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Sleeping With The Boss

"An opportune snowfall allows the boss to take advantage of her employee"

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Author's Notes

"This a true story from a time over fifty years ago - things really were more than a little different then."

Back when this event happened, I was in my early twenties and working for a now-defunct company in the north of England. 

That the tale came back to mind is the fault, if there is such a thing, of Facebook. A mutual friend, from the same time, told me the lady in the tale had passed. Not a surprise in some ways as she was about ten years older than I was. It’s still a tale worth recalling, even if subsequently, writers of erotica have tended to make the whole idea rather clichéd.

So back we go. I was a fairly junior employee in pecking order terms, but was useful to the company as I had skills in, what was then a very new area, Computing. I was actually a machine code programmer and reasonably good at what I did. Working for a fairly small section, we programmed the early CAD machines that were eventually used to manufacture the patterns for the clothing we produced. In those days it could and often was not a little tedious and rather long-winded - but it worked.

Our boss, Lucy, was, shall we say, different. Now we would simply call her a lesbian, but back then that was a rather derogatory term and not used. We just knew she hated men, although she did, of course, put up with us as we were fairly essential to the working of the company.

So we got on, did what was wanted and got paid at the end of the week.

Being fairly junior I was uncertain as to why I might have been invited to the head of the department’s office. You know the feeling, ‘Hey ho! Nice while it lasted - I’m off to find another job…’

Entering the office, Lucy, my section head and the lady ‘who hated men’ was seated off to one side with just the manager, who was actually stood in front of and leaning against the front of his desk. ‘Hmm. Not a dismissal then..?’

“Good morning Sven. Lucy tells me you’re doing very well just now.”

My only thought, apart from surprise at this comment, was the smarmy git wants something.

Mr Granger went on, “There’s a short conference at which some new technology is being demonstrated, and we both think that you have the expertise to decide whether it would be of use to us. It’s quite expensive but may well be able to allow us to streamline and save time on some of the processes we currently use. It’s only one day and I want you and Lucy to go, have look and then report back to me and some of the other Board members. 

He continued, "It’ll be a long day, this Friday, and you probably won’t be back ’til quite late, but you’ll have Saturday and Sunday to get over things. I’ll leave you and Lucy to make the arrangements.”

He turned and went back behind his desk, sat down and It was obvious I was expected to leave. As I thanked him and was leaving, Lucy said that she’d catch up with me a little later.


It was probably an hour or so later when Lucy came into my office - don’t get any ideas, room for a desk, my chair and another on the other side - the window looked out on an inner courtyard - not big or inspiring in any way.

She perched on the corner of my desk. 

“Sven, you can drive can’t you?” I nodded and she carried on, “Rather than go by train Frank has allowed us to use his car.” Frank was ‘Mr Granger’,  so Lucy was obviously a lot further up the tree than me! “As I haven’t passed my test yet, Frank will give you the keys on Thursday evening. The plan is that you take it home and then pick me up about half-past five on Friday morning. I know it’s an ungodly hour but that’ll just about give is time to get there before things start.”

I asked when things ‘kicked off’ and was told a meet up for coffee at nine-thirty with a ten o'clock start. Now bear in mind that this was fifty plus odd years ago, the cars were not like today and the roads over the hills and to the east coast were less than impressive. Four hours was going to be tight to make.


Five-twenty five the next, cold, grey, still dark autumn morning saw me drawing up quietly outside the house where Lucy lived. She was waiting, came out and climbed in. As we set off I was grateful to notice the map book in her hand. 

An hour later a transport ‘greasy spoon’ stop got us a couple of bacon sandwiches which we ate as we drove. Otherwise, conversation with Lucy was intermittent and functional as she gave me directions. ‘Chatting’ didn’t happen - remember, this was Lucy, ‘the man-hater’. It was going to be a fun day.

We got there just in time to grab a pretty grim coffee and join the others in a small classroom. Actually, the day was interesting for me, did I mention I was a ‘geek’? And it became obvious that if we didn’t purchase the machine and our competitors did, such were the advances, we’d be out of business in six months. And I could program it easily. Useful for both me and the company.

The day wound up at nearly six in the evening. Lucy told me she had a company expense card for us and that we should have a pub meal on the way home. She also knew a pub up in the hills that served reasonable food.

Reaching it a couple of hours later, we parked and started across the car park. In the cold east wind, we could both feel the snow in the air. I hesitated and asked if we might not be better pressing on. Lucy said no,  she was hungry, the firm was paying the bill, "let's eat." So we did.


About half an hour later, Lucy, looked over my shoulder. I had my back to the window and she suddenly went, “Damn! Look at that…”

I turned and looked at what had caught her attention - we could no longer see the other side of the courtyard in the blizzard that was now occupying our attention. 

Lucy said, "wait a moment," and shot off to the bar. She came back a few minutes later.

“Well - that was fortunate I got the last room - just pipped someone else at the post. When you look out there’s almost a foot of snow already - we won’t be going anywhere tonight.”

I got up to look out and had to agree. “Just as well you had that card.”

“Yes,” she replied, “however, there is one problem we’ll have to overcome - the last room has a double and a single only with a basic en-suite.” This was the sixties don’t forget. En-suites in England back then were a tad like hen’s teeth… 

I laughed and just said, “I won’t peek if you don’t,” rather looking forward to how we would manage tonight. 

Lucy went all serious. “If you’re off having fun and thinking of telling anyone - you can join that other bloke on the settee in front of the fire…”

So, of course, I promised. We also decided that as I wasn’t now going to be driving, I could have a drink - so we bought a bottle of wine. I have to say that Lucy drank most of it, but I certainly had enough to give me a little bit of a buzz.

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I think Lucy felt she couldn’t put the inevitable off any longer, so when we finished our drinks we went upstairs. No luggage, so no nightclothes, nothing!

There turned out to be two beds in the room - a smallish single and a not over large double. Lucy said that as she was smaller than me she would take the single and I could have the double. We also both noted that there wasn’t a lot of heating in the room, I assume the landlord hadn’t been expecting guests so nothing was turned on - we both shivered a bit.

Lucy then looked me straight in the eye, “My underwear is no worse than  a swimming costume as I assume your shorts are - so I let's just undress that far - and then use the bathroom.”

Which is what we did - and ‘yes’ I did peek and was more than pleasantly surprised to find that under the nondescript, ‘mumsy’ clothes Lucy was actually quite attractive. Watching her very pleasing rearview and groaning inwardly, I tried to do awkward sums in my head to distract me. It only partially worked. 

This might be a long and difficult night.

She came out and without a glance at me, peeled her covers back and got into the bed. The comment, "Hellfire that’s cold," didn’t do a lot for either of us. A quick pee and a wash and I was back and climbing into the larger bed. I was tired, put the light out, put my head on the pillow and went to sleep.



Rather later, haven’t a clue what time I woke up with Lucy snuggling into my back. “Sorry, Sven, I’m bloody frozen underneath the window - we’ll share the bed and some warmth.” 

My dick, way, way ahead of me, went from ‘off-duty’ to ‘ready’ in a little over a nano-second. Young men, only just no longer teenagers, have that ability. 

We dozed and at some point, we both turned over and I was now behind Lucy. Both almost asleep, up to the point when she realised my very hard cock was nestling under her bum and my hands were more or less round her waist and not at all far from her rather nice breasts. 

It didn't help that when half asleep I kissed her neck. Lucy went sort of, "What?" turned to face me, realised that a very hard and pointy penis was now burrowing between her legs. The comment changed to, "Oh shit - that’s nice," as she kissed me. On the lips. Hard. Then again, with a smidgen of tongue added.

Her bra was pushed up and no longer doing its job - don’t look at me like that - I didn’t do it, it just happened. I suckled gently on a nipple and she moved her hands down to my bum and pulled me against her. 

“Jeez, Sven! Who’s a big boy then?" Followed by, "wait a moment." Lucy got out of bed, and I saw her in the half-light from the window, of the falling snow as she went to the other bed, rummaged in her purse for something and came back to me. Before she got back in I saw her discard her bra, which was not doing much anyway and then her pants. 

I could see the dark shadow between her legs but I don’t think I could have got any harder if I tried. She got in, grabbed my shorts and said, "You as well." 

The next thing is I’m being covered by a condom. Wow! I had not planned for this - but Lucy obviously had. Now fully in charge, she rolled me onto my back and then moved astride me. We both groaned as a very wet and ready Lucy let me pierce and then slowly and gently skewer her - right home. 

One long breathtaking slide.

Followed by a pause as we both got used to the sensations of what was now happening. Lucy leaned forward dangling her breasts in my face for me to suckle on as she started to move and fuck me. 

That first time I lasted about thirty seconds if that - but I needn't have worried because Lucy was about two seconds after me. Back arched and rigid as she tried to get the tip of my penis into the back of her throat from the wrong end. 

I’d only made love, no, being honest, just fucked, two other girls before - but this was in a different league. Lucy lifted off me - carefully retrieved the now full condom and in a very practised manner tied it off and dropped it beside the bed. She also reached for a towel that I hadn’t noticed before and cleaned me off. ‘Me’ having not gone down at that stage.

“Mmmm - I’d forgotten the staying power of young lovers,” Was all she said.


We made love three times that night before I went down and she really couldn’t raise the dead. So we slept.

When I woke the next morning it was to the smiling face of a lady who was still wrapped around me and cuddling in my arms. I knew then that those who had said it was the best way to wake up were right. The ‘quicky’ that followed and got rid of my morning ‘wood’ confirmed the pleasures of that wake-up.

We had breakfast as the overnight snow had turned to rain and was quickly melting. 

Lucy paid our bill and having no luggage, we wandered out to the car and started, at a much slower pace the journey back over the mountain pass and home. We were both quiet and I have no doubt that Lucy, like me, was thinking of the way we had spent the night. 

Lucy eventually said, “You’ll be wondering about my ‘reputation as a ‘man-hater’ and lover of my own sex?”

All I could say was, "Yes."

Lucy looked at me as I drove and then waited as I pulled up into a handy viewpoint and safe place to stop.

Now we could look properly at each other and she took and held my hand. “Well in a way there is some truth in the rumours and it's convenient to let people think of me that way,” She said. “I do like the odd time with a girlfriend, but not actually to the exclusion of men. I am just very, very picky about who, and when. I have always liked you. You’re one of the few non-judgemental blokes in the factory and also content to work for a female boss.”

As I started to say something, she squeezed the hand she was holding to stop me. “No wait until I’ve finished - I’ve wanted to take you to bed for some time, so I’ve kept some ‘supplies’ in my handbag just in case. Last night was too good to be true, and even though we started out in different beds I had no intention of not getting into bed with you at some stage. You being tired and falling asleep so quickly was in my scheme - I was expecting to have to discourage you and then give in reluctantly.”

Lucy Laughed - and continued, “You've gone all red.” Then pulled me towards her and kissed me more than a little passionately.

Then she said, “Come on, we'd best get on home. We’ve still got a way to go.”


As my apartment was a little more discreet than Lucy’s, we just called into hers briefly. She picked up some fresh clothes and then spent the rest of the weekend with me. 

After all, we were both expected to turn up for work in Frank’s car come Monday - why waste the opportunity…?


Sven the Elder©

Written by SventheElder
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