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Job Interview

"Jane has a wardrobe malfunction during a job interview"

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It was 9:25 on Thursday morning. I was in an elevator with eight other people on my way to the eleventh floor for a job interview.

I’d been looking for a job ever since graduating third in my class with a bachelor of business, and even six months prior to that. I was hoping for an entry-level position with any sort of professional firm.

All my professors had told me that I shouldn't have any difficulty in finding a job. Since I’d received that advice, however, the economy in Jamesville had taken a beating when the chip manufacturing plant had closed and then, a month later, the state government had closed two of their offices.

While the local unemployment rate hadn't been directly impacted significantly by these events, the professional services firms that relied on both these organizations for a great deal of their work were heavily impacted. Several had closed their doors and the remaining had buckled down until they were able to locate new clients.

I had had five interviews cancelled within days of the government offices closing. While three others had interviewed me it was apparent, within minutes of starting, that they weren't hiring. As a result, I was still living at home and, while my parents still 'said' that it was okay, I got the distinct impression that they'd be happier if I were on my own.

I found out about this interview through Fred Smithfield who was my dad's friend.

While he was bowling with my dad on Tuesday evening he told him that his son Jake had mentioned that his company's bookkeeper had left when her husband had been transferred and that they were desperate to fill the position with a junior employee who had basic bookkeeping skills.

When my dad told him that I had worked one summer for the chip company in their accounting department doing bookkeeping he told him that he'd bring it up with his son.

His son called the next morning and we set the interview for today at 9:30.

I woke up at 6:00 this morning, way before my alarm was set to go off. I tossed and turned for a while before finally getting up and having a shower at 7:00.

I got dressed in the new blue silk pantsuit that I'd talked her mom and dad into buying for me and, as I came downstairs at 8:00, was greeted by the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs.

Dad greeted me with a cheery, “good morning beautiful,” as I came into the kitchen.

“I made you breakfast,” he continued. “You can't have your tummy grumbling during an interview can you?”

Though I didn't really want to eat it, I ate.

I was getting up from the table at 8:45 as my mom came into the kitchen to see me off.

I was putting on the jacket to my outfit when she motioned me out of the room. When we were out of dad's hearing she said, “Jane, I really like that suit on you. Do you think that you'll take off the jacket during the interview?”

“I don't know. I don't think so. Why?”

“Well dear, as you got up from the table I could definitely tell that you were wearing panties. The material is very supple and takes on the shape of whatever is under it. If there's any chance that you could take off the jacket I'd suggest wearing pantyhose rather than panties.”

“Oh. Do you think it really matters?”

“I don't know. But why take the chance. I know in my day having panty lines show was a definite faux paux.”

Looking at my watch I said, “Okay. I've got a couple of minutes before I have to leave. I'll change.”

I went upstairs and pulled a pair of pantyhose out of my drawer.

Pulling them up I heard that ripping sound every girl hates about pantyhose. Looking down I saw a run right at the foot.

'Damn!' I thought. Searching through my drawer I found that I was out.

'Double damn,' I said to myself. 'Now what am I going to do?'

While I hated to admit it to my mom she was right about the panty lines. Some people, both men and women, thought that having them show indicated a lack of style.

As I was standing there wondering what to do my dad yelled up the stairs, “Jane. Get a hustle on girl. It's 9:00. You've got to leave now if you want to make that 9:30 interview.”

I made a decision and decided to go pantyless thinking, 'no one will even know. Besides which, panty lines are so uncool.'

I pulled up the pants and went downstairs. As I went out I looked back to say goodbye and my mom gave me a thumbs up.

'If she only knew,' I thought. 'She'd die if she knew I wasn’t wearing pantyhose or panties.'

As I walked out to the car I reveled in the free feeling of not having panties under the silk pants of the suit. The soft feel across my butt was very sensuous as was the constant brushing of my pubic hair.

'Wow,' I thought. 'I'm sure glad I got a silk suit. It might have cost a bit more but the feeling is sure worth it.'

I got into my dad's car and, after we'd backed out of the driveway and were underway, he said, “There's nothing to worry about. I've known Fred for a long time. He and your mom don't get along so you've never met him or his son Jake. They're good people. From what Fred said though the company is not prejudiced towards or against women. While they like women to be women they expect them to act in a professional and business-like manner. In fact, Fred told me they expect women to stand up when people enter the room and shake hands.”

“That's good to know. Some men like women to remain seated when they shake hands. It sounds like these folks are the other way.”

Getting out of the car I heard my dad say, “Good luck Jane. Knock 'em dead. Give me a call afterwards and I'll come and get you.”

“Don't worry about it dad. Mom said something about you and her going out to look at some garden furniture this morning. I'll try calling but I can take the bus home if you're out.”

I gave him a wave as he pulled away and went into the high-rise where Jason Interactive had their offices.

I took the elevator to the eleventh floor and upon exiting was very impressed with their lobby.

'Tasteful!' I thought as I took it in. 'Very tasteful. Plain but very classy'

As I approached the receptionist I was greeted by a cheerful, “Good morning. How can I help you?”

“I'm Jane Grant,” I started.

Before I could finish, “I have an,” she interrupted me with, “Good morning Ms. Grant. We've been expecting you. Mr. Kenny and Mr. Smithfield apologize that they got tied up with a client unexpectedly. They asked me to ask you if you'd like to reschedule or if you'd like to wait?”

“Oh,” I said looking at my watch. “How long will they be?”

“About twenty or thirty minutes,” she replied with a smile.

“If you'd like to wait they asked me to put you in one of our interview rooms. It has a telephone that you'd be free to use as well as refreshments.”

“I'll wait,” I said. She led me to a medium sized room just off the reception area. After turning on the overhead lights and pointing out the phone and the refreshments she said, “There are cold drinks and juices in the refrigerator. Please help yourself. Is there anything else you need?”

“No,” I replied with a smile.

“If there is,” she said as she turned to leave, “dial zero on the phone and I'll be happy to get it for you.”

As she left she pulled the door closed. I looked around the room as I wandered over to the refreshments that were sitting on a table.

The room had a large conference table with very nice, comfortable looking armless chairs, both main overhead and side lights, a long credenza with a built-in hot plate and refrigerator, and, at the end furthest from the door, a wall to wall rear-projection screen that doubled as a mirror. At least I assumed it was a projection screen from the notice that said “Do Not Write, Projection Screen” which was posted above it and the array of input jacks located just below it.

Having had enough coffee with breakfast, I opted for a glass of water.

As I poured water from the ice-filled jug into the small glass I thought, 'These are small glasses. I think I'll take the jug back to the table with me.'

Walking back to sit I saw a National Geographic magazine with a cover that announced an article on Magic and Magicians. I picked it up and continued to the conference table with it, my glass of water and the jug to sit and read while I waited.

Before sitting I loosened the tie on my jacket and let it fall open. As I sat I remembered what my mom had said about keeping it wrinkle free and quickly stood up again.

After taking it off, and hanging it on the back of the chair, I sat down again.

I sat reading totally fascinated by the article. As I read I sipped on the water soon finishing the glass.

As I poured another glass the jug broke away from the handle and the ice water filled container fell to the table discharging its entire contents.

Before I realized what had happened the water had sloshed over the side of the table and onto me. I jumped back from the table with an “ohhhh!”

I looked down and assessed the damage. Seeing my drenched blouse and pants I thought, 'I'm totally soaked.'

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror like projection screen and saw that the wet pants were now tightly hugging the front of my body.

'I can’t stay in these,' I thought. 'I can see the outline of my crotch.'

As I walked to the mirror to more closely examine the effect of the water I thought, 'the water has turned the silk into a translucent veil. I can see my vaginal lips if I look closely.'

'Shit! Why did this have to happen? What am I going to do? I don’t want to cancel the interview. God damn it. Why? Why? Why?'

After taking stock for a minute I thought, 'My jacket is extra-long. I wonder if I could wear it as a dress. It'll be a little short but I should still be decent. Let's see?'

As I started to put my jacket on I thought, 'Whoa! I can't put this on over these wet things. If it gets wet it'll become transparent too.'

I glanced around the room nervously before thinking, 'I'm alone. I'll just take off the pants and blouse before I put on the jacket.'

I quickly peeled off the wet pants and blouse. As I was taking off the pants I thought, 'wouldn’t you know it? The one day I’m not wearing panties and this has to happen.'

I stood there in my bra and pulled on the jacket.

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Looking in the mirror I thought, 'the jacket's just long enough. The bra has to go though. It's way too visible.'

I took off the jacket and shucked off my bra. As I looked at myself in the mirror I thought, 'This is totally weird. I’m standing here in a boardroom totally nude waiting for a job interview.'

Realizing my situation I quickly pulled on my jacket thanking my lucky stars that no one had come in while I was undressed.

As I pulled the jacket tight with the tie I saw my crotch become visible and thought, 'damn. I can't tie it too tightly or it gapes at the crotch. Shit. I'm going to have to be really careful how I move around.'

After practicing sitting in a chair to see how much latitude I had I came to the conclusion that everything was fine as long as I stayed sitting with my legs under the table.

I then remembered the water on the table and used some napkins I found on the credenza to wipe it up. I then carefully folded my wet pants and blouse and put them in my purse thinking, 'another good reason to have this monster bag.'

I sat back down and, after looking at the National Geographic for a few minutes, heard a knock at the door.

A youngish man came through the door and said, “Jane Grant? Good morning. I'm Jake Smithfield. Please call me Jake. Thank you for being so kind and waiting for us. Mr. Kenny is just wrapping up with our clients and should be joining us shortly.”

As he came into the room I remembered my dad saying that they liked everyone to rise and, even though I knew the risk I'd be taking, rose and, as I shook his hand, said, “Good morning Jake. I’m pleased to meet you.”

As I shook his hand I noticed him giving me the once over. I was just about to explain my outfit when he said, “Can I get you anything?”

“No,” I said. “Your receptionist very kindly looked after me.”

As I started to say, “I must ...” he said with a big disarming smile, “Great! Please have a seat and we can chat while we wait for Jason. Do you have any questions about Jason Interactive?”

“Not really. Other than seeing from your web site that you’ve been in business for twelve years producing animated shorts for companies to use as advertisements, motivational features, or training I don't know anything about it. How long have you been here?”

“About three years,” he replied. “I was brought in as a finance clerk to chase receivables. I did that for a little over a year. I took over the accounting department when the previous accountant left and have been running it since then. I report to Jason who's a great boss to work for.”

“What's it like working here?” I asked sensing someone who likes to talk.

“The accounting department is great with the exception of month end. Getting the invoices out isn't too bad since we've automated but collecting on the receivables as well as balancing cash flow with payables can be a bit hectic. Jarvis handles all the receivables and Linda the payables and banking. Janice used to do the bookkeeping until she left last week. That's what we looking for right now though, as we're a small company, you could be doing a lot of other things as well. We're all pretty flexible.”

We chatted for a couple more minutes about what it was like to work there and then about my dad and his. I found him really easy to talk to and soon totally forgot about my state of dress.

As he finished I noticed him staring at my chest. When I glanced down to see if anything was showing I saw my nipples had hardened and their shape was visible through the jacket.

'Damn,' I thought. 'This isn’t a good thing during an interview.'

I hunched my shoulders a bit to loosen the material over my boobs and they disappeared in the folds. I was just about to explain what had happened when there was a knock on the door and a slightly older man came into the room.

'Wow!' I thought. 'What a stunning man.'

“Miss Grant,” he said enthusiastically when he saw me. “Hi. Jason Kenny.”

As he walked toward me he stuck out his hand to shake. I jumped up out of the chair to take his hand. As we shook he continued, “Welcome to Jason Interactive. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. A new client insisted on seeing me this morning about their first invoice. They were all upset at the amount we'd charged them for a short commercial. Everything has been straightened out. And, Jake, they gave us another job.”

“Enough about our problems,” he continued with a big smile. “You're here to see about a position as bookkeeper with us. Has Jake filled you in as to what's involved?”

“Somewhat,” I said in response to his question.

I was about to explain why I was dressed as I was when he said, “Let me tell you a bit about Jason Interactive,” as he went over to a whiteboard behind me.

Unfortunately this made me turn away from the table and face him.

'So much for hiding behind the desk,' I thought as I straightened the jacket as best I could over my lap.

Before he started he said, “Did Jake tell you that we like to videotape all our interviews? That is, if you don't have a problem with it. The video starts the moment the overhead lights are turned on.”

“I don’t,” I said nervously as I thought, 'God damn, it was running when I changed out of my wet clothes? Jeez. What an interview!'

“Are you sure? I can get Sharon to turn off the recording,” he continued noticing my nervousness.

“No I don't have any problems with it. It's just – well – I had an accident earlier. While I was waiting for you I spilled a jug of water all over your boardroom table.”

As he looked over the table he said, “No problem. You weren't the first and won’t be the last to spill something on that table. We do focus group sessions here occasionally and you wouldn’t believe what has been spilled on it.”

“Well,” I continued starting to turn a bit red, “the table wasn’t the only thing to get wet. Unfortunately the pants and blouse I was wearing also got soaked. They were so wet that I had to take them off.”

“I’m just – just – wearing the jacket to the outfit,” I stuttered. “It makes for a dress that’s quite a bit shorter than I’m used to. I apologize for my appearance but I felt it was important to go through the interview.”

Jake, looked at Jason, as he said, “You look very good Jane. If you hadn’t told us I’m sure we wouldn’t have known. The dress is a bit short but not any shorter than many others I’ve seen.”

“I agree with Jake,” said Jason. “And thank you for keeping the interview.”

Jason talked for the next fifteen minutes giving me a history of the company, explaining what they did and who their clients were. He also addressed how they were able to avoid the economic downturn that had hit most everyone else in the city.

At one point he called Jake to the board and asked him to fill in a couple of details.

He was an excellent speaker and I found myself fascinated by what he was saying. So much so that, forgetting how I was dressed, I uncrossed my legs and leaned forward. This wasn’t a problem until, when he finished, I leaned back in my chair.

As he asked, “any questions?” I saw his eyes drop to my crotch and widen. I looked down and saw, with the way I had moved around in the chair, that my crotch was completely uncovered.

“Oh. I’m sorry!” I exclaimed as, standing up, I reached down and pulled the hem of the jacket down.

Unfortunately my embarrassment gave me extra strength. Instead of just pulling it down I also pulled it apart and uncovered my boobs.

“Oh, God,” I yelled as I found myself all of a sudden standing essentially naked in front of these two men.

Both men quickly turned their heads away from me and Jason quickly handed me his suit jacket to put on as he said, “Put this on Miss Grant.”

As I put on his jacket I said, as I turned bright red and started to cry, “I’m so sorry.”

“Please Jane, don’t be embarrassed. I didn’t really see anything,” said Jason.

“Jake, could you please ask Sharon to get my terry robe from my office.”

A minute later Sharon arrived and handed Jason a terry robe with a very questioning look.

Jake then held it out, while both averting his face and keeping his eyes closed, for me to put on.

After getting it on and tying the belt closed I said, “I’m decent now. You can open your eyes. Thanks for being gentlemen. I’m so embarrassed. Please let me go and forget I even came today.”

“It’s okay Jane,” said Jake. “Accidents happen. While this was one hell of an accident I’m not going to let it colour your interview. Please be assured that you’re the best candidate we’ve interviewed so far. In addition to your technical skills, I’ve seen that you’re an improvise and get the job done sort of person as well as that it takes quite a bit to get you flustered. I believe that you’ve shown yourself admirably today.”

After a short pause he realized what he’d said and, flustered, said, “That’s not what I meant to say. I mean that you really exhibited great …” He turned even redder as he realized what he’d been about to say.

Jason came to the rescue as he said, “Thank you for coming in today Jane. You had a great interview. We’ll be getting back to you tomorrow with our decision. Do you have any further questions?”

See that I didn’t he continued, “Did you drive here?”

“No,” I replied, “my dad dropped me off. I was planning on taking the bus home.”

“Not dressed like that you’re not,” he said firmly. “Let me get a taxi chit for you from Sharon.”

They both accompanied me to the reception area and Jason got a taxi chit for me.

After explaining how to use it he shook my hand and said, “Goodbye Jane. Jake will be contacting you tomorrow.”

Jake then shook my hand and said, “I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon Jane with our decision.”

As I turned to leave he continued, “It was nice to see you. Have a great rest –” and turned red as he realized what he’d said.

Jake called the next afternoon he told me that the job was mine if I still wanted it.

After I’d agreed we talked further and agreed on a start date of next Monday.

As we were about to finish the conversation he said, “By the way. I took the disk out of the video camera and have locked it in my safe. I’ll give it to you when you come in on Monday.”

I thanked him profusely and wondered, ‘Did he look at it? Did he make a copy?’

Written by verytrustedsource
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