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Spreadsheet Olivia - The Admin Assistant

"The new admin assistant was a knockout and I was not going to be denied."

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She was sitting at her workstation, looking oh, so sexy and nice. Her name was Olivia and she was the picture of loveliness, with her long jet-black hair that hung almost to the middle of her lower back, and that was pinned up. She had a dark skin tone, but not too dark, just a lighter shade than most, which indicated she was of a mixed race.

She sported a short mini skirt with a side slit that allowed her to show off her long and slender legs and upper thigh. Her shirt was a button-down type with the top two buttons casually unfastened, allowing for a glimpse of her cleavage, which was very easily accentuated since her shirt was probably a size too small and fit very snugly. Whenever she would shift in her seat, the openings between buttons made it painfully obvious that she had assets that would cause any guy to salivate. She didn’t have on pantyhose and sported some very sexy looking six-inch black stiletto pumps.

I watched from my office as she made her way to the office copy machine and the back to her desk. My, oh my! She was what some of the office guys referred to as “easy on the eyes.”

Olivia was new to her job as an office assistant. I quickly scanned her hand for a wedding band and not seeing one, I decided to try and make a play. We had already been introduced to each other, but only casually so by our human resources manager on the day Olivia was hired, just a few days prior.

“Hey,” I casually greeted her as I walked by her workstation.

“Hey,” Olivia responded back, looking in my direction as I walked by her workstation. She batted her oval eyes, as she smiled at me.

“I forgot your name,” she said softly.

“Sam,” I replied. “Sam Johnson.”

“Tell me again what you do,” she said.

“I am the sales manager,” I replied.

“Oh yeah,” she replied. “I remember you now.”

I wanted to ask out to lunch, but her stark beauty distracted me so much so, that I lost every decent thought possible.

“We’re going to have chat,” I said. The words simply fell out of my mouth, before I knew what was going on.

“Sure,” she replied, waving back an errant strand of her long black hair.

“Just tell me when,” she added, proffering a very pronounced wink in my direction.

I sauntered off to the break room and quickly dumped three glasses of water down my throat. This girl was captivating.

As I sauntered back to my office, she looked up at me from behind her computer screen.

I proffered a wink back at her and smiled.

“Let me get caught up on a few things,” I said as I walked past her, adding, “Can you give me a couple of hours?”

“Sure, Mr. Johnson,” she replied.

“You can simply call me ‘Sam’, I shot back. “There’s no need to be formal with me.”

She smiled and nodded her head, as I disappeared back into my office. I had two executive sales summary reports to complete and set about to data dump our individual sales dates by product line on to a computer spreadsheet. I added the summary feature, but when things didn’t add up, I let out an angry epithet.

Olivia appeared in my office doorway.

“Is everything OK?” she asked.

“I hate these freaking spreadsheets,” I angrily remarked.

“Is there something I can do to help?” Olivia asked.

I appreciated her offer to help, but I didn’t really have the time to try and explain the complexities of what I was trying to accomplish. I had a self-imposed deadline and I was bumping up against the timeline to get things accomplished.

“I’ve got spreadsheet experience,” Olivia proffered from the doorway. “Just show me what you want done and I can do it for you.”

“I am trying to graph out sales figures by product line,” I said. “I put in the formula, but the graphing isn’t happening.”

Olivia made her way into my office and around the side of my desk. She leaned forward, placing her hands on my desk, to peer at the computer screen. The light aroma of her perfume was tantalizingly sweet. She studied my computer screen as I studied the opening gap of her button-down shirt, looking straight at her breasts tucked neatly away in her white lace brassiere.

She placed her hand on my mouse, and I watched as she highlighted a square on the spreadsheet and then she asked me to type in a formula. I typed what she instructed and then she clicked on the mouse. A graph magically appeared on top of my spreadsheet.

“Damn,” I exclaimed staring at the computer screen. “How did you do that?”

“I have magic fingers,” she replied, cocking her head sideways and looking straight at me.

I damn near melted at that point.

“Well,” I said in reply, “I think I like your magic fingers.”

Olivia stood up straight and smiled. She had an air of confidence I hadn’t seen in a lot of administrative assistants. She stuck a lone finger into the gap of her shirt and rested it in place, pulling down on her shirt.

“If there is anything else, I can help you with,” she said, using a very soft and suggestive intonation, while looking down at me, “Just let me know.”

“Nothing comes to mind right off the bat,” I said,” But it's nice to know you have special skills.”

Olivia smiled, proffered yet another wink at me and then she silently sauntered back to my office door, glancing back at me over her shoulder in my direction as she reached the threshold.

“Just holler if you need me,” she said. “I’ll be right out here.”

I was both impressed and smitten. The closeness with which Olivia had placed herself next to me was intoxicating. And, then, there were her winks. She was obviously sending off good vibes. I decided to throw caution to the wind and see where I stood with her. I was aware of the sexual harassment policies of the company. I knew I was risking the loss of my job if I was wrong, but to me, the risk of becoming very lucky outweighed the risks associated with getting it wrong.

I buzzed Olivia’s phone extension.

“Yes, Mr. Johnson,” she answered.

“Sam,” I replied.

“I’m sorry,” Olivia shot back. “It's just that I am new at this.”

“That’s fine,” I said.

“Thanks for the help on the spreadsheet,” I replied.

“No problem,” she replied.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” I asked.

“Sure,” Olivia replied.

“I didn’t see a ring on your hand. Are you married?” I asked.

“Nope, not married,” Olivia replied, “and no, I don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.”

I chuckled.

“That’s nice to know,” I noted. “Am I safe in asking if you want to share a drink with me after work?”

“Sure,” Olivia. “But I haven’t gotten my first paycheck, so I’m a little light on cash.”

“It’s on me,” I said. “My way of saying ‘thanks.’”

“Sure,” Olivia replied.

I was ecstatic and a little cautious at the same time. As it got closer to five, I raised my voice and asked out loud,

“Are you ready?”

Olivia quickly replied, “Let me make the ladies room.”

I waited at my desk, looking through emails and trying to not think about how lucky I was and hoped to be.

Olivia reappeared in the threshold to my office door. She had her purse strung lazily over her shoulder as she looked in my direction and pronounced herself ready to go.

“Do you want to follow me in your car or ride with me?” I asked.

“Can I ride with you?” she asked.

“Sure,” I happily replied as I approached where she stood in my office doorway. She followed me to the elevator that led to the first floor and then we headed out to my car, which was parking in the parking garage.

I have a two-seater Mazda Miata sports car and Olivia immediately fell in love with it, as I opened the passenger side door.

“Wow!” she exclaimed as she settled into the leather seats.

“It’s a couple of years old,” I said, setting into the driver’s seat and pushing the button to raise the convertible roof, allowing it to self-fold into the storage compartment behind the seats. I backed out of the parking space and pushed the radio button.

“You’ve got a right to party!” blared from the radio speakers. Olivia nodded her head to the hard rock beat of the radio tune as I steered out of the parking garage and down the roadway by our offices. The wind caught Olivia long hair and she struggled to hold it in place.

I rolled up the windows, which seemed to help a little bit.

“What’s your favorite drink?” I asked.

Without any hesitation, she responded, “Sex on the beach.”

I damn neared wrecked at that point.

I laughed.

“Is that an offer or a drink,” I quickly responded.

“That’s up to you to decide,” Olivia shot back.

“Too bad we don’t have a beach around here,” I replied.

“Well,” Olivia replied, proffering a very pronounced wink and a smile, “There’s always the pool, the patio or the park.”

“We just met,” I said. “Maybe we should try the drink first then see how things go.”

“OK,” Olivia replied, “But I have to warn you. I have a tendency to become a little uninhibited when I drink.”

“Does that mean you lose any clothing?” I asked.

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“Sometimes,” Olivia replied, “That and any resemblance of dignity and self-control, but I’ll try to and keep things under control.”

“Don’t hold back on the account of me,” I replied.

Olivia smiled and bit down on her lower lip.

“You’re single?” she asked.

“Hopelessly so,” I replied.

“Well,” Olivia replied straightforwardly, “Tonight you’re not single, so I’ll ask that you keep your eyes and hands to one person only.”

“No problem,” I dutifully replied, stretching my hand across the center divider between us and on to her thigh. Olivia grabbed my hand and squeezed it in hers.

“Do we have to do the bar thing?” Olivia asked after a moment.

“No,” I replied. “Do you want to grab a bite to eat?

She made a duck-like face, thinking about her choices, I am sure.

“What about pizza?” Olivia asked.

“Pizza sounds good,” I replied. “Where do you want to go?”

Olivia stayed quiet for a few more seconds. I looked in her direction and then she looked back at me, smiling.

“Where to?” I asked.

“How about your place?” Olivia asked.

Her boldness surprised me.

“It's not clean,” I said. “Can we not do a restaurant?”

Olivia was undeterred.

“I’m not a pizza restaurant-type,” She replied. “I like to eat my pizza lying in bed or watching television, or both.”

Fear ran through me at that point. I had a sink full of dirty dishes, laundry piled in a corner and I hadn’t freshened up the bachelor pad since the Saturday night binge drinking poker party with five of my old college buddies and some of the sales staff team from work.

“My place is a wreck,” I argued.

“I’m not going to check out your place,” Olivia shot back, pushing my hand slightly upwards on her bare thigh, and past the raised hemline of her miniskirt.


“OK,” I said, acquiescing to the obviousness. I yanked on the steering wheel, sending us into a G-force one type of turn to head to my apartment, slamming Olivia against the passenger door.

“Whoa!” Olivia called out as I stomped on the gas pedal, launching us into a faster speed down the tree-lined boulevard.

“You’ve got a right to party!” blared from the car’s radio speakers.

I steered into the parking lot and pushed the button to secure the roof of the Miata as Olivia marveled at the way the roof encircled us.

“I love it,” Olivia declared, reaching across the center divider and grabbing my hand as the roof clicked into place.

I unfolded myself from the confines of the Miata as Olivia waited for me to open her side of the car. As she stepped out, I offered her my hand and assistance. It was at this point that she looked up at me and said, “I didn’t realize until now how tall you are.”

I hadn’t taken string notice of her height, but it was obviously inflated by her heels.

“Don’t worry,” I said, slipping my hand around her waist and pulling her in closer to where I stood in front of her. “When we are perpendicular, height really doesn’t really matter.”

She smiled as she looked up at me and proffered another very pronounced wink. I slipped my hand up to her chin and leaned down to press my lips to hers.

The kiss was a soft one, on the lips, and then I withdrew long enough to try and gauge her reaction.

“You can’t kiss me like that,” she said looking up at me. “You can do better.”

I pushed my lips on to hers and inserted my tongue into her mouth. She met the passion of my kiss with her very own passion, stealing my breath as her wicked tongue probed the inside of my soul. Oh my goodness!

We eventually made into my apartment after an indeterminable time groping and kissing each other in the parking lot. Olivia was on fire. I couldn’t believe how quickly things had escalated.

As we walked to my apartment, I again apologized in advance for the mess she was about to encounter.

“Don’t worry,” she replied. “You’re not the first single guy I have ever dated.”

“No,” I replied, “This is a horrible mess and I am ashamed.”

To say Olivia was surprised when she stepped into my apartment is an understatement. I quickly grabbed several beer cans and tossed them into the sink as she searched for a place to sit on the couch. She found a safe spot between two poles of clothes that I had unceremoniously dumped on the couch.

“I warned you,” I said as she surveyed my mess.

“Yes, you did,” Olivia replied, shaking her head back and forth.

I grabbed an arm full of the clothes that lay on the couch beside her, but I wasn’t able to lift the load off the couch because Olivia grabbed my arm.

“You can take care of that later,” she said, as she held on to my arm. “Right now, I need you to take care of me.”

Olivia began to unbutton her blouse as I sat on the edge of the couch, pushing my pile of clothes to the side. She stripped out of her blouse and unfastened her bra, holding it in place with one hand while sliding the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and down her arms.

She looked at me and smiled, then dropped her hand, allowing her all-natural 36 d cup boobs to come into full view. Her nipples were erect and strong, and centered on light-colored areolas, perching on top of her perfect set of globes. She rubbed her hands over her tits and asked if they looked OK.

“Oh yes,” I gleefully declared. She then arched her back, and unzipped her miniskirt, pushing it down her golden and well-tanned stockingless legs, and then past her ankles and stiletto heels. Her small thong barely covered her pubes and it clung to her body, outlining her pussy.

“Am I going to be the only one getting naked?” she asked as I sat beside her on the couch. I extended my hand in her direction and pulled her on top of me as I fell backwards on to the pile of laundry on the couch. She was all over me in a millisecond.

My shirt soon joined the pile of clothes and I toe-to-heel kicked off my shoes. She stood up in front of me and stripped me of my socks and my pants. There was no way to hide the tent that had formed in my boxer shorts. She placed her hand on my crotch, feeling my erection through the cottony fabric of my underwear.

“On boy!” she exclaimed gleefully as she felt the stiffness or my tool. I stood up and again extended my hand, which she willingly accepted. I lead her into my bedroom and on to my bed. I helped her out of her thong. She spread her legs, welcoming my advances and the kisses I planted on her abdomen. pushing downward with her hands, moaning in ecstasy as I planted my face straight into her crotch.

I pushed my tongue across her hooded labia and clit, then worked my fingers across it as well, alternating between my tongue and my fingers, driving her into an excited state of uncontrollable desires. I slid my fingers along the outer bands of her pussy, which were already engorged and swollen with excitement. I pushed my finger into her pussy and then quickly withdrew it, running it across her clit. She shuddered and shook as the first wave of an orgasm ricked her tiny and svelte body.

I continued to orally stimulate her, which she seemed to immensely enjoy. I lost track of her orgasms. We worked ourselves into a sixty-nine position and I was pleasantly surprised at how well she adapted to given a great oral stimulation while on the receiving end of the same.

Then, when it came to time get down to some serious connecting, Olivia didn’t disappoint. I had always wondered what it would be like to look into the eyes of a supermodel while watching her orgasm. Olivia didn’t disappoint in the least bit and when it came to my turn to return the pleasure, she jumped onto all fours and asked me to take her into heaven from behind. I was more than happy to oblige and as I dumped my load deep into her, she collapsed forward, her head buried into the folds of her arms, taking in everything I had to offer.

We lay in my bed for the longest time, she curled up next to me and purring softly like a cat.

“It’s amazing,” she said softly, “I can still feel you inside of me.”

“Maybe,” I replied, “That’s by design.”

“Whatever it is,” Olivia said, “I don’t really care. All I know is that if you ever need a spreadsheet fixed again, you best have your other sheets ready for me. I think I could get used to this.”

Olivia spent the night with me, and we fucked a couple more times. About six in the morning, she rolled over and exclaimed, “Oh my God!”

I sat straight up in bed.

“What?” I asked in stark surprise, having been awakened by her exclamation.

“I’m going to be late for work!”

I chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, pulling the cover-up around herself.

“You just spent the night with your boss, and you’re worried about being late to work?”

“So, you’re my boss?” she asked.

“You are now,” I replied. “So, don’t worry. I’ve got your absence covered.”

Olivia snuggled up closer to where I lay and whispered,

“So, can I ask the boss a question?”

“Sure,” I replied.

“Can I get a raise?”

I chuckled again.

“I don’t control salaries,” I said, “But I’ll put in a good word for you.”

Olivia slipped her hand on to my cock and gave it a light squeeze.

“I’ll make it worth your while,” she replied, as she fondled my family jewels and planted a light kiss on my chest.

I was hopelessly drawn into Olivia’s world – which, as I would soon learn, would be much more than a single romp in the sack. Olivia was an untamed tiger and she had friends who would more than satisfy any guy, anytime, anywhere. And the best part? Olivia always had to be in the middle of things. And, on top of that, she knew how to formulate spreadsheets.

Written by CommunicationDirectr
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