BUZZ…..your phone goes off again and vibrates violently against the hardwood of your desk, ripping you from the near meditative state that you were just drifting in to. Looking down you see Cate’s name flashing across your screen once more and you contemplate your next move. Do you answer it and see what near-impossible thing she wants this time? Or do you leave it and let it go to voice mail? You quickly decide to continue ignoring her and you knock back the last of your drink before reaching to pour yourself another.

The intrusive sound of your mobile phone eventually fades and you quickly fall back into relaxation. You close your eyes and let your mind wander, enjoying the peacefulness.

Soon your thoughts return to Cate and whilst she irritates every single fibre of your being, you couldn’t help but appreciate her achievements, or the way that she kicked some serious ass. She was certainly talented and highly intelligent but she was also rather cunning. She had a strategic approach to everything that she did and used anyone and anything that she could to achieve what she’d set out to achieve. She was powerful, articulate, goal-driven and hungry. She was highly successful and had developed almost arrogant confidence as a result. It was a frustrating yet seductive combination.

You’ve always adored a confident woman and Cate was no exception.

Sinking further into the comfort of your big chair and your quiet office, you let your thoughts wander a little further as you contemplate the woman behind the client.

The first time you had met with her, just over five months ago now, you were instantly attracted to her. You had done your research before the initial meeting and you already knew her and her business intimately. You knew of her undertakings, of her vast portfolio and of her ability to influence and convince. This had impressed you and you were already looking forward to working with her, and then you saw her.

She was stunning; elegant and poised, she was more than comfortable in her skin. She dressed in tight-fitting skirt suits that sat perfectly against her hourglass figure. The fullness of her curves begged for attention and was rarely denied. The dip of her waist perfectly accentuated the roundness of her full cleavage and her pert behind.

Her full bosom seemed to be barely contained by the buttons of her blouse. On more than one occasion you had sat through long and boring meetings with her and her associates and had entertained yourself by willing those very buttons to give in and bust open, revealing the tantalising delights of her milky flesh held beneath them.

With long blonde hair and the most piercing of blue eyes, she is almost irresistible. She has a smouldering sex appeal that lures those around her toward her and she knew it. She perfects the look with glossed pouty lips, long lashes and impossibly high pumps that always match her suit. She is classy, sophisticated and sexy.

Yet, it wasn’t her looks that had got her to where she was, she worked hard to create the empire that she has, and in the world of business, she was strong, independent and fierce. In short, she was fierce, intelligent and hot as hell but as you’d soon learn, she was also such a pain in the ass.

Your lips curl into a devious smile as you finish that thought and shaking your head, you laugh at the conflicting elements of this blonde beauty. Often you would find your self seething at her as she sauntered around your office, rattling off demands and ill-conceived assumptions yet at the same time, you’d be fighting the urge to manhandle her, which often lead to you fighting off a rather large and fast approaching hard on. She really is a delicious frustration.

You pour yourself another measure of whiskey and just as you place the glass to your lips, you are suddenly distracted by an odd sound.

You immediately pause, glass still held against your bottom lip, and you listen, intently. The sound, although faint at first, grows louder and louder. The sound seems so familiar yet you struggle to work out what it is. And then it hits you. It’s the sound of high heels against the hard wooden floors of the hallway.

Puzzled and a little curious, you look down at your very nice, very expensive watch and see that it's almost 8 pm and you wonder who it could possibly be wondering through the office this late.

Deciding you had better get up and check it out, you push back from your desk and stand up. A move that would prove unnecessary because as you get to your feet, Cate appears in the doorway to your office.

“Ignoring my calls now are we, Jack?” she asks coyly as she leans against the frame of the doorway, crossing her arms over her chest. Her shiny glossed lips make a smacking sound as she pronounces the word ‘my’ and it grabs your attention and instantly you feel yourself begin to swell.

“Cate, it’s nearly 8 pm! What are you doing here?” you ask, avoiding her question but holding her powerful gaze. A silent standoff between two very successful and very confident professionals begins.

Looking into her eyes, you hold your ground. Every now and then you would deliberately challenge her, just to make sure she still knew that you had power of your own, that you too were strong, confident and aggressive. Sometimes she gave in to this little game easier than other times and tonight as you are about to see, is one of those nights.

She holds your gaze a little longer but her look isn’t one of defiance and aggression as it so often was, tonight it was something else. An almost demure look; playful and tempting. This had thrown you as she hadn’t played that card with you before and suddenly you become even more aware that she’s not just your client but she’s also a beautiful woman.

Cate reaches into her oversized designer handbag and pulls out a bottle of Glenfiddich Grand Cru. You instantly recognise the label sitting perfectly against the glass. The gold lettering that sat in stunning contrast to the navy blue label states that the single malt contained within is aged to near perfection, and at twenty-three years old, it was by far your preferred liquor. It seems she too has done her homework.

“I was calling to see if you were still here, Jack. I wanted to thank you for your efforts today and thought we could share this?” she asks, a hint of playfulness evident in the way she purrs at you. Her usual business demeanour has been abandoned and replaced with a look in her eye that smoulders and has intent written all over it.

You are taken aback by this approach and you are wary of her intentions. You had seen this beauty use many tactics to obtain what she wanted, from aggression to flirtatiousness and everything between.

Trying to gauge her you start to question what this is all about. Was this an act? A ploy? A game? Or was she genuine in her appreciation? Either way, you aren’t going to allow yourself to be vulnerable, you are not going to fall for her batting eyelashes and seductive looks. Deciding that you would keep the upper hand this time in your usual cat and mouse game, you respond with an air of dismissal, “I’ve finished for the day, Cate. No client calls after 8 pm.”

You return to your chair and sit down. Pushing your power play tactics further, you close the space between you both and placing your elbows on your desk you lean forward, still defiantly holding her gaze.

She stares back at you, a smile curling at the edge of her full lips and spreading across her gorgeous face. Stepping into your office, she walks slowly and purposefully toward you, one shapely, sheer covered leg after the other allowing her full hips to sway seductively.

“Client calls?” she repeats, mockingly. “Oh Jack, surely I’m not just some client to you, am I? I thought our relationship went far deeper than that?” she purrs again, emphasising each word as it leaves her mouth, her look of seduction and confidence only strengthening.

You notice that she’s unbuttoned one of the buttons of her blouse allowing you to just see the point at which her cleavage meets and the full swell of her breasts are seen. She approaches your desk and leaning forward she hands you the bottle of scotch, giving you full access to the view down her blouse. You are treated to the edges of a fine black lace that struggles to house her big, milky white breasts as well as a gentle hint of her perfume before she moves on.

Taking her coat off, and turning to hang it on the back of the chair in front of your desk, she stops and looks over her shoulder and instructs, “pour us both a drink, would you Jack?” the sultry look creeping back into her eyes.

You stare back at her, completely unsure of what’s going on. Whenever you have dealt with Cate she was short, sharp and direct. Robotic and driven, she barely showed her human side you’d often wondered whether she even had a soul at all. But, so it would seem, she does have a soul and right now; it was on fire.

You sat perfectly still, ensuring she knew that the only time that you jumped for her word was when it secured you as a partner within this business. Holding your stern gaze as she stood by the chair, she smiles at you coyly, letting you know that she is completely aware of your chess move tactics but also that she was happy to play along.

Letting go of her coat, she reaches up to her long blonde hair and pulls at the hair tie that was holding her hair in the neat bun allowing it to unravel. You watch as she makes something so common look so incredibly sexy. Her shirt rides up almost separating from the top of her tight, pencil cut skirt. Your eyes follow the sensual lines of her curvaceous body, her femininity suddenly so incredibly powerful.

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With a flick of her hair, her blonde locks fall perfectly around her face, framing her gorgeous features. A move so incredibly alluring that it mimicked a scene from all of those shampoo ads that plagued late-night television.

Still looking at you, she steps toward you and you’re suddenly very aware of her scent, a womanly mix of her pheromones and her shampoo and a touch of the same perfume that you discovered earlier.

She walks to the side of your desk and you gulp as you realise she’s coming around the desk to you. Stopping at the corner on your side of the desk, she reaches unnecessarily over you to grab the second crystal scotch glass and, unscrewing the lid of the Glen Fiddich, she pours the amber liquid into her glass, filling it halfway.

Taking a small sip from her glass she saunters right up next to you, blatantly invading your space. Deciding that you’d give her some room, you roll back in your chair, just a touch, and swivel to face her. Taking this as her invitation, she places her glass down and in a seamless move, hops up on to your desk. Her tight pert ass now sitting atop of last week’s staff meeting agenda.

She crosses her legs, left over right and you notice her skirt has crept up enough to reveal the lacy, intricate design of her thigh high stockings and the shiny bottom of a suspender clip peeking out.

Watching you, she notes your body language, your quickening pulse, your slight gasp of air, and the few seconds in which you were completely consumed by the sight of her lingerie. The same few seconds when the world around you disappeared and when there was nothing on this earth that was going to make you look away.

Your cock twitches inside your suit pants, even though you were willing it not to. Regardless of how annoying this woman is, she is incredibly seductive. Taking another drink from her glass, she smiles a devious smile at you as her little display had the exact effect that she had hoped it would.

Shifting the intensity in the air and breaking the silence, she says, “I secured a rather impressive deal this evening Jack, and I owe that to you. Thank you.” You hold her gaze over the rim of your scotch glass as she speaks and as you drain the last of the sweet liquid from within its walls.

“Congratulations Cate, there is certainly potential in that group. I look forward to working with you on it in the future,” you respond, your voice staying strong and determined. You are enjoying the power play that’s being fought out between you.

She pouts in response, clearly unimpressed at your unwillingness to play her sultry game and at your resistance to her seductions. Her pout creates lewd images in your mind as you imagine her perfect pout pressed against the head of your aching cock. This imagery pushes you too far and throwing caution to the wind you decide to play your hand in this sexually charged banter and throw her something that will entice her little performance further.

“You have me wondering Cate,” you begin to ask, her piercing blue eyes watching you intently as you speak. You lean forward in your chair, closing the rather small gap that she has left between you before continuing, your voice much lower and far more masculine than you normally come across. “Do you always get what you want?”

Seeing the passion ignite in her eyes you willingly hold her gaze, a devious smile now creeping into your approach, your professionalism melting away. Maintaining your intensity she pauses before responding, carefully considering her next move. A smirk forms at the edges of her lips and confidence washes over her once more. She leans forward again, putting her glass down and placing a hand on your desk for support as she reaches out and clasps your tie, gently wrapping it around her hand. Using the leverage that this expensive silk provides, she pulls you closer. Your lips are now only inches apart and so close, that you can feel her sweet breath brush gently against your moist lips.

She opens her mouth to speak but pauses for a moment to ensure she has your attention before uttering an almost breathless “yes” and pulls you the last of the way into her crushing her lips against yours in a passionate and needful embrace. You melt into her seduction immediately, all self-control and will power disappearing as you feel the softness of her full lips against yours. Instinctively, your hands find her body and with strong hands, you drag her across your desk so that she’s now sitting in front of you.

Moving between her legs, you kiss her hungrily. She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in closer against her. You can feel her full breasts against your firm chest and it sets your soul alight. Reaching up, you gently cup one of her breasts causing a breathless moan to escape her lips.

“Oh god Jack, yes!” her moans enticing you further and before you’ve considered your next move, you grab her blouse and tear it open, causing buttons to fly all over your office and expose her perfect breasts. She gasps in surprise and pulls back from your embrace to look you in the eye. She has a heightened need in her eyes and nothing that tells you that you should stop.

Eager to taste this beauty, you kiss your way down her cleavage, firmly cupping her full breasts as you do. She throws her head back in pure ecstasy and, holding the back of your head, directs you to her now pebbling nipples sitting just below that gorgeous lace you spotted earlier. Moving the offending material down, your warm lips find her widening flesh and you hungrily suck it into your mouth. Wanting more and more, you place her protruding lust between your teeth and ever so gently bite down, all whilst batting it with your tongue and making her squirm in pleasure. Your own lust now rock hard inside your suit pants, begging to be freed.

Standing up from your chair, you move toward her, settling between her thighs pressing hard against her. You can already feel the heat of her sex begging to be explored, the sheer thought of it making you throb harder. A throaty growl escapes your lips as desire consumes you, her hand now finding their way down your exquisite body, with one hand now resting firmly against your throbbing cock.

“Mmm,” she purrs, clearly impressed with her findings as she moves her hand up and down teasing your steel-like shaft. Her kiss is one of need, of unrelenting hunger as she wraps her leg around your hip and pulls you in tighter against her. Her hands quickly find your belt, ripping it from your belt loops and without breaking the kiss for even a second she expertly unzips and unbuckles your pants, pushing them to the floor, taking your boxers with them. In the same time, you’ve loosened off your tie and removed your shirt, desperate to feel her body against yours.

In a well-executed move, she pulls you down on top of her leveraging the hold she has upon your hip. Placing a soft hand behind her head, you gently guide her back laying her down on top your desk. A chivalrous and tender move and an insight to the gentleman, hidden beneath the beast.

Leaving her lips but with the promise of more, you run your hands down her body as she lays vulnerable before you. You trace the curves of her impressive swirl as she arches her back, eager for more of your touch. The intensity of this coupling almost too much to bear, she can only just hold on to reality as she feels you strong and firm between her thighs, your masculinity seducing her beyond measure.

Her beauty is astounding, you take a moment to appreciate the form writhing in front of you, her short skirt now riding well up her thighs, those delicious sheers now on complete display. Your hands soon trace the intricate lace and her body quivers in anticipation. You find the shiny clasp of wonder at the top of her thigh and you ache to know where it leads.

Grasping the gathered materials of her skirt, you start easing it down her curvaceous form. Side by side you edge the material down her body stopping only to kiss, suck and caress her soft, delicate skin as you uncover it. She lifts her pert little ass off of your desk for a moment allowing you to pull the offending material out from beneath her and revealing her sexiest of secrets.

Stepping back, you run your hands down her toned legs, bringing them together as you slide the skirt off of them, being sure to leave her heels on. She sits up and removes the tattered remnants of her shirt, leaving her wearing nothing but her matching lace.

Looking back at her as you throw the skirt across your office, you gasp as you see her lingerie set complete. Black and cobalt blue lace holds her delicious breasts and matches perfectly with the like coloured suspender belt that sits a little above her hips, clipped to those impressive thigh highs. And....

Well, that’s all she wore, not a single thread covered her smooth, sleek womanhood. An intense discovery that drives you wild and just when you thought she couldn’t possibly turn you on more!

Your eyes wander her incredible body and taking her all in, your need intensifies for this elegant, sultry beauty. She is all things lustful and you can’t wait for a second longer to have her.

Running strong hands up and down her thighs, you delight in the way her skin feels to your touch, the elegant and soft lace contrasting against her supple skin. Each stroke you take moves achingly close to her desire, making her squirm each time you do. You know you’re driving her insane, heightening her pleasure and building her need, as your hands running everywhere but where she aches for them to go.

“Oh please Jack, I want you!” she moans, her leg wrapping firmly around you, pulling you into her. Not needing to tease her anymore, you grab her by the hips and hastily pull her against you. Her warmth presses against your own as you stand there with your desire for her consuming your entire body. You push your hips forward the smallest amount and the tip of your rock hard cock gently nudges against the heat of her sex. Her desire is slick and wet against you. With the complete absence of any underwear, you can instantly feel just how wet you are making her. Her smooth sex emphasising this fact as she aches to feel you slide deep within her.

Another throaty growl symbolic, of your appreciation, escapes your lips as you push against her, parting her and feeling your hard cock slipping into her heat. She moans long and loud as you push past her initial resistance, her lust gushing around your gorgeous full cock. Gently you push further, allowing her the time to widen to you, a grace she most certainly needed. Your masculine hands find her slender hips and using them to hold her down you push all the way into her, your throbbing cock hitting her g-spot as she takes you to the hilt.

“Fuuuuuck,” you moan deeply, an animalistic lust consuming your every desire suddenly making you ravenous.

Breathless moans fill the air as you move with precision, delighting in how you are able to make her writhe and gasp beneath you as your hips thunder in controlled thrusts. Taking long and slow movements, you feel her slick hot lust building, the intensity of the moment following suit. This strong, capable, poised businesswoman that you know is completely gone and in her place, you have this wild temptress. Someone who is sure of what she wants and exactly how to get it. The thought of this beauty taking on both personas excites you more and you pick up the pace, much to her delight.

You feel her tight heat wrapped around you as you slide out of her, pulling out to your very tip before sliding back to where she needs you the most, to where she craves you to be. Leaning forward to grasp her ample tits, you squeeze them firmly as you move in and out of her, your pace quickening as each moan escapes her lips.

The sound of your sex fills your corner office as you drive hard and fast into her. You lean over her to kiss her once more, your hungry lips finding hers which eagerly await your return. With lips parted, her tongue caresses yours and you kiss passionately, needfully and driven by the heights of desire.

You can feel her body pulsing against you, a delicious orgasm steadily building deep within. You straighten back up as you thrust harder into her and she watches you intently. Your firm chest and strong shoulders work in perfect synchronicity with the rest of your body as you thrust forward, filling her with your impressive cock. Biting her bottom lip she looks you deep in the eye and watches in awe as you expertly fuck her. You’ve seen this look before, in fact, she’s always looked at you this way with that smouldering look in her eye. However, you’ve always thought it was her way of analysing you, checking your knowledge or professionalism, but as it turns out, that look is one of lust and of hidden desires.

Wrapping your strong arms around her you pull her up and against you, almost pulling her ass off the edge of your desk as you do. Her full tits bounce as she rides you hard and fast and leaning back a touch she presents herself to you on your desk allowing you to drive hard up into her. Little beads of sweat start to form on your chest as you work your magnificent body to pleasure hers.

With a skilled approach, you move your hand down to her swollen and aching clit, placing your finger against it. Firmly and at the same pace as your thrusts, you circle her need pressing hard against her, heightening her already intense pleasures.

Breathless and lost in rapture, she moans. Her pleasure audible, you know that you’re pushing her closer and closer to tumbling over that sweet and luscious edge into pure ecstasy. She grabs desperately at her own body, finding her thick, tight nipples and pulling on them as she massages her flesh.

You thrust hard and deep into her tight little body, her orgasm begging to be released as you fuck her, your orgasm threatening to explode as you feel the amazing pressure build.

“Oh god, yes!!” she screams, her voice echoing through the deserted office and pushing you dangerously close to your own zenith.

Watching the pleasure take over her body as she tumbles haphazardly over the edge, her body shakes and her breath is ragged, and you want nothing more than to see and feel pure ecstasy wash through her. Her entire body spasms with the intensity of her climax and she tenses and pulses around your full, hard cock, milking your orgasm from you.

A deepened version of your voice booms back at her telling her that she’s going to make you cum. You feel her body spasming and tightening around you, your confession pushing her over the edge and with a long, lust-driven shriek she hits the heights of a mind-blowing orgasm and climaxes with a force previously unknown, gushing her lust all over your cock, and your desk.

“Oh fuck Cate, fuck!” you boom, as sweat beads down your chest and you slam deep and hard into her writing body. You feel yourself tighten as your own pleasure begins to rush and it takes control of your senses, your mind, your entire body. Your heart thunders in your chest and only moments after her, you cry out in your own ecstasy as you too tumble over the jagged edge and explode deep within the velvety walls of this temptress.

Holding her against you, your cock twitches and throbs within her and you place your lips against hers, kissing her softly. You can hear your heart pounding in your chest, your legs are weak and a deep sense of relaxation and euphoria quickly spreads throughout your body.

You catch her eye, as you both pant and catch your breath, and for just a second, the magnitude of what just happens seems almost comical and you both giggle, easing the situation away from awkward. You smile that gorgeous smile

of yours at her and you see her melt in to it, her post orgasmic glow now radiant and obvious in her flushed cheeks. You lean in to kiss her once more, her lips smooth and soft against yours and as you lose yourself in the embrace you smile wondering whether any of this counts towards your partnership and your goal of ‘keeping her happy’, perhaps you should look in to that tomorrow.

Written by Tell_a_little_tale
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