"Sloane." My boss made my name sound like a reprimand. I looked up from my desk, already dreading his next words. "I need you to work late this evening."
"Sir, I can't tonight," I protested.
"Sure you can." He placed a folder before me, tapping it with his fingertip for emphasis.
"But it's Friday!"
He paused in the middle of putting on his suit coat. "So?"
"So..." I tried to think of a convincing excuse. "I have a date, and I need to get ready." That wasn't exactly true, since the only date I had was with my couch and a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream while I watched my favorite show.
My boss smirked. "Well, tell your 'date,'" he said, actually using air quotes, "that you'll need to reschedule."
Watching him stride toward the elevator, I felt as if my blood had begun to simmer just beneath my skin. At twenty-two, I worked full-time as a secretary for a large company. That's what the job title was back in those days, not anything fancy like "administrative professional." If one of the executives felt particularly cute, I might get called a "Girl Friday." I reported directly to the biggest asshole in the company, a man I'll call Mr. So-and-So. He demanded that I address him only as "Sir." At first, I'd agreed without hesitation. The job paid well for secretarial work, and I was willing to overlook Mr. So-and-So's nauseating ego. But the harder I tried to meet his requirements, the more he came to expect of me.
My duties included typing his reports and making his coffee, along with fetching his dry-cleaning and fielding calls from the women he'd bedded and then jilted. In short, anything he wanted. When I complained to my mother over the phone about Mr. So-and-So, she simply said, "Is he harassing you, Sloane? Has he squeezed your ass or anything like that?"
"Ew. No," I replied, wrinkling my nose.
"Well, alright then. Suck it up and keep collecting your paycheck. If you only knew what I had to put up with when I was your age!" Mom was on her second marriage, and at her new husband's urging, she'd recently quit her office job to be a housewife.
I now picked up the folder Mr. So-and-So had left for me. Once I'd opened it to examine the contents, I couldn't suppress a groan of dread. I'd be here all night! My anger only grew when the other secretaries filed past my desk on their way out the door. Most avoided looking at me, but a few cast sympathetic glances in my direction. Sonia was one of them. Just that morning, she'd joked about Mr. So-and-So's insistence on being called Sir. "That sounds kinky!"
"Are you trying to make me lose my breakfast, Sonia?" I said, rolling my eyes.
She only snickered. "He's certainly welcome to get kinky with me! That man is so gorgeous in those expensive suits he wears."
"Sonia, please don't."
"And imagine how sexy he is out of his suit!" she went on. "I'd be happy to bend over his desk so he could give me a stern talking-to."
Of course, I knew most women found Mr. So-and-So incredibly good-looking, but in my opinion, his sex appeal couldn't make up for his horrid personality. And Mr. So-and-So used his good looks and prestigious position to get whatever he wanted. He was tall and fit, with dark hair and intense blue eyes. I'd heard him described as both sophisticated and ruggedly handsome. The man was a chameleon, easily able to assume many different roles.
"You wouldn't last a day working for him," I told Sonia. All the secretaries were jealous of her, since her boss was exceedingly kind, almost grandfatherly. He'd even had flowers delivered for Sonia on her birthday! My boss wouldn't have been able to recall my birthday if his life depended on it. Of course, I knew his. The man was in his early forties, which was plenty old enough to realize he shouldn't act like an arrogant asshole.
Once everyone had left the office that Friday evening, I sat at my desk, glowering at the folder before me. I knew I was only hurting myself by procrastinating, but I'd worked late at least half a dozen times within the last month alone. I was tired of Mr. So-and-So taking advantage of my eagerness to do a good job. He was probably out at some bar right now, buying drinks for a woman he planned to screw later on. Remembering the way he sarcastically referred to my "date" brought tears of fury to my eyes. It was as if he found the idea of a man being interested in me utterly ridiculous. Sure, I wasn't a knockout like Sonia, but I was pretty enough, having inherited my mother's dark hair and eyes. I hadn't inherited her feminine wiles, however. She'd always had a string of men wrapped around her finger.
I tried to focus on the report, but I couldn't concentrate. I was so angry; I wanted to hurl the folder across the room. Having the entire floor to myself was a surreal experience, as I was used to the constant activity that made the office seem to hum with energy during the workday. I looked around, a wicked smile tugging at my lips. "Fuck you, Sir!" I dared to say out loud. Then I practically shouted it.
Shoving the report folder away from me, I stood and strode toward Mr. So-and-So's private office. I didn't bother to turn on the light. Instead, I lingered in the doorway as my heart began racing. Though I realized I was about to do something that could get me fired, it was as if I was simply an observer, strangely detached from my body, while I stepped closer to Mr. So-and-So's desk. His office had a gorgeous view, and since I knew I wouldn't be leaving any time soon, I allowed myself the opportunity to gaze out at the city lights for several minutes. Somewhere in that city, Mr. So-and-So was living it up; he probably had a woman on each arm right now. And I was stuck here.
I decided to make myself comfortable. After kicking off my heels, I lifted my skirt and removed my pantyhose as well, careful not to snag them. That urge to do something outrageous rushed through me again, and before I could talk myself out of it, I took off my half-slip and cotton panties. The sensation of being naked beneath my knee-length skirt was weirdly arousing. As I grazed my fingertips over Mr. So-and-So's desk, I realized I was getting wet. A nervous giggle escaped my lips. I pulled my skirt up to my waist and sat bare-assed in his chair. This felt naughty, almost sinful. My mother would be mortified if she knew. I slid my pussy over the fine leather of the chair, hoping to leave my scent behind. I felt like an animal marking its territory.
I reached for Mr. So-and-So's favorite pen, the one engraved with his name. The metal was cold and smooth beneath my fingers. I draped my legs over the arms of his chair, so I was spread wide. My face grew hot as I dared to tease my clitoris with the rounded end of the pen. Leaning back, I pleasured myself, sliding the pen lower until it was at my entrance. I couldn't suppress a moan while easing it inside me. This was so wrong, I told myself. I was fucking myself with Mr. So-and-So's cherished possession! By itself, the pen didn't give me much satisfaction, but knowing I was defiling something my boss held dear made my hips start rocking.
My moans grew louder as I fondled my nipples through my blouse. Too bad I wasn't brave enough to get completely naked, I thought. While thrusting the pen in and out of my pussy, I rubbed my swollen clit. I was shocked at how quickly my excitement built; my thighs were soon trembling, and I knew it wouldn't be long until I made myself come.
With closed eyes and parted lips, I surrendered to my lust. Maybe if I had an orgasm, I'd relax enough to concentrate on that damned report. As wet as I was, I must have been dripping onto the chair. My cries became desperate. I was almost there, right on the edge!
It was then that I heard the flip of the office light switch. Opening my eyes, I saw Mr. So-and-So in the doorway, gaping at me. I released a startled squawk, sounding as if someone had just thrown ice water in my face. My arousal vanished in an instant, only to be replaced by mortification. I actually prayed I would pass out right then and there in order to be spared from my overwhelming shame. "I'm sorry!" I blurted out. There was no way I could discreetly remove the pen from my pussy. I didn't dare look at my boss while I placed it on his desk. I noticed it was wet and glistening in the light. Though I didn't trust my shaking knees to support me, I rushed to stand, yanking down my skirt once I was on my feet.
Mr. So-and-So still looked as if he couldn't believe what he'd just witnessed. "What the hell are you doing?" he demanded. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. "Are you fucking high?" he went on. "What possessed you to do such a thing?" My lips quivered from the effort to hold back my tears. I looked down at my bare feet as Mr. So-and-So approached the desk. He slowly reached for the pen, his fingers closing around it. "Look at me." I forced myself to meet his hard stare. "You're going to pay for what you've done, Sloane." I watched, wide-eyed, as he brought the pen to his lips and gave it a slow lick, adding his saliva to the wetness I'd left behind on the metal.
"Sir, please," I whimpered.
My boss flashed a devilish grin. "Oh, there's no need for 'Sir' any longer. You can call me Jack now because we're going to get to know each other a lot better."
Now I truly did feel on the verge of passing out. "What do you mean?"
"You obviously have more urgent matters than work to attend to tonight." Jack made a show of adjusting the bulge in his pants. "I'm going to help you with that."
As his meaning became perfectly clear, I couldn't hold back a gasp. Then my earlier rage returned with full force. "Oh, go to hell, Jack!" I shouted. His stunned expression gave me almost as much pleasure as his pen had. "I put up with far too much of your bullshit as it is. I'm not going to start fucking you, too. I quit!" I shook from the massive amount of adrenaline flooding my body, but I managed to hold my head high while striding past him.
"Sloane, wait," he said. While I longed to keep walking, I could already hear my mother's voice in my head: Do you understand how serious it is to get fired, Sloane? What were you thinking? I forced myself to stop and turn toward Jack. He held up his hands as if to placate me. "I'm not asking you to fuck me, okay? And I don't want to lose you; you're the best secretary I've ever had." I couldn't hide my surprise, for my boss had never complimented me before. "I'll make a deal with you." His stare moved slowly up and down my body. "If you let me eat your pussy, I'll give you Monday off."
For a moment, I was too shocked to form a reply. "Are you insane?" I finally shrieked.
"No, but I'm incredibly turned on after seeing you... doing what you were doing at my desk." Jack began stroking himself through his pants.
I hated this man. So why did his words send a current of lust directly between my thighs? My face flushed so deeply, I had to fight the urge to fan myself. "You're disgusting," I snapped. He started to speak, but I shushed him. "Make it Monday and Tuesday," I continued, "and we have a deal."
That sly smile returned to Jack's lips. "You drive a hard bargain, Sloane. Monday and Tuesday it is. Now hop up on the desk and open those gorgeous legs for me."
"I want the light off," I told him. "People can see into your office."
Jack strode over to the window and closed the blinds. "Problem solved." He must have sensed my anxiety about being naked from the waist down with no darkness for cover, for he added, "No need to be shy. I saw everything when you were spread wide in my chair."
I shot him a dirty look. "Why did you come back here tonight, anyway?"
"I forgot my briefcase. You let me walk right out of here without it."
I hadn't even noticed his briefcase in the corner. "I'm not your wife," I retorted. "You have to take care of some things on your own."
"Agreed. Now let me take care of you." His voice was low and soft, almost gentle. Drawing in a deep breath, I slowly approached him. Again his gaze moved over me. "You might want to take off that skirt. It will be more comfortable for you that way."
I started to argue but realized Jack was right. With the skirt bunched up around my waist, it wouldn't be concealing anything and would only be in the way. He had the decency to look away while I let the skirt fall to my feet and then stepped out of it. I couldn't suppress a shiver as I eased onto the edge of his desk. All I had to do, I told myself, was let him spend a little time with his face between my thighs, and then I could have the next two days off. That would give me the chance to recover from this evening and return to work Wednesday with a shred of my dignity intact.

Jack's eyes locked with mine while he took off his suit coat and tossed it on the desk beside me. I hoped he didn't notice me trembling as he sat down in the chair. He surprised me by wrapping his fingers around my ankle. "What are you doing?" I demanded.
In response, Jack began rubbing my foot. I let out an involuntary sigh of pleasure, feeling the tension ease from my body. For several minutes, he and I sat in silence as he continued the massage. When he started giving my other foot the same treatment, I had to force myself not to lie back against the desk and use his coat as a pillow so I could relax even more. "That's nice," I murmured.
He smiled up at me. "I imagine your feet hurt after wearing those heels all day."
I raised an eyebrow. If Jack thought one foot rub could atone for years of him making me feel unappreciated, he was sorely mistaken. "I had no idea you were capable of being kind."
"Oh, I'm going to show you just how kind I can be." Jack slid his palms along my calves, slowly parting my legs. He leaned forward and planted kisses on my inner thighs. A delicious shiver went through me each time his lips caressed my skin. As he drew close to my pussy, I heard him take deeper breaths. The realization that he was eagerly inhaling my scent made me blush. With gentle fingers, he parted my outer labia. His eyes were full of blatant lust while he gazed at the most intimate part of my body.
The moment Jack's warm, wet lips met my warm, wet lips, I released a soft cry. He gave me several licks, his tongue traveling from my entrance to just below my clitoris. Again our eyes met, and I nodded in encouragement, eager for more. But he merely circled the tip of his tongue around that sensitive bud, again and again. "Jack, don't tease me!" I whined.
He lifted his head, which was absolutely not what I wanted! "You're getting two days off out of this, so I'm going to take my time," he said. Then he returned to licking my pussy at a languid pace. I felt my pulse in my clit, and I imagined how swollen it must be now. I was so desperate for Jack's tongue! I'd figured he would go down on me just long enough to sate his own arousal, since he seemed like the kind of man who expected his lovers to do most of the pleasing. Yet he obviously delighted in this act. No wonder he had so many women calling the office all the time!
Jack slid a finger inside me, and I moaned when he curled it upward. His fingertip provided a gentle but powerful stimulation against my vaginal wall. "You like that better than my pen?" he whispered.
"Much better!" I groaned, then grabbed Jack's hair and pressed his mouth firmly between my legs again. I saw him grin at my impatience, but he'd apparently grown a little impatient as well. Finally, he grazed my clit with his tongue! "Yes, yes!" I urged. Yet his tongue was only a flutter against my slick skin. At that point, I lost all pride and began to beg. "Please, Jack, lick my clit harder!"
Those words seemed to flip a switch inside him, for he began using a pressure and rhythm that made my eyes roll. "Oh, my God!" I wailed. The intensity of his relentless licking drew loud cries from my throat. Soon it was almost too much, but when I tried to squirm away, he held me fast. I could already tell the orgasm was going to be earthshaking. Even while in the grip of my arousal, I gazed down at Jack in wonderment. This man, who had tormented me for so long, was now giving his tongue a hell of a workout in his enthusiasm to make me come. The licking and sucking sounds of his mouth only pushed me closer to orgasm. "Oh fuck, I'm close!" I panted.
He slid two fingers inside my pussy this time, massaging that spot deep within me so my thighs started quaking. My body finally succumbed to the bliss awaiting it. I writhed and shook, cupping a hand over my mouth to muffle a scream. When my muscles contracted around Jack's fingers, he fiercely suckled my clit, drawing out the orgasm until I thought the spasms would never stop.
Only when my climax ebbed, leaving me flushed and gasping for breath, did Jack climb to his feet. He stroked my cheek, then leaned forward and whispered, "If you let me inside you, I'll give you an entire week off."
I stared at him, dumbfounded. I hadn't had a week off since I'd started working for him. Little did he know, I would have let him inside me without being offered anything in return. Still, I wasn't about to miss out on paid vacation. "Do you have a condom?" I asked, my voice unsteady.
He gave me a grin. "Does a bear shit in the woods?"
I made a face as Jack went to retrieve his briefcase. "You're so crass."
"Says the woman I caught fucking herself with my pen." I realized he had a point, so I wisely kept quiet while he opened the briefcase and took out a condom. The man actually carried condoms around in his briefcase! What the hell was I thinking? When Jack walked back to the desk, I noticed his erection straining against his pants. He didn't hesitate to take out his cock. It was a gorgeous cock, I had to admit. Veiny and thick, but not too thick. Maybe half an inch longer than the biggest I'd had in the past. I even liked his balls, which I guessed would have a nice weight to them in my palm.
Jack caught me staring and smirked, clearly satisfied with himself. That hint of arrogance irritated me. "If we're going to do this," I said, "you have to make it worth my while."
His mouth dropped open. "You're getting a week off!"
"What I mean is, you can't last all of thirty seconds. You have to hold out long enough to make me come first." I folded my arms over my chest, raising my chin defiantly.
"Sweetheart." Jack gave me a look full of pity. "What kind of pathetic men have you been fucking?"
"Talk is cheap," I said breezily. "If you're so confident you can satisfy me, then I'm sure you'll be fine with me taking another week off, at the time of my choosing, if you come before I do."
He laughed and shook his head. "You're not getting another week off, Sloane. Haven't you realized by now I know just what to do to make you come?"
I slowly opened my legs, inviting him between them. "Prove it."
"With pleasure." Jack advanced upon me, placing the condom on the desk. Then he reached for the top button of my blouse.
"What are you doing? You're not stripping me naked, Jack!"
"Just let me unbutton it," he murmured. "Your face is already flushed, and I'm only going to make you hotter." I let out a sigh as he quickly unbuttoned my blouse, revealing the prim white bra I wore. He dared to graze his thumbs over my nipples, teasing them through the fabric. I gasped when he gently lifted my breasts from the cups of my bra. A satisfied moan escaped his lips at the sight of them. "These are lovely, Sloane." I didn't try to stop him from lowering his head and suckling first one nipple, then the other. Instead, I reached between us and stroked his cock, making him moan louder.
"You're not going to last," I taunted in a low voice. That prompted Jack to withdraw from me and grab the condom. As he put it on, I noticed him breathing faster. He might pretend to be cool and collected, but he was clearly excited, too. When he slid his sheathed cock between my folds, my wet pussy provided ample lubrication. Leaning back, I planted my palms behind me on the desk. Jack guided his tip to my entrance, and with one fluid thrust, he was inside.
I let my head fall back, basking in the sensation of being simultaneously filled and stretched. "Oh, that's good!" I couldn't stop myself from moaning.
"It's going to feel even better when I start fucking you." Jack placed his hands under my knees, holding my legs aloft. I gazed up at him, knowing my eyes were full of a desire I couldn't hide. He began moving with a slow, gentle rhythm, as if he could do this all night. Hell, maybe he could! I loved each thrust, even the gentle tap against my cervix as he buried himself balls deep inside me. The office was filled with the sounds of our heavy breathing and my continual moans.
Jack's thrusts grew more fervent, and I noticed he was now sweating, too. Yet he didn't seem anywhere near close to orgasm. His body slapped against mine, and when I dared to squeeze my muscles around his cock, he made a sound like a growl. My stare was fixed between my thighs; I couldn't help but be enraptured by the sight of his dick relentlessly claiming my pussy.
"You like watching me fuck you?" Jack whispered. I immediately averted my eyes, inundated by a flood of shame. But he wouldn't let me hide from my lust. Instead, he wove his fingers through my hair and gently angled my head downward, forcing me to witness our coupling. I did like it, I realized. I loved seeing every inch of his cock disappear inside me. "I'm so fucking hard," he groaned, "and you're gripping me so tight!" Then he laughed softly. "Aren't you glad we left the light on?"
I grinned and nodded. Jack tried to kiss me then, but I turned my face away. Fucking was one thing, but kissing was another. It felt more intimate somehow. Instead of being insulted, Jack only chuckled and tried again. When I still denied him, he grew motionless inside me. Turning toward him once more, I pleaded, "Don't stop!"
Jack pressed his lips to mine, his mouth gentle and coaxing. I could taste myself in that kiss. I allowed his tongue to seek out mine, and he rewarded me by giving a powerful thrust between my thighs. I moaned as our kiss deepened. Since he'd already brought me to orgasm once, I knew it wouldn't take long for me to come again. I tried to fight back my climax, but I was losing the battle.
Jack let go of one of my legs, and I wrapped it around him. When he began massaging my clit, I shook my head. "That's not fair!" My cries became helpless wails as he increased the pace of his rubbing and his fucking. I could hardly bear so much stimulation, and yet I craved it. I craved Jack. Our stares met, and he knew he had me right where he wanted me.
"You're about to come, aren't you, Sloane?" he demanded. I shook my head, unwilling to admit just how close I was even while I trembled. "Don't fight it! Come for me, baby!"
My clit begged for mercy beneath his fingers, but of course he didn't stop. I grew rigid, bracing for the orgasm. It lingered out of reach until I dared to relax for just a second. Then it seized me with a force that made me scream. Jack couldn't suppress his own cry while I came hard around him. Still, he managed to last. Even after I slumped back against the desk, shuddering and moaning, he remained inside me.
I was limp in Jack's grasp as he continued his fierce fucking. He now seemed desperate for release. Somehow my body offered up yet another orgasm, not as powerful as the others but strong enough to make me shake. The fresh wave of spasms proved too much for my boss. "Fuck!" he roared, driving himself deep inside my pussy as he finally climaxed.
With my eyes closed, I heard his heavy breathing, and I felt his palm caress my thigh. When he pulled out, I whimpered at the sudden emptiness. Already I missed the feel of his cock.
I managed to sit up, watching as Jack discarded the condom in the trash. I worried about the janitor seeing it but then figured it wouldn't be the first time. Jack was still trying to catch his breath when he turned to me. "Enjoy your week off," he said. "And that's week, not weeks."
For a long moment, I could only stare at him in a daze as my body continued to reel from orgasmic aftershocks. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead, my lips, and then my neck. When I was finally able to speak, I blurted out, "I haven't even gotten started on your report yet." I didn't feel like I could take a week off while leaving work unfinished on my desk.
He waved a dismissive hand. "You can take care of it when you get back."
"But I thought you were under a firm deadline."
"It can wait," Jack insisted. Then he smiled. "But if you really want to get started on it tonight, I'll be happy to go down on you again while you're working."
I had to fight back a moan upon hearing his offer. The man had just made me come three times, and I was shocked by my desire for even more. Yet I couldn't deny the needy, insistent throbbing between my thighs. Returning Jack's smile, I said, "You've got a deal."