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Kiss My Ass (On New Year’s Eve)

"When Helen makes a naughty offer, she didn't expect Carrie to take her up on it. Or did she?"

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The ingredients were all there, I swear - an artfully decorated buffet overflowing with deliciousness, bottles of champagne and beautiful people in their best age and dressed in their finest clothes, hyped up by the promise of a new year with new opportunities after a highly successful one, a brilliant band that played whatever we desired, a clear sky, and all of them hustled together on the roof terrace of our company’s office building to appreciate the fireworks.

All but two ingredients were. Two stories down, I found myself pressed against the wall of my tiny office, slightly tipsy and with brightly flushing cheeks. In front of me stood Helen, whom I had followed on a hunch when she sneaked away from the party and into the deserted offices, and she was waving a manila folder up and down and glaring daggers.

“Horton’s my client, you hear that, Carrie?” she hissed between clenched teeth, and I so felt like slapping her pretty face. I had told her a thousand times to call me Caroline.

“He came to me!” I shot back, trying and failing to reach for the brown folder.

“He’s always been with me. I don’t know what lies you’ve told him,” she accused.

“I don’t need to tell lies!” No, I didn’t. I spoke with his secretary, and all I had told her was that I was the expert for Asia, and that I could raise his profit margin by a good number.

“I’ll take that,” Helen stated, hiding the folder behind her back and taking another step towards me until we were almost touching, “and good save you if I catch you poaching in my territory again, bitch!”

“It’s my case,” I shot back, suddenly feeling hot and lightheaded. “Mortimer approved it!”

“Know what?” she growled and leaned even closer. Hear breath brushed heatedly over my lips. My heartbeat filled my ears. “You can kiss my ass! Got that?”

We always clashed. Put us into a room together for an hour and you’ll save the demolition crew. Helen, with her pretty face and perfect figure, with the long, dark hair that flowed and shimmered even at the end of endless working days, with the cleavage that she flaunted to woo all the best among our clients, was my antipode.

I was good at what I did, really good. But I didn’t have her perfect C-cups, and my dirty blond hair, once it grew longer, became frizzy and all over the place, no matter how much conditioner and spray I used. It wasn’t fair. And there were the dreams… A crazy thought bubbled up inside me. I knew that Horton’s case was lost to me. A tingling buzz, spurred on by my slightly inebriated state, came alive between my thighs.

She had cornered me against the wall, one arm extended right next to my head, and her glowing, emerald eyes just dared me to object. A pretty silver locket with a pearl decorated her cleavage, hinting at delicious, naughty softness further down.

“Can I? I’m pretty sure you’re much too uptight to allow that.”

I almost giggled with glee when she gasped for air. That had caught her off-guard.

But then her eyes narrowed, and one corner of her lips twitched upwards. Her voice dropped an octave. “You think so?” Her hand suddenly gripped my chin quite hard and made me stand on toes, giving me no option but to look directly at her.

Behind her eyes, something intense flickered that I couldn’t grasp, but that something made my heart try to burst free from my chest. I started to tremble, damning my loud mouth. But then she leaned in again, ever so slowly. Was she going to kiss me?

My breath hitched and my lips parted on their own volition. Her short, hard breathes filled my mouth, and that little buzz between my thighs turned into flaming heat.

She giggled. “You think I’m too prude to allow a little uppity bitch do what she’s born to do?” She let go of my chin, only to reach downwards without the slightest hint of hesitation and stick her hand inside my skirt. My breathing stopped. Then, when her fingers slipped inside my panties, my body shook and I failed to reign in my moan.

Helen chuckled while her fingers shamelessly delved through my folds and found only wetness. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed all your leering stares.” She moved her fingers in a circle, and my hips had no chance but to join the dance. “I bet you’ve toyed with your drippy snatch time and time while you thought of me, you little pervert, haven’t you?”

I tried not to answer, really, But then she found my nub and coaxed it from its sheath, and I was lost. Sparkles exploded in my loins, and I admitted my defeat. “Yes!” I gasped, burning up with shame and gyrating my hips. “Every single night.”

Her hand retreated and left me full of want. Why did she have to look so pretty with that evil smirk playing over her lips?

“Then owe up to your words, my little slut!”

A shiver of desire raced up my spine. With a swipe of her hand and two graceful shrugs, her dress slid down her body to the floor. The flowery, lacy black undergarments screamed expensiveness but were no less than what her beauty deserved.

On wobbly legs, I stepped around her, following her gesture, and then I sank onto my knees. Her four inch heels made her legs seem endless, and her butt stood out in front of me bubbly-tight and good enough to eat. I couldn’t hear a single sound with all the blood rushing in my ears. Somewhere in between, she had dropped the folder. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled gently down, full of awe and worship at the softness of her skin.

She reached back, and pretty hands with nails in shiny, gleaming, yummy red parted her cheeks. Shamelessly, she exposed her pinkish pucker, that lovely and forbidden rose I had imagined in my sleepless, randy nights.

The first touch of my tongue was tentative. The scent of flowery body lotion wafted first into my senses, followed by the sweet and salty taste of sweat. Then came a slightly heady, intimate aroma that seemed to reach directly into my core. Small ridges of her ring of muscle bumped against my tongue, and in a daring move I swirled it all around.

Her gasp of pleasure answered me. My crotch got soaked from spurting juices at the sheer depravity.

“Stick it in, you nasty bitch!” she urged with breathless need. “Give my ass a lover’s kiss!”

Her ring of muscle parted only slowly, trying to grip my tongue and sliding tightly over it. I pressed with all my force and finally found it engulfed with silky warmth. Her butt cheeks rested on my face, my nose was buried in their cleft, and little tremors told me how much she enjoyed the naughty act.

She moaned and reached between her thighs. I moved my tongue in and out, each thrust going easier, and felt her rock against my face in answer to my penetrations. Her moans began to fly, the sweetest purrs and groans of passion.

My hands started to knead her pretty butt, and I wiggled my tongue inside her. Her moans rose high in pitch and became little cries, and then she stiffened, reaching back and pulling my head hard against her butt.

She came, with long, hard shudders, crying out my name, filling the air around me with the lovely, heady scent of sex, and I held on and licked and wiggled all my worth.

When she came down, she pushed me back, slipped back into her panties and her dress and looked me up and down with unbridled amusement. Her lips curled in devious smile. “Finally something that you’re good in.”

I gasped and started to retort, but then a wicked gleam in her green eyes for some unfathomable reason made me halt.

“You want to come too?” she inquired softly.

I answered with a shameful, eager nod.

“I don’t think so.” She brushed a strand of frizzy hair aside that tried to cover my eye.

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“Not yet. If you’re a good girl though, tonight…”

Whatever being “good” might be, she didn’t say. But I was hooked. She knew it, and I knew it, and there was no going back towards that tension-filled denial. Her finger, coated now with my juices and hers, drew a soft, moist line across my cheek.

“Keep it there. Join us in ten minutes on the roof,” she ordered in a whisper and giggled airily when all I could do was nod.


Ten minutes later, I stepped out onto the roof, grateful that my blush could not be seen in the dim light and praying that the smells of female lust I carried on my face would be covered by the flowing alcohol. Helen stood next to Mortimer and whispered in his ear. My stomach plummeted, but from the corner of her eye, she saw me and crooked a beckoning finger at me.

I ambled over, awkwardly trying to lighten my steps. Mortimer, with his greying hair and black designer suit, clapped his hands together when he saw me.

“Caroline,” he greeted me, “this is exactly what I’ve been hoping for. I’m so glad you could both settle your disputes.”

I paled. Helen hadn’t…? The jingle of a spoon hitting on fragile glass told me she had, and all eyes were suddenly on us.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Mortimer announced, “before we turn over the calendar to a new year, let me present you with a small change in our organization. Starting tomorrow…” He coughed into his hand and winked. “, starting once tomorrow’s hangover is over…” Laughter rang through the air. “What I wanted to say is, Caroline and Helen will be working together as a tag-team from one office. This will bring a lot of overlapping cases together, and I am sure that, as a team, they will be a force to be reckoned with. Let’s lift our glasses to our newest team!”

An instant later, we were swarmed with well-wishers. I shook hands and accepted lofty kisses to the cheek, each time filled with terror that the smell of my debauchery might be discovered, and I generally just tried to sink into the ground.

Then fireworks exploded in the sky, and the round of hugs and kisses started anew. Glasses were clanked and resolutions announced, then someone started dancing and we all swirled around the open space, office politics for once forgotten.

An hour later, the partly slowly dwindled down. The hardcore bunch sat grouped around a table, telling dirty jokes and laughing quite rambunctiously. Helen had pulled me with her to smaller table at the other end and slightly in the shade.

“You’ve been a good girl, Carrie,” she whispered, pulling me into her lap.

“Helen!” I gasped at the forward display. “Not here!”

She didn’t take a no for answer; instead, she tightly wrapped her arm around me. “Don’t think I don’t know what you need. Take off your panties!”

I froze, but she just waited. I glanced across the terrace, but they were so caught up in their inebriated banter that they didn’t pay us any heed. With trembling fingers, I reached down and wiggled the red satin down my thighs and legs.

My breath hitched when I handed them to her. She took them with a grin and, to my shock, laid them openly onto the table, the dark, wet splotch that gave away my arousal blatantly unmistakable.

“Oh god, Helen!” I started to plead, embarrassment washing in waves over me, but she had only started.

Her fingers travelled up my thighs and made me forget all about my protests. Delicious sparkles danced across my skin. She reached the tops and giggled in my ear. One hand bunched up my skirt around my waist, the other delved between my legs and once more stirred awake that burning need. Smooth fingertips parted my petals, and I moaned.

“Please, Helen, someone will catch us!” I gasped.

“Then hurry up,” she whispered, her hot breath brushing sensuously across that lovely spot between my shoulder and my neck, and I arched my back and moaned in shameful, desperate arousal. She crooked her finger, pushing it deep inside my needy, dripping pussy. “I’ll not stop before you’ve come.”

The thought of being caught like this, half naked and being manhandled on Helen’s lap with need and pleasure plastered undeniably over my face lit raging fires of mortified desire in my depth. I squirmed in Helen’s tight embrace and rocked my hips against that teasing finger.

She started fucking me with it, in and out, slowly picking up a pace. Her thumb playfully flicked my clit and pushed all air from me.

“Please,” I whimpered between hitching breaths while my hips met her thrusts. “I can’t… I’m going… I’ll cry out! Oh please!”

She played with me like just a woman could. Soon only tiny, muffled yelps escaped my throat at every wicked and delicate ministration, and we both knew we wouldn’t stop. The heat spread all the way across my skin. My nipples throbbed with need and rubbed deliciously against the fabric of my dress, reminding me that, in a naughty streak, I had foregone the safety of a bra.

Helen deviously joined a second finger to her first and shoved them without mercy all the way inside. A gurgling, hitching moan broke free and even as I raced towards the edge, I prayed that nobody had heard.

I tried to stop it, tried to reign in all the passion that crashed over me like waves, but Helen sensed my struggle and cut it short.

“Come for me, my little slut,” she whispered softly in my ear, then nibbled lightly right above my collarbone.

Come I did. My body arched, taught like a bow, and then my pussy clenched with force around her fingers. A scream of pure delight exploded from my lips, but she, thankfully, clamped a hand over my mouth and only grunts escaped my nose. I writhed and shook in pure delirious passion while her fingers pistoned in and out with squelching sounds.

I shook and trembled for what felt like hours, until I slumped bonelessly against her chest.

She giggled in my ear, and when she extricated her dripping fingers and held them to my lips, it was the most natural thing in the world. I licked and sucked my juices from her digits with abandon, and her free hand stroked my hair.

I felt incredibly content.

After a while, she guided me onto my wobbly feet and stood up to. A possessive arm reached around my waist and pulled me closed. “I’ll take you home with me,” she stated.

I reached out for my panties, but she slapped my hand.

“Leave them. Let them wonder what they missed.”

“But…” I tried to protest. A squeeze to my butt silenced me.


“What’s going to happen now?” I asked quietly once we were seated in her car.

She threw back her head and giggled. “Now,” she said with a needy timbre in her voice, “you strip out of that dress. Then we’ll drive to my home and you’ll walk naked across the lawn.”

Crimson heat exploded on my cheeks, but she wasn’t done.

“Then, I’ll take you to my bed and make you worship every patch of skin until I’m spent and fall asleep. And in the morning, you can start again.”

Her fingers traced small circles upwards on my thigh.

“I’ve a good friend coming over for a late breakfast.” She cupped my naked, soggy mound. “If you’re a good girl, she and I might watch you come. What do you think?”

I quickly looked away, but the rocking of my hips made words unnecessary.
Written by ChrissieLecker
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