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Road Work

"Spring fever touches a man and his young sexy assistant"

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Ahhh, the first summer heat wave!

Technically not really summer yet, it was still a few weeks away, but just try to tell the weather what to do. The man on the radio warned that it would reach the high eighties before noon, then of course went into full 'scare the public' mode with warnings of heat stroke, hydration, blah blah blah. I tuned him out, thinking how fortunate I was. I had scheduled an off-site meeting with a vendor several towns away from corporate headquarters. Could life get any better than being out of the office for the afternoon on a beautiful day? I was nearly giddy as I strode up the two flights and made my way to my office.

Early, as always, I put on the coffee in the break room, then returned to my office and settled into my chair. I could usually get some comprehensive work done before the place filled with the rumble of chattering folks and of course, my idiot boss who would pester me for nonsense in order to keep up the charade of competence. At nearly fifty I figured I had at least ten good productive years in front of me before I backed it down and rode my rep until retirement. I fired up the email and spreadsheets and got to work.

But this morning I got little done. It was like someone had turned on the summer fashion switch. Me, I was still in khakis and a long sleeve shirt. Apparently I'd missed the memo that all the young women had gotten. Wear revealing and comfortable summer clothes, It must have said, because all the young ladies began drifting in to work, in twos and threes, wearing the first of the summer garb. Long flowing pattern skirts, sleeveless tops in bright colors, a few daringly deep necklines and cleavage. Distracting, to say the least.

My assistant, Jacqueline, turned out to be no exception. While she always dressed nicely, if a bit off the beaten path. At twenty-six she favored studs and bling that often pushed the limits of the flavor workplace dress. I'd often wondered what her 'going out' wardrobe entailed. But she stayed inside the letter, if not the spirit of the company's professional dress code.

She delivered her usual "good morning" through my open office door as she approached her desk and dropping her bag on the chair. The office wall was glass and I looked up to retun her greeting as she shuffled aroumd her cube, flicking on her computer while still standing. My good morning to her was nearly choked off.

Her flimsy full-length dress was dark with stark flowing white patterns. Thin straps held it on her shoulders, showing an expanse of smooth flesh, bare shoulders and arms. She casually lifted the light sweater she always left on her chair and slipped it on as I watched from the corner of my eyes. Official company policy for summer garb was much more detailed, but she followed it diligently and covered the exposed shoulders and armpits. Her dress swayed around her long, lean legs, her back to me, her butt cheeks swaying attractively under the floaty fabric.

But what caught my attention was the slits in the full length garment. As she rolled her chair away to sit in her cube, the one facing me parted, revealing almost her entire leg for a brief instant of flawless slender flesh.

Her screen lit up and I put my head down, pretending to read something important on my desk when she began to turn back to me. She had been an excellent hire; easy on the eyes, upbeat almost to chipper and she attacked her tasks with vigor and enthusiasm. But our relationship, while open and friendly, was strictly professional. I held myself to a standard in the workplace, and wasn't about to let myself be caught ogling her legs.

She asked a question about the vendor visit I'd scheduled and I answered more brusquely than I'd intended. I pretended to finish reading the the paper I wasn't reading and looked up at her.

"Sorry," I lied, waving the paper as though it were an excuse. "We'll leave around noon. Pull the last fifty-two week reports, seven copies. And add two copies of the vendor x-ray, for us." As I spoke she sat and her leg below the knee appeared again for a brief instant as she swung her legs under the desk.

The rest of the morning was gratefully distracting as we each struggled to get ahead of work, answering emails that would normally wait for the late afternoon, chasing problems with solutions and explaining tactics and strategies that should have been obvious from prior communications. But I occasionally found myself glancing up to check for a leg flash. Her computer sat in the corner of her cube, positioning her at a three-quarter view from the back. I saw nothing the rest of the morning and chided myself for trying.

It wasn't that I'd never seen her leg before. She'd worn skirts to work occasionally in the eight months she'd been with me. Knee length, proper workplace attire. A nicely turned calf developed playing sports in high school and college, something else that had played well in her interview. Familiarity with competition, teamwork, and hard work were qualities I looked for. My peer group looked for schooling in the field, I looked for a business degree and busy schedules. An ability to handle multiple priorities at the speed of business. She'd fit the bill well, working through school, track and field, decent grades.

So why was I looking at her legs like she was just a sexy girl in a long slit skirt?

I checked with my contact at the vendor, confirmed the meeting schedule. It was set for after lunch, an hour drive from the office. I figured we'd stop for lunch on the way if we left at noon. He confirmed back, and I spent the rest of the morning putting out fires and preventing others. The glory of middle management.

At about a quarter to twelve she stepped into the office, leaning in the doorway, waving a Manila folder. It was her usual move when she just wanted to call in to me, half in and half out, her upper body leaning forward, one hand on the doorframe, one leg just over the threshold and the other firmly outside.

"I have the reports, I'll bring them," she said, efficiently and quickly. "Just gonna finish up and set my out of office, ready to go when you are," she finished, and waited for my nod.

It was slow in coming. Her leg, the one inside the doorway, had slipped through the slit and screamed for my attention. Exposed flesh from the top of her fashionable strappy heeled sandals up to the point where the slit began, about two-thirds up a gorgeous white thigh. My eyes tracked every inch as I forced my vision up to her face to see a half smile and raised eyebrows.

"Oh, okay," I said with feigned nonchalance and glanced at my watch.

"Don't forget your cards," she reminded. I had a tendency to leave my business cards in the office. Grateful for the distraction I grabbed some from the holder on my desk and she shuffled her position, her leg vanishing inside the flowing fabric. I exhaled.

"Couple of minutes, and we'll go."

" 'kay," she replied and turned and left, a vortex of black and white flashing a molded calf and ankle. I took another deep breath and regained my composure. Stop it, I reminded myself, she's just a kid, nearly half your age! I shuffled papers on my desk and turned to my email, setting the out of office. You could be her father, for chrissake! I dashed off a quick note to my lazy idiot boss, reminding him where I'd be and leaving my cell in case of emergencies. I set the away message on my voicemail, packed my stuff in the briefcase and shut down the PC.

I hit the men's room before leaving, an hour in the car, and all. No sense creating an unnecessary stop. She was waiting for me when I returned.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Just getting my bag," I told her. I ducked into my office, grabbed it from the chair where I'd left it and turned to see her start heading for the stairs, a calf and ankle disappearing from my view. Gonna be a long day, I thought, focus! I headed out and followed her a few steps behind, risking surreptitious glances at her butt cheeks jiggling in her purposeful stride. I had a fairly brisk pace when I walked and she could mostly keep up with me walking side by side, talking as we walked.

But now she was in front, and my mind wandered to her backside, elegantly framed and highlighted by the clinging silky fabric, on display below the short accommodating workplace sweater draped off her bare shoulders. The round globes of her butt moved elegantly, up and down, side to side, fit and firm with just a little jiggle. My thoughts as to her undergarments startled me, envisioning a thong and imagining her bare flesh separated from my view by just this thin fabric.

Stop it! my professional brain screamed at me. You're better than that ! But one corner of my brain held the image closely, not wanting to let it go. She has an incredible ass, it told me. And those legs, peeking out...

I brushed the thoughts aside and thought of the vendor visit. We hit the bottom of the stairs and made our way to the employee exit and out to the parking lot. As we came out the door, escaping the air conditioning cool, the unseasonably hot air embraced me with both arms.

"Wow, I don't miss winter," I quipped.

"That's for sure," she answered.

Being an early arriver, I was parked close to the exit. She waited outside the door for me to lead her to my SUV, and took the opportunity to strip off the sweater. "You don't mind, right?" she verified, "just for the trip."

Mind? Are you kidding? The straps hung gracefully over her shoulders, two on each side, supporting a squared neckline safely above her cleavage, one side shifting to show a glimpse of clear bra strap from underneath. I knew from the shadows beneath her thin white sweater that the back came down lower, just at bra level. All that bare shoulder and arm and upper chest joined her neck in a lightly tanned flawless expanse of youthful loveliness.

I blinked it away, turning my head, pretending to look for my vehicle. I knew exactly where it was. "No, I don't mind," I tried to say casually. And wondered how it sounded.

"Good. It's fucking hot!"

You got THAT right, I thought.

I led to the car, a Lincoln Navigator two rows in, and clicked the button that opened it and lit it up like a Christmas tree. It was in a spot facing us, so I went right and she circled the long way around the left to the passenger side. I opened my door and took a blast of overheated trapped air that nearly stifled me, then threw my bag in the back as she opened the door. She dropped hers in the passenger footwell and my eyes nearly popped from my head as she climbed up and in, her dress rising up her raised thigh, coming almost completely out through the slit. Holy shit, the entire thigh, up to her hip, I swear! I fumbled the car keys and scrabbled them into the ignition as she settled into her seat. Settling into the hot leather seat, I cranked the AC to most of the way up in an attempt to cool down both the car and my ardor.

I concentrated on the driving, watching for cars and pedestrians in the parking lot, watching for traffic as I pulled out onto the road, trying not to keep re-seeing that lovely leg over and over. There was no direct highway where we were going, but there were almost-highways, state roads with few lights, and I navigated the secondary roads carefully and attentively until I reached them. We'd been there before and I knew the way, and there was an Italian place near their location that was good for lunch. Even though it wasn't necessary I kept checking my side mirrors, and taking quick glances at her and wondering if she'd noticed.

The sweater was draped over her bag at her feet and she reclined the chair a little. Her legs were straight in front of her for most of the beginning of the trip, just a knee peeking out. I reached the entrance of the state road and focused on the merge, but in the corner of my eye I saw her adjust her position.

As I blended into traffic I saw that she had relaxed in the big leather passenger seat. The motion had dragged her dress up in the back a little so that the top of the slit was nearly at her hip. I increased to highway speed and she lifted her left leg, causing the slit to part and fall to the side, the front panel between her legs.

And her entire leg rose up slightly, visible from ankle to hip, lazy and languorous and casual and oh, so incredibly sexy. We had about thirty minutes to the lunch place and I wondered if I could keep my eyes off that expanse of skin.

I tried. I failed.

I kept glancing at it as we drove in silence. After five minutes of pretending to not look while getting an overwhelming eyeful, I had to say something.

"Jacquie?" I asked. "Could you put that away? I'm only human."

"Oh," she said casually, and made a muffled grunt. "I didn't think you'd noticed." She shifted her legs and pulled the dress over the exposed flesh, giving my sweating skin at least a chance to feel the vehicle's AC.

"Notice?" I asked, her casual answer making me more familiar than I felt, "geez, I could practically see your panties!"

"I doubt that," she replied laconically, leaning on an elbow and gazing out the window.

"It was practically up to your waist, you know," I hinted knowingly.

"Doesn't matter," she said drily, turning back to me. "I'm not wearing panties."

I nearly lost control of the truck as my body and brain reacted to this information. Okay, so much for the thong concept! I risked a glance at her face and she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat from under her eyes. I was still stunned by her boldness; we'd never talked at such a personal level as this before, and I was a bit off-balance. Looking at her face I allowed myself to admit it was just bawdy teasing.

"Yeah, right," I said noncommittally, shaking my head and turning back to the road. But the possibility whispered to me, deep inside my ear, hard to hear, harder still to ignore. She's hot, it growled, she's sexy and young and tight and fun. Admit it. Okay, I could agree to all that. But I argued back in the brief seconds of silence. She works for me, it would be wrong, I'm old enough to be her father, it's not professional, I'm too old.

Not THAT old, my cock chimed in, filling and rearing its opinion.

Stop it, all of you, I scolded the children. She's a young lady, just feeling the season and teasing a little! Young folks do that!

That hushed the rabble enough for me to hear her next words.

"I was starting to think you were dead," she giggled, "thanks for letting me know." She blew out a coughing laugh and turned in her seat. "I thought I'd lost it there!"


"My ability to turn an attractive man's head," she answered brightly. "You never look." I watched the road. But motion caught the corner of my eye and I peeked sideways to see her leg come up again, bare and slow. She'd turned in the seat, angling herself into the corner by the door, and her foot lifted up to the console. My control issues wanted to scream for her to get her shoe off the leather, but it jumped back into the chorus at the site of that supple, bare flesh. One side of the slit bunched between the leg and the seat and her hands were pressed together between her legs, gathering the center panel and exposing the top of her other thigh.

"So, did you like it?" she asked, more quietly now, but with the same cheery tone. Her leg waved back and forth, a flag of erotic and lighthearted sexual invitation. My libido stood up and saluted. "Seeing my leg? Mister 'I pretend I'm above all that'?"

"Very much," I admitted. "Surprised, but pleasantly so," I grinned. I kept an eye on the road, which was mostly empty, but trying not to lose my lane. "Very attractive."

"So are you, you know," she said, her bare leg still waving back and forth. The road was boring and the same as every other road, but I kept my eyes on it. Most of the time. "Attractive. All the girls talk about you. They all say so." She snickered a little. "They call you 'The Untouchable' because you don't get familiar."

I felt my eyes roll. "I probably didn't need to know that."

She laughed lightly. I stared out over the front of the truck. "Well, it's true." I glanced at the dashboard clock. Another twenty minutes to the Italian place for lunch. "You don't have to believe it." Think about the food, my brain chided. No fucking way, my cock countered. "And something else is true that you probably don't believe."

I kept my eyes ahead, bracing for more office gossip and girl talk. Watched the lines. Looked at the signs. Waited. Watched the road. Waited.

"Hey!" she called abruptly and I instinctively turned her way to see her lift up the center panel of her dress and flash me a two-second glimpse of her pussy. I gasped. A tightly trimmed patch sat above beautiful thin lips and a pinch of inner labia peeking out near the top, below her hood. She dropped the dress and pulled her leg down, turning straight in her seat with her hands pushing the panel down between her legs.

I turned back to the road in front of us and straightened the truck. Holy fuck she showed me her cunt! I just kept repeating the phrase over and over in my head, comvincing myself it was real and memorizing the moment, memorizing the sight, struggling to concentrate with all the blood from my brain running...elsewhere. I reached for the AC and turned it the rest of the way up.

"I told ya," she chided. "I figured you didn't believe me." She let out a girlish laugh that betrayed her nervousness and reminded me of how young she was.

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"I can't believe I did that! You're not angry, are you?" She began rushing her speech, her daring abandoning her. "Please say you're not angry, oh shit, I didn't...oh, shit, what was I thinking, I'm sorry, please..."

"I'm not angry," I cut her off, croaking through parched lips. I licked them, but my mouth was just as dry. In her sudden silence I listened to my heart pound over the whine of the tires. "I'm not angry," I repeated, for me more than her. "I'm...a little surprised, is all."

"Did I shock you?"

"Maybe," I lied.

"Was it terrible?"

I took several deep breaths, chewed my lip and shook my head. "That's not the word that comes to mind." I glanced at the clock. Ten minutes to lunch. My eyes avoided looking at her, staring I stead out at the road, watching the signs and buildings for landmarks. The restaurant was right after the big shopping center with the Home Depot and the Costco.

"What word does?" she finally asked, tentatively. There was no motion from the corner of my eye.

"Fucking incredible," I said with emphatic satisfaction.

She reached over and grabbed my upper arm and squeezed it with a squeal. "Yay!" she cheered softly. "You're not angry?" She sat back in her seat and released my arm.

"Not even a little," I admitted.

"Did you like it?"

"You have to ask?"

"Uhn huh."

"Well, if you must know, 'like' falls a bit short," I explained. "A lot short."

"Wanna see it again?" she asked playfully.

It turned my head without taking my eyes of the road. My voice came out low and gravelly. "Very much. And longer. And," I paused for a breath. "Closer."

She fidgeted in her seat and I grabbed her hands, stopping her. "Not while we're driving." She settled and I released her hand. It had been warm, and soft, and I could still feel it in my fingertips as I gripped the wheel. There was another long silent pause. In the distance I saw the Home Depot sign. "We're almost there."

"I'm not very hungry," she answered quickly.

"Me neither," I replied, then grinned. "At least not for food." She made a yummy sound.

I slowed long before the restaurant and pulled into the giant superstore parking lot, several football fields of parking spaces that even they couldn't fill. I turned sharply towards the far end of the Costco side to avoid the day workers that ringed the other end. There were no cars this far from the building and I found a spot near the wooded edge with some shade, the front of the car pointing at the trees. The tinted windows would take care of the rest. I shoved the truck into park and left the engine running and twisted in my seat.

"Now," I said, looking straight into her eyes, my voice raspy and low. "I'd like to see it again. And slowly this time, so I can appreciate the view."

She lowered her eyelids and peered darkly out from under them, a couple of perfectly straight teeth pressing her lower lip. She undid her seat belt and squirmed into the corner, her back against the door. She lifted her left foot onto the console and, with her hands bunching the fabric between her legs again, lifted the opposite foot to the dash, laying it on its side. Her bare thighs, both of them, jutted out to the sides at a salacious angle. Then she slid her back down the door, pushing her barely covered crotch towards me. My eyes examined and memorized each subtle shift and motion, then trailed down her form to where her hands gathered the fabric.

I undid my seatbelt as well, turning in my chair to lean in.

And slowly, ever so slowly, she lifted the bunched dress, exposing the inside of each thigh, higher and higher. The soft pale flesh appeared before me as a treasure revealed by an opening door, A mystery explained. The tendons inside her thighs, then the bottom edge of her bare ass cheeks, pressed into the leather seat. My eyes found the space between those lovely globes of flesh and followed the bottom edge of fabric as her crack became creased flesh, then fleshy swollen labia, ripe as a plump peach, surrounded by the damp creases between leg and pussy, then higher, her thin fringe of inner lips peeking, just as I'd remembered, and up to her clit hood, larger than I recalled, and up to her belly, showing me her trimmed patch and her taut stomach, creased in on itself in her slouched position.

I tore my eyes from the vision of her and looked into her face. "Jacquie," I whispered, leaning closer, "thank you, it's...wonderful." I stretched my torso over the console, pushing her foot to the side with my elbow. "It gorgeous, so sexy, so...." My last words were lost in a muffled moan as my face dipped down between her legs and I pressed my mouth into her warm, inviting pussy flesh. My eyes closed as I felt the cushions of her labia against my cheeks, my lips. The scent of her arousal filled my senses as I inhaled her, making me dizzy with desire and swelling my cock. I heard her soft moan as I rested my face in her heat, heard her gasp quietly as my left hand slipped under her butt cheek, squeezing and lifting her up to me. And when the tip of my tongue touched her at the bottom of her cunt I heard her release a small squeak of delight, followed by a long low crooning sound as my tongue travelled slowly up her slit, parting her peach and releasing her musky juices to my taste buds.

I groaned, tasting her, extending my tongue as I traversed her valley, feeling the soft lips part and open, my lips nibbling the hairless flesh, up and up to where her inner lips peeked out, delicate and pink. I sucked them into my mouth before burrowing my tongue up under her clit, probing and stroking under her swelling button. Her hips squirmed up, meeting my face as she sighed with intimate pleasure.

"Oh, fuck," I muttered between licks and sucks, "fuck, it's..." I adjusted my stretched body, crawling up on my knees to reach over her, find the seat controls. I reclined the back and her body slipped down as I clambered over the console. I shifted the chair as far back as it would go and wedged myself on the floor in front of her and buried my face once again in her hairless young cunt.

Not slowing my mouth a slid a hand up under my chin. I lapped at her opening, burrowing inside her, tasting her musky nectar. I closed my eyes and wallowed in the sensations of her perfect cunt on my face, sweet and young and slick and warm. I trailed my tongue up her slit, wiggling it between her lips as I moved up, my fingers poised at her opening and caressing the slick flesh. As my mouth moved higher I slipped two fingers inside her, feeling the slick channel grip my digits as I attacked her clit with my tongue. She let out a moan as I penetrated her and turned my hand palm up, finding her spongy g-spot and stroking her as I licked her button.

Her hands found my head, pressed me in as her hips lifted, her shoes on the edge of the seat. Her groans became louder as I sucked and lapped at her, tormenting her with every delicate lick, absorbing her flavor, her scent, delirious at being here, doing this with her, taking her offering. She began bucking up, pressing her cunt to my face, humping my tongue and lips as her juices filled my mouth and coated my chin.

"Oh, fuck yeah, fuck yeah," she hissed, chanting it over and over, "don't stop, fuck yeah don't stop," the change in the words coming with an increase in pitch and volume. I moaned into her cunt, feeling her urgency, sensing her climb, and licked at her opening above my fingers, my nose on her clit, the opening of her cunt clenching at my hand, tongue probing and lips sucking her. Her words changed to just sounds, became sharper as her hands pressed my head, holding me there, staccato cries of increasing power and volume and I held on, attacking her clit again as I fingered her pulsing hole.

Her thighs suddenly clamped on my head and she wailed her peak to the world, her muscles twitching and limbs shaking as she rode the breaking wave. My head was forced into her, breath cut off, and I eased my tongue from her, switching to long soft caresses and subtle kisses as she slid down the back side of her orgasm. Her legs finally eased on my head and I instantly pulled my face from her soaking crotch. I lifted my head to see her staring back at me, wild eyed and unfocused, panting and trembling as she recovered.

Our gazed locked as slid my fingers from her and I quickly opened my pants, shoving them down my hips along with my boxer briefs. My hard cock bounced up as if it was spring-loaded, stiff and firm and leaking, so hard it ached. Breathing fast, face soaked in her juices, I got my hands under her arms and lifted her, pulling her up along the the reclined chair-back until I could get my knees on the seat.

Still holding her eyes I shifted forward and rubbed the head of my cock up through her open slit.

"Yeah," she gasped.

"Yeah," I growled deeply back at her. I wrapped my hands around her thighs and pulled them up to my chest, still staring at her face, her glossed lips parted, heaving breaths, pupils wide and dark. I grinned and pressed my hips forward.

My cock slid inside her sexy hole in a single stroke and was instantly wrapped in silky wet flesh, slick and hot and tight. I groaned with the penetration, then took two long, full strokes in and out, sighing with each one, feeling the relief of having my cock buried inside her. She pulsed her hips, angled them up at me and I took another few long strokes, deep and slow, feeling every inch of her insides as I slid my stiff shaft in and out.

"Fuck," I muttered, "Jacquie."

"Oh, yeah, fuck is right, do it, fuck me," she murmured hotly.

I moved my body up against hers, feeling her young limbs against my older frame, pressing her thighs to the outside of her chest. Her hands were on my shoulders, squeezing, urging me, making me mad with desire. My hands went from her waist to her sides, then up to her shoulders, all the while stroking my cock in and out, watching her reactions as I fucked her cunt. I leaned over her and slipped the dress from her shoulders along with her bra strap. Still staring into my face she shifted her chest, arched her back and allowed me to pull the front of her dress down. Her left breast popped free and stared at me, small and firm and proud, topped with a stiff dark nub. I lowered my head, slammed my cock in hard as my teeth surrounded her erect nipple, grazing the sides before gripping. She let go a moan at the additional stimulation and I pulled with my teeth, not too hard, then released it before sucking it deep.

Her hands gripped my head, pulling me into her tit as I sucked, my tongue flicking the tip inside my mouth. She groaned and arched against me, my hips still pistoning, plowing her furrow as I sucked her rubbery nub. I scrambled the other side of her dress down and switched to her other nipple as my pace increased, speeding up my thrusts, each downstroke met with a lunging pelvis and tight, gripping wet pussy. She was panting like a dog as I speared myself into her, smashing my pubic bone against her clit, fucking hard and fast, wanting her cum, wanting my own more.

I slowed my pace momentarily and lifted my head to look into her eyes again, shifting my hips in circles as I slid in and out of her wet sheath. Fuck, it was beyond incredible! I felt the surges begin in my loins, the beginning of the end, the climb to my release.

"Close," I managed to croak.

"Do it," she growled back with a small nod. I hissed a deep breath through clenched teeth, my eyes studying her face, her chest, her dark, wet nipples glistening atop her fleshy mounds. I pushed up on my arms and looked lower, seeing her beautiful cunt taking my cock.

"Oh, shit, Jac..."

"Just fuck me, don't stop," she cut me off, slipping her hand down between us. Her slim manicured fingers began rubbing her clit. "O-oh, don't stop," she sighed.

Seeing her cunt, seeing my cock inside her, and holy fucking lord of all that is holy and mysterious seeing her touch herself, feeling her fingers brushing my slick shaft as she rubbed her clit, on top of the incredible slick heat of her cunt and her luscious little jiggling breasts, her heated words, the look on her face...all of it combined to make my climax surge several steps forward, lurching ahead of my expected timing. My body pushed to the crest, grunting, my hips pushing hard, deep inside.

She began keening, low and soft, then louder, sharper as her hand sped up, rubbed harder. I heard a low growl escape my throat and become urgent as my balls swelled and pulled up tight. My chest flexed and my shoulders hunched as the swelling ball formed inside me, threatening to burst.

Her tender voice reached a fever pitch, mouth open and eyes glazed. Her orgasm surfaced and broke wide open, making her body tenseup and shake as her pussy walls gripped my cock and tried to wrench my climax from me. I bellowed, screaming at her as the first pulse tightened, braced, and then exploded inside, my brain awash in primal release. My cock buried itself deep as the first jet of cum erupted inside her. We jerked and slammed ourselves together in ecstasy and relief and feral need, me screaming as she wailed. Her climax crested and receded and I emptied my steaming cream inside her, panting and lost to the world.

I opened my eyes to see her looking up at me, that Cheshire grin on her face once more. My cock slid in and out slowly, feeling the gooey slick semen, spreading it through her, dripping out. I sucked deep breaths as I looked back at her, regaining my senses, alive in the afterglow of sudden sated passion. I felt the grin form on my own face then, mirroring hers and reflecting back.

"Oh, fuck," I gasped.

"I knew it," she said, and bit her lower lip. "I knew it would be good with you. Jesus, that was a good fuck!" I blushed at the compliment even as my male pride blossomed in my chest, a young pretty girl's appreciation stroking my ego.

"Well, thanks," I returned, "but I'll admit I was greatly inspired," I said, smiling. "You're so sexy, so...shit, I don't know. Hot. Desirable. Attractive?" I felt another blush. "I don't know what came over me, I..."

"Stop it," she said, and craned her neck to plant a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. My tongue met hers, dallied and danced for a few seconds until she released my neck and pulled her face back. "It was inevitable." She glared seductively from under lidded eyes. "And my feelings would've been hurt if you'd turned me down."

I started to pull out but she stopped me, kissing me again. I participated vigorously, sliding my tongue against hers as I moved my shaft around inside her, feeling that feeling you can only get when your cock is beginning to dwindle in a pussy filled with semen. We made hungry noises into each other's mouths.

I pulled back first this time. "So, what now?" I asked.

She giggled, sounding younger than a woman who had just fucked her much older boss. "Well, we should probably get cleaned up and get to the meeting," she quipped.

"Uh, huh," was all I could think to say, and extracted myself from atop her.

"Got any tissues?" she asked.

I was struggling my pants up, tucking my sticky cock back into my briefs. "There should be some in the door, there."

She reached over and pulled out a half roll of paper towels and shrugged. "That'll do." She unrolled a few sheets and began wiping herself off.

"You know," I said, rolling back to the driver's seat and zipping up, "when I asked what's next, I wasn't talking about the meeting," I started in roundabout fashion. "I meant for us. You and me."

"What about us?"

I felt suddenly aware of our age difference. "You know, after...this. What we just did."

"The hot sex? The great fuck?"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Yes, the outstanding sex." I turned to face her, earnest and interested. "What now? Between us?"

She reached over and put a hand on my arm, wearing a face that said the answer should be obvious. "You're still my boss," she explained, "and I'm not looking for a boyfriend, or even a relationship." She lifted her eyebrows expectantly, but I chose to listen instead. "I just wanted to fuck you, is all. Everything else stays the same. We're just...closer now." She shrugged one shoulder, as if that said it all.

I nodded thoughtfully as she straightened out her clothes, suffering a pang of loss as her breasts vanished from sight. "Closer," I repeated her word. "Okay." I watched as she settled herself and reached for her bag, pulling out a mirror and checking her face. "Do you think...?"

"We'll do it again?" she finished. She brushed some makeup onto her cheeks and ran fingers through her hair, then cocked her head, regarding me. She smiled. "Oh, definitely!" She glanced at her own watch and made a surprised face. "We should get going, now, though, or we'll be late." Then she smiled seductively and leaned over the console, her soft hand reaching up behind my neck and pulling my mouth to hers.

We kissed softly and silently for several long minutes before she pulled back just a few inches. Her eyes met mine, close and studying before crinkling at the corners. She made a soft yummy sound deep in her throat.

"But after the meeting, we should come back here, I think!"

Her hand left my neck and I smiled as she settled back into her seat and buckled her seatbelt.

I grinned at her and started the car.

Ah, the first summer heat wave! Perfect!

Written by Noreasonneeded
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