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A Slave To Her Work, Chapter 1

"Peter had to find a way to get his secretary to complete her work..."

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Peter Campbell was more than a little annoyed. "Miss Moore! Miss Moore! Damn, where is that girl now!" he said, as he looked all over the office for his secretary. "I swear that woman cannot sit still long enough to finish anything! I need those proposals typed up and ready for my presentation first thing tomorrow morning!"

Not finding her, he turned to another girl in the office. "Mrs. Thompson, could you do me a huge favor and finish typing up these proposals. I have to meet with Mr. Davidson first thing tomorrow morning and I can't find Miss Moore anywhere."

"Sure Mr. Campbell, I'd be happy to. I'm almost done with what I was working on anyway... I can have these on your desk by the end of the day," she said with a smile. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, you just saved my butt! Corporate would not be happy if we blew this account because we weren't ready! This is a big account and will mean a big boost for the company... and a big bonus for us if we pull it off!" he said.

"Well, we can all use a bonus–especially this time of year!" she said.

"Isn't that the truth! Christmas just seems to get more and more expensive every year! Funny thing is, I'm buying fewer presents this year, but spending more money doing it!" he said.

"Try raising a teen-aged daughter some time, then you can tell me about expensive!" Mrs. Thompson giggled. Then she turned and headed back to her desk with the proposal to type it up.

A few minutes later Miss Moore came back, oblivious to what had transpired while she was gone. That is until Mr. Campbell called her into his office.

"Miss Moore, please come into my office for a moment," he said over the intercom. 

Miss Moore came in a moment later with her pad and pen, assuming he wanted to dictate a letter or something. "You wanted to see me, Sir?"

"Yes. Could you close the door then come have a seat here. We need to talk about something," he said.

She closed the door and came over sitting on the chair in front of his large imposing desk. "What is it, Sir?" she asked innocently.

"Miss Moore–may I call you Crystal?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay Crystal, we have a problem. You seem to spend a lot of time away from your desk and I have to wonder if you are getting your work done.

"This afternoon I looked for you to see how you were doing on the Davidson proposal and I couldn't find you anywhere. Then I looked at the file and you hadn't even begun typing it up! You are aware that I need it tomorrow morning when I meet with Mr. Davidson to discuss the deal."

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I had to use the ladies' room. Then, on my way back, one of the girls was having troubles with a program on her computer and I was helping her," Crystal said.

"Crystal, your job and your responsibility are to be my secretary. That is your desk over there and you work for me. That is what you were hired for and that is why you get a paycheck every two weeks.

"This company spends a lot of money to have our IT people here. She could have called them to help her with the computer," he said.

"Yes, Sir. I will get on that proposal right now and..." she started to say.

"Nevermind, I already gave it all to Mrs. Thompson to type up. I couldn't find you and didn't know if you were going to get it done in time. This is a huge account and my tail is on the line if it falls through," he said.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"Crystal, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. And it isn't fair for me to have to give your work to someone else to do because you are off doing something someplace else. You don't even tell me when you are leaving–I have to come in here and find you MIA again!" he said.

"Mr. Campbell, I'm really very sorry, but you see I suffer from ADHD... Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It's not a real bad case–I mean, I can get by on my own. It's just that I can't seem to stay focused on one thing for very long. I get everything done, it's just that I do a little here and a little there.

"I had problems with this in school too... I couldn't sit still long enough to complete my work all the time. In grade school where we had one classroom all day long it was terrible. Once I got into high school and we had several classes a day it was a little more tolerable," she explained.

"I see. Well, Crystal, I am sorry that you have such a terrible time with this. I have a nephew with the same problem and I can tell you he's a handful.

"But the fact remains that this is a place of business and no matter what goes on during the day, the end result has to be that we do what we must to turn a profit. If we don't, we don't survive as a company. 

"I'm sorry, Crystal, but if I can't count on you doing your work, I'm going to have to let you go and put someone in here that I can depend on," Peter said.

"Please, Sir! Please, don't fire me! I'll do anything you want! Please, I need this job! I like working here. I will try to focus more, I promise!" she implored him.

"Well, I'm not going to do anything today. Let me think on it and see if I can come up with something that will work for all involved," he said.

"Thank you, Sir! Thank you for giving me a chance! You are a wonderful man and a great boss. I promise I will try harder to stay focused."

Crystal went back to her desk and got straight to work. And despite the urge to get up and move around, she stayed for the next four hours until it was time to go home.

Meanwhile about two hours after his conversation with Crystal, Mrs. Thompson came by his office with the prepared proposal. "Mr. Campbell? Sir, I have the Davidson proposal all typed and ready for you," she said.

"Oh thank goodness! Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, I really appreciate this," he said. "I'm sorry I had to drop this in your lap, but I had a long talk with Miss Moore and I let her know I wasn't too happy with her leaving her desk all the time. I basically told her that if I couldn't count on her to do her work, I would have to let her go."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Crystal is a nice girl and we are friends. Yes, she's a little bubble-headed but aside from work, it's kind of cute. She's like a hummingbird–always busy, but getting nothing done!" she giggled.

"Yes but this IS work and things need to get done," he said.

"I agree." then she looked out the door at Crystal. "Mind if we talk a moment Mr. Campbell?"

"No, what's on your mind?" he asked.

Mrs. Thompson went to close his door so they could talk privately. Coming back to his desk, she sat down. "I have an idea that might work. It's kind of unorthodox, but I don't want to see Crystal leave," she started.

"I'm listening..."

"Well, the problem with Crystal seems to be her leaving her desk all the time and going in search of another flower, to use the hummingbird analogy. But what if she couldn't what if we clipped those hummingbird wings a bit so she couldn't fly off whenever the mood struck her?" Mrs. Thompson said.

"How could we do that?"

"Simple. Chain her to her desk!"

"WHAT? We can't do that!" he said.

"Listen, Mr. Campbell, you are a good man and wonderful to work for. You pay us an above the average salary and you give us all plenty of benefits and other perks. We all love working here and no one wants to quit or get fired.

"If chaining Crystal to her desk helps her focus and get her work done keeping her here, then no one will complain–especially her.

"She has told me how hard it has been for her to find a job she likes and can do. She won't put up much of a fight... after the initial shock of the idea, at least. And you won't have to try to find a replacement that will fit into our little family."

"But what would someone outside the company think if they saw it? And what if there was an emergency?" he asked.

"Mr. Campbell, we have a receptionist downstairs to greet anyone coming to the office. She can let us know if there will be a visitor.

"And as for emergencies, they make remote-controlled locks that can be unlocked via Bluetooth linked to a cellphone. You wouldn't even need to get out of your chair to unlock her if she needed to use the restroom or if there was an emergency of some sort. Just create a panic button on your phone that would automatically unlock her.

"Sir, this is only until she can get her impulses under control and it beats having to fire her–for her benefit, as well as ours. It's not the best solution, I'm sure, but it will work, it won't cost much, and it is immediate–unlike therapy or counseling or something," Mrs. Thompson said.

"I just don't need the Labor Relations people coming over telling me that I am being sued for unfair work practices or something," he said.

"Mr. Campbell, the people in the office here will know what's going on and why. We all like Crystal and we all really like you. We don't want to see either of you leave. Janet down in reception will be our watchdog, and the rest of us will back you up should anything be said about this. We are a team here and we have each other's backs," she said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

All the rest of the day Peter thought about the situation with Crystal. It was a close call and had it not been for Mrs. Thompson helping out, they would surely have lost the Davidson account–an account that could conceivably bring in as much as a hundred thousand dollars to the company, maybe more.

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He also thought about Mrs. Thompson's idea... chaining Crystal to her desk. It was an outlandish idea, to be sure, but it would work–at least he could keep an eye on her and prod her back to work when her mind strayed. He thought about how difficult it must be for her and what his own nephew is facing in his future.

And Mrs. Thompson was right–the office did feel like family. He had gone to great lengths to make everyone feel like they were part of a team, a family. Sometimes he even went against Corporate's wishes to ensure that his people were taken care of.

He smiled when he remembered her telling him that everyone would stand behind him. It felt good to know they all wanted to do what they could to help out a fellow employee. 

The next day after a very successful meeting with Mr. Davidson in which he was able to secure the account he'd been worried over, Peter decided to take an hour off to do some "errands".

"Now Miss Moore, I have to step out of the office for a bit to take care of some things. I want you to sit here at your desk and finish up this typing and filing while I am gone. You should have plenty of time to get it done. I will be back shortly–do not disappoint me, young lady!" he said looking at her sternly.

"No Sir, I won't!" she said, looking up at him with her big green eyes.

He left to go to the hardware store. He knew that leaving Crystal alone like this was not going to work out well, she was flighty even when he was there. Mrs. Thompson's analogy of a hummingbird was right on the money. She was a hummingbird. A pretty, flighty, ADHD hummingbird.

The hardware store didn't have the type of lock he wanted, so his next stop was to the locksmith. He picked the largest one in town figuring if anyone had a blue tooth-enabled padlock it would be them. And sure enough, they had a couple of them. "We don't get a lot of people asking about this lock," the locksmith said, "I mainly got them to show my customers they make these things."

"Well, I have a special need for this padlock and I'm glad you had a couple in stock," Peter said. He paid for the lock and left. His next stop was to the "adult toy store".

He picked up a couple of sets of handcuffs, then he headed back to the office. As he pulled into his parking spot, he put all his purchases in a small gym bag and then went into the building and up to his office on the third floor.

Once back and his desk with the bag, he called Crystal into his office. "Miss Moore, please come into the office here."

She came into the office, again with her pad and pen. "Yes, Mr. Campbell?" she said.

"Close the door, please, and have a seat. Did you get the typing and filing done I asked you to?" he asked.

"No, Sir. I tried but..." she said, hanging her head and fiddling with her manicured fingers.

"Crystal, the typing and filing should have taken forty-five minutes tops. I've been gone for over an hour. What happened?"

"I started out doing real good, but I had to use the restroom–the coffee, you know–and then... well, before I knew it, you had come back Sir!" she explained, her bottom lip quivering.

"I see. Crystal I have been thinking about your situation and I want you to take what I am about to say in the spirit it is intended. I do not want to fire you. I do not want to replace you.

"You are a special kind of person–you are always happy and upbeat, you are friendly and courteous to everyone, and the whole company likes you. You brighten up any room you are in and if I might say so, you make this office a lot more beautiful to come to." 

"T-thank you, Sir," she said blushing.

"However, as I said this is a place of business, not a social gathering place. You have a job to do here and I expect you to do it. But because of who you are and because I don't want you to go, I am going to help you.

"You have been likened to a hummingbird Crystal... small and delicate and beautiful, but very flighty. A hummingbird flies from flower to flower never spending more than a few seconds at anyone. A lot like you in your daily tasks.

"And so using that same analogy, I am going to clip your wings a bit so you can stay focussed and get your work done. My method may seem extreme to you and like I said I want you to look at it as me trying to help you succeed. But we are going to chain you to your desk."

"Chain me to my desk? Oh Sir, please! Please, I'll do better I swear! Please don't... what if someone sees me like that! I'd die of embarrassment!" she said, panic-stricken.

"Miss Moore, no one but the people in this office will see you. I have already figured it all out. Janet down on the first-floor reception will screen everyone who comes into the building and let us know if we are about to have a visitor.

"This padlock can be remotely activated to open by using the blue tooth application on my cell phone and on this phone which I will leave on my desk. Should there be a need to unlock you–for a restroom break or in case of some emergency–a simple push of a button will pop the lock open," he said.

"But Sir, chaining me to my desk... I'll be a laughing stock here!" she said, almost in tears.

"Crystal you will not be a 'laughing stock'. The people in this company are trying to help you, as am I. We are a family here and as a family we all want each other to succeed.

"No one wants you to have to leave and certainly, no one wants some stranger to come into the company replacing you and throwing off our delicate balance. This is to keep you here and to be completely honest, it is about the only way I could come up with to keep you here. 

"I know that having ADHD makes life difficult and in reading your job application again, I see that you have had troubles fitting in other places. Well, you have a home here, Miss Moore, and we want you to keep it. I want you to keep it.

"But the choice is yours–I can't force you to accept this. It's up to you... either we chain you to the desk to help you complete your work or I may be forced to let you go.

"I'm sorry, but I have my responsibilities too, and I don't always like them. And I can't ask your coworkers to do their jobs and yours too," he said.

"Yes, Sir, I understand. And I am sorry to be so much trouble. I do love it here and I do have a lot of friends here. And I love working for you, Sir. Can I have some time to think about it?" she asked.

"Of course. Today is Friday and it's only 10:00 am. Why don't you think about it and give me your answer first thing on Monday? That gives you almost three days to mull it over and we can deal with this fresh on Monday, whichever you choose to do," he said.

"Thank you, Sir. And again I am sorry for being such a bother," she said. Then Crystal left his office to go back to her desk.

At lunchtime, Crystal left to go to the coffee shop down the street–her usual lunchtime hangout. After she left Mrs. Thompson caught up with Peter. "Did you tell Crystal the idea? How did she take it?" she asked.

"Well she wasn't any too pleased with the idea of being chained to her desk, that's for sure. But I told her that it's either that or I might have to find someone else. I told her no one here wants to see her leave but it isn't fair that I ask everyone to do their job and hers too. She said she wanted to think about it so I gave her until Monday to decide," he said.

"You didn't tell her it was my idea did you?" Mrs. Thompson asked.

"No of course not. I made it seem like I thought of it. I didn't mention anyone's name," he said.

"Thank you, Sir. I hope she agrees to this. I know it may seem humiliating to her right now, but I know no one here will make light of this or turn her into the company joke. We love Crystal," she said.

"I know. And I hope she agrees too," he said.


Monday morning came before either Crystal or Peter would have liked. Peter went to the office unsure if he still had a secretary and Crystal unsure if she still had a job. Peter arrived first and was at his desk when Crystal arrived.

"Good Morning, Miss Moore," he said in his usual pleasant tone.

"Good Morning Sir," Crystal said, trying to rush past him as quickly as possible and get straight to her desk. 

He let her get to her desk and get settled in. However about ten minutes after the workday started, Crystal heard the intercom crackle. "Miss Moore, please come in my office."

She came into the office with a sad, downcast air about her instead of the light, bubbly spirit she usually carried. She knew what this exchange was going to be about, and she wasn't sure of the outcome yet.

"Yes, Sir?" she said quietly.

"Please close the door Miss Moore and have a seat." She did as he said and took an uncomfortable seat in front of his desk.  

"I'm sure you know why I called you in here this morning."

"Yes Sir, I have a pretty good idea."

"Did you come to a decision on what we talked about Friday?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And what did you decide to do?"

"Sir, I want to keep my job here. I like working here and it's a job I feel I can do well."

"So you agree to be chained to your desk to help you to focus, then?" he asked.

Crystal let out a heavy sigh. "Yes Sir, I agree. I would do anything to keep this job, Sir."


Written by Master_Jonathan
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