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Monster Mash

"a schoolgirl participates in a strange gangbang to lift a witch’s curse"

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Competition Entry: Horrorween

Nearly twenty years of aging appeared on Samantha’s seventeen-year-old face and her blonde hair was turning gray, but she was oblivious.

The only thing on her mind was how much Lori was a good friend sticking with her when her two other, shallow, scaredy-cat friends and classmates were screaming and backing away. Then again, Lori being the quiet girl didn’t have many friends anyway, so where would she go? So, Lori remained at the foot of the stairs leading up the dilapidated house.

Lori was the one who had dared them to come visit this place after school on Halloween. There were signs at the door warning them to stay away or face a curse.

Beth and Tameika had said the house looked like the kind of weirdo Goth house that Lori probably grew up in—what with the pink streaks in her black hair and her puffy eyes. Beth had joked that she’d kill herself if she grew up here like Lori. Tameika had made a crack about how many guys Lori probably brought here.

Samantha, wanting to take the attention off poor Lori but also curious about the house, called them “wussy pussies” and made the bold first step and pushed the door open. The minute she did so was when her face began to age.

And when the girls saw the old woman in the black Victorian-type dress creeping up to her from inside the house, Beth and Tameika turned and ran, their hair and jackets and plaid skirts blowing wildly in the wind.

“What’s wrong? Why’d they run?” Samantha laughed.

Lori could only point to the old woman looming behind Samantha.

Samantha turned and yelped as the old woman grabbed her and pulled her into the house. Lori ran up the creaking wooden stairs and into the house.

For a condemned house, the inside was well-furnished and lived in.

“Let her go!” Lori yelled at the woman. She could see more of the old woman with her wrinkled skin, gaunt eyes, and a hole where her nose should be.

The woman had a hold of Samantha, touching her aging face, smiling at her with an evil grin, peering into her eyes.

“What? What do you want?” Samantha said. “Bitch, let me go.”

“Abandon hope now that ye’ve entered here,” the old lady said.

The girls heard a chattering of laughter echoing throughout the room, like a swarm of noisy crickets giggling.

“For ye’ve been cursed an aging death, I fear,” the old lady continued.

“She thinks she’s a fucking witch,” Samantha said. “Lori, smack her!”

The door closed by itself behind Lori, making her jump.

The lady continued talking. “To find relief, you must perform one deed…”

“Open the fucking door,” Samantha said. “We’ll get out of your hair. You’re scaring us, okay? Yay for you. You got us. Now end this.”

The old woman grabbed a handful of Samantha’s blonde hair angrily. “Stop interrupting me.”

When Samantha tried to pull away, the old woman slapped her a little, and pulled her back into her arms which she had around the girl’s waist. Samantha tried to pry herself free, but the old woman was surprisingly strong and ferocious, breathing out loud. Her hands were also on Samantha’s ass, grabbing them hard, lifting the skirt.

“One deed,” she repeated with an evil laugh. “The lusts of my three monstrous boys, you’ll feed.”

“Oh, hell, no,” Samantha said and struggled harder. The cackling laughs began again.

The witch let her go, and Samantha rushed over to Lori by the door. They held each other, while the laughing continued.

“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you,” Samantha said. “Or ‘ye’ if ye prefereth. But we’ve gotta go, you fucking nut.” Samantha grabbed Lori’s hand, but then she saw her own wrinkled hands. “Oh, God.” She looked over her arms. “Oh, my God.” She touched her face. “Oh, my fucking God.” She grabbed her hair and some of it fell off. “No, no, no, no!”

“Feed my boys,” the witch sang turning away from them. “And the curse is lifted, the transgression forgiven.”

“I’m not fucking anybody,” Samantha said, fighting with the door’s many locks.

The witch floated away down the darkness of a hallway.

Samantha was starting to cry and stomping her foot. “Come back.”

“I’ll do it.”

The witch whipped around in surprise. Samantha stared at Lori. The creatures deriding them with laughter suddenly gasped and whispered.

“Will it save her?” Lori asked the witch.

The witch stared at her with fascination and began floating back towards them.

Lori inched back. Samantha kept shaking her head.

“It’ll save her,” the witch said.

“Then take me instead,” Lori said.

The witch touched Lori’s face with her bony fingers. “How noble,” she said. She caressed Lori’s face and neck, while peering into her eyes. The witch grabbed both of Lori’s breasts and then gasped suddenly.

“Dark,” she said. She rubbed Lori’s stomach. “Tainted.” Then she ran her hand under Lori’s skirt straight up to her crotch and grabbed her between her legs. “Interesting…”

“Stop it, you disgusting pig,” Samantha said.

The door suddenly opened.

“Get out,” the witch said to Samantha.

Samantha looked at her hands. The wrinkles were gone. She touched her face. It was back to normal.

“Lori, I’m okay, let’s make a run for it now while we can, fuck her, we can make it…”

“If you leave, her curse returns,” the witch said to Lori.

“Go home, Sammy,” Lori said.

“I’ll get help,” Samantha said as she backed away from the house, her eyes tearing up again. The moment she stepped outside the door flung closed with a slam.

And Lori was left alone.

Lori looked down and gasped when she saw an ugly, green-skinned goblin waddle up to her.

He pointed to a door down the hallway. “This way, miss.”

“Wait,” Lori said.

“We haven’t got all day, lady,” the goblin said. “Take the coat off.”

“That’s Orkin,” the witch said.

“Is he one of the--?” Lori asked.

“No, he’s a servant.”

Orkin grunted.

“You said…three ‘monstrous’ boys?”


“What kind?”

“Does it matter?” The witch looked at her curiously. “I’ve seen your soul.”

“No zombies,” Lori said.

Orkin chuckled. “Why not?”

Lori shook her head. “I don’t know. They’re smelly and stupid and I don’t think they care about sex very much. Just no zombies. Please.”

She heard more of the pipsqueak laughter again. Orkin pulled on her coat so that she’d take it off. She followed Orkin while the witch floated behind them.

“No zombies,” the witch said. She nodded to Orkin who began to open a door.

“Wait,” Lori said quickly. “Just wait. I want to save Sammy. But I don’t want to die either. Monsters eat and kill and…”

“She’s stalling,” Orkin said.

The witch crept up to her, looking at her body before staring into her eyes. Her bony fingers came to her face again. She put her fingers around Lori’s neck. The witch kissed Lori on the lips. Lori recoiled. The witch smiled, held her head again, and brought her lips to Lori’s, this time snaking her tongue into Lori’s mouth.

The goblin nodded as he looked. “Nice.”

Lori pulled away. She looked down at Orkin, who was touching himself.

“There,” the witch said.

Lori looked down to see a necklace around her neck, with a heart-shaped ornament hanging.

“A charm,” the witch said. “While this is on, my boys can’t hurt you. Much.”

The witch kissed her on the lips again, a wet kiss. “Do you feel safer?”

Lori shook her head no.

The witch pinched her nipples. “Good. I’ll be with you through this charm.”

“I’m scared,” Lori said.

“Just be who you are,” the witch said. She put her lips to Lori’s ear. “Open yourself, open your legs, open your heart.” She licked Lori’s ear.

With that, the witch floated away from them.

Lori looked down at the goblin.

“Go to,” Orkin said. “Haven’t got all night.”

Lori stepped inside the room.

It was a large bedroom. Two men were there naked. A tall, handsome, but pale man and a shorter, fattish, balding man with glasses. The pale man sat on the bed, stroking his cock while staring at her with a small smile. The shorter one stood to the side, his overweight belly almost hiding his cock which he was stroking with two fingers.

“Where’s Nereida?” the short man.

“Change in plans,” Orkin said. He pointed to the pale man. “Fergie.” He pointed to the stocky man. “Fritz.” Then he pointed to Lori. “Fresh meat. Be nice. Boss bitch likes this one.”

Orkin shuffled off to the side to sit down. Fergie gestured for her to come closer. “Don’t be shy, luv,” he said in a gentle voice with a British accent.

Fritz stroked himself harder while he looked out the window. “There’s no full moon. I-I need a full moon.”

Lori stepped closer to Fergie. She stood between his pale legs. He touched her skirt and her legs. His hands were cold, giving her goosebumps. She jumped a little when she felt him. He reached under her skirt and touched her panties. He pulled them down to her ankles. He wanted her to take off her black shoes. She put a hand on his shoulder to balance herself and it was cold as well. He lifted the skirt and just stared with a grin.

“Beautiful,” he said. But when he added, “Sexy,” she caught a glimpse of his fangs.

She shuddered.

“Don’t be afraid, sweetness,” he said. His cold hands were on her ass as he pulled her towards him. He lifted the skirt over his head and rested his face between her legs. She was afraid he’d bite. She was afraid blood would come squirting out. But he only kissed and licked and nibbled. She felt his teeth on the lips of her pussy, and she jumped a little. But he was gentle. Loving.

“I wish there was a full moon,” Fritz complained. “It’s like a giant, you know, Viagra pill for me. This is impossible.”

“Just do without,” Orkin said from his spot in a corner.

Fergie emerged from under her skirt. “Kiss, kiss,” he said. He puckered his lips towards her.

Lori bent down and kissed him on the lips while his cold hands continued wandering under her skirt.

He made her kneel between his legs. She stared at the long, white cock in front of her. She knelt there with her hands on his cold thighs. She looked up at him. He kissed her again before saying…

“Suck, suck, little one,” he said, with this sweet smile.

She kissed it first, wanting to see if it’d be as cold as the rest of his body. It was. She hesitated.

Orkin chimed in. “It’s a like a popsicle dick.”

She took the cold, hard cock into her mouth. But as she sucked, she could feel it start to warm. The harder she sucked, the hotter it was getting. His body, too, was warming up. She rubbed her hands on his thighs, feeling his sudden warmth. She pulled it out to lick and kiss it some more and to hold it and stroke it. And to see Fergie’s handsome smile.

Fergie pulled her up and buried his face in her neck. She began to shake, thinking she was about to be bit. But he was kissing her. And whispering into her ear.

“I’m warm enough. You’re wet enough. I want inside you. Now.”

She nodded to him and stood up. She wasn’t sure how to do it. So, she turned around, lifted her skirt to her waist, and backed into him.

“Good girl,” Fergie whispered.

She reached under to hold his cock in place. She slid down on him, closing her eyes, feeling his cock enter her. She did it slow at first, just feeling the rock hardness inside her. Then she bounced a little faster up and down on it. Fergie laughed a little as he held her waist.

“Bouncy, bouncy,” he said.

She held on to his thighs and fucked him this way. Then she stopped and relaxed, rolling around, sitting on his lap, letting the cock settle inside her. He reached around her and played with her pussy.

Fergie was breathing hard, looking at her neck. She noticed him and got nervous. His face was turning into a scowl. She gulped and shrunk, scared. Her hand went to her necklace. He relaxed, kissing her instead, and resumed rubbing her pussy.

“I’m hard!” Fritz said suddenly.

He ran over to them. He reached for her blouse and ripped it open. Lori yelped as he did it. With one stroke, he ripped her bra open as well. He scooted his fat body between her (and Fergie’s) legs and buried his face in her breasts, growling as he did. He licked and slurped and bit into her nipples.

Lori would rather have been staring at Fergie’s handsome face, so she closed her eyes. She put a hand on Fritz. And felt the hair. She looked down.

Fur growing all over his body as his growling got louder and more bestial.

“Ah, there he is,” Fergie said with a smile.

The fondling became groping and forceful grabbing.

She heard plastic break as his face became too large for his glasses. He was going down on her, licking her pussy even with Fergie’s cock firmly inside her. The tongue was huge, lapping up everything in its path. His moaning was loud, agitated, frenzied.

When Fritz finally pulled away from the pleasure of her pussy, she could see his face—wolfish, venomous, growling, angry as it roared to the ceiling.

“Knock it off, fuzzball,” Orkin said, without looking up.

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Fritz looked down at her again and grabbed at her skirt, tearing it off as she whimpered.

Fergie held her tighter to relax her, whispering, “shh,” into her ear. He lifted her up so he could pull his cock out of her.

Fritz’s cock was slightly bigger than Fergie’s. But it was the potential raging force of it that worried her.

Fergie pulled them further back onto the bed, but kept her safely between his legs, which she appreciated.

Fritz glared at them and began creeping towards them.

“Here it comes, sweet girl,” Fergie said with a grin. She looked at him, and he kissed her, held her head to his, and looked adoringly at the werewolf crawling onto the bed. “Spread your legs wider. Let that beast into your precious pussy.”

She complied.

Fritz, with his hairy, muscular body, penetrated Lori with a faint, growling sigh. His long tongue began smacking her face and licking her lips and lapping the side of her face. But his cock…

She gasped a few times and then moaned.

…The cock was hot and hard inside her.

Lori’s feet were in the air, her thighs pressed against Fritz’s furry body as he barreled into her, rolled back, barreled into her again stronger, jerked back and banged into her again and again. She was holding onto Fergie’s arm that was wrapped around her, keeping her in place. She let go of that to put her arms around Fritz. His wild brown eyes pierced into hers as his cock plowed into her.

Fergie kissed her face. Fritz licked her face.

“Well, isn’t this romantic?” Orkin scoffed. “Not!”

She wondered if there was still a third “monstrous boy,” like the witch had promised. She hoped it would not be Orkin, who was watching them with a scowl on his face.

Every time Fritz growled, she could see those canine fangs. She reassured herself the necklace was firmly around her neck.

Suddenly, Fritz pulled out of her in a sudden jerky movement that hurt. He roared at the ceiling again as his cum squirted out of him. Globs of it landed on her.

Fergie rubbed her body, spreading the cum over her breasts. She watched as he did it. Then she touched some of that glistening cum, curious about it, scraping it up in her finger. Fergie watched her. Orkin’s eyes went wide. Fritz panted while they watched her dip that finger into her mouth to taste.

Fergie hugged her. “I love this little strumpet!”

Then he then lifted her up a little, spread her legs further, and started poking his cock at her anus.

She whimpered a little.

He poked it into her slowly. “But gently, princess,” he whispered to her. “Steadily.” He pushed it in further as she winced.

“Ooh, ooh, oooooh,” she said to Fergie’s cock in her anus.

Fritz retreated down on the bed and penetrated her pussy with his long tongue.

Lori was shocked at the sensations. “Unh, unh, aaaah,” she said to Fritz’s tongue.

But she was in for another treat. She could feel her mouth opening. She could feel a cock inside her mouth though she couldn’t see the body. She whimpered in surprise. But that same presence was also touching her. And everywhere it touched—her face, her breasts, nipples—felt amazing. It was crowded between her legs with Fergie’s cock and Fritz’s tongue, but the ghost was on her pussy as well, electrifying it with the sweetest sensations she had ever felt.

“Oh, my God,” she cried out. And she thought Fergie had made her feel good!

Her orgasms began to hit, one tidal wave after another. She was having more orgasms here than she’d had her entire life.

Her eyes were rolling back. Her hands were flailing every which way. She was grabbing Fritz’s hair in a fist. She was screaming her delight and her confusion. She shook. She could see more and more of the spritely figure, white smoky contours of a man and his magic hands and his cock.

By the time they were done with her, she was a mess, saliva dripping from her open mouth, Fritz’s cum glazing her breasts, Fergie’s cum dripping out of her anus, and the ghost still fondling her with his hands as her body jerked in response.

Things began to fade to black as she passed out.


When she woke up, Fergie was standing by the window. The ghost, which she could see fully now, was sitting on a chair, touching its neck with curiosity. Orkin was sweeping the floor of Fritz’s hair and her ripped clothes in a hurry, pushing the mess out into the hallway. He glanced at her before hurrying out.

Fritz was a hairy furball next to her. She liked the warmth of his body and the softness of his fur, so she cuddled up to it and stroked it, petting it. Fritz seem to like it as he stirred and moaned in his sleep.

Lori started getting up.

“She’s awake,” Fergie said, walking to her. “You slept soundly.” He stood in front of her as she sat at the edge of the bed. “You liked it, didn’t you, luv?

She looked away. He came closer and made her lean her head on his stomach.

“You’re still warm,” she said.

“Thanks to you,” he said, winking at her when she looked up at him.

“Am I free to leave now?” she asked.

“Hmm. Or you could stay here with us…”

She blinked, surprised at his suggestion—and surprised she was even considering it. He pushed her head back onto his navel. His cock was stirring again, hitting her chin. He stroked her hair.

“Um, no, I, I can’t, I, I have school, and family, and—”

“All things you hate.” The cock was getting harder and longer.

“Plus, I’m, you know, human…?”

“I can change that,” he said, bending down towards her.

She shuddered. “Wait,” she said. She tried to talk him down, but his lips were on hers in a deep kiss. She gasped and took in his tongue, overwhelmed by his sudden passion. She pulled away.

“Please, don’t,” she said, before his tongue burrowed into her mouth again. She kissed back and even threw her arms around his neck. Still, she said, “I can’t.”

“Don’t be afraid, lovely,” he said. He stood upright and held his cock to her face.

Without thinking, she kissed it and took it into her mouth and sucked and sucked.

“I’ll take care of you,” he said.

She liked hearing that and moaned in response.

“I’ll educate and enlighten you,” he added.

She pulled it out. “Oh, God,” she said, while he held her face, staring at her with passionate eyes.

“I’ll transmogrify you!” he said.


“You’ll be my love, my young bride, my sweet slut,” he was saying between kisses. “My protégé, my secret weapon…”

She was thinking about her mean friends and her terrible parents and the whole shallow neighborhood she lived in. But still…

“No!” she said, pulling away and wiping her mouth. “No.” She nodded to herself. She looked at his handsome, pleading face. “I’m sorry.”

He only smiled, fangs showing, as he stood upright and backed up a little.

He could bite her at any time, she thought. The werewolf was stirring as well. The ghost had stopped focusing on the old wounds on his neck and was watching the scene carefully.

Getting nervous, Lori touched her neck.

No necklace.

“Shit,” she muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Fergie asked.


“You think about it, okay, luv?” he said to her.

“Mm, okay, sure.”

He bent down and kissed her one last time, his flaccid cock shrinking away, disappointment in his face. The ghost was starting to dissipate. Fritz was losing more of his fur as his human form returned. She wondered where Orkin was to sweep up more of the hair.

She exhaled and started looking frantically through the blankets and the floor for the necklace.

Fritz was getting up and talking to Fergie.

“How was it? How was I? Did I perform? I mean, did I, was I functional in a…werewolf capacity?”

Fergie patted him on the head. “You did great, old boy. The boss will be happy.”

Fritz sighed in relief. “Think she’ll free us?”

Fergie laughed as he and Fritz left, ignoring Lori.

Lori stood up naked and put on her shoes. She went to the door to find her clothes. When she opened it, what she saw made her gasp.

“Sammy!” she cried out.

There was her friend, tied with rope to a chair in the hallway, hands behind her, naked except for her gray knee-high socks and white sneakers, tears streaming out of her wincing eyes, teeth clenched.

Lori ran to her.

“Get me off this thing,” Samantha pleaded.

“Who did this to you?”

“Fucking tiny ass dwarf in green makeup kept threatening me! Said I had to pick between him and the chair. I picked the fucking chair.”

“Why are you here?”

“I wasn’t going to abandon you, silly,” she said. “And the cops laughed at me when I called them. Come on. Get me off. I’m tired of this thing.”

Lori loosened the ropes and began pulling her up, when Samantha stopped her.

“Wait, wait, slower,” she said, wincing again. “Ow.”

Lori helped her slowly. She noticed the chair. A dildo and anal plug were attached to the center of the seat. Blood had trickled down on it. She looked at Samantha sadly, when they heard the cackling laughter again.

“What the fuck is that?” Samantha said, exasperated. “Fucking gremlins? What the fuck? It won’t stop!”

“Muahahaha,” said a low voice.

They stopped to see who it was.

Orkin, a foot taller than he was before, meaner than before, and naked, stepped into the light.

“Where’s the witch?” Lori demanded. “You can’t do this.”

“Pah! The witch-bitch is away on business. I’m in charge,” he said gleefully as he grew another inch.

“How’s he doing that?” Samantha cried out.

“This is real, Sammy,” Lori said to her. “And it’s not makeup.”

Orkin kept laughing as he menaced towards them. Lori pushed Samantha to the wall. She yelped and crumpled to the ground but looked up as Orkin’s shadow passed her, closing in on Lori. Lori was stepping back towards the bedroom.

“Just me,” Lori said. “Not her.”

Orkin only smiled.

Lori rushed into the bedroom, looking desperately for the necklace. When Orkin entered the room, she stopped looking and opened her arms and smiled weakly.

Orkin grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him. She watched as his figure continued growing. With an angry grunt, he shoved her onto the bed, but she bounced to the floor. She turned onto her back. She spread her legs open to receive him as he crawled towards her. She panted heavily as Orkin reached her and entered her.

But just as his form was growing, so was his cock, thickening inside her.

“Judged me by my size, did you?” Orkin taunted her, laughing into her face as he thrusted himself deeper into her, his form and his cock still enlarging.

The pain was getting unbearable, but she held on.

He stared at the wall while he mercilessly fucked her with a grimace. “All womankind will bow to me.”

She rolled her eyes, but there under the bed, Lori saw it. She reached for it, while the pain was increasing. Another inch and she got the necklace. She held it to her bosom. She rubbed it. She tapped it. She squeezed it in her fist.

Orkin looked down and saw it and gasped. “Damn.”

But it wasn’t doing anything. Lori was getting frustrated.

“Abracadabra,” she said. Nothing happened. “Shit. Do something.” Still nothing.

Orkin began to laugh. “Try ‘alohomora,’ ya dumb bitch?”

Lori cursed, giving up.

“There’s a good bitch,” he whispered in her ear. “And your little stuck-up friend is next.”

“No,” she cried out. “Fuck you. Get off me, you pig!”

Orkin cursed as he suddenly began to shrink. His cock and his cum spilled out of her as he shrunk. He cried in anger as he continued to shrink until he was back to his dwarf size—and still shrinking. Lori stood up as Orkin squealed and oinked and scurried out of the room with a curly tail behind him.

She followed him out, fascinated.

Samantha was standing, still nude, covering her breasts. She pointed to the side. The witch was standing there in her black dress, smiling at Lori. She floated to her.

“We’re free now,” Lori said.

The witch squinted at her, and then nodded, touching Lori’s face.

“And we’re leaving,” Samantha added.

The witch ran her fingers through Lori’s hair. “Stay.” She kissed Lori on the cheek.

Lori shook her head and pulled away from the witch. She grabbed Samantha’s hand and headed for the door. They found their tattered uniforms in a pile that Orkin had swept. They quickly dressed before hurrying out of the house and down the creaking stairs.

As they made their way back to their neighborhood, Samantha broke their silence, looking up from her phone.

“Okay, I’m, like, not totally sure I believe what just happened, but… you saved me. Thank you.”

They stopped walking. Lori sighed. “And you stayed when you didn’t have to. Thank you.”

They hugged.

“But,” Samantha added with some hesitation. “We can’t be friends anymore. I’m sorry.”

“Sammy,” Lori said.

“Witches…curses…horny goblins…gangbangs? I can’t do it. That weirdo dwarf told me what happened. You…were fucking them? This is too weird.”

Lori nodded, turning away.

“And you’re weird,” Samantha added. When Lori looked at her, she quickly continued. “Beth and Tameika. They’re telling people we played a mean prank on them. They’re saying we’re, like, creepy lesbian besties now. I can’t have that.”

Lori shrugged. They could add this incident to all the other rumors of her secret sex life that had been spreading around—some of them true.

They reached an intersection where they’d have to separate to go home.

“This never happened,” Samantha said. “But you were a good friend, Lori. Bye.”

Lori watched as Samantha hurried off to her home. She turned to head to her house. A car passed by, honking at her, with some guys hooting at her.

She pulled out the necklace she had kept. She hadn’t told Samantha about it. And, strangely, the old witch hadn’t asked for it.

She put it around her neck and walked home, staring at it.


Written by Blackbeards14
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