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Illicit Affair- Chapter 4- Drunk in Lust

"You don't sleep with the boss..."

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The lights in Gabriel’s condo illuminated the hall as soon as he flicked on the light switch. He shut the door when Rachel stepped inside, and then helped her out of her coat first before he hung his own in the closet.

“Make yourself at home.”

The ceiling lights in the living room dimly glowed as Rachel entered Gabriel’s “lair” for the very first time. It felt like uncharted territory.

I can’t believe I’m actually in his personal space, she thought, standing in awe, taking in the each second of the experience as if she were admiring timeless paintings at a prestigious art gallery.

Based on the square feet of the home, Rachel guessed that it must have been worth millions. She had always loved condominiums that offered an open concept design. Gabriel’s decorative taste was modern and masculine. She especially liked the monochromatic colors in his furniture, the espresso hardwood flooring, and the black spherical fireplace that was mounted on the white washed wall. His collection of abstract art matched the thematic décor of his home.

His kitchen was masterfully constructed with all stainless steel appliances, a dark marble-top island with four steel lamps that hung right above it. The dark cabinetry looked custom made, reminding Rachel of something she had once seen in a Home Sense catalogue. She wondered if he ever put this humongous kitchen to good use. Her mother would have (if she was still alive).

It was only 10:30, but their time at the theater had seemed longer.

Gabriel took off his blazer and rested it over his black leather sofa. He was used to wining and dining many women at his home and was accustomed to female company, but it felt different having his intern there. Being around Rachel at work was hard enough, but now that she was standing in his home… with his bedroom so close by… it was hard not to entertain such steamy sexual thoughts.

Get your head out of the gutter, he told himself as he headed toward the minibar to fix them both a much needed drink.

“I love your place.”

“Thanks.” Gabriel poured some Scotch for himself and then fixed a glass of Peach Schnapps and Vodka for Rachel.

“How long have you lived here?” she asked, wondering if it was too personal.

“Five years.” He walked over to her and handed her the drink.


“Have a seat,” he encouraged.

Rachel carefully maneuvered herself to the sofa and sat down. The view of the city was amazing from Gabriel’s living room windows. She was busy admiring the nightlife when the glass coffee table began to glow. A futuristic screen displayed over the glass, featuring a digital playlist of some sort.

“Pick a song,” said Gabriel, joining her and seating himself beside her with drink in hand. “It’s motion detecting. You don’t even need to touch it, just hover your fingers like this—see?” He moved two fingers upward as if he were scrolling over a laptop track pad.

“Wow! This is amazing! I’ve never seen technology like this before.”

“That’s because it’s not on the market yet.” He smiled. “I have a good friend who lives in Japan. He’s always hooking me up with his latest innovations before it’s released to consumers.”

“It honestly just looks like a regular… glass… coffee table.” She tried to examine it, wondering how it was manufactured.

“Try it out.”

She leaned forward and moved her fingers upwards several times just as he had done. Gabriel had many categorized playlists: smooth jazz, lounge, classical, soul… the genres went on. She hovered her index over “deep house” until it was highlighted blue before she air tapped and opened the playlist.

“What do you want to listen to?” Rachel asked.

“Whatever you want,” he said, sipping on his drink. “I’ve only collected music that I love.”

“Of course.” She smiled and was about to choose chose a song she did not recognize: Liar-Night Swim.

Music started to echo all around them as a hypnotic bass beat began to pound from every direction. She looked around hoping to identify where the speakers were, but she had no idea.

Gabriel looked amused. “State of the art speakers. You won’t be able to find them—nice choice by the way.”

“You already love all the music in this thing.”

“Yes, but I have favorites…”

Rachel cursed herself for choosing a song that sounded so seductive. The Devil was truly in the music. She had difficulty making herself comfortable because she was so nervous. Looking into Gabriel’s attractive face only intensified her suffocating anxiety. His green eyes were piercingly intense, like jade slicing into her soul.

“Keep up with me,” he said.

Huh? Oh, yeah! She blinked and sipped on the peachy alcohol.

Gabriel leaned forward and changed songs to a nice piano instrumental that had a slow rhythm of drum and bass. Rachel was thankful in a way. He hovered his index over the glowing volume meter on the glass and lowered it to a comfortable level.

“This should relax you more.”

He had read her mind. She smiled to show her gratitude.

“I know I’m Casey’s best friend,” Gabriel began, “but you deserve better, Rachel. I don’t know what’s going on with him. He’s not the same guy I met when we were in college.”

She frowned. “Maybe you didn’t really know him at all. Maybe none of us truly know who Casey is.”

“Maybe.” He was able to sympathize with her.

She took another sip and turned her head toward the window. I should be anywhere but here right now. Rachel began to tear up again, desperately hoping to that she would win the emotional battle going on inside of her, but as always, her heart had already surrendered to the pain.

Gabriel noticed a tear roll down Rachel’s cheek. He reached out and wiped the tear away with a gentle thumb. His show of affection had stunned her as she met his gaze looking stung by his touch.

“I’m sorry.” Rachel sniffled. “I hate being such a mess like this. It’s so embarrassing, so unprofessional.”

“We’re not in at the work place, we’re at my place.” He reached for the tissue box and offered it to her.

She tugged on a tissue and thanked him. “I think it’s needless to say that my relationship is over.” Her laughter sounded so sardonic, but Gabriel knew that she was hurting. He could see it in her shimmering eyes.

He wanted to tell her that he was sorry, if only an apology would have made it all better, but it would not have. “I know what it’s like to want something you can never have. No matter how hard you try, you feel like… you’re not good enough.”

It had not occurred to her that Gabriel King would be so experienced in the love department. The sex department, sure, but love? Rachel had always thought of him as a natural born womanizer, as if it had been written in the stars that one day, the most beautiful looking boy would be born in the world, and as he would grow into a man, he would collect jars and jars full of hearts… never giving his own away.

Learning about her boss’s promiscuous sex life did not make things any better. Casey had shared wild stories about Gabriel here and there, and Rachel’s cheeks went flush just thinking about it as she recalled one of their dinner conversations:

Gabriel’s into rough sex. I’m talking hardcore, bruise you up, slap you around, bondage kind of sex.

Was Gabriel King a Christian Grey? Rachel wondered. Does he have a red room of pain? The idea exhilarated her and disturbed her at the same time. This is reality you’re living in Rachel Rose, not the fictional world of romance erotica, her ego announced, slamming her hard with the cynical tone of realism. As much as she loved a good romance novel, her life was anything but a timeless love story. It was more like a tragedy.

A pathetic one, she thought. A pathetic, modern day tragedy: The Withering Petals of Rachel Rose, an autobiography.

“Do you want me to fix you another drink?” Gabriel’s deep voice pulled her out of her self-narration.

“Um, yes, thank you.” She handed him her empty glass and watched him saunter to the bar.

He was such a mystery to her. Other than the fact that he was one of the best lawyers in New York, wealthy, and successful, there was not much that she knew about him.

Gabriel returned, handing her the drink. He sat a little closer to her this time, stretching his arm out on the edge of the sofa.

A brief silence lingered before he said, “I don’t need to tell you what you already know.”

Rachel looked confused. “And what would that be?”

Gabriel took a sip of his drink, clenching his jaw as he swallowed the liquid fire. “… That you’re beautiful and can have any man that you desire.”

I desire you, she said to herself.

He noticed the way she blushed, and it made the faintest smile appear on his lips.

“You know, Gabriel, sometimes I feel tremendous pressure to be perfect, when all I want to do is screw everything up—my job, my life… I just don’t see the point in anything.” Rachel took one last sip of her drink and then set it on the coaster.

“You’re in a negative state of mind right now. It’s normal to feel that way given what you’ve been through.”

She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. “I’m such a failure at everything. I’ll probably flunk out of law school.”


“… Move into some shitty apartment…”


“… And most likely screw myself over and end up alone for the rest of my li—”

Gabriel’s soft, warm lips crashed onto hers, shutting her up once and for all. The spontaneous contact took her by surprise, but she didn’t pull back. He was kissing her slow and passionately, holding her delicate face in his hands with dominating desire. A flickering flame had instantly ignited, enclosing them in a blazing inferno the longer he kissed her.

Gabriel cursed under his breath as he desperately found the strength to pull away from Rachel’s insatiable lips. She was breathless, looking visibly affected by his impulsive hunger for her. His eyes looked so intense, radiating everything that communicated heat, desire, and sex.

“Rachel, I—we…”

“I don’t want you to stop,” she whispered, reaching for his face this time, but he stopped her from making further contact. Alarms were going off inside his head, despite the way his body was responding to her touch.

“I didn’t bring you back to my place to take advantage of you.”

Rachel brought her lips closer to his, inches away from touching as she breathed, “Maybe I want you to take advantage of me.”

He seductively lowered his voice, “You shouldn’t say words like that to someone like myself.”

“Why’s that?” She licked his lips.

“Because I won’t stop us this time.” He kissed her, leaving no opportunity for her to respond (not that she wanted to). Rachel had abandoned all self-control and was losing herself in Gabriel’s passionate initiation.

His hand slid around her waist, gliding up the zip-line of her dress, never breaking contact from their kiss. Effortlessly, he tugged on the zipper while Rachel unbuttoned his shirt with haste. Both of them were desperate for skin on skin contact.

When she finally unfastened the last button, she withdrew for breath and stared into his glistening green eyes. They were intense, communicating his carnal arousal. He said nothing as he watched her rise to her feet. Her black gown slid off her body with a sigh.

Gabriel’s eyes were fixed on Rachel’s half naked figure. “Holy hell.”

“That’s quite an oxymoron.” She smirked at him and reached back to unsnap her strapless bra. Rachel playfully threw it in his face and he caught it as he watched her step out of her dress. His sexy intern was now wearing nothing but a lacey black thong and heels. The scattered design of tiny rhinestones was a nice touch on the edges of the lace.

She bit her lip when she noticed the big bulge in his pants.

Gabriel thought her body was stunning. She could have been a Victoria’s Secret runway model, but instead, this beautiful woman was studying and practicing law at his firm. She was an exotic beauty with brains, which only turned him on even more.

“I want you to fuck me.” Rachel was completely uninhibited. The alcohol had extremely loosened her up.

“How hard do you want it?” His gaze was dark and seductive as he teased her.

“As hard as you can give it,” she said with confidence.

“I can definitely give it.” Gabriel stood up, divested himself of all his clothing and walked toward her, his erected manhood leading the way. “Where do you think you’re going, Miss Rose?”

Rachel looked around. “This place is huge”—her eyes locked onto his—“fuck me somewhere you’ve never fucked anyone else before.”

The slyest, sexiest smile touched his attractive lips as he stood across from her. He poked his index finger against her stomach and began to apply a gentle pressure. “Walk backwards.”

She took a few steps back.

“Keep going,” Gabriel instructed, never removing the intensity of his stare. “Just a few more steps… and… stop.”

She stood still and gasped when he pressed his palm against her tummy and gave her a gentle shove. The cold glass of the window touched her back while Gabriel maneuvered himself in between her thighs, lifting them up and wrapping them around his waist. Rachel was trapped; enclosed by the glass surface and the warm, hard flesh of his body.

“Right here,” he said, bringing his lips to her ear. “This is where I’m going to fuck you, Rachel Rose, out in the open.” He met her eyes again. “Can you handle that?”

“I can handle all of you.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Gabriel slipped her lacey thong to the side, gripped his shaft and slipped himself inside in one careful thrust. The sound of her lustful moan enticed him more as he closed the space between their lips and kissed her while slowly working himself inside of her.

All that pent up sexual tension was finally released as he devoured, penetrated, and consumed her with his body. Every inch of her belonged to him in that moment. Anything that Gabriel touched, automatically became his possession; he had touched her inside out.

Rachel dragged her manicured nails down his back as he kissed her neck and sucked on her flesh while keeping a steady rhythm. She was expecting him to whisper the dirtiest obscenity, but he hadn’t. Their intimate union was motivated by lust, but amidst their wild and passionate undoing, underlying emotions had begun to surface.

He groaned, she moaned, he kissed, she bit, he licked, she sucked; this continuous pattern never ceased as Gabriel slammed into her cervix harder than ever, determined to locate that one spot that would make her shatter into shards of crystallized ecstasy.

His intrusion made her thighs tremble against his trim waist, as she closed them tighter, desperate to feel all of him.

If the neighbors from the buildings across from them had stepped out on their balconies, they would have been able to see the sexy pair going at it like relapsing sex addicts.

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“Gabriel,” Rachel breathed, closing her eyes and surrendering to everything that could only be felt through physical pleasure. “I’m… close…”

And then it happened. Rachel dug her nails into his back and wrapped herself around his body as they both achieved a pleasurable release that rocked them to the core. The sensations were explosive.

He felt her breath against his neck while he supported her weight with his strength.

Rachel was still calming down from that indescribable orgasm. Her entire body was sensitive now, but more than anything, she did not want him to pull away; she didn’t want to feel the loss of contact.

“So what happens now?” Rachel whispered in his ear.

“Now I take you to bed, turn out the lights, and repeat what we just did out here in several other positions.”

She shivered inside and he felt it.

Gabriel’s bedroom door was left wide open as the torrid lovers lay tangled in grey bed sheets, breathing hard while they kissed and coupled together; both unable to get enough of the other. Rachel lay on her back with her legs resting over Gabriel’s right shoulder on an angle. His stamina was unbelievably impressive. She had lost count of how many times he’d made her body shudder with pleasure.

Her breasts kept bouncing as he relentlessly drove right into her. Gabriel gave her one last powerful thrust before her body began to convulse. He had been used to making his many lovers cry out in pleasure, but hearing Rachel vocalize her state of bliss aroused him in ways no other had been able to do. His heart began to pound harder as he found his release.

Rachel felt his muscular body collapse on top of hers as he supported his weight on bent elbows. They were both exhausted.

Let’s get carried away… got way too deep…

Beyoncé and Drake’s harmonized voices echoed from the living room, soothing the seductive atmosphere they’d been caught up in.

Rachel smiled. “I didn’t know you were a Beyoncé fan.”

“I’m not.” Gabriel rolled on to his side and folded his hands behind his head. “I didn’t realize I had that song on that playlist.”

“Hmm… one of your many girlfriends must have downloaded it, then.”

He turned his face and stared at her with all seriousness. “I haven’t had a girlfriend in years.”

“Then I stand corrected, I meant one of your many lovers.”

He looked amused. “Is that jealousy I’m hearing?”

“Why would I be jealous?” Rachel laughed.

“Because I just gave you the best sex of your life and you know that you won’t be experiencing a repeat performance with anyone else.”

“What an arrogant presumption.” She snickered. “I still don’t see how that connects to my jealousy.”

“If you can’t connect the dots, sweetheart, then I won’t do it for you.”

Ugh, ass!

“It’s ignorant of you to assume that I’ve slept with many women.”

“Well, haven’t you?”

“I have, but that doesn’t mean I’ve placed their pleasure before my own for hours and hours…” Gabriel pulled Rachel into his arms and kissed her neck. “And hours…

She beamed. “Okay, I get it.”

They were both sobering up, not just from the liquor that had run its course through their systems, but from the sexual possession that had dominated their impulses.

“Can I ask you something, Gabriel?”


“How come you’re not dating anyone?”

He hesitated to answer. “I’m not boyfriend material.”

“Commitment issues?”

“Something like that.”

“I don’t believe in the whole monogamy deal.”

“I suppose you’re right. Look at me and Casey for instance.”

“That’s different, Rachel.”

“How so?”

“I don’t lead women on. I always make my intentions clear. I would never commit myself to a woman and make her love me only to fuck around behind her back. I’m single because I’m self-aware. I know what I want and don’t want, what I can give and what I’m not able to give. Casey’s not a man, and you should eliminate him out of your life if you know what’s good for you.”

Rachel couldn’t hide her smile. “Is that jealousy I’m sensing now?”

“I don’t get jealous.” Gabriel chuckled. “Trust me, many women have tried. It’s just an emotion that is not part of my collection of personality traits.”

She studied him for a moment and then caressed his face. “I hope you don’t regret what we did tonight.”

He was silent, which made her uneasy. What Rachel didn’t know was that Gabriel was not capable of feeling regret. His life motto was: “No Regrets.”

“I don’t,” he finally answered.

She caressed his left pectoral and wondered how she had never noticed the five inch scar that was right in the center of his chest “How did you get this?”

“Surgical incision.”


“Heart transplant.”

“Oh my God, Gabriel.” Rachel’s eyes widened. “When?”

“A long time ago. I was ten. It’s an artificial organ, it’s not real.”

A genetically engineered heart?” She looked shocked and curious at the same time.

“The incision was initially bigger—a lot bigger. But over time it’s been fading for some reason.”

Rachel lowered her lips to the scar and kissed it before she met his eyes again. “Does it feel different?”

“In what way?”

“Do you remember what it was like having a human heart prior to the transplant surgery?”

“No. I don’t remember anything from before I was ten.”

“Why not?”

He scowled. “What is this, a cross examination? Why are you asking me all these personal questions?”

Rachel felt embarrassed and wanted to kick herself. She withdrew and wrapped the sheets around her naked breasts. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

Gabriel sat up and threw his legs over the edge of the mattress. He hung his head and shut his eyes for a moment. “I didn’t mean to snap, I apologize.”

Rachel heard the sincerity in his tone and reached out to rub his back. “I overstepped my boundaries.”

He twisted his body and looked at her. “I think it’s obvious who’s overstepped their boundaries first.”

“It takes two to tango.”

“We haven’t tangoed, Rachel.”

She felt the heat in his eyes. “Then what have we done?”

“Broken some rules, fucked over our professional relationship... But then again, we’re lawyers, it’s our job to bend the fuck out of the law system.”

“Should I be taking notes?” Rachel tried to make him smile, and succeeded.

Gabriel shifted his weight and trapped her beneath him once again. “Do you like working under me, Miss Rose?” He pressed his hardened length against her, watching her every expression with fascination.

Rachel’s breath caught before she said, “I think I would prefer working over you for a change.”

He grazed his lips across along her delicate jawline. “So you want to know what it’s like being boss?”

“Uh huh,” she breathed, feeling all hot and bothered. Within a flash she felt her body shift and found herself sitting, mounted on top of Gabriel.

“You’re in charge now.” His eyes were wild with life. “Do what I do best and boss me around.”

She felt so exposed and vulnerable at the same time, but Rachel had fantasized about this moment for the longest time; riding the fuck out of Gabriel King.

“Okay. Since I’m in charge, I make the rules.”

“Fair enough.” He reached out to massage her perky breasts that were beckoning him, but she pinned his hands back above his head. “No touching unless I say so.”

“Feisty!” He grinned. “I like.”

“Will you surrender control and obey me?”

“I’ll try.”


He sighed. “Yes, I’ll obey.”

Rachel looked self-satisfied. “Fold your hands behind your head and keep them there until I say you can move them.”

He did as he was told, never taking his eyes off her.

“Now we’re going to play a game,” she continued.

“I like games.”

“You probably won’t like this one. We’re going to play twenty-one questions.”

His expression quickly turned apprehensive.

“No questions will be aimed at your past. I promise,” she reassured. “I only say that you won’t like it because I can tell when someone is lying to me.”

“Oh, really? Are you a human polygraph test?”

“I’m better than a polygraph test.”

“Okay, I’m game, boss, But what’s the catch?”

“Every question that you answer truthfully will earn you this…”

Rachel stroked his erected manhood with her hand and guided him to her entry. Then, she slowly rocked her hips forward before she rocked them back even slower. She loved the way Gabriel groaned and violently throbbed inside of her.

“Fuck, you are such a tease. You always have been.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rachel arched an eyebrow, massaging his muscular chest.

“I think you know what it means.” He fought against his every instinct to resist the urge of screwing her senseless right there while she sat on top of his aching shaft. “You dress provocatively on purpose at the firm because you know it turns me on, and you know exactly what I like and what I don’t like.”

“My, my, Gabriel.” Rachel shook her head. “Your ego really is bigger than what I’m sitting on at the moment.” She clenched her muscles around him and released, smiling seductively as he pushed his hips up and groaned in pleasure. “Ah, ah, what did I say? No moving.”

He cursed under his breath, took a deep breath and stayed still.

“If you want me to fuck your brains out, all you have to do is play by the rules. Can you do that, Gabriel?”

“I can.”


He already wanted to explode but regained his self-control. “All right, what’s my first question? Give to me.”

“Someone’s eager.” Rachel giggled, enjoying every undulating muscle on his body. “This will earn you one deep, but slow… grind.”

Throb, throb, throb, was all she could feel against her slick, tight walls. Clearly she was stimulating him. Rachel always believed that sex was 90 percent mental stimulation and ten percent physical.

“Were you sexually attracted to me from the moment you laid eyes on me?”

“That’s easy. Yes.”

She searched those emerald pools and could see that he was not submerging her in lies. “Hot.” Rachel pressed her palms on his hard pectorals and slowly rocked her hips back and forth only once.

“Fuuuuuck!” Gabriel’s chest began to rise and fall and she could feel his body burning up.

“Next question,” said Rachel, licking his Adam’s apple. “Why did you act like such an ass to me when I used to hang out with you and Casey?”

“Because you’re not supposed to bring your girl on a guys’ night out.”

She stared into his eyes and detected the lie. “The truth now please.”

“I am telling the truth.”

Rachel scoffed. “Game over then.”

“Wait!” Gabriel sighed. “I acted like a douche because I thought if I could be a major dick then you wouldn’t warm up to me, you’d turn down Casey’s invitations to hang out with us, and I wouldn’t have to constantly fantasize about fucking my best friend’s girl.”

He was being truthful this time. Rachel said nothing as she caressed his chest and slowly began to grind on him, twice. “See? A little honesty doesn’t hurt anyone.” She simpered.

“Fuck, what are you doing to me?” Gabriel’s breathing grew jagged and labored.

“I’m the one asking the questions.” Rachel bit on his bottom lip and watched it bounce back in place upon release. “What’s going to happen Monday morning, Gabriel?” She kissed his chiseled jaw and resisted her own impulse to ride him.

“I’m going to summon you to my office.”

“Uh huh…”

“And then I’m going to politely ask you to take the elevator down with me to the filing room so you can assist me in finding some legal documents for that, uh… Hennington case.”

“I’m listening…”

“We’ll walk down that busy hallway together, keeping a safe distance between us so that no one suspects anything. As we reach the elevators, my cock will already be half hard.”

“Fuck!” His confession was making her hot.

“And and as soon as that elevator shuts, I’m going to push you against the steel, rip open your blouse and make those sexy titties pop out before I squeeze them while I’m kissing you.”

“I fucking love that.” Rachel slowly began to circle her hips, teasing him just as much as he was teasing her.

“You’re going to reach for my raging hard-on, but I’ll pin your wrist back because I’m going to slide my fingers inside of you and make you cum in fifteen seconds.”

Her breathing picked up, and so did her pace as she began to keep a slow rhythm while riding Gabriel.

“Then when the elevator reaches our floor, I’m going to walk out first while you compose yourself. And as soon as you walk through the filing room, I’m going to slam you back against the door and fuck you so hard, you’ll be crying because the pleasure is just too much, and you won’t be able to moan the way I made you moan tonight.”

“Oh God…” Rachel increased her speed; her eyes rolling back from pleasure.

“You’ll be begging me to cum in you, Rachel.”

“Maybe,” she breathed, thrashing her hips harder.

“Oh, you will. I’m going to flip you around so that your cheek is pressed against the door, and then I’m going to hike up your skirt, plunge my cock into your soaking pussy and give you a pounding of your life.”

fuuuuck!” Rachel closed her eyes and began to imagine it all, every detail that he was giving her began to take form in her mind.

“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to fuck you at work. Does that turn you on? Knowing that I’ve wanted my cock inside you every single fucking day?”

His dirty talk only stimulated her more as she opened her eyes and kissed him hard while she continued to ride him with reckless abandon. “Touch me,” Rachel murmured against his lips.

Gabriel finally withdrew his hands from behind his head and reached for her waist, aiding her powerful charging. “You have no idea how fucking hot you are on top of me.”

“Is it better than how you fantasized?”


Rachel bounced on him while he cupped her breasts and teased her nipples with his thumbs.

“Did you want to kiss me at the opera?”


“Did you want to fuck me?”

Gabriel groaned, “… Yes.” He struggled to speak as she sped up giving him an unimaginable amount of pleasure.

“Are you ready to cum?”

Aaarrrghhh fuuuuckkkkkkk!” He tightened his grip on her hips, and exploded in waves, ejaculating hard. Rachel found her release with him, arching her back and slowing down as she rode out her orgasm.

Gabriel’s artificial heart was working overtime. He let his palm travel up her navel to the center of her breasts, past her collarbones… throat… until Rachel took his hand and sucked on his index finger. Slowly.

“I can’t decide if you’re a good girl gone bad, or a bad girl in disguise.”

She bit his finger playfully and leaned forward to kiss his lips. “You’ll never know.”

Gabriel smiled against her lips, kissing her deeply before she pulled back; her expression serious. “I have one last question.”

“Shoot.” He caressed her outer thighs in a gentle motion.

“Have you ever been in love?”

Gabriel lowered his voice, almost inaudible. “No.”

He’s not lying, Rachel realized.

“Do you even believe in love?”

He remained silent, and then he kissed her softly. “Game over.”

Music In Chapter :

Liar- Night Swim

Quantic- Time Is The Enemy

Beyoncé feat. Drake- Mine

Written by SweetestSins
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