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Eye Of The Storm

"As thunder rumbles, another deal, another late night, another call to say she'd be late..."

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It was late. Storm clouds hung in the air, each adding another dark textured layer to the night sky. A flash of lightning illuminates all around for the briefest of moments before the deep rumble of thunder and darkness descends once more. Heavy rain pounds relentlessly against the floor to ceiling office windows, the bustling city swarming below. Building lights span as far as the eye can see, the red streak of blurred taillights painting a vivid picture as people feverishly rush to get out of the deluge.

Above the glare of my computer screen I look out over the quiet office. The sensor-activated lighting has slowly transformed the office into a patchwork of light and dark. Only three workstations remain lit, the stark lighting in contrast to the quietness that circles all around. Of these one was of particular interest, the others however were becoming a nuisance.

Over on the left, Jackson in Accounts I knew. Despite being married with kids, his working hours would have suggested anything other. It definitely felt as though he was more committed to his job but thankfully he was like clockwork. Arrival and departure always bang on and a quick glance at the time in the corner of screen told me that I'd be down to two in a matter of minutes. The other I hadn't accounted for.

Roberts. Chris Roberts. He had joined Operations only a few months back from a close competitor. Not working that frequently with that department, I only knew of him but not what made him tick. Christ knew why he was here at this time as no-one in Operations ever stayed late. But with every passing minute becoming more torturous, direct action was required. Punching his name into the work telephone directory I bring up his number and reach for the phone.

As expected Jackson slipped past my office door, umbrella in hand several minutes later. Thankfully closely followed by Roberts. Giving him a nod I wish him on his way before turning my eyes back to my screen. Finally, we were down to one. The only one that really mattered.

I clock her the moment she starts to work her way to my office. The sound of her heels are prominent in the office now eerily quiet, devoid of the usual murmur of phone and work conversations. Pushing myself back from my 'L' shaped desk, I recline in the leather office chair, watching as she quickly finds her way to my office door.

My smile grows as my eyes fall upon her. Despite my open door, she playfully knocks, the subtle roll of her bottom lip not going unnoticed as she leans against the doorframe.

My warm eyes dance over her as she smiles and huskily whispers, "Evening."

"Evening," I respond in a gravelly tone.

She was beauty personified. Attractive, confident and assured. Her eyes are like pearls, piercingly stunning with an amazing ability to swallow you whole. Shoulder length hair framed her beautiful face. Skin like silk. And that smile. One that could melt hearts and mine was no exception.

A soft plum coloured blouse and light grey pencil skirt, dark nylons and heels make up her business attire. Simple but deliciously effective, the blouse tucked into her skirt that accentuates her hourglass body. Her heels elongate her silky nylon legs. Curves in all the right places, she had a body to catch the eye of every red blooded male and turn many a female green with envy. As if instinctually knowing this, she places a hand on her hip, a slight kink in her leg in that typical model pose. A playfully raise of her eyebrows ensues knowing full well my eyes are upon her.

Not that I hadn't seen her already today. I had clocked her the moment she had arrived just as I did every day. The little glances across the office and whispered words as I stopped by to drop off that paper for review, all adding flames to the fire. A fire that hadn't gone out since it was unexpectedly lit all those weeks ago. There had been that spark the moment we met, an animal attraction and a connection the like I had never felt before. Things didn't happen instantly yet as fate continued to throw us together the intensity of our attraction soon became too much. Our resistance faltered and we succumbed to our wanton desires.

A whirlwind of lust ensued. The sex was wild, insatiable and seemingly knowing no bounds. The ramifications could be severe yet the danger and need for secrecy only added fuel to the fire. Stolen moments, scribbled notes and secret rendezvous; she had become my oxygen without which I found it hard to breathe. Like addicts, we sought our next hit, our hunger only quelled for the merest of moments before cravings took hold. In a secret world of intimacy the simmering sexual tension ebbed and flowed with delicious but some times torturous effect. All the while the embers burnt within, never going out and always seeking the merest of sparks to ignite into something more.

She giggles softly, her warm smile growing as she moves into my office. Her heels echo with each step and there's a devilishly hypnotising sway of her hips.

"So, what did you say to Chris?" she asks as she saunters around the desk. I twist in my chair as she leans back against the desk, perching her cute behind on the edge, her hands gripping the side. My eyes dance as she stretches out her legs. Her familiar sweet perfume intoxicates me.

"Why, what did he say?" I enquire as I enjoy the sight of her shapely breasts within the plum blouse.

"Just that you had phoned and told him to get his ass out of here," she giggled, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I merely promoted the company work-life principles," I answer as I roll my chair between her heels.

"Very considerate of you," she responds with a small purr as she glances down at me. A mischievous sparkle lights those amazing eyes as she arcs her back, her bosom lifting as she does so.

"Duty of care to give my employees what they want," I tease suggestively as I lift my hands to her thighs.

"Really!" she playfully retorts, pressing herself up against my caressing hands.

"He said has been working on the material for the Jefferson deal," I continue as I allow my thumbs to lightly circle.

"Yeah that's right. He's been over quite a bit during the last week. Can't work out if he's just trying to make a good impression or trying it on," she answers, shifting slightly as my hands caress her thighs through her pencil skirt.

"Seems like he has good taste then," I answer as my hands slip up to the dip of her waist. A little tug is enough to pull her to her feet. She wobbles slightly on her heels yet my hold is firm as I pull her close.

"Missed me?" She giggles as my hands slip around and feel her peachy, ripe bottom.

"Do I need to answer that?" I playfully retort, my head just below her bosom. Skilled fingers expertly find the skirt's secluded zipper. She purrs and runs fingers through my hair, playing with tufts. A gentle pull and the sound of the zipper cuts through the air, her skirt becoming instantly looser as it slips over her hips.

"Seems so but the flash of the old wedding ring tends to do it's job," she teases, looking down at me, our eyes catching as the words spill from her glossy lips.

I tug at the zip further and, with a little wriggle, like a knife through butter the offending material slides over her hips, glides down her legs and lands in a crumbled heap around her heels.

"Oh my!" An audible gasp as I feast on the sight of her partially blouse-covered black lace skimpy panties that barely cover her sex. And, instead of nylons, much to my pleasant surprise, there's black stockings. Intricate lace tops with miniature ruby red bows embroided into the sensual material cling elegantly to the top of her wonderful thighs. The design matches that of her panties.

She giggles some more. "I went shopping."

"Mmm, I can see," I growl, enjoying the sight of the intricate lingerie that only adds to the heavenly body within.

"So it worked, the wedding ring?" I ask, running my hands over her legs. I enjoy the change of contrast under my fingertips, the delicate silk of her dark stockings giving way to the exquisite lace and beyond before fingers find the warmth of her thighs. Her skin feels like silk as I softly massage the spot of nakedness above the top of her stockings. My touch is enough to cause her to purr softly.

"Works in most cases," she teases as my hands slip back up over her pert bottom, following the heavenly curves and contours.

"Talking of which," I say and bring my hands to her front, unbuttoning the bottom button of her blouse, enough that my hand can slip up to nestle on her lace covered breast. A gentle squeeze and fond caress as of her bosom, and her grip on the desk increases as fingers dance across her pebbling nipple.

"So how late am I going to be then?" she asks huskily with a suggestive roll of her lip.

"Make the call," I answer, deliberately avoiding the specific question. My hands journey south once more, thumbs hooking under the slender straps of her panties. With her loosened blouse slipping off her shoulders, I lower my mouth and lightly kiss her waist, her shudder enough to tell me her reaction. A gentle butterfly kiss, sensual and soft, one followed by another, followed by another.

I hear her reach for the desk phone as her breathing quickens.

Phone pressed to her ear, I can still hear the dial tone as my lips kiss her waist. A light lick of my tongue between the fluttering wings of each tender kiss, my mouth ever so slowly travels south.

The dial tone is broken by the sound of the connection and then a muffled male voice.

"Hey there," she says as my eyes glance up to hers. She watches me, a naughty smile upon her lips as I continue to kiss her. All the while my thumbs toy with the straps of her panties. "You okay?" 

He answers. I can't make out every word but don't care. Her aroma and scent, so exquisitely intoxicating, fuels the growing animal inside. My mouth is so close I feel my chin brush against her panties. She leans into the desk that bit more as she listens to his words. The devil in me enjoys the delicious tease, imagining her growing torment.

"Sorry, yep, stuck at the office again," rolls off her tongue so easily these days. Again a playful flash of her eyes finds my head nestling between her thighs as he airs his frustration.

I glance up at her, looking beyond the rise and fall of her heaving bosom. Her hand comes across the receiver as she mouths, "Stop it." Yet she knows it is too late. Just as I can see the stormy lust in her pupils, I know she can sense my hunger, the need and want eating me up from the inside.

"I know but we need to get this deal done," she continues in an attempt to pacify his concerns as I begin to peel the slender straps of her panties from her thigh, a sensual, slow reveal as the delicate lace clings to her flower before finally coming free. Her sex is so delicious, her petals blossoming under her neatly trimmed pubic hair. I lower her panties until I can push them to the floor with my shoe, allowing her to step free as my hands slip to her thighs. Closing my eyes I lower my mouth between her thighs, savouring her sweet scent, knowing she can feel the heat of my every breath upon her.

Tenderly I tease my mouth closer, finally bringing it against her and kissing. I feel her thighs tense and the she rises on her toes as I softly kiss her tender flower. Her petals moist and swollen, I lightly kiss them, all the while listening to the muffled backdrop of a voice at the other end of the line.
"Mmm a few of us," she musters, trying to remained composed.

Lifting my lips from her, I look up, smiling as I see the flush colour of her cheeks. She glances down at me, her ear pressed to the receiver as she listens whilst trying to steady her breathing. Sitting back up on the edge of the desk, she kicks off a heel and then the other, all the while her eyes upon me. Raising one leg she rests her foot on my armrest. The other follows suit and I quickly find myself encased between her stocking clad legs, eyes drawn up the silk and beyond the lace to her glistening, fresh flower.

My hands fall upon her legs, tracing up from her ankle and shapely contours of her calves, travelling north and savouring the sensual texture of the lace under my palms.

"It needs to be submitted by noon tomorrow or else," she continues as I lower my mouth to the top of her inner thighs, sensual lips softly teasing as I place small butterfly kisses on her exposed flesh.

"Yeah it's my bosses boss.

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He has a reputation," she teases, her words enough to get a playful glance. Her fingers wrap around the cord of the phone as she continues, "Yep a task master, a bit hard you know." She lifts her foot and rubs it into my groin. A naughty pout greets her play on words as I savour her toes rubbing me through my suit trousers, my arousal thickening.

"A couple of hours at least. Sorry," she continues, my hands gliding once more over her legs, lifting her heel from my crotch. I glance up at her looking down at me as I shuffle the office chair closer to the desk. The movement is enough for her to lift one leg and drape it over my shoulder. I feel the heel of her stocking clad foot against my back as my eyes are drawn to her beautiful wet sex.

"Yeah, I remember you need to leave early tomorrow," she answers, her eyes intently watching me. Holding her gaze, I deliberately lower my mouth between her thighs.

"Look don't wait up. I'll get a cab or a colleague can give me a ride," she continues a little more breathlessly. Her suggestive words making me smirk as I drink in her scent. Eager to quell my thirst I tease the tip of my tongue against her fiery sex. The instant taste of her on my lips is divine as I softly French kiss her delicious cunt, dipping my tongue between her damp petals, teasing the velvety heaven within.

"Mmm" she purrs, conveniently in time with the merest of breaks in his words, masking the pleasure of my mouth nestled between her parted thighs. A rhythmic motion of my tongue traces the length of her cunt, swirling and licking.

"Just tired," she follows quickly, closing her eyes and arching her head back as she savours my mouth. I feel her angle her body back on the desk, encouraging my mouth to sink deeper.

She places her hand over the receiver, mouthing, "Oh Christ!" Her husky whispered words are barely audible but deliciously erotic as she rolls her hips against my mouth with more urgency. I feel her heel bounce against my back as she squirms, my hold on her thighs tightening.

"I know," she answers her responses becoming shorter as her breathing quickens.

"Okay," she manages, biting down on her lip as I dance my tongue against her, savouring her desire that seeps from her, coating my lips with her delicious taste.

I hear his murmur in the background over the audible lap of her juicy wet sex. A tormenting audible gasp greets a teasing swirl of my tongue moving north and tending to her hyper-sensitive bud. Popped free from its hood, swollen and alive to the merest of touches, my tongue begins its assault, circling and flicking.

"I'll see you soon," she says, the flush in her cheeks growing as she fights the urge to whimper and moan down the phone. Pushing her hips into my mouth, her hand over the receiver, she desperately tries to hide her gasps that greet my attentive tongue on her sensitive clit.

Squirming and writhing on the desk, the erotic tension reaches a crescendo. Her answers are shorter, and there's an obvious need to mask the breathless desires that yearn to spill from her lips. She's desperate for the call to end. Her body trembles and I have to hold her thighs tight as she grinds against my mouth.

I can hear the animal growl forming in her voice as she finally purrs, "Night baby," before ending the call, the dropped receiver echoing loudly.

I look up, my eyes dancing over her partially dressed body. Her heaving bosom rises and falls with every ragged breath, erect nipples evident through the lace of her bra and blouse. Her magical eyes are ablaze with stormy lust.

"Don't you dare fucking stop you naughty, naughty man," she gasps. Finally alone, I hear the need in her husky voice as she leans back on the desk, papers pushed aside as she rests on her elbows. Obliging I fall back between her thighs, eagerly laying claim to her wet sex that glistens deliciously.

Unrestrained, heavy moans and whimpers greet every flick and swirl of my tongue. The unbridled passion turns the air blue, the office resonating to our intense passion. Expletives spill from her lips as she drops her head back, eyes closed to the wild sensations that claim her.

"Fuck, oh fuck!" interlace with her growing whimpers, purrs and mewls of delight; animal sounds that become more primitive with each passing moment. Her pleasure becomes louder as my tongue assaults her clit, relentlessly tattooing her with my skilled wet muscle, branding her mine.

All the time, the rumble of thunder echoes throughout the darkened skies, the heavy rain pounding against the glass windows, the power of the storm hanging in the night air.

"Oh yes... fuck.... yes.... yes..... yessss,!" she cries wildly.

Rutting against me, I feel her reach for the side of the desk, stationary knocked to the floor in rampant need. Thighs tensing, her moans blur into one constant moan as I suddenly feel her let go, the waves of ecstasy crashing over her as her pleasure reaches a crescendo.

And then that moment when I claim her, pushing her finally over the edge into the inky abyss, mind and body submitting, lost to her orgasm. It's the most amazing climax that makes her mind melt. Her body shudders and writhes as she cums hard. Squirting against my mouth her body trembles, her climax owning her, controlling her. Her leg draped over my shoulder twitches uncontrollably as she savours every ripple and pulse of her orgasm.

I savour her exquisite taste flooding my mouth. So delicious, so messy as I drown in her liquid lust. I continue to lick and suckle until I feel her hand push me away, unable to take anymore. Our eyes meet, her pupils burning with flames of lust as she pants wildly, her cheeks rosy red, loose strands of dishevelled hair falling across her face.

"God that was so fucking good" she gasps between lungful's of air. Her leg slips from my shoulders as she sits upright on the desk, her smile wickedly naughty. The sight of her draped across my desk and the taste of her upon my lips turns me on more then ever. My eyes follow her every move, transfixed as she reaches for my tie, feeling her eyes devouring me.

"So he's out of town?" I ask as she tugs on my tie. Rising to my feet, her legs wrap around my thighs, pulling me up against her.

"From tomorrow, a conference," she huskily whispers, her hands running over my shirt, feeling my chest beneath. Again that roll of her bottom lip as she brings her mouth closer to mine.

"Sounds like you'll need company?" I tease, feeling the heat of her every breath tingling against my skin.

"Offering?" she whispers playfully. Her hand slips around my neck and ruffle up through my hair, pulling my lips to hers. We kiss passionately and violently. A thunderous kiss, breathlessly wanton and needy. Lips melt and hungry tongues sink deep, lashing and swirling as they seek their willing mate. Her hands wrap around me, nails raking my shoulder blades through mystery shirt. Her legs tighten their grip around my thighs.

The storm rages powerfully outside, the relentless rain pounding against the window.

Eager hands devour one another in a storm of our own. Frantically, she pulls at my shirt, popping the buttons free, her hands soon upon my naked chest. Her blouse already hangs off her shoulder before I tease the final button, allowing it to fall from her. Skilled fingers unclasp her bra that joins the crumpled heap of discarded clothes. My hands cup the soft, supple underside of her breasts, fondly caressing as my thumb circles her pebbled nipples.

Her nimble fingers work between us, eagerly travelling south. The unbuttoning of my suit trousers is followed by the tug on my zipper. I gasp as I feel the warmth of her palm as her hand slips beneath my briefs. She finds what she seeks, fingers softly wrapping around my shaft and stroking. I growl, my erect cock thickening and hardening that bit more under her touch.

My lips are on her neck, nibbling and nuzzling, butterfly kisses reigning down on her. Moans spill from her lips as she grips the edge of the desk for support. As I kiss her, she teases her fingers up and down my shaft, each glide against the sensitive ridge of my swollen head making me twitch with excitement.

I hear and feel her every breath, interlaced with her growing mewls and whimpers as our lust boils over. Our bodies tangle as one, the fiery heat between us red hot. Her hand leaves my cock, looping around my neck and holding on tight as my lips hungrily assault her creamy neck, light licks followed by needy kisses, each greeted by purrs of pleasure. The delicious tease is exaggerated as she grinds her hips against my cock.

"Get inside me," she whimpers. The desperation in her panted, whispered words are so arousing and I feel her wetness coat my shaft as we rut wildly against one another. My heart pounds. I angle my hips just enough that the head of my cock slips between her damp petals. My eyes meet hers as I hold back, the head of my delicious cock resting at the entrance to her blossoming flower. I can see her need within her as she begs me to take her.

Pressing into her, my erect cock slips between her damp petals. She gasps as I penetrate her, sinking into her delicious velvety heaven. Her nails dig into my shoulders as I fill her hungry cunt that moulds around my throbbing shaft like a glove. Savouring every ripple, every clench, I close my eyes and enjoy the ecstasy that flows through my veins; magical, wild sensations that words can barely do justice to.

"God I love your fucking cock in me," she gasps. I fill her deeply, my cock throbbing.

Working my hips back and forth we begin to rut and buck, slowly at first but steadily building up rhythm, pulling back only to sink deep, again and again. Her moans becoming louder with each thrust as she grips tightly to my neck and the edge of the desk. Expletives blur with pleads as she urges me on.

"Oh fuck me baby," she pants wildly. I lower her onto the desk, admiring the sight of her near naked body, a thing of sheer beauty as she parts her thighs that bit more. My hands grasp the intricate lace of her stocking tops, holding her thighs apart as I sink deep again. She moans loudly. Consumed with lust I canter deep, strong, powerful strokes that suck the air from her lungs leaving her breathless, yet yearning and craving more. Her pussy clenches and pulsates, suckling and pulling me deeper as she pushes her hips back in unison to meet each forceful thrust.

A flash of lightning and growl of thunder echoes against our groans and whimpers, the power of the storm only fuelling our ever more frantic desires. My biceps flex as I hold her thighs whilst I thrust deep. The sounds of wet coupling fill the office, naked flesh slapping against naked flesh. Her cheeks red, she gasps for breath as her breasts bounce with each thrust. I growl, my cock glistening in our juices that leak and seep down her inner thighs.

Every sense heightened I feel the heat glistening on my body, until we can wait no more.

A deep growl forms in her throat, teetering on her lips as I sense her on the verge of meltdown. Her body begins to tremble and quiver as I relentless thrust until I feel her fall. The tension in her thighs gives way under a deep moan as she orgasms. The sudden tightness of her cunt and wetness around my cock is enough to take me with her, pulling me over the edge as she floods me.

Her orgasm commands me, controls me through the intense pleasure as my balls constrict, that indescribable split second before I erupt powerfully, spilling my seed deep inside her. My cock throbs violently as I paint the walls of her cunt, claiming her mine if only for this moment. Gasping and panting I fall upon her and our lips meet in a steamy, sensual embrace. As our lips finally break, her smile grows and our eyes meet.

"All this damn work," she giggles. My smile grows and we laugh softly as the sky illuminates once more with a flash of lightning and we find ourselves in the eye of the storm.

Written by Whispered_Words
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