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A Slave To Her Work, Chapter 3

"Crystal confesses her feelings toward Peter. But will he return them?"

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Author's Notes

"I am submitting this story a day early so that I can spend tomorrow, Mother's Day, with my dear wife and give her the undivided attention she deserves! Enjoy the story and Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. <p> [ADVERT] </p>And happy Sunday to the rest of you! :)"

"Good morning, Miss Moore," he said in his usual greeting. He didn't seem to even realize she was dying inside. He seemed completely oblivious to how she felt or even what went on yesterday. 

If she hadn't been so bowled over by him it might have made her angry, his ignorance of her feelings. But how could he know? She had tried very hard to suppress any emotions she might have felt. 

Before she went to her desk to be chained and cuffed for her workday, she stopped off at the bathroom. When she came out, Peter was already in his office starting up his computer and getting organized for the day.

"Mr. Campbell may I have a word with you?" she said, very proper and professional.

"Of course, Miss Moore. Please come in. What can I do for you?" he said.

"Mind if I shut the door? This is kind of personal," she said.

"No, go ahead." She shut the door and then came over to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

"So what's going on, Miss Moore?" he asked.

"Peter, I can't take it anymore!" she said, the news bursting from her. "I have tried to keep things in perspective to stay professional, but I can't do it any longer! That lunch date we had yesterday was too much and I have been thinking about it every moment since. 

“I didn't sleep a wink last night thinking about that lunch and about you. And if I don't get this off my chest, I will just die!"

"What is it, Crystal? What's going on?" he asked. He could see she was visibly upset and he thought maybe he had done something wrong yesterday at lunch. He came around the desk to her leaning against his desk in front of her.

"Peter, I want to be more than just your secretary. I sit at that desk over there and all I can do is think about you. I look through the window and wish I was there with you. I can't be this close to you and not think about you constantly. 

"Hell, half of my concentration problems are because my mind is on you! You drive me crazy and I have been hiding it for too long, trying to keep our relationship purely professional when all I really want to do is lay on this desk and have you take your pleasure out in me! 

"I want to be more than your secretary Peter, I want to be yours! I want to belong to you! These chains and cuffs have awoken something in me, something even I didn't realize until now. 

"Peter, I want to belong to you. I want to be yours–your slave... your slut... to do with whatever you want. I don't have a boyfriend or anyone in my life, and I'm pretty sure you don't either. I want to be yours. Please!" she said.

"I see. This is a very serious matter Crystal," he said, looking very serious. But he couldn't hold his smile back for long.

"Why are you laughing, then?" she said, thinking he was mocking her.

"Oh, Crystal honey, I'm not laughing at you. It's just that I had this suspicion since the moment I put the chains on you. 

"You put up a fuss at first, sure, but I saw the look in your eyes when I cuffed you. I could see your breathing increase and I could feel the excitement you had in submitting. I knew then that there was a little submissive slut hidden in there... I was just waiting for it to boil to the surface. 

"That's why I invited you to lunch... I figured that away from the stigma of the work environment, I could get under your skin easier. And it worked. I watched how you walked away from the table. I very nearly had to walk you to the bathroom you were so shaky!" he chuckled.

"But how... how did you know this about me? I didn't even know it!" she said.

"My dear, before I changed my college major to Business Administration, I was going for a degree in Psychology. I learned I had a knack for reading people and I wanted to develop it. 

"I could see in your eyes, your face, and just the way you always want to make sure others are taken care of. 

"You are a born submissive, my dear. And there's nothing wrong with that – you just need to find someone who understands and appreciates that in you. Someone who knows what it means to be submissive and won't take advantage of your kind-hearted nature." 

He paused for a moment before finishing. 

"Someone like me."

"Y-you mean you'd..." she started to say.

"After work, we will talk more about this. For now, there is work to do and too many people around to talk about this properly," he said.

"Yes, Sir," she said. Crystal practically skipped to her office, locking herself dutifully to her desk to begin her day – in much better spirits than she had come to work in.

Crystal was absolutely giddy as she typed away at her computer. She had broken the worrisome news to Peter and to her complete delight he had understood how she felt. 

Not only did he understand, but it also seemed as if he would agree to her idea! At least that what she hoped he meant! He had told her they would discuss it that night after work when everyone had gone home and they had some privacy. 

That day Crystal was a whirlwind of activity. She couldn't work fast enough or do enough – it was as if she'd gone into hyper-drive! 

"Miss Moore, you have been going like gangbusters all morning. Would you like to go to lunch with me?" Mr. Campbell asked as he stuck his head in her office.

"Oh no, you don't! That's how we got in this situation to start with!" she giggled. "Besides, I want to get these reports done and out of the way for you. I will just order something and that way I can keep going."

"Okay, then. Here is the remote. I don't know who will be left in the office, so if you have to leave, just unlock the chains yourself. I'll probably be back before lunchtime is over myself," he said.

"Have a nice lunch, Sir." And a few minutes after he left, Crystal called a fast food place that delivered so she could eat at her desk.

She kept working at this breakneck pace all through lunch and right up to quitting time. By the end of the day, she had caught up on a few things leftover from the previous day, today's work, and got a decent head start on tomorrow's work!

When it came time to go home, Mr. Campbell waited in his office until his floor was cleared and only he and Crystal were left. He came in and unlocked Crystal. "Come with me, Miss Moore," he said flatly.

She got up and followed him into his office. "Have a seat," he said, waving to the chair in front of his desk. He locked the door and closed the blinds so they could talk privately.

"Now then, about this matter, you mentioned this morning. I want to make sure I understand clearly – I don't want there to be any misunderstanding or miscommunications here," he said.

"Yes, Sir."

"You said you wanted to be more than my secretary. Am I right? I believe the terms you used were, 'I want to be yours! I want to belong to you!' was that correct?" he said.

"Yes, Sir."

"You also mentioned something else... let's see, I believe you said something to the effect of, 'I want to be your slave... your slut... to do with whatever you want.' Is that about right?"

"Yes, Sir. That's right. I want to belong to you – my mind, my body, all of it. I want to be your slave, Peter. I want you to own me!"

"I see.  So you are giving me permission to use you for whatever I please. To use your body any way I please is that right?"

"Yes! Yes, Peter," she said, getting a bit tired of these repeated questions.

"I just don't want there to be any questions or doubts. We need to be perfectly clear because what your asking... to belong to me to use any way I want... covers a lot of territory. 

“There may be things I ask you to do that you don't like or don't want to do. I may want something and you won't be 'in the mood' or want to do it right away. Belonging to me means that you don't get to decide what, when, or how. You just do as you are told. And that is a lot to ask from anyone."

"I understand. And I have thought about all that. I thought about this all evening and all night last night, Peter. 

“But I also know that you are a kind reasonable man and if there ever was something you asked that I really didn't want to do, you would be willing to at least listen to my side and give me the benefit of the doubt. 

“I mean look at what you've already done – any other employer would have fired me for not accomplishing my work. And several have. But you came up with the idea of chaining me to my desk to get me to focus. 

“That's going above and beyond, Peter. But that's you – you always try to do what's best for your people even if it means breaking the rules or thinking outside the box."

"Well, thank you for the compliments. And you are right – if there ever is something you feel that strongly about, we can discuss it. I'm not saying I will back down, but I will listen. 

“Okay then, if this is what you really want to do, and you are willing to accept your place as my slave slut, then show me. Take off your blouse and your skirt," he said.

Crystal stood up and immediately began unbuttoning her blouse removing it and putting it on the back of the chair. Then she unfastened her skirt and slid it down her legs picking it up and placing it on top of her blouse.

She stood there in front of him now, dressed only in her bra, panties, stockings, and heels. He looked her up and down. Crystal was a very beautiful woman and even more so close up and dressed in her underthings. 

His eyes roamed over her five-foot-eight-inch frame, stopping to take in her amazing 36DDD tits. Then his eyes moved slowly down her soft silky pale body. He took in every delicious curve and hollow. 

His gaze moved down her flat stomach to her black lace panties. He licked his lips as he looked at her thin lacy panties, imagining the delights that lay beneath them. Crystal saw him lick his lips and she moaned softly. 

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He spun her around to face the desk with her back to him. He pushed her upper body down so could place her hands on the desk and lean over. She was a couple of feet away from the desk, leaning on it like she was being frisked. 

He kicked her ankles lightly "Spread those legs wider," he commanded. She spread her legs wider and he moved closer placing his feet between hers. 

He pressed his hips against her ass letting her feel what she did to him while he leaned over her a bit and ran his hands up her sides and then under her to cup her tits in his strong hands

"You really are quite beautiful, Crystal, that was one of the reasons I hired you. Sure, there were other girls who were interested in the job, some even more qualified or experienced than you. 

“But I wanted someone to spruce up the office as much as someone who could type and file. Anyone can type or file. But not everyone brightens up an office like you do. Seeing you at your desk looking so hot and sexy gets my mornings off to a really good start!" he said in a low soft voice.

As he spoke his hands caressed and massaged her tits through her sexy shelf bra. Crystal had dressed "spicier" than she normally did, hoping that her sexy attire would sway his decision her way. And it was working–better than she had figured!

"Ohhh, Peterrr..." Crystal moaned as his hands worked their magic on her soft, creamy tits. 

"You like my hands on you, do you?" he said.

"Oh yes," she moaned softly. 

"Yes, I could tell even back at the restaurant yesterday when I held your hand... I heard the gasp you tried to hide. And then when we went out to the car, I was afraid I was going to have to pick you up off the ground, my dear!"

"I'm sorry Peter. It's just... well, I wasn't expecting you to..." she said, her mind starting to slip as she felt him maul her tits. His hands felt soo good...

"Expecting me to what, Miss Moore? To touch you? I told you that it wasn't going to be a business lunch. And what man could go to lunch with a lovely woman like you and NOT want to touch them?"

"Th-thank you, Sir," she groaned. Crystal closed her eyes giving herself over to his touch, relishing in the feelings she had longed for since becoming his secretary. 

"Well, you had better get used to my touching you, my dear, and not just holding your hand. If you are going to belong to me, then I am going to use you. 

“I am not in the habit of having a tool that I never use. That would be like a carpenter buying an expensive new hammer and then just keeping it in his tool chest and never using it," he said.

Then, as if to demonstrate how he would use his new "tool", he released his hold on her tits and before she could whimper or groan a complaint, he had moved his hand between her legs and was rubbing her pussy over her panties.

He turned up the fire in her pussy considerably. "Oh God, Peter! Oh, your hand... ohhh, it feels...  Ohhh!" She began pushing back against his hand raising up on her tiptoes and spreading her legs wider so he could work her needy pussy easier.

This was even better than she imagined in her dreams last night and she began rolling her hips as she humped the hand bringing her so much pleasure. Her pussy was drooling now like a dog watching his owner eat a steak and Peter took notice of her condition.

"My goodness! Your panties are soaking wet, Miss Moore! Are you enjoying this, my dear?" he said, teasing her.

"Oh God yes, Peter! Please, please don't stop!" she moaned louder now.

"We are going to have to get you out of those wet things... can't have you coming down with a cold or something, can we?" he said. 

He reached up and slowly peeled her sodden panties from her, enjoying the way the wet fabric clung to her sex. He slid her panties down her long nylon-sheathed legs until they were just above her knees. 

He left them there liking the look of her pulled-down panties as she leaned on the desk. Moving back up, he pulled her asscheeks apart to peer at the source of all this moisture.

"No wonder your panties are wet, Miss Moore – your pussy is practically dripping! You really are a little slut aren't you?" he said.

Without waiting for an answer, he slipped two fingers into her slippery hole and Crystal cried out.

"Oh God, Peter! Oh yes, I am a slut! Oh please, please fingerfuck me! Please! Make me cum, Peter! I have been dying all day long, knowing that you wanted to see me this afternoon! Please, please make me cum! I want to cum for you! Please!" she cried desperately.

"I am going to fingerfuck you, my eager little fuckslut. I am going to fingerfuck you until you are writhing and squirming... until you are begging and pleading for me to make you cum."

And as soon as he said that he began thrusting in and out of her, varying his speed and technique to always keep her off balance and increase the effectiveness of his work. 

Sometimes he would give her rapid-fire thrusts, and sometimes he would move agonizingly slowly in and out of her. Sometimes he would curl his fingers, rubbing against her pussy walls, and sometimes he would cross his fingers inside her adding a new sensation. 

This constant varying his thrusting drove her mad with lust, and it wasn't long before the already aroused Crystal had reached the point of near insanity.

"Please, Peter. Oh please, please make me cum! I need to cum so badly! Please! Please make me cum pleeease!" she sobbed.

"And what will you do for me if I make you cum, my horny little slut?" he asked.

"Anything! I'll do anything you want! Please, I need to cum! I need to cum so much! Please, Peter, please!" she begged.

"Are you willing to be my fuckslut, my secretary as well as my plaything? Are you willing to surrender yourself totally to me, to be used whenever and however I see fit?" he asked.

"Yes! Yes! Oh God, please let me be your fuckslut, Peter! Please, it's all I want... to please and pleasure you! That's all I ever wanted... since I started here!" she sobbed.

"Very well." And he renewed his attack on her pussy, reaching around with his other hand to rub her clit as well. The combined work on her pussy and clit caused her to scream out the orgasm she had begged him for.

"OHHH FUUCCKK, SIRRR!" she screamed so loud he was glad that they were alone in the building and his door was closed!

Crystal's orgasm was so great her legs were unable to hold her up and she crumbled like a ragdoll onto the floor, her body convulsing and spasming as the throes of her orgasm worked through her.

Peter sat in the chair watching over her, making sure she didn't hurt herself, until she stopped thrashing around and lay still, panting and moaning softly.

When she finally came back to him and was lucid once again, she looked up at him smiling.

"Welcome back. Did you have fun?" he asked.

"Mmm... yes," she giggled, "it was just what I needed!"

"Good, I'm glad. Now get up on your knees and sit on your ankles," he commanded.

Crystal got up as he directed and knelt there in front of him, her skin glistening with the sheen of sweat from her exertion and the heavy smell of sex permeating the room.

Looking down at the young woman at his feet he smiled. "Remove your bra, slut," he said. Show me those amazing tits."

She smiled at him and reached back to unfasten her bra. She slid it down her arms and tossed it aside. She looked back at him expectantly.

Peter cupped her chin in his hand gently, almost lovingly. "Such a beautiful toy. I am going to enjoy you so much."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, blushing at his words.

"Now then you have told me you want to be my fuckslut and my plaything and have promised to do surrender yourself totally to me. You have promised to do anything I tell you and be used by me in any way I wish."

"Yes, Sir. That's all I've ever wanted, Peter... just to be yours. I just want to belong to you," she said softly.

"Well, then you can consider yourself mine. My property and mine alone, understand? You don't need to find anyone else and you aren't allowed anyone else. If you wish to be mine then mine you are. 

“You will continue to be my secretary but you will also be my slut, my fuckslut, understand? We will keep your duties separate for the most part – work will remain work and personal will remain personal. 

“But there may be times when the two cross over... when I may require your personal 'services' here at the office. You will do as directed in either realm, do you understand?

"Yes Sir," she said, smiling. The thought of blowing him under the desk or fucking him while at work almost made her cum again! 

"Now we will be spending a lot more time together... here and when we aren't at work. As you know, on occasion I have to go out of town to training conferences and to Corporate for this or that. 

“I will want you to accompany me on these trips as my secretary and then stay with me in the hotel. Is there a reason that this might be difficult for you?"

"No, Sir. I would love to go on trips with you!" she said.

"And how about weekends? Do you mind working weekends?" he asked.

"Peter, any chance I get to spend some time with you would thrill me to death. I am yours anytime you want and anyplace you want," she said. "You own me now so just say tell me what you want from me and I will do whatever I can to grant your every desire."

"Good. I think this will work out fine then," he said, "Now get dressed and we'll go to dinner and then back to my place. We have a lot to discuss..." 

Written by Master_Jonathan
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