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A Gloomy Day At The Office Turns Bright

"On a gloomy day at the office, a manager gets his HR manager to submit."

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Do you ever have one of those days at work? 

The sky is gloomy and cloudy.  The threat of rain is imminent and it is hot and humid.  Your mind just isn’t into the working mode.  On top of the fact that you have just eaten way too much for lunch and the ‘food coma’ factor is now settling in.  No matter how many times you stare into the bright white fluorescent lights you still cannot fight off the yawns and the urge to crawl under your desk and take a well needed nap.

Your eyes are sleepy and you catch yourself snoozing while trying to stare at your computer screen.  Then your boss walks in and gives you a look of dissatisfaction as he sees your head nod off.   

“Hey Jimmy, I have to go out to a meeting.  I am out for the rest of the day.  You are in charge,” he blurts out in an excited tone.

Suddenly I perk up and sit at attention.  Smirking at him as he walks out of the office.  Because I know that the boss is not going to a meeting.  He is going to meet his little ‘plaything’ downtown.  The one I introduced him to at our last company party.  The one that ditched me for him.  

That fine little slut was taking my boss for everything he has.  That is why I introduced my boss to her.  I knew from the start she was a money hungry bitch.  But, oh, could she suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch.  Or as another one of my co-workers said, suck the dimples right off of a golf ball.

I enjoyed two months of her sucking on my cock and swallowing my big loads down her mouth.  There is nothing better than a woman who takes it all and keeps on begging for more when she gags on your cum.  There are women who are good, great, and some that are epic at sucking cock.  She was epic times two.

Hell, she even enjoyed sucking cock so much that she blew the entire office cleaning crew one night after she finished me off.  I enjoyed seeing her take those five huge black cocks all in a row.  Deep throated them all and swallowed their ten inches like a champ.  

Then they fucked her silly.  I was glad one of them kept their dick in her mouth at all times.  Otherwise, security would have come up and put the stop to everything as she begged and screamed for more every time they thrust into her.  I don’t know how she did it, but two dicks in her pussy and then one in her ass totally turned her on and drove her wild.   

When all five had their fill of her, they just left her bent over my desk.  She was a pitiful site to see bent over naked; mascara running down her face, cum dripping from her eyes and down her legs.   But, she was glowing like a little kid at Christmas who had just gotten the best present ever. 

What turned me off from her?  She had the gall to ask me for money.  After they had all left, she claimed I put those guys up to the seduction and fucking.  That she was owed a lot of money for ‘signing’ her up to be a hooker that night.   Plus, 'I made her do it', and that I should have stepped in and stopped it.  Because I didn’t do anything to stop her ‘pain and suffering,’ as she called it, I owed her a lot of money.

I leaned back in my chair and stared at her cum stained face and laughed at her nonsense.

“Jiggly bean, honey.  You would have fucked those guys no matter what.  I saw you eyeing them the past two weeks when they passed by the office door.  Hell, you about jumped on Junior last night when he bent over to grab the trash can.  So, don’t even suggest that I ‘pimped’ you out tonight.  You wanted it and you know it.  Just come out and ask me for the money you need for your next shopping trip.”

Jiggly bean straightened up as I finished talking.  Her nipples were still bright red from being pinched and sucked.  Her chest was dripping with sweat.  Her bubbly ass was going to show the handprints embedded into them for quite some time.  The guys took turns spanking her until she spread her legs farther apart to accommodate their two big dicks in her pussy.  Her legs were wobbling as she tried to stand their naked in her high heels.

I got up from my chair and opened the top drawer of my filing cabinet.  I could see her eyes widen.  The last time I opened that drawer, she got cuffed, blindfolded, spanked heartily and led through the building naked.  She was lucky, the only person who saw her was the security guard at the back gate when I took her out to my car.  But, this time, I pulled out some cash and handed it to her. 

She took it and counted it.  A big no-no in my book.  Take the money and be happy. 

I walked behind her and spanked her hard a few more times.  She winced in pain.  Then I took her clothes, with the exception of her g-string and bra.  The rest, I put in my filing cabinet and locked it.  She looked at me with her cum stained eyes.  Pleading to get her clothes back.  

“I think that wad of cash is enough for you tonight and for two more weeks.  No begging.  No pleading.  I will see you on Friday at the company party.  Eight o’clock sharp.  You know what to wear and not to wear.  Shave your pussy this time.  I have a surprise for you.  His name is Dan, my boss.”

Jiggly looked at me one more time to see if I would concede and give her the clothing I had taken.  I shook my head and led her to the door.  Her purse and car keys in one hand, her money, bra, and g-string in the other.  I was looking forward to Friday when I could pawn this little slut off on my boss and get him in a better mood so he would leave me alone.

Now, that is the story of my boss’ little slut.  But, I digress into the real reason I started this little story.  And the boss leaving gives me ample time to compose this wonderful little novelette.

As I was saying, the food coma had set in right after lunch and I really need something to wake me up a bit.  I had thought of something, but I really had made it my rule not to do it.  What was ‘it’?  ‘It’ consisted of checking my personal email and all the crazy, smutty, oh so naughty emails I get on that personal email.  And the wonderful notifications I get from Lush when one of the authors I am following publishes a story.

I don’t like to go on there during the workday.  Why?  Because I get so engrossed in the great stories that I lose track of time and then the day is shot and I am unproductive at work.  Plus, it really is not good to walk around the office with a raging hard-on.  Because, let’s face it guys and gals, some of those stories make you really freaking horny.

Now, walking around with a raging hard-on could turn out bad.  Especially when I work in an office with mostly women.  It could turn out one of two ways.  One, I get one or two of the younger ladies staring at my crotch and smiling.  Or, one or two of the old curmudgeon like ladies gets offended and I get called into HR.  I didn’t need to get called into HR.

But, I just couldn’t help myself today.  The boss was gone and I was feeling unproductive and needed a pick me up.  So, I did it.  I broke my cardinal rule.  I checked my personal email at work.  Albeit on my Android.  No sense in getting busted by the ‘computer police’ and getting called into HR for using a company computer to get your porn fix for the day.

I have several problems with the human resources thing.  I was the human resource person at this company up until about three months ago.  It wasn’t a very fun job dealing with personnel issues, payroll, and people who just didn’t want to do their jobs.  Frankly, it was a pain in my ass.  I was trying to manage my own department and take care of petty issues in the field.

So, I took matters into my own hands.  I hired a human resources person.  She was to take care of all the HR issues, payroll issues, training issues, and be my personal secretary.  Well, I wanted a personal secretary, but she balked at the idea and said that part would have to wait until she got everything straightened out and running smoothly.

I interviewed many candidates.  Only one had the personality, smarts, and drive that I was looking for in this position.  And, I hired her.  Her name - Diana.   A bit of background on Diana.  She is about five-foot-six inches tall, long brown hair, glasses, studious looking, bright and bubbly.   And, best of all, she is feisty and sassy with a huge basket of professionalism and personality.  Almost too professional.  But, that is what this company needs.

The fun all started last month.  And I don’t mean the joyful and happy go lucky fun that I would have liked.  The fun was more like Diana sitting in my office and me training her on company protocols, file structure, and how we did things.  For three hours a day, four days a week, we went through what needed to be updated, changed, and improved upon.  She took the ball and ran with things.  She got it done quickly and efficiently. 

I had noticed during our little training sessions that Diana liked to roll her fingers in her hair as I spoke to her.  When she had a question, she would tilt her head to the side and pull lightly on her hair.  And, very subtly, she would brush up against me or grab my bicep when she got excited.  All this was done in a ’professional’ way. 

I don’t think she even knew that subconsciously she was showing her attraction towards me.  I know I could feel the attraction as soon as she came into my office.   But, she always kept it on a professional level with me.   Her blue business suits and white blouses were an attempt to hide what she was really feeling deep down inside.

Starting with the second month on the job, Diana began using her Friday afternoons to go to the construction job sites.  I went with her the first few weeks to get her acquainted with the guys, job sites, and the safety regulations.  For the most part, everything went smoothly. 

Except for the very first job site we visited.  One of the younger guys just happened to let out a whistle and gave a cat call to Diana as she walked up, not knowing she was in the human resources department.  Diana took it in stride and motioned the young man over to her.  Very professionally, she introduced herself, shook his hand and gave him a verbal warning.  The young man thought he had gotten off easy until Diana directed him to come to her office on Monday morning for sexual harassment training.  He walked away with his shoulders hung down and mumbling to himself.

After that quick action of discipline, the guys shaped up and word got around the company that Diana was not one to mess with.  She was rumored to be hot, sexy, fair, and a woman of action.  If she was called to the job site for any disciplinary action, there was hell to be paid.  But, the guys knew she had their backs if something went awry with the corporate office, but they also knew she didn’t stand for any shenanigans.

Now, comes the really fun part with Diana. 

Last Friday, we had our monthly happy hours at the local pub.  Typically, Diana did not mix business with pleasure.  She felt that drinks with your co-workers was not a good thing to be doing.  Too many things could go ‘wrong’ as she put it.  But, for some odd reason, she felt the need to join us.  Which was a welcome sight for me.  I was getting rather bored watching my ex-money hungry slut flounder around in a skimpy outfit and make my boss look like an ass.  He didn’t seem to mind, but I could tell the rest of the guys in the bar were getting sick of her attitude.

As I was sipping on my whiskey and enjoying the patio sights, in walks Diana.  Her hair was messed up, her jeans were ripped, and the white shirt she had on was filthy dirty.  She walked straight to the open space next to me and squeezed up to the bar. 

“What a surprise seeing you Diana, I didn’t think you mixed business with pleasure.”

Diana gave me a ‘fuck you’ look and grabbed her beer off of the bar.  “I don’t but after this last job site visit, I needed a drink.  Plus, there is something we need to discuss.”

By this time in the afternoon, I was half in the bag and really didn’t want to deal with more work bullshit.  But, the tone in her voice said I better take notice.

“What seems to be the issue, Diana?” I asked inquiringly.

“Your boys on the last job site had a little prank set for me this afternoon.  I guess you could call it payback for the suspensions I gave most of them last month.  I think I am going to take it to the next level and have all of them fired.  Or, maybe I should just draw out their soon to be pain and suffering in some other way.”

I had heard something was brewing, and I had no idea the guys would go through with it.  The prank wasn’t malicious or harassing.  They just wanted her to see what they went through on a day to day basis.

“What legal grounds do you have to fire them, if you go that route?”  I asked.

“I don’t have any legal grounds except for humiliating me. Plus, it is a right to work state.  I can fire anyone I please at any time,” Diana said as she downed half of her beer.

“I don’t think humiliation is grounds for anything.  Plus, it would be my final decision to fire anyone around the office.”  I gave Diana a firm and stern look letting her know I was the boss.  “But, it does look like they got you good.  Why don’t you just take it for what it is worth?  The way I see it, the guys like you.  They respect you.  That is why they did what they did.”

“I don’t get it, Jimmy, you knew they were going to do this?  You knew I was going to be crawling around on floors and in crawl spaces?  Getting on my hands and knees inspecting things?” Diana said exasperatedly.

“I had heard rumors about it, but I didn’t think they would actually go through with it.”

“Shit Jimmy, you fucking cock sucker.  What do you think I am?  A pushover?”

“My, my, my, don’t you have a sailor’s mouth.  Miss Professional finally got a taste of what it is like out in the field,” I said draining my shot of whiskey.

Diana’s mind started racing.  I could see the smoke coming out of her ears as the day’s events rolled past her again.   She mumbled a few expletives and downed the rest of her beer in one gulp.

As she looked up, she saw me watching Jiggly Bean, Jill, my old slut girlfriend, walk across the room.

“Hey Jimmy, put your tongue back in your mouth.  You need a bib for that drool running down your face.  You are acting like you have not gotten laid in years.”

“As a matter of fact, I haven’t been laid in quite a while,” I replied nonchalantly as my eyes continued to watch her strut across the room.

Diana reached up and put a finger on my chin and pulled my face back towards hers.  “Jimmy, I am right here. Hello, Hello, remember me?  Or do you want to chase that girl across the room like a little puppy dog?”

I looked back at Diana and took a swig of my beer.  “Nah.  She is not worth it.”

“You sure?  From what I hear, she was your little fuck buddy until she left you,” Diana said mockingly.

“For your information, I introduced her to Dan.  She didn’t leave me, I let her go.”

“That is not what I heard from the guys on the job site today,” Diana said as she waved at the bartender for another beer.

“The guys on the job site don’t know shit about me and Jiggly Bean.  What? Are you jealous of her?  Anyway, back to your issue from today.  I see you may have just had a change of heart with the guys and what they did to you today.”

“Ok Jimmy, they got me.  I get it now.  But, they really didn’t have to make me crawl on my hands and knees and shimmy through tight squeezes.  My new jeans have holes in the knees and look.  Look at my white shirt, it looks like my chest mopped up all the dirt on the floor. I really didn’t want to walk around with two big brown spots on my chest”

“Be glad you didn’t wear holes in your knees doing something else,” I said jokingly, looking straight into her eyes.

“Now that is grounds for harassment and a write-up and you know it,” Diana said as she punched me in the shoulder and drove her hip into my leg in a joking way.

“Ohhh… write up your boss…  Now that is the right thing to do on a Friday night at the bar,” I said jokingly.  “I could do the same to you Diana, teasing me with those big brown circles on your chest.”

Diana laughed, “I must admit, it looks like I have two big brown eyes on my chest staring you down.”

“Four shots, another round of beers for me and the lady and give me that white wrap around halter top up there,” I yelled to the bartender.

“Sorry Jimmy, I don’t do shots.  I have to drive home,” Dina said as she ran one of her hands her hand up my back and squeezing my shoulder.

“Diana, you have to let loose every now and then.  Take a taxi home or I will take you home.”

“You will take me home?” Diana said cocking her head sideways.

“Whoops, Freudian slip.  I will drive you home,” I said with a smirk on my face.

The drinks arrived along with the wrap around top.  We both clinked our beers.

Diana said with a shit-eating grin, “You keep this pace up and I will have to take you home.”

We both downed two of our shots and looked each other in the eyes.  She had a sparkle in them as she ran her hand over mine.

I winked at her to break up the stare.  There was something there.  She knew it and I knew it. 

I handed Diana the tank top and said, “Get those dirty eyes off of your chest.  And make sure they are squeaky clean when I see them in ten minutes.”

“Quite demanding aren’t you? And how will you know they are squeaky clean?” Diana said in a very flirting way. 

“Yep, very demanding, now go change.  A simple flash and hands-on check when you get back will tell the story of how clean they are.”

I watched Diana walk through the crowd, staring at her ass.  Her ass was something I hadn’t really noticed before.  Maybe it was the alcohol taking hold, maybe it was the fact that I hadn’t been laid in a month, but Diana’s ass was looking pretty damn good.

I had turned around to catch some sports scores once Diana was out of my sight.  She didn’t take long.  I felt a tight squeeze on my shoulder and then a hand ran down my back and rub over my ass.  Looking over my shoulder I saw it was Diana squeezing back in next to me. 

“Where’s your dirty brown spots?” I asked jokingly before turning around. 

“I threw them out along with everything attached to them.  They got too much grease on them to even try and save them.”

I looked down into her face and grinned. My eyes roamed over her chest.  Her nipples were poking through the thin white cloth of the wap around halter.  Her firm round breasts were nicely wrapped in the halter and her brown areolas were showing.   “I hope you saved what was underneath those spots.  Stand back a bit.  It is time to see if they are squeaky clean.  Flash time.” 

Diana didn’t move.  She looked up at me, smiled, and took her index finger and poked me in the chest.  “You know that is harassment, Mister.  Telling me to flash you.  I should leave right now before things get out of hand.”

“I know.  But, be glad I didn’t just lift your top and do my own inspection.  But you are flirting and I thought you were enjoying the banter.  I think the alcohol is taking over.  By the way, you are looking very hot in that halter.”

“No, I think it is your other head taking over Jimmy.  I enjoyed the banter and flirting, but you crossed a line there. You know I am married and you are my boss.” 

“Maybe so, but I don’t think this is a conversation we should continue unless you are ready to take me home.  As you said a minute ago.” I said as I downed my other shot while keeping my eyes on her chest.

“Finish your beer.  Leave the other shot, Jimmy.  It is time to go.  For your sake and mine.  Tab out and I will get you home.”

I couldn’t argue.  Diana was right.  I was drunk and I was beginning to see doubles.  I tabbed out and Diana helped me to the front door.  There was a taxi waiting for me.


Now it was that dull and dreary day the next week.  I opened the first email.  A direct link to a new Lush story.  I clicked on it.  I sat there glued to the story.  Then I looked up from my screen.  Diana was standing there.

“Got a minute?” she said.

“I’m kind of in the middle of something.  Can you come back in two minutes?”  I had to stall her, my cock was rock hard and I had two paragraphs left in the story.

“Sure, just ping me when you are done with what you are doing.” I watched Diana’s ass sway as she went back to her office.

I nodded and continued on with the story.  When I was done, I readjusted my cock so it wouldn’t be so noticeable and reluctantly put my phone down.  Instead of pinging Diana, I decided to just walk over to her office and see what she had to show me.

“Hey Diana, I am ready to chat,” I said as I knocked on her door.

Diana was bent over looking into a filing cabinet with the phone glued to her ear.  She did not hear me knock.  I just stood there and stared at her nice ass and hips.  Her red sundress rode up her legs and revealed her stockings and garter belt.  Her high heels accentuated her firm, toned calf muscles.

I knocked again a little harder.  This time she turned her head and saw me staring at her.  I did notice a little twinkle in her eye.  She was wearing a red scarf that held her hair back revealing her smooth silky neck.  I stepped forward into her office as she decided to step back, still bent over.  Her ass backed into my crotch.

My rock hard cock fit nicely between her ass cheeks.   Instinctively, I grabbed her hips keeping my cock wedged between her ass.  Diana thrust back with her hips and pushed me away.  Taking the phone away from her ear she said, “I will be over in a minute.”

Diana came straight over after a minute or so and pulled a chair up next to me.  I looked at the clock, it was three thirty.  Quitting time.  I sighed as she sat down.  She could tell I was looking to leave early today, but she insisted that we take care of her urgent matter right away.

“What can I do for you?”

As Diana placed her papers on my desk, one of them slipped down into my lap.  She grabbed for it and pushed it up against my crotch.  Which, of course, was where my still rock hard cock was at.  At this point, it really didn’t matter to me.  I was finally waking up and horny as hell after reading that story from Lush.  If she felt my cock, so be it. 

Diana didn’t miss a thing.  Her hand grabbed the paper and pulled it out.  I knew she felt my cock especially after she backed right into me a minute or so earlier.  Her hand hesitated a bit on it. 

“Umm, what I wanted to show you was our quarterly trends for hiring, terminations, and the most recent employee satisfaction survey I sent out to the field.”

“Sounds interesting.  Hit me with the details,” I said waving at the rest of the gals leaving the office for the day.

Diana ran her finger through her ponytail and twirled it around.  “Terminations are down by 20 percent and employee satisfaction is up by sixty-five percent.”

My phone buzzed and lit up.  We both looked at it.  I forgot to turn off the automatic notifiers.  Up popped a video of a girl giving a guy a blow job.  Diana looked at me.

“Damn, sorry about that,” I said as I swiped and closed the screen.

“What you do on your own time is your business.  It doesn’t bother me, just don’t let it affect your work.  Was that what you were looking at during your ‘break’?”

“As a matter of fact, it was," I said in a pissed off tone, knowing Diana was questioning my work habits.  "My phone, my internet connection.  So, it does not use company resources and it was my break.”

Diana stood up and grabbed her papers.  I could tell she was flustered at seeing the beginning of the video.  As she began to step away from the chair, the notification went off again and my screen showed cum spewing all over a naked woman’s tits.  The woman rubbed cum everywhere on her body; moaning as she did so.  I saw Diana was watching the video with interest.

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She turned to quickly go and her knee hit the side of the desk.  Her reflexes kicked in and she instinctively picked up her leg.  This caused her to fall backwards into my lap.  She landed hard and fell back into my chest.  The inertia from her fall into me, caused my chair to fall backward.

Over the back of my chair we went.  I put my arm around Diana’s waist to cradle her fall a bit, but we both rolled onto the floor together.  I don’t know how we managed it, but we ended up sitting straight on the floor.  Diana in my lap with my arm around her waist.

We both sat there for a moment and then started laughing.  I held Diana closer to me as she laughed.  I knew she could feel my cock wedged between her ass cheeks and poking her in the back. 

Diana leaned her head back into my shoulder and chuckled. “This would not look too good if someone walked in on us right now.”

“Yep, they would think we are having way too much fun and playing twister at work,” I said jokingly.

“Or, that I was trying to seduce my boss for a promotion,” Diana chimed in.

“Who said you had to seduce me for a promotion?” I let my hand slide down to her leg and gave it a slight squeeze.

“Oh, you mean I only have to bat my eyelashes, make you fall over your chair, and smile to get a promotion with you?” she said looking at me sideways.

“Well, now that I think of it.  Maybe you will have to work late every night, clean my office, give me daily back rubs and do whatever I tell you to do,” I said squeezing her tighter to me.

“Oh, Jimmy…  Jimmy... I already work late and I do what you tell me to do.  And, I have cleaned up some of your messes.”

“And, the massage?” I asked.

“The last massage I gave was to myself.  Rubbing the back of my neck after crawling on my hands and knees half the day.  I don’t think I am qualified to give massages.”

“As of now, you are qualified as my massage artist,” I said winking at her.

“Come on Jimmy, you know that would not be a good idea.  Plus, where would I give you one?”

“There is my couch we can use.  I will return the favor.  I will give you a body rub after you get done with me.”

“I thought you said a massage, not a body rub.  Two different things,” she said, twirling her hair with her hand.

After that comment, I knew I had her.  She was willing to give me a massage.  “Yes, they are two different things.  But, I see it this way.  You work your ass off and you deserve a step-up from a massage.”

“And when would these massages take place?” Diana asked as she wrapped her left hand around the back of my head.  And turned her lips into my ear. 

My cock twitched as she rubbed the back of my head.

“I think lunch would work well for both of us.  We can close the door, have our meetings, and just follow them up with our massages,” I said feeling her soft breath in my ear.

“You sure lunch is a good idea?  People might get the wrong idea,” she said nibbling on my ear lobe.

“You are right, maybe we should just meet up at the local motel down the road here,” I added as my hand moved down her left leg until it reached the hem of her dress.

“I think we might be crossing the line here, Jimmy,” Diana whispered in my ear.

“The only way we would be crossing the line is if something happened between us.” As I slowly pulled Diana’s dress up from her thigh to her hips.

“Maybe I should finish my work and let you go home,” she replied in a hushed tone.

“You sure you want to go back to work Diana?” As my right hand moved up to cup her breast.

I could feel her breathing become heavier as my hand began caressing her breast through her dress.

“Jimmy… You shouldn’t be doing this to me," she said as she leaned her head back on my shoulder.

“You can get up and leave if you want.” As my fingers pinched her nipples through her bra and dress.

“Maybe… maybe… I should…go…” she said breathing heavily.

I let my hand drop from her breast back down to her stomach. My cock twitched again as her hand ran through my hair and back down to her side.

“Maybe you should,” I said, running my hand up her thigh.

I felt Diana hesitate.  She rolled off of my lap onto all fours.  Her ass was facing me as she began to sit up straight.  I watched as her dress slowly fell from her shoulders, down her silky white back, past her ass.  Gathering in a pile on her calves.

Diana looked over her shoulder at me and stood up.  Her dress fell past her legs leaving her standing there in just her bra, lace panties, garter, stockings, and high heels.  Her nice round ass staring me in the face.

I thought I had heard a little snap and tear as we tumbled backward in my chair.  It turned out, I heard right.  The thin straps on her dress had ripped off and she didn’t realize it until she stood up.  

I spun my fingers in a circle as I looked up at Diana from the floor, motioning her to turn around.  She was still staring at me over her shoulder as she shook her head no.  Her ponytail swinging as she did so.

She leaned and picked up her dress and took a step forward.

“Stop,” I said to Diana in a commanding voice.  She did. 

I stood up and approached Diana from the back.  My hands caressed her neck and gave her a small massage.  After a few moments, they moved down her side, bringing her hands with mine.  My rough hands brought her wrists behind her and she dropped her dress to the floor.  I held them in place with one hand as my other hand removed the silk scarf holding her ponytail.

Diana struggled a bit as tied her hands behind her back.  But, I held her firm.  I stepped back from her and let her stand there for a few moments.

“Turn around.”

Diana shook her head No again.  I approached her from the back and lifted her arms up causing her to bend over.  Her head bent forward and hit my desk.  Her ass was at my mercy.  I took the metal ruler from my top desk drawer and tapped her on the ass with it a few times.

“You know what happens when you don’t obey.  Don’t you?”

Diana shook her head No.  I brought the ruler down three times across her bottom.  I could hear her whimper each time the ruler smacked her ass cheeks.  I waited a minute and watched the small red welts begin to grow across both cheeks.  The outline of the ruler made a straight line across the meaty part of her ass.

I ran the ruler down Diana’s back and tapped her ass a few more times.  She squirmed and tried to get away.  Five more times I brought the metal ruler down on her ass.  The welts were growing and were becoming beet red.

Tapping the ruler back up her spine, I hooked it in between her bra strap and back.  Releasing her arms to her back, I pulled her straight up.   I tapped her ass a few times on her side. 

Diana slowly turned around.  Her lower lip had bite marks in it and her eyes were puffy and red.  She had been holding back the tears.  I smacked the ruler in my hands a few times. 

Her eyes got wide as I ran the edges of the ruler over her erect nipples.  The metal corner hooking on a part of the red lace of her bra and ripping it.  Her pointy eraser-like nipple poked through the ripped lace.  I poked her nipple with the corner of the ruler.  She winced as it bit into her nipple.

“Shouldn’t you go now?” I asked her.

Diana shook her head No.

Taking the scissors from my desk drawer, I slid the blade down the middle of her chest, stopping in the middle of her cleavage.  Looking her straight in the eyes I calmly asked, “You want to go now?”

Diana shook her head No. 

I cut the center piece of her strapless bra and let it drop to the floor.

“Stick your chest out,” I commanded Diana, as I flicked the ruler over her other nipple.  This time she obeyed. 

“Am I crossing the line, Diana?”

Diana shook her head yes and bit her lower lip.

“Do you want to leave now?” I asked her again.

Diana shook her head and softly whispered, No.” 

I came down hard and swift.  The edge of the metal ruler caught the end of her right nipple.  Diana bit on her lip but kept her chest out.  I came down again.  This time on her left nipple.  She didn’t move, but her nipples were beginning to swell.

“You want me to stop?”

Diana whispered a soft “Yes”, but her eyes said differently.  I came down five times more on each nipple, stinging them severely.  The fourth and fifth smacks yielded small gasps from Diana.

I pulled Diana closer to me with her nipples and licked them both. 

“Stand against the wall with your legs spread and face me,” I commanded her.

Diana stepped back with her ass touching the wall.  I reached down into my mini refrigerator and took out a beer and a few ice cubes from the freezer.  After popping the top on my beer, I took a long swing and stared at Diana. 

The ice was beginning to slowly melt in my palm as I held it above her chest.  Drip by drip the cold water fell over onto her chest.  The aim was perfect as the cold water dripped onto her swollen red nipple.   Diana pursed her lips tight as the hotness and cold of her nipple gave her body mixed sensations.  I did the only nice thing I could do.  I put the cold beer bottle over one nipple and closed my hand with the ice cubes over the other.  Diana shuddered.

I waited until the ice cubes melted and the water ran down her stomach and I stepped back.

“Have you ever been owned, Diana?”

“No,” she said in a soft voice as she looked towards the floor.

“It seems to me, that if I owned you, then I could never cross the line with you.” As I pulled her close to me by her nipples, her lips almost touching mine. “When I tell you to suck my cock, then I wouldn’t be crossing the line?”

“No,” Diana softly whispered.

“I am sorry, I didn’t hear you, Diana.”

“No, you wouldn’t be crossing the line,” Diana said a little louder.

“When I bend you over my desk and fuck you whenever I want, I won’t be crossing the line?”

This time Diana looked me in the eye, “No, you won’t be crossing the line.”  Then she leaned in and kissed me softly but hungrily on the lips.

“You are now owned by me,” I said after her lips left mine. 

“You will not disobey me, disagree with me, or resist me in any way.  You will be at my will and pleasure whenever I please.  This includes when you are with your husband.  Only I will be able to touch and feel you, unless I say otherwise.  Others may look, but not touch.  Do you disagree or not understand anything I have said?”

“No.” She leaned in and kissed me harder this time.

I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head back.  Her chest pushed outward.  Grabbing the metal ruler, I flicked her nipples until she began to squirm and I could see the pain in her eyes.

“Go stand in front of the couch, face me and spread your legs.” 

Diana did as she was told.  I opened my file drawer and pulled out a set of leather straps, an anal plug, nipple clamps, and a vibrator and set them on the seat next to where Diana was standing. 

She was looking down at the items as I turned her head back up to me. “Do you have an issue with these items?”

“No,” was Diana’s response.

My left hand rubbed between her legs as I kept my eyes focused on Diana and her reaction.  Her red silk panties were soaked.  My thumb swirled across her already swollen clit and Diana took a few short breaths in. 

“You are one horny, wet slut aren’t you?  Miss ‘prim and professional and don’t cross the line' girl is a closet whore,” I said mockingly.

Diana looked me in the eye but didn’t say a word.  After a few moments of eye contact and rubbing on her clit with my thumb, I tore her panties off of her. 

“Sit down, whore.”

Diana lowered herself onto the couch. 

Flipping two pieces of carpet up, I inserted two metal rods into holes in the concrete floor.  Various rings were placed up and down the rods.

“Spread your legs, whore.”

Diana sat there for a minute.  Deciding what was coming next.  Swiftly moving in, I pulled her hair back and pinched her left nipple hard.

“When I tell you to do something, whore, you do it.  Don’t hesitate.  Just do it. Understand?”

“Yes,”  Diana said softly and spread her legs as wide as they would go.

Fitting the leather straps around her ankles and pulling her legs up and out, I tied them to the posts in the floor.  Her ass was on the edge of the couch with her stretched pussy staring upward.  Her curly pubic hair was wet and matted. 

“Open wide,” I said as I grabbed the anal plug and put it in her mouth.  “Suck on it like it was my cock.”

Diana gagged as she sucked the plug back towards her throat.  I let it sit there a few minutes before I took it out of her mouth.  It was dripping with her saliva as I rubbed it up against her puckered ass hole.  With one swift motion, I shoved it deep inside of her ass.

I stood back and turned the vibrator on, slapping it in my hand. 

“You will not cum until I tell you to cum.”

I turned the vibrator on high and began circling Diana’s swollen clit with its tip.  Diana’s breathing became short and heavy after rubbing on her clit for a few minutes.  Turning the vibrator on low, I slowly inserted it into her pussy.  Moving it in and out, I could hear her juices squelching, trying to get out of her pussy.  Her legs began to shake as I pushed the vibrator deep into her.  She was on the verge of cumming.

“Do not cum,” I taunted Diana as I pulled the vibrator out of her and pinched her nipples.

“You are a fucking cocksucker, let me cum,” Diana responded while trying to pull her legs loose from her straps.  She was frustrated and getting mad for not being able to cum.

Tightening the straps on her legs and placing nipple clamps on her made her even madder. 

“Remember whore, I own you.  Any disobedience will be met with consequences.  You have this one pass from your last comment.  In the future, you will be punished.” I said this all while pulling on the small chain attached to her nipples.

“You, you…” was all I heard Diana say.

“I…I… what whore?  Do you want me to quit?  All you have to do is say the word.  Any quitting word.  Are you ready to quit your job?  Ready to quit what you are desperately seeking?  Ready to quit being my whore and go back to being an unsatisfied, boring, missionary style, lazy fuck girl to your small, pinpricked husband?” 

I began rubbing the vibrator over her clit again, waiting till her breaths became short again.  Sensing that she was about to cum, I pulled the vibrator off her clit and inserted two fingers into her sopping wet slit.  Slowly I began to finger fuck her. 

“I didn’t hear you whore.  Are you going to quit on me?”

A muffled “No,” came from Diana’s lips.

“I still didn’t hear you, whore,” I taunted her as I slid four fingers deeper into her tight pussy, fucking her while pulling on the chain attached to her nipple clamps.  Diana caught her breath after a minute and she replied.

A low throaty moan came from her and she said, “No.”

“What do you want, whore?” As I removed my fingers and started the vibrator circling back onto her clit.

“I want to cum.”

“In case you forgot, it isn’t what you want, it is what I want,” as I reduced the speed of the vibrator to low.

I heard Diana groan in frustration and whisper, “Please, please let me cum.”

I stepped back and rested the vibrator just above her clit.  Walking over to the mini fridge, I grabbed a beer and looked over at my helpless possession.  She was a beautiful sight, tied up, wet, wanting to cum and beginning to beg.   She was so easy to convert.  Easier than I had anticipated. 

My cock had been rock hard for what seemed an eternity and needed to be set free.  Hovering over her, I put my cold beer between her tits, balancing it on the chain attached to her nipple clamps.  Removing my slacks and boxers, my cock broke free and my balls seemed to be glued to my skin.  I was more than ready to blow my load, but Diana had a bit more to do to me before I set her free.

“Open your mouth, whore.”

Diana looked over at my ten-inch cock and her eyes opened wide.  “I cannot handle that,  I have never sucked a cock that big.”

I smacked Diana in the face several times with my cock. “You will take my cock now and at any time I tell you to take it.  Open your mouth.”

Diana hesitated a bit longer and I smacked her with my cock again and again.  After ten or so hits on her cheeks, she finally opened her mouth.

“Stick out your tongue and lick your lips.  Keep your tongue out.”

Diana did as she was told.  She blew me a kiss, licked her lips several times, leaned her head back and opened her mouth nice and wide. 

I stood on the couch with my balls over her and lowered them into her mouth.  Very quickly, Diana sucked them into her mouth and began twirling her tongue around them.  Then she did something I didn’t think she would do.  She bit my sack with her teeth.  Slowly she bit down causing me pain.

I didn’t say a thing as I grabbed her by the hair and slowly pulled her head back.  Her teeth sank in deeper as she swirled her tongue around my balls.  Quite a talented little whore, but the pain was becoming a bit much for me.  I pulled harder on her hair and she finally released my sack from her mouth.

“Don’t ever call me a whore again.  You may own me, but I am not a whore.  Got that Jimmy,” she said with a stern look on her face.

I stepped back off the couch and grabbed my beer off of her chest.  Took a long swig and nodded my head.  “So it is, my sassy little specimen.  No more whore, just my little slut slave it is.”  My erection had not faded and still needed to be sucked dry. 

“Open wide and suck me dry, slut,” I said approaching her.

Diana licked her lips and opened her mouth.  She leaned forward and wrapped her lips around my bulbous head and began to suck me into her mouth.  With each little bob of her head, my cock sunk deeper and deeper into her cavity.  Her tight lips and warm wet mouth began to work their magic.  The tip of my cock hit the back of her throat and she adjusted her head slightly and I slipped down her throat.  Within seconds I shot several thick loads of cum down her mouth.  She was better at sucking cock than my previous slut Jiggly bean, as she didn’t waste a drop of my seed, and let it slide down her throat.  Her continuous motions sucked me dry and kept me rock hard.

I backed out of her mouth and her lips gave a popping sound as my cock became free.

“For a professional, quiet little slut, you give one hell of a blow job,” I said drinking the rest of my beer.

Diana smiled and licked her lips. Her eyes bored into mine.  “You going to let me cum anytime soon?”

I leaned down between her widely spread legs and began to kiss up her inner thighs.  Slowly making my way to her enlarged clit.  I flicked it a few times with my tongue and then engulfed it with my lips and sucked on it hard.  I heard a light moan from Diana as her hips rose and fell.  Taking her clit between my teeth, I nibbled and bit down on it.  Her hips bucked up and a louder moan came from Diana.

Inserting three fingers into her sopping wet hole as I continued to suck on her swollen nob, I buried them deep inside of her.  Twisting and pushing them farther in until they could go no further.  The walls of her pussy began to clamp down on them as I moved them in and out of her.  Her moans were beginning to get louder and louder as her wetness began to become greater. 

“Gonna… Gonna…Cum…mmm…mmmm,” I heard through muffled whimpers.

A rush of fluid came streaming out of her as I removed my fingers.  Then another stream of fluid, and then another, as I continued to rub her clit.  My face was covered in her juices as she finished off with a fourth and final squirt.  Her hips were slowly moving up and down as I rubbed harder on her clit.

“Oh Jimmy, you are going to make me cum again.”  Her stomach convulsed and her body shook a few times and another stream of fluid came squirting out of her. 

I grabbed the vibrator and turned it on.  Circling her clit again and inserting it deep inside of her.

“Fuck, oh fuck me, Jimmy, you are driving me crazy,” Diana said in heavy breaths.

“You wanted to cum, didn’t you?  Now, I am going to make you cum till you cannot cum anymore,” I said standing next to her.

“Can’t take anymore Jimmy, I can’t.”

“You will cum as many times as I make you cum,” I said as I pulled up on her nipple clamps.

She let out a slight whimper and her body shook again.  “Ahh, oh myyy….” Was all I heard as she shook again.

I removed the vibrator and walked over to the mini-fridge again.  This time removing another beer and a tub of ice cubes.  Setting the tub of ice cubes on her stomach and watching as her breathing was slowing.  Taking a few ice cubes from the bucket, I began to circle her clit again.  The heat from her body melted them within seconds, allowing the cool water to slide down over her heated thighs and sex.

Diana let out a little gasp as a bit of cool water trickled into her open cavity.  I inserted two cubes inside of her.  Almost immediately, her inner muscles contracted and she shot the cubes out of her.  I inserted a few more cubes and held them inside of her.  The coolness of the cubes made her relax a bit.

After a few minutes, I released the leg straps from Diana and pulled her to a sitting position by her nipple clamps.  Her face was flushed and her eyes were very glossy.  I tugged at her chain again, pulling her to a standing position and led her to my desk.

She looked at me and I nodded.  She shook her head, No.  With a swift whip of my hand, I spanked her hard.  Her firm ass jiggled a bit and she whimpered.  I nodded again.  She nodded, No again.  Another firm swat on her ass brought her head down.  She looked at me with a sideways glance and bit her lip.

“Bend over slut.”

“I can’t take any more Jimmy,” Diana said pleading.

I smiled and pulled her down to the desk by the nipple clamps.  Holding her down, I gave her ass a few more good swats with my hand.  Enough to make her bottom bright red.  I felt between her legs, running my finger over her slit, it was still sopping wet. 

Grabbing her hips, I spread her legs with a kick on the inside of her feet.  My cock made its way to her waiting hole.  I pushed slightly, just entering her until my cock head wasn’t visible. 

I heard Diana gasp, “It’s too big Jimmy, too big.  You will rip me apart. Especially from behind.”

My motions were slow and deliberate.  Diana was tight, very tight.  Almost virgin-like tight.  After a few minutes of slow and deliberate pushing and sliding out of her warmth, I had my cock buried deep inside of her.  My balls were resting on her ass as I removed the scarf from her hands, freeing her to brace her hands on my desk.

“Go easy Jimmy, please go easy on me,” I heard her whisper as she put her hands on the desk in front of her head.

I pulled out and thrust deep inside of her, my balls hitting her ass.  My hips began a nice and slow rhythmic motion after that first full thrust.  Diana began to relax and her whimpers turned into little grunts of pleasure as I thrust deep into her from behind.  Her juices began to flow as I increased my rhythm and she began to thrust back her ass in motion with mine. 

“You fill me up, Jimmy.  Oh, you fill me up.  So good, never… felt… so… good…Jimmy… Gonna cum again… gonna….make…me cum..again...” Diana said in labored breaths.

“Cum for me baby.  Cum on my cock….” I said as I could feel myself reaching my peak.

“Oh god, Jimmy…….Oh my fucking god……”  Diana let out a deep moan as her body shook and her legs buckled.  My cock was coated in her juices as I pushed her harder onto the desk. Her chest and face planted against the mahogany.

“Oh baby, I am gonna cum.  Cum deep inside you…” I grunted as I unleashed a wave of cum deep into her womb.  I thrust three more times, unloading deep inside of her each time.  My sweaty body resting onto her back.

“Bravo….Bravo….” I heard from behind me.

“What the hell?” I said looking behind me, seeing Jiggly bean standing there.

“Nicely done Diana, you were beautiful.  Absolutely beautiful.  Took his cock just like I thought you would.”  Jiggly bean beaming with pride.

Diana pushed herself up and stood, my cock still embedded in her.  Her hand wrapped around the back of my neck and she kissed me on the cheek.  “You were spot on Jiggly Bean.  His is absolutely divine.”

I looked over at Jiggly Bean and then to Diana.  “You two know each other?”

Diana smiled and whispered in my ear, “She told me everything about you and your god-like cock. I just had to have it for myself.”


Written by Austin_342002
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