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Football Game Night

"Dani puts everything on the line for the game and her team."

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"Wait, what?"

"You heard me, unless you're afraid," she said teasingly. "I would understand that coming from you, not to mention your sorry-ass third-string Broncos."

Dani's proposal caught me off-guard. Maybe it shouldn't have, but it did.

It will help to have a little background. I made the hardest decision I've ever had to make in February. I was offered a promotion by my company, but it meant I would need to move to corporate headquarters. That meant a move from Denver to Newark. Nobody goes from Denver to Newark unless they have a good reason. The two-step jump up the company ladder with the big increase in my pay and benefits were good reasons to consider it. The decision was more difficult because it meant leaving my buddies and the outdoor sports and activities I enjoyed. Rock climbing, snowboarding, hiking, and cycling kept my six-foot-two-inch muscular frame in shape. I bit the bullet and made the move, taking the job at corporate to lead a marketing team in the Sales and Marketing division. Shortly after my move, the pandemic hit. I was in a new city and state, half-way across the country and didn't know anyone except the few people I met at work. Needless to say, it made meeting people more difficult than it already was, except for the few people I met at work.

One of those is Dani (short for Danielle). Dani is a feisty petite five-foot-four-inch brunette with a broad smile and sparkling blue eyes. She is lively and outgoing. She never met a stranger and she is highly competitive. She is wired for sales, which is why she leads a team on the Sales side of the division. She is also attractive. We only met in person a few times; due to the pandemic, most of our interactions were on Zoom. That didn't quell her enthusiasm. I chose to keep things professional with people at work, not wanting to complicate things in my new position, especially with the company frowning on fraternizing within the ranks. With her personality and natural beauty, I assumed she was unavailable despite her overt friendliness. I couldn't tell if she was flirting or her playful winsomeness was just her outgoing personality that had a gift for closing sales.

The move up the corporate ladder didn't require a move for Dani. She grew up in the suburbs of Newark. She was born and bred New Jersey. She was a proud Jersey Girl. She was also a die-hard Jets fan. "They might be called the New York Jets, but they play in my back yard," she repeated. As far as she is concerned, they are a Jersey team. Her team. When all the fair-weathered bastards abandoned them because they are bad, Dani remains true. This year, they are bad - again.

As the Broncos/Jets game grew close as the first game in the fourth week of the already-strange football season, Dani began the inevitable smack talk. She knew I was a Broncos fan and had no intention to shift my loyalties. It started on the Thursday, two weeks before game night. Her banter came in all forms, including bold comments in Zoom meetings, emails, intranet messaging, memes and even texts. The rare times we were both at the office, she never passed me without saying something. Dani always started it and was relentless. By NFL standards, she would have been penalized for taunting. Of course, I had to defend my team by returning the banter.

On the Monday before the Thursday night game, Dani called to discuss third quarter Sales and Marketing quota numbers. I knew the call wouldn't end without some comment about the game.

"How sad you have to watch your Broncos get their asses beat again while you're stuck in your apartment all by yourself."

"Oh, there will be an ass-beating," I answered impetuously, "but it won't be the Broncos." I suddenly realized I was talking with her more like one of the guys than someone from work. "I won't be alone, I'm representin' my team when they're here with me in enemy territory," I added.

"That will be a sight, watching you see them make their way back to Denver with their asses handed to them."

"That's not going to happen," I answered.

"I know a great sports bar two blocks from here. Want to watch the game from there?" she offered.

I looked at her with surprise. She looked back with her broad smile and playful competitive gleam in her eye.

"It will be fun watching you both lose," she added.

"You're on," I answered. "Thursday night after work," I said. "Loser buys the drinks."

"You're on, Loser," she quipped as she turned and walked away. She had a confident bounce in her step that showed off her small round ass in a way I was not sure if she intended.

Over the next couple days, Dani's playful razzing intensified. It was difficult to tell if she was mocking or flirting. Maybe both. Whatever it was, it was incessant - especially on Thursday. With the Jets playing that night, and with so few people in the office, our company let employees wear Jerseys to support the local team. Of course, my 58 Miller jersey revealed my enemy status. Due to sales meetings, Dani was unable to dress casual, but wore a green dress to show her support.

"I wouldn't be caught dead in public wearing Jets' gear either," I jabbed.

"I've got it with me," she answered. "Meet you downstairs at 5:00."

I stepped into the elevator at 5:00, the only one wearing orange and blue. While there were a few obligatory comments as people got on and off the elevator, most don't have a lot of hope or interest in the Jets. Many would have had no idea they were playing except for the few loyal jerseys seen throughout the day. I stepped off the elevator and walked across the large first-floor reception area to wait for Dani by the large glass entrance. I looked up and saw Dani walking toward me from the other side of the massive tiled floor. The first thing I noticed was her confident broad smile as her sparkling eyes drilled into me from across the vast entrance. She walked with purpose. Heads turned. She had changed her clothes, losing the Gotham green dress. She wore a low-cut cropped jersey with 14 emblazoned on the front, a short black skirt and Gotham green heels. She topped it all off with Gotham green lipstick. She looked stunning. Her midriff showed off the shape of her 34C tits and the firmness of her abs. The tight skirt and heels showed off her tanned legs and raised ass. The look on her face said she knew she looked good.

"OK," I said, "someone's ready for game night," I added as a hint toward a compliment.

"Always," she quipped. "This is going to be fun watching you lose, newbie. The Broncos are going to get schooled on how we do things in Jersey."

"You're relentless," I said as she kept walking toward the large glass front doors and toward the sports bar. Because of the virus and arriving early for happy hour, we were able to get a small table surrounded by TVs. We started with small talk, appetizers and drinks. As more people poured into the bar and the game got closer, the energy ramped up. I was the only one wearing orange in a sea of Gotham green. Verbal assaults came from all directions. So did the looks toward Dani.

We moved from apps to burgers while the drinks kept coming. We had three hours to kill before the 8:20 start time to the game. Time went fast. I couldn't help admiring how sexy Dani looked. I could tell she knew it. If she didn't, the continual stares from admirers around the room would make it obvious. The more drinks we consumed, the less hidden my glances at her body became and the more she showed her enjoyment of it.

"I might make you a Jets fan after all," she quipped, calling me out about a half an hour before the game began.

"Not going to happen," I said.

"It's getting crowded in here," she followed. "I live two blocks from here. Want to watch the game from there?"

My heart raced but I did my best to not let my face show it. The waitress delivered two more drinks. We were already feeling the effects of the alcohol. "Sure," I said. "Maybe I won't be so outnumbered there," I added with a smile.

"You'll still be outnumbered," she said. She looked up at the waitress without allowing any chance of reconsideration. "Can we have the check, please?"

"Just charge it to my tab," I said to the waitress.

"We'll be glad to make Denver pay all night," the waitress said. "I'll be right back."

"You didn't have to pay for dinner," Dani said. "We could have split it."

"Small price to pay seeing your ass lose," I jested.

There was an immediate awkward silence. The drinks loosened my tongue more than I usually allowed.

"It's not MY ass that is at stake," she answered back with a playful smile.

The waitress returned with the bill. Seconds later we were walking down the block. The cool crisp air greeted us as we stepped out of the hot crowded bar. I could see Dani's tits respond to the coolness, her nipples showing their form through the jersey. Dani walked with a sense of purpose, but in a relaxed playful way. "Here we are," she said as she turned toward the entrance of a tall high-rise condo building. We took the elevator up to the tenth floor. "This way," she said as we got off on her floor. I followed just behind her, admiring her ass as it moved enticingly. Who wouldn't follow that ass, I thought to myself. She walked all the way around to the last door, the condo door farthest from the elevators on the corner of the building. As we walked in, low lights dimly showed the open layout of her condo. There was an open living room with glass walls showing off the city lights. More importantly, they faced toward East Rutherford. Being this high up, I could faintly see the lights of MetLife Stadium in the distance.

"If you don't mind taking your shoes off," she said as she kicked her heels off, letting them fall by the door.

"Not at all. Nice place," I said, before looking toward the kitchen and then down the hall toward where her bedroom must be. My glance looked back out toward the windows where she was standing. "Nice view," I said, looking directly at her, allowing her to interpret my words however she wanted.

"Thank you," she said, glancing down at herself with a smile, before looking back up at me. "The game is about to start." She reached for the remote. A second later, her 65-inch lit up the wall in front of a long white couch. A glass table sat in front of it. "Have a seat," she invited.

Dani walked to the bar and made a couple drinks, knowing I was watching her. She smiled as she brought them to the table. She positioned herself with a look of deceptive innocence as she bent over to put the drinks down. She looked up with a smile as she knowingly allowed a full view of her cleavage and small view of the curvature of her ass. It was clear that if she was wearing panties, they were nothing more than a tiny thong. She was teasing. We both felt the unspoken playful sexual tension in the room.

She stood back up after enough time for her to be confident she had my attention. I could tell she was enjoying her tease, not promising anything would come of it. She lifted her drink up and toward mine. "So what are we betting?" she asked. I raised my glass to hers, the glasses kissed, letting off a starting bell. We both took a sip, continuing the buzz.

"We can bet the score," I suggested. Dani walked back over to her bar, grabbed a fresh bottle of tequila and large shot glass.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Add up the two scores at the end of the game to determine how much the loser has to pay."

"We can do better," she shot back as she plopped down next to me with the tequila. She put the bottle and glass on the table in front of us. "Something more fun. I don't need your money. There's got to be something better at stake that we both want." She looked up at me coyly with a smile.

"OK, name it. What do you want?" I asked.

"Your clothes," she answered.

That's where the story begins. "Wait, what?"

"You heard me, unless you're afraid," she said teasingly. "I would understand that coming from you, not to mention your sorry-ass third-string Broncos."

Dani's proposal caught me off-guard. Maybe it shouldn't have, but it did. Her words were bold and unapologetic. It was as if she had thought about and planned it. "Um, I'm not afraid, I just..."

"You're in Jersey now. We only play when the stakes are high and something matters is on the line. Otherwise, what's the point?" Her voice was confident like it is when she closes a big sale. "But if you're not up to it, we can play your little Denver 'bet the score' game," she toyed. The national anthem started to play behind our conversation. "Either way, we better decide."

"How would this work?" I asked, seeing her eyes light up at my question.

"Every time my Jets score, I get to take one item of your clothes off," she said. "And you have to drink a shot."

"You're serious?"

"I never make a proposal I won't follow through on," she answered.

"There are different ways to score," I negotiated. "Doesn't seem right that a safety gets the same reward as a touchdown."

"Then every touchdown," she offered.

"What about for every seven points?" I countered. "Kind of like a quota."

"Deal," she said with a smile. "But a shot with every score, no matter what it is. This is going to be good. I get to pick what comes off."

"How many clothes?" I asked. "I assume you have four, I have three."

"I'll let your socks count," she offered.

"Deal," I said, putting my hand out to shake hers. She took mine and smiled coyly as she shook it. I looked again at her body, studying it for what I hoped would become my prize. I certainly hoped I would at least see more of it.

Part of me shuddered at the thought putting so much on the line when the Broncos were playing with so many second and third-string players in key positions. Until the Sunday before, I had never heard the name of the Broncos third-string quarterback. I was now counting on Rypien, who was starting his first NFL game. Everything was riding on him.

The sexual tension in the room was high. The excitement for the game was suddenly much higher than what the two teams deserved. I couldn't help being aroused with Dani sitting next to me, purposely looking so sexy. It was not lost on me that Dani could see my arousal pressing against my Wranglers.

The whistle blew and Thursday night football was underway. We watched the Jets systematically move down the field while finishing our first drinks, mostly out of shared nervousness. Dani got up to replenish them, purposely walking in front of me. "Get ready, Dave," she said. "Your humiliation is about to begin."

She put the drinks down on the table and playfully sized me up. "Hmm, I'm wondering what I want to take off first," she said with a giggle. Suddenly, only three and a half minutes into the drive, my Broncos defense was unable to stop Jets quarterback Sam Darnold as he ran 46 yards into the end zone.

"Damn!" I said.

"Damn right!" she answered. We both watched as the Jets' kicker Sam Eicken easily put the ball through the uprights for the extra point.

"There it is," TV commentator Joe Buck announced. "The Jets are first on the board, seven to zero."

"There it is!" Dani repeated in a mocking tone. "Darnold is my guy! Everybody rides him, but I think he's got potential. He's scoring for me already tonight." She looked at me as if ready to claim her prize. "This is going to be fun. Now, what do I want to take off of you first?" She looked at my jersey, and then dropped her gaze to my pants. "I want to be strategic about this."

I could feel my cock getting harder at her excitement. The movement in my pants was noticeable.

"The first thing I need to do is get that fuckin' jersey out of my sight," she said.

I started to take the jersey off, like lowering the flag of my team.

"Uh, uh," she said. "I get to take it off," she insisted.

She leaned toward me and swung her knee over my lap, facing me. She raised herself up, kneeled over my lap so her tits were right in front of my face. She reached down with her hands, took hold of the bottom of my jersey at each of my sides and pulled it up and over my head. She threw it at the door. "That's the last I'll have to see of that," she said.

The sexual tension was palpable between us. She reached over and grabbed the bottle of tequila and the shot glass. She filled the glass and held it up.

"Down the hatch, Loser," she said playfully.

I took the glass and threw my head back to empty it down my throat. I could feel it burn all the way down.

"I say we add a little more to our wager," she said.

I could feel the buzz intensify inside me as the tequila went down. "What's that?"

"I get to enjoy any part of your body that is naked each time I win. The more you lose, the more I get to enjoy."

"And me too?"

"Yeah, but I don't see that happening with the way the Broncos are playing. But yeah, hypothetically," she teased.

"Five minutes?"

"Or until the next person loses, whichever is shorter."

"You play a tough game," I said, mostly because the alcohol was dissolving any inhibitions.

"I came to play. You can keep time if you want," she said. "That's up to you," as she leaned forward, allowing both of her petite hands to make their way up my chest. She smiled seductively as her fingers caressed the front of my body. I could feel my staff growing again underneath her. She leaned forward and kissed my neck softly as her fingernails lightly grazed my body. Her ass pressed into my lap, grinding slowly. Cold chills went down my back from the feel of her lips on my neck, the touch of her fingertips and her slow lap dance. I could feel her boldness growing as her hands continued slowly down my abs, folding her fingers to allow her fingertips to move below the top of my jeans. With each pass, she allowed her fingers to reach a little farther under my pants, breaking the rules for a chance to feel the tip of my growing cock reaching for her.

"Mmmm," she moaned, enjoying her prize before her lips and tongue pressed more firmly against my muscular neck. She continued her tease mercilessly.

I glanced at the clock, wrestling with whether to call time on the five minutes or to let her have her way with me. I knew I would not last long with the way she was seducing me, and working my cock with her ass. "Time," I called.

"Too bad," she said. "Don't go anywhere. I'll be back and it won't be your jersey next time." She sat back hard on my cock before swinging her leg over. She fell back into the couch, posturing herself seductively while picking up her drink for another sip.

We watched as the two teams battled it out in all their mediocrity. With just under five minutes left in the quarter, the Broncos had to settle for a field goal by Brandon McManus.

"Oh, look, they actually scored! Your turn. Oh wait, they didn't score enough - not even half enough. Too bad. You still have to drink a shot. Now it's our Jets' turn again."

I dutifully poured the shot and drank it.

The Jets battled Denver's defense, unable to score on their drive as the first quarter ended. Dani and I watched closely as the two teams handed the ball back and forth while we consumed the endless drinks from Dani's bar. Glances at each other intensified the anticipation of another score. Finally, early in the second quarter, Broncos quarterback Rypien threw the ball to Jerry Jeudy, who slid out of a tackle attempt and walked into the end zone. Jeudy celebrated the moment with a little dance. I joined him. The extra point was good. The score was ten to seven, Broncos. For the first time, the Broncos were in the lead and more importantly, scored past the all-important seven points.

I looked over at my prize. "Hmmm, they just blew past seven," I said.

Dani felt a shudder in her body. Her focus had been on enjoying me for the game, even hoping for a shutout. But now her Jets had given up the lead, and it was time for her to give something up.

"Stand up," I said.

"What if I don't want to," she toyed.

"You have no choice," I said. "These are your rules."

Dani stood up, and I stood next to her. "This rag has to go," I said, reaching for the sides of her mock jersey. I pulled it up very slowly, stretching out the loss. I tossed it by the door next to my jersey. To my surprise, she had chosen to wear a dark (Gotham) green shelf bra that held her tits up from beneath, but exposed her nipples and top of her tits. Her nipples betrayed her, broadcasting her arousal.

Dani looked up at me with a sultry smile. She knew how she looked and how desirable she was. I lowered my head and gave her a kiss while my large hands slowly caressed her skin. My mouth moved down her neck, caressing it with my tongue. My right hand cupped the top of her left tit, moving my large fingers to her extended nipple. I gently pulled, moving it beyond the bottom of her bra before lightly twisting it. Dani's knees buckled slightly from the arousal.

"Oh god," she whispered, feeling vulnerable to my touch.

I continued to caress her neck with my lips and tongue, sending cold chills down her body. I let my left hand move down over her breasts and across her abs. She could feel what I was going to do next. She had no recourse. It was exactly what she had done to me. I let my fingers move just slightly under the waistband of her small skirt. Dani moaned again. The anticipation was driving her wild. My hands moved slowly. After teasing her lower abs, I moved my hand down to feel the softness of her legs just below the hem of her skirt. I moved my hand up slowly as if on my way to her womanhood. I teased her as my hand moved up and down her leg, each pass bringing my fingers closer to her wetness.

Dani gasped from the torture of the touch, anticipation and denial. She had been horny all day wondering what the night would hold. Now she was in my arms and helpless to the effects of my touch. There were no scores to rescue her from the torment. She could feel herself soaked between her thighs. As tempted as I was to continue, I looked at the clock and called time on myself. I knew if I didn't, she could make me pay later for the penalty of going too long. I also knew I had her right where I wanted her.

"Oh god!" she said as I stepped back. "Damn, you're good. But I'm coming for you," she added.

"You're going to," I said, seizing on the double entendre she handed me.

"In your dreams," she shot back.

Dani's body buzzed with arousal as she sat watching the game in hope for quick cruel revenge. With just over six minutes in the half, all the Jets could come up with was a field goal to tie the game, ten to ten.

"Damn, so close but so damned far," I teased.

"It's not over," she shot back, before getting up to replenish the drinks.

"It is not," I answered.

We watched as the Broncos got the ball and worked their way down the field. With a minute and a half left in the half, Melvin Gordan pushed through the defensive line for the one yard he needed to score the touchdown. The extra point was one of the easiest McManus ever had to make. The Broncos score moved past 14 to a lead of 17 to ten.

"Shit!" Dani said, suddenly realizing her game was beginning to turn on her.

"Stand up again," I insisted.

Dani stood up, poured herself a requisite shot and emptied it down her throat. She gasped as it made itself known down her throat. She could feel the effects quickly as it moved into her bloodstream.

"Your skirt," I said as I stepped toward her. "Turn around." Dani dutifully turned around. I unbuttoned the button at the top of her skirt in back and slowly lowered the small zipper. I knelt down behind her on one knee as I slowly lowered her skirt down her legs. Cold chills covered her small round perfect ass. A thin dark green waistband gave away that there was a small strip of her thong hidden between her cheeks. I let my hand run over the right cheek of her ass. Her back arched at the touch. She wanted it but also felt some humiliation at standing almost naked in front of me. I kissed the softness of her skin.

I turned her around. She looked beautiful as she stood in the moonlight, with the light of the TV illuminating her side. Her nipples stood as erect as before, reaching out to be touched. I licked each of them before sucking one into my mouth.

"Hey, you can't do that," she argued, as if throwing down a red challenge flag.

"You said if it's unclothed, it's mine," I said, repeating her own words.

"Damn," she thought to herself. How did I get myself in this position? It wasn't supposed to go this way. She felt exposed. The tiny bit of material covering her womanhood was visibly soaked. The tops of her thighs were wet. She had wanted to be in control and in charge. How could the Jets not be dominating the Broncos when they had so many second and third-string players in the game?

I sucked her nipple in again, causing her knees to buckle from arousal more than pain.

"Oh god," she said

"Sit down on the couch," I ordered. I gently guided her back. "Lean back," I added.

Dani lay back on her own couch, all but completely exposed to her new colleague. She had no choice.

I knelt down in front of her, and spread her legs. Dani's hands reached out to either side of her, trying to take hold of the couch with her small fingers, unsure what was going to happen. I gently kissed my way up the inside of her soft thighs. Dani gasped as I slowly moved up toward her womanhood.

"Oh god, oh god," she said, feeling her body succumbing to my approach. "Oh shit." Her head moved left to right. The anticipation was driving her crazy.

My tongue approached the thin lining of the front of her thong. I slowly ran my tongue up the side of the material, immediately next to her clit. Dani's back arched. She started to breathe hard.

"My pussy is still covered," she argued, as she could feel the climax grow in her. Dani didn't know if she wanted me to keep the rules or to take her right then.

"There's still plenty here to enjoy," I said before moving up the other side of her tiny thong.

Dani's back arched again. "Oh god, oh god, oh god! I'm so close. Fuck." Her body squirmed.

Suddenly the moment was intruded with the loud annoying voice of Joe Buck. "And the Jets score. All they could get is a field goal, but they've pulled it within four points with only 15 seconds left in the half."

Dani quickly pulled her legs closed. "Yes! There's a score. Your time's up," she said breathlessly. Her body tingled. She was so close to climax. "Oh shit," she said, catching her breath. "Now it's finally my turn and you're not going to know what hit you."

"Hmmm, you'd like that, but the score is 17 to 13," I said. "Heartbreaking to be so close, but just not enough. Time for a shot, though."

"Damn!" Dani said, feeling foiled by her own game and team. She was relieved there was at least a reprieve from my teasing of her pussy. Dani looked at me devilishly. "Gotta say, it's a good game so far." She poured her shot and downed it like a sailor.

"Especially for me," I said.

Rather than refilling our drink glasses, Dani made a pitcher while allowing her body to recover. I relished seeing her exposed and vulnerable at her own game. Looking at her, there was very little left to the imagination. The halftime break seemed to crawl slowly for both of us. The anticipation of what would happen next was not lost on either of us. Dani's competitive side intensified. She was desperate to even the score.

"What if we add opportunities for redemption?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"What do you have in mind?"

"If you can make the other person cum, you get an item of clothing back," she suggested. Dani felt confident that if given the chance, she would take me easily.

"Wow, you are full of surprises. Who knew there was this side to you?"

"You do now. I'm all out when it comes to my Jets. I'm also a horny drunk and my competitive side ramps up. I'm definitely juiced."

"You think you can make me cum if given the chance?"

"I know I will," she answered with continued confidence as she glanced at my pants. "You won't have a prayer."

"How can I turn down a challenge like that, especially coming from you? You're on. Let's just hope your team will give you a chance."

'They'll be back in this second half. They'll finish on top."

"Someone will," I said teasingly. Dani's competitiveness invited banter. Dani smiled. "That makes me wonder, what happens when your Jets win the game, or lose?"

"They'll win," she shot back. "I say that means I own you," she said playfully. "I think you said something about someone getting their ass beat. When my Jets win, your ass becomes mine." She watched my eyes to see how I would respond to her boldness.

"I become yours for the night? What, your little slave?"

"I wouldn't have put it that way, but since you have, yes," she said with renewed confidence. "No limits," she added.

"You sure?" I asked. "That sounds..."

"Like a lot at stake? That's how I play, remember? All or nothing. Unless you're not up to it."

I was stunned at how far Dani was taking the game. What started as playful bantering at the office would now require someone's complete submission without limits. Dani had thrown down the gauntlet herself. It said a lot about her. I also knew that if she won, she would make me pay in memorable ways. She would not squander her prize.

"I think we can do better."

"Do you," she said more as a statement of cocky curiosity than a question.

"Fridays are 'work from home' days. I say winner owns the loser not just for the night, but for the weekend," I said, upping the game.

"Damn," she said, the corners of her mouth inching up toward a devilish smile. My boldness impressed her.

"I only play when the stakes are high and there's something on the line that matters," I added, mocking her earlier taunt.

"No limits?"

"No limits."

"You're on," she shot back, her competitiveness not able to resist the challenge.

The whistle blew. The second half began with heightened stakes and anticipation. Dani watched with desperation as her Jets moved down the field. Their halftime adjustments were working. The Jets moved closer to the end zone, promising the next small victory. The Jets suddenly found themselves at fourth down with only two yards to go, four minutes into the half. They had a tough choice. They could either go for the first down in their drive for a touchdown or settle for a field goal.

Dani shouted at the TV, certain they could hear her. "Damn it! Come on, Gase, go for it! Man up!" She knew a touchdown with a two-point conversion would bring the score to 21, giving her two seven-point wins and ten minutes of having her way with me. She knew it would be more than enough time to defeat me and recover some of her clothes. The Jets settled for the sure thing, an easy field goal. Sam Eicken kicked, putting the ball between the uprights. They retook the lead by one, 17 to 16.

"Well, that's something!" she exclaimed, settling for the consolation. Eicken's kick evened the score in our game.

"It's your time to stand up," she announced with gravity in her voice.

I smiled and dutifully stood. She handed me another shot glass. I threw my head back as I emptied the glass. My cock began hardening again as she reached for the button at the top of my jeans while standing nearly naked in front of me. She looked up at me with her wide eyes to enjoy the look on my face as she slowly lowered the zipper.

"Now we have a game," she said, feeling a moral victory. Things were evened up. "What good are his socks going to be to him?" she thought to herself. "All I need is one more touchdown and his cock will be completely mine."

She knelt down in front of me and slowly pulled down my pants. They were tight enough that my boxers started to move down with my pants. I reached behind my back to take hold of the top of my boxers to hold them up. As she pulled my pants down to my ankles, the front of my boxers got pulled down enough to cause my dick to pop out the hole in front. My hard cock bounced in front of her. Before I had a chance to adjust it back in, she engulfed the entire length of my shaft into her mouth.

"Augh!" My knees buckled. Both of her hands reached around my body, grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled my body against her face. I watched as my dick disappeared again and again between her thick green lips. I moaned loudly. "Oh shit! Wait! That's not fair," I said as her tongue licked precum from my tip.

"Who said anything about fair?" she joked. "This is Jersey. We said anything not clothed is fair game," she said.

"But you..." I started to say in protest. My knees buckled again. "Oh shit!" She was good. I had never experienced anyone so good.

"Not my fault your cock begged for it," she said. "This is my turn," she said before my cock disappeared again in her mouth.

My body began to shake as she worked to coax every drop of cum from my body. "Oh shit!" I said in sheer amazement. "Fuck yes."

Dani continued, determined to take me. She couldn't wait to best me, to show her invincibility. Whatever else might happen, she wanted to dominate, one way or another. She was also determined to redeem her clothes back.

"Oh god, oh god!" I said. "You're going to take me. Fuck!"


Dani and I both looked at the large screen. The replay showed the pass from the Broncos' Rypien to Tim Patrick for six. The extra point was good, putting the Broncos back in the lead. The score was 24 to 16, bringing my team across the third seven-point mark for me.

I quickly took a step back, preventing her from continuing her perfect blow job. "Hmm, 24 to 16. We both know what that means." I didn't want her to stop and she didn't look like she wanted to either. She licked her lips as she stood back up. "The next shot is yours," I said. Dani poured the shot and drank it down.

"Now, I have a choice," I said, looking her over.

Dani was stunned. She assumed her bra was next to come off. As I saw it, there was little reason for it. It would prove much more strategic to remove her greatest vulnerability.

"Sit down on the couch," I ordered. Dani did as she was told. Her head spun with delight from the effects of the tequila. I slowly pulled her tiny thong down her tanned legs. It was soaking wet. I pulled them over her knees and let them fall to her ankles. I threw it over the couch, far out of reach.

"Damn," she said. She felt exposed, vulnerable and horny as hell.

I knelt between her knees and spread them wide.

"Oh god," she said as my fingers opened her drenched pussy wide. Her clit glistened from its wetness. "Oh god, oh god," she said as she watched my face descend toward her womanhood. She had just had taken advantage of my cock that serendipitously sprung loose for her enjoyment. I was about to take advantage of her naked pussy that was completely mine, at least for now. Like her, I was not going to miss this opportunity to have my way with her.

My tongue slowly worked up the length of her wet pussy before descending the other side, concentrating on the outside edges. She had earlier given away that she was helpless to arousal on the boundaries. The long slow caress caused her back to arch before my tongue moved in on her clit. I sucked the button in between my lips, causing her back to arch more.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good." My tongue flipped against her clit as my lips massaged her tender skin around it. My lips and tongue continued to lure the growing climax from what felt the farthest reaches of her body. There was a strange euphoric conflict battling within her. Everything in her wanted to be taken, yet everything in her wanted to win. Any inhibitions she had at the beginning were dissolving in the tequila.

Each impassioned movement of my tongue brought her closer to climax. I glanced up to see her eyes closed and her mouth gaped open. Her nipples reached out more than an inch. Her body's movement displayed her helplessness to the growing intensity. She reached down and cupped my head in her hands, stretching her fingers out through my hair.

"Oh god!" she screamed as she pulled my head, pulling my mouth harder into her soaked pussy. Suddenly her ass began to buck wildly. "Oh fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she screamed.

My mouth was unexpectedly filled with her cum squirting from her. My tongue and lips lapped up everything I could drink in. Cum poured from her like a fountain. Damn! She is full of surprises, I thought to myself as her body continued to deliver wave after wave of sweet nectar.

Dani's body finally lay limp, melting into the couch.

"Damn, that was good," she said.

"Mmmm, I'll say," I answered. "You're full of surprises."

"You have no idea," she said with a sultry glance and smile.

I reached for my jeans and began to put them on.

"Wait, you can't do that," she said.

"Damn right I can," I answered. "You just redeemed my jeans for me," I said. "Your new rule."

"Fuck," she said, feeling the defeat but in a strange blissful way.

"Fuck," she repeated, as her glance turned to the TV just in time to watch the Broncos kicker impressively put the ball through the goalposts from 54 yards out. The Broncos were adding distance to their lead, making it 27 to 16.

I smiled. "Just short of another seven," I said. "You got lucky."

"I'm not needing luck. I need the fucking Jets to score." Dani poured her required shot and drank it.

The Jets got the ball. If they were going to save the game, everyone knew they needed to do something on this drive. Especially Dani. She watched as they worked the ball down the field, only to get a field goal.

"Damn!" she said. "They've got to do better." The score was 27 to 19. For Dani, it was frustratingly not enough to reclaim my pants. She quickly filled the shot glass and handed it to me as a consolation.

"Too bad," I said teasingly. "Broncos ball," I added. I could see the look of panic on Dani's face. The game was not going like she envisioned.

The Broncos quarterback looked confident as he began working his team down the field toward the Jets' end zone. Suddenly Jets' defensive player Pierre Desir read the play and intercepted Rypien's pass. Dani sprang to new life as she launched herself from the couch and started screaming at the TV. Her cheers carried Desir into the end zone for a pick-six. The Jets attempted a two-point conversion to tie the game, but failed. The score moved to within two, 27 to 25. More importantly, it moved Dani past another seven-point mark.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she screamed, seeing new life and hope in the football game, but more importantly in her game with me. "OK, time to stand up again," she said with renewed energy. "This game is not over," she added.

It was clear Dani didn't just mean the football game. I stood up. She gloated as she poured another shot and handed it to me.

"You drink that while I reclaim what is rightfully mine."

She pulled down my pants, making every effort to manipulatively gain access to my cock again. I quickly drank the shot and reached down, doing my best to hold my boxers up as she purposefully manhandled my jeans to the floor. She threw them across the room.

"You're not getting those back," she insisted. "Someone's excited to see me again," she said, looking at my cock pushing the fabric of my boxers out toward her. Her petite hand moved up my leg and under the fabric to take hold of my cock.

"Wait. Illegal holding," I said. "You'll have to earn that," I added.

Dani conceded and pulled her hand out before pushing me back on the couch. She knelt between my legs and used both hands to begin rubbing my cock over my boxers. Her left hand slid down to massage my swollen balls. She smiled at me with a look of determination. I dropped my head back against the couch and closed my eyes. God she was good.

"You don't have a chance," she said confidently. She watched and studied my body's movement in response to her touch, reading me perfectly. She went back and forth from gentle strokes with her fingernails to harder passes over my cock.

My back began to arch and my ass began to squirm as we both knew she was bringing me dangerously close to orgasm. "Oh shit! Shit!" I squealed, revealing how close I really was to defeat. I glanced at the clock and saw I only had 30 seconds to last before her time was up.

Joe Buck's voice suddenly interrupted my desperateness from the TV. "And the Jets retake the lead!"

"Yes!" Dani cheered. We both glanced at the TV in time to watch the replay of the Jets field goal, reclaiming the lead with a score of 28 to 27. More importantly, the Jets pushed Dani past her next seven-point mark with only a little over 6 minutes left in the game.

"I knew they would do it!" she shouted confidently. She wasted no time pouring my next shot of tequila and handing it to me. While I threw it back, I felt the immediate buzz from the liquor and from my boxers being pulled down my legs. Dani threw the boxers across the room. My cock stood tall and throbbed in front of her. She had already brought me close to eruption; now my cock was defenseless to her competitive determination. Before I could do anything, the entire length of my cock disappeared again between her green lips. I felt her tongue massaging my sensitive head while her lips masterfully worked my length. Her wide eyes looked up at me, watching my face for signs of impending defeat.

"Oh god. Oh god!" I said as I could feel the climax climbing powerful in me. Everything in me wanted to succumb but also to deny her the victory. She could see and feel my cock and balls swelling toward certain eruption.

Dani suddenly pulled my cock out of her mouth and leapt up onto my lap. With one hand she wrapped her fingers around my throbbing cock to hold it in place while she used the other to spread the lips of her pussy before lowering it down over the head of my cock. My eyes were still closed, trying to resist the inevitable. "Open your eyes. Watch me," she said. As I opened my eyes, she thrust her soaked pussy over my cock like a perfect sheath. Her ass began to dance, masterfully seducing my already vulnerable cock. "You are mine," she said with a devilish smile. "Right now, all night and all weekend."

Her seduction put me over the edge. "Augh!" I cried out as I could feel ropes of cum filling her pussy.

"Fuck yes!" she screamed. "Yes." She continued mercilessly, pumping my cock until it was completely spent, then continuing to torment it with the soft soaked grasp of her pussy. She jumped off of me and stood with a look of indomitable victory. She seductively moved her right hand under her pussy, catching thick cum pouring from her. She licked her hand clean with a smile, as if it were a prize.

Dani ceremoniously retrieved her panties and pulled the still-wet thong back into place. While it covered very little, it was a moral victory. It was a sign she was certain of all that was to come for her the rest of the weekend. "Your ass is mine," she said. "This will be a weekend you will never forget. You agreed to no limits. There will be none for what I will require from you. This is going to be good."

Dani was confident and basking in her certain victory. I shuddered for what her imagination was capable of. I had never met anyone like her.

As she gloated in her certain victory and reclaiming her thong at my expense, the Broncos were working their way back down the field. With just over three minutes left in the game,

McManus scored another field goal for the Broncos to retake the lead, 30 to 28.

"Shit!" Dani yelled, suddenly feeling deflated.

"Those belong to me," I said, relishing the sudden change in her demeanor. Her expressive face moved from the thrill of victory to the agony of possible defeat. "I want you to take them off for me," I said, adding insult to injury. As she stripped the thong from her body, I poured her next shot.

She dutifully emptied the shot as she stood almost naked again in front of me. "The game is not over," she said, grasping for some hope. She knew what was on the line. She was counting on her Jets to not fail her. "There is still time."

"It's not over," I agreed. "But now is my time," I said.

Dani couldn't deny how hot she felt; how hot the predicament made her feel.

"Now, I want you to dance for me in front of the TV, touching yourself until you cum. Put on a show," I ordered.

"I don't have to do that," she said.

"You do," I said. "Your rules."

Dani knew she really didn't have a choice. The idea of dancing seductively in front of me caused her to feel conflicted between her personal and team humiliation and her growing arousal from her continuing seduction throughout the night.

Dani began to move slowly, imagining she was dancing in front of a crowded club. Her petite hands moved purposefully across her body, caressing her soft skin. Her left hand moved across her tits as her ass moved seductively in circles. Her right hand glided down her abs to her wet mound, stopping there to begin her own indulgence. She dropped her head back at the immediate pleasure beginning to rise again in her body.

The football game began to fade from Dani's consciousness as the moment began to take on a life of its own. I watched, surprised again by this girl as she unaffectedly pleasured herself in the middle of her living room.

She continued to dance, hearing Joe Buck once again announce a change in the score. With just under two minutes left in the game, the Broncos scored another touchdown, all but securing the game at 37 to 28. Dani danced her way to the table. Rather than filling the shot glass, she picked up the bottle of tequila, wrapped her green-painted lips around the opening and upended the bottle. Tequila flowed down her throat with some down her chest, cascading off her tits.

"You can continue your striptease," I ordered, "taking your bra off. It belongs to me now."

Dani conceded, seductively removing the last vestige of her clothing and with it, any chance for victory. She couldn't believe her Jets were now winless a quarter way through the season. Even more, she could only begin to imagine what her loss to me would cost her throughout the weekend. She demanded that they play for keeps, winner take all. She agreed to complete submission not just for the night but for the weekend. Her words echoed in her foggy mind that she never made a proposal she wasn't willing to keep.

I turned the TV off and watched my prize dance convincingly in front of me against the backdrop of the moonlit windows. MetLife Stadium lights could be seen in the distance behind Dani. They were about to go off. The football game was over, but the weekend was just beginning. Yet I also knew this wasn't over. She would demand a rematch.

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Written by cliff_edger
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