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I'm My Boss's Whore, Chapter 1

"She wanted out of her small town, but this wasn't exactly how she had planned it!"

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My name is Pamela Martin and I have to tell you a story about how I came to work for Mr. Thomas–Mark–and at the same time I found out my true calling in life. 

You see, I wasn't always an executive secretary like I am now, I actually started out as a waitress in a small diner in my home town of Ogallala, Nebraska. 

Eighteen at the time and fresh out of high school, I lived alone, having moved out of my mother's house as soon as I graduated. We didn't get along very well and I was anxious to "be my own woman". So I answered an ad for a waitress in the local paper and began my working career.

It was at the diner that I was introduced to Mark. He came to the diner I worked at one day while in town and visiting some old school friends. 

Mark and I had attended the same high school although he was a senior when I was a freshman. I had a couple of classes with him and over the year had developed quite a schoolgirl crush on this "older man". 

And who wouldn't... one of the stars of the local football team and one of the most popular guys in school, he was always surrounded by lots of friends, both male and female, while I was more the girl trying to fit in type.

And I did try to fit in. In fact, I tried everything to fit in, including becoming something of a slut in the process! 

I thought (as a lot of girls my age) that the way to a man's heart was through his cock and so I wasn't opposed to opening my legs for any guy who gave me the attention I craved. 

I wanted what I thought all the other girls had, a guy on her arm and someone to call my own.

But instead of getting the guy I wanted, all I wound up with was a 'reputation' of sorts as the school whore. I didn't mind, if it took being the school whore to have guys buzzing around me looking for a good time, then so be it! 

I wasn't looking for anything permanent at that time anyway. I wasn't one of those marry my high school sweetheart and settle down to live happily ever after types. I wanted to have fun before I got into the routine of married life and being a housewife. Besides, most of the guys that were interested in someone like me weren't exactly good spousal material!

I knew that once school was over and I moved away (which was my intention) losing this 'reputation' would be easy. I didn't plan on staying in this one-horse town any longer than I needed; I had my sights set on moving to someplace with something more going on for it than the local movie house and the swimming hole!

But sometimes dreams take a while to come true and that was my case here. After school it didn't work out for me to leave. I did manage to get out of the house and get my own place, but it turned out moving to "the Big City" was more expensive than I had counted on! 

So I had to settle for a job as a waitress at the diner for now or stay at home with Mom. I chose the diner and to have my own place. I wanted to feel "grownup" and having my own place let me entertain easier as well. 

Yes, I guess I was still the school whore! I didn't have to spend too many Friday or Saturday nights alone unless I wanted to, and I got all the male attention my overactive sexual needs demanded. I could do worse!

One day while I was at work, a familiar face came into the diner. It was Mark! He was back in town visiting a couple of old friends and stopped in the diner for lunch. My heart was once again smitten with him and I made sure he sat at one of the tables I was working that day. 

As I took his order we talked a bit, asking him how he was doing and I told him about how life in this dinky place was driving me crazy. He asked about my plans and I told him I wanted to get out as soon as something opened up.

That's when I learned about the opening at his office. His regular secretary had left because she was going to have a baby and wanted to spend time as a mother before getting back into the workforce. 

I told Mark that I had taken some secretarial and office management classes in school and at night hoping to pad my resume some.

He asked if I would be interested in an entry-level position with his company. He planned on promoting one of the other girls to the position that had been vacated and would need a new girl as well. 

I told him I would love to and so I flew to Seattle and Mark got me a hotel room to stay in that wasn't too far from him so he could help me adjust to my new surroundings.

It was quite an adjustment too! Coming from a small town of only around three hundred and fifty people on a good day to a place like Seattle with three million was a hell of a culture shock! 

But he told me he would get me a place to live, a job that gave me the money I needed to get by plus have a little fun, and I was out of that dinky damn town–life was good! 

And the additional perk of working with the guy I'd had a crush on for years!

On my first day of work, I took a cab to his office downtown. I was anxious to start work and even more anxious to meet with Mark. 

He had told me that he wanted to get me up to speed on what my duties and responsibilities were at work. All I knew was that I was going to have a private meeting with the guy who I had been hot for ever since I started high school! 

I knew from our short talk there at the diner that he was single; he hadn't found anyone worth marrying either although he had gotten close once. So he was still "on the market"–I planned on shutting that down as quickly as I could too!

I walked into the office wearing a very tight, short, and sexy black skirt and a white button-front blouse, with the first couple buttons, undone. It was almost office-appropriate, yet sexy enough that I knew I would draw stares. 

That was fine, I was only out to impress one man and I had been used to being talked about! Knowing that I would be meeting with my high school heartthrob had me wet… 

I could feel my panties damp and my nipples trying to poke holes in my blouse (I had intentionally not worn a bra that day). I was horny as hell and ready to be taken to bed!

Mark had become a pretty wealthy and powerfully rich man, a realtor specializing in commercial properties, his real estate company handled all kinds of properties from raw untouched land through commercial buildings, condominiums, apartment complexes and even full housing developments. 

I didn't know much about the real estate business at the time, I just knew he wasn't hurting for money! His office was in an ominous-looking black high-rise building in the center of downtown Seattle.

I got in the elevator and I could feel the other occupants–mostly men–looking me up and down. Had they never seen a pretty dirty blonde girl of twenty-one in their building before? 

My body shivered under their stares and then I saw my reflection in the mirrored doors as they closed and I saw how my rock hard nipples were protruding in my white blouse. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 

What a fucking horny slut you are, Pamela! I thought. My pussy dampened in response to my own question and I could feel the beginnings of a fire burning in my loins.

Mark had told me to just come on in when I arrived so I walked back to his office and knocked on the door. "Come in," he said and I opened the door. 

His office was crowded, and I thought I had intruded on a very important meeting. I could feel a flush come over my face as several pairs of eyes darted to my face first then my blouse.

"Fuck!" I thought, "What a great first impression, Becky!"

"That will be all, for now, gentlemen," Mark said when he saw me. Men in expensive-looking suits stood up from the conference table and dutifully picked up their portfolios and briefcases, filing past me on the way out of the room. 

Several younger executives looked me up and down openly. One of the older businessmen stopped by the door obviously intending to be the last one out. He was handsome and smiled at me, looking lustily at me as he closed the door.

"How are you, Pamela? Did you have any trouble finding the place or parking?" he asked.

"No, I took a cab here. I wasn't sure where I was going, or if there would be parking anywhere downtown," I said.

"I see. Well, Seattle is a bit of a change from our hometown, to be sure. It took me a little while to get used to the fast pace and to learn my way around too," he said.

"I'll say! It took me forever just to find the apartment building you set me up in!" Pamela said, "But the map you drew really helped. Thank you for that, and for the job."

"Well, I know how you felt. I remember when I first came to Seattle. It was hard for me since I didn't know anyone here," he said.

"So tell me Mark, does everyone just obey you like that?" I teased.

"They do if they want to keep getting a paycheck!" he said. I wasn't sure if he was joking or serious, at first. This was a strange confidence I had never really seen him assert. Not sure what he meant, I sat down uneasily in a large leather chair.

"So about this position…" I began.

"Pamela, how is your boyfriend?" he asked, interrupting me. It was a rather strange change of subject, I thought.

"Uh, well I don't have one at the moment," I said. The truth was I did have a boyfriend and we had talked about getting more serious but hadn't actually done it just yet. 

I didn't want Mark to know about it right at the moment, though, so I dodged the discussion. "But I'm hoping that moving to the city here will open up more possibilities. And making better money doesn't hurt any either!"

"You always did like the boys," he said. He walked over to the window and stood there in his very well-tailored and expensive suit. He was gorgeous! "Well I'll be honest with you; the position I originally had intended for you was an entry-level position downstairs…"

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"Oh, I don't mind that," I chimed in excitedly, "I can start from the bottom."

He smirked, "As I was saying, the position I originally intended for you was an entry-level position, but I have been thinking about it, and I have another position in mind… one uniquely suited for someone like you, Pamela."

I wasn't sure of the meaning behind that statement, but I needed the job so I pressed him for more information. "What kind of position?" I asked.

"Well, it is more of an executive assistant position. You would be working up here as my assistant. I would need someone who could assist men in making real estate deals. 

"You wouldn't need to know how to sell real estate necessarily, but I would need someone who could help… um… seal the deal," he said.

Seal the deal? I thought, What does he mean by that?

"I don't understand, Mark. What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Pam, I need someone who is willing to pamper the client and treat the client right so they want to do business with us. And sometimes that pampering can take a rather personal turn. You have to know how to coddle them, fuss over them, sweet talk and beguile them, and even…" he explained.

"You mean have SEX with them?!" I asked.

"I mean that we do what we have to do to get their business. I have had to provide many favors over the years, but it has made me very wealthy and has provided my company and the employees here with very good incomes. 

"Sometimes 'going the extra mile' means the road turns from smooth asphalt to a rough gravel one! We can't always stay on the expressway and occasionally, the road gets twists and turns in it," he said.

"So that's why you brought me here, the paid flight, and the 60k for secretarial work. Well, I'm not a whore and I won't do anything your dirty mind has intended." I said angrily as I walked to a wood-paneled door. I made sure to sway my hips with a sexy "I'm nobody's bitch" attitude.

"Yes you are Pamela, and your gonna love it," he said.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Does your boyfriend know you cheat on him?" My face went white. How could he know?

"I-I don't have a boyfriend," I said, trying to stick to the original story.

"You may not realize that we know a lot of the same people, Pamela. Your boyfriend works for Kensington Construction. My company has sold some of the houses your boyfriends' company built. 

"I hear your quite a screamer when you're being fucked by some of the men from his company, and I hear you're also quite the bargainer. Apparently, you'll do ANYTHING to keep up your 'sweet and innocent' image for your boyfriend.

"I also remember who and what you were in school Pamela. You were, to coin a phrase, easier to lay than a throw rug. So it shouldn't be too hard for you to fall back into the obedient slut role again. After all, you have experience being passed around like party dip!" he said with a cocky smirk.

I sat there dumbfounded. He was blackmailing me and there wasn't anything I could do about it!

"What I need to know from you, Pamela, is whether or not you are willing to drive that road when necessary to deliver the goods. If you can, I can promise you that you will be well rewarded and you will live a life that the other waitresses at the diner would kill for. 

"This is a long long way from your home back there and no one here knows you except for me. You have a chance here to start a whole new life with new people where your past won't be an issue. You also have a chance to be more than the local diner waitress. The choice is yours, Pamela," he said.

I sat there listening to what he said. I didn't have much choice. If Billy found out that I had been cheating on him with his guys from work, my future with him, or anyone else in that town would be ruined. 

Billy was saving to build us a house and if I did as Mark wanted I could certainly help him in that regard! Once we had what we needed I could walk away from Mark and me and Billy could start our life together. At least that was the plan going through my head at the moment!

"I'll tell you what Pamela, I will give you a few days to think it over. Meantime, take a look around town and see how Seattle fits. If you decide to stay, you have an apartment. 

"If not, well we will deal with that if and when we need to," he said. "Just have an answer for me Monday morning. That gives you the weekend to think about it and see if you are willing to work for me."

I left Mark's office in a daze. What he was asking me to do… how could I be what he wanted me to be? How could I whore myself out like that? I mean maybe it wouldn't be so bad; just be nice to the clients and charm them and maybe it wouldn't come to that. 

But what if it did? Could I fuck someone just to make a sale for him? Sure I had fucked around with some of the guys at Billy's work, but those were young, good-looking guys and it was only a couple times.

This was totally different. I could be fucking older men, I could be fucking a number of older men–it would just depend on what was required. The more I thought about the possibilities, the more my imagination worked to conjure up all sorts of terrible, demeaning, and humiliating scenarios.

Mark had given me the weekend to look around Seattle and see some of the sights, but I couldn't. I just sat in my hotel room thinking about what he had said and what my options were. 

I either worked for him doing whatever it was he wanted me to do, or he would ruin me in my town and ruin any future I had with Billy. 

My mother probably wouldn't have much to do with me either. She already didn't think much of me the way I grew up; this certainly wouldn't endear her to me any!

Monday morning came at last and I really wasn't much closer to an answer than I was when I last left his office. I took a cab back to his office, not know what would happen but hoping, I guess, to convince him to forget this crazy idea. 

I went up to his office and knocked softly on the door. Mark opened it and I saw he was on the phone talking to someone. He motioned for me to come in and have a seat. I sat there silently as he talked to whoever was on the phone with him.

Mark was a good salesman, I listened to him convince the caller that he had "the deal of a lifetime" for him/her and he made it sound wonderful. 

His bearing and his speaking ability almost had me ready to sign and I had no idea what was going on! I had to admire the man's talents–he sure could command attention and he could bend people to his will! 

Finally, his call was over and he sat down at his huge, ornate desk and looked at me.

"So Pamela have you had a chance to look around Seattle? What do you think of the place?" he asked.

"No I stayed in my hotel room all weekend," I said, lowering my head.


"Yeah, I was thinking… about what you said last time I was here," I said softly.

"I see. And have you come to a decision?" he asked.

"I don't really have a choice. If I don't do what you ask, you are going to tell my boyfriend and he will leave me. I won't be able to go back to Ogallala, and my mother probably won't have anything to do with me anymore. I won't have a job, a home, or a boyfriend," I said.

"That is something of a pickle, isn't it?" he said, grinning evilly.

"Okay, Mark, What do you want me to do?" I asked him softly, almost afraid for him to hear my words. 

I looked at him, begging him to make it easy and just let me go. I don't think I really minded, though. We were both undressing each other with our eyes. He got up from his desk and walked slowly around the massive piece until he was standing in front of me leaning back on it.

"Tomorrow I want you to wear something a little sluttier than what you have on now, although I am enjoying the free show," 

He motioned to the white blouse that was nearly so transparent you could visibly see my tits hanging out of my bra. 

"Show me what color panties your wearing," he said. I looked at him for a moment and when he didn't stop me, I hesitantly played the role he had forced me into, standing up and stepping up to him. 

I slowly slid the tight black skirt over my thighs revealing my stockings stuck tight to my moist thighs, the hot little black garter belt, and my lacy pink underwear.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me forward. "You're dripping wet," he said. I blushed beet red, ashamed that he had caught me wet. 

Strangely enough, I had been horny all morning and couldn't wait to get back to my hotel room and masturbate. This scenario in his office wasn't helping my state either. My musky woman-scent wafted throughout the office. 

Frankly, I stunk with lust! Mark pushed my panties to the side and probed my lips with his fingers. I gasped and jumped back slightly feeling my heart race.

"Yes, you are a very wet little whore," He looked up at me devilishly. He went back behind his desk and pulled out some papers from the drawer.

"Now sign these papers and be here at 8 am. Wear stockings and heels, something short and sexy, and no panties," As he barked his orders to me, I pulled down my tight skirt and started for the door. Just as I thought he has no proof I fucked those two workers he said,

"Oh and one more thing", He tossed a manila envelope on the desk. "You may want to have a look at what's in that envelope. I think you will find it quite interesting. I have a copy of my own and I love the expression on your face!" 

I blushed bright red again. I didn't even need to look to see what the pictures were of…

Written by Master_Jonathan
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