From my point of view, nothing had changed.
I mean, even if I am a smart-ass, I've always been a nice guy. So when I left work one night, and Angie from the Parts Department had a flat tire, I didn't think twice about offering to help. No, she isn't some hot, young woman that I was trying to impress. She and I are both in our late forties. Sure, it was cold out, and the snow was going to make it tricky to place her jack, but I wasn't going to leave her to do it herself.
Besides, I knew there was a floor jack and a t-handle in the Maintenance Department, and I had no qualms about borrowing them.
It didn't take me ten minutes to put the spare on for her. She even had a full-sized spare, so she was going to be safe driving home. She went on her way, and as far as I was concerned, that was that.
I had all but forgotten about it when our Shop Floor manager, Nancy, came to my office and threatened me.
If ever there were a Work Mother, Nancy is one. Even though she is in her thirties and most of the shop guys are older, she manages them with a perfect blend of discipline and reward to get things done. Her strong character allows her to mother over the rest of us, sometimes even beyond work responsibilities.
No one else was around when she stepped into my cubicle and glared at me. She waited for me to finish what I was doing, so I hurried.
"What's up?" I turned and asked.
She continued to glare. "I've never had to talk to you about your extra-curricular activities," she said in a menacing tone. "You had better think twice if you think we will tolerate anything like that here."
She somehow managed to not stomp her foot, but she angrily turned and walked away before I could say anything.
I had no idea what she was talking about.
Well, that's not true. I mean, I knew what she was talking about, but I didn't see the relevance.
It was not a secret that my wife and I are swingers, and that we allow each other the freedom to explore. For some guys, that might be a license to kill. I'm a nice guy, and I always have been. There are places and situations where exploring that freedom makes sense. There are places where it might be questionable. There are places where it would just be stupid.
When I travel, I would never hit on a hotel clerk, or a waitress, but women wearing red dresses at the bar are open game. I would never flirt or even be suggestive at the gym, but if one of the women there asks to meet somewhere afterwards, I would agree. I would never flirt with anyone from work and I never have. I am fairly certain I would find an excuse not to meet with any of the women from work, even if they asked. That's not a problem that has ever come up.
It had been a couple of weeks since I had helped Angie with her car, and I couldn't think of any other interactions that I might have had that would have set Nancy off. I knew I hadn't done anything, so I let it go.
That night, I discussed the whole thing with my wife. She usually has pretty good insights that help us steer clear of trouble. She was as puzzled as I was.
Even more puzzling for me was that things at work were just as normal as can be. In addition to my other responsibilities as Chief Engineer, I interact a lot with Manufacturing, Customer Service, and Parts Sales. That means that I work with Nancy a lot, and I have to chase down parts or drawings for Angie fairly regularly. My interactions with them and with everybody else at work were just normal. Nothing had changed.
And then, in a heartbeat, something changed, and I had no idea what or why.
About a half hour before quitting time, Angie walked into my cubicle. She was wearing a jacket and carrying her purse like she was about to walk out the door. She walked over and set an envelope on my desk.
She gave me a hard look. "I won't accept 'No' as an answer," she said with a quiver in her voice.
She tried to calmly turn and walk away, but I could see that she was nervous. With a puzzled look on my face, I watched as she walked out of my department and headed toward the front door.
The envelope didn't even have my name written on it. Inside I found a note and a hotel swipe card. The note simply had the name of a hotel, a room number and a time. The hotel wasn't that far away, so if I left work at my regular time, I would get there at the correct time.
The first thing I did was to sit there and stare stupidly at the note for thirty seconds. It was absolutely clear, and yet it made no sense. The second thing I did was call my wife, hoping that there was some female logic that I was missing. My wife laughed at me for being blind, and then suggested that I should call if I didn't think I would make it home that night. Her advice was clear, and yet it didn't help make sense of things at all.
There are a handful of duties that I have to handle at the end of each day. I managed to do them all, and I don't even think anyone noticed that I was distracted. The whole time I was trying to decide what I was going to allow to happen.
In my perception, Angie was pretty, but not gorgeous. She wasn't skinny, but she and I had talked about our gym workouts, so I knew she went fairly often. More often than not, she wears clothes that hide her shape. I am fairly certain that she isn't flat chested or overly endowed, but beyond that, I couldn't guess. She doesn't wear overly tight jeans on Casual Fridays. I'm sure she has a butt, but I've never had reason to take notice of it.
I guess my point is that while she is a pretty and nice woman, she wasn't so spectacularly great that I would risk trouble at work to hook up with her. My wife didn't seem to object, but then, she wouldn't have to face Nancy's wrath. It took me a while to wrap my head around it, but I decided that I would stop at the room, apologize to Angie, and then head home. I will take teasing from my wife over ridicule from Nancy any day.
I arrived at the hotel on time. I parked in the side lot, used the swipe card to get in, and took the stairs to the fourth floor. Of course, I was on the wrong end of the building, but the walk down to the room gave me time to catch my breath. With a final deep breath to relax, I knocked quietly, and then let myself into the room.
The room was a standard hotel room, with a short entry hall past the bathroom, two queen size beds, a desk, and a television. Other than that, the room was empty. As the door closed behind me, I saw that it wasn't completely empty. There was a small suitcase of clothes on the chair. I also noticed some women's toiletries on the counter in the bathroom. The angle of the bathroom door looked suspicious, so I reached out and gently pushed on it.
"You were supposed to walk all the way in," an almost shy voice said from behind the door. As the door swung out of the way, Angie stepped into view.
She was shyly looking at the floor, but she had to have felt my eyes as I stared at her. She was wearing only a matching set of bra and panties, with a very sheer robe hanging open off her shoulders. The bra lifted and nicely displayed her breasts. The straps and lower cups were a black satin material, while the upper cups were open lace that barely hid her dark nipples. The panties were made the same way, with black strapping to perfectly sculpt the curves of her hips and an open lace panel that accentuated the neatly trimmed landing strip of pubic hair.
"Angie," I started to say, hoping that she would accept my apology, but she interrupted me.
"Don't," she said sharply as her eyes raced up to mine. The hardness around her eyes immediately softened, and she swallowed hard.
Even as I saw all of that, I couldn't stop my eyes from bouncing down to her chest, and then below her waist, before slowly climbing back up to her face. The slightest bit of a smile touched her lips, and she took a step toward me.
"You weren't going to claim you were tired, were you," she stated. Her eyes were locked on mine. Her hand touched my chest, and then slid up to my neck. "You aren't going to claim you have too much on your mind, either." Her other hand touched my ribs, and she lifted her lips to mine.
My apology evaporated, and I couldn't stop myself from catching her body and pulling her close. Her kiss started out sensually tentative, as if seeking my approval. I let one hand slide down to her ass as the other slid up her back, and her kiss became aggressively demanding. I held her close and matched her style.
She finally broke free to kiss her way down my neck as she concentrated on unbuttoning my shirt. For a half of a moment, I remembered that I am a nice guy. I had to offer her one more chance to reconsider before I devoured her.
"Angie, are you sure this is what you want?" I asked gently as I kissed her temple. Her hair smelled heavenly so I slid my hand up to feel its softness.
She pushed her head back into my hand and looked up at me. There was a hardness in her eyes, even though she was smiling.
"I need that hunger in your eyes," she purred. "Just keep looking at me like that and feast on me!"
Her eyes stayed locked on mine as she pulled my shirt off my shoulders and trapped my arms at my sides. She continued to smile and hold my eyes as she leaned forward and bit my chest. She growled in pleasure as her eyes closed, and she bit and kissed her way back up to my lips. My shirt fell to the floor and I caught her in my arms again.
I accepted her hungry kisses, and then used my fingers in her hair to pull her head back. Her body flexed in need as I nibbled and kissed my way down her neck to her breast. I used patented move number thirty-one to release her bra without her knowing it, and she actually shrieked in surprise when my lips and teeth found her nipple. She struggled with herself as she tried to pull me closer and push me away at the same time. As her nipple hardened up, I let her push me away.
She nearly looked embarrassed by the noise she had made, but she was panting in need, and she tried to smile for me to continue. I gave her a wolfish grin as I let my eyes drop to her other nipple. As my eyes returned to hers, I lifted an eyebrow and slowly leaned forward. She groaned in need as she lifted her breast and pulled my head down. She pressed her lips together to try to hold in her shriek of joy as I caught her nipple with my teeth.
She threw her bra aside and let me tease her flesh for several more seconds before she pulled my head away. She gave me a quick, hungry kiss, and then dropped to her knees in front of me. She stared intently at the bulge in my pants as she scrambled to loosen my belt. I kicked my shoes off, and then when she pulled my pants and boxers down past my knees, I was able to kick them off as well.
She stared at my erect cock for three excruciatingly long seconds. She gave me her impish smile and then held my eyes with her own as she leaned forward and caught the shaft with her teeth. Her eyes drifted shut as she replaced her teeth with her lips and tongue, and her hands folded around the shaft and balls. She nibbled and kissed her way to the top, where she swirled her tongue around the head, and then she nibbled her way to the base again.
I didn't even realize that my eyes were closed until I had to open them to see why she had stopped. She was still holding me, but she had pulled back until her lips were barely off my skin. She gave me the impish smile again.
"Tell how much you want this," she said. Without waiting for a reply, she said, "Tell me you're eager to return the favor!"
"Yes!" I answered, letting her hear my willingness to give her anything she wanted.
She almost let her lips touch me again, but she pulled back with the most demanding of smiles yet.
"Tell me you're not going to stop fucking me until I say I'm done!"
"Oh, yes," I said with a smile that told her I expected to exceed that expectation.
Her eyes flared in surprised pleasure, and then she pulled my cock forward and she swallowed it. I grabbed her hair and started flexing my hips and knees to move with her. We both groaned in pleasure.
I'm not quite sure what she did next, but it almost made my knees collapse. Part of it was how she unexpectedly used her lower hand to push a couple of fingers back to probe my ass. At the same time, she did something in the back of her throat that pushed pure electric pleasure into the head of my cock. I had to squeeze her hair and pull her away to keep from falling on top of her.
"Too much?" she laughed as she flickered her fingers between my butt cheeks.
I clenched those muscles to deny her entry, but I laughed with her as I pulled her to her feet.
"I'll show you 'too much'," I threatened as I kissed her and pushed her backward towards the bed.
She laughed with me as she returned the kiss. She tumbled onto her back on the bed, and then let me pull her panties down and off as she scooted up toward the headboard. I caught her ankles and lifted them together straight up.
I gave her body a hungry look, and she shivered in need. I parted her legs and then made angry growl noises as I quickly planted several fake bites from her ankle to her knee. She laughed and tried to spread her legs wider.
"The thighs taste better," she laughed.
"The breasts were awfully tasty," I rejoined as I turned and attacked her other leg.
"You promised to taste all of me," she laughed as she managed to spread her legs some more.
I attacked her thigh, and she threw her head back in anticipation. She quickly lifted her head when I turned and attacked her other leg.
"I need..." she started to demand, but her words stopped short as I wolfishly attacked between her legs.
I growled and shook my head as I speared my tongue in as deep as it would go. At the same time, my nose pressed down on her clit. She stared at me with her mouth hanging open as the air was silently pushed from her lungs. She threw her head back as she took a deep gasping breath and then her whole body squeezed down into an orgasm. She gripped my head tight with her legs and hands as she growled until she was out of air again. Another shuddering breath followed, and she nearly sobbed as she let it out.
I felt her grip my hair to push me away, so I eased off. She relaxed into the bed and simply let herself breathe as I gently enjoyed licking the flavors that flowed from her. She smiled at me as I lifted up to my knees. She smiled in puzzlement when I stood and walked away. She laughed when I returned with a couple of towels. She gave me a questioning look as I first wiped the sweat from my brow, then wiped my chin clean.
"Did I taste that bad?" she asked. She truly sounded worried.
"You taste incredible," I answered enthusiastically.
"What's the other towel for?" she asked skeptically.
I smiled as I folded the towel in half, knelt between her legs, and pushed the towel under her butt.
"It's more polite to try not to destroy the bedding," I teased. "I suspect things are about to get even wetter."

Her eyebrows lifted as she looked between her legs. "You're going to do that again," she commanded and pleaded.
"Yes, I am," I agreed. I dropped between her legs and gently ran my tongue around the edges of her lower lips.
She shivered and tried to push my head in closer. "Do you really like it?" she begged to know.
"It's very sweet around the edges, and muskier but sweet deeper in," I answered as I continued to tease around the edges. "Would you like a taste?"
She bit her bottom lip and then licked it. "Maybe," she decided, with a smile.
I licked a little deeper, eliciting another shiver. My lips were wet with her juices as I slid up to kiss her. She licked a tentative taste from my lips, then took a tentative kiss as well.
"My husband always said it was disgusting," she said softly. "Then he was mad that I stopped giving him blow jobs," she laughed, and then she kissed me again.
"Do you like it?" I teased, because it was obvious that she did. She barely stopped kissing and tasting. With a naughty smile, she nodded, but then kissed me again.
After a couple of slow, deep kisses, I pulled back with a smile.
"You need to taste some of the deeper flavors," I suggested.
She almost asked me what I meant, but I shifted my hips and my cock pushed up against her lower lips. She started to nod and she lifted her hips. As she opened up to swallow my cock, I pressed forward and filled her.
"Fuck yes!" she shouted, and then her heels dug in and she kissed me hard.
My mind exploded in sudden overload. She was the perfect combination of everything. She was tight, yet yielding. She moved in counterpoint to my thrusting, and her insides teased every inch of my shaft. Her breasts were pressed against me, and I could feel her nipples digging into my flesh. Her kisses were aggressive, but not overpowering.
Suddenly, we were both breathless in our race for pleasure. I pushed back and pushed in deeper. I couldn't stop from gawking at her beautiful body. Her breasts were bouncing magnificently as we thrust together, and her nipples were beautifully hard. I could see and feel that she was thrusting up to me just as hard as I was thrusting into her.
I forced my eyes back up to her face, although her bouncing breasts distracted me along the way. Her lips were swollen and red from our kissing, but they held a hint of a smile. Her eyes were wide with wonder.
"You lust for me!" she accused.
"Yes!" I admitted proudly.
"Fuck!" she cried as she threw her head back and came.
I watched in amazement as her orgasm raced up her body. I felt her insides clamp down on my cock, and I saw her stomach tighten up as she came. Her nipples got impossibly harder as goose bumps spread over her breasts. Her jaw clenched, then dropped. Her eyes had rolled closed as she started to cum, but then she forced them open as she wordlessly demanded more. I couldn't stop myself from giving her everything.
When she felt the first blast of heat shoot out of me, she pulled herself up and pressed her forehead to mine. She growled her pleasure, and somehow she gave me an impossibly tender kiss. I returned the kiss, even as I struggled to pump into her as hard as I could.
We both sensed the end, and we pressed our hips together and froze. Our bodies pulsed together as mine pushed to fill her and hers flexed to draw me in deeper. We continued to gently kiss until we both knew our bodies were about to collapse. I rolled down onto the bed beside her, but we continued to hold each other tight. Eventually, she pushed me to lay flat on my back, and she rested her head on my chest.
I know I have mentioned a time or two that I am a nice guy. I would also admit to being a smart-ass. When I could finally breathe again, I took a deep breath and gently caressed her cheek.
"Will you be mad if a couple weeks from now I let the air out of your tire so I can change it for you again?"
She caressed my chest, but didn't answer for a while.
"How can I be sure you will still lust for me?" she finally asked. I decide to consider for a moment before I answered. She barely waited five seconds before she asked, "Don't you have dozens of swinger friends who need their tires changed?"
I gently laughed as I caressed her cheek again.
"Someday, I'll explain why my wife has cut back on our swinging activities. Even at our most active, I wasn't as promiscuous as all that," I admitted. I carefully considered my next words. "I can only think of a few that I've shared lust with as intensely as we just did, and I can't think of any that made me cum with a look like you just did."
"Stop," she protested. I could feel the heat of her blush on my chest. When I lifted my head to give her a smile, she was smiling up at me. I caressed her cheek again, and kissed the top of her head.
We relaxed together in silence for a bit. She lifted her head and kissed my chest before she spoke.
"It wasn't the tire, you know," she stated.
"Darn. I was going to start carrying my own jack and t-handle, just in case," I joked.
Another couple of minutes passed.
"The security system had a video of the guy that slashed my tire," she said.
"String him up," I suggested.
"He works for my ex," she said. "I barely made it to court on time that night. The judge was tired of our bickering, and he planned to settle everything once and for all. If I hadn't been there, my ex would have gotten everything. That video was very helpful in turning things in my favor. That's all done now."
Another minute slid by as we caressed each other in silence. It took my brain that long before something clicked and I thought, 'Ah ha! That's what changed!'. Of course, that opened up a whole new set of problems for me. I wondered if I would be able to steer clear of them on my own.
"Nancy is going to be really mad at me," she sighed. I almost laughed, because her mind had to be running in circles just like mine was.
"You're not the one she threatened," I suggested.
"You're not afraid of her, are you?" she teased. She lifted her head to look at me, and we shared a smile.
"This is half-way her fault, you know," she informed me.
I wrinkled my brow, and she continued. "She was one of the few that knew I was getting divorced, and she was sure you would find out and take advantage of the situation to seduce me. I told her the truth, that you had been a perfect gentleman, and that you probably didn't even know what you had done for me. I went on to tease her that you should be more worried about me, because I knew I would need a raw, meaningless round of sex to boost my ego."
She gave me her impish smile as she leaned down to kiss my chest. "I knew you would be easy," she teased.
With a quick glance down her body, I answered, "You know, I was prepared to argue for abstinence. Your choice of outfits and your kiss changed my mind."
As I spoke, my hand slid up to caress my thumb across her nipple, and then her lips. Her body shivered as she took an expectant breath. She slid up and gave me another kiss that nearly tasted of hunger.
I caught her hair with my fingers and held her close. I gave her a kiss to remind her that my eyes hungered her. Her hand that was caressing my stomach slid down and found a wet mess and a growing cock. She pushed back from the kiss with a thoughtful look.
"Can you tell me if this even works?" she asked.
She saw the smart-ass answer in my eyes, and she gave my cock a squeeze as she shook her head to stop me from talking.
"This is too good to be meaningless sex," she said. "I don't want to be some swinger chick that you pass around at parties, but I'll do that if that's what it takes to get more of this. But, I don't want to be an affair that you hide, either."
As she spoke, she kissed her way down my body. She took a tentative taste of the wet flavors that she found, and then she gave me the impish smile as she started lapping at those flavors and my cock. Her body shivered at the lust she saw in my eyes.
As much as I was lusting her, my mind was racing. I struggled past the pleasure to put words together.
"You wouldn't get passed around," I said. "You would get to choose who you play with, or even if you wanted to play at all. Although we have an open marriage, my wife does not like to be neglected. If we limited ourselves to having sex mostly only at parties, she will approve of something more long-term."
I had a lot more argument to give, but she started deep-throating my cock, and I couldn't think. She teased me for several minutes, and I simply let myself enjoy her. I had to force my eyes to open when she stopped. She was looking at me with an expectant smile.
"Didn't you promise you would always look at me with hunger?" she teased. Before I could answer, she added, "Your eyes weren't even open!"
I smiled and shook my head, but I pulled her face to mine for a kiss. She moaned in need as I pushed her body around to straddle me, and she eagerly reached for my cock to guide it back inside of her. We both groaned into the kiss as she impaled herself.
Then she gasped in surprise as I pushed her away. I actually was pushing her to sit back. Her body shivered as she watched my eyes work their way up her body. She smiled and started thrusting as I reached out and started touching and caressing every body part that I hungered for. Her weight came forward as my hands molded around her breasts, and she pushed down to kiss me again.
She pushed away, and her eyes informed me that she had high expectations. I let her watch as I let my hungriest gaze burn down her body, and she exploded into orgasm. I struggled, but managed to hold off until her eyes opened again. My toes curled as I gave her everything, but I couldn't keep my eyes open. I let my hands convey my hunger as she melted into my arms.
We were still breathing hard when she lifted her head to kiss me.
"Your wife said the same thing about mostly at parties," she said. "I told her I didn't want to do parties at all."
She gave me another kiss, and then relaxed as we both caught our breath. The gears in my head were barely turning as I simply enjoyed the closeness of holding her. It took me a long minute to respond.
"Wait, you spoke to my wife?" I asked. I hoped that my tone sounded like teasing, and not concern.
"Don't make fun of me," she said lightly. "You know that you have permission, so you aren't worried. I needed to hear from her that she wouldn't think that I was a cheating bitch that was trying to steal her husband."
"She's been stuck with me for twenty-five years," I said. I gave her body a hungry look as I teased, "It's going to take more than an eager attitude and bodacious sex to steal me away."
She smiled and suggestively rubbed her whole body against mine.
"If you're still so horny that you're giving me looks like that, we better take a break and get something to eat," she laughed.
I caressed her body as I considered my options. I was surprised to see that more than an hour and a half had passed since I had arrived. I let my hungry eyes slide down her body again.
"How late do you intend to keep me?" I asked playfully. "I'll need to let my wife know if it's going to be late, or if you're keeping me all night. I'll need to pick up some clothes for tomorrow if I stay."
She tried to bite her lips to hide a smile. She covered it by kissing my chest. Her eyes were still smiling when she looked up at me.
"If you check your gym bag in your car, you should find a change of clothes and a toothbrush," she said.
I was shocked, because I had no doubt that she was right.
"Do you two have everything planned out?" I asked.
She lost her smile as she let her head fall down to rest on my shoulder.
"Not everything," she answered, sounding sad.
My mind was racing again as I tried to decide what I had done wrong, and how I could set things right. I caressed her back, trying to sooth away her worries, but I couldn't decide what to say. She rescued me.
"We planned in case I wanted to ask," she said. "You can still decide if I was good enough for you to want to stay. You can choose if you want this to be one time, or more. I told your wife how I wanted something raw and real because of how bad my ex had been. She agreed, but then she had another offer. She told me how menopause stole her sex drive, and she wasn't happy doing the swinger thing anymore. She said she didn't trust some of your swinger friends enough to send you to parties alone. She asked me to consider an arrangement, if we had fun, if we wanted more from each other."
I knew my wife had been pulling back from swinging. I was surprised that she hadn't actually said anything to me. I know she would do almost anything to make me happy, just like I would do anything for her. As I considered, I realized something sounded off.
"That doesn't sound like my wife," I suggested. "She would do almost anything to make me happy, but I can't picture her giving me carte blanche privileges."
She gave a single quiet laugh, and rubbed her cheek against my shoulder.
"Well, there were a couple of conditions," she said, nearly laughing. I waited for her to continue. "You'd have to earn time with me by taking her out on real dates. She wanted ten dates for one, but I negotiated down to five dates with her for one with me."
She lifted her head to look at me. Although she was smiling, her eyes were serious.
"She also wants a promise that you won't do anything with your swinging friends unless she or I go with you. I know I just said ten minutes ago that I would do that, but I'm not sure that I would like that kind of thing. Your wife thought that going without swinging would be even better. It's really up to you to decide."
Her smile started to fade as she waited for me to answer. There really was nothing for me to debate.
My wife felt it was time for a change, and she wanted me to adjust from casual swinging to something new. I didn't even know what to call it. Maybe it should be called a 'Monogamous Affair'. Perhaps "Monogamy with a Sexual Surrogate" was closer to what they were suggesting. I wasn't lying to Angie when I said that something special was happening.
I gave Angie a disarming smile, and let my hungry eyes and hands sweep up and down her body.
"Will you promise me two things?" I asked.
Her face lit up with hope and pleasure.
"You have to promise to keep looking at me like that," she determined.
I nodded as I gave her my two conditions.
"Promise you understand that while I will do anything for you, my promise to my wife comes first."
"And keep touching me this way," she answered in acceptance.
I took a deep breath and braced myself before giving her my second demand. You see, it wasn't that big of a demand, but I had to remind her of something. I wasn't really changing all that much. I am still a nice guy. Oh, and I'm still a smart-ass, too.
"Promise that you'll explain all of this to Nancy so she doesn't staple me to my office wall!"