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My Addiction To My Boss Chapter 3

"Does he share my addiction...?"

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I sit in the airport and watch the planes land. It's 6:32 AM and Lara's plane should be here in three minutes, if it's on time. The board says it is, but you never know. I grab my purse and walk to the nearest Starbucks to grab a coffee while I wait. I have to go to work after I drop them off at their apartment, and to be honest I don't really want to go.

Damien's acting weird towards me. He took Monday and Tuesday off, and when he came in yesterday he seemed... different. I'm not sure how to explain it, he just seemed distant and awkward around me. Maybe he's changed his mind and he doesn't want to sleep with me anymore. I feel a pang in my chest and frown. I don't want him to change his mind...

Once my coffee has been made, I head over to Lara's gate as the passengers start to arrive. I have to stand up on my tip-toes to see over the people in front of me. I see her walking hand in hand with Shane and I start waving my arms.

"Lara!" I shout and run through the people standing in front of me to get to her faster.

"Hi, lover! Miss me?" she asks and laughs when I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight. 

"More than I ever thought possible... How was the trip?" I reluctantly let her go and hug Shane.

"Oh. Jane, it was incredible. I have to take you there sometime," she says and takes the coffee from my hand, taking a huge drink, "I definitely need some sleep..."

"Just gotta grab your bags and you'll be home in less than thirty," I smile and take back my coffee as she takes my free hand in hers. 

"Did you call Eric? I know it's eight years this-"

"I know, Lara. And no, I didn't call him. He sent me some flowers, though. Please drop it." I look at her, pleading silently that she'll let it go.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry, I just think you need to call him on those days. I'm sure it would mean a lot to him."

"I know you guys were close, but that doesn't mean you can tell me how to handle my brother, ok? Now please... let's just get your bags." I take a large gulp of my coffee and start walking faster to the luggage claim. 

As we walk out to my car, I pour the rest of my coffee into my mouth so I can throw the cup away.

"So who are you sleeping with?" Lara asks and I nearly spit out my coffee.

"Umm... what?" I ask after finally swallowing.

"We've been best friends since we were four... I know you. Now who is it?" She gives me a huge grin and bounces her eyebrows up and down in excitement.

"I thought we'd discuss this over drinks tomorrow... I didn't think I'd have to deal with this at 6:50 in the morning..." I groan and unlock my trunk for the bags.

"You made me wait to hear the story of the much needed orgasm... you have to tell me," she says and I look up at Shane.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I married her, I'm totally used to it. I hear all of your phone conversations so... it's no biggie," he says and shrugs. I laugh and pat him on the back as I walk around to the drivers side.

I slide in and once they join me, I drive out of the parking lot towards their apartment. 

"So...?" she prompts and looks at me expectantly.

"It's Damien..." I murmur and she gasps.

"Damien, Damien? As in super sexy boss-man, Damien?!" 

"Hey..." Shane says from the back and Lara grabs his knee.

"Sorry, baby. But Jane! Damien?!"

"Oh, my God. Yes, that Damien..." I sigh. "This is why I didn't want to talk about this right now... and I don't even know if we're still sleeping together so it doesn't matter."

"Well, why not? Did you break him? I know it's been a while for you... Were you a little rusty?"

"Lara... I cannot believe you just said that. No, I didn't break him.... He's just been acting weird. I guess we'll see what happens at work, today. He ditched work on Monday and Tuesday, and then was weird all day yesterday," I try to seem nonchalant, but I'm a little hurt by his odd behavior these past few days.

"You have to talk to him! You can't just let it go..." 

"I'll see how today goes, ok?"

"Alright, fine," she acquiesces and looks forward.

After dropping them off at their apartment, I head back to my apartment to drop off my car. I never drive to work, it seems pointless since it's so close to my building.

I walk in to my office wearing my favorite dark plum fitted dress and black belt. Damien's not in yet and part of me is happy. I need to gather my thoughts before he clouds my mind completely. I tuck my bag into my drawer and log into my computer. I have an email from Eric and I sigh. I really can't deal with this today... 

Damien walks in and my breath catches.

"Morning, Jo," he says and flashes a smile. He runs his hand through his hair and barely glances at me as he murmurs a good morning.

"Good morning, Damien," I say and he looks up at me when I say his name. He pauses for a brief second before continuing into his office.

By the time lunch rolls around, he hasn't left his office once. I print out the compromise for the Larson case and walk to his office. I knock softly and walk in.

"Hey..." I say and he looks up at me. 

"Jane," he says, watching me carefully.

"The Larson's compromise came in, I just wanted to bring it to you before I take my lunch break."

"Oh, thank you, I'll take it," he says and walks over to me. I'm frozen as I feel the tension between us, the atmosphere changing. He takes the paper from my hand, but still stands in front of me. He looks down at me, and I see the change in his eyes. He picks me up and presses me into the wall, kissing me fiercely as I wrap my arms around his neck and surrender to his kiss. I tangle my fingers in his hair and deepen the kiss as he presses his body against mine. He forces his tongue into my mouth and groans faintly.

"Fuck..." he whispers after a minute and sets me down,"I'm sorry." He grabs the paper from the floor and walks a few feet away from me before stopping. 

"Why are you apologizing?" I ask after a moment, still breathing hard. He turns slowly and looks at me.

"I shouldn't have done that, I should've just let you walk out of my office and go get your lunch. But I have a very hard time controlling myself around you..." His eyes burn with intensity and I'm shocked by his confession.

"So don't..." I whisper and want to smile when I hear his sharp intake of breath.

"Go eat, Jane," he says and walks back to his desk.

"Do you want to join me?" I ask, following him towards his desk.

"No, you should go."

"If you change your mind, I'll be at Roberto's across the street," I smile gently and walk out to grab my purse.

I thank the waiter as he places my chicken salad in front of me and I take a drink of my iced tea and glance up as someone walks inside. "Nope, not Damien... Now stop watching the door and eat your lunch," I tell myself and force myself to keep my head down. I take a bite of my salad and groan in appreciation. 

I hear the door chime as someone walks in, but force myself to look at my salad.

"Too late to join you?" I freeze mid-chew. I slowly look up from my salad and see him standing in front of me, one hand on the chair. 

"Of course not. We'll just have to call over the waiter to take your order," I say, covering my mouth as I chew. He sits in front of me and takes a deep breath.

"I wasn't going to come..." he says and watches me take a sip from my glass.

"Well I'm glad you did," I say through my smile,"Where were you earlier this week?"

"At home," he says as though it answers my question.

"Well... why? Were you sick?"

"No, I was thinking. I needed to think."

"About...?" I prompt and take another bite of my salad.

"You... Me... Us?" He seems almost unsure and frowns at his hands.

"Oh? What did you decide?"

"That I should leave you alone, but it seems I've already ruined that," he murmurs the end as though he's disappointed with himself. 

"Again, I'm glad you did," I whisper and smile. We make idle chat through the rest of our meal, me with my salad and he with his chicken tacos.

"Jane, I'm not sure what you want this to be. Us, I mean," he says randomly as we wait for the waiter to bring his change. I look up at his eyes and pause.

"What do you want it to be, Damien?" He looks down at his hands and shrugs.

"I don't know," he mutters, but doesn't look back up at me. 

"You're lying..." I whisper and thank the waiter as he hands Damien his change. I stand up and grab my purse, "Why do we have to decide right now? Why can't we just... have fun?"

"I like having fun," he says and grabs my hand as we head back to the office. I smile and my heart flips with elation.

"Thank you for lunch," I say and he squeezes my hand as he grins.

I almost laugh out loud at Jo's expression when we walk in hand in hand; she's openly gawking. He kisses me chastely on the lips before walking into his office alone.

I sit down at my desk and hug myself.

"Holy crap..." I whisper to no one in particular and have a much better attitude as I finish up my work for the day.

When 6:00 PM finally rolls around, Damien walks out of his office and pauses at my desk.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asks and tilts his head to the side in that way I love.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner, tonight.

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I'll cook? Maybe we can talk about... us." 

"That sounds great. Want me over around seven, then?"

"Perfect," I say and stand up to kiss him. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and kisses me softly.

"I'll see you later, then," he murmurs and the side of his mouth tilts up, as if he wants to smile. 

"Later," I agree and watch him leave. I sigh happily and grab my bag, heading out to the street. I hurry to my apartment to see if I have everything I need for dinner. I decide on a marinara pasta and garlic bread with a green salad. 

I start the sauce first, and preheat the oven for the garlic bread.

"Now, Clyde... you have to be a good boy. He's important, ok?" I tell him as I carry him over to his cat perch. I set him down, kiss his face, and scratch under his collar. I wash my hands again and start cutting up the lettuce and carrots for the salad.

Once the sauce in nearly done, I start the noodles and put the bread in. Everything should be done in twenty minutes, which gives me plenty of time to clean up the apartment and myself.

I place the pillows in their proper positions on the couch, and quickly do the dishes in the sink. Once finished with that, I run into my bathroom and brush out my hair, making sure it falls in soft waves around my breasts. I brush my teeth again and rub some perfume on my wrists and neck. 

I hear a knock at the door and run to get it. I stop, brush the hair from my face, and open the door.

"Hey!" I say and look him up and down. God, he is a beautiful man. He's wearing a black cotton tee, jeans, and Converse... I love it. 

"I thought about bringing wine, but I wasn't sure if you liked it..." he says and shows me a bottle of tequila," So I brought this instead." He laughs and I join him as I take the bottle. 

"I'm glad you decided on this, I hate wine," I shake my head in exasperation and motion for him to come in. I set the tequila on the island and stir the sauce.

"I hope you like pasta... I thought about making chicken Alfredo, but we both had chicken for lunch." I shrug and take the bread out of the oven. I unroll the foil, burning my fingers, and slide it onto a plate, grateful that I cut it before putting it in. 

"Shit, that's hot," I say and run my fingers under the faucet.

"Here, let me see," he says gently and takes my hand from under the water. He kisses each finger, his eyes closed. 

"I think you should be just fine..." he smiles and releases my hand," Anything I can help with?"

"I don't think so... I just have to mix the sauce in, which is easy. Oh, you can take the salad over to the table if you'd like," I say and point to the table.

"Yes, ma'am," he says and chuckles softly.

We sit down at the table and start eating. We each have half a glass of tequila sitting in front of it and I sip it gingerly. 

"Oh, my God, Jane. This is incredible," he says and takes another bite of the pasta. 

"Thank you, I'm happy you like it." I smile wide and take another sip of my drink.

After dinner, we sit on the couch, our second glass of tequila in our hands.

"So... are we going to bring 'us' up?' I ask, trying not to jump in too quickly.

"I don't know what I want, Jane... I like being around you. I like kissing you and touching you and watching you come undone underneath me," My breath speeds up and I can't look away from him," I like fucking you. Hell, I love fucking you."

"I love what we have, Damien. But it scares me because I don't know what it is. I don't want to rush to put a title on it, but I just need to know that you're not going to walk away when you get bored."

"I'm not going anywhere," he says gently and takes my hands," I won't disappear again, I promise." He leans towards me and presses his lips to mine. I grab his face and pull him to me. I lay back on the couch, pulling him over me. 

"Bedroom?" I whisper and look up from his lips to his eyes. He stands up and picks me up; he carries me into the bedroom and sets me down. I unzip my dress, pull it over my head, and toss it into my laundry basket. He watches me hungrily as he sits on the bed in front of me.

I stand between his legs and pull his shirt over his head and toss it. I start to untie his shoes as he unbuttons his jeans. I tear off his shoes and socks and pull his jeans off, tossing them by his shirt on the floor.

I push him back onto the bed and kiss my way up his stomach and chest. He must work out all the time to have a body like this. I make my way up his neck, across his jaw, and to his lips. I straddle him and feel his erection against me. He runs his fingertips down my back and I shiver. My hair hangs down around my face as I look down at him.

"You're so beautiful..." he whispers and draws little circles on my hips with his thumbs. 

I smile and run my fingers through my hair to push it away from my face. He rolls us, causing me to yelp in surprise. He looks down at me and slowly pulls my black thong down my legs. I bite my lip and hear him grown as he closes his eyes. I sit up and pull down his boxers, he helps me take them off and throws them by the rest of his clothes. I quickly unhook my bra and throw it and he grabs my breasts in both of his hands.

"So beautiful..." he says it so quietly I don't think he means for me to hear it. He grabs one of my ankles and rests it against his shoulder as he gets closer and closer. He grabs my hip, his fingers digging into my skin as he pushes himself into me. I groan loudly and grab his hand on my hip.

"Yes..." I say and he slowly slides back out of me. He's torturing me, I can tell by the grin on his face.

"Oh, Damien," I moan and swirl my hips, pushing harder against him. He grabs my hip harder and thrusts into me again, pushing me back on the bed. He releases my hip to grab onto the headboard as he starts thrusting into me. I wrap my free leg around his waist and grab at the duvet as he pounds into me. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I yell and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Jane, look at me," he groans and I open my eyes. He kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I moan loudly and close my eyes, again," Jane!" he yells and I look up at him," I want to see you."

I yell out his name as he pushes me higher. "Damien, fuck me!" I scream and I feel him getting closer. I look up at him as I orgasm, my toes curling and my back arching. 

"Fuck, Jane," he says and stills as I clench around him, causing him to pour himself into me.

I slowly come back as he removes my leg from his shoulder and lies on top of me.

I kiss his neck gently and play with the hair near the back of his neck. He looks at me and smiles a lopsided grin that I can't help but reciprocate. 

He kisses me and I can feel it build into something more urgent. I groan and grab his hair as he deepens the kiss.

"Oh, my God! Holy shit! I am so sorry!" I hear from the door and gasp, breaking the kiss. I look out and see Lara covering her eyes and turning around. In my panic, I roll us both off of the bed. 

We hit the ground with a thud, and he pulls himself out of me. I grab my robe off the chair next to us and pull it on quickly. I throw the duvet at him to cover him and tie a quick knot in the robe string.

I walk out of my room and shut the door behind me.

"Lara, what're you doing here?" I ask, shocked and quite embarrassed. She turns around, a huge grin on her face. 

"You seemed upset earlier, so I thought I'd bring some alcohol and horror movies... I just used my key to get in, I didn't know you had a guest, I'm sorry," she says and laughs softly, "How was it?" she whispers and I smack her arm. 

I look back as I hear my bedroom door open.

"Hi, I'm Damien," he says and reaches out his hand to her. He's just in his jeans and Lara can't keep her eyes away from his abs. His sex hair is crazy, but yet he still looks insanely handsome. 

"Hello, sexy..." Lara says and I smack her again,"Right, sorry. I'm Lara, BFF. You're the boss guy, right?"

"Yeah... I guess so." He chuckles, but seems uncomfortable.

"Well... I guess I'll go. Leave you two love birds alone, eh?" she says and nudges me with her elbow. I guide her to the door and push her out, but before I can close the door she sticks her head in and yells,"Use protection, kids!" and laughs as she runs away. I slam the door and lock the deadbolt.

"I am so sorry..." I say and walk over to him. He wraps his arms around me and I rest my cheek against his chest and close my eyes.

"Do you have to go, now?"

"Only if you want me to..." he whispers and I look up at him.

"I'd like you to stay..." he kisses me softly, picking me up, and carrying me to the bedroom.

To be continued...

Written by Anonymousness
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