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Glorious Gloria, the Client's Daughter

"Is it a rebound when the first date with someone never happened?"

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I did something I never do, I gave someone the room key for my hotel. I know, I know, absolutely dangerous, but if you had seen her, you would have been just as enthralled. You see, I was on a business trip that lasted way longer than it should have. It was going pretty well, but the client was one that required careful handling and my company had me stay to oversee the work personally. Normally that would be a good thing, but I had met a woman back home and we were going on our first official date right after I was supposed to get back. As it was, I had to cancel and not being able to give her a firm date, I am afraid that date would never happen. She was gorgeous, slim with the palest skin I had ever seen. I was so looking forward to seeing my light coffee-colored skin against her pale white, but it looked like things were not going to work out.

So instead, I threw myself into my work, which, as I said, was going well, but there was the edge to me that a few people noticed, especially the ones who knew me pretty well. I shouldn’t be disappointed, but she was pretty damn near perfect, a great sense of humor, we shared a hair-trigger on our bullshit meters, and we moved very slowly because I think we both realized we had connected at a special level. But it’s been six weeks and it was looking like another six to eight weeks before I could return home. We talked some on the phone, but it wasn’t enough, not for either of us. The calls got further and further apart and the last couple were pretty perfunctory and I knew things were not going to work out. I was holding on to a little hope, but I got the feeling she wasn’t.

So there you have it, a frustrated lesbian in a strange city for an extended period and no real interest to go out looking because I was holding out for something potentially special back home. At least that was how things were standing until last night. Ever been hit by a truck?

My client threw a party and one of his managers was looking for a last-minute date. I wasn’t in a dating mood, so we agreed to attend together. Actually, I thought Gary was gay but was still living in the closet. I wasn’t sure about it, but since he was about the only male manager who didn’t hit on me over the past six weeks, I suspected I was right. I don’t think he knew where my interests lay because I wasn’t hitting on any of the women who worked there, even though a couple were the type I would normally be fantasizing about. No, I would never date anyone from a client company, but it didn’t stop me from having a rich fantasy life.

As luck would have it, this little gathering was in the ballroom of my hotel, so my entire staff could attend as well. Gary and I walked in and started making the rounds. I shook hands with the client and met his wife. A charming couple, Cliff and Holly, in their late fifties. He was tall, still blonde with a full head of hair. He was developing a slight paunch, which he blamed on working too much and not working out nearly enough. His wife was also tall, and her skin was flawless chocolate, she also had the most amazing green eyes and a shy smile that suited her perfectly. The two of them were striking until I was struck dumb because as I was talking to his wife, their thirty-something daughter walked up!

Holly introduced us and I managed not to stick my foot too far down my throat as her very warm hand held mine for longer than necessary. Her name was Gloria. I found out, as the evening progressed, that she was named after her Mother’s favorite actress. She had her parent’s height, slim, and in incredible shape. She inherited her mother’s green eyes and her father’s ready grin. Her dress was an off-the-shoulder sheath that accentuated her amazing shape and even in shoes that were almost flats, her legs looked incredible. When she turned that mega-watt grin to me, I started melting.

She took my arm and we walked to the bar talking about so many different things, I can’t even remember. What I do remember was her spicy scent. We chatted with several other people as we walked, but having her so close to me was more than a little disconcerting. For the first time in weeks, I wasn’t giving the one who got away any thought, except for this one. If those two women stood next to each other, one would look like a negative of the other — for those of us who know what a negative is.

On any normal evening, I would have been wary of two things. First getting close to a client’s family member would normally be verboten! Okay, I know that one time in Philadelphia, but in my defense, I didn’t know she was the client’s wife. Luckily, she was interested in just a one-night stand and she didn’t tell me until the following morning. She knew who I was from the beginning so I felt more than a little used. The other thing I would be wary about was monopolizing Gloria's time. I mean a party like this was also a good time to make contacts and possibly get some new business for me and the company. Instead, my focus was on a pair of green eyes which seemed as interested in me as I was in her.

There should have been an element of caution, but at one point she pulled me onto the dance floor and holding her was an experience. Her waist was taut and I felt every move she made. We slid together like we had been dancing for years. She was several inches taller than I was, so our bodies seem to have a natural fit like puzzle pieces.

As we danced she leaned in close and asked me for my room key. I didn’t reply right away, so she explained. “If we leave together, it might cause issues. So give me your room key. I’ll head out in a bit and you follow in a half-hour or so. Simple!”

I didn’t give it any thought, any hesitation she perceived was just me remembering where my key card was. It was in my clutch, which was on the table. I told her I would get it quietly, to which she grinned that mega-watt smile.

We left the floor and stopped at my table and sat for a minute. Then I grabbed my clutch and headed for the loo. I took care of business and as I slipped my key card into my bra I once again cursed the fashion-police for rarely giving evening dresses pockets. I was primping myself in front of the mirror when Gloria came in. Looking at her again was like seeing her for the first time, breathtaking! She stood against the closed restroom door with her arms crossed as she looked at me. Then she came forward as if making a decision and my arms opened immediately. She slipped against me and looked down at my face.

“I decided I wasn’t going to wait for a kiss,” and she kissed me. It sounds so simple, ‘she kissed me,’ but those words now had a whole new meaning for me. Can you say, “Fireworks!”

She was a girl who knew what she wanted and her attitude was a real turn-on. She wasn’t forceful, just determined. She tasted better than I thought. Minty taste mixed with her spicy scent and her amazing body pressed against me. My hands went to the small of her back as I pulled her even closer. Her thigh pushed between mine and just stayed against me. One of her hands caught the back of my neck and the other ran down my spine. My head was spinning and I think she knew it. To be completely honest if at that moment she pushed me to my knees I would have done one of those things I vowed never to do again in a bathroom. Yes, I did it once, in a club and a bathroom that was not nearly as nice as this one, but there was tequila involved.

She broke the kiss and smiled sweetly. “Did you find that room key?”

I pointed to my chest and she grinned less demurely. She turned me toward the mirror and stepped behind me, her hands cupping my breasts outside the dress as she took her time feeling around for the card. My girls weren’t very large, I’m sure she felt the card right away, but in the time it took her to find it, she reduced me to a quivering wreck. Then she dipped one hand in and retrieved the key. She kissed the back of my neck and left me standing there, holding myself up by leaning on the counter.

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“I’m going to do one more round of the party before heading out,” she said as she slipped my key card into her bodice. “Remember, give me a half-hour and then come up. I’ll be waiting.” Then she went through the door.

I couldn’t move right away. I felt like … I don’t know what I felt like. Gloria struck me harder and faster than even my pale dream had. Only this time there was no going slow and testing the waters before a date. I mean the pale one and I had had only shared a couple of quick kisses and I wasn’t even hopeful that our first official date would end up in the bedroom. Here I was struck by this slightly younger lady, we’d already shared a soul-searing kiss, getting my girls felt up nicely, and she was heading up to my hotel room. This was so unlike me, but I was loving it!

It made for the longest half-hour of my life, but I tried to make it count. I touched base with several people, including my team. One lady, Marcie, gave me an interesting look and a small smile. “I see you and Gloria hit it off?” She whispered to me. I shrugged and she smiled wider.

So thirty-minutes finally passed and I made my goodnights to the hosts. Neither gave any indication they even noticed how I had monopolized Gloria for most of the evening, at least it didn’t seem that way to me. Holly did give me a hug that sure reminded me of Gloria for a moment, similar scents I think. Actually, if Holly wasn’t the client’s wife, she would favor highly in my fantasy life. As it was, I had a walking dream waiting for me and I was trying to stretch out for the full thirty-minutes.

Finally, it was done. I rode up in the elevator with a couple that were at the party and was seriously into each other. I was tempted to tell them to get a room, but we were in a hotel after all. I have nothing against any couple, but a few of the things they did were more suited to their room than the elevator. When I got to my room, I realized I didn’t have a card, so I knocked. I don’t think I have ever knocked on my own hotel room door before, and I have stayed in a lot of hotels!

The door cracked open and I heard Gloria. “Hold the door, give me ten seconds and then come in. I figured you had another key.”

So my incredibly long thirty-minutes was extended by an even longer-feeling ten seconds. I went through the door quickly and saw the door to the bedroom was almost shut. Gloria wasn’t in the sitting room, so I stood for a moment and went through into the bedroom and was absolutely speechless!

Gorgeous Gloria was naked on my bed, but that doesn’t give the picture I was seeing. She had her head down, her hands slightly under the pillow. Her incredible ass was in the air, her thighs straight up and apart. Her breasts a few inches above the sheet and her nipples hard little diamonds. She was absolutely breathtaking and I thought I was going to orgasm on the spot. Her eyes were closed, not like she was asleep, but more like she was waiting for something, I hope like hell that something was me, because there was no one I had ever wanted more than Glorious Gloria right then and there.

I stood like a lump for a moment then dropped my clutch, kicked off my shoes and puddled my dress down around my feet quickly. Bra and stockings followed quickly and in short order, I was as naked as she was. Her dark skin was amazing, but as I knelt on the bed I realized the source of her spicy scent wasn’t any perfume, but herself. It swirled around me as I ran a hand up her thigh and across her ass, pausing at the darker skin of her pussy and ass, then down her other thigh. She hummed in appreciation. Then I kneeled behind her and tasted her.

No touching, no conversation, I could do nothing else but taste her. She was wet with anticipation and maybe a little masturbation while waiting. She tasted like no one I had ever tasted before, and trust me, I have done a lot of comparison tasting. I ran my tongue along her pussy lips, her perineum, and her wonderfully tight little dark rosebud. She was not only delicious but responsive. She mewed like a kitten into the pillow as I went deeper as she pushed back toward me. I wrapped my arms around her ass and simply kept going until I felt her quake with a small orgasm. Keeping her there, I started rimming her asshole, licking it while rubbing her clit. It was when I pushed two fingers into her that she orgasmed again with a rush of delicious and spicy liquid.

She came up and turned, lifting one leg over me and then gave me a wonderful view of her nice and wet pussy spread wide. Then she curled herself against me and started licking my wet face.

“Damn I was so hoping you would do that without hesitating. I got wet just shaking your hand!” She said between licks as she pulled me down on top of her, her legs spread with me laying on her between them. Our pussies pressing together as we started kissing each other. Her legs wrapped around me and I started fucking her like I had a cock. I felt myself flood as our movements got more frantic. My back arched as I came. She held me tight as I caught my breath. Then we parted as I rolled off of her and we both laid there to recover.

“Damn!” One of us said. Then insatiable Gloria spun around and went for my feet. How did she know? I love feet and having my toes licked and sucked. She pulled my legs up to her face while her long legs went up my body and I caught her feet and brought them to my face. She wiggled a lot, she was more ticklish than me. But she responded well to a firm touch and sucking her toes kept her squirming so delightfully. Then she took one foot and pushed it against my pussy, using her toes on my clit so gently. Then she twisted again, so supple, so sensuous. She lay along my body and started playing with my breasts.

“I’ve been eyeing these for hours. You have no idea how close I was to just pulling them out in the restroom and sucking on them.”

I looked down and marveled at the contrast of her very dark skin against my very lighter skin. Watching her suck at my tits was wild, she kept eye contact, which was a huge turn-on for me. But I wanted her breasts as well. I took a page from her book and pushed her over, then turned. I put my breasts right over her face while I had hers beneath me. Her skin tasted wonderful too, her spicy taste carried over to every inch of her. Her nipples were sensitive and squeezing my face between them was incredible.

She pulled me down her body. I teased her belly button but she was insistent as her hand found me and fingered me until I moved further down. Sixty-nine is an excellent number and we fell on each other like we hadn’t eaten pussy in years. We rolled one way and the other as we ate each other with abandon. I know I came at least twice and I am sure she did more than once. We finally came up for air and snuggled together for the sleep of the well and truly fucked!

The morning was a nice awakening, snuggled with Gloria, her spicy scent still filled the air. I held her to me as we both slowly woke up.

“Damn, I wasn’t planning on spending the night. You are one hell of a lover.”

I smiled at her. “I do have to ask, was this a one-nighter? I don’t think I can handle that?”

“I guess we can test the waters. I’m not into one-night-stands and I never jump right into bed with anyone,” Gloria said snuggled up with me. “I know we are compatible in bed, let’s find out if we are compatible in other areas. But no telling the folks yet.”

“Do they …”

“Oh, they know I am gay, but I know you are contracted to my Dad.”

“That cat might be out of the bag. I don’t think we were exactly inconspicuous at the party.”

She laughed, a silvery laugh that I think I could hear for the rest of my life. “I guess. So what do you want to do?”

I pushed her over and started kissing her for all I was worth.



Written by Brookell
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