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Conquer and Suck Seed - Part 2 - Vicky

"One Mission; fuck all the fuckable bitches. A little MOUSE is no exception..."

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Jay sat his desk, reviewing some policy revisions sent in from the contracted photo agency when he heard a knock at his open door.

Glancing up, he saw Steph carrying an armful of binders, looking busy as she scribbled something on the paper on top of the stack.

"Well, here are the project proposals, in need of your approval before execution," she said, laying them neatly at the edge of his desk, pushing them toward him slightly in the process. "Seems like a handful.. looks like you really are going to need to work overtime the next few days."

Her hair that was loose and wild just the night before looked tame in a bun atop her head today. Jay's gaze shifted subtley over her curves, remembering how they felt under his hands not even twelve hours ago, clad in a matching office skirt suit that flattered her figure. Her lips, however, were the same deep red hue, bringing the hot memories flashing across his mind.

"Thanks, Steph," he simply replied, forcing his mind to return to the paperwork he'd been working on. Steph's name was checked off his list. No need to start drooling after here still.

And yet...

"Ring if you need anything," she said nonchalantly as she started stepping back out of the office. Jay had to admit, she was good at playing it cool. Most of the other women he'd fucked at the office acted flustered if they had to encounter him so soon after their rendezvous. She was a pro.

"Actually..." Jay called, halting her steps at the door. "Go ahead and close the door. I have something I need to discuss with you."

Steph looked back with a raised brow and did as she was told, firmly shutting the door and sitting in the chair facing him.

"I've been thinking about last night," Jay began, setting work aside for a moment.

"Oh?" she quirked her head in her hand, looking at him. "I thought we don't talk about any 'last nights'?"

"Yeah, well, you just said I needed to look over all the project proposals. And if I remember correctly, you proposed something last night during our 'business meeting,' no?"

Steph grinned as she leaned back smoothly in her chair, crossing her legs and making her skirt rise up higher on her curvatious thighs. "Alright, Mr. Tannor. So have you decided to approve?"

"If all it takes is for me to fuck your brains out again to have what I want, that's a deal I'd be sore to refuse," Jay growled in a low voice, placing his elbows on the desk.

Steph laughed and said, "Careful, you're starting to sound desperate for a man who's fucked half the office hens and a third of the recruited models. Losing your edge, Tannor?"

"Never," he replied. "I just think for this particular bird, I'd like a wing to help guide me. Trust me, I won't need you for everyone I want, just some I would feel nice having a little helping hand in."

She took a moment, as if to contemplate, before saying, "Damn if that cock didn't feel good.. Okay, I'll take what I can get. So, Vicky, huh?"

Jay's eyes flicked up through the windows surrounding his office to the small girl working at a small desk next to his assistant's. She was a mouse, but a delicious looking one, and Jay felt more and more like a feral cat looking at her, ready to pounce any moment.

"Maybe some advance briefing would help me with her," he finally said to Steph, leaning forward a bit more.

"Well, honestly I don't know much about her either. But one thing I do know is that she seems interested in your prowess."

Jay quirked a brow this time. "She's said that?"

"Well, the girls who're lining up to be noticed as your next target all talk, and I've seen her listening in on their conversations, blushing on occasion when some of the more loud mouthed ones describe things in detail. I won't tell you who, but I'm sure you can guess some of the poorer choices you've made."

"I don't care about that in a woman here, just as long as her body is banging and she wants it."

"And I'm telling you, Vicky's one of them. She just doesn't throw herself at you like all those other sluts try to do."

Jay leaned back in his chair, chancing another look at Vicky, now talking to Rebecca. No doubt taking more orders to do the job the first assistant was supposed to do in the first place. Alright, so perhaps personality did matter a little bit in that regard...

Steph also glanced back before rolling her eyes. "I honestly don't know why you keep that bitch Rebecca around. She does such a shitty job at her work and at hiding the fact that she wants to deep throat your dick the most."

"That's why. So that I won't get involved with my assistant. I need to make sure the important work gets done without the girl starting to go crazy on me. And she's not that bad at her job."

"That's because Vicky's the one doing it all the time." Steph shook her head as she got up. Smoothing her skirt, she said, "Alright, leave it to me. I'll give you a chance to corner her to do your magic. But at least take the girl out or something. She really is a nice girl among us devilish sinners out on the floor."

Jay watched Steph's plump ass bounce on her way out, licking his lips and looking one last time at the mousy second assistant. He couldn't help but wonder what Steph had in store for them.

As the day wore on, Jay reluctantly found that Steph was right; he would need to buckle down to get these proposals reviewed for the big project coming up, and only looked up a few hours later when a commotion just outside his office broke loose.

Stepping out, he noticed papers strewn all over the floor with coffee spilled on them, Vicky in the midst trying her best to clean it up. He took a moment to study her ass, stuck up in the air facing him as she mumbled her apologies to Rebecca, who was angrily berating her. Jay couldn't help but like the image of her on all fours facing away from him as she was, but quickly stepped in to save the poor girl.

"What's going on here?"

Rebecca looked up, her angry eyes instantly fluttering as she explained in a high pitched tone, "Oh, Jay! I'm so sorry about these files. I asked Vicky to do a simple job of getting some coffee ready for some of us out here, and the girl I guess tripped and spilled it all on these papers!"

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Tannor... I didn't mean to... I don't know what happened, it's like I tripped on thin air," Vicky stammered as looked back up toward him. The view looked even better that way, and Jay had to fight grabbing her ass and doing what he wanted with them.

"No, don't be sorry. Here, get up Vicky, let's get you to the lounge to see if there's anything that'll get those coffee stains off your blouse."

As he escorted her by the small of her back, he noticed Steph standing nearby, a sly grin thrown at him before she said loudly, "Well, I guess it's up to you to clean all this up, Becca. That poor girl looks really shaken up, be a doll and help her out with the mess, hm?"

Jay only had a glimpse of Rebecca's angry face as he and Vicky rounded the corner on the short trek to the office lounge. Gathering up some paper towels, Jay wet it and handed it over to Vicky, who took it with shaky hands to dab at the hem of her white blouse.

"Are you okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned for her now.

"I'm.. Fine. Thank you, Mr. Tannor," she said quietly, a deep blush rising to her cheeks.

Jay found it endearing, and stood nearby, his hands braced behind him on the sink. "You really should call me Jay, Vicky. No one here addresses me that formally."

She didn't reply, hiding her face under her light brown bangs.

Unable to help himself, Jay reached out to tuck some loose strands of hair behind her ear, his fingers lightly tugging all the way down the long strand to the tip that stopped just above her small breasts.

"I'm thinking I haven't really made much effort to get to know you," he said gently, lifting her chin to have her meet his gaze. "I know you do very good work here at the office. I'm wondering... if you'd like to join me for dinner tonight?"

Vicky looked at him in silence for a long moment before she asked quietly, "Does... that mean what I think it means..?"

"It can mean whatever you want it to mean," Jay replied, grazing a finger across her bottom lip.

"I'd like that very much, Mr - I mean, Jay."

Jay smiled.

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"Good. I'll pick you up tonight, after work, say seven?"

She smiled at him shyly, the innocence tugging at his heart and groin, making him all the more excited for the possibilities tonight.

Back at his office, he dialed his wife to let her know of his late night at work.

"Don't wait up for me, Luce. I'll be home pretty late," he said. Pretty late indeed...

"Aww alright hon, don't worry about me. Tuck will be in town, remember? I'll just have him find his way here for the night before he heads back home tomorrow."

Her brother. Jay had forgotten he was passing through on his way back to Kentucky.

Well, now he knew his wife would be busy tonight as well.

"Alright, babe. I'll try to come home as soon as I can."

"Take all the time you need!"

Perhaps he would...


Jay rolled up to Vicky's apartment building to find her waiting at the front entrance. It took Jay a moment to recognize her, dressed as she was in a tight fitting cocktail dress, one arm bare to the shoulder and the other sleeved to the elbow.

And her ass. That ass he could possibly grab all night...

From the initial greeting as he opened the passenger door for her, all the way to their reserved seats at the Four Season's hotel restaurant, she hardly spoke a word. Her hair was done up in a sultry updo, leaving her long neck bare for the sucking and biting Jay wanted to inflict on her. By the golden glow of the restaurant's light, she was a completely different woman. Yet, somehow, she was the same mouse under the glamour, and his hunger grew every minute they spent in silence.

"You feeling alright?" Jay asked, receiving his glass of wine from the waiter.

She tentatively took a sip of her own before shakily saying, "Yes, I'm okay. It's just... I've never been out to a dinner so fancy before."

"Well you look lovely tonight. You dressed the part very well."

A few moments of silence passed where Jay studied her and she took sips, then gulps of her wine.

"Would you like some more?" he asked, ready to call the waiter.

"Is there a room for us... here at the hotel?" she asked, catching him completely off guard.

Jay hesitated before saying, "I do happen to have a key to a suite near this floor."

Vicky nodded slightly before finishing off her wine and saying, "Do you think... we could go take a look at it... right now?"

Surprise with a mixture of want sprang up in Jay as he processed the question. "Are you sure?"


Her sure answer prompted him to casually get up and take her by the hand, leading her out the entrance they had entered only a few minutes before and to the penthouse suite he had arranged.

Upon entering the grand space, Jay was caught yet again by surprise as Vicky flung her arms up around him to pull him down for a deep kiss.

"Please... I've wanted this for so long..." she whispered as she continued to attack him with her lips.

Jay grabbed her ass and squeezed tightly as he kissed her back, making sure she felt the hardness quickly growing harder between his legs through the fabric of his pants and her dress.

Panting, Vicky drew back slightly to pull her dress down to her waist, exposing her bare breasts to his touch. He fondled her tits, squeezing her small nipples as his hand cupped her voluptuous behind, grazing at her pussy as he did so.

With surprising strength, Vicky pulled him further into the living room of the suite and thrust him on the couch, straddling him and rubbing her warm, wet pussy on his buldge, simultaneously fumbling with his belt as he pulled the hem of her dress up.

Her panties were of black lace that disintegrated in Jay's hand as he ripped it off her, freeing her smooth pussy to his fingers caressing the wet folds.

As he fingered her, first with one finger, then two, then three, stretching her tight space, Vicky freed his throbbing cock and stroked it fiercely.

"I need you, Mr. Tannor," she whispered seductively into his ear as she lifted herself up. Jay let his fingers fall out of her, and groaned in bliss as she quickly and violently plunged her pussy onto his dick. She felt like silky heaven, feeling small and soaking wet as she bounced on him, screaming his name over and over. His dick was dripping wet with her juices, flowing down to his sack as her ass smacked into his thighs.

"Fuck... Fuck I'm going to cum!" she screamed as her body tensed around him, her nails digging into his shoulders and her head thrown back in ecstasy.

Jay let out a low chuckle as he slowed his thrusts so that she could come down from her high, lightly smacking her ass as she sagged down into him.

"You're a feisty little mouse, aren't you?" Jay whispered in her ear, brushing a few loose strands of hair back toward her intricate updo.

Vicky shyly hid her face into his neck and he took the opportunity to nibble at her ear. His dick was still rock hard inside of her, the feeling only keeping his raging member quivering in her space. He slowly began thrust his hips into her, inciting soft moans from her as she began to wiggle on him again.

"Mmm.. I think I'd like to.. clean you off," she said quietly after a minute. To his reluctance, she got off of him, his dick sliding out of her tight hole leaving him slick and wet with her juices. Jay watched as she slowly knelt between his legs and felt another wave of pleasure as her pink tongue flicked at his shaft.

"Oh.. Vicky..." was all he could say before she grazed her tongue from the base of his veiny shaft to the tip of his head in a long, smooth motion. She continued in this fashion, her tongue grazing up and down, and by the third time her lips reached his head, her lips capped his shaft as she slowly took him in her mouth.

Up and down, she bobbed her head in a steady motion, her tongue massaging his throbbing cock as she slipped his member in and out of his mouth. At one point, she took him as far in as she could, momentarily deep throating his huge dick until she gagged him out of her mouth completely.

"You're just so big..." she said in a manner of explaining.

"Sshhh... your mouth feels fucking amazing, Vicky," he said, lifting his hand to hold her head and guiding her back to his pulsating organ. As she began her bob again, Jay couldn't help but begin to thrust slightly into her mouth. Her wet mouth felt good as she suctioned her cheeks around his cock, her fingers caressing his balls as her tongue continued to massage him. His thrusts became more and more pronounced, until he found himself violently fucking her mouth, holding her hair as she did her best to take everything in.

"Fuck, Vicky, yes, suck that cock good."

"Mmph... Mph... Mmmmph..."

Her moans and noises turned him on further, deep throat fucking her as tears streamed down her eyes. Jay suddenly felt it coming as he pumped into her, his cum flowing in long bursts as he filled her mouth with his seed. His juices overflowed out of her mouth and down her chin as she took it all in huge gulps.

Quickly taking it out of her mouth, he turned her over so that she was on all fours on the floor and quickly rammed his dick into her pussy. He fucked her as much as his sensitivity would allow, grabbing her ass in all the right places, until a quick second climax hit him to cum inside of her.

"Fuck, Victoria!" he yelled as she collapsed down on top of her, both laying on the floor panting.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tannor," she mumbled sleepily, her eyes closed and feeling his cock slowly calming down still inside her pussy.

Jay helped her into the king sized bed before quickly cleaning up and dressing.

He left the hotel room with the sleeping second assistant in the large bed, dreaming about her fantasy night with Mr. Tannor, as he himself headed home to meet Mrs. Tannor with whatever trouble she was up to.

Written by Donnanatrix
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