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Ms. Danielle's Finishing School: Part 1

"Veronica needs an ally on her Board of Directors"

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Veronica Leonda sat in her office thinking about the Board meeting she had just adjourned. She needed an ally or two sitting on it right now. The board of directors had slowly begun turning the company she and her late husband had built from the ground up into a shambles. She couldn't let that happen to something she had devoted so much time and energy to over the past ten years.

It wasn't just that she and Jack had started it from scratch, they both had it as their dream together and she couldn't dishonor his memory by letting them take over and divide it up. She had to think of a way to replace some of the members who were against her and some who just followed the verbal minority. She contemplated this as her personal assistant knocked on her door.

"Ms. Leonda, Miss Emily is here."

"Thank you, David, let her in."

David stepped aside, opening the large oak door further allowing the young woman in her mid-twenties through.

"Thank you, David," as she passed him.

"Hello Em. That will be all, David, thank you."

"Yes, ma'am."

David closed the door, leaving the two women alone. Veronica's face lit up when she saw Emily walk in. She stood, opening her arms and walking around the desk to hug her stepdaughter. Emily returned the smile, preparing to embrace her stepmother.

Emily was just eight years old when her mother died from breast cancer. Her father was devastated and focused mainly on his business ventures for the first year during which he was without his wife.

Veronica met him at a business conference she was hosting. He had sought her advice on numerous occasions as a consultant. She always managed to find the time to meet with him to help him solve his business problems. It was during these talks that the conversation would turn to his relationship with Emily. He was a good businessman but when it came to little girls he was clueless.

He hadn't realized he had shut himself off to his only child until Veronica pointed it out. She encouraged him to rebuild his relationship with Emily, which might help them each cope with the loss of her mother. Eventually, the little girl and her father helped each other mend, their bond becoming one of fairy tale proportion. Those talks helped open Jack's eyes and the professional relationship he had with Veronica changed from friendship to love. It had been like waking from a nightmare, Jack had once told her.

Emily could never replace her mother with Veronica and Veronica didn't want her to. They had their own special relationship of mutual respect and affection. It hadn't always been that way, and Veronica was glad Emily had finally seen her as an addition to their family and not a replacement for her mother.

Emily realized just how much Veronica loved her father during the last year of his life, shortly before cancer took him. They had built themselves a successful business and were enjoying the fruits of their labors. His illness and eventual death changed all that.

Emily sighed as she hugged Veronica; she felt the tension in her step mother's embrace peak and then subside as they embraced.

Veronica reached up and brushed the stray hairs from Emily's face. She could see Jack's penetrating eyes in her stepdaughter. She missed those, along with everything else about him. Emily was all she had to remind herself of the only man she had ever really loved.

"Want something to drink, sweetie?" she whispered.

"No, I'm just tired. The airport was crazy and the driver you sent got lost."

"I'm sorry; I'll tell David not to use them anymore."

"It's okay; I think I was his first client and he was a bit nervous."

"Well, okay. So how was New York? See any shows? Meet anyone exciting?" Veronica's face lit up as she asked about New York. It was there that Veronica had met Jack and had fallen for him.

Emily had never been in a serious relationship and Veronica worried about her. She wanted Emily to find a path for herself. The young woman was smart and good looking. If only she had some direction in her life or felt some passion with regards to a career.

"Nobody exciting or new; just hung out with friends and went to a couple of clubs. We thought about going to Times Square and battling the tourists but decided to just watch the ball drop on television."

"Oh, sorry to hear that, Em; you did have some fun didn't you? New York City is such an exciting place. Maybe I should visit again when this entire takeover nonsense has subsided."

"Yes, it was okay. You're worried, aren't you? What if the board seizes control of the company?"

"Yes I am worried, it would mean losing this company your father and I built."

"How could you lose it, Veronica? It's ours, isn't it?"

"Technically it belongs to the stockholders. Since we went public, I sit as the board chair and own a majority of the stock. But things could possibly change."

"You can't let that happen, Veronica, you and dad built this from nothing."

"We did, sweetheart, he did most of the work. I had the contacts to make it all work. It's alright, Em; I know that if your father were here none of this would be happening. The board would never attempt anything like this with him at the helm.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Only if you were on the board. I need support, and unfortunately, you're not allowed to be on it."

"But if you knew someone, I mean like a friend. They could?"

"They would have to pass the current board's inspection, but yes there is a vacancy that could be filled."

"Maybe you should look into that more?"

"Well, I would, but they seem to know all my current friends and allies. It would have to be someone new and I don't see that happening anytime soon."

"Maybe something will happen and they will rethink their positions."

"You are sweet; we'll see what happens. Did you have the driver leave your bags here or take them to our house?"

"I had him drop them here; I didn't want them touring the city while he looked for our house."

"Smart girl."

Veronica walked back around her desk and pressed the intercom. "David, Emily is heading home. Her baggage is down in the lobby; would you arrange a limo for her? Please don't use the same service we did to pick her up."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, and please have the other limo company call me. I need to talk to them about their driver. Apparently, he doesn't know his way around this little berg of ours."

"Yes, ma'am. Is that all?"

"Yes, David. Thank you."

"You're welcome, ma'am."

"I need to stay here a bit longer. You go home and relax; we can talk more in the morning."

"Okay, I am tired. Are you taking the day off tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll be home late tonight."

With that, they hugged and Emily departed, taking the private elevator to the lobby to wait for her limo.

"David, come in here please and lock the door behind you. I don't want to be disturbed."

"Yes, ma'am, I'll be right there."

David walked in and locked the door behind him. Veronica was stressed and he figured he'd be asked to stay late. He didn't mind at all, he was in love with Veronica.

"Mix us some drinks, sweetie."

"Yes, ma'am."

"What a day, David. I'm so tired of all this."

"I know, ma'am. I wish things could be different. Is there anything I can do to help?"

David knew where this would lead; he sometimes wondered if he was just hired for this special service he supplied for his boss. Not that he didn't enjoy it; Veronica was a tigress and kept herself in great shape.

Veronica sat down on the leather couch that backed up to the wall facing her desk. She crossed her legs after kicking off her heels. Sitting back, feeling the couch envelop her, she closed her eyes and tried to get the meeting out of her mind. David was behind the desk mixing drinks at the wet bar as she meditated. He finished mixing and walked over to his boss; waiting until she opened her eyes he then handed her the small glass and sat on the floor at her feet.

"Things will work out, ma'am. You always manage to come out on top."

She smiled down at him, sipping her drink.

"I just want to relax. Think you can help me?"

"It will be the highlight of my week, ma'am."

"You are sweet, David."

He set his glass to the side, at the base of the couch and took one of her nylon covered feet in his strong hands. With the precision of a trained masseur, he began working the tension from her tired body. She sipped her drink as he alternated between the left and the right. Wanting to ease her pain, he focused on each muscle working his way to her ankles and then the calves. She stretched out, sinking deeper into the couch as the alcohol in her martini began its job. Veronica's soft moans of delight encouraged David and affirmed his expertise.

She let him soothe her tired feet and legs and when she was ready she opened her eyes and arms beckoning him to her. He took her glass and set it aside. Leaning in he kissed her as she tugged his shirt from the confines of his slacks. He removed his tie then began unbuttoning his shirt as they kissed. Her hands slipped under the fabric, feeling his warm skin and firm stomach. She traced his abs with her fingernails causing him to tremble. Breaking the kiss he sat up and wrangled his shirt from his shoulders, laying it aside. Leaning back in, their lips met and her hands returned to his chest.

Pausing their kiss, he looked into her eyes.

"The usual ma'am?"

She nodded and he knelt before her. His hands gliding over her nylon covered thighs. She pressed herself back into the cushions and raised herself up. As per his routine, he slipped his fingers under the waistband of her panties, working them off. She grinned, raising one ankle then the other allowing him to ease that restriction from her. Massaging her legs, as he slid his torso between them, he bent down to gently kiss the upper band of her stockings.

"You're such a good boy, David."

"Thank you, ma'am."

He kissed and licked his way to her mound, delighting in her scent and the way her nylons felt under his palms. She scooted forward spreading her legs to give him ample room to pleasure her. His tongue traced the trimmed edges of her manicured landing strip. She pressed her head back into the leather anticipating his next move. He decided to alter his normal routine and moved his right hand between her legs, brushing her swollen vulva with the backs of his fingers. She moaned when his thumb parted her lips, his tongue followed it down the opening he had created. Her warm moist lips closed over him as he inched it inside her. Her hands gripped the sofa when he touched her favorite spot.

Their experiences together had taught him exactly what she wanted from him. Her manipulation of his head and words of encouragement helped in the process. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he focused on her clit. She pushed her hips towards him and he knew he had done well. Her legs squeezed around him as his face was inundated with her juices. She bucked and writhed as he continued licking and sucking on her. With one final convulsion, she let out a small yelp and collapsed back into the couch, satisfied. He paused, working his way back out, kissing and massaging her legs.

She opened her eyes and looked down at his glistening cheeks. "You're just what I needed, sweetheart."

He smiled, sitting back on his heels. "You're welcome; you know I love making you happy, Veronica, and my wife enjoys the skills you've taught me."

Veronica smiled at him, remembering his little vixen of a wife at their last Christmas party and their special talk. "Yes, I bet she does love that about you, my sweet David. But, I need to get home and so do you."

"Yes, ma'am. Would you like me to walk you to your car?"

"That would be nice of you, David. Thank you"

Over the next few months, the two women saw little of each other. Veronica was involved with work while Emily relaxed and worked on her tennis game. She had a business degree and a Masters in economics from an Ivy League school, but wasn't sure she wanted the headaches she saw Veronica dealing with. She needed a break from school and decided that spring would be a good time to start focusing on her career. For now, she'd just take it easy and let herself relax.

She spent a few days a week playing tennis at Veronica's country club and keeping in shape. She loved the freedom of not working or going to school, but she also missed the structure those brought to her life. Veronica would join her at least twice a week and they would have some vigorous matches on the court. Veronica had watched Emily's game improve over the years and had hoped that maybe at the very least she would join her in the club's annual doubles tournament.

Emily had played tennis in high school and some in college but had never had the drive to take it any further than that. With time on her hands, she now seemed to focus on her game and staying in shape. She worked with the various pros from the country club getting insight into her game.

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This particular day she had been worked over by that day's pro and was feeling it in her arms and especially her legs. She finished up her session and headed off to the locker room for a sauna to relax and loosen up.

While she was changing she noticed another young woman, perhaps thirty years old, whom she had seen on the courts during the last few weeks. The woman was tall, svelte, and an excellent tennis player from the little bit Emily had seen of her when she was on the courts. She was getting undressed as Emily headed to the sauna, having been practicing a few courts over.

Emily checked the timer and turned it to thirty minutes, grabbing a small towel to use as a seat. She figured that would be enough time to let the heat soak in and loosen her muscles. Even though she worked out regularly this particular tennis session had been hard on her legs. She walked in and sat down on the redwood bench, placing the small towel down close to the wall. She loosened the towel around herself and lay back, closing her eyes. The hot steam soon engulfed the room, surrounding her and soaking deep into her tired legs. After about two minutes she felt the air change and heard the door open; light from outside darted in, blinding her temporarily and outlining the woman entering.

She uttered a generic hello and closed her eyes again. She lay back against the wall, a deep contented sigh echoing through the warm sultry fog.

"Hello," a soft melodious voice returned, as the woman set her own towel down in one of the other corners and adjusted herself. "Tough workout?"

Emily heard these words just as she drifted off, feeling the effects of the warm moist air.

"A bit harder today than normal, yes."

"Are you going to play in the club's tournament?"

"I hadn't really thought about it, why?"

"Well, I hope you don't mind but I've been watching you these past few weeks. You're very good. How are you at doubles?"

"I was okay back in high school. But since then I mostly play by myself."

"That's a shame; someone with your skills should have someone as good to play with."

Emily thought for a second, 'she's talking tennis or I've been in this sauna too long!'

"Legs ache?"

"Yes, I'm not quite back in shape and Gwen had me working on my net rush. It seemed a bit too much, but I guess I needed it."

"She can be a task mistress for sure," the voice slightly giggled.

"She can be when she wants to."

"Sorry. Am I disturbing you? I don't want to be a bother. Go ahead relax, pretend I'm not here."

"It's okay. I was starting to fall asleep anyway; not a good thing to do in a place like this. Luckily my calves are sore and beginning to throb," Emily said sarcastically.

"Already?" Michelle replied in a surprised tone.

"Yes, I'll need to stretch more this week and make an appointment with the club's masseuse."

"Well, I think she's booked solid for the rest of the month. I tried getting an appointment for my employer."

"Oh well, I guess I'll just suffer."

"I might be able to help you out if you want," the woman offered.

"Are you a masseuse?"

"No, I'm not. But I have taken a few classes and came very close to making it a profession. I do work on my employer from time to time when she can't get an appointment with her favorite masseuse here at the club. I could help you work out the kinks in your legs."

"That would be nice; they are beginning to tighten up despite this heat."

Emily heard the woman get up and move towards her. She opened her eyes and saw her standing at the base of the benches. Her hair was loose, a towel wrapped around her and tied together just above her breasts. She smiled as Emily focused on her face. She laid a towel out on the bench before her and looked up at Emily.

"I don't bite, and my name is Michelle," she said extending a hand. "Lie down with your face down."

Emily smiled and rose, extending her hand to greet Michelle. "I'm Emily, nice to meet you."

Shaking it, she then lay down facing the door at the opposite side of the room. "This is nice of you, Michelle, I feel sort of strange doing this. Especially in here."

"Oh, don't worry about it. We're adults and we're not doing anything but helping your legs feel better."

Emily smiled and closed her eyes. "So you need a partner for the tournament, Michelle?"

"Yes, I have done the singles thing but I would like to try the doubles. After seeing you play I knew I'd have some competition in that, so diversifying and maybe having you on my team I might at least win one trophy."

"You are too kind, Michelle. I'm not that good."

"I think you are, and are just modest."

Emily sighed slightly as Michelle placed her hands on Emily's left calf. She slowly began working the muscles up her leg and then back down.

"This is tight, girl."

"Yes, I've always had problems being inflexible."

"We'll see if we can help that situation out a bit."

There seemed to be a sly intonation in Michelle's voice but Emily didn't want to think about that just at this moment. The woman's hands surrounded her leg, kneading it up and down. She lay there basking in the sensual delight of the warm moist air as Michelle moved to her right leg from her left.

"Emily, would you mind if I changed positions? I can't really get to the other side of your right leg while bent over like this. You could turn around or I could just get on the bench. Whatever is easier for you?"

Emily was content just as she was. She spread her legs a bit more thinking Michelle had enough room to get on the bench already. She was just doing her calves anyway. Michelle stopped and climbed atop the seat Emily was laying on. When she started again Emily sighed with contentment. Michelle worked each calf, coaxing the muscles, stretching them up towards Emily's thighs and then back down. About every third pass up, Michelle would cover just a bit more leg increasing her range and listening for any objection.

Her warm hands flowed over Emily's soft skin kneading the muscles, as she pressed deeper into them. Emily enjoyed the attention and would moan as she drifted off into a state of peaceful bliss. Michelle could tell her efforts were paying off as Emily's moans increased in frequency and volume. She smiled to herself and continued her massage, noting each time she moved higher on Emily's thighs that the young woman uttered a brief moan and a slight gasp as she breathed in the warm moist air.

"Do you like this, Emily?" Michelle whispered, massaging even higher on Emily's thigh.

All Emily could do was moan and nod her head. She was thoroughly enjoying the firm yet gentle touches of this beautiful stranger. Michelle placed her hands between Emily's thighs, encouraging them to part just a bit more. Emily could feel her heart racing as Michelle's hands kneaded the tired muscles in her legs. Her touch was electrifying and strangely erotic. She hadn't felt like this with any of the other masseuses she had been to. Of course, they weren't as good looking as Michelle or as naked.

"You have great legs, Em."

"Thank you, you have great hands," Emily replied shifting her legs further apart.

Michelle smiled working higher up the backside of Emily's legs just under her cheeks. Rolling each leg with her palms, she pressed into them, working the muscles that bothered this lovely young woman.

"Emily, would you like to play with me?" Michelle asked, "I think we'd make a great pair."

"Oh, I think we would too."

Michelle gently spread Emily's legs further apart; scooting on her knees she stopped parallel to Emily's knees so she could lean in and reach Emily's back. Her hands continued their explorations up Emily's legs and now brushed just under the towel covering the girl's torso. She would focus on one thigh with both hands and then the other, not speaking while she went about her pleasant task. Emily slid into a state of bliss; Michelle's touch excited her.

She tried to contain herself, but with each pass of those palms on her skin, she felt herself fall deeper into a place she had rarely been before. She had never been touched like Michelle was touching her now, deliberately and with such eroticism. She felt the excitement and some anticipation each time Michelle's hands moved up the backs of her legs and close to her crotch. Her breathing grew rapid and her heart continued to race and the delightful tingles inside her formed and moved through her.

She had felt close to this once before. A lover had tried but had only brought her part way to this feeling; she had now passed that and was moving into an area she wasn't sure she wanted to go. Her mind was tormented and curious at the same time. How could just this touch bring her so close to climax, especially from another woman? She had to make a decision now or she wouldn't be able to stop it. It was feeling just too good.



"That's not my calf."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just pushing the tenseness up and out. I can stop if you feel uncomfortable." Michelle stopped abruptly, having been caught going past Emily's comfort zone.

"No, it feels good. I just didn't think I was going to get a complete massage."

"Well, that would be up to you. I was sort of getting into a rhythm. But if you don't want to I understand."

Emily turned slightly to look at Michelle, her eyes dreamily looking at her, her voice lucid and relaxed.

"I love this; I just didn't want to take advantage of your offer."

"You aren't. I can feel how tense your body is. We could see if one of the massage rooms is available or we could stay here. That's if you want to continue."

"I would love to continue, but not here. I think I've been in here too long as it is. My mind is starting to play tricks on me. It must be the heat."

"Well, yes we have been in here for a bit. You tell me what you'd like to do."

Michelle returned to working Emily's legs as they talked. Her voice calming and reassuring as she sat back on her on heels and picked up Emily's feet.

"Why not let me finish up with your feet and we can call it good."

"Oh, alright. But then I should get dressed and out of here."

"This won't take long." Michelle grinned.

Her hands pressed into Emily's feet, kneading them, feeling her arches. Emily's head dropped back down to the towel, and closing her eyes she felt the rush swell within her once more. This time she let it flow through her not worrying about what she was feeling. It was just her feet after all.

Michelle's touch triggered something in Emily; the excitement grew as her feet were pressed and loved by this semi-naked beauty. Michelle would increase her touch to Emily's calves alternating each hand between the foot and the upper part of her leg. She sensed Emily was enjoying her touch and focused on the areas that caused her to gasp and moan. Pressing further on until Emily was clearly feeling a climax building.

Michelle continued her massage waiting for the slightest hint that Emily would stop her. But that never occurred. The young woman lay there; her body twitched and shuddered as a wave worked its way through her. Her muscles stiffened as she climaxed suddenly, trying to hide her reaction from Michelle. Michelle slowly eased her touch and then stopped as Emily shuddered and stretched letting the feelings within her evolve and take over. Her panting became audible as she writhed on the towel, very embarrassed at what she had just done.

"Michelle, I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be; sometimes I do that just thinking about someone."

Emily was embarrassed, yet this feeling was just too delicious. She moved her legs as Michelle sat back and stepped down to the floor. Rising up, Emily secured the towel around her. She apologized to Michelle as she fixed the towel in place.

"That was something I'd never felt before, Michelle. Your touch, it's amazing."

"I've been told that once or twice. Don't give it another thought. It's our secret."

"Thank you. And yes, I'd love to play with you." Emily was surprised she said that and she didn't mean tennis. Something about this woman excited her, not only her touch but also something she couldn't quite figure out.

"We can talk. I'll give you my number and we can practice sometime." Michelle smiled

"Okay, but now I need to shower and get dressed. Just slip it into my locker if I'm not there when you get dressed. It's number twenty-five."

"Very well, it was nice meeting you, Emily."

"You too, Michelle, and thanks for everything."

"It was my pleasure."

Emily smiled to herself as she walked out of the sauna and back to her locker. She managed to catch her breath and then headed to the shower. She was in there a good thirty minutes letting the event in the sauna run through her mind as she soaped and cleared her thoughts. When she got back to her locker, she opened it and found Michelle's number. She tucked it away in her purse as her heart started racing once again.


Written by _O2_
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