She didn't want to be there...
It was almost certain he would be there. It was his continuation day and her obligation as an alumni and board member was to make an appearance.
Things didn't end well for them last time. The energy is too much for both of them.
He wants more. She's everything he wants, the chemistry, the connection, the bolt of lightning she sends through his body when he sees her.
She hates that he makes her feel things and that she craves him and can't keep her heart from accelerating each time they pass each other on the street.
The sex?
Oh my god... the sex.
It's not physical, it's not emotional, it's transformational, for both of them. From the first time they met and were glued together at the knee, to the first walk they took, to the first time he made her body gush like a broken fire hydrant, to the explosive convulsions of electricity that shoots through his body...
They can't stop.
They have to stop.
To her, he is the lowest form on earth. He's an embarrassing failure that can't keep his shit together and he'll never live up to her lifestyle standards.
To him, she's the most incredible woman he's ever met and he knows his heart is going to get crushed by the only woman he has loved in years.
He wanted to leave the building the moment the presentations concluded to skip the celebration. It would be a matter of minutes before she walked through the door and his heart would shatter again...
The way her confidence beams from her body, to the way she always dresses to stun, to the way she walks around the room, to the way she looks at him with innocence he knows doesn't exist in her.
He stayed and made small talk with his classmates, buying time before he escaped down the elevator. Thankfully, there has been no sign of her.
Patiently waiting for the right moment, it came, and he slid down the back hallway to break free.
Thankfully, no one noticed his escape and he was home free.
As he passed the bathrooms, she walked out and they met eye-to-eye.
He stopped.
She shuddered to a halt.
He glared down.
She lifted her chin.
Nothing could ignore the energy.
The connection was pulling at them.
Both were frozen in their silence.
She took a breath, as if to say something. She stopped. She glanced up at him with a slow blink that said a million words without a whisper.
He abided by her command.
Without another moment passing, he reached his right arm over, grabbed her body with his pure masculine power, and pushed her into the women's room.
She stammered backward with his force piercing through her soul, as she knew she was no match for his passion.
Locking the stall door behind them, he immediately reached up her skirt and yanked her panties off, sliding them in his pocket. With the other hand, he wrenched the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss that took her breath and made her pussy pulse from the core of her body.
She let out a whimper and sighed with a relief of desire and longing full of pinned up tension from weeks of silence.
As she melted into the wall he threw her against, he placed his other giant hand up her dress and started moving her juices up and down and all around her innocence as she moaned more and more as he moved.

Without another moment of hesitation, he reached down and opened his suit pants to let out a massive hard cock he knew she would be dying to suck.
As he juggled himself out of his pants, he pushed her to her knees and guided her mouth with the firm tugging of her hair until she gulped, and he felt her tongue move across the tip.
She moaned.
He purred.
This is only the beginning.
He pulled her up and yanked her hair down and back exposing her mouth and neck as he covered her mouth with his to taste every last bit of him through her mouth.
He passionately held her against the wall as they both knew what he was going to unload on her next.
He let go.
With a step back, he commanded her to lift up her skirt.
She complied as he stepped forward and grasped her hips into the air and she wrapped her legs around his powerful body.
He moved.
She wiggled.
At that moment, the tension broke as they both felt the other slide effortlessly around the other. He moved slow to let her juices cover him and when he felt the friction disappear, he reached around her hips until his had grasped his wrist and he trusted upward jamming himself through her body until she felt him in her throat with a shattering scream of pleasure breaking the water balloon inside her body as she squirted all over both of them.
He pumped. She moaned. He growled.
He could feel her arousal and knew the intensity and risk would get her off. He moved and pulled and grind her into the wall.
Her breath shortened, her heart pumped, he pussy screeched, her voice let out a moan as she started screaming his name with pleasure signaling she was about to finish.
He laid into her knowing he wouldn't stop until she was satisfied...
As she finished and fell into him, he slowed down to let the convulsions move through her body and pleasure her from the inside.
When her body calmed, he turned her around and put her arms above her head as he wiggled his cock in from behind.
He moved up and down, overpowering her.
She wanted him.
He wanted her.
Without warning, he pulled out and swung her around back to her knees as she opened her eyes, took his exploding cock in her mouth and wrenched her hand around, releasing cum down her throat, sending shockwaves through his body and breaking his balance...
She sucked and he convulsed.
When he was done, he looked at her.
She looked at him.
Both of them wondered what just happened.
What overtook them...
How do they both feel so powerless around the other...
She pulled down her dress and he pulled up his pants. As they helped the other straighten each other's clothes, they couldn't say a word.
She walked out first.
He followed.
A few moments later, they were standing at the bar, grabbing a drink, and speaking for the first time in weeks.
A superficial hello, how are you, from both and they broke away into different groups.
Every once in a while, they'd catch each other glancing over and with no facial expressions, knew exactly what the other was saying.
Another time.
Another ending.
Another wonderment...
Will there be one more... just one more time...