Sean knew full and well what it meant to be an outcast and a stranger in a strange land. His real name was Shunkaha, which his parents wisely truncated to a more white-bread-sounding Sean. His surname was, likewise abbreviated to Swift, rather than Swiftwater. Shunkaha Swiftwater, also known as Sean Swift, was an outcast in his tribal lands as well as on campus.
Although his muscular body and facial features, as well as his deeply-tanned, natural complexion, left no doubt about his heritage, he wasn’t a full-blooded Lakota. That’s what most know as a Sioux, the proud people of the American planes. Raised in suburbia but still tethered to his roots, Sean was neither at home with the shopping mall and Facebook crowds nor with the people he had half-descended from. With only a single foot in either world, he was part of, yet apart from, both.
Nonetheless, Sean graduated from high school with honors and was in his second year of college. On campus, the fact that he was so different from everyone else made him the subject of unwanted attention and sympathy.
"Oh, your name is Shawn, as in Shawnee?" was the all-too-common question.
”No,” he’d always reply with a weary smile. “Sean, as in, my name is Sean.”
What really pissed him off was the maddening insistence from others to demonstrate how openly they accepted him. He understood and perhaps even appreciated the efforts, but making a big deal of the fact that he was Native American, in an attempt to show how ‘cool’ one was with it, actually made a huge deal out of the differences rather than just accepting them. Martin Luther King’s real dream was that a person is judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. To Sean, truer dreams had never been voiced.
One of the few exceptions to the rule was Angela. Though he kept his head down and didn’t socialize much, even living alone in his ratty, tiny house on the edge of campus, Sean truly liked Angie, or Ang, as he called her when they sometimes chatted. She never turned the spotlight on his heritage and treated him like a person, a peer. Angie had issues of her own, on campus, and bore the burden of being a strong, independent, young woman with a stunning, creative intellect and ungodly good looks.
Angie wasn’t what one would call beautiful; she was what one would call boner-inducing, pussy-drenching, or so incredibly sexy that she couldn’t walk one block from her apartment across the street from Sean’s little hovel without having to stave off a bevy of would-be suitors, all of them with crass commentary about her high, firm breasts, her shapely behind, or her pouting, ‘dick-sucking’ lips.
This is not to say that she didn’t take advantage of her sensual allure to go sexually wild. After all, college is that void between high school and adulthood where one is expected to over-indulge and experiment. Angela had a reputation for being sexually aggressive, willing to fuck on a whim, and being an easy lay. If she wanted sex, she went out and got it.
Sean had observed an endless stream of her lovers, both men and women, coming and going. The snickering whispers of sorority girls, detailing Angie’s public sexual exploits, could be heard whenever she passed by. Sean admired her for owning her sexuality. While he desired her, he convinced himself that he cherished their friendship and didn’t want to complicate things. In truth, he usually felt that she was out of his league.
Horrifically, though, his mixed heritage, making him neither Caucasian nor native, wasn’t Sean’s major issue. His hermitage also wasn’t his main problem; in fact, he enjoyed his geeky solitude. Sean was never bullied; his muscular frame and chiseled face, coupled with his proud and confident body language, gave him an aura of power that kept the want-to-be Alpha males at bay.
Sean’s main source of stigmatization was that he was a monster. His Lakota brethren shunned him because of this. Extreme care to hide his monstrous nature from polite society was necessary. Luckily, it only occurred every month or so, and he was getting better at controlling it.
His true name, Shunkaha, was a badge of shame to his tribe. Derived from the word Shung, his name meant “wolf.” His clan, the Swiftwater people, were known as the Hanhepi wi Shung, Moon Goddess Wolves. One may be familiar with the Native American, Navajo term Skinwalker. That’s exactly what Sean was, sort of.
Legends among his people spoke of select warriors, chosen by Hanhepi Wi, that could take the form of a large, powerful wolf at will. For unclear reasons, the magical warriors became shunned by the Lakota, never mentioned except in warning. To make matters even worse, Sean, not being a pure-blood, couldn’t change at will, but, on the full moon, the transformation overtook him.
Having a foot in the mundane world, however, also meant that not only was he an incomplete Native American, but he was also an incomplete Skinwalker. Shunkaha didn’t shape-shift into a quadruped dire wolf; his transformation was only partial, turning him into a B-movie werewolf. As if the normal rigors of puberty weren't enough, that’s when the curse manifested itself. The curse of his people, a monstrosity to be hunted and destroyed by civilized folk, was his fate.
On most full moons, he could control it. One exception to maintaining control was a full moon on Halloween. As most know, and Sean knew all too well, the folklore about the veil between the material world and the spirit world being permeable on the harvest moon was true. Not only does this phenomenon allow spirits, the dead, and demons to traverse the barriers between realms, but powers of magic and the supernatural are amplified several hundred times over during Hallow’s evening.
When the transformation from social outcast to werewolf overtook him, Sean was still humanoid, although black and brown fur covered his muscular legs, most of his groin and buttocks, his back, and part of his chest. His skin became a reddish black, shiny and menacing. His face morphed into a dog-like nose over slavering, dark lips that framed vicious, canine teeth. The young man’s ears grew to sharply tapering, devilish points and the nails on his hands and feet grew into steely claws.
Shunkaha’s mind remained mostly intact, even to the point of being able to speak somewhat, although his voice was more akin to guttural growls. However, his psyche took on a more primitive, feral mien. His base instincts to hunt his prey, to breed, and to rend his enemies nearly overpowered him in his humanoid-animal form. For Halloween, all of this was perfect, especially on campus.
The festive season around Halloween allowed him to change form without drawing unwanted attention in the form of fear, terror, or would-be werewolf hunters playing Lone Ranger with a silver bullet. Silver didn’t affect him much, but bullets surely would. Sean could painlessly transform and run amok on campus, howling, chasing his prey for sport, and sometimes even getting laid while in quasi-wolf form.
Being on campus meant college students partying it up. Slutty costumes, barely covering lithe coeds, were the rule, not the exception. All sorts of gore and horror were also on display. He fit right in. Although he was an outcast in two cultures, Sean enjoyed his wolf form. It was liberating, bringing peace and balance to his soul and letting him embrace his nature-oriented heritage. Sean found a sort of solace in his transformation; the half-man and half-wolf configuration was the perfect symbol of his human form, neither white nor native.
Night fell on a hallmark Halloween. Not only was the moon full, but it was a brilliant, blood-harvest moon. Having gorged himself on meat in the form of bacon double cheeseburgers, so his primal instincts to feed would be subdued, Sean exited his tiny, rented home and darted into the sparse woods behind it. Other students and the fringe folk that haunts every campus were engaged in various bits of revelry in the woods.
Ignoring their lasciviousness and gluttony, Sean found a quiet locale off the beaten paths. As soon as the moon’s rays, the blessings of Hanhepi wi, shone upon him, he felt his transformation begin. Unlike the horrible depictions in cheesy movies, Shunkaha’s transformation was quick and painless.
Having learned the hard and costly way to not wear shoes, his bare feet rippled and remolded themselves into lupine-inspired claws. His legs melted into muscular, hairy haunches as his chest reorganized itself into a hair-covered torso with gleaming black muscles in the forefront. Screaming in delight as his mouth tapered slightly, fangs growing, his vocal cords reconstituted into animal fury, his human wail becoming a warbling howl that triggered the frightened barking of the neighborhood dogs.
His clawed hands hefted his mighty cock; thick and long, it transformed along with him, taking on a nonhuman girth and impressiveness. Sean felt the rutting desire of nature coursing through him. He both knew and felt that he was more agile, stronger, and invulnerable than mere mortals, his senses keen and heightened.
Along with those physical alterations, the hot warmth of his primal, sexual urges consumed him. In his werewolf form, he was a horny wolf, ready to run amok on campus. The need to feel the hot, warm flesh of a willing mate consumed his animal soul, the sexual impulses filling his werewolf body with lusty fire.

With a final, wailing howl of thanks to the Lakota moon goddess, he ran through the woods, howling at costumed students, eliciting frightened shrieks and some laughter from them. After a few leaping, cavorting sprints, sometimes on foot and others on all fours, he made his way onto campus. The Halloween festivities were in full swing.
The streets and their borderline bars and clubs were overfilled with costumed party-goers. Costumes from cute and tame to scandalous and pornographic, and every imaginable degree in between, were everywhere. Sean headed to the center of campus, the huge quad. This is where the drinks would be flowing, and the coeds would be mingling.
“Cool costume, bro,” one frat boy said in a drunken slur.
“So sexy, wolf-boy,” a generic, blond sorority babe called out to him. She was dressed as a sexy vampire, but Shunkaha didn’t like her scent. She smelled of a poor diet and drugs and didn’t make his wolfish blood boil.
Sometimes acknowledging the compliments of his ’costume,’ he made his way to the quad. A wall of loudspeakers thumped out dance music, and a few makeshift, outdoor bars ringed the expansive area, serving booze. All sorts of debauchery were taking place everywhere his keen, canine eyes looked.
“Is that thing fucking real?” a very inebriated, slutty nurse asked him. Her eyes were glazed with the effects of alcohol. Without asking, she reached out and stroked his fur, petting him. Then, her hand ran down to his massive, wolfish cock. “Holy fuck! It’s real.”
She stumbled off to her laughing friends exclaiming that his huge manhood, or wolfhood, was, indeed, true flesh and blood. Bodies bumped into him as he crossed the sea of writhing, partying staff and students. Sean scanned the undulating mass of revelry, his sight, sense of smell, and animal instincts helping him find his quarry. He saw her apart from the main crowd, near one of the quad’s corners. Because of her costume, he instantly knew that she was perfect. With a sky-shattering howl, he approached.
Her back was turned to him, but she had the poise and body type that aroused him. She wore a red, hooded cloak of a velvety material. Although the hood covered her head, black tresses fell from the sides, long and wavy. His keen eyesight focused on her shapely ass. Even covered by the red cloak, her posterior was perfectly rounded, heart-shaped, and enticing. The werewolf’s cock twitched at the visual delight.
The woman’s toned arms held a wicker basket, filled with beer bottles, flowers, and condoms wrapped in their individual, foil pouches. Her body language and vocal inflection alerted Sean that she was in the midst of a heated argument with her male companion. He was dressed as a pirate, complete with an eye patch and a hook hand.
“I told you, Mike,” she was sternly venting, “that I’m not your girlfriend, you don’t own me, it was just sex, and, to be honest, the sex wasn’t that good.”
His superior, canine ears piqued at the nuance in her tone, the lilt of her voice, and his now-primal brain recalled Angie. Sean approached, padding lightly on his paws. It was his neighbor; his heart beat savagely with desire.
“Oh,” the terrible pantomime of a pirate was countering. “Like you have somebody better than me, already.” Mike’s single, exposed eye grew wide, his face blanching, as Sean ambled toward them. Despite the pirate eye patch, his bad-boy image faded.
Angela turned, eyeing the lycanthrope up and down. “Yes, moron,” she quipped to Mike. “Here’s my date. See? Matching costumes; I’m Little Red Riding Hood, and he’s the big, bad wolf. Isn't that right, dear?”
Shooting a spiteful glance at the man she was arguing with, Angie grabbed Sean by his hairy waist, stood up on her tiptoes, and planted a deep, open-mouthed tongue kiss upon his feral maw. Her moist tongue invaded his mouth, licking at his canine teeth. Overpowering lust welled up in his core, growing even more potent when she moaned into his mouth, passion dripping from her whimpers.
“Is that for me?” she groped at his semi-erect cock. “My, what a big dick you have; all the better to fuck me with.”
Setting down the basket, her ample cleavage on display through the low-cut, frilly blouse enhancing her bosoms, Angie dropped to her knees, smiling defiantly, and took his impressive cock in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down while she orally pleased the skinwalker in front of everyone.
Shouts of encouragement could be heard from the rowdy crowd, all of them thinking that she was going down on a costume prop. However, Angie’s eyes grew as wide as saucers when she felt his very real member respond to her oral affections by growing thick and hard in her mouth.
Abruptly, she stood up, the back of one hand wiping her smiling mouth. “Now, Mike,” she lectured, “my date and I are going to go fuck our brains out. Get lost, very lost.” The fingers of her other hand caressed the steel-hard claws of his talon-tipped hand.
Angie’s previous beau called out, “Wait, Angie, I told you to…” but his words died in his throat when Sean let his inner predator leer at him, menacingly.
“Grrr,” he growled, convincing the pirate to seek more serene fun, the kind that wouldn’t leave him a rent mass of regret.
Angie laughed, watching him retreat into the crowd. “My big, hairy hero. How can I reward you?” She stroked his now-erect cock. “I know, big bad wolf. You can huff and puff and blow your wad deep inside me.”
Not waiting for a response, she grabbed his sinewy, hair-covered arm and led him away from the crowd. Behind the biology building, there was a loading ramp, devoid of partying students and hidden from view.
“Now, let me finish what I started,” Angie told him as her hands passionately ran up and down his fur-covered torso. “So muscular.”
She paused only long enough to step out of her little, plaid skirt and peel off her top. Donning the cloak once more, she stood there, brazenly sexy, wearing only high heels, thigh-high stockings, the cloak, and a hungry smile.
“I should tell you,” she warned, wagging a finger at him, “that I like it rough. Fuck me like the animal you are.”
With that, she again dropped to her knees, the cloak enhancing her physical perfection, and greedily sucked his thick, still-engorged cock into her eager mouth. Gagging sounds with sucking and popping, throaty sounds, spewed from her filled mouth as she plunged her head up and down the thick shaft with unbridled enthusiasm.
Spit poured from her mouth, but Angie gripped his hairy ass with both of her hands and forced his manly flesh deeper into her mouth. Sean howled in lusty appreciation, his cries echoing off the building’s exterior and drowning out the din from the celebration less than one-hundred yards away.
One of Angie’s hands played in the wetness between her thighs as the other alternated between caressing his wolf-pelt-covered balls and stroking his long, meaty shaft in time with her mouth pile-driving on his manhood. Finally, right when he was about to unload his hot, sticky cum into her vacuuming mouth, she pulled free from his cock and looked at his wolfish face.
Her mascara was running from the tears her oral efforts induced; her ruby-red lipstick was smeared all over her mouth and chin. Streams of saliva hung from her face. Laughing, she spun around, going on her hands and knees, and lifted the cloak to reveal her perfectly-shaped ass, her dripping cunt peeking out beneath it, all puffy and swollen with desire.
“How about doggie style? And rake me with your claws. Make me bleed.”
Sean pounced on her, his fangs sinking into the exposed flesh of her neck, forcing her into wanton submission. With one hard thrust, he buried his swollen, spit-covered cock deep inside her wetness. Despite Angie being a sex-loving slut, her cunt was tight and creamy with molten lava.
“Take me like a rabid wolf,” she begged.
Angela screamed encouragement, begging for his claws to rend her flesh. Her perfect ass slammed back to meet his thrusts, her back arching seductively in the heat of passion. Shunkaha’s claws tore at her back, leaving red trickles pooling in the shallow gashes. Angie begged for more as an orgasm overtook her.
“Fuck me harder. I’m cumming. Fuck me, fuck me deep. Make me your bitch.”
Her screams mixed with the skinwalker’s growls of release as her pussy contracted around his pumping tool. Her contractions triggered Sean’s orgasm, and they came together in a screaming, growling, heap. His spurts went on and on, each one provoking a moaning spasm from Angela.
“I can feel you shooting inside me; I’m cumming, again. Fuck, fucking fuck. Oh, fuck!”
Looking up at him with dreamy eyes, she pushed his relaxing, lupine body off of her, kissed her way down his body, and then licked both of their cum from his still-massive cock. Grabbing his clawed hand, she shoved it against her clit, humping his claw as she moaned her way to another orgasm.
Then, she spoke. “That was great, Sean, but do me a favor, please. The next time you turn, would you just come and fuck me without pretending you don’t me.”
“You knew?” Sean’s voice was still a guttural, lupine half-growl.
“Yes,” she giggled. “You should put up some curtains. I’ve seen you change, before. I think it’s hot. Can you stay in werewolf form and get it up, again? Let’s go to your place.”